! RESIDUAL DESIGN HAZARDS (The following information has been collected from Preconstruction Information and the AmeyArup CDM Hazard Management Process.)

LEGEND Inventory Garden and Designed Landscape setting, Category A Listed Building setting and three Significant Environmental Issues Scheduled Monuments setting Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes

Scheduled Monumnets

Inventory of Historic Battlefields

(! Category A Listed Building

Environmental appraisal impact (!(! (!(! (! Major Adverse Impact alignment section Adverse Impact

( Moderate alignment section

Scheduled Monument setting Minor Adverse Impact alignment section


D02_003 (!

(! (

D02_002 (! (!

D02_001 (!

(! (!

(! (!

D02_004 (! (! Final P02 AC JC FM NH AF D02_003 17/04/18 18/04/18 18/04/18 18/04/18 18/04/18 Draft

D02_002 P01 AC JC FM NH AF 10/04/2018 11/04/2018 11/04/2018 12/04/2018 13/04/2018 Revision details (! Revision Created Checked Reviewed Approved Authorised (! dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy (! D02_001 (! (! (! (! (!(! (! Designer (! (! (! (! Small scale committed development Precision House McNell Drive (! Motherwell ML1 4UR (!(!(! Client

( 58 Port Dundas Road Glasgow G4 0HF Geological SSSI

(! Project Name (! A96 Dualling: East of to (!(!

(! (

(! D02_004 Drawing Title

D02_002 (! D02_001 D02_003 (! (! First Fix Environmental Appraisal (! of Alignment D02

(! (!

( (

( (! Project Ref. No. Stage Scale : 1:20,000 @A1 (!(!(! (! (! (!(! 250002-92 Stage 2 Dimensions :

Floodplain and river morphology Drawing Number (! Project Originator Volume (! Inventory Historic Battlefield setting A96PEA AMAR EGN Floodplain and river morphology CD DR EN 000002 Location Type Role Number © Crown copyright and database right (2017). All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100046668 (! Kilometres Contains Historic Environment and Ordnance Survey data © Historic Environment Scotland - 0(!(! 2 4 Scottish Charity No. SC045925 © Crown copyright and database right 2018 (! Suitability Suitability Description Revision (!(! Copyright Scottish Natural Heritage Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2018 (! S4 Fit for Stage Approval P02 Landscape and People and Alignment Landscape and visual commentary Water Water commentary Ecology Ecology commentary People and community commentary Noise Noise commentary Air quality Air quality commentary Cultural heritage Cultural heritage commentary Plans and policies Plans and policies commentary Soil and geology Soil and geology commentary visual impact community

The alignment intersects the northwest corner of the Inventory Historic Battlefield, causing a direct impact. Even if moving Route crosses the extensive floodplain of the River Urie the alignment enabled the direct impact to be avoided, the proximity Moderate impacts are due to cuttings of 5-15m at Cuts through several watercourses which are likely to be A total of three properties lie within the alignment: (ch.13400m) and is not perpendicular to flow (major of the alignment to the battlefield may cause an impact on its setting. locations along the alignment, loss of woodland to the east field drains, cuts across a couple of very small areas of Residential properties: adverse). Route crosses channel three times here due to The proximity of this alignment to Culsalmond Old Parish Church of Kirkton of Culsalmond and impacts on the setting of ancient woodland. Kirkton, at Kirkton of Culsalmond There is minor or negligible potential change to level of the The baseline alignment between Huntly and is sinuosity of channel (potential requirement for river (Listed Building - LB2960) would result in a likely impact on its setting. Durno. Northern end cuts into Foudland Local Nature Denovan existing noise climate at , Whiteford and , sparsely populated. The new alignment moves the road to One large stretch of prime agricultural land, and several realignment) and potential for active morphology The alignment also runs in close proximity to the Williamston House Route entirely outwith settlement boundaries and Local Major adverse effects occur at both ends of the alignment, Conservation Site (LNCS) and ancient woodland mosaic. Irelandbrae Farmhouse resulting from the introduction of new roads and/or a similarly sparsely populated area. smaller areas. Contaminated land (railway crosses D02-001 (moderate adverse). Inventory GDL and may have an impact on its setting, causing it to Development Plan (LDP) allocations and committed due to the introduction of new structures across the River This is true of all the D02 options, however, as this one Prime and non prime agricultural land is located along rerouting of existing traffic. Minor increase to the noise alignment at one point) and small areas of mineral Potential requirement for river realignment and potential increasingly feel as though it is enclosed by major modern roads. development. Urie, loss of woodland and earthworks. causes no other moderate adverse impacts, it has been section, and the alignment passes through areas of class climate may take place upon communities with a relative Alignment is <200m from Durno settlement area so is resources also present. active morphology at crossing of River Urie at ch.500m Other assets whose settings may be impacted by the alignment are The overall assessment of the alignment is Moderate scored as minor overall. 3.1 land. medium population count. classed as minor beneficial. (moderate adverse). Mummer's Reive, cairn (Scheduled Monument - SM11629), adverse. It is assumed that no realignment of the watercourses is There are no class 1 or 2 areas. There may be limited scope for realignment at this location Whiteinches cairn (SM12188), Pitscurry, cairn 410m N of (SM12302), needed. due to confined nature of the floodplain. The Law, cairn (SM12113), Black Cairn, cairn 990m NW of Tocherford (SM12172), Rayne Parish Church (LB16017), and Freefield House (LB16001).

The alignment intersects the northwest corner of the Battle of Harlaw Inventory Historic Battlefield, causing a direct impact. Even if Moderate adverse effects are primarily due to earthworks adjusting the alignment enabled the direct impact to be avoided, the Cuts across the River Urie twice in quick succession, cuts 5-15m and some loss of woodland. A total of three properties lie within the alignment: proximity of the alignment to the battlefield may cause an impact on Route crosses the extensive floodplain of the River Urie very close to Pitscurry Moss LNCS, cuts across several Major adverse effects occur at both ends of the alignment Residential property its setting. The proximity of this alignment to Culsalmond Old Parish (ch.14100m) and is not perpendicular to flow (major minor watercourses. and are due to the combined effect of cuttings of more Kirkton, at Kirkton of Culsalmond Potential noticeable decrease to level of current noise Church (LB2960) would result in a likely impact on its setting. The adverse).Potential for active morphology (moderate It is assumed that no realignment of the watercourses is than 15m in depth, the introduction of new large Denovan climate at Old Rayne, Whiteford and Colpy, resulting from alignment also runs in close proximity to the Williamston House Route entirely outwith settlement boundaries and LDP Geological Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within adverse). needed. The baseline alignment between Huntly and Inverurie is structures, in addition to potential impacts on the setting Legatesden House (borderline) rerouting traffic via new roads. The increase to noise from Inventory GDL and may have an impact on its setting, causing it to allocations and committed development. Route is 5m of alignment. Many small areas of prime agricultural D02-002 Potential requirement for river realignment and potential 002, 003, 004 join together and clip the edge of Cairnhill sparsely populated. The new alignment moves the road to of Williamston House Garden and Designed Landscape the new roads, potentially impacts communities with a increasingly feel as though it is enclosed by major modern roads. The immediately adjacent to a small scale committed housing land. Contaminated Land (railway crosses alignment at one active morphology at crossing of River Urie at ch.500m LNCS and cross watercourses which feed into this LNCS. In a similarly sparsely populated area. (GDL) at the north end, and loss of ancient woodland at Prime and non prime agricultural land is located along relative medium population count, which are located close alignment runs to the immediate south-west of Cat Cairn (SM12170), development. point) and small areas of mineral resources also present. (moderate adverse). this area, they also cut through the woodland and wetland the south end. section, and the alignment passes through areas of class to the new roads. and its proximity to the SM would likely cause a significant effect on There may be limited scope for realignment at this location mosaic habitat. The overall assessment of the alignment is Moderate 3.1 land. its setting. Other assets whose settings may be impacted by the due to confined nature of the floodplain. The northern end of all options cuts into Foudland LNCS adverse. There are no class 1 or 2 areas. alignment are Mummer's Reive, cairn (SM11629), Whiteinches cairn and ancient woodland mosaic. (SM12188), Pitscurry, cairn 410m N of (SM12302), Black Cairn, cairn 990m NW of Tocherford (SM12172), Rayne Parish Church (LB16017), and Freefield House (LB16001).

The alignment intersects the northwest corner of the Battle of Harlaw Inventory Historic Battlefield, causing a direct impact. Even if Moderate effects are due to earthworks of 5-15m and Route crosses the extensive floodplain of the River Urie Several minor watercourse crossings. A total of two properties lie within the alignment: adjusting the alignment enabled the direct impact to be avoided, the some loss of woodland in the north of the alignment and (ch.14500m) and is not perpendicular to flow (major It is assumed that no realignment of the watercourses is Residential property: proximity of the alignment to the battlefield may cause an impact on ancient woodland south of House. Major effects adverse). Potential for active morphology (moderate needed. Potential noticeable decrease to level of current noise Kirkton, at Kirkton of Culsalmond its setting. The proximity of this alignment to Culsalmond Old Parish are caused by large scale earthworks and introduction of adverse). 002, 003, 004 join together and clip the edge of Cairnhill climate at Old Rayne, Whiteford and Colpy, resulting from The baseline alignment between Huntly and Inverurie is Route entirely outwith settlement boundaries and LDP Many small areas of prime agricultural land, contaminated Denovan Church (LB2960) would result in a likely impact on its setting. The D02-003 large scale structures, potential impacts on the setting of Potential requirement for river realignment and potential LNCS and cross watercourses which feed into this LNCS. In rerouting traffic via new roads. The increase to noise from sparsely populated. The new alignment moves the road to allocations and committed development. Route passes land (railway crosses alignment at one point), and small alignment also runs in close proximity to the Williamston House Williamston House GDL at the north end, and loss of active morphology at crossing of River Urie at ch.500m this area, they also cut through the woodland and wetland the new roads, potentially impacts only communities with a similarly sparsely populated area. through a small scale committed housing development. areas of mineral resources all present. Prime and non prime land located along section - The Inventory GDL and may have an impact on its setting, causing it to ancient woodland at the south end. (moderate adverse). mosaic habitat. a relative low population count. alignment passes through areas of class 3.1 land. increasingly feel as though it is enclosed by major modern roads. The overall assessment of the alignment is Moderate There may be limited scope for realignment at this location The northern end of all options cuts into Foudland LNCS There are no class 1 or 2 areas. Other assets whose settings may be impacted by the alignment are adverse. due to confined nature of the floodplain. and ancient woodland mosaic. Mummer's Reive, cairn (SM11629), Pitscurry, cairn 410m N of (SM12302), Warthill House (LB16018), and Freefield House (LB16001).

The alignment intersects the northwest corner of the Battle of Harlaw A total of six properties lie within the alignment: Inventory Historic Battlefield, causing a direct impact. Even if Cuts across the River Urie twice in quick succession and Route crosses the extensive floodplain of the River Urie Residential property: adjusting the alignment enabled the direct impact to be avoided, the then cut over a few minor watercourses. Major effects occur at the north and south ends of the (ch.14600m) and is not perpendicular to flow (major Kirkton, at Kirkton of Culsalmond proximity of the alignment to the battlefield may cause an impact on It is assumed that no realignment of the watercourses is alignment, due to earthworks and the introduction of new adverse). Route crosses channel three times here due to Denovan its setting. The proximity of this alignment to Culsalmond Old Parish needed. There is minor or negligible potential change to level of the The baseline alignment between Huntly and Inverurie is structures across the River Urie. Loss of ancient woodland sinuosity of channel (potential requirement for river Viewfield Church (LB2960) would result in a likely impact on its setting. The Dissects an ancient woodland mosaic in the east which existing noise climate at Old Rayne, Whiteford and Colpy, sparsely populated. The new alignment moves the road to at Warthill House and impacts on Meikle Wartle also cause realignment) and potential for active morphology Riddlehead (borderline) alignment also runs in close proximity to the Williamston House Route entirely outwith settlement boundaries and LDP Many small areas of prime agricultural land. contaminated forms a southern buffer to Wartle Moss SSSI and LNCS. resulting from the introduction of new roads and/or a similarly sparsely populated area. D02-004 Major effects. (moderate adverse). Outbuilding on Wartle House land. Inventory GDL and may have an impact on its setting, causing it to allocations and committed development. Route passes land (sewage works, railway), and small areas of mineral 002, 003, 004 join together and clip the edge of Cairnhill rerouting of existing traffic. Minor increase to the noise Moderate adverse effects are due to earthworks of 5-15m Potential requirement for river realignment and potential Bennachie House increasingly feel as though it is enclosed by major modern roads. The through a small scale committed housing development. resources all present. LNCS and cross watercourses which feed into this LNCS. In climate may take place upon communities with a relative Alignment is <200m from Meikle Wartle and Daviot and moderate loss of woodland. active morphology at crossing of River Urie at ch.500m Legatesden Farm alignment cuts through the non-inventory GDL which forms the this area, they also cut through the woodland and wetland medium population count. settlement areas so is classed as minor beneficial. (moderate adverse). Prime and non prime agricultural land is located along setting for Warthill House (LB16018) and passes approximately 150m mosaic habitat. The overall assessment is Major adverse. There may be limited scope for realignment at this location section, and the alignment passes through areas of class to the south of the house. A significant impact upon the setting of The northern end of all options cuts into Foudland LNCS due to confined nature of the floodplain. 3.1 land. Warthill House is likely. Other assets whose settings may be impacted and ancient woodland mosaic. There are no class 1 or 2 areas. by the alignment are Mummer's Reive, cairn (SM11629), and Freefield House (LB16001).