CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E944 HON
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E944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 24, 2011 the incredible, harrowing events of that day. The helicopter was assaulted and shot down During her tenure, the Army implemented He is an amazing Texas patriot and ‘‘lone sur- with a rocket-propelled grenade fire. All 16 the Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) at vivor’’ of a horrific gun battle that occurred in warriors were killed trying to rescue SEAL Tooele Army Depot. By way of explanation, the mountains of Afghanistan. On this fateful Team TEN. LMP modernizes the systems and processes day, three of Luttrell’s friends from SEAL These SEALs fought with courage and her- associated with managing the Army’s supply Team TEN, along with 16 Special Forces war- oism of entire legions of warriors when at- chain at the national and installation levels, riors were killed. tacked by a cowardly, fanatical enemy. These and permits the planning, forecasting, and Luttrell was born in Huntsville, Texas in brave Navy SEALs gave the ultimate sacrifice. rapid order fulfillment leading to streamlined 1975. As a teen growing up in Willis, Texas, These SEALs are true patriots. Dietz and supply lines, improved distribution, and a re- he began training at a young age for the Axelson received the Navy Cross post- duced theatre footprint. Thus, LMP better sup- SEALs, with a former Green Beret and neigh- humously. Lt. Michael Murphy was awarded ports the warfighter so that they can be better bor, Billy Shelton. Luttrell and his twin brother, the Medal of Honor posthumously for his ac- equipped and ready to respond to present and Morgan, also a Navy SEAL, trained every day tions and his valor on the battlefield. future threats. Colonel Dennis-Lowman man- using Shelton’s harsh techniques and meth- Luttrell was the sole survivor. He was blast- aged and supported the depot team during ods. He taught them to be tough. In addition, ed over a cliff by an RPG and knocked uncon- this difficult and challenging LMP trans- Luttrell’s dad, a Vietnam veteran, taught his scious. Severely wounded and presumed formation. sons about weapons, survival, and swimming. dead, he managed to crawl seven miles be- Beau Walsh, Willis High School teacher and fore he reached a tribal village. They gave him Further, her guidance and leadership led the former Navy SEAL, prepared them on what to shelter, aid and granted him protection under depot to excel in continuous improvement ef- expect in SEAL training. During these years, lokhay warkawal, Afghan code that guarantees forts. In 2010, the depot exceeded the Value the Luttrell brothers excelled physically and safety and protection at all costs for a wound- Engineering goal by more than $800,000 mentally. ed traveler. Luttrell was rescued by the Green ($1.48 million versus $2.29 million), and ex- After graduating from Willis High School, Beret six days after the gun fight. ceeded the Lean Six Sigma goal by more than Luttrell enrolled at Sam Houston University, In 2006, he was awarded the Navy Cross $140,000 ($931,000 versus $790,000). but left before graduating because of his de- for combat heroism for his actions during Op- In 2010, the depot shipped approximately sire to serve his country. With faith in God and eration Red Wing by President George W. 39,012 tons of conventional ammunition and country, at 23 years old Marcus Luttrell joined Bush. Luttrell remained in the Navy until 2007. received and processed 33,218 tons. This was the United States Navy. He began Basic Un- In 2009 he was medically retired from the derwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training Navy. I cannot say enough about this great in direct support of the ongoing war efforts with Class 226 in Coronado, California. In man, this American patriot. He is a heroic rep- around the world, as well as training require- 2002, he graduated with Class 228 and be- resentative of the State of Texas and an hon- ments. came a member of the small, elite military orable defender of liberty and freedom. Colonel Dennis-Lowman was recognized by force known as the Navy SEALs. He deployed Our young people who go to the valley of the publishers of Utah Business (magazine for to Afghanistan in the spring of 2005. the gun and the desert of the sun are relent- decision makers) as one of the ‘‘30 Top On June 28, 2005, he and three members less, remarkable characters. They go where Women to Watch—Women Making a Dif- of SEAL Team TEN were assigned to a covert others fear to tread and where the faint-heart- ference in Utah Business.’’ mission, Operation Red Wing, in the moun- ed are not found. These Navy SEAL warriors She advised and supported a depot team tainous region of Afghanistan. They were sent represent the best of our Nation. The bravery, during a Green Belt Project, Water Manage- in to kill or capture Ahmad Shah, a notorious dedication and patriotism of Luttrell, Murphy, ment. This team was awarded the 31st Annual Taliban leader with ties to Osama bin Laden. Dietz and Axelson will not be forgotten by their Secretary of the Army Energy and Water Man- The four-man team was made up of Marcus friends, their family and freedom-loving people agement Award, as well as the 2009 Federal Luttrell, Lt. Michael Murphy, Gunner’s Mate 2d throughout the world. God bless these sons of Class Danny Dietz and Sonar Technician 2d America. Energy and Water Management Award within Class Matthew Axelson. And that’s just the way it is. the small group category. Shortly into their mission, SEAL Team TEN f During her command, the depot’s Law En- encountered a small group of unarmed Afghan forcement and Security Branch did very well goat-herders. Although they believed the goat- HONORING COLONEL YOLANDA C. and received ‘‘commendable’’ ratings during herders empathized with the Taliban, the team DENNIS-LOWMAN, USA the Headquarter, AMC Force Protection As- was unable to confirm any threat. Lt. Murphy sessment. In 2010, Tooele Army Depot re- sought input concerning the goat-herders fate HON. ROB BISHOP ceived the AMC Anti-Terrorism Award for from the team but ultimately made the call to OF UTAH Small Installations. release the herders. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Barely an hour later, the SEALs were am- Her guidance was instrumental in receiving bushed. They came under heavy attack by Tuesday, May 24, 2011 OHSAS 18001 (safety), ISO 9001:2008 Taliban insurgents and were easily out- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I rise (ammo shipping/receiving and ammo equip- numbered one to twenty-five. The enemy com- today to recognize Colonel Yolanda C. Den- ment and manufacturing), and ISO 14001 (en- pletely encircled them on that desolate cliff. nis-Lowman, United States Army, for her re- vironmental) certifications. There was one way in and one way out. De- markable record of achievements during her Colonel Dennis-Lowman coordinated the ef- spite being wounded, Lt. Michael Murphy left service from July 8, 2008, through July 19, fort for Tooele Army Depot to be the first Army protective cover and stood on a boulder to get 2011, as the Commander of the Tooele Army installation to have a wind turbine. This wind a signal to place a phone call back to the Depot, Utah. turbine was completed in June 2010, stands base. Under intense fire, Murphy told the base Under her active supervision and guidance, 262 feet tall, and produces 1.5 MW of elec- he needed help, provided them with the Tooele Army Depot was officially designated tricity, which is enough to power 300–400 SEALs location, and relayed the number of by the Secretary of the Army as a Center of homes, and translates to $206,625 in savings Taliban fighters. While he was calling for sup- Industrial and Technical Excellence (CITE) for per year. In 2010, the depot’s energy usage port, he was shot in the back, but he com- Ammunition Peculiar Equipment (APE) mainte- was 8% lower than during 2009, resulting in a pleted the rescue call while continuing to fire nance, which is a very significant achieve- cost savings of over $117,000. at the enemy. In the midst of chaos, he re- ment. mained calm and risked his own life to save Because of her commitment to safety and In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, Colonel Yolanda his team. the solid policies and procedures she imple- C. Dennis-Lowman has served in a most ex- Murphy then returned to the safety of the mented during the 2009–2010 timeframe, the emplary manner as Commander of the Tooele mountain rocks and to his team to continue depot achieved more than 610 consecutive Army Depot, and has demonstrated remark- the fire fight. Ferociously engaged in a two- days without a loss time injury, which was the able leadership abilities in the face of substan- hour gun battle and running low on ammuni- best record within the Joint Munitions Com- tial challenges. I congratulate her on her ac- tion Murphy, Dietz, and Axelson were killed. In mand and Army Materiel Command (AMC). It complishments, and invite my colleagues to the midst of this battle, a MH–47 Chinook heli- was under her watch that Tooele Army Depot join me in thanking her for a job well done, copter carrying 16 Special Forces crew, in- also received the AMC Safety Award, of ‘‘Best and join me in extending well wishes to her for cluding 8 SEALs, were sent to evacuate them. Installation.’’ much success in all future endeavors. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:50 May 25, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MY8.030 E24MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS May 24, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E945 MARGARET CASON WARD In Margaret Cason Ward’s passing, we pay of quality care to patients throughout the coun- tribute to an accomplished woman and her life try.