Caprinae Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Caprinae Specialist Group May 1999 hunting involving threatened taxa. Such Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z4 In this issue practices are undefendable. Of all of the Central Asian states in the CIS, only
[email protected] Editorial ..............….…......….. 1 Kazakhstan returns some of the money The status of some wild Sheep in Central Asia ………. 1 generated from trophy hunting to Caprinae sheep populations in the Balkan Chamois …..….....…... 4 conservation. Conservation News ………… 5 The Smithsonian Institute was recently CIS (former USSR) and the under the scrutiny of the US press when it impact of trophy hunting Ammotragus in Tunisia ......….. 5 applied for an import permit for a Kara Pakistan ………………….……. 6 Tau argali (Ovis ammon nigrimontana). Surveys IUCN’s new Head .……….…… 6 The specimen was donated to the Institute In 1997, we surveyed wild sheep Severtozov’s argali ……….…… 6 by a hunter, but because of its endangered populations exploited for trophy hunting Abstracts. …………….………. 6 status cannot be imported into the U.S.A. in Kazakhstan and Kyrghizstan. Our The same hunter had also made a $20 research was financed by the Russian Conference ………………….... 7 million donation to the Institute. Recent Publications ………… 7 Office of WWF (TRAFFIC). Similar Following one of the Action Plan’s studies were planned in the Pamir as well, general recommendations, a Taxonomy however, the Ministry for Nature Editorial Working Group is currently being Conservation of Tadjikistan denied us established, and plans are being made to permission. Despite guidelines provided in our Action hold a workshop in May 2000. At the time We surveyed Transcaspian or Ustyurt Plan, trophy hunting is clearly in need of of writing, the potential venue is Ankara, urial (Ovis vignei arkal) and Kazakhstan careful controls in some areas, especially Turkey.