Fallite Fallentes: Rape and Intertextuality in Terence’s Eunuchus and Ovid’s Ars amatoria SHARON L. JAMES University of North Carolina
[email protected] It has been persuasively argued that Terence’s Eunuchus contains, in the love-agonies of the adulescens Phaedria, the roots of Latin subjective erotic love elegy (Konstan 1986). I will argue here for further, and very specific, connections of this play to Roman love elegy. To begin with, Eunuchus provides the source of the most disturbing passages of Ovid’s Ars amatoria Book 1, namely the injunction to deceive (645) and rape women (669-706). Fallite fallentes (645) pointedly echoes Eunuchus 385: nunc referam gratiam atque eas itidem fallam ut ab eis fallimur, spoken by the adulescens Chaerea, who seeks a way into the house of the meretrix Thais, in pursuit of sexual access to the young girl Pamphila1. The collocation marks a nexus of linguistic and thematic significance to both texts and raises an unexpected question: when does “deceive” (ludere, fallere) mean merely “to fool” and when does it mean “To commit rape?”. Ovid draws, at several points in Ars 1, on just this question, which is crucial to both 1 — The quotation is noted, to my knowledge, only by Romano (816n1). She also cites Hec. 72-73, but the situation invoked there is not identical. EuGeStA - n°6 - 2016 FALLITE FALLENTES 87 the plot of the Eunuch and the characterization of the praeceptor Amoris. The word ludere echoes back and forth between the two works, pointing, in both, to a fruitful lexical complex that permits significant mystifica- tion about games, deceit, play, and rape.