Technical Note – TN 031: 2018 For queries regarding this document
[email protected] Technical Note – TN 031: 2018 Issue date: 19 December 2018 Effective date: 19 December 2018 Subject: Update to T HR RS 00200 ST - RSU 289 with Sub-Medium rolling stock outline This technical note is issued by the Asset Standards Authority (ASA) as an update to the kinematic rolling stock outline test detailed in Section 27 (RSU 289) of T HR RS 00200 ST RSU 200 Series - Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock - Common Interface Requirements. This technical note supersedes TN 024:2018 as updates applicable to T HR RS 00100 ST RSU 100 Series - Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock – General Interface Standards v1.0 have been incorporated into the latest version (v2.0) of the standard. The update details the testing requirements of the Sub-Medium rolling stock outline. The following content replaces the published content detailed in Section 27 (RSU 289) of T HR RS 00200 ST. 27. Kinematic rolling stock outline test – RSU 289 27.1. Introduction The kinematic rolling stock outline test is a type test. This test is designed to ensure that the vehicle performs within the confines of the particular kinematic rolling stock outline specified for that vehicle type and the corridors along which the vehicle is to operate. No part of the vehicle shall infringe the kinematic rolling stock outline under all conditions of loading, wear, and dynamic behaviour unless otherwise approved by the ASA. Refer to Section 2.3.3 and Section 2.3.4 (both sections are in RSU 110) of T HR RS 00100 ST for details of the kinematic rolling stock outline.