Louisiana Law Review Volume 28 | Number 2 February 1968 The cottS ish Bar: The volutE ion of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Setting Nan Wilson Repository Citation Nan Wilson, The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Setting, 28 La. L. Rev. (1968) Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol28/iss2/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Reviews and Journals at LSU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Louisiana Law Review by an authorized editor of LSU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. THE SCOTTISH BAR: THE EVOLUTION OF THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES IN ITS HISTORICAL SOCIAL SETTING Nan Wilson* Although the expression "advocate" is used in early Scottish statutes such as the Act of 1424, c. 45, which provided for legal aid to the indigent, the Faculty of Advocates as such dates from 1532 when the Court of Session was constituted as a College of Justice. Before this time, though friends of litigants could appear as unpaid amateurs, there had, of course, been professional lawyers, lay and ecclesiastical, variously described as "fore- speakers," procurators and prolocutors. The functions of advo- cate and solicitor had not yet been differentiated, though the notary had been for historical reasons. The law teacher was then essentially an ecclesiastic. As early as 1455, a distinctive costume (a green tabard) for pleaders was prescribed by Act of Parliament.' Between 1496 and 1501, at least a dozen pleaders can be identified as in extensive practice before the highest courts, and procurators appeared regularly in the Sheriff Courts.2 The position of notary also flourished in Scotland as on the Continent, though from 1469 the King asserted the exclusive right to appoint candidates for that branch of legal practice.