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February 3, 201TIGER Established in 1907, South Carolina's oldest college newspaper roars for Clemson. Volume 109 I Issue 6 O/thetigennews Q/@thetigercu O thetigernews. Q@thetigercu Strom Thurmond's Construction projected granddaughter to continue through 2017 to speak

Monica Williams-Hudgens will give a lecture this week as part of the "Race and University" series.

Jordan Byrne That you would be a life long Asst. News Editor learner and you would be an asset to your community Clemson University is wherever you go, that you set to host Monica Williams- would leave it a little bit better Hudgens this Wednesday than when you got there. afternoon as she delivers a Hudgens, who is of mixed lecture as part of the "Race and ethnic descent, was unaware the University" series put on her grandfather's identity by the College of Architecture, until about the age of 12, at Arts and Humanities. which time she had already According to the College, been influenced by the works Construction on the Innovation Center behind Cooper Library continues to progress throughout the semester. the goal of the series is "to of Malcolm X and Dr. King create campus wide dialogue and was already socially active within her community. Her Galen Hamrick into these efforts are not in detracts from the beauty of funds, so the appeal of a larger about race and diversity at grandfather is remembered for Contributor vain, stating that the school's campus." Indeed, Huegel student body is obvious. Clemson — past, present and future." his conservative politics and 2014 began numerous investment will "pay off" in believes that these public Furthermore, the article states, the near future. works pollute campus in other "University data indicates that Hudgens is the stance against integration in construction projects on granddaughter of the late his more than 50 years in the campus. Cranes dot the Despite the importance ways, adding, "They make Clemson students who live on and expense of Campus finding a nice, quiet spot on campus for the first two years South Carolina Senator Strom political arena. skyline, fences block sidewalks When asked how she Core, it is actually one of campus where you can study have significantly higher GPAs Thurmond and the daughter of and crews busde to and fro, dealt with reconciliation of her several major construction all the more difficult." and graduation rates." the late Essie Mae Washington- tending to their various duties. Williams. She is an active family's past with the work she The university's main campus initiatives on which crews have The haste with which Thus, these developments already broken ground. Also campus has been immersed will allow incoming students advocate against domestic was doing at the time, Hudgens has become a construction noted that her disconnection underway are the Watt Family in these projects may lead to take full advantage of all violence, a writer, teacher and zone of unparalleled participant in a wide variety of from him and focus on magnitude, and of the associated perks of living on social work. local community organizers students are in the facilitated the process: "For campus. The new The lecture Ms. Hudgens thick of significant some reason, I call it fate, luck, PROJECTS buildings are also plans to deliver is titled '"My structural change. legacy to you is the discovery sometimes even blessed. I really Core Campus THE WATT FAMILY INNOVATION CENTER intended to address the vast array of of your lineage:' Reckoning didn't study his life. I had the is one of the largest CORE CAMPUS opportunity in Los Angeles, maintenance issues the Strom Thurmond Lineage projects currently from the age of around twelve, DOUTHIT HILLS that plague aging with My Family's Legacy." being undertaken to be able to hang out with a THE BARNES CENTER landmarks such as And, although she did not by the university. number of African American Clemson House want to give away all the You have likely sociologists and community (opened in 1959) details, the topics of discussion noticed this organizers. And that's what I and Johnstone will include reconciling with vast expanse of COST studied, that was my model." Hall (opened her family's past and the work what is currently MORE THAN $308 MILLION she and her family do today in Thurmond, who mud and dirt in 1955). The hope of creating a better future graduated from Clemson nesded between University in 1923 with a timeline for for all. Harcombe degree in horticulture, has ESTIMATED TO OPEN completion varies "Reckoning is something and Memorial that actually goes on everyday since been honored with the Stadium. This LATE 2017-EARLY 2019 between these _ construction as far as our family is establishment of the Strom complex alone Thurmond Institute, which efforts, and the concerned," said Hudgens. comes . with a $96 million houses the documents of his Innovation Center, located one to wonder why change is estimate of an opening date "We all have been in leadership price tag, and is slated positions, have excelled in our life's works along with the behind Cooper Library, the occurring so quickly. ranges between late 2017 and to be one of Clemson's University's special collections. Douthit Hills project, located According to an article early 2019 for most. This occupations, and basically my premier new facilities. mother felt like her family When asked about the name near Clemson House, and by Jackie Todd of Clemson's means that the majority of Sophomore Joe Britt has very little to do a lot with. of the institute, which many the Barnes Center. Some Office of Media Relations that Clemson's current student body sees potential in these new Education is a part of that find to be inappropriate, students feel overwhelmed was published on the school will never reap the rewards that developments by saying, "I heritage, a part of her legacy. Hudgens stated the following: know all the construction by the volume of building website, the Board of Trustees these developments promise. is a hassle, but it will be occurring simultaneously. hopes that "updated facilities See THURMOND page A2 worth the trouble." Britt also According to freshman will contribute to student believes that the vast financial Gregory Huegel, "The recruitment." With more resources Clemson has sunk presence of all this equipment enrollees come more available Campus Wi-Fi leaves students frustrated Grace Northcutt certain assignments," said Contributor food science major, said, "Clemson's Wi-Fi this year senior finance/supply- With today's evolving has caused many problems for chaift management major technology comes an increase me ... [for example] I once Mason Carley. in demand for Wi-Fi so the had to finish writing a paper Other upperclassmen average person can keep up to due at midnight, and my like Trevor Pope, a junior speed with their social medias, Eduroam wouldn't connect for management major, have had news reports and—dare I over an hour." fewer connection problems say— trivia crack. For some older students, in the library saying, "... it's However, Wi-Fi takes a relief can be found in their usually pretty good but on more precedence on college off campus housing Wi-Fi. crowded days in the library campuses where students must Junior management it doesn't go as fast as I be connected to finish online major Olivia Teelon said, "It need it to." homework, check emails or makes it hard to do assignments Aside from areas of write a pressing paper. Most on campus sometimes because study, students and faculty students' homework has the Internet disconnects a lot." also need Wi-Fi to connect to become increasingly internet- With connection their smart phones and tablets based with the majority of problems like this it makes on the go. That is, unless assignments being found it easier for Teelon to just your phone service includes online at Blackboard or on avoid campus and complete unlimited data chances or various websites where access her schoolwork from her you keep your phone or tablet codes need to be purchased. apartment or at Starbucks. roaming to find the closest Therefore, problems arise "The wireless Internet and strongest Wi-Fi signal. when students are unable to on campus has been rather Especially for students with connect to Wi-Fi. unpredictable which makes the oh-so-common iPhone Joanna Kwon, a freshman it difficult to complete SeeWl-Fl page A2

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t^^^m ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^.^ A2 • FEBRUARY 3, .2015 NEWS THE TIGER Clemson through international eyes Q8A: By Kelsey Morgan, News Editor sort of, people hear you TTN: What has been during breaks or weekends? Christian Norton is speaking and talking to you most challenging about CN: For spring break, a junior from Prince in class and they realize you're being so far from home? a bunch of the exchange not from here, and everyone CN: Trying to keep in students, we're going to Edward Island, has been really great. touch with people has been Florida to experience some Canada studying challenging, because you get Florida sunshine. And I think, biological science for TTN: What do you hope caught up with things and you or I hope, at the end of term a semester at Clemson to gain from your experience get so busy with classes and thete are a number of us that doing things and exploring. University. abroad? want to go to the West coast, CN: Obviously I want But I have Snapchat and or further west, to the Grand some personal growth, I want Instagram so I can post things, Canyon and California and but people still want to have to challenge myself, put myself see what all is out there. It all The Tiger News (TTN): like a message from you to out of my comfort zone. I also looks beautiful. What made you choose them so that they know you're want to better understand the Clemson? thinking of them specifically, American culture, because the TTN: How have you Christian Norton (CN): so I'm trying really hard to point of a Killam Fellowship liked the weather here so far? I'm here as a Killam Fellow, it's keep that going. is for academic exchange and CN: It was like mid- an exchange progtam. There understanding and a cultural 50s today, which is like 12 are American and Canadian TTN: How different is understanding between the or 13 degrees Celsius, which universities in agreement with Clemson from your school at U.S. and Canada. is unheard of in January in each other and Clemson was home? Canada... It's much warmer on the American list, so I got CN: The main thing here and a lot less snow, and TTN: What has been at Clemson that I notice is to pick from a couple of them, I'm not complaining. and Clemson is where they some of the biggest cultural we don't have Greek life. I differences that you have think there are four schools in placed me. TTN: Are you hoping experienced? Canada that have some sort of Greek system... And I don't for snow here, or are you TTN: Had you been CN: I think the food. think it has the same intensity so used to it that you really to the United States before The food is definitely— it's as it is here... It's certainly don't care? now? not that it's very strange interesting to watch. And CN: I do want to see CN: I had been to strange— just very southern school spirit is intense; it is snow here, because I want to Searde briefly when I was in food. There's sweet tea and mote intense than I thought it see how people react. I want to Vancouver, but other than that biscuits and gravy, and the was going to be, and I'm kind see how you guys drive with it, barbeque isn't too bad- it's I hadn't spent any time in the of upset that I wasn't here for or maybe school gets canceled. incredible- so I'm enjoying United States. football... I'm not saying my I want to see what you guys do that cultural difference ... And school at home doesn't have with snow. some one said, "No, sir." to me TTN: Have you felt school spirit— they do— but welcomed by the students and that catches me ... We say it's really intense here. TTN: What has been exchange student I get to meet I'm meeting people from all and faculty' that like as a joke, but here it the most exciting part of all the Americans, of course, over the world everyday. We CN: Very welcoming. is said very honesdy. That is a TTN: Is there anywhere your experience so far? and then we live in Calhoun all get together and sh|ue our Professors have been great. You part of southern culture that I you have traveled so far, or CN: Definitely meeting Courts — all the exchange cultures with each other and become an object of interest do really think is interesting. that you plan to travel to all the new people. As an students live together — so it's really really cool.

have too many choices for too to drive cars everywhere, but that you plan to travel to many other schools. I guess Chinese people don't. And while you are here? Jia Lyu is a second maybe fate, I mean I had no many girls in China love to JL: I went to California year graduate student idea about Clemson before I carry an umbrella even though the winter before last and from Beijing, China came here. it's not raining [for shade], last spring break I went to studying Counselor but in the United States I find Washington, DC. I have also been to Charleston and the Education (Student TTN: Have you felt many girls even on the rainy welcomed by the students days don't carry an umbrella Smokey Mountains and I went Affairs). and faculty? with them. And American to Orlando last winter break. JL: For me, everyone has girls love to wear sandals all And I want to go to New York been welcoming and kind. the time, no matter how cold this spring break.

TTN: What has been TTN: How long have TTN: What do you the most exciting part of you been here in the United hope to gain from your TTN: What has been your experience so far? States? experience abroad? most challenging about Jia Lyu (JL): I came here JL: I think it's a very good being so far from home? JL:- The difficult part is August of 2013, so a year and experience to study abroad to JL: Living independently. living alone, but living alone a half. learn how American people Although I left my home has also been the exciting part. live, how they study, how they for college, but I had never I think "alone" is a neutral TTN: How long will work; and it's good to learn left China before I came to word. I mean you feel lonely you be here? self-discipline and how to the United States. So totally sometimes and you want to JL: I will graduate in study without supervision. It's depending on myself for be more connected with your May, but I don't know when I good to expand your horizon everything has been hard. It's family and friends at home, will leave. and to gain new experiences. also difficult to communicate but on the other side, you can with my friends and family at manage your life much more TTN: More specifically, TTN: What has been home because of the 13-hour than when you are at home. what" made you choose some of the biggest cultural time difference. You can make decisions by Clemson? differences that you have yourself, and I am handling JL: Actually because this experienced? TTN: Is there anywhere my life by myself which is a major, student affairs, I don't JL: American people love you have traveled so far, or very exciting part.

WI-FI from page Al the signal from routers for Johnstone and I don't even get THURMOND from page Al dead zones. Wi-Fi in my dorm room ... all "I suggested that the Strom it's possible to search the According to Joy Moss the other rooms around me get Thurmond Institute also web without Wi-Fi, but it with Clemson Housing, a it but I don't." be called be called the comes at a high cost. new plan has been A representative of Strom Thurmond Essie Kwon says, "My implemented this year Clemson CCIT services says May Washington-Williams cellphone data runs out mid- to start creating stronger that problem areas such as this Institute ... In every speech month almost every month Internet signals across could be due to two routers' he ever gave, the good, the now that I live on Clemson's campus. For the school signals not quite touching bad or the ugly, you know my campus. It's annoying year of 2014-2015, which in turn creates a spot mother was in his head. She because it makes me pay a Holmes and McCabe with no Wi-Fi connection. We're All Family Here. was his poetic justice. I think lot more on my phone were two buildings To help fill in breaks in the we need to remember people bill [for data overage]." approved for these changes. Wi-Fi, students can connect like Strom Thurmond, but Most walking paths in In the next couple years to the Clemson Housing we don't ever, ever cross those Clemson have spotty coverage, Clemson Housing plans website and report on poor lines ... And then the other or "dead zones" to begin to gain funding to help quality. A representative part, of also including another Now Hiring in Anderson! with, but as students walk improve more dormitories should come out and name of a positive role model, and are in morion, connection and academic buildings. check the router signal of course I'm going to put my becomes even more of Some of the most at a specified time to Servers, Bussers, Line Cooks, Prep mom up there." a stretch constandy having important areas where router help find these dead zones Ms. Hudgens' lecture will Cooks & Dishwashers! to reconnect to Wi-Fi so as signals do not connect are and make Clemson's campus take place this Wednesday at 5 to avoid more bills. in campus dorm rooms. a more Wi-Fi friendly p.m. in Tillman Auditorium. CCIT has been trying Nick Meyer, a freshman environment, because, Apply now: to combat these campus health science major, talks after all, everyone in the For the full interview, visit www.olivegarden.com/careers Wi-Fi spotty areas by going about his connection Clemson family deserves the www.thetigernews.com. into buildings and testing problems saying, "I live in ability to connect.

MJ...H UMLIJ I» ■■.■"■■- a *A**M* •AkkMMA^MMMMIMI gj—gj^MMMilllllMllttMIMIIII OUTLOOK B1 • FEBRUARY 3, 2015 SENIOR STAFF HANNAH CLEVELAND ebber Editor in Chief [email protected] from bhe Editfow FRANCES FOSTER Associate Editor fellow TigerA, associatel [email protected] HEATHER MONTGOMERY With the ongoing debates around Clemsons campus in recent months, The Tiger has received an Managing Editor [email protected] extraordinary amount of letters to the editor, discussing topics from the renaming of Tillman Hall to the preservation of free speech on campus. We are thrilled that our audience is choosing to express their opinions NEWS through our newspaper, and we hope that this will continue throughout the rest of the semester. [email protected] Below, we have printed a sampling of the numerous letters we have received in the past two weeks. Please KFXSEY MORGAN note that all Letters to the Editor are the opinions of the author, and not necessarily of The Tiger staff, its advisers News Editor JORDAN BYRNE or Clemson University. Assistant News Editor We ask that if you are interested in submitting a letter for publication, please review our policy as found on THERESA CAMPBELL our website. News Layout Editor The Tigers Outlook section serves as a platform for discussion, and we strongly encourage our readers to ANNA MALLARD News Layout Editor take advantage of that. We truly believe that by exchanging ideas in a productive way, our campus and community can become more united than ever before. OUTLOOK [email protected] For Clemson, ROWAN LYNAM Outlook Editor SAAVON SMALLS Assistant Outlook Editor ERIN DERRICK Outlook Layout Editor vv^ ^ RACHAEL NUZUM Outlook Layout Editor REMY BARNWELL Senior Staff Writer to tHe eDitOR: SPORTS Dear Editor: sports@thetigernews jcom Dear Editor, In 1960, students travel facilities. After the Andrew Goodman, were ELAINE DAY from NC Agricultural first group of Freedom killed by the KKK. In As a strong supporter of Sports Editor I am writing to and Technical College Riders were severely 1968,150 people, mostly the First Amendment and free RACHEL EAGLETON offer different advice and Bennett College beaten in Birmingham students, were protesting expression, I read with interest Assistant Sports Editor KAELYN HARRIS-VINCENT to students than those in Greensboro started and could not go on, on the campus of SC the open letter to students from Sports Layout Editor expressed by Sandra sit-ins at a Woolworth's students from Tennessee State University against faculty members Thompson, JULIE WALLACE Allen in her letter lunch counter to State and Fisk University local segregation. Three Grubb and Meyer in the Sports Layout Editor published in the January protest segregation. courageously went to student protesters — January 29, 2015 issue of The HENRY HUTTON Senior Staff Writer 27 issue of The Tiger, Sit-ins spread to many Birmingham to continue Samuel Hammond and Tiger. In pledging support for where she suggested that other cities, including the ride. When they Henry Smith from SCSU the expressive rights of students, TIMEOUT student demonstrations Rock Hill, SC where 9 were jailed and taken and Delano Middleton the faculty members wrote of a [email protected] are "divisive, destructive students from Friendship back to Tennessee, they from a local high school potential "betrayal of Clemsons ANNA BLAKE KEELEY TimeOut Editor and will produce Community College immediately returned — were killed and 28 commitment to providing STU PENNEBAKER nothing positive." My sat in at McCrory's to Birmingham where others were injured by students with a marketplace of Assistant TimeOut Editor advice is that when lunch counter and they continued the police gunfire. These ideas" and of the need to "keep MARY ANNE KLETTCHES students peacefully but served 30 days of hard ride and experienced student protests, which alive the spirit of open-minded TimeOut Layout Editor SANA ALI AZAMI firmly stand up for labor when they were more beatings are just a few examples of inquiry at Clemson University." Senior Staff Writer what they believe in, arrested and refused in Montgomery. many, were non-violent, I believe the letter describes a AMANDA HOEFER they can produce large bail. Just last week, a In 1964, students as were most civil-rights campus atmosphere that does Senior Staff Writer and positive change. For South Carolina judge comprised many of the demonstrations. So my not exist. Consider: PHOTO example, students — belatedly recognized 1000's of volunteers in advice to students is, if [email protected] including South Carolina the rightness of their the Freedom Summer needed change is long in * In November 2006, a ASHLEY STOUT students — were action by overturning voting rights campaign, coming, we have a proud university watchdog group, the Photo Editor central to the positive their conviction. during which a young history in this country Freedom for Individual Rights COPY EDITING and necessary changes In 1961, the civil-rights activist, showing that peaceful in Education (FIRE), threatened [email protected] brought about by Freedom Riders James Chaney, and but forceful student litigation after the university HANNAH REESE the US civil protested illegal two student volunteers, protest can help produce attempted to discipline students Head Copy Editor rights movement. segregation in interstate Michael Schwerner and positive change. for "expressing" themselves ALYSSA CHARNEY Copy Editor outside of university-designated BRETT RIGGS ^ "free speech zones." Copy Editor "WfiftHHr+f,,^ SARA STAMATIADES * In January 2010, after the Copy Editor MATTHEW STAPLETON university administration Copy Editor attempted to restrict the Dear Editor, vast majority of black Dear Editor: in which affirmative rights of faculty and staff to PUBLIC RELATIONS people remained in action seems to be the contact public officials, FIRE AMANDA CARPENTER Website Manager once again became involved, There has been poverty. Without policies The public life preferred policy when an [email protected] much controversy over a in place like affirmative and work of Dr. Martin institution is not diverse identifying violations of the Mnxi DECOURSEY seemingly trivial matter. action, African Americans Luther King, Jr. in the enough. Corporations First Amendment. Recruitment Coordinator Of course, I'm talking are systemically afforded Civil Rights Movement and universities hire [email protected] MATT SPADARO * In May 2010, after the about the debate to rename fewer opportunities are inspirational. Dr. chief diversity officers Social Media & Marketing Director Tillman. The Coalition of due to lingering racism. King epitomized the to ensure minorities are university administration [email protected] Concerned Students issued For an example of this greatness of our country. made feel as welcome as attempted to discipline a a statement that, among you need only look at He recognized the majorities. If the ratio of student for "Failure to Comply DISPLAY ADS [email protected] horrific injustice in race black to white students with [an] Official Request" many substantial demands, the small number of ELLEN WESTMORELAND calls for the renaming of black professors at this relations during his time is disproportionate, the pertaining to an email sent to Advertising Manager buildings that honor racists university, and compare and took a stand in an university or corporation an administrator, FIRE again of the past like Tillman. it to the disproportionate attempt to bring about is said to be failing. Why sent a letter to the university BUSINESS [email protected] equality among black is this? We have degraded administration expressing The story that we representation of black KATIE CRAWFORD were taught throughout people in low paying and white. diversity by forcing concern about due process and Business Manager our lives has been, "Rosa service positions. "I have a dream that it to be superficial. expressive rights. Parks sat down at the front Far from being over, my four little children True diversity comes DISTRIBUTION distribution.thetigernews@gmail£om racism remains an active will one day live in from life experiences * In April 2014, individuals of the bus. MLK had a ALLIE TATE dream. Then black people force in our society and a nation where they and worldviews, not censored content in The Tiger Distribution Manager were given equal rights, at Clemson. It has taken will not be judged by skin color. by stealing and disposing of AIDAN WARNER and racism ended." This on subde overtones. the color of their skin, It is horrendous to approximately 1,200 copies Distribution Representative KAISHA YOUNG think about the number of the newspaper. Earlier, in myth is convenient for the The primary response of but by the content of Distribution Representative white conscience because conservatives to racism their character." King of black Americans who October 2000, individuals stole even though our ancestors is usually, "By discussing said in his 'I Have a have been deprived of and disposed of more than committed atrocities, it's all race, we are focusing on Dream' speech. Has opportunity because of 7,000 copies. better now because black the differences between our society made any their skin color. This people are our equals. us instead of what brings progress in moving from should not occur in * In April 2014, the Freedom CONTACT US MAIN OFFICE This is simply not the us together." This is just judgment of skin color to America but it has and from Religion Foundation 315 Hendrix Student Center case. The social structures a roundabout way of character content? continues to. Dr. King's contacted the (public) university Clemson University Phone (864) 656-2150 South Carolina efforts are undermined about the excessive presence of created in the past continue telling the disenfranchised Fax (864) 656-4772 to exert control into the to shut up. The second elected its first black when we corrupt the religion in its football program. present. The slavery that response is usually an senator with the election content of one's character In return correspondence, PRINTER Anderson Independent Mail, black people suffered appeal to tradition. But of Tim Scott last with judgments on the university indicated it Anderson, SC. at white hands ended our tradition is racist. The November. Utahans skin color. saw nothing wrong with its only to be replaced with final, desperate response elected Mia Love, the first We should practices, so to speak. The Tiger is an independent organization comprised of many segregation. While black is usually the appeal to black Republican woman have diversity at our individuals. The opinions expressed people were theoretically imperfection. We shouldn't to serve in the House university, not for With due respect to the by any article may not necessarily "free," they were brutally be worried about what of Representatives. diversity's sake, but out views of my colleagues, then, represent the views of The Tiger oppressed by law. When people did so long as they Thurgood Marshall of a desire to become I see lirxle respect for the First Newspaper, Clemson University or the Board ofTrustees. the law failed to achieve the did something beneficial. served as a Supreme more well rounded Amendment and little evidence of a marketplace of ideas or a desired results, they were The good that Tillman did Court justice, followed and respectful of one Letters to the Editor can terrorized with violence by for Clemson was miniscule Clarence Thomas. another. We are all spirit of open-minded inquiry. be submitted to men like Tillman. compared to the atrocities Barack Obama has different. Our success Rather, I see a university that [email protected]. After desegregation he committed against black been elected president will be measured by the has frequendy sought to squelch Letters shall be no longer than 400 words and will run at the extent to which we are dissent and stifle free expression, fifty years ago, black citizens. If you insist on twice, Eric Holder is the discretion of the Editor in Chief. people again seemed to arguing that his money Attorney General, and able to accept differences with First Amendment be "free." Black people or his legacy is of more Loretta Lynch is set to and judge one another platitudes appearing when had been systematically value than the black succeed him. It seems based simply on merit. politically expedient. kept poor through history. lives he took, then you're reasonable to infer rhat Dr. King's dream can With desegregation, the we have come a long certainly be reality, but way since Dr. King's day. we must ensure his We live in a day efforts were not in vain.

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SPORTS C1 • FEBRUARY 3,2015 Men's basketball downs Boston College Roper posts career-high 24 points, named ACC Co-Player of the Week as Tigers earn third consecutive ACC victory.

Elaine Day team just like the past few of good basketball. Some of Sports Editor games," Roper said. "I think the teams in this league are the difference is we're getting just so good that if they get stops, and we're getting out in going, it can be tough. We've Coming off a solid victory transition, and we're actually played pretty good basketball against the NC State Wolfpack making shots. I think making at different times. We've had in Raleigh on Wednesday, the shots builds your confidence to find different ways to win, men's basketball team returned and it makes you play with like last Saturday against to Litdejohn to face the Boston more enthusiasm and energy Wake Forest, and we've also College Eagles for IPTAY and ... credit to my teammates; had good offensive outbursts, Alumni weekend. they're finding me and I'm like against Syracuse and NC The Tigers carried the getting open shots." State. Today was just a solid momentum from the victory The Tigers took a 27- performance where you build in PNC Arena back home, 16 lead into halftime, and a lead and keep them at bay beating the Eagles in dominant redshirt sophomore forward and take care of your business. fashion by a final score of 64- Jaron Blossomgame, the team's There's still a long way to go. 49. The Tigers improved to leading scoter, provided the I think we'll have a few more 13-8 (5-4 ACC) on the season offensive trigger in the second road games on this stretch and was their third ACC half. Blossomgame did not than home ones, but I'm very victory in the past week. Junior score in the first half, but he pleased with where we are and guard Jordan Roper earned his knocked down 16 after the how this team has improved second consecutive start after a break, including a powerful over the course of the season." 18-point performance at State, dunk with a little over 14 The Eagles' 49 points and he scored the Tigers' first minutes left in the game that were the fewest they scored in a 11 points in the game against really solidified the Tigers' game all season, a testament to Boston College en route to a control over the game. the relendess Clemson defense. career high 24 points. Roper's "It feels good to be over- Boston College's largest lead strong play earned him the 500 right now, but this league was only three points, and it tide of ACC Co-Player of the never stops," said Head Coach was with less than a minute week on Monday, along with Brad Brownell. "You have to gone in the beginning of Louisville guard Terry Rozier, take the ACC week-by-week the game. marking the first time that a and see what's ahead of us Afte this successful Clemson player has received and how we need to prepare. one game homestand, the such honors since Jerai Grant I'm pleased with how our guys Tigers will travel to Florida in 2011. have responded to the 1-3 start for matchups with Florida "I just wanted to come in ACC play. There were some State on Wednesday at out and be aggressive and games we lost in that stretch 9:00 p.m. and Miami on just get a good start for our where we still showed signs Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Junior Jordan Roper shoots one of his six three-pointers against Boston College.

Redshirt sophomore Jaron Blossomgane drives to the basket for two of his 16 second half points against Boston College. Looking forward to the 2015 football season Matchups with Notre Dame and Florida State are highlights of home schedule.

Henry Hutton they will set themselves up to the Tigers up as one of the Senior StaffWriter control their ACC destiny. nation's elite teams perched After that, Clemson atop the conference. Clemson's released its will have 16 days off before Clemson will then go 2015 football schedule last they return home for one on the road against Miami Thursday, and at first glance, of the biggest games of the and NC State, two teams is quite different than the year against Notre Dame in that should provide decent schedule that Tiger fans may early October. The extended challenges but should also have grown accustomed to rest period could prove vital be wins, before coming in recent years. For the first in a matchup of two teams home to face Florida State time in the past few seasons, that many experts believe in what should, as usual, Clemson's season will not could be playoff-bound at be a game that decides who feature a national marquee the end of the season. The will represent the Atlantic non-conference game to open Fighting Irish's full schedule in the ACC championship the year. Instead, they will start has yet to be released, but a game. Florida State should off with in-state opponent matchup with Georgia Tech, be Clemson's third nationally Wofford and North Carolina another team that could have relevant home game of the foe Appalachian State. The a promising 2015 campaign, year, making for an unusually App State Mountaineers, a will provide a national exciting year of football. The former FCS powerhouse that test for the championship Tigers will then go on the recendy made the move to the hopeful Irish. If Notre road against Syracuse and FBS ranks, have shown quick Dame and Clemson are both finally come home to face improvement as they secured still undefeated, the game Wake Forest in two fairly easy their first winning season after will likely be a primetime contests before finishing the their recent transition and matchup with a good chance year in Columbia in what is could prove to be a valuable to be featured on ESPN's always a closely contested and test for the Tigers. College GameDay. heated batde. Even though the first Clemson faces yet Though very different two contests should result another tough test the than the last few seasons, in a 2-0 start, Clemson following week when Georgia the 2015 Clemson football will face an immediate Tech visits Tigertown in season may be one of the most challenge when, five days another game that will consistently exciting in recent after Appalachian State, they warrant national attention history. For the first time in a must travel to Louisville for and will be a pivotal game in while, the difficulty of their their ACC opener. Although deciding the ACC. Although schedule lends itself well to not a particulatly talented two tough games back-to- a potential playoff tun for offensive team, the Cardinal back are not ideal, it is greatly the Tigers, even if they lose defense is sure to still be beneficial to the Tigers that one of the tougher games. one of the conference's best both games will be at home. If Clemson can shore up its defenses and will provide an These two games will likely offensive line issues and not early challenge for the Tigers' be the toughest stretch of have a significant defensive offense. However, Clemson is Clemson's season, yet both drop off, the Tigers should be easily the more talented team will likely be very winnable forerunner to win the ACC in the matchup, and as long games. Surviving a midseason and make a splash on the Head Coach Dabo Swinney looks to lead the Tigers to the College Football as they can escape Louisville, test such as this would set national stage. Playoff next season.


C2 • FEBRUARY 3, 2015 SPORTS THE TIGER Lady Tigers fall to Bulldogs, trump Gamecocks

Stephen Krupka singles players. Of the their shoulders approaching the Tigers. Sunday's match. Who better Contributor six singles matches, four "It was truly about went to a third set. Senior to vanquish than their in- their heart, their fight, and Beatrice Gumulya, junior state friends over at USC? their will to win. They just After a heartbreaking Tristen Dewar and junior The Tigers did just didn't give up and they upset bid against No. 9 Joana Eidukonyte proved that, winning four out of kept fighting," Head Coach Georgia fell short, the relentless six singles Nancy Harris said of the women's tennis team came rallying to winu matches. In doubles match. IT WAS TRULY ABOUT back strong to defeat No. their matches the ■ doubles Certainly, the Tigers 21 South Carolina 5-2 and swing the THEIR HEART, THEIR portion of will look to continue on Sunday. momentum to FIGHT, AND THEIR the match, fighting as they take part in While the match the Tigers' side. WILL TO WIN. Gumulya and the Intercollegiate Tennis against the Gamecocks was All tied up, the junior Jessy Association (ITA) Team not nearly as contested, number six singles COACH NANCY HARRIS Rompies lived Indoor Championships in the Bulldogs proved to be match decided Ww up to their No. Charlottesville, Virginia. worthy opponents. In a the victor on Saturday. In 2 national ranking, winning The tournament begins back-and-forth 4-3 clash, a very well-played match, 6-3. Number three doubles on the Feb. 6, and runs Georgia took the doubles freshman Daniela Ruiz lost team of graduate Yuilynn through Feb. 9. Following courts by storm, winning by a narrow margin. Miao and freshman Daniela the tournament, the No. 6-1 on courts two and After the dust had Ruiz proved themselves 13 Tigers will come back three. Consequently, the settled, the Georgia true warriors, winning home on Feb. 20, looking fate of the Tigers rested Bulldogs left victorious, five unanswered games to to squander Virginia Tech's on the shoulders of the but the Tigers had chips on clinch the doubles point for upset hopes.

Senior Beatrice Gumulya hits a forehand.

Junior Joana Eidukonyte reaches for a forehand in her singles match victory against Georgia. Junior Tristen Dewar serves during her singles match. Women's basketball falls short in final minutes against Virginia f most notable metric of this of the season. Zachary Beard Contributor effort was seen on the boards "We missed 15 layups as Clemson outrebounded and as coaches we can't draw Virginia by a margin of 45 up anything easier for them to This Super Bowl Sunday to 34; a mark which would get them a wide open layup," afternoon was one marked ■ normally be indicative of a said Head Coach Audra Smith. with great ups and downs for win in most games, but was "It's all well and good that the Lady Tigers as they took negated by the Cavaliers' we played well and had that on the Virginia Cavaliers 47-point explosion in the comeback, but my question in Litdejohn Coliseum. first half. is where was all that energy Despite a hard-fought battle, Some key performers for in the first half? If we played highlighted by overcoming Clemson included sophomore like we did in the middle of a 19-point deficit to briefly Tiffany Lewis and seniors the second half throughout take a lead late in the second Chelsea Lindsay and Nikki the entire game we wouldn't half, Clemson ultimately fell Dixon. Lewis was the game's need to dig ourselves out of a short in their comeback bid, top-scorer, cashing in 19 hole. It takes a lot of energy to losing 77-72. points largely through her dig yourself out of a 19-point There's an old expression effort in getting to the free- hole both emotionally and in basketball that goes throw line, where she hit 7 of physically. When we're in a somewhere along the lines of, 11. Lindsay put forth a solid position to win a ballgame "sometimes great defense is effort as her bid for a double- like this, which would be a beat by a perfect shot." This double fell just two rebounds huge victory for us, we have adage rang true Sunday as the short as she ended the night to do a better job with layups Cavaliers shot the ball at an with 11 points and a career- and executing. I'm proud of unreal 62.1 percent despite high-tying eight rebounds. the way they fought and how Clemson's high-energy She also added a season-high they came back, but we need defense. Unfortunately for the six assists on the offensive end to get to a point where we Lady Tigers, it was simply just of the court. Dixon had yet start games like that." one of those games where the another strong performance The loss dropped basket seemed to be bigger for for the Lady Tigers. Dixon's the Lady Tigers to 9-13 the opposing team. effort up and down the court overall with a 1-8 record in Regardless of the was especially evident in conference play. Clemson will ultimate outcome, it was the box score as she finished face another ACC opponent at an impressive all-around the game with 17 points, 11 Boston College on Thursday effort for our Lady Tigers, rebounds, four assists, two night at 7 p.m., when they who showed great resiliency steals and a block. Dixon's will look to rebound against throughout the game. The double-double was her fourth the 9-12 (1-7) Eagles.

No. 28 Men's tennis falls at No. 29 South Carolina

David Seguine 3 doubles team. The No.l ranked 69th nationally, who Contributor Clemson duo of seniors won his match over Carolina's Hunter Harrington and Andrew Adams. Ansari The No. 28 Clemson Alejandro Augusto lost their pulled out upset win for the men's tennis team suffered a match 7-6, while the No. 3 Tigers over No. 118 Kyle tough 6-1 loss on Saturday duo of juniors Austin Ansari Koch in the opening set, but to No. 29 South Carolina and Luke Johnson also lost ultimately ended up losing. in Columbia. This marks 6-4. The sole doubles win Augusto, Ansari, Johnson, the third straight loss for for the Tigers came from Drake and sophomore Daffra the Tigers and drops them freshman Hampton Drake Sanon all came up short to 2-3 on the season. Both and sophomore Christian for Clemson against the of Clemson's previous losses Harris, who won their opposing Gamecocks. have come against Top 30 match 6-4. The Tigers will have a teams, No. 18 Wake Forest Clemson's struggles week to prepare to end this and No. 23 Memphis. South with South Carolina three match losing streak Carolina improves to 4-1 on continued into the singles on the court next Saturday, the season with the win. matches. The Tigers only February 7. Clemson will The Gamecocks won managed to pull out one host Gardner-Webb, Mercer the doubles points with win in six matches. This sole and Wofford in their first wins from their No. 1 and win came from Harrington, home matches of the season. Senior Chelsea Lindsay sets up for one of her six assists against Virginia.

^^m ^^MMMMMMI «aM« TIMEOUT D1 • FEBRUARY 3, 2015 s^lil* QHMY!

Amanda Hoefer conference or the fact took a little blue Senior StaffWriter that Seattle seems to have pill and, to put on average much more it delicately, Another Super Bowl has attractive fans. filled out a come and gone with all the little, just forced ** usual fanfare. Commercials 4. Someone from Seattle is reluctant parents featuring kids, puppies, beer getting fired tonight for the to have the talk with and the occasional raunchy team's last-second turnover. their kids. overtone littered the 11. Katy Perry deserves broadcast, which featured a 5. The Snickers ad 8. Budweiser had yet kudos for doing some massive half-time show and featuring Danny Trejo and another ad featuring a community service and some football. In case you Steve Buscemi as Marcia and precious puppy trying reintroducing the world missed it (and if you did, Jan Brady was absolutely to hack it with his to Lenny Kravtiz and I hope you were literally golden, as was Mindy Clydesdale friend, this Missy Elliott. curing cancer or solving Kaling's attempt to make time accompanied by a world hunger) here are the out with Matt Damon in a toned-down version of The 12. Beyonce still had the highlights of the drunkest Nationwide ad and Walter Proclaimers "I'm Gonna best half-time show of all Sunday of the year. White filling in for your Be (500 Miles)." Even time though. average, probably much though they're just trying 1. If you skipped Latin more benign, pharmacist on to sell some beer, Budweiser 13. I would bet money that in high school and need the behalf of eSurance. never fails to brighten up 99 percent of the watching some help with your the broadcast. population shouted Roman numeral literacy, 6. DreamingWithJeff.com "FIGHT" at their TVs in XLIX is equivalent to the is real and does feature a 9. Katy Perry sounds unison, as emotions boiled number 49. Jeff Bridges's lullaby . absolutely fantastic live; she over with 18 seconds to go. While the nascent product killed the game in a series 2. It is also incidentally placement of the Super of custom made outfits 14. I would bet more not Patriot's coach Bill Bowl can be irritating, we by Jeremy Scott, creative money that, had it been Belichick's sweatshirt size. all should pour one out for director of Moschino. women fighting, 99 percent SquareSpace, the website- of the watching population 3. Everyone who template provider, for 10. The graphics during would have also shouted didn't grow up along the reviving Bridges's "The Big "Dark Horse," and the literal "Take your top off!" Massachusetts Turnpike Lebowski" persona. The and figurative fireworks seemed to be pulling for the Dude abides indeed, and featured during, if you can Oh, and in case you Seahawks on Sunday, be it lulls you to sleep with a guess, "Firework," were missed it amidst all the due to moral outrage over croaky "Om" to boot. visually stunning, but the excitement, some big guys DeflateGate, amusement dancing sharks and beach played some football, and over Marshawn Lynch's 7. The Fiat commercial, balls were by far the best the Patriots eked out a 28- \ Skittles-sponsored press in which a little red car part of the show. 24 win. ' O

\ Top Yak Tuesday oh, Monday, You might be one hell of college: When getting a full nights sleep, an idiot if you go to print something, cleaning your room, cooking meals, swipe your card and it doesn't work, maintaining hygiene, and socializing are all only to realize after 5 swipes, you were considered procrastination. using your drivers license. Beginning of semester: "This semester is In a way, we are all left shark gonna be a joke." End of semester: "This It's not fair that you can accidentally make joke is not funny."

a baby but not accidentally make a pizza Compiled by: STU PENNEBAKER/Asst. TimeOnt editor


o 5- 3

By: Sana Azami, Senior Staff Writer

While I am now jaded enough to realize that I will never have a pair of magic slip- pers or a Fairy God Mother and that any prince I may find is otherwise involved, The "Close Talker" disinterested or in possession of deep, latent Freudian concoctions (dibs on Oedipus), I hold on to faith that one day I will sally forth in some grand adventure. For now, I busy A Seinfeld throwback, but relevant nevertheless — for this type the Golden myself with other amusements ... namely, people watching. Rule of bus etiquette, "Leave me alone, and I will leave you alone," does not compute.! Catching your eye as you promenade down a promenade, this orange and Even in a completely empty bus, they will sit next to you. Worse still, they may even i purple behemoth puffs up, down and all around the eternal, endless hills of this beloved to you. Yes I am very happy your sister is getting married, but I don't care. institution (and surroundings areas). Is it a bird? A plane? A dragon? Nay, I present you with ... The CAT Bus. Likes: Colorful high tops, Frisbees and strawberry milk

Here are some archetypes one may discover within: Dislikes: Stay tuned folks; you are about to find out. The Pageant Queen — Or King

These are the folks with winning smiles who actually took the time to starch and press their clothes, and have all of their monogrammed pastel accessories delicately ordered. They are also inexplicably always on rime. The Psychotic Studier

Likes: Disk golf, beaches and bow ties This person may have severe coffee breath — quite conceivably a sign of] caffeine dependence coupled with a sleeping disorder and possible vampire-like ten- Dislikes: Unsweetened tea and clip-on anything dencies. Even weighed down by innumerable scholastic paraphernalia, they have Olympic ability to sprint to the nearest bus stop and then take up an entire row wit] their baggage.

Likes: 24-hour pizza delivery, giving stink eyes and snooze buttons The Environmentally Conscious Dislikes: Sunlight, rainbows and deodorant Yes, they had access to a car, but for love of Mother Earth they chose to take the bus. It is only when they have arrived home that they realized they were probably the only person on board without shoes. Or you could be the gumshoe in the back who categorizes everyone aboard while pretending to watch the trees go by Likes: PETA and bicycles ... like me. Happy creeping everyone! Dislikes: WhenTumblr is down for maintenance

^^^mtmmtmmaam D2 • FEBRUARY 3, 2015 TIMEOUT THE TIGER DON'TGO TOP 10 TO

Anna Blake Keelev on the baker when his father ball gown and different hair LOOK FORWARD TO IN 201 TimeOut Editor stole her magic beans, the style on Cinderella and she's couple must find a cow as suddenly unrecognizable? By: Cody Smoldt, Contributor A star-studded cast, white as milk, a cape as red as These though, are issues I superb soundtrack and blood, hair as yellow as corn have learned to live with great visual effects were not and a slipper as pure as gold, thanks to my Disney- enough to save this movie. In all of which can be found in entrenched childhood, but terms of poor quality, "Into "the woods." Woven into other aspects of the movie the Woods" was certainly this search are the familiar- I just don't buy. Somehow, A$AP Rocky no "Labor Day" — do not with-a-twist tales of Jack Meryl Streep furiously — It's been more than two years since the Harlem rap- let Netflix trick you into and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel, and wonderfully — sings per dropped the excellent Long. Live. A$AP.,but last year's pressing play no herself into mush outstanding "Multiply" sounds like the perfect lead single for matter how much ... what? How? his next project. If the rest of the album sounds this good then you love Kate When the bakers you can sign me up. Winslet — but wife falls off a I definitely will cliff he basically not be watching shrugs — ditto it again anytime when the families soon, if ever. of Red Riding Chance the Rapper & The Social Experiment 3* What made it bad Hood (does this Surf was how close it chick have a Chance's 2013 mixtape "Acid Rap" was one of my favorite came to being name?) and Jack projects of the year. Recorded with his live band The Social ExperiJ good, instead of die. And most Iment, "Surf" is set to drop for free later this year. Check out the out-| just missing the disturbing of all, [standing "Sunday Candy" or the carefree cover of the Arthur Theme mark; it bypassed the characters ■"Wonderful Everyday" if you want a taste of how the album mightj the mark by finish singing sound. miles. Anything "No One is with Meryl Alone" and Streep, Emily iterating that Blunt and Anna giants are people Kendrick ought too, when they Drake - Views From the 6 to be spectacular, mercilessly kill and, while "Into the giant and, Drake spent most of 2014 hosting the ESPY's, dropping the Woods" on a whim, ^SoundCloudloosies (one of them got a Grammy nomination!) and wasn't a total decide to all live Tlint rolling his pants at Raptor's games, but everyone's favorite Degras-I flop, I wouldn't together. I wish I ki-star-turned-rapper has TWO projects planned for 2015 including^ .recommend it. could just accept t mixtape that he plans to drop "soon" and "Views From the 6" the! The story's this, along with proper follow-up to 2013's "Nothing Was the Same." number one crime the multitude is that there is Courtesy of Photoby_Hotxpress.com of other simply too much going unbelievable on. To attempt to give a Cinderella and Little Red happenstances, but I can't. brief rundown of the movie Riding Hood. Thank With this said, the music Frank Ocean would be impossible, and I goodness these stories are is fantastic, and I now know" Since dropping "channel ORANGE" in 2012 Fra immediately read a summary so familiar, or I would have every word to every song (but Ocean has been very quiet. Last year Ocean posted a picture ofj online in an attempt to grasp been completely lost. I am a musical lover). How mself in the studio and teased with the short demo "Memrise'l the convoluted, intertwined Perhaps my sense of is it fair that people like Chris n his Tumblr page and it looks like 2015 might be the year that] story lines that flew over my displeasure is partially my Pine, who plays Cinderella's e finally get a follow-up to one of the best debuts in recent) head. I'll admit to zoning out own fault. I am not prone prince, and Emily Blunt look emor on more than one occasion, to completely halting all like they do while also having but even worse was that I semblance of reality in order the ability to sing like they felt no strong regret when I to accept a clearly illogical do — where is the justice? left the room for bathroom storyline. I promise I have And Meryl Streep can do no breaks (have I mentioned an imagination, but I must wrong in my eyes. If given how long the movie is?). constantly remind myself the opportunity to see "Into Kanye West As soon as it starts, we are to overlook certain aspects the Woods" on Broadway, I West's follow-up to 2013's polarizing "Yeezus" didn't hit! introduced — no time to of Brothers Grim-type would take it, no questions last year as many expected, but two recent collaborations with Pau settle in and breathe — fairy tales. For example, if asked. Apparently there are McCartney ("Only One" dropped hours before the clock turne to a witch (Meryl Streep) Rapunzel had been locked noticeable differences in jover to 2015) seem to indicate that a new album is on the horizon.. confronting in song a clueless in a tower all her life with its theatrical portrayal that After "Yeezus" I have no idea what this is going to sound like and ] baker (James Cordon) and only her witch mother for elevate it above the film, couldn't be more excited. his wife (Emily Blunt). In company, she would be but its transition to the big order for the witch to lift the seriously socially impaired. screen was not one without spell of infertility she placed And give me a break — a noticeable kinks.

Kendrick Lamar Kendrick Lamar's studio debut "Good Kid, mAA.d City"j was an instant classic when it dropped and has only gotten bettefl [with age. The album was originally due out late last year, but never] saw the late of day. If the two songs we've heard so far — the Isle Brothers-sampling smash hit "i" and untided track he debuted dur-| ing the final week of "The Colbert Report" are any indication the this one is going to be worth the wait.

Modest Mouse - Strangers to Ourselves (March 3) Deforestation It's been eight long years since Modest Mouse released* "We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank," but on March 3 the Debunking the myths of grooming "down there. band will finally release "Strangers to Ourselves" on Glacial Pace (HA!). Lead single "Lampshades On Fire" sounds like familiar terri-l As mammals, we are face or hands all up in rhere, your face if you suggested tory for the band (they've been playing it live since 2011), but thatT quite hairy creatures, and then you definitely want to pouring hot wax on his definitetely isn't a bad thing. I would hazard a guess that make sure they're enjoying testicles and then ripping it the area we struggle the it and are comfortable with off. Guys reading this now most with when it comes the amount of hair they're are probably cringing. So I to grooming is the pubic dealing with.) Compromise tend to stick with the rule of region. It's easy to figure out is key. If you aren't thumb that you should never the latest trends for clothes comfortable getting a bikini expect your partner to do Purity Ring - Another Eternity (March 3) and for the hair on top of our wax (because, um, you know, something that you wouldn't The electropop duo released the outstanding "Shrines" heads, but figuring out what's ouch) but your partner wants be comfortable doing back in 2012 and is primed for a big year in 2015 with the follow-| "normal" or in style for pubic smooth sailing, then maybe yourself. There's also the fact up "Another Eternity." The two singles they've released from the hair is much trickier. Most go with a short trim and that some guys like a girl to tlbum — "Push Pull" and "Being Again" — are both outstanding,] girls probably don't see a lot just be sure to shower before have some hair just like lots but their collaborations with Detroit rapper have me of other girls' bikini zones, you hook up so everything of girls like their man to vondering who else might show up on the new LP. and I can't imagine that guys is fresh. Sometimes just shave it all off. Personally, if are comparing the jungles general cleanliness matters I'm going to fight off razor around their junk in the more than the amount of burn and uncomfortable locker room, so it can be hard hair for making you and your stubble, then yeah, I expect 4 to get a frame of reference. partner comfortable. my man to "manscape" a But never fear, because I have If there's one myth I'd bit himself. If I need a map Radiohead some solid advice for how to like to dislodge here, it's that to find your junk through It's not hard for me to get excited for a new RadioheadJ not get lost in the forest, so everyone wants their partner your thick bush, then I'm album. Just hearing they're back in the studio is enough for me. to speak. to be completely shaved. probably not going to want have no clue when this is coming out. I have no clue what it's First and foremost, A guy expecting every girl to spend too much time going to sound like. It's all going to be one big surprise and l| it's important that you feel they're with to get a Brazilian down there. vouldn't want it any other way. comfortable with however on the reg is absurd. Think When it comes to the you decide to shave or wax. about it, when you get bush debacle, it seems like If you like letting your zone Brazilian, you are having a a lot people are uncertain run wild, then it's your complete stranger pour hot about what's expected and prerogative to be au natural. If wax on the most sensitive about how they should - / Meow you want your genital region area of your entire body, and trim the hedges. The best the Jewels to be the smoothest skin on then you are proceeding to advice I can give you is to After last year's wildly successful ""(my favor-j your body, then that's your have said stranger rip out do what makes you the ite album of 2014) hip-hop's hottest duo has promised TWO new release call too. It's also important every follicle of hair, again in most comfortable, ask your i 2015. The first of these is "" — a Kickstarter funded to just ask your partner what the region that is specifically partner what they would rack-by-track remake of "RTJ2" using cat sounds (all proceeds to char-| they're comfortable with or designed to be ultra-sensitive. like and always be willing to try!). and El-P also confirmed that they've started work on what they might want you Can you imagine if you were compromise. And of course, f'Run the Jewels 3." This could be their "Return of the Jedi." to do. (After all, if your to ask a guy to get his junk investing in a good razor partner is going to have their waxed? He would laugh in never hurts either.






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