US 20130219629A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0219629 A1 Dilley (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 29, 2013

(54) CRIB SAFETY (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ...... A47D 15/001 (2013.01) (71) Applicant: Bryan Dilley, Rochester Hills, MI (US) USPC ...... 5/732 (72) Inventor: Bryan Dilley, Rochester Hills, MI (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 13/766,871 An infant crib safety mattress is disclosed comprising a mat tress body having a sleeping area defined by a largely flat (22) Filed: Feb. 14, 2013 Surface, the sleeping area bounded by an upsloping border O O region that is angled upwards at a defined angle to prevent a Related U.S. Application Data child from wedging against or entangling with the crib rails, (60) Provisional application No. 61/602,350, filed on Feb. while also eliminating the need for crib bumper pads. The 23, 2012. transition between the sleeping area and the sloping border is an upward angle less than perpendicular, eliminating any Publication Classification sharp transitions or locations where an infant may become wedged. The internal structure of the mattress includes a (51) Int. Cl. uniform filler material or a coil-spring system, as desired by A47D I5/00 (2006.01) the user.

Patent Application Publication Aug. 29, 2013 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2013/0219629 A1

US 2013/02196.29 A1 Aug. 29, 2013

INFANT CRB SAFETY MATTRESS resting Surface is centrally located on the mattress and pro vides an area for the infant to sleep, while the perimeter edge CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED of the mattress is raised and the transition between the sleep APPLICATION ing area and the edge is a gradual slop to avoid any disconti nuities or hardcorners that could pose a Suffocation risk to the 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi child. Therefore, the present invention is disclosed as a struc sional Application No. 61/602,350 filed on Feb. 23, 2012, ture that provides the utility of bumper rails and without the entitled “Safety Crib Mattress With Integrated Bumper inherent Suffocation risks. Sides.” The above identified patent application is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety to provide continuity 0007 2. Description of the Prior Art of disclosure. 0008. Devices have been disclosed in the prior art that relate to infant crib . These include devices that BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION have been patented and published in patent application pub lications, and generally relate to mattresses having a recessed 0002 1. Field of the Invention area within a defined border, the border being a large step that 0003. The present invention relates to mattresses and child creates an internal corner for the child to trap itself and expose safety devices. More specifically, the present invention per itself to a suffocation hazard. The present invention provides tains to a child crib safety mattress having an elevated periph a gradual border that does not make any sharp transitions, eral edge and a sloping border to prevent a child from wedg providing a perimeterbolster elevated above the sleeping area ing between the mattress and the side railings of a crib. that does not create an infant suffocation risk. The following 0004 An infant crib accessory and article that has is a list of devices deemed most relevant to the present dis come under scrutiny for its link to infant deaths is the crib closure, which are herein described for the purposes of high bumper pad. Crib bumper pads are elongated that lighting and differentiating the unique aspects of the present span the length of the crib and are positioned along the corner invention, and further highlighting the drawbacks existing in interface between the crib mattress and the crib side rails. the prior art. These pads either rest along this interface or include tie laces 0009 Specifically, U.S. Pat. No. 5,822,817 to Carew dis to secure the pad firmly against the crib structure. The pads closes a mattress system that is convertible from a bolstered are utilized for a number of reasons, some of which are mattress having a defined border to one that resembles a intended to benefit the infant child, while others are adapted conventional, flat mattress for everyday use. The device, to fulfill a purely decorative function. The utility of a bumper when deployed with the side , provides children with pad device includes the ability to fit over and conceal the gap a boundary around the perimeter of the such that they stay between the crib mattress peripheral edge and the crib rails, relatively in place within the middle of the mattress while thereby preventing a baby from falling therebetween and sleeping. The sleeping area is a defined recess, while the becoming trapped or injured. Another Supposed benefit of lateral sides of the mattress have raised bolsters that continue these pads includes providing a barrier between the child and into the head and foot region of the mattress. The Carew the crib rails so as to prevent the child from forcing their heads device provides a mattress having a similar intent as that between two adjacent rails, whereby the pad has sufficient described by the present; however the present invention pro height to prevent this event. Finally, bumper pads are popular vides a gradual ramp leading to the crib rails for the child to because they provide a decorative bedding article that some rest against rather than a step. The goal of the present inven parents deploy for aesthetic reasons, matching the pad with tion is not to enclose the child within an interior cavity, and it the bedding and the environment of the room. However, is further a goal to remove corner intersections where an recent studies have revealed a link between the use of bumper infant may inadvertently force themselves into. The corner pads and infant Suffocation, making their use and sale highly region of the Carew device creates a Suffocation hazard, as the controversial. step transition between the border and the sleeping area can 0005 While providing utility and having decorative value, entrap an infant who may not be able to remove itself once traditional bumper pads have been shown to be dangerous for positioned thereagainst. The present invention provides a sleeping within a crib. Most bumper rails allow a child gradual transition with raised edges, not a step transition that to become trapped beneath the as it is positioned can be hazardous to infants. against the rail. Other cases involve the pillow coming loose 0010. Similar to the Carew device is U.S. Pat. No. 6,549, from the rail and creating a suffocation risk. Further still, 140 to Koessler, which discloses a portable infant protective those that deploy a tie String can pose a strangulation risk to bed having a frame and upstanding, rigid wall members that the infant. Cases of infant suffocation and Sudden Infant form a recessed portion within which an infant sleeps. A Death Syndrome (SIDS) have been linked to these bumper sleeping pad is placed within the recessed portion, while a pads, as a baby entangles itself with the bumper pad while pressure sensitive Switch is deployed along the upper portion sleeping and is physically unable to free itself therefrom. The of the upstanding wall members. The Switch sends out an benefits of deploying traditional bumper pads, therefore, are audible or vibratory signal when closed. Such that an adult greatly outweighed by the risks. While there still exists a sleeping next to the is awoken in the event he or she chance of the infant positioning itself directly against the crib rolls over thereonto. The device is deployed to prevent an rails, contemporary thinking is that removing clutter and adult from rolling over onto the infant and Suffocating or bumper pads from the infant crib is safer than the alternative. otherwise injuring the young child. Similar to the Carew 0006. The present invention is herein disclosed as a rem device, however, the Koessler device provides a structure edy that prevents an infant from resting against the crib rails having a recessed cavity and interior corner intersections that while asleep and prevents the child from trapping itself as a are prone to allow an infant to become trapped therein or be result. Disclosed is a new infant mattress having an outer forced thereinto. This recess corner is a Suffocation hazard border that ramps upward from a center resting Surface. The that is eliminated with respect to the present invention. The US 2013/02196.29 A1 Aug. 29, 2013

present invention is further directed for use in an infant crib, 0017. Yet another object of the present invention is to therefore a means of notification is not desired. provide an infant safety crib mattress that prevents an infant 0011 Finally, U.S. Pat. No. 3,321,779 to Kaufman dis from contacting the crib rails while sleeping, and providing closes a mattress for baby cribs that comprises a mattress Such protection without compromising the safety of the infant area, hinge members projecting from the lower part of the or exposing the infant to a Suffocation risk. mattress and along its peripheral edges, and fastening mem 0018. Another object of the present invention is to provide bers for securing the hinge members to the crib rails. The an infant safety crib mattress having no defined corner hinge members form flaps extending from the peripheral edge regions or sharp discontinuities that pose a entrapment risk to of the mattress to form an open box structure, where the flaps an infant. are upstanding members Supported against the vertical crib 0019. Another object of the present invention is to provide rails. The Kaufman device, as with the aforementioned an infant safety crib mattress that may include different inter devices, provides a sharp interior corner between the hinge nal structures for Supporting the infant in a comfortable and members and the mattress. This corner creates an area where Supportive manner, as is customarily found in mattresses in the infant may become trapped and be at risk of Suffocating. the art. The Kaufman device is indeed an infant crib bumper pad 0020. A final object of the present invention is to provide attached to the mattress. The present invention provides a an infant safety crib mattress that can be produced in a num gradually upsloping border edge of a mattress to raise the ber of different sizes and shapes to accommodate different perimeter edge of the mattress and form sloped bumpers crib dimensions, and further provide a bordered mattress for without creating an interface or corner that poses risks to the use in elevated bunk beds and beds used beyond infancy if infant therein. desired. 0012. The present invention describes a new and novel 0021. Other objects, features and advantages of the infantbed with an upsloping and angled border to prevent the present invention will become apparent from the following child from rolling or trapping itself between the crib rails and detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompa an otherwise flat crib mattress. The central portion of the nying drawings. present mattress provides a flat sleeping area that transitions into a sloping border along the sides and ends of the mattress, BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF THE DRAWINGS wherein the outer peripheral edge of the mattress is elevated 0022. Although the characteristic features of this inven above the sleeping area and the Surface of the mattress has no tion will be particularly pointed out in the claims, the inven sharp corners or discontinuities as it transitions to the border tion itself and manner in which it may be made and used may region. This provides an infant crib mattress that promotes be better understood after a review of the following descrip sleeping within the middle of the mattress and one that elimi tion, taken in connection with the accompanying drawings nates potential Suffocation sources from the crib in the event wherein like numeral annotations are provided throughout. the child rolls over towards the crib rails. All geometric corner 0023 FIG. 1 shows a perspective view of the present features that would otherwise entrap the head and body of an invention and a view of the structure of the borders. infant are eliminated from the present invention in favor of a gradually sloped border. It is submitted that the present inven 0024 FIG. 2 shows an overhead perspective view of the tion is Substantially divergent in design elements from the present invention deployed within an infant crib. prior art, and consequently it is clear that there is a need in the 0025 FIG.3 shows a cross section view of an embodiment art for an improvement to existing infant safety crib devices of the mattress internal structure. and infant crib mattresses. In this regard the instant invention 0026 FIG. 4 shows a cross section view of another substantially fulfills these needs. embodiment of the mattress internal structure.

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 0027. Reference is made herein to the attached drawings. 0013. In view of the foregoing disadvantages inherent in Like reference numerals are used throughout the drawings to the known types of infant crib mattress now present in the depict like or similar elements of the infant safety crib mat prior art, the present invention provides a new mattress and tress that. For the purposes of presenting a brief and clear infant crib safety device that can be utilized for providing description of the present invention, the preferred embodi convenience for the user when deploying a mattress that ment will be discussed as used for preventing an infant within accomplishes the same positive functions of a mattress and a crib from harming itself in the night through contact with the bumper pad, without the inherent risks to the child and with railings of a crib, while also providing the protection without out requiring two separate assemblies. exposing the child to a Suffocation risk. The figures are 0014. It is therefore an object of the present invention to intended for representative purposes only and should not be provide a new and improved infant safety crib mattress that considered to be limiting in any respect. has all of the advantages of the prior art and none of the 0028 Referring now to FIG. 1, there is shown a perspec disadvantages. tive view of the safety mattress of the present invention and a 0015. It is another object of the present invention to pro close-up view of the cross section of the sloping border that vide an infant safety crib mattress that provides a sloping spans the perimeter of the mattress. The device provides a border region that prevents a child from banging against or means to keep an infant within the center of the bed while trapping itself against the rails of the crib. sleeping and acts to prevent the infant from rolling against the 0016. Another object of the present invention is to provide rails of the crib, which can trap the child and pose a risk to the a bumper pad replacement that is built into the structure of the child's health if he or she is very young and unable to dislodge mattress and performs the positive functions of the bumper him or herself. The device further prevents an infant from pad without its inherent risks and drawbacks. pressing his or her head against the rails of the crib by having US 2013/02196.29 A1 Aug. 29, 2013

an elevated border, thereby functioning as a bumper pad but the mattress internal structure is visualized. The mattress without the inherent risk of bumper pad and without deploy structure may take several forms, depending on the desires ing separate assemblies. and price point of the mattress. Some users may prefer a 0029. The device comprises a mattress body 11 having a foam-filled or uniform filler material 17, while others may largely flat sleeping Surface or sleeping area 16 that Supports prefera spring mattress interior31 having a plurality of spring a sleeping or resting child thereon in a comfortable and Sup coils 32 for Supporting a child on the sleeping area 16. In portive manner. The sleeping area 16 transitions from a planar either embodiment, it is contemplated that the bumper bor surface and into a sloped border 14, whereby the border ders 14 are comprised of a or singular fill material 17, Surface 14 is angled upwards in a gradual slope. The intersec allowing the sides 12 and border surface 14 to conform to the tion 15 of the border surface 14 and the sleeping area 16 is one interior of the crib and comfortably support a child within the having a defined angle that is significantly less than perpen sleeping area 16. dicular, preferably between forty-five and seventy-five 0034 Some parents and caregivers use bumper pads in degrees but not limited thereto. This prevents creation of a their baby’s crib as a way to prevent their baby from hitting nook or corner along the mattress for an infant to wedge or pin his or her head along the rails of the bed. However, bumper itself unknowingly in its sleep. By making a gradual transi pads pose a Suffocation risk to infants as they sleep and tion 15 and a gradual sloping border Surface 14, the infant can become wedged beneath or entangled with the pad. Their rest against the border 14 without becoming trapped, while faces can become covered by the pad and the lack of strength still prevented from coming into contact with the crib rails prevents the infant from otherwise freeing itself. However, unintentionally in the night. without any type of padding, infants can injure themselves or 0030 The sloped border surface 14 extends upwards at an become caught within the vertical crib rails of the crib. With angle and terminates at an upper peripheral edge 19 that and without bumper pads, there exists a chance that the infant defines the high point of the mattress 11 and the height of the will be exposed to harm. To prevent the use of bumper pads as mattress with respect to the crib rails. The edge 19 transitions a remedy to contact with the crib rails, the present invention is to the sides 12 and ends 13 of the mattress, which extend herein provided, wherein the elevated and sloping border of vertically downward to establish the depth of the mattress the disclosed mattress prevents the infant from contacting the before connecting to the mattress underside surface 18. The crib rails while also eliminating the risk of suffocation caused interior 17 of the mattress, including the interior of the sleep by bumper pads. The gradual slop and the transition between ing area 16 and the border region, may comprise a foam the mattress sleeping area and the adjoining border further mattress material, a combination foam and spring mattress prevents sharp corner regions that can allow a child to wedge system, or some other material type or material combination itself therein, as is seen in the crib mattresses of the prior art. of known mattress stuffing material commonly deployed in 0035. It is submitted that the instant invention has been the art of child and adult mattresses. shown and described in what is considered to be the most 0031 Referring now to FIG. 2. there is shown an overhead practical and preferred embodiments. It is recognized, how perspective view of the present infant safety mattress 11 in a ever, that departures may be made within the scope of the working position within the interior of a crib. Most cribs invention and that obvious modifications will occur to a per include upstanding side railings 21 and end railings 22 that son skilled in the art. With respect to the above description form an open box structure having a box spring or lower then, it is to be realized that the optimum dimensional rela surface upon which to place a crib mattress 11 thereon. When tionships for the parts of the invention, to include variations in deployed, the present mattress 11 fits within the confines of size, materials, shape, form, function and manner of opera the crib railings 21, 22 and provides an open and flat sleeping tion, assembly and use, are deemed readily apparent and area 16 within the middle of the crib for which an infant or obvious to one skilled in the art, and all equivalent relation young child to sleep. A common occurrence in normal cribs is ships to those illustrated in the drawings and described in the the tendency for the child to roll or pin himself against the specification are intended to be encompassed by the present rails 24 of the railings during the night, or further to force invention. themselves within the openings 25 between the rails 24. To 0036. Therefore, the foregoing is considered as illustrative prevent this occurrence, and further to prevent a parent from only of the principles of the invention. Further, since numer resorting to the use of bumper pads, the present mattress 11 ous modifications and changes will readily occur to those includes an upsloping border 14 that Surrounds the sleeping skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the area 11 to prevent a child from rolling against the rails 24. exact construction and operation shown and described, and 0032. The upsloping borders 14 are angled such that a accordingly, all suitable modifications and equivalents may child cannot easily roll against the rails while sleeping, and be resorted to, falling within the scope of the invention. therefore is prevented from leaving the sleeping area 16. The upper edge 19 of the borders is further not high enough to I claim: allow a child to stand thereon and step over the upper side 26 1) An infant crib safety mattress, comprising: or end rail 23 of the crib and exit without assistance. There a mattress body having a largely flat sleeping area, an remains a considerable height difference between the upper upsloping border region bounding said sleeping area, a edge 19 of the mattress border and the upper rails. Further first and second mattress end, a first and second mattress still, the internal structure of the borders may not support a side, a mattress underside Surface, and an internal mat standing child thereon to permit such behavior in children at tress Structure; the age in which they are able to stand and attempt escape said border extending angularly upward from said sleeping from the crib. area at an intersection defined by said sleeping area 0033 Referring now to FIGS.3 and 4, there are shown two boundary; cross section views of the present infant safety mattress of the said angle between said flat sleeping area and said upslop present invention, wherein a first and second embodiment of ing border at said intersection being less than perpen US 2013/02196.29 A1 Aug. 29, 2013

dicular to prevent an infant from wedging into said inter section and preventing said infant from resting against crib rails; said internal mattress structure adapted to Support an indi vidual on said sleeping area. 2) The device of claim 1, wherein said internal mattress structure further comprises a uniform filler material. 3) The device of claim 1, wherein said internal mattress structure further comprises a combination coil spring struc ture and filler material, said coil spring structure below said sleeping area for Supporting said individual, while said filler material filling said border region. k k k k k