April 2019 ISSN 1864-3965






While Germany is looking at its rela- Trading up Trading places tionship to NATO (page 5), the US is making significant improvements to its The European Union is trying to forge The US is pursuing a protectionist agenda Ramstein Air Base – with the help of their German hosts (page 4). a more robust partnership with China that breaks with its own ideals

Two of the nation’s most reputable institutions, (page 14) “China can no longer be regarded as Even those who insist that Trump’s and the national soccer team (page BY THEO SOMMER a developing country. It is a key global BY ALEXANDER HAGELÜKEN punitive measures will begin to show a 22), have not made good impressions actor and leading technological power. marked impact starting this year will have of late. The Basic Law, on the other ince 2003, China and the Euro- Its increasing presence in the world, ou have to give Donald Trump to acknowledge the problem: Politicians hand, is very much alive and going pean Union have been com- including in Europe, should be accom- credit for at least one thing: cannot simply switch on the demand strong at age 70 (page 8) while Dirk Smitted to what is called, rather panied by greater responsibilities for YHe never hid his feelings about for domestic products, as Trump sug- Nowitzki’s 21-year NBA career has grandiloquently, a Comprehensive upholding the rules-based international China. One year before he was elected gested he could while addressing the brought him great appreciation as a Strategic Partnership. In this frame- order, as well as greater reciprocity, 45th president of the United States, he frustrated industrial workers in the Rust global legend (page 23). work, their trade relationship has non-discrimination and openness of its wrote in his manifesto Great Again: How Belt. In fact, consumers often end up flourished above all others. For 17 system. China’s publicly stated reform to Fix Our Crippled America: “There are buying foreign goods anyway, in spite of Enjoy the scenery and gain insight into years now, the EU has been China’s ambitions should translate into policies people who wish I wouldn’t refer to the customs duties, simply because those the deep philosophical significance biggest trading partner, while China or actions commensurate with its role China as our enemy. But that’s exactly goods are of better quality, or because place in the forest (page 17), has become the EU’s second-biggest and responsibility.” what they are.” US products are much too expensive, and while you’re there, you just might partner after the United States. In Pulling no punches, the next para- An erstwhile trading partner becomes or because they’re not available at all. see a wolf and learn about how hu- 2018, their trade volume reached an graph stated that the 2016 Strategy on a stated enemy – it’s hard to imagine a In recent decades, the US economy has mans and animals can see eye-to-eye impressive $682 billion. China remained the cornerstone of EU greater break from of US relied on services, in particular on the on certain issues (page 18). In recent years, however, the Euro- engagement, yet it provided the basis economic policy. And in the more than financial industry and digital services, peans have found their economic rela- “for further EU policy shift towards a two years since his presidency began, while US heavy industry slumped – or tionship with the People’s Republic more realistic, assertive and multi-fac- Trump has pursued this rupture as con- had bulk goods produced abroad. less and less satisfactory. They started eted approach. This will ensure that sistently as he could. He pulled out of In addition, the nations that are targets complaining ever relations […] are set groundbreaking of Trump’s punitive louder about unfair on a fair, balanced trade agreements, tariffs usually tend trade relations and and mutually ben- including the TPP to strike back and a lack of reciprocity Chinese eficial course.” (A with Asian-Pacific Trump is increase the price in investment rela- footnote, which states and the TTIP of US goods in tions while tough- companies must have stuck with Europe. He alienating their own countries ening their stance in Beijing’s gullet, continues trying – goods that con- on Chinese busi- are facing far while confirming to incapacitate the countries that sumers then usually ness practices, such the EU’s continued World Trade Orga- leave to gather dust A paper within the paper as restricted market more stringent adherence to its nization (WTO). have been close on the shelf. In turn, access, forced tech- “one China Policy,” And he has imposed this has a negative nology transfer, scrutiny than underlines its per- a wave of punitive partners for impact on the US unlimited indus- sistent commit- tariffs – the likes trade balance. trial subsidies and before ment to developing of which have not decades In macroeco- limited respect for its relations with been seen since nomic terms, the intellectual prop- Taiwan.) World War II – that tariffs are also

PAID erty rights. Moreover, Chinese compa- Looking at different policy areas, the are directed at countries on virtually all highly doubtful in the first place. We see PRSRT STD PRSRT

U.S. POSTAGE U.S. nies buying or buying into European authors presented multi-faceted pictures continents. this in the steel and aluminum sectors, SUBURBAN MD PERMIT NO. 4848 PERMIT NO. enterprises are facing far more stringent of China. They called it: This protectionist approach is com- where Trump took measures against his scrutiny than before. M a cooperation partner with whom the pletely new for the traditionally economi- economic partners across the board. As “Europe must defend its strategic inter- EU has closely aligned objectives, cally liberal United States. The policy still a recent study by the Consulting ests,” explained EU Commission Presi- M a negotiating partner with whom the seems to be polling well among Trump’s Group showed, this approach did indeed dent Jean-Claude Juncker, announcing EU needs to find a balance of interests, followers. But the actual economic and benefit US steel manufacturers in the the introduction of a new mechanism M an economic competitor in the political balance sheet associated with short term by helping them sell more for investment screening whenever a for- pursuit of technological leadership, this new approach is showing negative and increasing their profit margin by 5 eign acquisitor raises security concerns. M and a systemic rival promoting figures. The president is alienating coun- percentage points to 14 percent. And yet, Characteristically blunt, French Presi- alternative models of governance. tries that have been close partners for investors have little faith in such a trend dent Emmanuel Macron chimed in: “The “This requires a flexible pragmatic decades, thus doing tangible harm to his because they simply don’t believe in any period of European naÏveté is over.” The whole-of-EU approach enabling a prin- own country and the global economy long-term effects. As a result, despite new mood was faithfully reflected in a cipled defense of interests and values,” as a whole, while also failing to meet his their higher profits, the manufacturers’ Joint Communication by the European they reason. “The tools and modalities of publicly proclaimed goals. Even the forth- share prices nosedived. Union and the High Representative for EU engagement with China should also coming deal with China – if it actually Plus, much more importantly, Trump Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, pub- be differentiated depending on the issues comes – will not be able to make up for has made production more expensive for lished on March 12, 2019. By the second and policies at stake. The EU should use this catastrophe. all US companies that use steel. “Metal paragraph, the document already struck linkages across different policy areas and The logic behind Trump’s punitive tar- processing and steel-dependent com- a bold new tone: sectors in order to exert more leverage in iffs is that by making foreign products panies, where easily 10 to 20 times the “There is a growing appreciation in pursuit of its objectives.” more expensive, they will prompt US number of people are employed than in Europe that the balance of challenges Reviewing relations with China, the consumers to purchase domestic goods the steel industry, face great challenges,” and opportunities presented by China Commission and the High Representa- instead. However, despite the duties wrote Boston Consulting in their report. 3708 35th St NW St 3708 35th

The German Times has shifted. In the last decade, China’s tive recommend that “the EU should levied on many of its partners, the US “Higher steel prices negatively impact

Washington, DC, 20016 Washington, economic power and political influence robustly seek more balanced and recip- trade deficit shot up by a whopping 20 their profits and lead to lower-level com- have grown with unprecedented scale rocal conditions governing the eco- percent to reach €620 billion in 2018. petitiveness as well as job losses.” and speed, reflecting its ambitions to This was its highest level in 10 years. become a leading global power. continued on page 2 America the weak. continued on page 4 2 April 2019 IMAGO/ZUMA PRESS IMAGO/ZUMA

election is actually about: assert- BY MATTHIAS NASS ing Europe’s position in global power circles alongside China, s Brexit a wash? The ques- Russia and Donald Trump’s Read tion is not as absurd as it America. In the election, both Ionce might have been, not politicians and voters must come since the European Union heads to terms with the harm caused Greet of state agreed on April 10 to by populist agitators and char- & once more extend the date for latans in all the countries of the the UK leaving the EU. EU, not only the UK. Seen in this To read more about The chaos in , which light, the election could become a German and international has caused so much headshaking moment of truth for Europe. politics, business, arts & and frustration on the Continent After the delay of the UK’s life, trans-Atlantic rela- in recent weeks, has an upside: exit date was agreed upon at tions and , written by the nonsense of Brexit and the the EU special summit on April renowned journalists from full extent of its consequences 10, European Council President German and international has once again been laid bare Donald Tusk warned the Brit- media organizations as before the eyes of Britons. Now ons that they now must use the well as experts and deci- ever more British citizens are time. The danger is just too great sion-makers, out asking: What in the world are we that the government and opposi- www.german-times.com. doing? tion – now that the time pres- No one wins when their coun- sure has been lifted – will return The site offers all articles try becomes a laughingstock. But to the trench warfare they have of The German Times as this is exactly what’s happening. indulged in over the past months. well as additional content. The Oxford historian and jour- That would be devastating. You have access to all nalist Timothy Garton Ash sheds A half-year is too little time to previous editions of some light: “Brexit has made remedy the deficiencies of British The German Times and everyone crazy. It’s a national political culture that the chaos of The Berlin Times and can nervous breakdown.” the Brexit debate has laid bare. download entire issues. So it’s good that the EU special But six months is indeed enough To contact us, send an summit has approved an exten- European patriot, London, April 8, 2019 time for another calm evaluation e-mail to info@german- sion of the UK’s departure date of the pros and cons of exiting times.com. to Oct. 31, 2019. The six extra the EU. Many if not most Britons months give British politics some will soon realize the exorbitant time to come to its senses. price the country will have to pay. European Council President All polling indicates that the Donald Tusk and German Chan- Brextravaganza majority-minority relationship cellor entertained between proponents and oppo- an even longer delay, but French nents of Brexit has flipped since President Emmanuel Macron More time is a blessing – for the UK and the EU both the 2016 referendum. Would a would hear nothing of it. He fears second referendum – a “confir- that the poisonous British debate matory vote” – deepen the divide could cross the Channel and con- in British society even further? sume the Continent; but most of search for consensus within Parliament elections that begin a Independent Group is striving to Perhaps. But the vote would be all, he would like to refocus on their own ranks, never between day later on May 23. cast the European elections – in the culmination of a much more other, supposedly more impor- the parties. But this time, the However, the political calculus which the UK must participate thorough debate than was the tant topics. deep divide among conservatives of Labour runs counter to this if it hasn’t yet exited the EU by case three years ago, and the But a half-year is plenty of time could not be bridged. eventuality. Why should Corbyn May 22 – as a “soft referendum.” public would now be informed to confront Britons – politicians At its root, Brexit was the result and his people help to victory a The pro-Europeans in the UK are to a degree incomparable to that and citizens alike – with the ques- of the relentless power struggle prime minister they disdain, even mobilizing – finally. in 2016. A second referendum tion: What is truly in the best between Tory opponents and despise? And – as May has prom- At the other end of the political would thus benefit from a politi- interest of the country? Tory proponents of the EU. To ised to resign subsequent to the spectrum, the right-wing popu- cal legitimation that is almost Without the lies UK citizens resolve this conflict once and UK’s departure from the EU – lists are also organizing anew. beyond reproach. were served before the first ref- for all – in favor of the pro-EU why should they help install at 10 Nigel Farage, the founder of the A British reconsideration erendum in June 2016 – and with- contingent, so he hoped – David Downing Street a different Tory UK Independence Party (UKIP), would be in the best interest of out the broad disinterest among Cameron scheduled a referen- who in all probability will emerge has introduced his new Brexit Europe. Not only does Russian young voters at the time – the dum for June 2016. It was a colos- from the hardliner camp? Given Party, raging that the political President Vladimir Putin wish to first plebiscite would have turned sal, historic and indeed irredeem- these questions, it’s nigh impos- establishment has deliberately see a weakened EU; the Trump out quite differently. Today’s level able mistake. sible to imagine Labour helping thwarted the British people’s administration has engaged in a of understanding of the issues Only now, much too late, has the prime minister attain the decision to leave the UK. policy of open hostility towards is much greater, the lies have Theresa May sought a conversa- majority she needs in Commons. Many Europeans on the Con- Brussels. With a prime minis- cracked and many of those who tion with Labour, whose chief, The stalled negotiations tinent have grown weary of the ter like Boris Johnson, Trump wearily declined to vote in 2016 Jeremy Corbyn, has his own between the government and Brexit chaos. They think the idea would have a united front in his are now highly motivated by the agenda. Unlike a large segment Labour are now accompanied of a country participating in an campaign against the despised dysfunction of government and of his party, he would also like by a political development that election to a body they will soon multilateralism emanating from parliament. to leave the EU, but to spare the neither May nor Corbyn is happy vacate is a farce. But in fact, it Brussels. The international con- The nation has peered into the country’s economy from suf- to see. For the first time at least represents an opportunity for glomeration of nationalists would abyss – and shuddered. Who fering too gravely and losing since the 2016 referendum, some- something positive for the UK gladly welcome the UK into its LEGAL NOTICE today still harbors future dreams too many jobs, he would like to thing resembling a pro-Europe and Europe alike. fold. of a “global Britain”? remain in a customs union with movement is gaining steam in This election is without prec- The Europeans have given the Publisher One great disillusionment has the EU. the UK. Around a million people edent. In the past, European citi- Britons a respite, and we should Detlef W. Prinz settled in. And perhaps this is And Theresa May is now cau- took to the streets of London zens have found the EU elections all be thankful that they mus- Executive Editor Theo Sommer just the right precondition to tiously indicating that she could recently to demonstrate against to be a bore; but this time they tered the patience to do so. For, jolt some rational policy. Prime imagine the same. The “soft” Brexit. And an online petition sense there’s a lot at stake. Right- as Philip Stephens wrote in the Editor in Chief Peter H. Koepf Minister Theresa May has needed Brexit that this would represent, requesting Parliament to revoke wing forces are mobilizing like Financial Times, “Exasperation is

Senior Editor almost three years to stumble her supported by a majority of MPs Article 50 so that the UK may never before, and across national not a strategy.” There’s nothing Lutz Lichtenberger way onto the obvious path, which on both sides of Commons, is remain in the EU gained more borders to boot. Yet, the advance more that Europe can do for the English Language Editor is to seek a compromise with the thus theoretically a possibility. than six million supporters in just of populism and nationalism in Britons. The decision is theirs Jonathan Lutes opposition over an issue of such May could thereby still achieve a few days. the EU is driving centrist citizens alone. Art Director fateful significance. the mandated exit from the EU MPs in favor of remaining in the to the ballot box in greater num- Paul M. Kern The radical principle of major- that she has desperately been EU have combined to form a new bers than ever before. Layout Johanna Trapp, Gordon Martin ity rule in British politics – seeking for months on end, party in the House of Commons, British participation would winner takes all – has met with maybe by as early May 22. This The Independent Group, which heighten the importance of this Matthias Nass is an Advertising international correspondent Janine Kulbrok dramatic failure over Brexit. The would save the UK from having includes eight former Labour election even more. It would dra- for Die Zeit. Tories and Labour only ever to participate in the European deputies and three ex-Tories. The matically underscore what the Strategic Advisor Oliver Rolofs

Washington Office The German Times continued from page 1 A Trans-Atlantic Newspaper Trading up 4200 Wisconsin Ave NW #106-381 Washington, DC 20016 nomic relationship.” To change as “difficult but ultimately fruitful.” Silk Road Project and its own Con- ny’s leading economic newspaper. Europe and China have redis- Office Manager the current balance, they propose Any close analysis of the seven- necting Europe and Asia program. The proof in the pudding is in the covered that they have not only Alice Gallasch Kelley 10 actions. These range from pro- page final statement does not And Premier Li could take away eating, of course. Li traveled from problems with one another but Contact [email protected] moting reciprocity and opening necessarily bear this out. While a the assurance that Huawei will not Brussels to Dubrovnik for a meet- also many significant common up procurement opportunities in breakdown was avoided, it is hard be excluded from participating in ing with the 16+1 Group founded interests. For example, they stand Publishing House Times Media GmbH the People’s Republic, to calling on to say whether a breakthrough was the installation of the G5 network by the Chinese in 2012, comprising shoulder to shoulder in the fight Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 10963 Berlin China to deliver on existing joint achieved. It all depends on how lax in the EU. 11 EU members and five non-EU against climate change. Upholding Tel.: +49 30 21505-400 EU-China commitments – clearly or loyal China will be in following M Diplomatic wins for the EU: Balkan states. It has become the free trade and averting protection- Printed in Washington by a reaction to the fact that China through this time. China vowed to boost trade with extension of China’s Silk Road Ini- ism is another shared interest, as is Comprint Printing has been generous in making The commitments made by both the European Union by provid- tiative into Europe – and a source saving the Iran nuclear deal. 13501 Konterra Dr Laurel, MD 20707 announcements and signing agree- sides are more about future talks ing a level playing field. Premier of worry that China would use it In the looming new world order,

The German Times is a registered ments but very hesitant to really than about specific actions. Bland Li Keqiang promised to broaden to drive a wedge into the EU. Li China is going to play a momen- trademark of Times Media GmbH. take action; it loves to repackage formulations abound – such as the market access, oppose forced tech- rejected this allegation forcefully. tous role. Like other great powers, www.times-media.de undelivered old promises as new EU and China “commit to ensure nology transfers and to cooperate He also no longer spoke of 16+1, or it will at times be a partner, at other ISSN 1864-3965 (formerly The Atlantic Times) concessions. Action 10 envisages equitable and mutually benefi- on WTO reform concerning indus- 1+16, as the Chinese chose to call times a competitor and occasion- the unveiling “of security risks cial cooperation in bilateral trade trial state subsidies. Most impor- it, but more modestly of “Coop- ally even an antagonist. But it is not Press deadline April 17, 2019 by foreign investment in critical and investment”; they “agree to tant, however, China pledged to eration of China with Central and an enemy. While its relationship The English-language newspaper The German Times – A Trans-Atlantic assets, technologies and infrastruc- maintain communication”; they sign an investment deal with China Eastern European countries.” It with Europe may remain ambiva- Newspaper is a product of Times Media ture.” “welcome future exchanges”; they “by the end of next year, or ear- remains to be seen whether that lent, precarious and arduous, the GmbH, Berlin–Washington, and has welcomed project funding from the Such unaccustomed candor “agree to intensify efforts”; and lier.” It’s been a bone of contention is anything more than verbal cos- two parties can achieve many posi- German Foreign Ministry for the occasion of Deutschlandjahr USA 2018/2019 must have taken the Chinese they “agreed to forge synergies.” between them for several years. metics. The same goes for Europe’s tive objectives if they concentrate (in accordance with § 36 VwVfG). aback. It was an inauspicious What would a win-win look like? The Europeans certainly liked future relationship with the Silk on their commonalities rather than backdrop to the 21th EU-China I suggest the following: Premier Li’s statement that Beijing Road Initiative. Is Beijing really on their differences. Cooperation summit. Small wonder that it M Diplomatic wins for China: The was by no means trying to divide willing to relinquish absolute con- should be the motto, not confron- took the delegations in Brussels EU did not make any references the European Union: “We emphat- trol over its worldwide infrastruc- tation. 50 hours to smooth over the dif- to China as a systemic rival, nor ically support the European inte- ture crusade? ferences. Looking back, President did it call Chinese trade practices gration process in the hope for a The Brussels summit could of the European Council Donald unfair. Moreover, the EU agreed united and prosperous Europe,” become a true turning point. And Theo Sommer is executive Tusk described the negotiations to forge synergies between China’s he wrote in Handelsblatt, Germa- whatever differences remain, editor of The German Times. April 2019 3


BY ERIC BONSE income be taxed. Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger, himself a member of palpable spirit of optimism hung the CDU, pointed out that this taxation in the air at the last European has long since been in place. A elections five years ago. In 2014, But AKK herself faced opposition many EU politicians and most voters from Paris. Richard Ferrand, president were eager to finally leave behind the of France’s Assemblée Nationale, nick- banking and euro crises that had shaken named AKK “Madame Non” after she Europe for years. Conservatives and flatly rejected engaging in a debate on Social Democrats alike sought to put an Macron’s suggestions. Nathalie Loiseau, end to highly unpopular austerity poli- then France’s Minister for European cies and focus instead on investment Affairs, who now heads up Macron’s list and growth. Some even called it the for the European elections, expressed it “European spring.” Dark shadows in even harsher terms. She argued that the Five years later, the mood has com- CDU was only thinking of themselves and pletely changed. The spring-like atmo- As conservatives and Social Democrats face losing their majority, had no intention of sharing with anyone. sphere in Brussels has been replaced by a This kind of exchange sounds less like cooler, winter-like atmosphere. The UK’s right-wing populists and nationalists are gearing up to elbow their a constructive debate and more like the efforts to leave the EU and the seemingly way into the European Parliament hardening of positions. And it does not endless negotiations overshadowing the bode well for the era following the Euro- EU elections have certainly contributed to pean elections in May. Insiders in Brussels this chilly frame of mind, as have the calls are already warning of a power struggle by right-wing populists and nationalists to Manfred Weber, the leading candidate Commission President Juncker wel- The Christian Democrats and Conser- underway to influence the future course storm the European Parliament. of the conservative European People’s comed Macron’s gesture for “more vatives reject the dirigiste and centralist of the EU, but also to gain important posts The European Council on Foreign Party (EPP). For Weber, a member of Europe” and additional EU institutions. economic doctrine they see as driving within the Union. This fall, almost the Relations estimates that “anti-Europeans the Bavarian CSU, this could have fatal Macron also received support from the Macron’s plan. “We must commit our- entire European political leadership – not could win more than one in three seats in consequences. If he cannot get enough head of the Liberals, Guy Verhofstadt, selves to a system of subsidiarity, respon- just the president of the Commission and the parliament” in the election set for late MEPs to back him, he will have very little who expressed a willingness to enter sibility and associated liability,” wrote his commissioners – will change. May – even though populists and national- chance of carrying out his plan to suc- into an alliance with “La République en AKK in her position paper. Her goal is not Over the course of this process, it’s pos- ists clearly object to the European parlia- ceed European Commission President Marche!” Even Social Democrats and to rebuff Macron, she insisted, but instead sible that the leading conservative candi- ment as an institution. Germany’s right- Jean-Claude Juncker. Weber is deter- Greens signaled their interest in the plans to enter into a debate on the future of date, Weber, but also his Social Democratic wing (AfD) actu- mined: “We have to stop the populist emanating from Paris. Europe. Still, the chances of this happen- challenger, Frans Timmermans, could lose ally wants to abolish it altogether. “How- wave,” he said at the start of his election The conservative camp, however, deliv- ing are slim. out. If there are no clear majorities in the ever, as long as laws are still being made campaign. ered an entirely different response. In Indeed, in presenting her own concept, new European Parliament, the heads of there, we want to have a say,” says Jörg A similar goal is also being pursued Berlin, the new CDU-head Annegret AKK made some biting remarks regard- state and government could take over at Meuthen, a leading AfD candidate, with by French President Emmanuel Macron, Kramp-Karrenbauer, aka AKK, took up ing France and the EU – barbs perceived the helm and themselves determine the regard to his party’s paradoxical strategy. but he has chosen a different strategy. the mantle and promptly issued a rejec- as unnecessary provocations in Paris next Commission president. In other It looks like many right-wing parties Macron has presented a plan for a radi- tion to Macron. “The ‘Europeanization’ and Brussels. In addition to calling for words, the European elections would be have their sights set on moving to Stras- cal “new start.” He wants to strengthen of the social systems and the minimum the elimination of what she views as the devalued, and the European Parliament bourg in an effort to cause a stir and dis- border protection, revise the Schengen wage would be the wrong approach,” superfluous European Parliament pres- robbed of its power. rupt the work of parliament. Until now, system and introduce minimum wages she countered. Chancellor Angela Merkel ence in Strasbourg, she called on France This would mark “a huge step backward this approach was not a problem, as Con- throughout Europe. Macron promoted and Austria’s Prime Minister Sebastian to give up its permanent seat on the UN for democracy and the participation of servatives and Social Democrats enjoyed his ideas in a letter addressed to the citi- Kurz, too, have distanced themselves Security Council and hand it over to the voters,” warns Weber, the top EPP candi- a comfortable majority in the parliament, zens of all EU countries. from Macron. EU, and she demanded that EU officials’ date. “It would lead to a conflict between which left EU opponents to sulk in the the European Parliament and the Council corner. After the election in May, however, of Heads of State and Government, and things might look quite different. nobody wants that in this already tense Although a survey published in late situation.” March by the European Parliament Yet this possibility cannot be ruled out. anticipates an increase in votes for the The European elections are overshad- two large political groups, they are not owed not only by Brexit and the advance expected to gain a majority. This means of nationalists and populists – but also by they would no longer be able to appoint a the struggle for power among the ranks of candidate to head up the European Com- its leading parties. mission on their own steam. They would need the support of a third party, such as the Liberals or the Greens. Eric Bonse is a political scientist and journalist. He works as an EU “We’re going to find ourselves in a PICTURE ALLIANCE (2), DPA/NURPHOTO correspondent in Brussels. highly fragmented parliament,” warns The third way: Frans Timmermans and Manfred Weber are vying to become European Commission president, but Margrethe Vestager of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party could be the surprise winner.

designed solely to serve the stron- BY PETER H. KOEPF The fairest internet of them all gest.” Gerster goes on to argue that anyone who still sees the internet onald Trump is relent- as a self-regulated democratic eco- less. He continues to The European Parliament has decided that commercial online platforms sphere is completely out of touch. Dbelieve that Germans are will have to remunerate writers, musicians and actors Such people “have not yet under- hoodwinking the United States. stood that the massive power held It’s not enough that they’re swin- by tech giants will pose a threat to dling everyone else to maintain democracy and freedom if they are their high export surplus, he com- not forced to undergo a process of plains; they’re also still making allowed these companies to pay lutely no legal right. In other The directive calls on companies It’s interesting to note that four- civilization. The means to achiev- Americans pay for their geopo- hardly any taxes on their sales and words, they want to stop these to remunerate copyright holders fifths of respondents in a recent ing this civilizing process is law.” litical security, something they’ve earnings generated in Germany giants from keeping all of the in the future via the payment of survey conducted in Europe by It is now up to the European been doing for decades. The pres- and Europe. What’s more: they advertising income they receive license fees for the commercial Harris Interactive on behalf of states to transform the EU direc- ident insists that the burden be make considerable sums from from the publication of third- use of their intellectual copyright the Creators for Europe initia- tive into national law, a process more fairly shouldered. their users’ data and from the party intellectual property with- on so-called social media. In other tive agreed with this approach. that should take no more than two One of the issues annoying content generated by creatives out remunerating the owners of words, commercial online plat- A clear majority of respondents years to complete. When that time Europeans the most these days either by providing services free- that property. Thus, at the end of forms should have to purchase the also favored more regulation and comes, it would mark the start of is the fact that a handful of mar- of-charge or by stealing data and March, the European Parliament rights to user-generated content more appropriate taxation of tech negotiations between creators – ket-dominating US companies – content from others, such as pub- voted 348 to 274 (with 36 absten- before they go on to make money corporations such as Google (You- or their collecting societies – and including Google, Apple, Facebook lishers, authors, singers, songwrit- tions) in favor of a copyright direc- with it. According to a recent Tube) and Facebook. platforms. At that point, the era and Amazon, or GAFA – continue ers, theaters and actors, who make tive that would protect the rights article by Thomas Kirchner in the It is safe to say that many share of gold-digging and uncontrolled to make huge profits in a variety their living by creating content. of authors and creators. This Süddeutsche Zeitung, we are seeing this opinion, including Livia Ger- robbery on the internet will be of ways while being subjected to Europeans are increasingly directive was passed despite an the emergence of “the idea of a ster, who noted the following in over. virtually no controls or restric- insisting that revenues in this area extensive campaign carried out by fair internet in which monopolistic an op-ed in the Frankfurter Allge- tions. Many even go so far as to be shared. They want to put an companies and “activists” arguing platforms will be required to share meine Sonntagszeitung: “New free- Peter H. Koepf is editor in call GAFA the “secret world gov- end to GAFA’s ability to peddle that it would threaten freedom of profits with authors and creators doms require new rules; otherwise chief of The German Times. ernment.” So far, legislators have content to which they have abso- expression on the internet. of content.” they will continue to be freedoms 4 April 2019

continued from page 1 Trading places The base is loaded

The fact that Trump is scar- Despite all the US president’s statements to the contrary, ing off previous partners is the Americans are expanding their military presence in Germany also bound to have a nega- tive economic and political impact. For decades, Europe But the funny thing is, many So why is the US government In the Schlemmerscheune, a not feelings of friendship. Since was Washington’s closest part- BY NANA BRINK people don’t know this. There are signaling otherwise? General popular meeting place in Wei- 2014 – with the annexation of ner on the international scene. no press conferences and no spec- August leans back in his chair and lerbach, English is already spoken Crimea by Russia – the number But the president failed to take everal times a month, Anja tacular tape-cutting ceremonies. gives an unusually unambiguous more often than German. And if of US soldiers stationed in Ger- advantage of the opportunity Pfeiffer, the mayor of Wei- Most of these sorts of events occur response: “We’ve survived Repub- any communication difficulties do many has consistently been on to increase US exports via Slerbach, drives to “her” behind barbed wire, in military lican administrations and Demo- arise, Sigi Degen, one of the estab- the rise. Weiler assumes that the the widely negotiated TTIP construction site, she likes to say no-go zones to which the locals cratic administrations. We’ve sur- lishment’s most loyal regulars, is Americans will continue to invest trade agreement as well as the with a laugh. At the outer edge of have no access. But the UFO has vived Cold Wars and Hot Wars. there to help. For almost 50 years, more, not less, in their locations chance to agree on joint tech- her municipality, directly across not yet landed – so far, all you can So the strategic reach that we Degen ran a barbershop on the air in Germany. nological standards that would from the US air base in Ramstein, see is a massive area of steamrolled offer from Ramstein isn’t moving base. “I had no problems finding Many people are aware of the keep their mutual global com- the Americans are building a new earth, as if a huge piece of cake anywhere else.” customers. We live off the Ameri- fact that the investment windfall petitor, China, at a distance. hospital. The diminutive mayor has been cut out of the green Wei- The same message was delivered cans; it’s always been like that.” is not an isolated incident. A 1975 Instead, Trump continues to is a welcome guest at these site lerbach Forest. It’s raining dollars by Roger Lewentz, interior minis- And like that it shall stay. treaty based on the NATO Status snub Europe, accusing the consultation meetings. She in the Palatinate, but it’s all largely ter for Rhineland-Palatinate, after In Weilerbach, every fourth resi- of Forces Agreement stipulates former allies of playing eco- knows her stuff. Since 2011, when invisible to the local population. returning from the US. He attends dent has a US passport. They’re who is responsible for which nomic tricks on the US. she first learned of the project, One person who has a crystal- an annual meeting with high- not only neighbors, they’re also costs. The Americans assume By targeting the auto indus- she organized a trip to the United clear view of all that the Americans level officials in the US Defense customers and consumers. Many all construction costs, while the try, Trump is taking aim at States. She wanted to know what are up to here sits only a few kilo- Department, and this year’s date locals have rented out apartments Germans are responsible for a sector that is particularly an American military hospital meters away from the construction is soon approaching. It’s always to Americans and built their own planning costs and coordinating important for Germany. looks like. “A hospital is better the construction. Since February, he has had a than a shooting range,” thought In the case of the new US hos- report on his desk issued by the energetic mayor back then, pital in Weilerbach, the costs

the US Department of Com- and she thinks the same today. NANA BRINK (2) DPA, break down as follows: The $990 merce exploring the absurd Only: “I believe it’s not clear to million for the new building falls question of whether the mass the people here how big this to the US. The planning costs to of European auto exports UFO is that’s landing in our back date of €151 million are paid for endangers US national secu- yard.” by German taxpayers. The loca- rity. Trump now has until But big it is. So big that even tion and size of the hospital was mid-May to impose punitive the head planner, Brad Dunbar determined by the Americans tariffs of around 25 percent of the US Defense Health Agency alone. In other words, Germany on European cars. If he makes that is realizing the project, some- is subsidizing the construction this move, it would trigger a times gets a lump in his throat. of the largest military hospital in first-ever showdown between “We’ve never done something this Europe, to accommodate 50,000 these formerly close allies. big before.” It will be the largest US troops – and zero Germans. In July 2018, after a meeting military hospital ever built out- The 5,000 residents of Wei- with European Commission side the US. The dimensions defy lerbach will not be patients here. President Jean-Claude Juncker, the imagination: 5,000 rooms, 42 “That’s not something that’s Trump suddenly announced specialty departments, nine oper- easy to communicate,” admits that an agreement was in the ating rooms. The US Congress Marc Gutenberger, of the Fed- works; however, nothing spe- has allocated $990 million for the eral Department of Construc- cific has been agreed upon new building. It’s been in planning tion, which has been involved since. now for eight years and is set for in building for the Americans For the past several months, completion in 2024 at the latest. for decades. Gutenberger was the Europeans have been wait- The new clinic will not only essential in planning another US ing to see what happens to the serve as a replacement for the showcase project: the 21st Cen- major conflict launched by the hospital built in 1953 in Landstuhl, tury School, for 850 children of US government with China. near Ramstein; the Rhine Ord- American personnel in Kaiser- Trump slapped unprecedented nance Barracks Medical Center slautern. “You can shoot a high tariffs on that country, its bur- Replacement, as it’s officially school musical here,” he says geoning rival for the title of called, will be the medical facility with a chuckle, as he enters the world’s largest economic for around 50,000 US soldiers, light-flooded auditorium, which power. If we include the Chi- civilian staff and their families in is as large as the train station in nese counterstrikes, the value Europe. an average-sized German city. of the goods on the list of puni- The UFO, whose landing has The school is chock-full of tive tariffs reaches $350 billion. thus far gone more-or-less unno- modern technology. The lights And yet, the US trade deficit ticed by the public, strikes Anja are electronically controlled; the with the Middle Kingdom Pfeiffer as sometimes uncanny. It’s Unidentifed Flying Objective: a computer simulation of the planned US military hospital in Weilerbach. walls of the classrooms slide at nevertheless swelled to €420 as if they’re building ’s Below: Weilerbach Mayor Anja Pfeiffer and General Mark August, the commander of Ramstein Air Base, in his office. the press of a button. Electronic billion in 2018, even though Elbe Philharmonic beside this chalkboards – Smartboards – are Trump kept on signaling that community of 5,000 souls in the site for the new hospital. From his about money, lots of money. home from the earnings. Accord- everywhere, and every seat has a monumental deal with Presi- middle of nowhere. After all, it’s office window, Brigadier General This time, Lewentz is hoping for ing to data collected at the base, its own laptop. The cost? Some dent Xi was on its way. as big and as expensive. But the Mark August, commander of the further commitments, not state- around 40 percent of the salaries $48 million, of which the Associ- In the meantime, the damage hospital is also a signal: “They’ve Ramstein Air Base, directly over- ments with no bite. Last year he of military personnel flows into ation of Planning Costs assumed to the global economy con- already sunk so much money into looks one of the runways. A giant returned brimming with good the local economy. €6.5 million. tinues unabated. The aggres- the project that they can’t back Boeing 767 – one of the world’s news. Some $119 million would be And the local economy has As a planner, Gutenberger sive posture of the US – that out, even if they wanted to,” says largest transport aircrafts – is spent to expand the Ramstein air adjusted to it. Most signs in is often asked why the Federal former paragon of free trade the mayor, who follows up with taking off. “I love that sound,” he hub. An additional $100 million town feature both German and Republic is in the business of – is unsettling companies an admission of what many fear: says, flashing a wide grin. “And you would be invested in new school English. Most supermarkets sell building things for American everywhere on the planet. the return home of US troops. know why? When you look at the buildings for American children American beer and offer a wide children, but not for German According to the WTO, global The 53,000 residents of the Kai- logistic hub that really is Ramstein in Kaiserslautern. And President selection of marshmallows and pupils: “The answer is simple: trade is likely to grow by a serslautern Military Community – the location is strategic.” It’s no Trump personally signed off on peanut butter. In the arterial Whoever provides the money mere 2.6 percent this year. centered around the air base in fluke that the US Air Forces in several hundred million dollars roads leading to Kaiserslautern, also gets to say what gets built. This is roughly half as much Ramstein are also a critical eco- Europe – Air Forces Africa is head- for the ongoing construction of car dealers promote “German But we don’t exactly walk away as in 2017, thus marking a nomic factor – US soldiers spend quartered here. The 1,400-hectare the US hospital. In an interview cars,” which are as big as can be empty-handed.” The US military massive drop-off. Trump’s around €2 billion in the region air base serves as the nerve center with Sat.1-Regionalmagazin, the and with as much horsepower as is planning to invest around €650 neo-nationalism is coming each year. for all operations in Afghanistan center-left SPD’s Lewentz went possible. million into the new construc- up against a global economy These fears are being nour- and Iraq and regularly makes out on a limb: “We’re talking Kaiserslautern’s promoter of tion and expansion of its schools that is less nationally oriented ished more and more often. Just headlines as a result of the con- about two billion over the next local commerce, Stefan Weiler, – with German help. today than ever before. Some before NATO’s 70th birthday this troversial US drone strikes that few years, and when it’s gone, no estimates that the US military “And what would we do if they 70 percent of global trade con- year in April, US Vice President operate from Ramstein. Yet even one wants to have wasted it.” employs around 5,000 civilian weren’t here?” Many people in sists of intermediate products, Mike Pence ranted about what today, no one knows exactly what Anja Pfeiffer is all too glad to personnel from the region. And the area think like Weilerbach auto parts and microchips his administration feels is Ger- goes on here. hear such signals. The young the demand is growing: “We’re Mayor Anja Pfeiffer. Critics of headed for installment in many’s neglect of Alliance mem- “We’re here!” says General Christian Democrat mayor of getting indications from industry the Americans are few and far some device. The escalation bers’ common defense. This must August, drily, as if pointing out Weilerbach tirelessly promotes that the Americans are looking between. “Ami go home” signs of tariffs throws a wrench into have consequences, he warned, the obvious. After all, Ramstein is the new US hospital, even if she for new venues to exploit further are a rarity, and protests against this international division of and how these might look was the epicenter of one of the largest knows that the Americans will potential.” the air base in Ramstein, funded labor in manufacturing. For outlined last summer by President US bases in the world. “We’re not bring in their own personnel to In contrast to the global by nationwide peace initiatives, example, 30 to 40 percent Donald Trump, when he railed getting any smaller. There’s gonna run it. “We’re happy with every political stage, communication are more often than not the of Germany’s prosperity is against the “ungrateful” Germans be more airmen in this area.” new job we can get.” between Germans and Ameri- objects of scorn. dependent on this globalized who pay a pittance for the US The Air Force general offers Her calculations are simple. A cans at the local level have not The concerns of the pragmatic economy, estimates Gabriel soldiers stationed on their soil. some details, including the fact hospital for all US military per- really changed. In fact: “The mayor have less to do with mili- Felbermayr, president of the The Washington Post subsequently that by 2021, 700 US airmen will sonnel in Europe not only brings Americans are seeking greater tary operations than with the daily Kiel Institute for the World reported on supposed plans for relocate to the Palatinate. This is a more commerce to her tranquil proximity to us. Here in Kaiser- lives of her constituents. Will the Economy. a withdrawal of US troops from relatively modest statement given community, but more consumer slautern, our relationship to our highway be widened? Heavy traffic Trump is, in effect, putting Germany and a partial relocation that last fall, US Army headquar- needs as well. “They may want American friends is part of our is now a problem in Weilerbach. a match to the very economic of troops to . Needless to ters in Wiesbaden announced that to spend the night off the air base DNA.” By the time the UFO has landed, model the US established on say, the article caused quite a stir an additional 1,500 soldiers will be now and again, or just grab a bite Yet he knows that US military there will be a bicycle path around an international scale after in the Palatinate. stationed in Germany. to eat in town.” interests cleave to strategic goals, the fenced-in grounds. “It’ll be sit- World War II: open markets, Reality, however, tells a very dif- ting in the middle of our forest, open investment, transparent ferent story. The Americans sta- and we have every right in the rules and states that see them- tioned in and around Ramstein CRITICS OF DRONE CAMPAIGNS world to peek in.” selves as economic partners and Kaiserslautern for 70 years The killing of alleged terrorists via US drone campaigns is controversial under international law. rather than political and mili- came here to stay – and to invest. The role played by the US Ramstein Air Base remains unclear. Ramstein Air Base Commander tary enemies. By 2019, over a half-billion euros Mark August denies that drone campaigns are planned or conducted from here: “There are no Nana Brink is a Berlin-based had flowed into the West Palati- drones operating out of Ramstein Air Base.” In 2016, however, the German government conceded freelance journalist for nate locations for the expansion that it had knowledge of a relay station. For the US to carry out drone strikes in Yemen, the radio various newspapers and a Alexander Hagelüken of the largest military air-traffic signals must be transmitted to the destination through Ramstein. In 2015, an American ex-drone radio reporter and moderator is a senior editor for hub outside the US, for new (Deutschlandfunk). She focuses economic policy at the pilot declared to a National Security Agency (NSA) committee of inquiry in Berlin that Ramstein on global politics, security Süddeutsche Zeitung. schools and for the construction plays a central role in drone warfare. policy and economic issues. of the hospital. April 2019 5 IMAGO/IPON the German Defense Ministry BY LORENZ HEMICKER will henceforth be classified as “secret.” And yet, according to fig- nnegret Kramp-Karren- ures from parliamentary circles, the bauer, the CDU’s brand- ’s numbers have by no Anew chairwoman and a means improved substantially. In leading candidate to succeed Angela addition, the labor market where Merkel as German chancellor, has the Bundeswehr is now obliged to already started taking warm-up laps. find its young talent has been virtu- At the recent “Denk ich an Deutsch- ally swept clear since compulsory land” conference organized by the military service was tossed out Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and almost overnight in 2011. the Gesellschaft In this new setting, the in Berlin, the former minister presi- Bundeswehr, despite its consider- dent of Saarland mused aloud about able efforts, is simply not able to the manufacturing of a European meet increasing demand. The aircraft carrier, stating that such a German army currently comprises project would give expression to the only 182,000 individuals. In the European Union’s role as a global coming years, that number should security power. actually rise to 203,000. Statements like these not only The massive gap between ambi- Holding the fort: the Bundeswehr during a state visit at the chancellery. sound resolute, they also fit per- tious targets and reality can also be fectly with the style we’ve grown seen in the realm of defense spend- not rise to a minimum of 1.5 per- And there is an additional aspect Christian Democrats and FDP has accustomed to hearing from ing. The Federal Republic remains cent by 2024, as was promised to to this behavior, namely that Ger- become too weak to achieve such a German chancellors, foreign min- far from fulfilling the NATO-states’ NATO back in December. Instead, many’s other contributions to secur- push. And a so-called Jamaica coali- isters and defense ministers at pledge to spend at least 2 percent it appears that spending is actu- ing peace and international security tion of those two stalwarts plus the international conferences and in of their GDP on the military by ally going to decrease again. This are given little of the acknowledg- Greens would most likely lose any televised Sunday addresses. On 2024. However, it should be noted would bring about the exact the ment they deserve. For example, as battle with a party deeply divided these occasions, politicians profess that expenditures for the military opposite of what Minister von course part of Operation Resolute Support on the subject of military spend- that Germany is both willing and sector in Germany have grown sig- der Leyen had imagined for in her in Afghanistan, the Bundeswehr is ing. There is no other government eager to take on more defense and nificantly since Russia’s annexation her troops. Where von der favor. still the second-largest contributor coalition that would pursue such a security-related responsibilities, and of Crimea and the outbreak of war Leyen sought to achieve Chan- of troops after the US. Hundreds policy anyway. Both the right-wing that they are poised to do just that. in Eastern Ukraine. For the current an upward growth curve, cellor of German soldiers are risking populist AfD, on the one hand, and Tangible reality, however, always fiscal year alone, Germany’s defense Scholz is planning to Merkel, their lives in Mali and also fighting the SPD and Left party, on the other, looks a bit different. And noth- budget rose by roughly €4 billion deliver a vertical drop. too, is at against the Islamic State in Syria are busy pursuing other interests. ing illustrates Germany’s appar- to reach €42.9 billion. This is the These days, Germa- the end of and Iraq. At NATO’s eastern flank, Indeed, military spending has long ent schizophrenia better than the equivalent of 1.37 percent of Ger- ny’s defense minister her long stint the Bundeswehr is currently leading since ceased being an issue that can above-mentioned statement by many’s gross domestic product. – whose position in office and the NATO battle group in Lithuania, win votes in Germany. the new CDU chairwoman. While Still, the turnaround in military has already been apparently has and since the beginning of this year, In the past, the most effective she spins a tale about a potential financing – the so-called Trend- weakened by no interest in it has also headed up NATO’s High means of bringing about an increase joint aircraft carrier, Germany’s wende Finanzen – called for by several military- jeopardizing her Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) in German defense spending has navy – like all other branches of Defense Minister Ursula von der related scan- coalition’s already – of that unit’s 8,000 troops, roughly always come from outside. And this the German military – continues Leyen (CDU) is stalling before it dals – hardly fragile peace in the every second soldier is German. is likely to be the case this time as to struggle with glaring failures even gets off the ground. Against seems in a run-up to the Euro- Considering the changing security well, whether it’s Russian saber-rat- and default rates among its main this backdrop of large and fast- position to pean elections by issu- challenges facing Europe and the tling or massive pressure from allies. weapons systems. The fact that forming holes in the national change ing any kind of state- innumerable reports exposing the In the absence of both of these, it is not one of Germany’s once-famed budget, multiple attempts by ment on the matter. pathetic state of the Bundeswehr highly possible that Germany will U-boats was able to leave port national politicians to boost their Throughout this entire today, it is understandable that a break its promise to NATO – and over the course of many months domestic profile and not least Ger- process, German politi- majority of Germans now favor thereby inadvertently lay an ax to is only the tip of the iceberg; in the many’s commitment to avoid any cians seem to continue to higher defense expenditures. How- the North-Atlantic alliance, just as summer of 2018, barely one-third substantial new debt – a commit- be willing to accept the fact ever, there is very little evidence to the man in the White House on of the U-boats were available for ment now anchored in the coun- that NATO allies, especially indicate that a majority will emerge the other side of the Atlantic would exercises or missions. try’s constitution – Finance Minis- the United States, tend to in the that on its own apparently love to do himself. In early 2019, the Bundeswehr’s ter (SPD) is now put- react to German schizophre- could push through Germany’s general inspector Eberhard Zorn ting the brakes on spending. Defense mechanismsnia with a mixture of head- financial pledge to NATO in the Lorenz Hemicker is a politics The Bundeswehr is plagued by understaffing and equipment editor at the Frankfurter announced that the regular report According to current plans, shortages, but policymakersshaking reject a significantand barely budget increase concealed coming years. The erstwhile con- Allgemeine Zeitung. submitted19-02-11_012_ID19062_eAz_Gotthard_GermanTimes_290x254_RZgp to the Bundestag by German defense spending will anger. servative camp consisting of the

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while nevertheless refusing to pay the BY CHRISTOPH VON MARSCHALL contributions it committed itself to paying – and which it should have to pay onald Trump is causing Ger- in keeping with its weight. And, finally, mans so much emotional grief people say that when Germany partici- Dthese days that they can no pates in joint operations, it inevitably longer soberly distinguish what’s good feels entitled to lay claim to special rules and bad for Germany, what poses a tan- for itself. gible danger to the country and what is, Germans like to see themselves as being plainly put, just terribly annoying. At one active in a manner that is in strict adher- point in time, Germans knew for cer- ence to the law while also being pro- tain that Russian missiles were pointed European and displaying admirable soli- directly at them – and that it was US darity. It’s easy to forget that they were weapons that were protecting them the first to break the Eurozone Stability from attack. Today, according to sur- & Growth Pact – starting in 2002 and veys carried out by YouGov and Forsa, onwards in several consecutive years. In two-thirds to three-quarters of German the migration crisis, the federal govern- respondents believe that the US presi- ment failed to consult with others when dent is more dangerous than the dictator it made the momentous decision to let in the Kremlin. one million migrants into the country. In Germans also used to be aware that the realm of energy, it took the liberty of they owed their rise to prominence as the pursuing unilateral national policies on world’s fourth strongest economic power several occasions, whether it was phasing to the existence of a liberal world order. out nuclear power or building the Nord They knew this order enabled their own Stream 2 gas pipeline, which runs counter export surplus, which in turn helped them to the EU target of reducing dependency achieve their own security, social welfare on individual supplier countries. state and social peace. They understood Bogeyman What are the reasons for Germany’s that they would not be able to secure this hesitancy to come to terms with the basis for their success on their own steam, threats facing its own success model and but rather only via their integration into Germans complain about Donald Trump and the decline to explore strategies designed to enhance the West. In other words, it’s not Ger- security? First, it’s just plain habit. For many’s navy that guarantees the free move- of the liberal order, but they’re doing little themselves to defend it decades, geostrategic thinking has nei- ment of goods through canals in Panama ther been demanded of nor voluntarily and the Suez, but rather, in case of doubt, practiced by Germans. Second, there is a the US military. SPD Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is even a dynamic that calls the entire rules-based racy, even though one could argue that sense of having been spared from interna- Many Germans now regard free-trade calling into question the envisaged alterna- order into question? And can they com- the “checks and balances” built into the tional upheavals until now. When others agreements as harmful contracts; this tive of 1.5 percent of GDP by 2024. prehend that this threatens the very basis US system have actually proven mostly are doing worse, they should orient applies not only to the agreement with the At the same time, global attacks on the of their own success? After the crimes stable in the face of Trump so far. Courts themselves toward Germany. Ultimately, United States (TTIP), but also to the agree- rules-based liberal order have been increas- and destruction of World War II, it was are setting limits to the extent to which they think, everybody will become like ment with Canada (CETA). There are even ing and becoming bolder. These attacks are precisely this liberal order that enabled he can act; Congress regularly refuses us: democratic, freedom-loving fans of a some critics questioning whether Germany coming from Russia, China, NATO-partner the Federal Republic to reintegrate into to nod through his laws; and the media state that is pacifist, climate-friendly and should see itself as part of the West; they Turkey and from the United States, which the community of nations and paved the continues to show investigative zeal. Of based on social welfare. dream instead of taking up a neutral posi- had been the main guarantor of world way for its rise to the fourth-largest econ- course, these conflicts are by no means But the world is moving in a different tion equidistant to the major powers in order until recently. The most serious omy on the planet and the powerhouse fun to watch. They are loud, messy and direction. It is becoming more authoritar- the United States, China and Russia. They attack can be attributed to Moscow. Putin behind the EU. often repugnant. But aren’t they also evi- ian. In Beijing, President Xi was granted ignore the fact that Germany’s success broke the European peace order as it is While it is true that Trump, too, con- dence that democracy, the rule of law and full powers and is now more-or-less the is based on tangible and reliable rules of anchored in the Charter of Paris when he tributes to the decay of the rules-based freedom of expression are alive and well? new emperor of China. In Russia, Vladi- international economic exchange as well as occupied and annexed Crimea. For the first order, can he be said to be more danger- One would like to be able to say some- mir Putin is expanding his authoritar- on the NATO security pledge. A majority time since 1945, a border in Europe was ous to German interests than Vladimir thing similarly optimistic about Germany ian state; dissenters are being murdered of Germans say they would not be will- violently displaced. In Eastern Ukraine, Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un, as and the EU, perhaps something along and neighbors who refuse to submit are ing to devote the necessary resources to Putin is creating a further “frozen conflict.” many Germans have indicated in recent the lines that they will assert themselves plunged into war. defend their NATO allies against attack. In the Kerch Strait, he is breaking the treaty polls? against the threats facing the rules-based The doctrine guiding Germany’s behav- This attitude puts the Germans in a very on cooperation governing the use of the If Germans were honest with them- order, against the dangers arising from ior should be the following: The less we solitary position within the Alliance. In Sea of Azov, while also demonstrating his selves, they would have to admit that populism and “fake news.” But there is Germans can rely on others to defend fact, views such as these are widespread ability to block all ports in Eastern Ukraine. there is an element of projection involved very little that would allow us to utter the liberal order, the more we should have among and the AfD, but they are China, too, is attempting to expand its in their intense preoccupation with the such confident assertions. The EU is to do so ourselves. Germany must forge also articulated in the governing coalition territorial waters and zones of influence US president. Why do they act as if he paralyzed by Brexit and other crises, and alliances to save the liberal order – with parties, for example by SPD vice-chairman by means of military might, for example, by were the cause of the most pressing prob- populists continue to enjoy one electoral Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand Ralf Stegner. transforming uninhabited reefs into mili- lems in the world? Because it distracts success after the other. – and make the EU prioritize this goal. Although Germany’s federal govern- tary bases and ignoring the jurisdiction of them from their own weaknesses. Indeed, Debates carried out in Germany regard- Germany must do much more to enforce ment is indeed pursuing a more realistic the International Tribunal for the Law of all of the crises facing Europe today were ing the current state of the world suffer this order than ever before. course, while also heading up a multina- the Sea. Among NATO and EU members, evident before Trump entered the politi- from moral exaggeration and from low- This includes the willingness to aban- tional NATO unit in Lithuania and sup- pledges of support and solidarity also seem cal stage in 2016: the euro crisis began level willingness to recognize their own don national business interests in order porting France’s anti-terror mission in to have only a limited binding effect. In the in 2010, Russia’s war on Ukraine started inabilities as a problem and to correct to facilitate a common front against North Africa, the country prefers to remain Syrian conflict, for example, Turkey bom- in 2014, the migration crisis came to a their course. Society is moving right China together with the EU, the US and silent on these foreign missions rather than barded the Kurdish militias that were fight- head in 2015 and the Brexit drama was along with no tangible orientation, and democracies in Asia. It also includes the praise them as evidence of how it is taking ing against IS as allies of the US. In the EU, launched with the referendum in June the government lacks the courage to set will to fulfill its commitments to NATO on international responsibilities. The gov- Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria 2016. a course forward in the right direction. and to take on the same tasks as other ernment also refuses to entrust German have violated basic principles of several Yes, Trump is a huge problem. However, If one asks makers of foreign policy allies in joint missions – just as former soldiers with the same tasks as their fellow treaties, while also ignoring democratic Germans’ behavior toward him is just as in the neighboring countries of France Defense Minister Volker Rühe suggested soldiers in France, Poland and the UK; this principles and the rule of law. large a problem. They tend to ridicule and Poland, in the EU capital of Brus- in 2015. approach is driven by the idea that Ger- In the US, we have seen the election of him and complain about his assumptions. sels and in the US to speak about their mans should carry out transport duties and Trump, a president who casts major doubt This is something politicians in Germa- image of Germany, the most frequent Christoph von Marschall is a take photographs, but others should do the on rules-based order, blocks the appoint- ny’s governing parties also do on a regular complaint is that Germans lack the will to diplomatic correspondent for Der actual fighting. ment of judges to the World Trade Organi- basis. It is very rare that we hear sober think in geostrategic terms. They say that Tagesspiegel and author of the book The government also does not provide zation (WTO) and unceremoniously leaves analyses of the ways in which we could Germany’s foreign policy is reduced to Wir verstehen die Welt nicht mehr. the funds necessary to ensure a functioning international organizations and treaties. approach and counter Trump in order trade interests, for example, with regard Deutschlands Entfremdung von seinen Partnern (We no longer understand the Bundeswehr. First, they refused to contrib- Can German citizens and their govern- to most effectively defend German inter- to China. They point out that Germany world. Germany’s alienation from its ute the two percent of GDP they’d prom- ment finally see that we are no longer deal- ests. People in Germany like to complain enjoys a free ride when it comes to secu- partners), Herder Verlag, 2018. ised NATO to spend on defense, and now ing with individual cases, but instead with about the weakness of American democ- rity policy, relying entirely on its allies,


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– pushed ahead with it tions from being car- ish Minister of Justice Morgan BY GEORG MASCOLO back then. Although ried out. Johansson has a couple of his- AND RONEN STEINKE governments – includ- There are tremen- torical models in mind: “After the DPA/THOMAS FREY DPA/THOMAS ing Germany’s – had dous difficulties war in Yugoslavia, we had a spe- he admonition from meticulously planned involved in the idea of cial tribunal in Europe, and after Washington came in the military campaign bringing a new court – the genocide in Rwanda, there Tloud and clear, and it against IS, they failed one with the high stan- was a tribunal in Africa.” made immediate waves across to spend any significant dards of the United In these two cases from the Europe. In late February, US time thinking about Nations – to the region. 1990s, the UN Security Council President Donald Trump pub- what to do when the Syria and Iraq are two went over the heads of the states licly called on European govern- war was over, and what sovereign states, and concerned. As Johansson argues, ments to finally take back citizens to do with prisoners in the central govern- “the same model could work in who had fought for the Islamic particular. ments in both Damas- this situation as well.” The Dutch State (IS) and have since been The problem is by cus and Baghdad reject parliament has even submitted a captured. Europe’s answer came no means a new one. such interference. Syr- request to the government that only a few days later: “What we’re For many years now, ia’s Kurds, who reign they set up such a court in The dealing with here is the judicial accusations have been with virtual autonomy Hague, where several UN tribu- processing of international ter- lodged against the in the north of that nals are hard at work to this day. rorism, which means that it United States that it country, see things dif- However, this would require would be entirely appropriate continues to carry out ferently: They would be the consent of all veto powers on if we were to set up an interna- its own form of rogue delighted to welcome the UN Security Council. And tional criminal jurisdiction,” said justice in Guantanamo, international lawyers decision-makers in Europe’s Germany’s at a Cuba, for the simple and have already called capital cities are aware that this meeting of interior ministers in reason that it does not on the UN to set up would be all but impossible to Paris. “For me, this option will want to try terror mili- tribunals for IS fight- achieve. Russia stopped sup- always be preferable to bringing tants in courts on US ers in the their civil- porting the international justice IS fighters returned to Germany will have to stand trial there. Europe wants all IS fighters holding German soil. In the case of the to set up an international tribunal for those arrested by Kurdish militias. war-torn lands. If the system years ago. And since 2012, citizenship back to Germany.” IS fighters captured in West accepts the offer, Moscow has blocked all demands Seehofer’s response basi- Syria, however, the tables have Victims and witnesses live in the And Bashar al-Assad’s henchmen it would mean diplomatically to refer any Syria-related investi- cally amounted to a “No thanks, been turned, and now the US is region, and there would be fewer should certainly not be entrusted recognizing them as an indepen- gations to the existing Interna- Donald.” European politicians admonishing Europeans to bring difficulties associated with pro- with the task. In Iraq, on the dent Kurdish state. Needless to tional Court of Justice. Moscow’s have now started calling for an their fighters to justice in courts viding evidence, something that other hand, the justice system say, the Europeans are reticent concern is that international law- international tribunal to try Euro- at home in Europe. often plagues European courts. is prosecuting IS fighters on an to offer such recognition. When yers might cause too much trou- pean IS fighters “with the involve- The idea of setting up an In addition, prosecutors would almost daily basis. On one occa- asked about the situation, Ger- ble for Russia’s allies in the Assad ment of the UN and the EU,” as international court in Syria is have access to the larger picture. sion, a trial that ended in a death many’s foreign office in Berlin regime. For this reason alone, Austria’s Interior Minister Herbert coming rather late, perhaps too In Europe, on the other hand, the sentence took only ten minutes. responded, dryly: “We have no Europeans are expecting no Kickl put it. The prime minister late. Decision-makers in sev- various responsibilities are frag- The defendant, a 42-year-old official relations with the so- help at all from the UN Security of Sweden is also promoting this eral European capitals are only mented. In other words, in the Turkish woman, had only two called Kurdish self-government.” Council in New York. Instead, cause, as is the Finnish minister of now grasping that the arduous Middle East, the ability to prove minutes to defend herself. Another possibility would be they’re focusing on developing the interior. And most European alternative would involve taking atrocities would be easier. While Germany’s federal gov- for the UN Security Council to ideas that could solve this issue decision-makers are arguing that back all European IS fighters, the From the perspective of the ernment is pleased to see the simply install a tribunal itself, without the UN. this tribunal should not be located move called for by the US. This rule of law, a court in the Middle Iraqi justice system move for- without the consent of Damas- in their countries in Europe, but would inevitably include a series East isn’t a bad idea either. ward with trials, they are also cus or Baghdad and without the rather as far away as possible – in of very difficult and complicated The Kurdish militias in north- keeping a watchful eye over help of those two countries, for Georg Mascolo is head of the the Middle East. legal battles, which makes the ern Syria, who are still holding things. They’ve already had to example, in gathering evidence. A SZ, NDR and WDR research network. This idea of a remote court idea of delegating the task to roughly 800 European citizens protest the first death sentences tribunal such as this could also be Ronen Steinke is an editor at came up once already in 2015, but an international tribunal in the in their prisons, are not putting delivered against Germans and set up in a neighboring country the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ). nobody – not even the Europeans Middle East highly appealing. anyone on trial at the moment. attempt to prevent the execu- or in The Hague. In fact, Swed-

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To protect and defend the constitution: the Federal Constitutional Court

ago. Too many things in the world BY GERTRUDE LÜBBE-WOLFF at large, in Europe and in Germany itself, seem out of order. Due to a en years ago, when Ger- competitive economy with many many’s Basic Law turned Doing justice specialized producers of industrial T60, the birthday party in equipment and other goods for Berlin attracted hundreds of thou- which there is a high demand in sands of citizens. They strolled The Basic Law – Germany’s constitution – at 70 rising economies all over the world, along Straße des 17. Juni where Germany is in many respects one official institutions had set up their of the winners in the process of exhibition stands. They crowded globalization. But in Germany, as in front of the Brandenburg Gate defined as a liberal one. There was, chancellor, not just by voting out come without separate opinions. premature. Besides, there is always in most of the West, the distribu- to listen to Beethoven’s Ninth however, no clear decision in favor the incumbent. When including the large number the possibility – thus far rarely and tion of gains and losses is out of Symphony, with the final melody of a liberal economic order. The The most peculiar and successful of minor cases decided in chambers quite unspectacularly used – for par- balance regionally as well as socially. that has become the hymn of the Basic Law protects private property, creation of the Basic Law, however, of three, where only unanimous liament to “overrule” judicial doc- Like all EU member states that, due European Union, and to pop music but stipulates that the use of prop- has been the Federal Constitu- decisions are possible, the unanim- trine by amending the constitution. to satisfactory economic perfor- afterwards. And from everywhere erty should also serve the common tional Court. As a specialized con- ity rate far exceeds 99 percent. With The Basic Law can be amended mance and tolerably efficient gov- in the city, they watched the fire- good. Due compensation provided, stitutional court with a monopoly its collegial, deliberative, compro- more easily than the US constitu- ernance, have been able to develop works at night. Some weeks later, it allows expropriation not only in on judicial review of statutory mise-oriented mode of operation, tion – by a two-thirds majority in and maintain an attractive level of an Italian colleague and former individual cases of special need, e.g. legislation, it was modeled on the the court has contributed to inte- both chambers of parliament. It has inclusive social security, Germany ambassador to Germany, who had for infrastructural purposes, but Austrian Constitutional Court of gration rather than polarization. been changed more than 60 times, also faces especially high migration seen this on TV in Rome, told me also for the purpose of socializing 1920, devised by Hans Kelsen, but According to German polls, only and not always to its advantage. The pressure. Containment depends to he envied the Germans for being land, natural resources and means its competences are much broader two authorities enjoy a level of Federal Republic’s federalism, weak a large extent on extra-European able to celebrate their constitution of production. When before reuni- than those of the Kelsenian pro- trust equal to that in the Federal from the outset, has on the whole rulers, sometimes sinister poten- with such a public festivity. fication, citizens were asked to say totype. Any individual – national Constitutional Court: the Federal been weakened even further, and tates, whose cooperation in fenc- Germans do like their constitu- where they thought this article or foreign, natural or corporate President and the police. As far as many articles have lost concision. ing off migration routes is bought tion. In a sense, they have embraced originated, most people guessed it person – whose fundamental rights the police are concerned, the court The most important changes have expensively. Widely diverging inter- what political scientist Dolf Stern- was from the constitution of the are affected by an act of German has certainly contributed to their not come about with constitutional ests of European member states in berger had recommended in the communist German Democratic authorities, including the courts, popularity. With a broad interpre- amendments, at least not directly, economic, financial and migration late 1970s as an alternative to other Republic. can seize the Federal Constitu- tation of fundamental rights, high but over the course of European matters, as well as the Brexit sche- types of affirmative national feel- In other respects, too, the Basic tional Court with a constitutional demands on the proportionality of integration. This has in part been mozzle, supervene. ings that recent history had made Law has a strong social component. complaint when other available all authoritative interventions and accompanied by constitutional Obviously, even a best-designed unavailable: constitutional patrio- In keeping with German traditions, remedies have been exhausted. a high level of relevant oversight amendments. Yet the most perva- and, for the time being, best- tism. it provides that the Federal Republic The judgements of all other courts activity, it has shaped the German sive effects of European integration respected national constitution When the Basic Law came into of Germany is to be a social state. are therefore subject to control by republic into a state that, as a rule, are not apparent from the text of cannot guarantee that everything effect on May 24, 1949, no one Along with the guarantee of human the Federal Constitutional Court. presents a rather friendly face, even the Basic Law. Nowhere in the Basic will somehow turn out well and expected it to become so popular. dignity, federalism, democracy and Statutory legislation has shaped where it exercises powers of com- Law is it made explicit that, subject leave German democracy intact. It was originally intended as just the rule of law, this is one of the this remedy so as to make it read- mand and coercion. only to some cautious reservations But is a crisis in sight? In the 2017 a provisional framework to serve core elements of the constitution, ily available. Proceedings are free Despite many beneficial effects, enounced by the Federal Consti- federal election, 12.6 percent of until Germany would, hopefully, be immunized against abrogation by of charge. Complaints can even be the prominent role of the Federal tutional Court, EU law trumps the voters opted for Alternative reunited and then adopt a constitu- an eternity clause. filed without a lawyer. Along with Constitutional Court in Germany national constitutional law. In the for Germany (AfD), a right-wing tion deserving the name. That is The democratic regime institu- undisputed independence, impar- carries a risk. A network of consti- disputes over the huge influx of ref- anti-euro and anti-migration party why it was called the “Basic Law,” tionalized by the Basic Law is of tiality and a balanced, middle-way tutional restrictions woven during ugees in 2015–16, the supersession that fishes in muddy waters and in line with the fundamental laws the parliamentary type. The presi- judicature, this easy accessibility has almost 70 years of only moderately of German constitutional law by EU whose functionaries often use abu- of the long-defunct Holy Roman dent of the federation has almost been the most important source of restrained constitutional interpreta- asylum legislation has led to some sive, sometimes racist language. Empire. exclusively symbolic representative the prominence and popularity of tion may well result in less flexibility confusion and to unjustified allega- To prevent it from gaining more The Basic Law was designed as functions, and none of the powers the Federal Constitutional Court than a democracy needs to prosper. tions of illegal government action. ground and, possibly, to win back a counterpoint to the barbarism of the Reichspräsident that had – and, what is more, of the constitu- The Federal Constitutional Court, Many critics of government action, those who have voted AfD not in of the National Socialist dictator- paved the way for the Nazi take- tion of which it is the guardian. although not formally bound by even some well-known constitu- full sympathy but just as a warning, ship, and as a bulwark against new over in the . Vari- Unlike the United States Supreme precedent, has overruled its earlier tional lawyers, had failed to notice most of the competing parties have totalitarianism, not least the com- ous other precautions were taken Court, the German Federal Consti- case law much less often than the that the asylum law article of the meanwhile adjusted their course munist variety. This is most clearly against a return of “Weimar” insta- tutional Court is not divided along US Supreme Court has. However, Basic Law is no longer applicable as to a greater or lesser degree. They expressed in the first two sentences bility. A prominent one is the stipu- political lines reflecting the party that is rather due to institutional it stands, due to more demanding have navigated somewhat to the of its first article: “Human dignity is lation that a parliamentary vote of that nominated each judge. In most frameworks keeping it steadily on yet little known EU rules. right, if only by no longer disparag- inviolable. To respect and protect it no confidence be constructive, i.e. of the important cases decided by middle ground than to a lack of The 70th anniversary of our con- ing candid discussion of, say, prob- shall be the duty of all state author- that Parliament can overthrow the panels of eight, about 92 percent pragmatism and flexibility. Fears of stitution may not see celebrations lems concerning the integration of ity.” Unlike the Weimar Constitu- government only by electing a new in the long-term average, decisions fossilization would therefore seem quite as merry as those a decade migrants. Unlike great swaths of tion, the Basic Law places funda- the liberal elite, with whom I share mental rights in front and only then their distaste for the AfD, I do not proceeds to organize the state that THE SCARLET ROBE see the current shift in the zeitgeist is to respect them. Just like the guar- as indicating or foreshadowing a antee of human dignity, this was Who comes up with an outfit like that? In fact, it was a Constitutional Court (1967–1975), he was heard poking fun crisis or collapse of the liberal and meant to express a view on the rela- costume designer at the Baden State Theater who designed at his attire, noting that it had “a theatrical flair that promptly democratic order of the Basic Law. the official attire worn by the justices on Germany’s Federal inspires in those who behold it a desire to ridicule.” But the tionship between the individual and This is not the incipient demise of Constitutional Court. The robes are based on the traditional judge is wrong on this count; no one is making fun of his the state. The draft of the Basic Law garb worn by judges in 15th-century Florence. The German colleagues on the bench. Indeed, the judges in liberal democracy. It is how liberal concluded at the Constitutional judges began wearing their characteristic scarlet robes and enjoy the highest possible level of respect in Germany. democracy works. Convention at Herrenchiemsee white jabots for oral proceedings and verdict announcement And those stunning robes – whether in spite of or precisely had put it this way in its suggested starting in 1963. Previously made of a heavy duchesse fabric, because of their eccentric nature – succeeded in calling opening sentence: “The state exists the robes switched to a lighter satin blend in 1997, with every attention to the importance of the court as an independent Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff served for the sake of man, not man for the new judge inheriting a robe from their predecessor. constitutional body. As our author writes: “The most peculiar on the Federal Constitutional sake of the state.” But not everyone is a fan of the eye-catching outfits. When and successful creation of Germany’s Basic Law […] has been Court from 2002 to 2014. She Fabian von Schlabrendorff was a justice on the Federal the Federal Constitutional Court.” taught law at the University of With the fundamental rights of Bielefeld. the Basic Law, the new order was The German Times – Business

April 2019 BUSINESS 9


Otto-mobiles Germany’s carmakers must break out of their deep sleep and reinvent themselves as soon as they can

technology (AEG/TN, ITT/SEL/ time, many German companies essary evil, rather than as a duced commodities at affordable put any limits on the creativity of BY ULRICH VIEHÖVER Alcatel, Detewe, Siemens, Tekade) allowed themselves to be forced status symbol. In large urban prices than it does for Mercedes their best minds. and ultimately among all German into niches based on misguided areas, roughly one in three resi- and BMW. Are German carmakers facing here are increasing fears mobile phone manufacturers from price-performance policies – dents (up to the age of 35) say Simply put, auto managers have the same downfall as the above- that Germany’s automo- AEG to Bosch and Siemens. In the which were too expensive and too that they would have no prob- to do more. As it is, they already mentioned industries? If BMW, Ttive industry will not be past decade, the rapid collapse of unimaginative – and they eventu- lem living completely without have enough technical challenges Daimler and VW were to cooper- able to master the problems it the solar industry – which was ally atrophied. This fate is now also their own car. This is why car- to deal with. In the coming years, ate even further – with their sup- faces in the future. Some experts simply overrun by the Chinese – looming over German carmakers. sharing is now an alternative mobility will have to be rein- pliers, too – and take a closer look even claim that the demise of was largely the result of errors in More than 100 million cars are with a bright future. While the vented multiple times. Traditional at their clients, their competitors this paragon of industries – along political decision-making. sold worldwide every year. And Volkswagen Group continues to drive systems – diesel and gaso- in the Far East, especially China, with its suppliers and more than After that, all that remained more and more cars will most make very little use of this oppor- line engines – will probably be in would find it more difficult to gain 800,000 employees – is immi- of tens of thousands of jobs and likely be built in the coming years. tunity, Daimler (car2go) has demand for a couple more years, ground. This means that corpo- nent, arguing that the hurdles hundreds of factories were fading The only real question is where become a global pioneer in the which means that there is time to rate heads need to fight more for ahead are simply too large. To brands and very few jobs in Ger- and by whom? Today, the VW field. However, as carsharing is not develop alternatives: a purely elec- their domestic operations. make matters worse, most of the many. In fact, Germans have barely Group sells roughly 10 million yet a profitable area of business, tric vehicle for metropolitan areas, This also applies to the job leading managers at , BMW, a presence today in the worlds of vehicles across the globe, with Daimler and BMW are now pool- medium- and long-distance hybrid situation in factories, offices and Daimler, Bosch and others are tablets, smartphones, fully digital Mercedes-Benz Cars and BMW ing their activities, which is exactly vehicles with combined drives for labs. Indeed, there is no longer acting as if they’re in a deep sleep. telecommunications, solar cells selling around 2.5 million each. In the right path forward for stra- electric, gasoline and gas as well any doubt that technical progress Experts argue that their behavior and the like. other words, from a global per- tegic behavior and, hopefully, for as – hopefully in the near future – and the transition from electro- is simply too slow and risk-averse. This somewhat terrifying glance spective, the Germans are already falling prices. “Mobility à la carte” hydrogen-powered fuel cells. mechanics (combustion technol- For example, company heads are at Germany’s recent past proves more like dwarves than giants. should be the affordable offer for Let’s not forget that Daimler was ogy) to e-mobility is going to cost already stonewalling in unison on that the factors of size, intermit- What will happen if Chinese auto all people on the go. already a pioneer in this area 20 tens of thousands of jobs. The the question of whether or not tent market dominance and well- giants start rolling onto the world The pursuit of this option calls years ago. The company’s coop- incontrovertible fact is that an battery cells should be “Made in known brand awareness are not market, just like they did with for both new organizational prod- eration with BMW on the devel- electric car requires roughly one- Germany,” a question that has been enough to save companies from a opment of this drive technology third fewer parts. sold as the fulcrum determining full downward spiral. In fact, sto- is a good sign. Equally meaning- And then there is that other job the fate of e-mobility. These man- ries relating to the decline of entire ful would be additional research killer, namely the ongoing digita- agers continue to argue that bat- industries reveal one recurring The German leaders of partnerships in Germany as well lization of cars themselves as well tery cells – which form the very pattern in particular, most aptly as with companies abroad. The as the rationalization of factories heart of electric cars – can be described as a complete lack of the major companies, are development of autonomous driv- and offices. This process of replac- obtained faster and more afford- strategic thinking and global over- ing alone is set to devour billions ing humans with machines is ably from innovative factories in view on the part of the company’s themselves often the problem of research dollars in the near likely to lead to massive conflicts the Far East. Does this mean that management. In many cases, their future. Plus, there is much work to with workforces and unions. How the cars of the future will soon be ability to think proactively reached in the carmaking business be done on new engine concepts, many jobs will become superflu- made in Japan, South Korea and only as far as their nearest domes- on multiple electronic assistance ous in the medium term? 250,000? China? Will Germany lose one of tic competitor or other Western systems, on lightweight construc- 400,000? Or more? We cannot its most important industrial pil- competitors. This limited scope of mobile phones and solar cells? ucts – rental bikes, special apps, tion (new materials) and on cus- make any accurate predictions lars to a simple act of omission? vision led them to barely notice the Either way, China’s communist links to trains, buses and taxis – as tomer-friendly mobility solutions. at this time. The result depends These concerns are by no means strategies being pursued by those party and Chinese taxpayers are well as high-end technical solu- All of these require suitable infra- primarily on how many new prod- exaggerated. Since the 1960s, Ger- aggressive and emerging challeng- ready and waiting. tions. And the latter must be car- structures for charging batteries, ucts companies can bring success- many has seen the loss of a dozen ers further away on the horizon. And where is Germany’s auto ried out in a way that is both fea- for gas and hydrogen refueling, as fully to market and how high the sectors in which the country was The biggest turning point began elite? The leaders of the major sible and affordable to masses of well as for cross-network IT and added value (the company’s own previously among the world’s lead- in the mid-1970s with the transi- companies, usually merely manag- people. Unfortunately, this is a bal- navigation systems to control and work share) will be in the overall ers. The dying-off began with the tion from labor-intensive analog ers for hire, are themselves often ancing act that German engineers, test the autos of the future. system of cars Made in Germany. leather and industry and technology to digital systems the problem in the carmaking busi- in particular, aren’t very good at; At this point, it should be obvi- Things are now in the hands was followed by the manufactur- drawing on software and IT spe- ness. They like to copy one another instead, they prefer to develop ous to anyone that the sheer of the top managers at BMW, ers of motorcycles (NSU, DKW, cialists. While German manag- and enjoy buying and selling com- “technological pipe dreams” that number of major tasks involved Daimler and VW. It is their task Zündapp, Kreidler), cameras ers held on far too long to their panies like sacks of potatoes. What zoom straight past the market. cannot be handled by one manu- to remain an illustrious part of (Zeiss, Agfa, Leitz) and watches beloved mechanical and electrical they all seem to lack is an entre- In the past, this was often the facturer alone. Shared work in the automotive world in the (Kaiser, Kienzle, F. Mauthe and, engineering, newcomers in Asia set preneurial gene. Instead of rolling cause of the death of industries research labs means twice the future. Indeed, without the in part, Junghans). In the 1980s, their sights on market-dominance up their sleeves and taking the – from watches and cameras to profit, that is, fewer costs and industrial production of cars in all of the big names in German through the digitalization of their reins – for example on the ques- PCs and mobile phones. In order better and faster results. A com- Germany itself, the BMW, Mer- consumer electronics (AEG-Tele- innovations; the result was afford- tion of whether or not battery cells to avoid this fate, companies must mitment to only one alternative cedes and VW brands would lose funken, Grundig, Bosch-Blaupunkt, able and durable mass-produced should be made in Germany – they let the needs of the buyers – and drive – as VW seems to be plan- their charm. In other words, they Saba, Dual, Nordmende, etc.) and commodities on a global scale. hesitate and continue their drowsy their wallets – be their guiding ning with its focus on electric would face the same fate of all in computer and office machines Today, millions of cameras, sleepwalk, thereby fully overlook- principle. Giants like Ford, Toyota mobility – simply makes no sense. faded world brands: second-class (Olympia/AEG, Triumph-Adler, watches, computers and mobile ing the inevitable global market of and VW (the “Beetle”) used this In addition, companies would do status. Mannesmann-Kienzle, Nixdorf) phones are manufactured and sold cars for buyers with limited spend- simple recipe to lay the foundation well not to curtail the fantasy and stumbled and fell. In the 1990s, worldwide. This is far more than ing power – the future “car of the for their global success. For Volks- imagination of their research- the decline could be seen first the number of goods produced people.” wagen, the battle for customers ers. In other words, Daimler and Ulrich Viehöver is a freelance among manufacturers of commu- when Germans gave up and walked There is already a worldwide most certainly involves a signifi- BMW – and even , to some business journalist based in nications and telecommunications away from these industries. At the trend of seeing cars as a nec- cantly higher number of mass-pro- extent – would be well-advised not Stuttgart. 10 The German Times – Business April 2019

BIG MONEY Highest-earning CEOs of 2018 in Germany New lease on life he notion that a CEO’s salary may Tgrossly outweigh the average work- er’s pay has long been under scrutiny on A Berlin initiative is calling for the expropriation of private housing companies. both sides of the Atlantic. Most notable A crazy idea or a necessary step? in the United States is the case of Weight Watchers International, which has the highest CEO to average worker pay ratio, according to a report by USA Today. take warm showers for over a They are calling on Berlin’s These rights cover a wide spec- city’s budget is certainly not Weight Watchers CEO Mindy Grossman BY TONG-JIN SMITH month, you decide not to pay municipal government to pass trum of homes for low-income a sustainable solution. Then earns 5,908 times more than the compa- the full rent – in accordance a law in accordance with Article to middle-class families that again, neither is expropriation. ny’s average employee, leaving her with magine you live in Berlin, with German law. In return, 15 of the Basic Law, Germany’s are currently being pushed out After all, re-municipalizing Ber- an annual compensation of $33.4 million. one of Europe’s most your landlord sends you a warn- constitution, that would allow of the market. Instead of being lin’s water supply in 2013 did What’s more, she only ranks 21st among Ivibrant cities. You really ing. Then the elevator stops for the expropriation of private stumped by rapidly rising rents not reduce costs for consum- America’s highest-earning CEOs of 2018. love your apartment and your working and doesn’t get fixed housing companies that own and property prices, the city ers. It seems that urban devel- Among Germany’s highest-earning neighborhood. It’s affordable, for six months. more than 3,000 apartments could make use of these rights opment requires new players CEOs, Stefan Heidenreich of Beiersdorf the people are nice, parks and You feel sorry for your new in the city. In return, the com- – as it once did. “Back in the that are not driven by capi- is ranked first with a converted annual grocery stores are just around neighbor who had to carry panies would be compensated 1990s, the city created several tal gains, but rather by social income of $26.54 million, according to a the corner. In a matter of min- everything up the stairs and at below-market prices, and development areas: Spandauer responsibility. “Trusts and study by the consulting firm HKP. Although utes, public transportation gets who pays a lot more rent than the newly municipalized apart- Wasserstadt, Eldenaer Straße, other organizations dedicated it’s a lot of money, Heidenreich’s salary is you to the center of town, with you do for pretty much the ments would be managed by Rummelsburger Bucht. But to public welfare are impor- still less than America’s 25th-highest paid all its cultural and commercial same apartment. And when a public board on which the after 1996, these were aborted tant catalysts for collaborative, CEO, Josh Sapan, who makes $29.6 mil- offerings. Commuting to work you finally read in the news- majority of decision-makers before being finished – with the affordable and inclusive living,” lion for heading AMC Networks. Hock E. is a snap. Why would you ever paper that Deutsche Wohnen would be tenants and citizens. exception of Adlershof – with- says Markus Eltges, director Tan of Broadcom is ranked first in the US move? increased its annual profits by Critics warn that such a solu- out ever evaluating the experi- of the Federal Institute for with an annual income of $103.2 million, Enter your new landlord, a whopping 11 percent due to tion would focus only on pro- ence and mistakes,” von Einem Research on Building, Urban almost four times that of Heidenreich. Deutsche Wohnen, a commer- an increase in rental income, tecting existing rental units noted recently in Der Tagesspie- Affairs and Spatial Develop- Shareholder representatives take a cial property company that you go from being worried to and not on investing in much- gel. “Since then, the city govern- ment (BBSR). “They follow a critical view of high salaries. “Any salary owns 167,000 units across Ger- annoyed to downright angry needed new housing projects. ment has lost its courage – and concept with social and cul- greater than €10 million is extremely dif- many – 164,300 residential and – a feeling many tenants of In addition to speculation and its memory. Today, these special tural goals. Rate of return is not ficult to square from a social perspective. 2,700 commercial. Your apart- Deutsche Wohnen units share. a massive population influx, a rights have largely been forgot- central. The many models and This should be avoided,” warns Marc Tün- ment is one of roughly 116,000 And they are not alone. major cause for Berlin’s rents ten, although they are still appli- initiatives that strengthen civil gler, managing director of the Deutsche units Deutsche Wohnen has Several tenant initiatives have doubling over the past decade cable.” society enrich what is happen- Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz, acquired in and around Berlin, If applied, the city could ing on the housing market and a German shareholders association. A making it the largest provider legally bind project develop- co-create neighborhoods.” salary exceeding this benchmark should of rental apartments in the area. ARTICLE 15 [SOCIALIZATION] OF GERMANY’S BASIC LAW ers, private investors, housing But if they want the city to require more than a few justifications. At first, you don’t think much Land, natural resources, and means of production may for the societies and co-operatives to a implement measures to once “The supervisory board must ensure that about your new landlord. After purpose of socialization be transferred to public ownership number of terms, which would more make housing abun- the salaries of the management board all, the building you live in has or other forms of public enterprise by a law that determines ensure good quality architec- dant and affordable, it would are appropriate; it’s a big issue.” Tüngler changed hands before. But then the nature and extent of compensation. ture, proper facilities as well as behoove Berliners to join the also called for a radical simplification of you start to notice things: when affordable rents and real estate protests and sign the petition the system. GT you receive your annual service prices. “In particular, all of this to have exploitative landlords bill, it’s far less transparent than formed across the city to force has been a backlog in construc- can be done in a more detailed expropriated. Let’s hope things the ones you got from your old large private housing companies tion, especially of rental and way and with more legal cer- improve once BlackRock, MFS landlord. And everything is a to better maintain their prop- public housing units. And both tainty than via terms that are and other institutional inves- 1 lot more expensive. You start to erties and to charge affordable developers and city officials written into master plans or tors that hold large shares of STEFAN F. HEIDENREICH wonder if you can still afford to rent. But one initiative has share the blame. But is expro- building permits,” writes von Deutsche Wohnen can no Company Beiersdorf live there in the future. gone a step further: Deutsche priation of commercial housing Einem. Meanwhile, as municipal longer push for rent increases Annual compensation €23.45 million And when the old heater in Wohnen & Co. Enteignen companies the answer? administrators have yet to take and higher returns on their Company revenue €7.23 billion your apartment breaks down (Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen Not according to urban econ- action, anger prevails among investment. just before Christmas, it takes & Co.) is demanding the (re-) omist Eberhard von Einem, Berliners, who are asking: “Who days before someone responds municipalization of rental units who points to a variety of spe- owns the city?” Tong-Jin Smith is a freelance and weeks before it’s replaced. owned by large housing compa- cial rights the city holds that are Haphazardly buying back journalist and lecturer at the Since you end up freezing in nies such as Deutsche Wohnen, designed to prevent speculation apartments once privatized in Free University of Berlin and the Dekra School of Media. 2 your apartment and cannot Vonovia and LEG Immobilien. and provide affordable housing. an attempt to consolidate the OLIVER BÄTE IMAGO/CHRISTIAN MANG Company Allianz Annual compensation €10.33 million Company revenue €130.5 billion 3 BILL MCDERMOTT Company SAP Annual compensation €9.97 million Company revenue €24.7 billion 4 STEFAN F. HEIDENREICH Company Siemens Annual compensation €9.6 million Company revenue €83 billion 5 BERND SCHEIFELE Company HeidelbergCement Annual compensation €9.43 million Company revenue €18.1 billion 6 DIETER ZETSCHE Our house, in the middle of our street: Tens of thousands of Berliners have signed a petition to expropriate the biggest commercial property companies. Company Daimler Annual compensation €8.26 million Company revenue €167.4 billion ermany’s Federal In the case of these large- Administrative Court Keepers scale events, the police are Gin recently usually obliged to have a pres- issued a significant and surpris- Who should pay for security at pro soccer games? ence in front of the stadium, 7 ing ruling: The state should be inside the stadium, in the city FRANK APPEL permitted to bill professional and at the main train station. Company Deutsche Post soccer clubs and the German Police officers perform such Annual compensation €8.19 million Soccer League (DFL) for the the police deployed Bremen was the first federal ditionally responsible for tasks as picking up drunken Company revenue €61.55 billion costs associated with police 969 officers, who together tal- state to enact a correspond- security in public spaces or fans and defusing violence. operations at high-risk games, lied 9,537 working hours at a ing state law, which has now whether it can share the costs Usually between 200 and 250 (i.e. large commercial events total cost of €425,718. survived a court challenge. If with commercial enterprises. officers are assigned for a regu- with more than 5,000 visitors). That same year, the Baden- more cities follow with similar The matter has been defini- lar league game not deemed to The original dispute began Württemberg Court of Audit legislation, the Bremen ruling tively settled with regard to be high-risk. 8 with a €425,000 invoice the city estimated the annual aggre- could end up having profound keeping the peace in the sta- According to a survey con- KASPER RORSTED of Bremen sent to the DFL four gate cost of police operations effects on the way the big dium during the event, but ducted by Infratest Dimap in Company years ago to cover the costs of for soccer games in Germany’s business of live soccer is con- who is responsible for secu- March 2019, 90 percent of the Annual compensation €8.16 million policing at a match Bundesliga, its second division ducted in Germany. rity before and after the match, German population is in favor Company revenue €21.9 billion between Bremen and Hamburg. and its three lower leagues, at The larger question is that is, when most of the riots of passing the additional costs For the game on April 19, 2015, €119 million. whether the state is uncon- actually take place? on to the clubs. GT April 2019 The German Times – Business 11


Should there even be such a thing as private land? The GDR wanted to deprivatize all land, but it ended up in the care of large agricultural cooperatives. On May 1, 1960, at the mandatory Labor Day parade, farmers insisted on the unmet claim “Junker lands in farmers’ hands” – a mere government slogan.

No man’s land While welfare recipients in Germany are required to disclose extensive details about their wealth and possessions before they can receive benefits, data on large-scale property owners is at best nebulous. Why the double standard?

ness and luxury without doing tions with regard to aristocratic Empire, which was soon founded more than one-tenth of one per- percent, while in the West it’s more BY RÜDIGER ROSSIG society any good no longer satis- and ecclesiastical landlords began in 1871. Today, while practically cent of property changes owner- than 44 percent. This means that fies them; they have to do positive much later and did not come to an every single square meter in Ger- ship each year. Forests, fields and more than half of residents in both ermans love to argue evil. For they leave no land free for end until the 19th century. many belongs to either a person or meadows have sometimes been in eastern and western Germany do about issues of wealth the plough: they enclose every acre In Europe, too, wealth was mea- the state, there are still no mean- the hands of one family for genera- not own the home they live in. Gand poverty. In most for pasture; they destroy houses sured not by money but in terms ingful figures that can answer the tions. These families are often of Private ownership of real estate, cases, they focus on money and and abolish towns, keeping only of land ownership, and this con- key question of who exactly owns noble origin, even 100 years after houses and apartments also varies taxes, that is, on wages, salaries, the churches – but only for sheep- tinued well into the modern era. what land. the abolition of the monarchy. significantly from region to region. savings and inheritances, whether barns.” On the continent – including in While every person in Germany Today, only 34 percent of German For example, almost 60 percent of in the form of cash, savings, secu- Sheep “devouring” people. In those areas belonging to the future who applies for the welfare pay- forests belong to the state, whereas Saarland residents own a home, rities, machinery or factories. fact, those groups who held power German states – farmers were not ments known as Hartz IV must 50 percent of them are owned by whereas in Berlin it’s only 12.7 per- In contrast, the subject of land – nobles, clerics and wealthy the owners of the land they tended; disclose the full extent of their roughly two million private indi- cent. ownership usually only comes up city residents – earned their they merely had the right to use wealth and possessions, data on viduals. The five largest swathes of There are historical reasons when a property owner makes money from sheep’s wool, which the land. This right was granted large-scale property owners is neb- privately owned forests are in the that explain why so few Germans some sort of ill-advised move – prompted them to drive peasants to them by their landlords and ulous at best. Although Germany’s hands of aristocrats. own their homes: In World War like blocking access to a public out of their villages, fields and pas- was not hereditary, that is, it could Federal Office of Statistics has An exception to this rule is the II, almost half of the country’s lake adjacent to their property. tures, confiscating more and more be taken back at any moment. In meticulously recorded how many land in the former . residential real estate was either This is odd, especially when the space for more and more of their order to be permitted to cultivate homes were built since the end of After 1945, the communists ruling badly damaged or destroyed. The question of who owns the land on sheep. This process was facilitated the land, farmers had to pay levies World War II, clarity on who owns under the Soviet occupying forces resulting lack of an estimated six which people live, farm and raise by the ’s “land to the landlords and serve as their what and their current worth is dispossessed the aristocratic Junk- million homes was only accom- their livestock has for centuries title” system, which asserts that front-line soldiers. elusive. Even the value of property ers who had, until then, played a modated gradually after 1945 by served as a defining issue in every whoever can produce the oldest There were large differences belonging to the public sector is major role in agriculture. However, years of massive state support for society. For example, in the pre- title deed to a given property is the between the regions of what would not known: the Federal Ministry of the new owners of the 30 percent social housing. Today, while only industrial age, when agriculture automatic owner of that property. later become Germany; in many Finance only started gathering data of the land that went to farm work- six to seven percent of the popu- was essentially the only means of In the legal process of “enclo- sections, large to determine ers as well as small and “new farm- lation lives in social housing, the wealth, demands for the fair dis- sure,” the rich sheep breeders took estates domi- what belongs ers” – including many farm work- residential space previously used tribution of land were of utmost advantage of the ignorance and nated, while to the state ers and displaced persons from as public housing was not sold – as concern and responsible for most illiteracy of rural populations, for others were Two-thirds in 2016. To the areas of the former German one might expect – to the people of the era’s uprisings. Everyone example, by presenting fake prop- more like this day, even Reich that no longer belonged to living there, but instead to com- was acutely aware of the fact that erty deeds – sometimes even from patchworks of the area of church lead- Germany after the World War II panies, many of which belong to those who owned the land held the Roman era – and taking the comprising ers – whose – were not able to enjoy their new wealthy individuals and families. the power to decide what could be land from farmers by seemingly small or even the former predeces- land for long. In 1952, the commu- More and more foreign inves- done with it. legal means, often with the help smaller lati- sors in feudal nists began to group the Junkerland tors are also now investing in Throughout history, those who of aristocratic and later bourgeois fundia. And society were they had just handed over to farm- real estate in Germany; in 2015, wielded this power were never the judges. “common property ers into collectivized enterprises roughly 68 percent of buyers ones actually working the land. If In an attempt to avoid starva- land” contin- is privately lords simi- based on the Soviet model. Anyone came from abroad. Considering farmers were ever also owners of tion, those farmers who had been ued to exist lar to aris- who refused to join the new “agri- the widespread ignorance about their land, it didn’t stay that way robbed of their land then moved for a long owned tocrats – do cultural production cooperatives” land ownership described above, it for long. In – the moth- to the cities, where they ultimately time, espe- not know the (LPGs) was either forced to do so will come as no surprise that here, erland of commerce, colonialism, created the basis of the lower cially in areas that were less attrac- exact number of properties and or had to leave the GDR. too, there is no data with regard to industrialization and moderniza- classes. For want of alternatives, tive in agricultural terms. This buildings in their possession. In The degree to which this forced who is actually buying, owning and tion – masses of peasants were the members of these lower classes “common land” belonged to every- fact, as non-profit organizations, collectivization continues to shape reselling real estate in Germany. driven from their farms and thus then made up the sailors and sol- one and was used collectively, just these religious communities don’t the former East Germany to this Is property an intimate thing? from their livelihoods starting in diers for the ships and armies of as it had been prior to the emer- even have to know. day is clearly recognizable from Are Germany’s property owners the 10th century. Over 500 years the empire – and later the workers gence of feudalism. For example, The assumption today is that a bird’s-eye-view; while the land afraid? If so, who and what are they ago, Sir Thomas More described in the factories. Thanks to colo- in the Lüneburger Heide, all the two-thirds of the area of the belonging to the former West Ger- afraid of? Revenge by the dispos- the brutal process of “enclosure” nialism, the system of “land titles” way up to the beginning of the former West Germany is privately many looks like a patchwork of sessed? The envy of others? Taxes? in his seminal work Utopia: went on to spread first to what 19th century, farm properties were owned: farmers and foresters small and medium-sized meadows The “property is theft” argument “Your sheep […] that commonly later became the United States and the only things privately owned; account for roughly 34 percent, and fields, if you look down on the put forth by anarchist Pierre- are so meek and so little; now, as I then throughout the entire British the forest and heath belonged to private individuals 22 percent, five states of the former East Ger- Joseph Proudhon certainly has a hear, they have become so greedy Empire, which meant that similar everyone and were shared by all, communal owners 5.5 percent and many when arriving at any regional polemical touch to it; however, it is and fierce that they devour men land appropriation processes also for example, for the grazing of pigs. small businesses 3 percent. Just airport, you’ll see huge agricultural hard to refute the fact that the land themselves. They devastate and took place in large parts of the Although the recording of land under one-third belongs to the areas dominating the landscape. now privately owned and covered depopulate fields, houses and world. ownership in the area that was federal government, state govern- The current owners of these areas in private buildings at one point towns. For in whatever parts of the As farmers represented an obsta- to become Germany began in ments and municipalities, and 4 are often so-called rote Junker (red belonged to someone other than land sheep yield the finest and thus cle to lucrative sheep breeding, the 10th century, it was carried percent of the land is owned by Junkers), that is, former directors the current owner. Or to no one at the most expensive wool, there the their “liberation” was granted at out solely on a regional basis and churches. The rest is shared by of former LPGs. all. Or to everybody. nobility and gentry, yes, and even the end of the 15th century in Eng- according to very different mea- housing companies, banks and Ownership of built-up land is some abbots, though otherwise land. In the European regions that sures and norms. The first actual other companies. also distributed differently in the holy men, are not content with the were to become the first German Grundbücher, or land registers, Not only is this ownership struc- former GDR than in former West Rüdiger Rossig is an editor old rents that the land yielded to state, however, the abolition of the were launched in 1868, but not ture exceedingly unfair, it also Germany. In the East, the rate of at Deutsche Welle. their predecessors. Living in idle- rural population’s personal obliga- throughout the entire German rarely changes. In fact, scarcely home ownership is just under 35 12 The German Times – Business April 2019 SHUTTERSTOCK

eastern Antarctic is losing ice BY MARLENE WEISS in places. This means that the earth or a long time, cli- could actually become a warm mate change was a Pliocene climate over the long Fphenomenon of the term – even if the Paris target future. While always more is, in fact, met in the current and more threatening with century. In order to prevent each new scientific forecast, that, we would not only have its gloom and doom has to reduce emissions to zero, remained something most but we would also have to of us could manage to ignore take excess CO2 out of the – until now. Who could atmosphere, for example, by really say for sure whether following Bioenergy with this particular flood or that Carbon Capture and Storage extremely hot, dry summer principles in forestry. wasn’t just a natural event Failing that, we are most like so many others through- Mother Nature likely going to have greater out history? worries than a bit of forest Today, that phase of com- in the Antarctic. Indeed, it fortable ignorance has defi- is entirely unclear how the nitely come to an end. The calls in her loan planet is going to react if it last five years were the gets catapulted into another warmest on the planet since geological age within a few humans began recording tem- Severe storms are on the rise, glaciers are melting, coral reefs are dying and soils centuries – usually such pro- peratures around 1880; since cesses take tens of thousands then, the Earth has become are eroding: climate change is more painfully noticeable today than ever before of years. This is another roughly one degree Celsius reason why scientists see the (1.8F) warmer. This trend second and even more urgent is unambiguous and extends far resulted in so-called mass bleach- tory,” head author Terry Hughes continue to rise rather than fall, era. The climate of that era was sig- upper limit at two degrees: that is beyond anything we could explain ing. Coral polyps live in a kind of told The Guardian. “The way it’s however, both goals seem equally nificantly different from ours today: the temperature at which climate by means of normal fluctuations. symbiosis there with colorful algae. connected, the mix of species, it’s as unrealistic. Having said that, 1.5 It was two to four degrees warmer change becomes pretty much incal- Climate change is very obviously In their limestone , these all changing.” And, presumably, degrees is actually a natural border, than the era before the industrial culable. in full swing. animals provide algae with a place this is a permanent change: indeed, and we are seeing at this very revolution; there were even trees As Johan Rockström, director of According to the International to live and also offer them protec- experts say it is likely that there moment what happens when we growing in the Antarctic; and the the Potsdam Institute for Climate Energy Agency, global energy tion; in return, the algae provide will be another bleaching episode approach that number: The planet sea level was an unimaginable 15 Impact Research and a scholar consumption in 2018 increased nourishment for their hosts. If the before the reef has an opportunity starts sending us the bill for dam- meters higher than it is today. known worldwide for his work on at nearly twice the average rate of water becomes too warm, however, to find its way back to its original ages caused. The fact that our climate has the planet’s natural stability, notes: growth since 2010. This has tan- the algae start to produce toxins form. In the past few decades, the Some of the changes can be best changed over the millennia is “Going past 2 degrees global mean gible consequences. For example, and are repelled by the coral. If the gap between these marine heat seen from outer space. For exam- sometimes used to insist that CO2 temperature means pushing our- while tropical cyclones have not heat wave lasts too long, the coral waves has dropped from 25 to ple, in the case of the Arctic Ocean, levels are only one aspect to con- selves into the unknown: Over increased in frequency, they have end up starving, and the only thing under 6 years. satellite images show that minimal sider. But this is a fatal mistake: in 3 million years, and during all of become more violent and are that remains is their bleached cal- For many scientists, the fact that expansion in September has been fact, the earth is simply very slow. human civilization, the planet has marked by greater wind speeds. careous skeleton. such drastic events are happening declining at an increasingly faster Only the temperature at the surface never been warmer.” And Rock- The amount of rain they bring has Usually, the reefs can recover more frequently is hardly surpris- pace, at the moment by almost 13 is increasing relatively rapidly. “If ström continues to watch exactly also increased, owing to the fact from such episodes. But the ing. After all, these are the people percent per decade. The Intergov- you have 400 ppm CO2 and you how things are developing: “For that warmer air can absorb more research team under Terry Hughes who have been warning us for ernmental Panel of Climate Change keep it there for long enough, then the past 15 years, change has been moisture. In 2017, the devastat- at James Cook University in decades that we need to keep global (IPCC) says it is possible the Arctic you start to get additional feedback somewhat faster than predicted,” ing Hurricane Harvey brought Queensland recently examined warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius will see its first ice-free summer by from the slower-responding com- he says, admitting that the Green- more rain to the United States the reef and determined that its (2.7F) in this century, if possible. mid-century. This would mark a ponents of the system, that ampli- land ice shield and the Thwaites than any storm before it. Only recoup capacity has decreased This is why that number appears major geological break, as the Arctic fies warming,” says Alan Haywood Glacier in western Antarctica are two years later, Tropical Cyclone dramatically. The number of coral in the Paris Climate Agreement: has presumably been continuously from the University of Leeds, an perhaps even more sensitive than Idai followed in eastern Africa; the larvae settling within the reef has if we exceed 1.5 degrees, then we frozen for roughly 2.6 million years. expert in past climates. It takes a expected. In fact, both have already World Meteorological Association plummeted to 11 percent of normal dramatically increase the likelihood As far as the concentration of while until the ice sheets or the started showing the signs of change (WMO) called it one of the deadli- levels, the team reported in Nature. that irreversible and global dam- CO2 is concerned, the earth already oceans change. But when the time now – right now, not in the distant est weather-related disasters to hit Simply too many parents are dead. ages will take place. has a level that it once had even comes, they start raising the tem- future. the southern hemisphere. Plus, the rate of new offspring Although the 1.5-degree goal further back in history. Since the perature further upwards, for exam- We are also seeing an increas- among the species of coral that is indeed mentioned in the Paris dawn of industrialization, the con- ple, because ice-free water surfaces ing number of incidents having have, until now, dominated the Agreement, it is noted solely as centration of carbon dioxide in the reflect less solar radiation. “Actually, an irreparable impact on nature. unique ecosystem, has declined an ideal target to work toward. air has risen from 280 ppm (parts- there are already indications that Marlene Weiß received her For example, in 2016 and 2017, the even more. Other species are taking The nations that have signed the per-million) to more than 400 ppm. these components are starting to doctorate in particle physics from ETH and CERN Great Barrier Reef in Australia suf- over. agreement have, in fact, officially The last time so much carbon diox- react,” says Haywood: The Arctic (Geneva) and is a science editor fered from two consecutive years “We’re not saying the Barrier Reef committed themselves to only two ide was in the air was three million ice cover is shrinking, Greenland is for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. of extremely warm water that is doomed, but it is on a new trajec- degrees (3.6F). As long as emissions years ago, that is, in the Pliocene changing, and even the huge cold

Meidinger, head of the German Instead, they offered concepts like have to pay penalties. The trans- BY HEIKE HOLDINGHAUSEN Teachers Association, complained “future,” “climate change” and “cli- port sector – a genuine problem that the state was making a fool mate protection” as the reasons child in Germany’s overall climate or many Germans, the of itself by not enforcing the chil- for their participation. and environmental policy – could

demonstrations held on dren’s legal obligation to attend EMIL JANSSEN IMAGO/CHRIS According to Rucht, the Fridays be hit first. Plus, there’s the threat FFridays by schoolchildren school. Meidinger argued that the for Future demonstrators differ of high fines from Brussels. Accord- calling for climate protection demonstrations were far from from previous protest movements ingly, in its draft budget for the have exposed a family scandal of “education-related” events. Chris- in one characteristic above all, coming years, the German federal sorts. While everyone knows and tian Lindner, chairman of the lib- namely that roughly 57 percent government has already planned an quietly accepts that the entire eral FDP party, took to Twitter of participants are female. And a annual sum of €100 million for the family has long been dumping to old-man-splain to the young majority of these young women years 2020 to 2022. its waste behind the house, the students that climate protection self-define as belonging to the While the coalition remains sudden demands made by their was something they “should leave upper middle class, with many bogged down by day-to-day youngest to bring an end to the to the professionals.” of their parents being academics political minutia, the demonstrat- ignorance and denial seem as Other politicians proved to be themselves. On the political map, ing youngsters are undeterred in cheeky as they are inspiring. more open-minded: Chancellor with her German counterpart Luisa Neubauer (right) in Berlin they appear to be located mainly proving the seriousness of their While it’s true that there’s been Angela Merkel (CDU) and Envi- in the left-liberal milieu and among cause. These angry offspring are a public discussion surrounding ronment Minister Svenja Schulze the Greens. not letting up in their demand for the fact that greenhouse gas emis- (SPD), for example, expressed No matter what their gender, change. According to a survey by sions in Germany have not been their support and praised the these young students are pro- the WZB’s Rucht, the students see decreasing but rather remaining political commitment of the Power to the pupil! testing at a time when the issue their protest as a form of “political constant for about 10 years now – young generation, while in no of climate protection has gained self-empowerment.” And roughly with some sectors even registering way responding to their substan- new political relevance. Germany’s 60 percent of them are convinced an increase in emissions thanks to tive demands. The students did, German youths have taken up the mantle, grand coalition has stated its intent that climate change can be man- the economic boom – the vehe- however, receive momentum from cutting class on Fridays to demand more to pass climate protection legisla- aged by means of tangible and pre- mence of this new generation of 23,000 scientists worldwide who effective climate protection tion before the summer holidays. scient policymaking. One of the students now calling for serious signed the Scientists for Future However, the draft presented by organizers, Julia Neubauer, even climate policy goals has never- petition in favor of their climate Environment Minister Schulze announced her intention to make theless taken journalists, political concerns. caused outrage among her cabinet the European Parliament elections parties, politicians, parents and The young men and women of global warming. In individual went viral. Still, it would be wise colleagues for a number of reasons. in May into a “climate election.” For the business lobby completely by involved in the Fridays for Future cases, the students are also call- not to overestimate her influence. For one, the ministers for transport, a Europe otherwise preoccupied surprise. movement in Germany are now ing for taxes on meat and mea- As Dieter Rucht, a sociologist at agriculture and building would be with the rise of right-wing popu- The German public’s bewilder- organized into roughly 310 local sures relating to carbon-dioxide the WZB Berlin Social Science obliged to provide a detailed por- lists, this is hopeful and welcome ment regarding the protests was groups. And, like their peers in reduction, both designed to ensure Center, determined at one of the trayal of the measures they intend news. expressed initially with sheer more than 100 countries, they are more sustainability. largest demonstrations in Berlin to take in order to save the required speechlessness. Instead of taking calling on politicians to commit In Germany, as elsewhere, on March 15, although Thunberg amounts of greenhouse gases. In the tangible climate concerns of to responsible climate policies. 16-year-old Swedish student is at the heart of a growing inter- addition, each ministry would also Heike Holdinghausen is a their own offspring into consid- In Germany, this includes the fol- Greta Thunberg is the face of the est in climate issues among large be expected to pay any potential business and environment editor for the Berlin daily taz. eration, the generations of par- lowing: a faster withdrawal from protests and a role model for the numbers of German youth and has penalties to the European Union In March, she published the ents and grandparents focused coal energy – by 2030 at the latest, young protestors. Now nominated even prompted many to join in out of its own budget. book Uns stinkt's!: Was jetzt für entirely on whether it was even rather the German government’s for the Nobel Peace Prize, she demonstrating, roughly one-third The EU already requires Ger- eine zweite ökologische Wende permitted to cut class to protest in current target of 2035 – and the became known worldwide after a of the demonstrators insisted the many to emit 38 percent less green- zu tun ist (This stinks! What we need for a second ecological favor of climate protection. In the fulfillment of the Paris climate short speech she gave at the World Swede had little to no influence house gas by 2030. If Germany transformation). German tabloid Bild, Hans-Peter goal of a maximum of 1.5 degrees Economic Forum in Davos in 2018 on their decision to participate. doesn’t achieve this goal, it will April 2019 The German Times – Business 13

Ready for takeoff Tom Enders parts ways with Airbus and hands the reins to Guillaume Faury

He has big shoes to fill, and not most in my job was the interna- surprise, the German govern- without which it would have lost alties. The unit used “consultants” BY JENS FLOTTAU just literally. Enders transformed tional nature of the business. It ment blocked the deal for fear a key account at American Air- to help broker commercial aircraft Airbus in many ways. Created as a would be hard to go back and that German jobs could be lost. lines to Airbus. The Max ensured deals. Enders and CFO Harald t had to be those red cowboy European project in 1969, almost work for a purely German com- Enders was furious. “Forgiven, that the two would share the deal. Wilhelm were trying to end the boots. “My favorite shoes, exactly 50 years ago, it is now no pany,” Enders says. but not forgotten,” he says about The global Max fleet is currently practice but found strong inter- Ivery comfortable,” Tom longer strictly a European com- He has seen it all. In the late the episode today. grounded following two crashes. nal resistance in the unit against Enders says, raising his jeans a pany, nor is it a company that 1990s when he was in his late He has reasons to forgive. The It has already lost market share interference from corporate. In bit to show off his footwear. His governments have much control 30s, Enders was responsible for merger failed, but the interven- vis-à-vis Airbus and the intense late 2017, the French media was last meeting with the media in over any more. It is (almost) a strategy as well as mergers and tion by the German government discussion about its safety is not suddenly full of stories about an a hotel, no pressure any normal company and a champion acquisitions at Daimler-Chrysler scared the French government making the recovery any easier. alleged or real power struggle more. Enders is relaxed and in a in global aerospace. Aerospace (Dasa). He helped so much that it was willing to Enders has had his share of inside Airbus. Enders decided that good mood, his aides will con- Airbus has a global footprint orchestrate the merger with give up power in order to keep problems, too. For years, he the only way to end the damaging firm that this has not always that includes final assembly lines ’s Casa and France’s Aero- the Germans away from it, too. and his colleagues have tried to public debate was to resign. been the case in past years. in China and Mobile, Alabama. spatiale to form what was then “In 2012, there was a very real score more A380 orders. Enders Now, more than a year later, He just received his first lifetime Last year, Airbus made Canada called EADS. For some years, he risk that EADS would become was around as the program was he seems to be at peace with his achievement award, and of course its fifth “home country” after served as co-CEO of EADS along a French-German government launched in 2000, when European decision. And he is even more he showed up in Washington, France, Germany, Spain and the with Louis Gallois – the idea of joint venture,” Enders recalls. In aerospace executives thought they open to voicing criticism where D.C., wearing a tuxedo and the UK, following the acquisition of a balance of power between the that eventuality, he would have had to build an aircraft to com- he believes it is necessary. Airbus red boots. Enders also just turned the C-Series jet program from French and the Germans was resigned. But miraculously, a new pete with Boeing’s 747. What is looking at making its defense 60, which in combination with struggling Bombardier. still primary. Later, Enders took a corporate governance was agreed they didn’t see was that the 747 products as free as possible from the award is “a good reason to be And another, second step back and became CEO of the on – one that limited the powers was already in decline and the Germany-built components in depressed,” he says. final assembly line commercial aircraft division for of governments and gave Enders smaller 777 was rising. Airbus’ order to be able to export them He either is or isn’t an for the aircraft, now five years, a business with which more freedom to act. own A350, launched in 2007 at in spite of the government’s strict extremely good actor. 2019 called the A220 in he was not very familiar, having He refocused the company the peak of the A380 industrial position on defense exports. marks a break not only in the life Airbus typology, is earned his wings on the defense and gave up trying to strengthen crisis, and Boeing’s 787 are now But Enders is concerned that of the Airbus CEO, but also in under construction side of the equation. He wanted defense. Instead, aggressive eclipsing even the 777; they have common European programs the history of the com- in Mobile. to get to know the unit better – growth in civil aviation was now lower costs per seat than even the such as a new fighter aircraft may pany where he held a “What I by far the group’s most important the target. His decision, still as much larger aircraft, making them not happen with German partici- leadership role enjoyed – before being solely in charge. Airbus Commercial CEO, to redundant. Enders took respon- pation if the German government for almost 20 In 2012, Enders took over fol- launch a re-engined version of the sibility and shut the program is not willing to compromise on years. Enders low ing the retire- A320 narrowbody aircraft turned down two months before his own policies with its partners. retired ment of out to be a huge success. Around departure. These are issues Faury now from his Gallois. 6,500 aircraft were ordered since It was a move that made Guil- must face. Enders has been clear position at And the 2010 launch decision, more laume Faury’s start easier. But that he no longer wants executive the close of than any other civil type in his- Enders has long come to the con- jobs; he has no plans to go into the annual tory. The move ensured Airbus clusion that it is impossible to consulting, but he will take board general assem- could continue to make massive hand over a company in perfect positions. And he has big plans in bly on April 10. Just days only a few months into the job, profits off its short- and medium- condition. “There is always some- aviation – his career as an enthu- after that meeting in the he attempted to take one giant haul aircraft family while limiting thing left to do; there is constant siastic helicopter pilot is now set Munich hotel, he was step further in dealmaking. He investment. change,” he says. to take off. replaced at the helm had quietly negotiated a merger At the same time, the A321neo, Plus, he was initially not quite by Guillaume Faury, 51, with BAE Systems to be able to the largest version, turned out to ready to leave. One of his toughest who has led the com- DPA/REUTERS put EADS on a broader base – be an airline favorite because of fights was against corruption. A Jens Flottau is a business and mercial aircraft divi- combining its strength in civil its long range and low costs. The Paris-based Airbus marketing unit aviation correspondent for the sion as president since aerospace with BAE’s exposure A320neo family forced Boeing was at the heart of a scandal that Süddeutsche Zeitung. early last year. in defense. But much to his to quickly launch the 737 Max, may cost Airbus vast sums in pen-


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Bank, shot The once-proud Deutsche Bank is in dire straits

is faring better today as a result. BY MARK SCHIERITZ The difficulties undergone by Deutsche Bank are thus also a t should have been the high consequence of misguided gov-

point of its global conquest. FÖRSTER IMAGO/HANNELORE ernment bank-rescue policy. IIn 1999, after a series of Another factor is that Deutsche acquisitions, in terms of its bal- Bank had to contend with an ance sheet Deutsche Bank rated obstacle that every private as the biggest bank in the world. German bank had to face: the In actuality, it was the begin- structure of the German bank- ning of its downfall. Today’s ing market. Germany has private Deutsche Bank is but a shadow of banks and public savings banks its former self. Its share price, at as well as cooperative banks. The $144 in 2007, is now less than $10. latter two are protected by the The largest German bank is now government, locally anchored smaller than the second-largest and forbidden to make a profit. French bank. Thus they can offer conditions The outlook is so grim that which private institutions can Germany’s federal government is often not match. This limits profit alarmed. It fears that the Frank- opportunities on the domestic furt institution is a prime candi- market while leading to a situa- date for a takeover and that the tion where, to a lesser extent than fourth largest industrial nation in their international competitors, the world will soon be lacking an large German banks cannot draw internationally successful major on private savings deposits as a bank. Hence, the possible merger source of funding for their other with , to save what- commercial activities. ever might be left to be saved. What does this mean for the The recent history of Deutsche future? A merger with Commer- Bank is a history of bad decisions, zbank would increase market missed opportunities and scan- shares on the domestic front, dals. To understand its decline, Ever in the (un-)making? The headquarters of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank in am Main are under construction. which could have positive effects one must first consider its rise. on earnings. Moreover, the fact From the very beginning, it has American and British banks were controversial shopping of Ameri- sions from the financial crisis. Government policy during this that the German government’s always been something more than making in capital markets with can subprime mortgages during When CEO , time was hardly free of blame. stake in Commerzbank would just a normal bank. In the post- bond trading, currency hedging the real estate boom at the start who had overseen the rampant While the US government forced be the equivalent to a stake in war years, CEOs like Herman- and interest-rate transactions – of the new millennium. When internationalization of the bank, the big American banks to accept the merged entity would prob- Josef Abs enjoyed intimate links and wanted to join the party. In the bubble broke in 2008, these relinquished control of the insti- state capital at the peak of the ably be seen by investors and an to political networks and were 1990, Deutsche Bank bought the adventures ended in heavy losses tution in 2012, , one of crisis and urged them to pursue implicit state guarantee, which valued advisors on fiscal mat- British investment bank Morgan and costly legal disputes. Deutsche’s trading stars, took the a corrective course, the German could reduce financing costs for ters. Under Chancellor Konrad Grenfell, and nine years later the At this juncture, a second poor reins. Hopeful for a return of the government elected to follow a the institution. Adenauer, Abs would even take American trading house Bankers decision was made. Other banks good old days, he assumed that more cautious path. Berlin ulti- The merger would of course part in cabinet meetings. Plus, Trust. very quickly recognized that the if Deutsche Bank could just hold mately left it up to the banks to carry certain risks, as the new Deutsche Bank held considerable There was just one problem: crisis would permanently trans- on for long enough, it could then decide whether or not they would entity would be somewhat self- equity stakes in German indus- the market was already divvied form the financial world. They move in on the markets vacated accept government assistance, absorbed for several years, which trial corporations such as Daim- up, and getting one foot in the adapted their business models by other banks. and otherwise opted to steer the competition will be sure to ler and Krupp, making it a critical door required Deutsche Bank to the significantly more rigor- But things turned out differ- clear of corporate policy. exploit. But one thing is clear: player at the heart of corporate to become especially aggressive. ous regulatory environment. The ently and the bank’s position Deutsche Bank was in fact simply carrying on as before is Germany. During his time in real estate, Swiss financial services com- grew ever direr. Jain was then suc- proud of forgoing government out of the question. Tough times When the globalization and Donald Trump was still get- pany UBS largely retreated from ceeded by the equally unfortunate aid, but its major clients and lie ahead for Deutsche Bank. deregulation of financial markets ting loans from Frankfurt when commercial transactions to con- . However, only when investors saw its insufficient capi- eventually reached Germany in the American banks would no centrate instead on more stable Christian Sewing took the helm talization as problematic, which Mark Schieritz is an economics the 1980s and 1990s, Deutsche longer lend to him due to his high realms such as asset management. in 2018 was the long-overdue only accelerated its demise. editor for the weekly Bank changed its business amount of debt. Deutsche Bank Only very late did Deutsche strategy discussion conducted in The government acquired an newspaper Die Zeit. model. It saw how much money became deeply involved in the Bank draw the necessary conclu- earnest. interest in Commerzbank, which

Round down

Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto is giving the aspirin makers a big headache

case the plaintiff won. The first Bayer continues to refer to more (CBG), which counts among its based branding expert Alexander as well. With 117,000 employees BY WOLFGANG MULKE was in August 2018, when a jury than 800 studies submitted in activists shareholders critical of Biesalski. While the pharmaceu- at the end of 2018, the drug com- awarded the plaintiff a payment connection with the marketing the corporation. “Glyphosate rep- ticals manufacturer would like to pany is one of the largest employ- he chief executive of of $289 million. A higher court authorization of Roundup in the resents not only billions in sales, be known for its promotion of ers in Germany. 12,000 are slated the pharmaceutical and then reduced the penalty to $78 US and Europe. These claim that but also cancer, genetic engineer- human health, Monsanto’s her- to be let go. And of all the loca- Tchemical giant Bayer million. In a test case in March of the Bayer products in question are ing and a danger to biodiversity.” bicide may actually be making tions to be shuttered, the com- is preparing for a tumultuous this year, a jury in San Francisco safe when used properly. Current Critics of Bayer management humans sick. “This contradiction pany will close up shop in the very meeting with his shareholders. ordered Bayer to pay approxi- studies have also concluded that will not prevail in their demand alone creates distrust,” observes town where its two young found- They will convey their displea- mately $80 million to a Monsanto there is no cancer risk for humans. to discharge the executive board Biesalski. ers mixed their first chemicals in sure about the company’s mas- customer who had developed But it’s not quite as simple as that. at the general meeting on April Biesalski doubts that the phar- 1863. sive loss in value to Werner Bau- cancer. The projected maximal The World Health Organization’s 26. The supervisory board stands maceuticals giant will win back The company’s history began mann at the corporation’s gen- financial risk stemming from the International Agency for Research firmly behind CEO Baumann. The stakeholders’ trust by making lots when Johann Friedrich Weskott eral meeting on April 26. Their wave of lawsuits is a staggering of noise: “Bayer should oper- and Friedrich Bayer started pro- anger is understandable. While $800 billion. The worst-case ate much more delicately in ducing dyestuffs in the industrial before the acquisition of Mon- scenario is nothing less than public.” town of Barmen, which is now santo, a share of Bayer was worth the permanent demise of the This is not the only problem part of Wuppertal. In 1888, they

€105, it currently sells for around long-standing company. IMAGO/STEINACH facing the Leverkusen cor- added the development of phar- €60. For a short time, the market While small shareholders poration. On paper, Bayer is maceuticals to their portfolio. capitalization plummeted below are groaning and calling the still a behemoth. Revenues in What has probably been the com- the €63 billion Bayer had paid in acquisition of Monsanto a 2018 reached nearly €40 bil- pany’s most famous drug is still 2018 to acquire the controversial flop, the management is stand- lion, a rise of 13.1 percent over appreciated today: aspirin. This US-based seed producer. Within ing by its decision. Critical the previous year. But earn- brand’s first analgesic tablet hit three months, Bayer became shareholders were told that ings before interest and taxes the market in 1899 as the com- “the biggest and fastest destroyer “the executive and supervisory (EBIT) declined by a third to pany grew in leaps and bounds. of value in the history of the boards are convinced that the roughly €3.9 billion, mainly But Bayer’s history also has its DAX,” as shareholder Christian acquisition of Monsanto was because of write-downs to dark sides, such as the inven- Strenger ranted in a motion to the right choice.” In doing so, assets. tion of heroin and the fusion of the general meeting. Bayer has presumably become The jump in revenue is German chemicals giants to form Baumann views this very differ- the world’s leading agricultural thanks to the crop science divi- IG Farben, the manufacturer of ently. The stock exchange tends company. Corpus delicti sion, which grew by almost a the poison gas used in concentra- to exaggerate trends, he claims, The executive board sees no half to around €14 billion tion camps. downplaying the crash. He main- reasons for stepping down. thanks to Monsanto. Other Whether or not the whole com- tains the acquisition was still a Indeed, Bayer will fight these ver- on Cancer (IARC) has found that executive board has attended to divisions look worse. Revenue pany now goes dark will depend good idea. dicts using all legal means at its glyphosate is “probably carcino- its legal obligations, said Super- from pharmaceuticals declined on the outcome of the wave of This disaster is in no small part disposal and is certain that the genic.” visory Board Chairman Werner slightly, while the consumer lawsuits blanketing the US. Some due to the 11,200 pending lawsuits herbicide glyphosate in its weed- Bayer shareholders fear that Wenning to the business journal health and animal health divi- analysts are already predicting a filed by US citizens against Mon- killer Roundup, which is at the the executive board has not suf- Handelsblatt. “Once more we have sions suffered more significant takeover and breakup if the loss santo. At issue is the question of center of this legal morass, does ficiently addressed the hidden expressly approved this strategy.” losses. Still, the executive board is in value persists. whether the herbicide glyphosate not cause cancer. “The verdict risks of Monsanto products. Nevertheless, the dual messag- sticking to its goals, which foresee can cause cancer in humans. The in this case has no influence on “Bayer looked only at the numbers ing inherent to the acquisition of strong growth in years to come in courts have issued two ground- future cases,” Bayer assured the during the acquisition,” claims the Monsanto remains a “big prob- terms of both revenue and profit. Wolfgang Mulke is a freelance journalist based in Berlin. breaking rulings thus far. In each public in a press release. Coalition against BAYER Dangers lem,” according to the Munich- This worries Bayer’s work force April 2019 The German Times – Business 15

Listen up Huawei, 5G and the new geopolitics

BY DANIEL LEISEGANG in the Federal Republic. No signs of industrial sabotage or spying he next generation of SHUTTERSTOCK by Chinese companies has been wireless systems – 5G – discovered over the last 15 years. Tpromises to revolution- Nonetheless, the German gov- ize our lives. The new mobile ernment would like to minimize communications technology will this risk. It is currently negotiat- blow away all current wireless ing an anti-espionage agreement standards and set in place certain with Beijing, which would include pre-conditions for telemedicine, stricter security requirements for driverless cars and Smart Cities. technology companies as well as These advancements are made compulsory certification of their possible, in part, by a data trans- devices. Although Huawei has mission rate of more than 10 giga- worked for years with Germany’s bytes per second – i.e. 20 times Federal Office for Information faster than what 4G can achieved. Security and – unlike other pro- Only four companies in the viders – allows inspections of the world can supply the components source code underpinning its soft- required to build the 5G network: ware, Huawei’s transmission tech- Huawei and ZTE in China, Eric- nology will be even more closely sson in Sweden and Nokia in examined in the future. Finland. According to industry Huawei has already indicated experts, however, only the market that it will permit more strin- leader Huawei possesses the most gent measures, provided that modern yet also most affordable they “apply to everyone and are technology. The company gener- technology-neutral.” Thus, the ated revenue of more than $105 US government’s harsh approach billion in 2018, an almost 20-per- could prove to have an unintended cent increase over the previ- boomerang effect, as Washing- ous year. Huawei does business ton presumably has no interest in in more than 170 countries and tighter controls. According to the regions; approximately half its Patriot Act, US competitors like income comes from outside of lery, especially vis-à-vis the EU. tant economic ties to China. In many currently sits at around as well as automobile companies Cisco and Juniper are required to China. At the Munich Security Confer- mid-February, Berlin finally €200 billion; for years, China has have been working closely with provide US intelligence services The United States government ence in February, Vice President announced that no providers per been the largest source of imports Huawei for some time. The Brit- with information at their request, is currently doing all it can to Mike Pence stressed: “We cannot se are excluded from playing a role for Germany. ish government, usually a loyal not least by way of manipulated prevent Huawei’s growing influ- ensure the defense of the West if in establishing new wireless tech- In mid-March, irrespective of ally of Washington, did criticize hardware and software. The US ence. It is demanding that its allies our allies grow dependent on the nology in Germany. Huawei tech- America’s threats, Italy, the third- Huawei in late March for its ongo- seems poised to lose the great dis- cease awarding contracts to the East.” A few days later, Secretary nology will only be avoided when largest economy in the eurozone, ing difficulties in closing up secu- pute with Huawei. company. Washington’s official of State Mike Pompeo traveled rity loopholes. However, London However, besides the US there justification is that Beijing could to Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, is reluctant to ban Huawei from is another loser in this game: the force Huawei to spy on or infiltrate where he threatened each govern- the UK, as it fears additional costs EU. In the struggle for global foreign wireless networks or sabo- ment with the withdrawal of US Germany’s wireless network ranging in the hundreds of mil- hegemony, Europe is little more tage critical infrastructure. troops if they fail to thwart Chi- is one of Europe’s worst lions of pounds. than a ball batted about by the The US has thus far been unable nese influence in their countries. And the German government great powers old and new. For its to produce any evidence to sup- And in Berlin, a visiting US del- would ultimately follow the same member states, there remains but port its assertion. This suggests egation attempted in December to building strategically significant signed up to China’s gigantic material economic logic. It can one small comfort – in the near that for Washington, the issue dissuade the German government networks. prestige project, the Belt and hardly afford to turn down Hua- future they’ll have a downright is less about cybersecurity than from doing any further business Few were surprised that the Road Initiative (BRI). This New wei’s assistance. Germany’s wire- revolutionarily fast wireless net- about thwarting China’s geostra- with Huawei. decision fell in favor of China. In Silk Road aims to develop new less network is one of Europe’s work. tegic rise as it seeks to become the Germany struggled to take recent years, the EU has neglected trade corridors deep into Europe, worst, above all in terms of avail- technological and political world a clear position. The country to encourage the development of Africa and Latin America. France, ability and coverage. Moreover, Daniel Leisegang is an editor power. wanted neither to renounce the its own critical digital technolo- too, has no intention of alienat- Huawei has been operating in Ger- for the monthly journal Blätter The US government is deploy- security guarantees of the US nor gies. Furthermore, the yearly trade ing the new global player from many since 2005 and accounts for für deutsche und internationale Politik. ing some relatively heavy artil- jeopardize its increasingly impor- volume between China and Ger- Asia – French wireless providers every second transmission tower

Uber and out

The US ridesharing company is facing considerable resistance in Germany

market value of €120 billion on Although this blue law is virtually submitted by Federal Transport BY MARTIN GROPP the eve of its public offering – never enforced, the ruling of the Minister (CSU), has been attempting to gain a court stands. who was seeking to change the

f you’re flying from the foothold in the motherland of This is why there are only two Passenger Transport Act, and thus MANG IMAGO/CHRISTIAN United States to Germany the automobile, but all its efforts types of services Uber can cur- repeal drivers’ obligation to return Iand you want to use the have encountered one reaction in rently offer: taxi drivers via Uber to the dispatch office after com- American ride-hailing company particular: resistance. Taxi and professional chauffeurs pleting a ride. If this reform were Uber to get from the airport to It would appear the problem via Uber X. This time, the com- to pass, drivers would be permit- downtown, there are two things isn’t a lack of private drivers pany is making a great effort ted to simply move on to their you need to know: first, you’re interested in offering their ser- to comply with the Passenger next customer when instructed going to have to land in one of vices, as is the case in other coun- Transport Act. At their relaunch by the Uber app, rather than only only a few German cities and, tries. Rather, courts in Germany in Frankfurt last December, the by telephone. In addition, Scheuer second, you should bring a lot have prohibited Uber’s standard company took great pains to wants to make it possible for sev- of time to spare. While in many business model from operating show how in-demand it was. In eral passengers with the same des- US cities and several countries in their country. Other Uber fact since January first, half a mil- tination to ride together in these around the world, it’s completely offers have failed here as well: in lion users in Frankfurt have tried cars. This “pooling,” which works normal to order an Uber driver December 2018, the company’s to book a ride via the smartphone in other cities using the Uber app, via smartphone rather than wait professional chauffeur service, app. Most of these attempts prob- has also been banned in Germany. for a taxi, this is far from the case Uber Black, was declared inad- ably came from people who had The president of the Federal in Germany. missible ex post by Germany’s just arrived at the airport, which Association of Taxis and Car Although Uber currently offers Federal Court of Justice, the is, after all, the largest in Ger- Rentals (BZP) recently had some Uber alles – not: Berlin taxi drivers protesting against a potential rival in April its services in Germany, it does highest court in the country. At many. sharp criticism of Scheuer’s plans. so in only four cities: Frankfurt the time, the federal court deter- “Frankfurt and Uber are a per- “The proposals coming from the many’s Federal Cartel Office, on left SPD contains the following am Main, Düsseldorf, Munich mined that the limousine service fect match,” said Christoph Wei- ministry are all unilaterally in the other hand, sees the increase language: “New platform-based and Berlin. And, depending on violated Germany’s Passenger gler, Uber’s managing director for favor of Uber & Co. – and at the in competition resulting from ser- digital mobility services require the city and the time of day, you Transport Act. Germany. Weigler noted that a expense of taxis. This threatens vices such as Uber as a positive a secure legal basis for their might have to wait for your Uber The problem, at least accord- constructive dialog with the city, the very existence of the taxi development. Last year, Andreas approval.” The agreement also driver for as long as it takes to ing to the court, is that profes- with drivers, but also “with other industry.” Mundt, ’s says that the Passenger Transport get your luggage at the airport – sional chauffeurs in Germany are mobility service providers” is cru- Even the ecological trans- highest competition authority, Act will have to be modernized. 45 minutes or longer. Plus, your only allowed to accept orders cial in the area. But these “other port association Verkehrsclub said that innovative business It looks like travelers in the Uber driver is not going to be a that have been received via a mobility service providers” – that Deutschland (VCD) considers ideas in traditional sectors should habit of calling an Uber when private person in their own car centralized dispatch office or by is, taxi drivers in Frankfurt but the current Passenger Transport be welcomed in principle: “But they land will still have to wait. – as is usually the case in other telephone. The Federal Court also throughout Germany – are Act to be outdated. And yet, with- we need uniform conditions for And they’ll have to have two cities; instead, you’ll probably get of Justice ruled that Uber does putting up quite a resistance to out mentioning the name Uber, ridesharing services.” things in hand when traveling to a professional chauffeur, some- not fulfill this requirement, as their competition. the association still opposes any It’s probably going to take some Germany: patience and a plane times even a regular taxi driver. drivers receive their orders via In February, taxi drivers orga- unrestricted market access, which time before such conditions are in ticket to either Berlin, Düsseldorf, Simply put, Germany is not smartphone app. In other words, nized the first “action day” in it considers neither necessary place in Germany, even if Trans- Frankfurt or Munich. an Uber country. By now, the before they accept a new order, Berlin with roughly 700 partici- nor helpful: “What we need is a port Minister Scheuer continues country’s Uber-resistant reputa- chauffeurs would have to first pants. The second one followed in carefully proportioned liberaliza- to apply pressure. Indeed, even Martin Gropp writes about the tion has become almost a badge drive back to the dispatch office, mid-April, but was organized for tion, one in which municipalities the federal government’s grand automobile industry for the of pride. The company – which because they would otherwise all of Germany. The protests were maintain planning sovereignty coalition agreement signed by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. investors say has a potential stock be in violation of German law. prompted by the reform plans over ridesharing services.” Ger- the center-right CDU and center- 16 The German Times – Business April 2019

Winding north

Climate change is transforming viticulture in Germany

frost candles and even helicopters to try BY NIKOLAS RECHENBERG and drive out the frost from the rows of SHUTTERSTOCK vines. ineyards that reach the Baltic Sea? Climate change is also causing a grow- We’ve seen it once before – some ing number of winemakers to seek out V800 years ago. Today’s climate higher ground. For example, higher areas change is bringing warmer and warmer along the Mosel River – the so-called weather to Germany. And accord- “upper bars” – are once again being cul- ingly, German winemakers have started tivated. Ernst Büscher from the German moving even further north, all the way Wine Institute notes that “one hundred to the coast. Near Kiel, Germany’s north- meters higher means an average tem- ernmost big city in the state of Schleswig- perature of one degree less.” This makes Holstein, the Montigny Winery now it possible to continue producing lighter operates a vineyard on two hectares of white wines. Plus, in order to prevent land surrounding Hof Altmühlen. And at rising temperatures from generating Germany’s northernmost vineyard since heavy wines like the ones in Spain and 2009 -- in Keitum on the island of Sylt Portugal, winemakers are also trimming in the North Sea – the Rheingau winery back the foliage on vines more aggres- Balthasar Ress cultivates Solaris and Mül- sively; after all, those leaves produce ler-Thurgau grapevines on a plot of 3,000 sugar via photosynthesis, and this sugar square meters. is stored in the grapes and then con- Even the states of Brandenburg and verted into alcohol. Lower Saxony, which have never been 100,000 hectares of vineyards. However, devoted to Cabernet Franc (44 hectares), In fact, less and less ice wine has been pro- One group of Germans welcoming the home to winegrowing, are starting to see the trend toward red grape varieties in all Shiraz (57 hectares) and Tempranillo (10 duced since the 2000s, as those long peri- higher temperatures are pests and para- vineyards being established. In Lower 13 growing areas between the Elbe and hectares) more than doubled from 2010 to ods of minus-7-degree weather necessary sites, such as the Kirchessigfliege (cherry Saxony, ten new winemakers have Lake Constance is clearly identifiable. In 2014. The acreage for Cabernet Sauvignon for the late harvest of these sweet wines vinegar fly), Rebzikaden (grapevine leaf- acquired the right to cultivate grape- the medium term, winemakers in Ger- (to 360 hectares) and Merlot (to 600 hect- in winter are becoming increasingly rare. hoppers) and Eichenprozessionsspinner vines on a total of nearly 7.6 hectares. many are increasingly looking at red grape ares) also rose by 20 percent each. In 2007, the vines started to bloom (oak processionary moths). As a result, These winegrowing areas are located in varieties such as Tempranillo and Merlot. Every now and then, climate change earlier than ever before. These days, winemakers are expanding their use of the region around Hanover as well as in For the grape known as Trollinger, how- prompts concern among otherwise in the Rheingau region, the blooming organic pest control, which can involve, the nearby districts of Göttingen, Lüne- ever, things are slowly getting too hot. It relaxed German winemakers. In 2006, for occurs ten days earlier than it did 60 for example, special attractants. In the burg, Oldenburg, Schaumburg, Friesland, is already being replaced in part by other example, the ice wine harvest failed com- years ago. The flowering of the vines – battle against the Traubenwickler (vine Osnabrück and Ammerland. In the space varieties, such as Cabernet Franc, Caber- pletely due to an excessively mild climate. which usually takes place in early June moth), the use of a pheromones-based of only a couple of years, many of these net Sauvignon and Merlot. – now comes, on average, approach in more than half of the vine- northern wines will no doubt be able to With current trends in roughly 15 days earlier yards in Rhineland-Palatinate is already measure up to the levels of quality offered wine lovers’ drinking habits ONE-QUARTER OF GERMAN WINE EXPORT than in 1955. yielding positive results. by more traditional winegrowing areas. always in mind, winemak- EARNINGS IS GENERATED IN THE US This early sprouting of Climate change will also no doubt As it is, German growers are already ers are proceeding with leaves is associated with impact the taste of wines, many of which well-prepared for the near future with caution and now planting The export of German wines to the United States is on the a number of dangers: for will contain significantly less acidity and their traditional cool-climate grape vari- smaller plots of land with decline, yet the US remains the most important export destination example, night frosts can be less fruity. On the other hand, it also eties: Riesling, Silvaner and Spätbur- southern red wines. for German vineyards. One-quarter of all German wine exports threaten young shoots, means they’ll be earthier and heavier – gunder (Pinot Noir). Any danger that At roughly one percent of is sent to the US every year. In 2018, one million of the roughly and temperatures of with the alcohol content already moving these late-maturing grape varieties will all vineyards in Germany, 10 million hectoliters of wine produced every year in Germany minus 1 degree Celsius steadily upward. not achieve their optimal maturity has the proportion of interna- were exported: about 172,000 hectoliters worth €72 million are also dangerous to the long since faded away. tional grape varieties is still went to the US, followed by the Scandinavian countries with vines. Winemakers these 159,000 hectoliters worth €49 million and the United Kingdom At the moment, winemakers are produc- low. However, figures from days are deploying mea- Nikolas Rechenberg is a ing around 66 percent white wine and 34 the German Wine Institute with 132,000 hectoliters worth €27 million. sures such as small wind wine blogger based in Berlin. percent red wine on the country’s roughly (DWI) show that the area turbines, fan heaters,


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Into the woods A very special relationship, Germans and their forest

civilization theory and polemics collapse of conventional patterns memorial was to be built in a heart of the German with a deep outbreak of the World War I: BY DIETER BORCHMEYER since the early 19th century. of identification during and after forest – preferably at Bad Berka – and mysterious delight. To this “The main character in Der For Germans, the forest poses World War II. and not at an historical location, day he loves to go deep into the Freischütz is, so to speak, the ardly any other German nothing short of a landscape of Despite the ideological abuse where political semantics would forest where his forefathers lived; forest, the German forest glit- myth has been cited longing, the epitome of protec- of the German forest under the surely have provoked much dis- he feels at one with the trees. tering in the sun [….] Weber’s Hand celebrated as con- tive nature – a fact frequently Kaiser, followed by a new wave pute. One could almost recite, Without a doubt, one of the mission was nationalistic – its sistently as that of the German met with astonishment by non- of chauvinist forest propaganda in a variation of the line in the foremost forest romantics was objective was freedom and inter- forest. In Jacob Grimm’s 1835 Germans. A sizable ideological – including the organization, 1914 declaration of war by Kaiser Joseph von Eichendorff (1788- national recognition for German publication Deutsche Mythologie dispute over its preservation and under the patronage of Field Wilhelm II: I henceforth see no 1857). His poetry presents the culture.” (Teutonic Mythology), the author proper use continues to this day, Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, political parties, I see only the forest as a religious landscape – Since Der Freischütz, the forest singled out the forest as the spe- as it receives a constant supply called Deutscher Wald e.V., Bund German forest! an “andächtger Aufenthalt” (pious has become ever more the sym- cific primordial site of popular of oxygen from a vigorous envi- zur Wehr und Weihe des Waldes In his theoretical magnum opus, dwelling) for the soul with its bolically superelevated venue for belief and Germanic pagan ritual. ronmental movement. The most (German Forest Association Crowds and Power (1960), Elias meditative resonant spatiality in opera – Wagner’s Siegfried (with That the myth of the forest has recent demonstrations in defense for the Defense and Consecra- Canetti compared the role of contrast to the “geschäftge Welt” the “Forest Weaving” arrange- held firm through the irrevoca- of the Hambach Forest are a clas- tion of the Forest) – Reichstag forest romanticism for the Ger- (wild world) of the city, as made ment in the second act), his Parsi- ble dissolution of most German sic example. Commemorating the parties ranging from the Social mans with that for the army: famous by Mendelssohn’s musical fal and Humperdinck’s Hänsel myths during the apocalypse that dead and the work of mourning Democrats to the far right acted The crowd symbol of the Ger- rendering of the poet’s Abschied: und Gretel and Die Königskinder, was the Third Reich can perhaps often converge in the weighty in 1924 on the proposal by Reich mans was the army. But the army “O Täler weit, o Höhen” – as well just to name a few. Even after the be credited to the fact that this symbolism surrounding forests President Friedrich Ebert to was more than just the army; it as, of course, a patriotic one. A Romantic period, “forest roman- myth is not necessarily linked to – as attested by forest cemeter- erect a (never realized) “national was the marching forest. In no classic example is von Eichen- ticism” lived on in the narrative a particular ideologically laden or ies and tree burials – while envi- memorial” for the fallen soldiers other modern country has the dorff’s poem Der Jäger Abschied literature of the 19th century and politically charged location. Even ronment pedagogy tends to seek of World War I in a forest, the forest-feeling remained as alive (Hunters’ Farewell), in which the was superseded by a poetic and National Socialism, for which the out woodlands, and includes “primordial origin” and “power as it has in Germany. The parallel religious and meditative compo- realistic depiction of the forest Ewiger Wald (Enchanted Forest, institutions such as forest kin- source” of the Germans. This rigidity of the upright trees and nents harmonize with the patri- (e.g. Adalbert Stifter’s transfor- and the title of a 1936 propa- dergartens. Since the mid-1970s, was only possible because this their density and number fill the otic. In the third and fourth stan- mation of the forest between ganda film) – along with Blut und forest dieback – often the zas, the forest, as conjured his poems Hochwald (1841) to Boden (blood and soil) – served as result of acid rain, which by the Brothers Grimm, Waldgänger (1847)). And indeed, a critical bulwark of ideology as in recent decades has is the primordial sphere in the 20th century it experi- well as an inspiration for formal been vigorously deplored Wer hat dich, du schöner Wald, Who has built you, you beautiful forest, of the legend and the loy- enced an unparalleled boom forest policy and enacted legisla- and successfully combat- Aufgebaut so hoch da droben? Up there, so high above? alty expressed within it among writers of light fiction tion, could not gravely injure this ted – has been referred Wohl den Meister will ich loben, I truly want to praise your Master, – that is, German loyalty. and sentimental films. The most myth. to all across Europe by So lang noch mein Stimm erschallt. As long as my voice shall sound. This must also manifest significant attempt to imbue the Almost two millennia hence, the German word for the Lebe wohl, Farewell, itself in active life, in the German forest once again with Tacitus described Germania as a blight: Waldsterben. Lebe wohl, du schöner Wald! Farewell, you beautiful forest! context of the Wars of a symbolic glow is Stefan Moses’ land permeated by dark forests, Forest consciousness Liberation, and thus on series of photographic portraits and cited the victory by Arminius in Germany is a phenom- Tief die Welt verworren schallt, The world below sends tangled sounds, the battle field. In this titled Menschen im Wald (People in the Teutoburg Forest as at least enon that has spanned all Oben einsam Rehe grasen, Lonely deer are grazing above. light, the forest becomes in the forest), which sought to partly due to the murkiness of the generations, social classes Und wir ziehen fort und blasen, And we go off and blow our horns, a “deutsch Panier,” or use the background of the forest woodlands, where the native Teu- as well as ideological and Daß es tausendfach verhallt: And it echoes a thousandfold: German banner. to shift the emigrants and great tons slew the Roman troops that political leanings since the Lebe wohl, Farewell, The forest is also the forbearers of German culture were accustomed to open battle Romantic period, during Lebe wohl, du schöner Wald! Farewell, you beautiful forest! chief setting for Carl into the back light of a different fields. The cult of the Hermanns- which painting, poetry Maria von Weber’s Der authenticity. Once again – and schlacht – another term for the and literature, as well as Banner, der so kühle wallt! Banner, so cool aflutter! Freischütz (The Marks- surely not for the last time – the decisive battle – became the foun- the fairy tales and legends Unter deinen grünen Wogen Under your undulations of green, man), the – at least at one forest appears there as a “German dational myth of national identity they helped revitalize, Hast du treu uns auferzogen, How you us faithfully sheltered, time – German national banner.” in the 19th century, and in this carved out a central sym- Frommer Sagen Aufenthalt! Keeper of pious legends! opera. The forest appears context it was in particular the bolic role for the forest. Lebe wohl, Farewell, at once, in the tradition of Lebe wohl, du schöner Wald! Farewell, you beautiful forest! Dieter Borchmeyer is Professor “German oak” that would develop One fruit of this phenom- Tacitus, as a locus terribili Emeritus of Modern German into one of the essential symbols enon has been the birth and as a site of redemp- Literature at the University of of this identity and of Germany’s and sustenance of a con- Was wir still gelobt im Wald, What we lent quiet praise in the forest tion. The nation’s inter- Heidelberg. From 2004 to 2013, Wollens draußen ehrlich halten, We preserve afield with honor, Borchmeyer was president of the heroic national strength. The stant that has pervaded pretation of Der Freischütz Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts. German forest versus the French and still pervades German Ewig bleiben treu die Alten: Our fathers remain in ever faith: is above all as a musical In 2017 he published his 1,000- city – no matter how one may culture – an astonishing Deutsch Panier, das rauschend wallt, German banner, waving, rustling, representation of the page study Was ist deutsch? assess the consequences of this fact considering the colos- Lebe wohl, Farewell, German forest. Clear evi- Die Suche einer Nation nach Schirm dich Gott, du schöner Wald! May God protect you, beautiful forest! sich selbst (What is German? dichotomy, it represents a cul- sal upheavals in recent dence of such is a remark A nation’s search for itself).

tural opposition that has defined German history and the NORA KRUG BY 2 STANZAS OF FIRST TRANSLATION by Hans Pfitzner, at the 18 The German Times – Life April 2019

Free radicals What does the “new man” look like? And how will this man live in the future? 100 years ago, the Bauhaus in Weimar began to revolutionize the world of design. A new museum spotlights its work

The task then became to make BY KLAUS GRIMBERG everyday life easier and more beautiful by taking full advantage he contemporary being of modern materials and func- must begin anew, to reju- tional design. Tvenate himself, to achieve In 1923, the Haus am Horn – a new humanity, a universal life- the only residential building built form of the people,” wrote archi- in Weimar according to Bauhaus tect Walter Gropius emphati- principles – hosted the first exhi- cally back in 1919. The sentence WEIMAR MÜLLER © KLASSIKSTIFTUNG THOMAS BY PHOTO bition of designs from the school’s reveals the brutal disillusion- workshops. Many of those objects ment felt by an entire generation and pieces of furniture served to after the horrors of World War I. furnish exemplary living rooms Their confidence in the blessings and children’s nurseries or kitch- of technology had been deeply ens, and they now tell the story of shaken by the mechanized killing the arrival of design into everyday and industrial annihilation of mil- life at the new Bauhaus Museum. lions of young people. Throughout the Weimar era of But what exactly should this the Bauhaus, the Bühnenwerkstatt, “new man” look like? At a new art or “stage workshop,” remained school known as the Staatliches the school’s creative center, the Bauhaus, founded in Weimar in place where light and movement, April 1919, Gropius – the school’s color and body were explored in first director – joined with the a playful manner. Oskar Schlem- group of teachers and students mer’s “Triadic Ballet” became the he had assembled, all of whom epitome of artistic performance were filled with a sense of new – one in which human-machine awakening, and set out on a path figures performed the dance of to explore this “new man” of the the future. The merging of the future and render him as tangible “new man” with technical and as possible. artistic attributes symbolized the In the early years, the Bauhaus school’s gradual rapprochement Interior as Gesamtkunstwerk was a virtually unregulated play- with industrial working methods ground of creativity, a boundless placed on characteristic forms. Yet The highs and lows of German biosis, and the fact that it was also Gropius who from the very and serial production. After its laboratory reveling in the joy of another approach was taken by cultural history collide in Weimar even able to develop into such a beginning defended the design politically motivated expulsion – a experimentation. The school Wassily Kandinsky, who searched like in no other German city. Only visionary institution was largely school against bitter opposition right-leaning party had reduced focused on the most holistic view for new harmonies between man, minutes away from the central due to the efforts of Walter Gro- from the political and social realm the Bauhaus budget by 50 per- possible of mankind, as well as on nature and technology by means square, which saw the creation pius. Although the first Bauhaus – from the left, but above all from cent – from Weimar in 1925 to the perception of body and move- of radical abstraction and color and presentation of great Clas- director on many occasions drew the right. a new location in Dessau, it was ment, colors and forms, materi- analysis. sical literature, the gathering of on the preparatory work of his After the school’s initial phase of precisely this change in perspec- als and contrasts via all human Today, the exciting atmosphere the national assembly of the first colleagues for his own designs, discovery, which focused on find- tive that made it possible for the senses. “I am leading all creative and zest for life in this wild and German republic and the laying of and although he himself was ing answers to questions relating Bauhaus to become the highly activity back to its roots, to play. unbridled phase of the legendary the foundation of modern design never considered an architec- to the “new man,” a second issue influential design institution it Those who fail at this in my book school is on display in a highly and architecture at the Bauhaus, tural genius, he was nonetheless came to occupy the minds of the continues to be to this day, all fail as artists or students,” argued accessible form at the recently the Nazis murdered tens of thou- a highly gifted communicator and Bauhaus teachers and students: over the world. Johannes Itten, the founder of the opened Bauhaus Museum in sands of people at Buchenwald a tireless fighter for the Bauhaus How do we want to live in the But that’s another story – one preliminary “basic design course” Weimar. The new building was concentration camp. Today, the idea. future? It was clear that it wasn’t that will be told in Dessau start- at the Bauhaus, which all students designed by architect Heike bulky yet delicate concrete cube It was Gropius who brought possible to stop or turn back the ing in September, when a second were obliged to take before they Hanada and sets a new and distinc- of the new Bauhaus Museum is well-known artists such as Lyonel ongoing march of technology. new museum examining the his- could be admitted to one of the tive tone in this city of Goethe and an effective and eye-catching con- Feininger, Gerhard Marcks and What then arose was the idea tory of the Bauhaus will open to workshops. Schiller. Most importantly, it helps trast to the former Gauforum, Paul Klee to the Bauhaus along- of merging technology and art celebrate the school’s 100th anni- His colleague Oskar Schlem- visitors understand and reinterpret the monstrous remnant of a city side Itten, Schlemmer and Kan- to form a fruitful unity. Running versary. mer, on the other hand, sought the connections between German planned by the Nazis. dinsky, even though he knew full water, as well as gas and electricity to find universally valid “human Classicism in the period around The Bauhaus school brought well that a gathering of creative delivered directly to homes, were types” in which individual features 1800 and the advent of Modernism art and craftsmanship together egos in a small space was bound that era’s promises for increased Klaus Grimberg is a freelance journalist based in Berlin. were reduced and emphasis was more than one hundred years later. to form a hitherto unknown sym- to lead to artistic friction. It was comfort and a new way of living.

Meet the neighbors

The wolves are back, and Germans are debating how to reconcile the large, carnivorous predators with the rural economy

the new neighbors; the wolves are becom- quency with which wolves fall victim to as now both nature preservationists and financial assistance and consulting as well BY ECKHARD FUHR ing the object of management schemes, cars or trains, they find tranquility and hunting authorities are involved in the fate as by compensating their damages to the ordinances, coalition agreements and plenty of opportunities to withdraw from of the wolf. Wolves may only be killed if greatest possible extent. In Brandenburg t the turn of the millennium, the Bundestag debates. peril in our forests and fields where, unlike they cause considerable economic harm – the German state boasting the most wolves returned to Germany. To become better oriented in the hustle 150 years ago, hundreds of thousands of or become a security risk. And a killing wolves – certain ordinances were enacted AOn a military training ground in and bustle of wolf-based politics, it’s people no longer trudge the land for work may only be prescribed if more benign that are serving as models for other states the Lausitz region east of Berlin, a wolf helpful to see the world through a wolf’s day in and day out. A sober evaluation by measures have failed or are unavailable. as well as for the federal government. It pair was spotted raising pups for the eyes, and at least make a stab at just once this wily and adaptive predator must con- Current law does not permit regulating, can be an arduous task to reconcile wolf first time in 150 years. In other words, assuming the standpoint of the wolves vis- clude that Germany – and all of Central limiting or reducing the wolf population. and agriculture, but it pays off. the 21st century began with the reemer- à-vis the land they are reclaiming. What Europe – is an optimal habitat. One possible change to this legal frame- Powerful interest groups like the gence of wild predators. It was not gen- makes a densely populated industrial Plus, no one is really is getting in their work has triggered a political dispute that German Farmers’ Association and the erally understood as a sign of the times, country so attractive to an animal species way. The very same modernization pro- is driving a wedge into Berlin’s govern- German Hunters’ Federation are not but rather a curiosity, an historical that purports to feel most at home in the cess that led to intensive agriculture and ing coalition. The Union and the agricul- content with this pragmatic route repre- misunderstanding, something to chalk wilderness? all that it wrought is also responsible for ture ministry are pushing for controls on sented by the existing legal framework. up to the backwardness of the distant The German landscape is marked by a fundamental shift in the mindset in the population of wolves, while the SPD “Upper limits” and “wolf-free zones” are German east. extensive agriculture, which introduces European societies, a shift that has given and environment minister are seeking to the catchwords most used in their argu- Today, almost 20 years later, the wolves massive amounts of nutrients into the majority appeal to the idea that not only make case-by-case decisions more legally ments. Wolves cannot be confined to have claimed not only a large share of biosphere as a whole. This leads to a situ- butterflies have the right to prosper, but compliant and their enforcement more zones and fewer wolves does not equate Germany as their stomping ground, but ation where an inordinate number of wild, large predators as well. effective. Anything more seems impos- to less damage. Even if wolves could be a significant amount of political hoofed mammals – deer, elk, fallow deer, There is thus no sound claim that the sible. Transitioning to population control hunted, it would do nothing to lessen the and media attention as well. wild boar – live as bountifully as never wolf “does not belong in our cultural would require that the European Com- current imperative to protect herds. More- Political parties and interest before. What for many insects, birds, landscape,” as lupine opponents main- mission change the protection status of over, the legal stipulations for the public groups are quarreling over amphibians and reptiles would be a tain. These are not strays; their return is wolves, and at the moment this is out of compensation for losses caused by wolves death zone is nothing no mistake and in no way the result of the question. and for herd protection would no longer SHUTTERSTOCK less than paradise the machinations of metropolitan nature The most important and – to the sober apply if the wolf ceased to be a strictly for the large, car- lovers imposing their whims on earnest, eye – singularly relevant conflict linked protected species. nivorous wolf. down-to-earth, rural populations – a myth to wolves is the fact that they feast on There are now some 80 wolf packs in Wild, hoofed eagerly propagated by populists, not only unprotected livestock. Not only does this Germany, in addition to territorial pairs animals – or those in the far-right AfD party. If the wolf have an impact on farmers, it also pres- and lone wolves. The number of individu- ungulates becomes instrumentalized as a political ents nature conservancy with conflicting als can only be estimated, but the figure is – are their vehicle, it will be hard to properly address goals. Extensive grassland management somewhere between 500 and 1,000 – most natural prey, the real conflicts triggered by its return. through grazing is essential to maintaining of whom cause us no harm whatsoever and and Germany German and European laws provide the biodiversity of the cultural landscape. escape our notice altogether. boasts roughly 10 strict protections for the wolf species. A downturn in this form of agriculture times as many wolf Apart from in Saxony, it is illegal to hunt would make for an ecological catastrophe. Eckhard Fuhr is a journalist and hunter prey per square kilo- wolves in Germany. But even in Saxony, Efforts by the federal and state govern- living in Berlin and an author of several meter than does Sibe- the inclusion of the wolf in state hunt- ments are thus filtering out all the ideo- books about wolves and hunting. His ria, while meeting many ing law does not mean that wolves can logical bluster surrounding wolves and most recent work, Jagdkunde (Hunting knowledge), published by Matthes & other needs of the wolf actually be hunted. It has merely added focusing squarely on helping keepers of Seitz, came out this month. as well. Despite the fre- another level of bureaucracy to the issue, livestock protect their herds by providing April 2019 The German Times – Life 19

Brothers and arms East Germans continue to talk about the indignities they suffered after 1989 while nurturing a victimization myth that absolves them of any responsibility

Müller wrote, saved themselves BY INES GEIPEL after 1989 almost exclusively by way of a silence comprising omis- IMAGO/PHOTOCASE aura, age 19, studies the- sion, contortion and renewed ater at a dramatic arts inauthenticity. The Left, the party Lacademy in Berlin. Elektra that seems to have inherited the is her greatest role. She stands toxicity of the GDR, exploited at the front of the stage: “Hate them with maximal political is nothing. It eats itself up and unscrupulousness. It understood it’s gone,” she says, directly to the potential of staged circumlo- the audience. She hears their cution as a paradigm that works. breathing. They hear hers. It’s An altercation with two dictator- one of the moments you go to ships simultaneously is just too the theater for. Laura stares at much. The West, too, would be the people sitting in the dark and overwhelmed. And yet it needs they stare back, as if time is sus- the dual perspective. pended. There’s something tangy Laura asks me whether I’ll go in the room, something undeni- outside with her to have a ciga- able, metallic. And it’s supposed rette. The school is new; it’s still to be there; it should not be a construction site. We stand allowed to fade. between rubble and concrete – It’s the end of October, 2018. in no-man’s-land. She says she’s Summer is over, but the debate happy that the new building will over rages on – the fatal finally mean the end of the GDR. I stabbing of Daniel H., age 35 – the look around, baffled. More border, hooligans and their Nazi salute more wall – it’s hard to imagine – the thousands that gathered more GDR than there is right within hours – the mobilization here. It’s clear to me that I have and unification of eastern Ger- to explain that to her. I smoke and many’s far right. Suddenly some- think about the old century we thing is plain to see, right out in drag along, about its dictate, about the open. And that something has that which we haven’t exam- left the entire country on edge. ined, haven’t addressed, haven’t Laura and I are sitting across resolved. I struggle against my from each other in the theater inner film as against a putrid river cafeteria, just after the prolog. of time. The myths of the East She says she’s from Chemnitz German culture of remembrance and just spent the last few weeks – Buchenwald, life in the collec- there. Something’s emerging in tive, the malaise of un-freedom, that town, she says. I ask about the renaissance of the inner Hitler, her family. The far-right party AfD of the authoritarian. It’s about could be any number of things, learning to breathe anew, about she says, dismissing them with a reenactments. And we’re smack wave of her hand. We have every- in the middle of it. thing at home: America haters, All that stuff about families, gen- recluses, apoliticals, anti-global- erational tension, loyalties. The ists. One guy is in poli- force of the upheaval in 1989, the tics, and the other’s a xenophobe. chaos of structural rebuilding. But more than anything, you have Debates in Germany are defined to be anti. by the indignities suffered by Anti-what? Anti-the system, East Germans after 1989. The anti-establishment, against the indignities before 1989 are not an powers that be. Laura tells me issue. Nor is the East idiom an about her grandfather, who was empty shell – the existence of the an East German officer stationed internalized victim devoid of any at the border back in the days of responsibility. the GDR. When it came time to What can we do? There are get his pension after 1989, he was no easy answers. After Angela unbelievably angry. That it was Merkel’s 2015 summer of refu- lower than it would have been gees, which in the eyes of many in the West was an injustice that former East Germans nullified the simply made his head explode. principle of the welfare state, the The images of Sept. 1, 2018. The slogan was: “Integrate us first!” neo-Nazi march in Chemnitz. In September 2018, Karl Marx was forced to overlook a neo-Nazi mob on his Chemnitz square. That summer was understood as a The excitement with which the cut that not only melded together far right mobilized forces from The Right. The Chemnitz Right death, like the German fathers was. The displaced, the refugees, control-saturated society or fairy fear-driven populists of every the AfD, Pegida, the Identitartian is well organized. It has been from and sons in both world wars. 2.5 the incarcerated, the murdered at tale of the GDR? Why are we so stripe, but also invoked the full movement, the New Right, the the very beginning. The Right million didn’t return from World the Wall. indecisive? Why is judgment of spectrum of German emotions. Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend, defines the city. I don’t want to War I, creating 600,000 widows Laura checks her phone. She the GDR still oddly up for debate? Fear as a political reality, as some- illegal National Socialists and lose him, Laura says, softly. and almost a million half-orphans. senses there’s something between What do we pass down to coming thing that formed and was in a every other kind of right-wing Something clicks in me. The And those who did return? Dif- us. Something old that’s been generations – those who have position to unite ex-Stasi people wacko. Their unabashed public brothers and sisters. The fathers ficult. lugged along. The trauma of the since been born in a different cen- and prison victims now under the proclamation, the merging of and mothers. The forefathers 25 years later, the balance sheet exiled German communists who tury – so that they can better find auspices of the AfD. The more forces. They sang the national and foremothers. It’s not easy to of carnage was just about twice came back to East Berlin from their way? trenchantly the party exploited anthem, they linked arms, they pin it down. It’s about things that as grim: 4.7 million dead, one mil- Stalin’s terror after 1945 and On one hand we have the old the East’s fears of loss, the more shouted chants: “We are the are the most difficult to crack, it’s lion widows, 2.5 million father- repeated this trauma as the GDR. criminal elites in the East, whom successful it became. A policy people!” – “Lying press!” – “Resis- about allegiances, about what’s less children. The uncertainty The terror of the beginning. The the GDR’s abortive legal recon- by which it supplanted The Left tance!” They took over the street. familiar, about strong emotions. over the whereabouts of fathers, false myth of Buchenwald, which ditioning allowed to reorganize in the East. Fear as a trigger, as For them it was a moment of There are good reasons to assume uncles, sons and brothers was a lives on today as the self-miscon- and to generate a new clientele. a generator for a process of re- cultural hegemony. They wanted there are coherencies between a heavy burden on families after the ception of the good of the East. Dictatorships do not let the con- enacting. In this interaction, the it to become a symbol. A newly political and historical minefield war. Years of waiting and mourn- The tilted image of America – the stitutional state stand in their way. AfD guarantees the East its encap- declared war, fought right out in of denial and a familial system of ing were one thing; the return of US as a bogeyman and a land of Despite death warrants, despite sulated status as victim and makes the open. But what pulled them denial. those physically and psychologi- longing. The Easy Rider dream hundreds of murders of fleeing its destruction the campaign issue together with seemingly so little While my inner film of the pre- cally disabled was another. They and the cowboys-and-indians citizens, despite thousands upon that will keep on giving. It’s about effort? What was the root of vious century plays in my head as became mental voids of the new mania. Dean Reed and Angela thousands of political prisoners, hate, the age-old and now ever- this desire to cross the red line? a backdrop to our conversation, societies, East and West: bewil- Davis, Pete Seeger and Bob Dylan. and despite despotism and repres- more popular political experi- What’s happening in the east of Laura says to me that she would dered, neglected, traumatized and, The inner discord and schizo- sion, after 40 years of the GDR ment. Germany, where three states will love to be Swiss. Swiss? What for? above all, silent. phrenia that America masters in only 23 people were sentenced So, what to do? A minimum pre- hold elections this fall? Because it’s a clean slate, she says. It occurs to me that those unac- one fell stroke, and how little of it to between three and ten years scription: The East needs a good, “The people in the east,” they A fresh start. Everyone under- counted for in the East were not was permitted to be experienced in jail. inner location. It needs its own say on the talk shows, they’ve all stands what it means. For our permitted to be mourned after publicly. Does Laura need to know Legally exonerated and thus narrative. It needs public recog- been left behind, they couldn’t generation, for those of us from 1945. Information on the where- something about it all to under- innocent, they were able to nition of its long history of pain. cope with all the change. They the former East Germany, it’s like abouts of fathers, brothers, uncles stand herself and her time? acquire considerable pensions It needs differentiation. And its complain about lower pay than we’re walking through a thick and grandfathers could only be I ask whether she was able to for their “lifetime achievement,” experiential force must project in the west, and lower pensions. fog, like through a dense forest had in the West, by petitioning speak with her grandfather. hoisted themselves into honor- outward: into the political realm, They’re afraid that all the refu- made of ghosts instead of trees. the Red Cross. Hopes for success Speak? She couldn’t. She didn’t able posts and political positions, into education and, above all, to gees will be taking over the homes It’s just too much history. What’s were slim. All mail was monitored. dare. He was too… hard, walled became organized in dubious the dinner table. organic Germans. We hear their true? What’s a lie? I just can’t find What does that do to a society up. She regrets it now. He died five associations and, conspicuously worries, but something tells us my way out. It’s tough, and it’s when the wartime fates of mil- years ago from a ruptured heart. well-networked, and are back Ines Geipel is a writer and a that something deeper is feeding exhausting. lions of men remain unresolved? The difficult process of un- at it in a now unlimited “area of poetry professor at Berlin’s their wrath, something unspoken, That it is, I hear myself say. I When do you give up hoping, silencing after 1989. What hap- operations.” And moreover, the University of Performing Arts something elusive, something actually want to say something waiting, asking, thinking, feeling? pened with all the tabooed living, old elites are now even angling for Ernst Busch. Her new book, Umkämpfte Zone. Mein Bruder, unsettling. What is it? different, because the old film has What to do with – and where to with all that went unperceived, elevation into history books. They der Osten und der Hass Laura swirls her cup of latte picked up speed in my head. End- put – the interminable grief? The with all that was hidden and want to be seen as having brought (Embattled zone. My brother, in her hands and speaks of her less sequences. More like night- public denial of countless deaths unheard? Why can we not suc- honor to Germany and aspire to a the East and hate) has just been brother, who actually has a good mares, of marching, cheering, fall- coupled with the private mourn- ceed in differentiating between place in the historical sun. published by Klett-Cotta-Verlag (Stuttgart) and has become a job, but who’s also been a part of ing, dying men. Taking an oath ing. It is merely a taboo that made East Germany as a consensus Those “who had settled in the top-15 bestseller. that scene since the beginning. and following it, obeying it until the GDR the land of silence that it dictatorship, socialist project, idea,” as the playwright Heiner 20 The German Times – Life April 2019

The great historical gray area

A new biography of Claus von Stauffenberg, the man who tried to kill Hitler, has reignited a long-running historical debate. It says a lot about the German state of mind

PICTURE ALLIANCE/AKG-IMAGES most of Europe was all but over. had participated in could be won; Stauffenberg was primarily influ- called, that after taking it upon him- “Categories like morals and con- BY LUTZ LICHTENBERGER The regime did not end until ten they were mostly of aristocratic enced in his youth by the char- self to detonate the bomb at Wolf’s science cannot be located on this months later, when the Allies cap- origin, their values not in line ismatic spell of the poet and – as Lair, he flew back to Berlin where side or that side of political party t midnight on July 20, tured Berlin and Hitler killed him- with democratic norms. And, in he would be deemed today – cult he was needed to coordinate the lines,” she wrote, “but only within 1944, four men are self in his bunker there. The debate the leftists’ view, Germany had to leader Stefan George. George, plan of arresting the most impor- a person. It should therefore actu- Aescorted to the inner in Germany about the legacy of the be totally defeated by the Allies born in 1868, had gathered around tant Nazi figures such as Heinrich ally be called an uprising of those yard of the Bendlerblock, the men involved in the July 20 plot to ensure that they would not be him a group of young men dedi- Himmler and Joseph Goebbels. who followed their conscience.” headquarters of German Army has been raging on ever since. spared from facing up to all the cated to poetry and male compan- It is a very distinct point Karlauf Jens Jessen, also a grandchild of in Berlin. The glaring headlights A controversial new biography crimes and atrocities they com- ionship imbued with at least a hint is making. Stauffenberg was not a July 20 conspirator, delivered a of military vehicles cast the scene about the coup’s leader, Stauffen- mitted (most of all the attempted of homoeroticism. No less radical the idealist hero his proponents very critical and extensive review in a ghostly atmosphere. The berg. Porträt eines Attentäters extermination of the Jews). than Karl Marx, who urged phi- to make him out to be today. His in Die Zeit, but drew some inter- firing squad consists of 10 petty (Stauffenberg. Portrait of an Beginning in the 1970s, however, losophers not only to interpret the aristocratic upbringing did not esting conclusions relevant to the officers. They proceed to execute assassin; Blessing Verlag, 2019) a new appreciation emerged. The world but to be willing to change imbue him with immunity against ongoing debate. No earlier biog- four conspirators, chief among by Thomas Karlaufhas caused Bundeswehr, looking for moral it, George, albeit with a different the Nazi mob. He did not try to kill raphy had brought us so close to them a high-ranking officer tempers to flare and reignited the legitimization, officially adopted world view, spoke of poetry as a Hitler because of Auschwitz, or all Stauffenberg while allowing him named Claus Schenk Graf von long-running debate. the legacy of July 20 as part of its revolutionary force with the poten- the other camps, or the rampant to remain the distant figure that Stauffenberg. In the 1950s, the conspirator’s identity – service men should be tial to overthrow existing orders. corruption, or the establishment he was, Jessen writes. The journal- Earlier that day, Stauffenberg reputation was discredited among Staatsbürger in Uniform, citizens “George from the beginning con- of a police state. He did it because ist and descendent reads Karlauf’s had detonated a bomb at the large groups of the population. in uniform, not slavish adherents sidered himself to be a poet of ‘the Hitler was losing the war. biography as an attempt to delegit- Wolf’s Lair, Adolf Hitler’s Eastern This occurred among the remain- to an authoritarian state. The act,’” Karlauf writes. “Conspiracy Instead, Karlauf credits Stauffen- imize Stauffenberg’s heroics while Front military headquarters – a ing proponents of Nazi ideology, German army traditionally swears and overthrow were central ele- berg with epitomizing Max identifying a common tendency two-hour flight from Berlin. The but more disturbingly also among in new recruits every year in a big ments of his world view; ‘the act’ Weber’s concept of Verantwor- among Germans, the will to allo- dictator had survived the assas- former functionaries and passive ceremony on July 20. became the decisive metaphor of tungsethik (ethic of responsibility). cate blame equally: “There shall sination attempt thanks to a series adherents who wanted to discredit Now Karlauf has written an his poetry.” After Stalingrad, the gruesome not have been heroes.” of flukes, but primarily because the initiative to end the regime, erudite and elegant biography, a Karlauf traces Stauffenberg’s defeat of the Sixth Army in Russia What Jessen fails to grasp is that hot temperatures that day caused in part because they felt it was an reexamination of Stauffenberg’s slowly evolving thinking from during the winter of 1942–1943, great historical gray area in which the venue for the tactical session indictment on their complacency life and the formative influences romanticizing about a new Ger- Stauffenberg came to the conclu- all seemingly larger-than-life yet to be moved from the bunker, between 1933 and 1945. Authori- on his thinking while managing many in the 1920s, welcoming the sion that the war could not be won flawed figures exist. What Karlauf where the bomb would have ties denied pensions to many to land squarely in the middle Nazi regime in 1933 and approving and that Hitler did not have the makes patently clear in his copi- caused considerably more damage, of the descendants of the men between both of today’s camps. of the war until realizing that Hitler right to take the entire German ous portrait is that Stauffenberg to a lightly built shack nearby. involved in the plot. There was Those who declare the men of July would amount to nothing but Ger- people down with him. The man is part of Germany’s history, of In the ensuing hours, the con- also no official acknowledgement 20 transcendent heroes as well as many’s ruin. had to go. “This kind of reasoned both its highs and its lows, and the spirators nonetheless went for- of the group of July 20. the left-leaning critics can read into Like many of his co-conspirators, military and political assessment,” critical figure in a corresponding ward with their elaborate plan to Critics from the left have their Karlauf’s book precisely want they once Stauffenberg reached this Karlauf writes, “does not jibe with debate that cannot and should not overthrow the regime in Berlin, own list of admonishments, want to hear. conclusion, he advanced the plan- our view of July 20 as a beacon of be constrained by the affixing of but after the Führer himself called including the following: the con- The author set out to write about ning of the assassination and urged moral outrage.” ahistorical slogans. several loyal generals and officers, spirators were mostly officers Stauffenberg using only sources his overly cautious and scrupu- Case in point, Sophie von Stauffenberg and his men were who had adhered to Nazi ideol- – documents, letters, memoirs – lous fellow officers and civilians to Bechtoldsheim, granddaughter captured and killed. With their ogy; they did not begin to oppose from before 1945, that is, before the follow . By the summer of 1944, of Stauffenberg, responded with Lutz Lichtenberger is senior deaths, the plot to end the Nazi Hitler until it became increasingly mythmaking began in earnest by he had become so indispensable to an impassioned critique of Kar- editor of The German Times. stranglehold over Germany and inconceivable that the war they both friends and detractors. Operation Valkyrie, as the plot was lauf’s book in a speech in March.


here is a whiff of Cold War nostalgia permeating Horst olfgang Schivelbusch is the great other among German New Yorker cartoon shows a man is sitting in bed at night with TTeltschik’s book on the geopolitical state of play. But its Whistorians. The 77-year-old has been living in New York and Ahis computer. His wife wakes up and asks what he’s doing, profound historical underpinnings form the sturdy foundation Berlin for decades; he was never associated with a university, and typing so late? “Someone’s wrong on the internet,” he says. of Russisches Roulette. Vom Kalten Krieg zum Kalten Frieden (Rus- certainly does not write like a typical college professor. In 2001, he Werner Plumpe, a professor of economic history at the Univer- sian Roulette. From Cold War to Cold Peace). published Die Kultur der Niederlage (The Culture of Defeat: The sity of Frankfurt, has written a major work, the product of decades Teltschik spent his formative political years in the 1980s serv- American South 1865, France 1871, Germany 1918) – a military his- of diligent and insightful scholarship that can only be admired. And ing as then-Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s senior foreign policy tory mixed with an elaboration on the mentalities that dictated how yet it reads like an 800-page answer to every not-so-smart opinion advisor. In the 2000s, Teltschik was head of the Munich Secu- societies learned to cope with military defeat – which has become a ever uttered about capitalism. Das kalte Herz. Kapitalismus: Die rity Conference – and his experience in politics, diplomacy and minor classic. Geschichte einer andauernden Revolution (The cold heart. Capital- international punditry serves him well in limning the contours Now Schivelbusch has written a prequel of sorts. In his new short ism: the history of an ongoing revolution) strives to distill how an of the current lines of conflict between the West and Russia. book Rückzug. Geschichten eines Tabus (Retreat. Histories of a taboo), economic system was able to take off after its humble beginnings It has often been said that the personal relationships between he examines how a military retreat, whether tactical or forced, can in 17th-century Holland and England. political leaders play an important role in high-stakes negotia- strain armies, generals and, most of all, the public. “The experience of Plumpe’s book is very German in its undoubtedly sincere attempt tions. Teltschik, as one might expect, would seem natural, thinks withdrawal sets in once an offensive movement – political, religious, to understand capitalism as an idea or concept, not a plea for TINA highly of Kohl; he convincingly recounts how the chancellor economic, technical, cultural or military – encounters a dominant (Margaret Thatcher’s mantra “There is no alternative”). No reform quietly put together a string of 27 treaties and accords between opponent,” he writes. To persevere would be to risk defeat, but the would be possible, he says, without comprehending the founda- the Soviet Union and Germany in 1989 and 1990 alone. Kohl movement could be mistaken for the extreme version of withdrawal tions of the market economy. understood the Russians’ political and psychological needs for – taking flight. Plumpe ticks off one theory after the next for the creation and security assurances, the sum of which proved “in the end to be Schivelbusch looks at Napoleon in Russia, France and the Battle of sustainability of capitalism – technological logic, intrinsic moti- the key to .” the Frontiers in 1914 as well as Great Britain at Dunkirk in 1940. His vation of individuals, the use of force, geography, climate or soil Teltschik does not spare criticism of today’s Russia and its most interesting and consequential chapter, however, deals with the conditions – and refutes all of them with mountains of historical misdeeds and at times nefarious behavior, but his impetus is United States and Vietnam. The author recounts how the domino evidence. for the West and NATO to understand how to more effectively theory became the “theoretical and strategic basis for the Vietnam The very short version of Plumpe’s very long answer to how deal with Moscow. John F. Kennedy’s strategy for peace was War” and equates it with the modern version of retreat-phobia. It is capitalism came to succeed: A variety of conditions were met, i.e. based on first “understanding the interests of one’s opponents, an oddity of history, he writes, “retreat-phobia afflicts Goliath, but private property enabled market activity, and subsequently through regardless of what one thought of them. Is there anyone who only seldom David.” The weak are superior to the strong because variation and selection, created a model for material reproduction truly believes Russia will just give in without getting anything they can move in any direction and have less to lose. They fight only spanning the entire globe. in return?” for themselves, not for the bigger audience – the general public. Plumpe is no Randian apologist; he is well aware of all the prob- Some of Teltschik’s policy recommendations – dialogue, bal- Today, in the West, withdrawal has a new name, so as not to hurt lems commonly associated with capitalism, like inequality, exploita- ancing of interests, building foundations of trust – might come national pride. “The term ‘exit strategy’ suggests that everything – tion and the plundering of resources. If only real-world capitalism across as diplomatic boiler plate, but his story has compelling including possible failure – had been under control from the very would comply more often with his ever-so-profound theoretical historic evidence on its side. beginning.” rationale for open and free markets.

HORST TELTSCHIK WOLFGANG SCHIVELBUSCH WERNER PLUMPE Russisches Roulette. Vom Kalten Krieg zum Kalten Frieden, Rückzug. Geschichten eines Tabus, Carl Hanser Verlag, Das Kalte Herz. Kapitalismus: Die Geschichte einer an- C.H. Beck, Munich, 2019 Munich, 2019 dauernden Revolution, Rowohlt Berlin Verlag, Berlin, 2019 April 2019 The German Times – Life 21

The metamorphosis of ownership Benjamin Balint has written a book about the long-running “custody battle” over Franz Kafka’s legacy

When Hoffe’s daughter inher- BY THOMAS SCHULER ited the remaining manuscripts and notes in 2007, the state of his story begins and Israel went to trial again. On June ends with betrayal – or 27, 2016, Eva Hoffe stood before Tperhaps redemption, the Israeli Supreme Court and, depending on whose perspective comparing her situation to that you take. For years, the literary of Kafka’s protagonist in The Trial, legacy of one of the world’s most argued that she felt “like an animal celebrated writers was stored being led to slaughter.” She could in a three-room apartment in not fathom the fact that, after all Tel Aviv and in two bank safety these years, everything should deposit boxes, one in Israel, the be handed over to the National other in Switzerland. All the Library in Jerusalem without while, archivists worried about financial compensation. But in the the condition of the papers, fear- end, that’s exactly what the court ing the damage that could be ruled. For its part, the German done by heat, humidity, cats and Literature Archive in Marbach cockroaches. The papers have had already withdrawn from the been the subject of a lengthy trial so as not to be accused of legal battle. appropriating Jewish national It's a battle over Franz Kafka's heritage. legacy and the question of who The author of any other book “owns” his work. Is it the state of might be criticized for not taking Israel, the country his friend Max a more definitive stand on a com- Brod fled to from Prague in 1939, plex issue. Not so with Balint – carrying Kafka’s estate in a suit- his restraint is one of the book’s case? Is it Germany, because Kafka strengths. He describes the case wrote in German and felt a deep in its Kafkaesque twists and turns. connection to the literary canon This includes the story of Hanser of German authors? Or is it Eva publisher Michael Krüger, who, in Hoffe, the heiress to the woman an effort to obtain Kafka’s papers, to whom Brod had bequeathed the SHUTTERSTOCK allegedly sought to pay a lawyer in papers? It is a complicated story Zurich a sum of DM 100,000 just with many grotesque – even Kaf- to get a glimpse of the texts. While kaesque – twists. Balint clearly expresses sympathy The journalist Benjamin Balint for Eva Hoffe, he also seeks to has written a book, Kafka’s Last appreciate the arguments demon- Trial, about what he refers to strated by the state of Israel. as the “custody battle” over the Following the court’s verdict estate. On June 27, 2016, Balint against her, Eva Hoffe was awash accompanied 82-year-old Eva in despair. She then sued – in Hoffe (“a pale but alert woman”) vain – Israel’s Ministry of Justice. and, as he writes, he was the only Feeling as though she had been journalist to observe the outcome betrayed and deceived, she told of a trial before Israel’s highest Balint it felt “as though I’d been court, a dispute that had begun raped.” Retiring from the lime- in 1973. light, Eva Hoffe fell ill with cancer Franz Kafka died shortly before and died in August 2018 at the age his 41st birthday in Prague, where of 84. In September, employees he was also buried. Although a pro- of the National Library entered lific writer, he had not finished a her apartment and, according to single novel and his stories failed Balint, were horrified by the “bio- to attract much attention during hazard” they found. They secured his lifetime. But he didn’t seem to ever written. In a second note as executor of the will, as Brod In 1939, Brod had to flee from manuscripts to do with as she 60 boxes of papers and brought 35 mind. His publisher Kurt Wolff with an earlier date, Kafka speci- later emphasized. the Nazis. He asked Thomas Mann pleased. As she pleased? The state to the library. In December, they once accused him of being the fied a few works that he did not At the time of Kafka’s death, Max for help and offered to come to had its own demands. also opened six cash boxes at a most indifferent author to the fate want trashed. Brod was a successful author, but the United States with the estate Brod died in 1968; five years bank in Tel Aviv. An assessment of of his writing. Wolff asked for man- However, Brod neglected to has since become nearly forgot- and continue looking after the after that, according to Balint, its contents is still ongoing. uscripts – yet never received one. carry out his friend’s wish, thus ten as a writer. Today, he is known papers in California. In return, he the state of Israel took the issue So, who owns Kafka? The estate The musician and author Max marking the first betrayal. He did as the companion, discoverer and requested a residence permit and to court for the first time. Before is now to be made accessible to all Brod had been friends with Kafka not see himself as a traitor, believ- executor of Franz Kafka’s estate. employment. Mann did indeed boarding a plane for a trip abroad, through digital means. For Benja- for 22 years at the time of Kafka’s ing instead that he was acting in Throughout his life, Brod sought secure Brod a job – but the news Esther Hoffe was arrested at the min Balint, this marks a peaceable death. Following his funeral, Kaf- Kafka’s true interest. After all, to get Kafka published and have arrived too late. Brod was already airport in Tel Aviv. Security forces end to the story, his conclusion ka’s parents took Brod to their when Kafka had asked him in 1921 his genius acknowledged. He rec- on the run to Palestine, with his had feared that she would attempt being that Kafka belongs to none apartment to look at the contents to burn everything, Brodt had ognized early on that Kafka was wife and Kafka’s estate. Shortly to take Kafka’s manuscripts out of us – and all of us. of their deceased son’s desk and said that he would not comply a master of modernity and did his thereafter, Brod’s wife died and of the country. However, a court signed a contract with him to with such a request. Brod inter- best to make his friend’s writings he made friends with a married confirmed her claim to the estate, Thomas Schuler is a freelance publish the works. Brod found preted the fact that Kafka nev- accessible to the world. It is diffi- couple named Hoffe. Following the which allowed her to auction off journalist based in Munich. an extensive collection of note- ertheless left him his estate as an cult to say exactly how much Brod death of her husband, Esther Hoffe the most valuable manuscript in Benjamin Balint’s book Kafka’s books, drafts, diaries, manuscripts indication of his deceased friend’s was in Kafka’s works, Balint writes. became Brod’s secretary, lover and the estate. The manuscript for Last Trial. The Case of a Literary Legacy was published and letters – along with a note will to preserve the works. If that It is clear, however, that he edited literary partner over the years. Yet The Trial was purchased by the in the US in 2019 by from his friend requesting that were not the case, Kafka would Kafka’s texts before he published he never paid her a salary, writes Archive in W.W. Norton & Company. Brod destroy everything he had have had to appoint someone else them. Balint. Instead, he left her Kafka’s Marbach for more than £1 million. 22 The German Times – Life April 2019

field. Toward the end of the tournament, it was to follow his will. And when he dared to venture BY THOMAS KISTNER easy to see that these two stalwarts were com- into the strategic arena with his own ideas, he often pletely overwhelmed, with each player committing fell flat on his face. Even worse than his outing at oachim Löw got his act together just in again Löw to Learning a bizarre and obvious in his own penalty the European Championship in France in 2016

time. After balking and bristling at calls for Cup in Russia, at the 2018 Soccer World early exit Germany’s After area. In the quarterfinals, Italy took advantage was the previous European Championship in 2012 Jchange, he’s finally put the German national of Boateng’s lapse to knot the game at 1 with a in Poland/Ukraine, where Löw chose the wrong soccer team on a different track. Whether this penalty kick. Luckily for the DFB team, they were players and coached the team so hopelessly into proves effective has yet to be seen, but at least able to go on to win that match on penalties. When the ground during the semifinal against Italy that head coach Joachim Löw finally realized it was time to build a new team they got off to a good start with a convincing Schweinsteiger deliberately had a handball in the their defeat was already secured at the halftime 3:2 win at the European Championship quali- semifinal against France, however, they weren’t break. It was the first time people began question- fier. That win was all the more satisfying as it so lucky. The host country’s team converted the ing Löw’s professional aptitude: Does this coach came in Amsterdam against an exciting young penalty kick and went on to defeat Löw’s side 2:0. have what it takes? Dutch team seen by many as the new standard in Still, the soccer world and its followers have very With today’s all-new DFB squad, Löw will have soccer. As recently as last fall, the Germans had little sense of some of the more subtle processes, to do more than play the role of fraternal guardian. lost to the Dutch by a humiliating 0:3. That game such that even these alarming events were soon The 23 players he nominated for last month’s Euro- marked the final blow in a historically disastrous forgotten. Fans even went so far as to almost cari- pean Championship qualifier against Holland were year for German soccer. Never before had the cature Löw’s tremendous loyalty to his men. And all under 30 years old – with the exception of goal- national team been eliminated in the group stage even when Löw won the Confed Cup in Russia in keeper . Where only recently Mats at a World Cup. Ever since that moment, the 2017 with an exciting selection of junior members Hummels, Thomas Müller and Jérôme Boateng German Football Association (DFB) has sought of the national team, he didn’t take the logical were strutting their stuff, nobodies like Maximilian to introduce a plethora of reforms. Even coach next step and place some of the young talent on Eggestein (22, Bremen), (23, Hertha) Löw had to answer for himself, and the other- the top team. Instead, the strength of his B-team and (22, Leipzig) are now hard wise beloved trainer came under heavy criticism simply fueled his comforting certainty that his at work. It’s a debutante ball, with extra strength from all sides. older A-team could easily win another title. coming from Sané and , both of The German team’s failure to re-launch after In other words, Löw didn’t bother launching whom have matured into the team’s go-to strikers the 2018 World Cup disaster, and especially their any major changes in style and play in the four in record time. And, yes, there are still a couple embarrassing elimination from the UEFA Nations years between the 2014 and 2018 World Cups. He of leftovers from the World Cup era: , League in the three-way battle with Holland and stuck to his guns in a that is becoming faster and Marco Reus. France, took place on Löw’s watch and with his and faster every day. Löw rejected any inquiries And yet, the fact that Löw feels no need to divest “old” selection of players. This was the same group as to whether he intended to rejuvenate the team himself of his obsession with ball possession means led by Löw on their intoxicating journey that with younger players, and even received a mas- that winning through ball possession will prove began in 2008 and culminated in a World Cup sive public scolding right before the 2018 World twice as hard – even with the new players. “We title in 2014. It was after that thrilling win in Rio Cup in Russia. This reached a crescendo when he have to improve our dynamics, speed and determi- that the problems began – as they so often do incomprehensibly left striker Leroy Sané off the nation,” he says. “Our games had a pace that was far when a team reaches the zenith of its capability final squad for the World Cup team. For Löw, the too slow. We have to clean that up.” and success. highly talented 23-year-old was too unpredictable, In the future, Löw will have to deal with members Even Löw couldn’t just let his World Cup stal- too headstrong – and probably too iridescent as a of a new and fast-paced generation that don’t play warts go. It was also clear to these players that person. Sané, of all people. Even at the time, it was in any top league. The mercilessness with which they would continue to be unrivaled heroes for clear to everyone else that Sané already embodied FC Bayern Munich has reduced the Bundesliga to years to come, no matter what they did. Just as the the type of player Löw’s group of ossified and a kind of monopoly has now begun to palpably hurt then-coach had prophesized in overly self-assured veterans were going to need in operations at the national level. In the Bundesliga, the frenzy that took place after Germany’s previ- Russia: a high-speed striker who can single-hand- hardly any team dares to mobilize its full forces ous World Cup title in 1990 in Rome: “If we now edly change the course of events on the pitch and over a full 90 minutes against Bayern Munich. Why add the players from the GDR team, our national who can engage two or three opposing defenders should they when it’s a lost cause anyway? As a team will be unbeatable for years.” at any time. result, Bayern ends up lacking But things turned out differently back then, just But Löw held on loyally to his old heroes. In the experience it needs for like they did this time. Especially in the world of the run-up to the World Cup, he tolerated them international games. All soccer, it’s normal that young and hungry play- being involved in advertising spots and PR stunts German teams, includ- ers are eager to step in and take the place of and proudly allowed the team to be renamed “Die ing Bayern, were elimi- those megastars who – after enjoying tremendous Mannschaft” (the team). Most consequentially, he nated before reaching success – tend to regard their position on the entirely misjudged the division within the team the quarterfinals in the DPA/AUGENKLICK/GES national team as a right rather than a privilege. that was to be driven by the scandal involv- Champions League. In the And this is by no means a specifically German ing players Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündoğan Europa League, only Ein- phenomenon. After its 1998 World Cup win, posing for a picture with Turkish President tracht Frankfurt has made it to the quarters. France’s team sputtered out winless in the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Löw even let his The fact that Bayern Munich’s monoculture is group phase four years later at the 2002 men take their favorite hair- paralyzing how German soccer World Cup in Japan/South Korea. Italy, the dressers with them to operates is one thing; but that World Cup champions of 2006, went bust Russia. it has brought about a situation in 2010 as the last in their group in the in which Munich also sees Löw first round. And the same thing hap- – the national team’s coach – as a pened to Spain’s winning team from near-employee is an even bigger the 2010 World Cup in South Africa; problem. When Löw, in March, four years later in Brazil, they were The big ousted his old stars Hummels, Müller eliminated early and went swimming game plan remained and Boateng in one fell swoop, he instead. driven by the principle of hope. Every- ran the risk of inspiring the wrath of In other words, the stunning 2018 failure of the one hoped that the German team’s legendary Uli Hoeneß, whose anticipated threats DFB side in Russia put them in very good com- mantra – in which they seem to improve with loomed large. But the conflict never came, because pany in a long and deeply rooted tradition. On every passing game – would automatically take the ousted players simply could not prove their the other hand, shouldn’t the coach have known effect again. In terms of his own fate as coach, worth to the national team, especially as Bayern better? Surely, he was aware of the tradition? Löw was also able to travel to the World Cup failed miserably in the Champions League. Shouldn’t he have started introducing changes to quarters in Moscow-Watutinki with relative Meanwhile, across the border in Holland, Löw’s the team immediately – creating new challenges peace of mind, seeing as DFB president Reinhard wild young guns stormed onto the scene with a 3:2 in the process – precisely because this tradition Grindel had already extended Löw’s contract until victory over the Dutch team. In other words, from constantly repeats itself? 2022 – even before seeing the results of the 2018 the bosses in Munich’s perspective, this was not the But Joachim Löw simply didn’t recognize the tournament. moment to give Löw a public piece of their mind. signs of the times. He dragged two old heroes The Grindel era itself came to an end in late April, Still, although he emerged unscathed from that – Bastian Schweinsteiger and Jérôme Boateng – when the DFB boss admitted to having accepted a potential battle, the national coach hasn’t won any- through the 2016 European Championship tour- luxury watch from a foreign functionary. It was the thing yet. If anything, he’s won some time – time to nament, both of whom were just coming back scandal that finally broke the camel’s back – and it prove he’s capable of learning new tricks and can from severe injuries. At the time, backbenchers coincided with the start of Jogi Löw’s second era. step out of his own shadow. were heard to joke caustically that these two play- Will this era prove a success? Until recently, Löw ers spent more time with their physiotherapists coached his old guard like an espresso-sipping life Thomas Kistner is a editor at the in between European Championship games than coach. In other words, he relied on affable familiar- Süddeutsche Zeitung. they did with their colleagues on the training ity rather than force in shaping the national team April 2019 The German Times – Life 23

Naismith Legacy Award for his contribu- BY ROBERT NORMEN tion to the global game of basketball – the first non-American to ever receive the

typical German residential GT MONTAGE honor; the Transatlantic Partnership Award neighborhood at night, cars by the American Chamber of Commerce A neatly parked in driveways, all in Germany for the work of his foundation the lights are out, everyone’s asleep, and his civil engagement; and the Lucius D. yet in front of one of the houses is a Clay Medal by the Federation of German- hoop attached to the garage. A very tall American Clubs for his contribution to and lanky man with a ball in his hands German-American understanding. is standing 23 feet-nine inches away. He But before he would amass this pile of calmly launches one three-point shot lifetime achievement awards, there was after the next, and all you can hear is some unfinished business to tend to on the the soothing sound of the ball falling court. In 2011, Nowitzki led his team back through the net: swish, swish, swish. to the NBA Finals, and again faced Miami. Eventually he misses one and the ball However, after having traded Shaq, the clanks off the rim, making a slight rattling heavily favorite Heat featured one of the noise. Lights everywhere immediately most highly touted Big Three ever to take switch on; dogs start to bark. The young the court: Wade, Chris Bosh and LeBron man lifts his arms, sheepishly apologiz- James. ing – “Tschuldigung” – before continuing The Mavs won 4:2. Nowitzki played an his shooting exercise, draining three after outstanding series and was voted Finals three in the wee hours of the night. MVP, but a particular moment stood out, The young man in the Footlocker com- one that is emblematic of his personality. mercial from the early 2000s is Dirk When the final buzzer sounded, Nowitzki Nowitzki, a 21-year veteran of the NBA’s fought his way to the locker room. In the , sixth highest scorer in Dirk of yore moment of his greatest basketball triumph, NBA history, league MVP in 2007, NBA he sought out a moment of quiet away World Champion in 2011, 14-time All- from the noise and the limelight. Star, a living legend – and simply the After 21 years in the NBA, the great is The Dallas Mavericks did not contend greatest German basketball player who calling it quits. A look back at a transcendent career for the NBA trophy again, having in short ever lived. order sold off every major contributor Although this list of accolades is very from the championship team – except impressive, it is probably less effective at Nowitzki, who remained with the Mavs encapsulating what makes Nowitzki so and did not, as has become fashionable for special – as a man and as a player – than big stars, demand a trade to a better team. the unassuming ad. His 21-year tenure with Dallas is an all-time Although he’s already 40 years old, league record for a player staying with the Nowitzki only recently announced his same team. intention to retire after he finishes the in small gyms with old linoleum floors. shots are extremely difficult to defend. overall, but uncharacteristically missed Soccer is and will always be the number- current season with the Mavericks. At his Now he was playing in front of 20,000 Geschwindner – a bit of a mad scien- several crucial free throws in the decisive one . The popularity of last regular-season home game in Dallas people, at the Great Western Forum in tist – had programmed a computer game 7. After losing in the first round of Germany’s professional basketball league on April 9th, there were very few dry eyes Los Angeles or Madison Square Garden model to calculate the perfect angle for the playoffs in 2007 to the then-medio- could be compared to Major League Soccer in the house as fans and fellow players in New York. Nowitzki’s jumper. Over the years, cre Golden State Warriors – that season, (MLS) in the US: decent games, some dedi- paid tribute to the career of their beloved Nowitzki struggled on the court at first, mentor and mentee went on to develop they had won a league-leading 67 games cated fans, but not part of the national “Dirk Diggler.” but – cue back to the commercial – con- a whole array of variations, including the and Nowitzki had been crowned regular- sports conversation. Nowitzki, however, And what a career it’s been. tinued to work diligently on his unique most famous one: the flamingo, a one- season MVP – it looked as if the story of has transcended mere basketball star- In early April, ESPN ran a long oral brand of basketball that would go on legged fade-away that is near impossible his career had been written: Good but not dom – he has become a German cultural history of Nowitzki making a splash at to change the way the game is played. to guard. great player, weak leader, unable to get his icon, known and beloved by people who the Nike Hoops Summit in San Antonio, Nowitzki is not alone in the nighttime Nowitzki played his first All Star Game team over the hump. otherwise aren’t familiar with the game. a showcase game pitting US high school ad; an older man is standing under the in 2002. In 2005, he led the German That summer, Geschwindner took his The German sociologist Wolf Lepenies players against a team of youngsters from basket, passing the ball back to Dirk. He national team on a wholly unexpected, protégé on a camping trip through Aus- elevated Nowitzki to the highest order of around the world. The unknown skinny is unrecognizable in the ad, but it can spectacular run to the finals of the Euro- tralia, no basketball, no phone, just books role models; he is “bigger than the game,” German kid who had been playing for be no other than Holger Geschwind- pean championships, defeating both and poetry for protection. In 2008, Now- on par with the boxer and the subdivision team in his hometown of ner, who met Nowitzki when the kid Russia and Spain with game-winning itzki led the German national team to the Fritz Walter, captain of Germany’s 1954 Würzburg delivered a stand-out perfor- was 16 years old and became his per- buzzer beaters. Germany lost in the Olympics in Beijing and was chosen to bear Soccer World Cup champions. mance with 33 points and 14 rebounds, sonal coach. Geschwindner, himself a finals to Greece, but Nowitzki was voted the German flag during the opening cer- Nowitzki has taken all the praise in stride, prompting Larry Bird to say that after former basketball great who played for the tournament’s most valuable player, emony, the first time a German team-sport just as he graciously took in every tribute having only seen a tape of that game, the German national team at the 1972 reminiscent of Lakers legend Jerry West, athlete had been given that honor. “He is a and every standing ovation he received “you’d think he’s the greatest player of Olympics, insisted the 7-foot Nowitzki who was voted NBA Finals MVP in 1969 superstar and yet still remained humble,” this season from fans across the NBA. all time.” not be deployed in the post and not play despite his team losing to the Boston said Michael Vesper, then general direc- But it’s just as easy to imagine him back Nowitzki was selected ninth by the Mil- as a regular center, but instead should Celtics. tor of the German Olympic Sports Con- in his driveway, shooting threes through waukee Bucks in the NBA draft only two develop a picture-perfect jump shot with In 2006, Nowitzki’s Mavericks, which federation, echoing what has become the the night. months later and traded to the Mavs on no wasted motion and an unusually high had been a cellar dweller when he got dominant image of Nowitzki off the court: the same day. He went through the typi- arc. there, made it to the NBA finals, only a stand-up guy who does not put on airs. cal growing pains of an NBA rookie. Not Tall men regularly shooting from the to lose in dramatic fashion to a Miami Over the years, Nowitzki would be Robert Normen is a sports journalist having played in college, he was used to outside was still uncommon in the NBA Heat team featuring Shaquille O’Neal and awarded the Silver Laurel Leaf, the based in Munich. lacing it up in front of maybe 500 people back then, yet when they can, their Dwayne Wade. Nowitzki had played well highest sports award in Germany; the

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BY PETER H. KOEPF harbingers of National Socialism,” along- side Houston Stewart Chamberlain and or the chancellor to grace the title Dietrich Eckart. And when the war finally page of Germany’s daily newspa- began, and Poland fell, he wrote: “We pers is nothing out of the ordi- place full trust in Der Führer.”

F SHUTTERSTOCK nary. But the cover of the April 5 edition Even his exclusion from the Reich of the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) managed Chamber of Culture in 1941, which pro- to raise a few eyebrows: Angela Merkel hibited him from displaying his paintings, has two paintings by the famed German did not jog his reasoning. To the contrary, Expressionist Emil Nolde removed from Nolde fancied himself a martyr. The son her office. A government spokesperson of a farmer, now “disregarded, persecuted asserted that Merkel, at the behest of the and outlawed” by three governing powers lender, the Prussian Cultural Heritage – the , the Weimar Repub- Foundation, will “permanently return” lic and the Third Reich – wrote in 1943 Blumengarten (Thersens Haus) (1915) that he was treated with contempt for his and Brecher (1936). The author of the Off the wall “struggle against Bolshevism, Jewry and article, Renate Meinhof, speculates that plutocracy.” the chancellor wanted to “get rid” of the Why Angela Merkel has banned two It goes without saying that paintings paintings. by an anti-Semite and racist should not But why? paintings from the chancellery hang in the office of Germany’s head Five years ago, the Berlin-based art his- of government, especially not at a time torian Aya Soika and the historian Ber- when those who feel they are being mar- nhard Fulda discovered that Nolde had ginalized are retreating into their cultural been a member of the Nazi Party, had shell and would like to cast out those made anti-Semitic statements and was who champion liberal values and cosmo- committed to Hitler and to the ideol- politanism. And this is the case not only ogy of the party. Nevertheless, the Nazis in Germany. seized his paintings and presented them The removal from the chancellery of alongside works by other ostracized the Nolde paintings means one of them, artists in the mockery of an exhibition Brecher, can be seen in the Berlin exhi- titled Degenerate Art. In summer 1941, bition “Emil Nolde. A German Legend. the regime went so far as to ban Nolde The Artist during the Nazi Regime.” And from displaying his art. Yet all the while, what did the Chancellor Merkel choose Nolde’s sympathy for National Socialism to hang in place of the two Nolde pieces? held firm. Her choice was two oil paintings by the The Seebüll Ada und Emil Nolde Foun- German expressionist Karl Schmidt- dation has now, for the first time, pre- Rottluff: Haus unter Bäumen (1910) and sented Bernhard Fulda, the Fellow and was thought only to be the case in Berlin, genius, a spurned lover, a man ahead of When the persecution of the Jews inten- Häuser am Kanal (1912). But now she has Director of Studies in History at Sidney “but the movement has already stretched his time, met with hostility and hate for sified in 1938, he showed understanding learned of anti-Semitic statements he Sussex College at the University of Cam- its wormy long arms across the entire his “devoted commitment to young and for the fact “that the process the removal made during World War I. Her new plan bridge, with the artist’s entire written country, just like the rot spreads beneath revolutionary ” (Fulda), as a of the Jews, who had penetrated so deeply is just to leave the walls blank. estate. The fruits of the evaluation extend the red-painted floor of our cozy little peasant’s son not accepted among liber- into all peoples, cannot proceed without far beyond what was previously known of room here.” als, who more often than not were Jewish great pain.” the painter. Fulda quotes copiously from the writ- cosmopolitans. Briefly a member of the That staunch Nazis occasionally accused The writings of Nolde, the painter, had ten notes of Nolde (and of his wife, Ada), artist group Die Brücke at the beginning him in the press of opportunism did not never been the focus of much attention, which provide ample testament to his of the 20th century, and then of the Berlin improve the matter. Nolde did everything notes Fulda. What he discovered can hatred of Jews. Into the 1930s, Nolde’s Secession, Nolde felt himself “preyed upon he could to refute the accusations. He Emil Nolde. A German Legend. be examined in his collection of essays anti-Semitic sentiments are only detect- by Jews, because I paint them as Jews,” as even wrote a letter to the Nazi Press Chief The Artist during the Nazi Regime and images on Emil Nolde, a compan- able in his private correspondence. After he expressed in his 1934 book Jahre der Otto Dietrich in defense of accusations Hamburger Bahnhof ion volume to an exhibition in Berlin. As the Nazis take power, however, Fulda Kämpfe (Years of struggle). levied by the media outlets echoing state Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin early as 1911, Nolde had bemoaned that reports that in summer 1933, Nolde has Nolde was convinced: “Jews are differ- propaganda: “As a long as I am an artist Through 9/15/2019 the leaders of the Berlin Secession, start- even formulated an “ambitious plan… of ent people than we are.” He didn’t see […], I vow to contest the foreign infiltra- ing with Max Liebermann, were Jews, as how German society can become free of himself as an anti-Semite, nor did he seek tion of German art, the impure dealing A catalogue under the same title well as the art dealers and art critics: “the Jews.” to defame Jews, he claimed. But “the vital in art and the outsized Jewish supremacy was published by Prestel Verlag. entire press core was on their side, and But why? Nolde, born in 1867, saw interests of each race express themselves in all artistic endeavors,” he wrote, con- even the art publishers were Jews.” This himself for decades as an unrecognized in relation to their inner vital force.” sidering this struggle to be among “the

Immune to reason

A spike in the number of measles cases in Germany has revived the debate over mandatory vaccinations

lesson of just how fast things can develop ogy authority, showed that German chil- is compounded by reports of supposed tions would not solve the real problem; BY KATHRIN ZINKANT when an unvaccinated person travels dren entering primary school have a very side effects associated with the vaccina- instead, she argued in favor of reaching abroad, gets infected there and – while still respectable vaccination rate of around 93 tion. To make matters worse, these fears out to parents as a means of protecting here are, no doubt, many pediatri- showing no symptoms – brings the measles percent. This is almost enough to achieve are then propagated to larger audiences unvaccinated adults and children. What cians and health experts in Ger- back with them. After seven years with- the form of indirect protection referred via social networks, childrearing books Schulze-Asche did not discuss, how- Tmany today who wish they lived out a single case of measles in Bulgaria, a to as “herd immunity,” which would pro- and films such as Eingeimpft (Germany, ever, was how mandatory vaccinations in France. That neighbor to the west man transported the virus from Hamburg tect non-vaccinated individuals from get- 2017) and Vaxxed (USA, 2016). for kindergarten and elementary school recently added eight new names to its to Sofia, causing the deaths of at least 24 ting the measles. However, Germany’s Some families are even pursuing a children would conflict with a policy of list of mandatory immunizations – one people and prompting more than 24,000 otherwise fine record is cluttered with special form of health awareness based educating adults and older students. of which was the measles vaccination – people, including many Roma, to fall ill in a number of local and age-related gaps. partly on conventional medicine, but also It is not surprising that the various bringing the total to 11. Even to the south that country alone. That particular epi- For example, it has been shown that on an esoteric image of physical integ- associations that have been providing in Italy, where the situation is slightly demic eventually extended to 11 countries. educated and high-earning parents from rity and self-healing. These families often this “persuasion” and “education” for more complicated, mandatory vaccina- And yet, in spite of stories like these, far too Baden-Württemberg and , in par- vaccinate their children, but they tend to decades now see things differently than tions have nevertheless proved effective. many people in Germany and around the ticular, are the ones who fail to vaccinate do so at a later date than officially recom- many Bundestag members. Once again in But in Germany? world continue to ignore the facts. their children. At less than 90 percent, mended, that is, when they feel the child March, the Association of Pediatricians After a series of measles cases at schools The measles is not a children’s disease. the average vaccination rates for chil- is more robust. Sometimes they base in Germany (BVKJ) and the German and childcare facilities caught the German The virus is actually highly contagious dren entering primary school in these their decision selectively on the parent’s Pediatrics Society (DGKJ) came out very public’s attention this year, calls for manda- and spreads easily through the air people southernmost states lie well below the own personal sense of the risks. strongly in favor of mandatory vaccina- tory vaccinations have become increasingly breathe. And it can kill. Prior to the national average. Add to that the fact that The key challenge is therefore by no tion. louder – once again, one should say, consid- launch of the first vaccine 56 years ago, means to silence radical anti-vaxxers. In the meantime, in environments at ering numerous attempts in the past have up to 2.6 million people died each year Instead, the most important goal should higher risk of a breakout, it has become yielded nothing concrete. Although the of the measles, most of them children be to raise awareness of the extent to clear that a system of mandatory vaccina- proposed mandatory vaccination would under the age of five. But the measles is Is it for reasons which non-vaccinated individuals are tion anchored in law would bring great apply to measles alone, the indignation is life-threatening to adults as well. In fact, of convenience? endangered by measles. People need to relief to schools, childcare facilities and still great. In fact, many experts fear that complications related to the disease, such understand that non-vaccinated indi- health authorities. Indeed, whenever the compulsory immunization would even as the brain inflammation (encephalitis), Is it out of sheer viduals pose a threat to their direct envi- virus emerges from its slumber and starts lead to increased public resistance to an are even especially common in old age. ronment as well as to more distant ones, to widen its impact, the first response is otherwise entirely reasonable health care Still, even though the World Health ignorance? as the Bulgarian case has shown. This to prevent the spread, which means clos- measure. Organization (WHO) has made great is why mandatory vaccination has long ing schools and childcare facilities and Since early April, the homeopaths and efforts to eliminate the disease by means every fourth to fifth child of childcare age since become a political issue – far longer checking the vaccination status of chil- anthroposophists who practice widely in of vaccination campaigns and, in doing nationwide – as well as many adolescents than since the recent spike in the number dren and adolescents. Pupils at a Ham- Germany have been collecting signatures so, has prevented more than 21 million and adults – have never been vaccinated of measles cases. burg school recently had to have their for a petition against mandatory vaccina- deaths in the period from 2000 to 2017, against the measles or have received the While specialist politicians with exper- blood taken to determine whether they tion, which they are going to submit to the roughly 110,000 people still die each first dose only, which provides incom- tise in the field such as Karl Lauterbach were immune to measles or not. federal government and the Bundestag. year from this morbillivirus. It is already plete protection. (SPD) and ministers in the CDU/SPD A program of compulsory vaccination, After only two days, the petition had one- clear that the goal of eliminating the Why are people rejecting vaccination? grand coalition regard mandatory vac- like that recently passed by the Bran- fifth of the signatures required. measles in five of the six WHO regions Is it out of convenience? Or sheer igno- cination as the correct approach, the denburg state legislature, could prevent This form of resistance is palpable not by the start of the coming year will not rance? The tragic death of an 18-month- left-wing opposition parties, including the virus from being introduced into only in Germany. The measles are making a be achieved. And Germany is playing old in Berlin four years ago showed that the Greens and the Left, are pro-vaccine childcare facilities and schools. And it comeback in the United States, too. In early an inglorious role in this failure, as out- even pro-vaccine parents can simply yet want nothing to do with mandatory might finally make it clear to adults how April, the Centers for Disease Control and breaks of the disease continue to take forget to have their children vaccinated. vaccinations. important it is to have vaccine protec- Prevention reported that the number of place in the federal republic. The scant few scientific surveys of skep- They argue that Germany should tion against the disease. Not least for confirmed measles cases in the first three A glance at vaccination rates in Ger- ticism toward vaccinations (“vaccine instead pursue a policy of “persuasion” themselves. months of 2019 exceeded the total number many provides little immediate evidence hesitancy”) that have been conducted and “education” designed to stop anti- of cases nationwide the previous year. as to why this is the case. The most in Germany suggest that although the vaxxers in their tracks. Green Party Back in Europe, it was only 10 years ago recent report issued by the Robert Koch number of true anti-vaxxers in the coun- health expert Kordula Schulz-Asche Kathrin Zinkant is a science editor at Süddeutsche Zeitung. that Bulgaria was forced to learn the bitter Institute, Germany’s highest epidemiol- try is low, the unease often felt by parents recently noted that mandatory vaccina- A special edition of The German Times for the city without walls

Over the past century, this northern borough has been a getaway spot, a communist stronghold, the core of ’s French sector, a sanctuary for immigrants, an artists’ hub and always its own city within the city. People from over 165 countries live here today – those who have always called it home and those who’ve just arrived. Gritty, not glitzy, Wedding is never a bore. pages 4–5

Wedding Bling-Bling ANNETTE HAUSCHILD/OSTKREUZ BERLIN TIMES 1929 IN A DIFFERENT LEAGUE EVER IN THE MAKING SYMPHONY OF A METROPOLIS Jason Lutes knew next to nothing Union Berlin is the club of under- Berlin remains a startup hotspot. Berlin’s Young Euro Classic youth about the German capital in the dogs. This year the team is playing It’s a magnet for young companies orchestra festival celebrates its Weimar era upon deciding to write shockingly well and could win and aspiring individuals. Why? 20th anniversary. The participants and draw his epic graphic novel promotion to the fancy Bundesliga. Because Berlin is still unfinished as are on their way to becoming about the city. Read the making-of, So, what do the fans chant? an economic space – a place to tomorrow’s stars, and some have written by the artist himself. page 3 “Shit, we’re moving up.” page 6 make a name for yourself. page 7 already made it big. page 8

Capital look Coolness is the Berlin fashion scene’s biggest asset

with a heavy dose of good-natured Fewer shows, less hype. In other lobby.” Bär’s tip to fashion industry young Berlin labels that have Ins- Instagram accounts to promote the BY JULIA HACKOBER pride. They see themselves as words, after its first semi-successful representatives is to spotlight them- tagram to thank for their success: entire range of Berlin-based fashion obliged to give the Berlin fashion iteration, Berlin is selves more effectively and take even Jeanne de Kroon, founder of Zazi offerings while staying true to the n the eve of Berlin Fash- scene all the journalistic support starting over again from scratch. better advantage of the opportuni- Vintage, has her upscale ideas behind “support your local ion Week, a group of they can, all the while nervously The question now occupying the ties provided by digitalization. dresses sewn by women in NGO dealer.“ Obloggers, journalists and watching the evolution of Berlin fashion cosmos is: What, if anything, To be sure, Instagram has com- projects in such places as Uzbeki- The closely networked Insta- Berlin celebrities have gathered at Fashion Week, which was launched remains? We know what Berlin fash- pletely transformed the fashion stan, India and Afghanistan; Marke gram scene has produced a regular Colette, the brasserie run by star in 2007 and has taken place twice ion is capable of, but how do we get industry in recent years, with direct- GmbH (German for: brand) – yes, stream of viral fashion hypes that chef Tim Raue. They were invited a year since. In the beginning, the the word out to the rest of the world to-consumer communications that’s the firm’s name – made the now shapes the external perception by Vreni Frost, one of Berlin’s event was jazzed up and promoted without any noteworthy, large-scale already becoming an integral part leap to the prêt-à-porter shows in of the “Berlin Look.” Such phenom- first and foremost - as a veritable alternative to the big fashion event to speak of? How can of many labels’ business strategy. Paris with its underground aesthetic; ena take their inspiration from the gers. There’s bœuf bourguignon shows in London, Milan and New Berlin assert its position as a fash- Especially for small companies, this the jewelry designer Lilian von city’s vibe, that is, a way of life that and nougat mousse, and it just so York. But it never achieved the suc- ion capital? These questions revolve opens up entirely new opportuni- Trapp brought her sustainable gold continues to make Berlin a place so happens that cess it was intended to have, espe- not only around how many Fashion ties, because they can attract a highly jewelry to actress Emma Watson via many people want to be a part of and – a power- cially as its dates in January and July Week parties and cocktail recep- fashion-conscious community with- the internet; the founders of Wald thanks to its club culture, the intel- house left-wing couple and two almost always overlap with the cou- tions have to be canceled; the issue out having to invest in expensive Berlin rescued pearl jewelry from lectual bohème, the clash of milieus of Germany’s most famous politi- ture shows in Paris and other impor- is a far more existential one: How to exhibition stands or pay rent for a its old-fashioned reputation; and the and mentalities – all of which, taken cal personalities – are sitting at tant international fashion fairs. It draw the attention of international boutique. grande dame of the Berlin fashion together, inspire the fashion scene. the next table. And, as so often was pure folly to expect those key buyers, those department stores and The Berlin shoe brand Aeyde, scene, Leyla Piedayesh, led her label Issues such as sustainability and fair is the case when fashion profes- guests – buyers for large depart- boutiques in London, Paris and Sin- for example, orchestrated its suc- Lala Berlin to international splendor production are also on the minds of sionals gather among themselves, ment stores – to make an extra trip gapore, to German brands? cess story on the internet. The with the help of 100,000 Instagram many labels. Plus, Berliner style is what would in any other setting to Berlin to catch a glimpse of a few Fashion Council Germany – a company was founded in 2015 by followers. never limited to be an innocent question – “So, are junior labels and C celebrities. lobbying body populated by various Luisa Krogmann and Constantin Capital city fashion brands also just being you all looking forward to Fash- These days, Fashion Week Berlin industry players (editors-in-chief Langholz-Baikousis, two industry find digital support in Berlin’s lively ion Week?” – ends up triggering comes to us in a more modest form. and economic associations) that veterans who learned their craft at blogger network. Women like Vreni an hours-long debate. Basically, the most important trade also supports select labels through the largest startup, Frost (neverever.me), Jessica Weiß Of course, everyone is looking fairs, such as the Premium, Pan- elaborate funding programs – hopes . Leveraging digitalization to (journelles.com), Lisa Banhol- forward to Fashion Week. For the orama and Seek, are garnered with to gain assistance from policymak- scale their company from the start, zer and Tanja Trutschnig 2 on page continued most part, at least. After all, a whole additional shows and events last- ers. The Fashion Council’s oft- they first built a functioning online (bloggerbazaar.com) new and refined designer scene ing only three days. Gone are the repeated mantra is that “fashion shop and then worked on Instagram use their web- has established itself over the past days of the pumped-up celebrity must finally be acknowledged as a with major fashion influencers like sites and several years in Berlin. It’s a scene hype associated with the tent at cultural and economic asset in Ger- Camille Charrière and Lucy Wil- shaped by young people adept at the Brandenburg Gate, which was many.” liams. After that, the doors to those drawing attention to their work abandoned after the event’s main Fortunately, the Fashion Council highly competitive sales areas in through good ideas and idiosyn- sponsor, Mercedes-Benz, withdrew has found in Dorothee Bär, State major European concept cratic imagery, which is essential in in 2018. Organizers have experi- Minister for Digitalization, a con- stores opened up auto- the age of Instagram. William Fan, mented with different concepts tact within the government willing matically. for example, has long since been a and key show locations, such as the to commit to the fashion industry. In fact, there darling of the fashion press for his Eisstadion Wedding (a skating rink) In fact, last year she even invited a are many casual collections that function as and an unused department store delegation from the Berlin fashion something between workwear and in Mitte, only to discard them for scene to visit the federal chancellery, couture. Fan almost always stages something new. Even the “Berliner where Angela Merkel just happened his shows as a form of conceptual Salon,” a group exhibition held at to stop by. In January 2019, Bär also art, setting up runways in such the Kronzprinzenpalais Unter den held a pep-talk at a roundtable dis- varied locations as a Chinese res- Linden, where young, unknown cussion organized by the Fashion taurant or a Zen garden. Among the designers were able to show their Council and Icon magazine where other designers who made the leap collections to the trade press and she assured listeners that support- from young talent to major player buyers, has now been dissolved; the ing the fashion industry was indeed on the fashion scene are Marina founders of that exhibition, German one of the federal government’s Hoermanseder, Malaikaraiss (see Vogue editor in chief Christiane Arp priorities – even if the act of asso- picture), Rianna+Nina and Dawid and event manager Marcus Kurz, ciating with fashion lobbyists was MALAIKARAISS Tomaszewski. announced in March 2019 that they still considered a bit suspicious in German bloggers and fashion had not been able to develop the Germany: “Some of my colleagues editors look upon “their” designers format in a competitive way. prefer to sit down with the nuclear 2 The Berlin Times April 2019 continued from page 1 Capital look

“edgy,” as they say in the fashion world; it always embodies the city’s current zeitgeist as well. Recently, for example, the EUnify hoodie created by the artists collective known as Sou- Perfectly suited venir made a splash on the internet. The blue sweatshirt features the EU circle of stars with one star missing – a conscious challenge on Berlin designer Patrick Hellmann is preparing to take Manhattan behalf of the designers to get their fans to reflect on European identity. The hoodie was worn by hip Louis Vuitton designer Virgil Abloh as well as by Germany’s Minister of €180/night). He even gave the bar a fresh Justice . BY CLAUDIA VON DUEHREN new outfit: there’s herringbone from his To this day, coolness continues to be the suit collection on the chairs, and the cur- Berlin fashion scene’s greatest capital. And, erman perfection, French tains feature pinstripes facing out and in keeping with its nature, the biggest and charm, Moroccan tempera- violet tie-silk facing in – his favorite color. most successful trends make do without Gment and American modernity RENTZ GETTY IMAGES/ANDREAS “Each room tells a story taken from my institutionalized events. In fact, it’s possible – these are the characteristics Patrick own life,” says Hellmann, explaining the that the creative drive and ability of Berlin- Hellmann (64) uses to describe his own personal touch at his exclusive hotel. His ers to turn ideas into good business models designs. But they are also an apt descrip- international guests appreciate this indi- is thwarted only by too the excesses of well- tion of this Berlin designer himself. His viduality to such an extent that “some meaning patronage. Those who rely too father was a Berlin fashion merchant, his even want to spend every night in a dif- much on help from above can end up para- mother was Spanish and he was born ferent room,” says the hotelier, grinning. lyzing themselves. And even Fashion Council in Casablanca in 1955. The language There is only one room at the hotel Germany can’t afford to offer anything more spoken at his father’s studio was Italian, that Hellmann will most certainly not than help with self-help. and the family spoke French at home. be redesigning, and that is the personal While it’s true that many Berlin designers When Hellmann was nine years old, his Patrick Hellmann (middle) with Alec Völkel aka Boss Burns (left) of suite of . The famed and labels still operate on a small scale, this family moved to the United States, and The BossHoss and Till Lindemann (right) of Rammstein at a Schloßhotel party Chanel designer, who passed away in isn’t necessarily a bad omen. On the contrary, in 1978 they moved to Berlin. February, equipped the room with per- the era of large major German fashion brands His mother still lives in Cincinnati, and industry. He now owns and operates interior design. In 2017, he bought Berlin’s sonal furniture and art objects. “We are that helped shape the fate of the international Hellmann is planning to visit her there eleven stores from Berlin and London to legendary Schlosshotel in the Grunewald, very proud that Karl Lagerfeld set up fashion scene is long gone. These days, digita- this month to celebrate her 90th birth- Moscow, Dubai and Baku, each designed which was built in 1914 and lies in a this suite, and the most we will ever do lization offers incredible growth opportuni- day. “For me, it’s still like coming home,” in his characteristic black, white and verdant and elegant part of the city. A is refresh it a bit,” insists Hellmann, who ties that are better suited to small and agile he explains. Although he holds only a silver. With the exception of the two in number of hotel chains had already tried attaches great importance to maintain- startups rather than lumbering corporations. German passport, he does possess a cov- Berlin, all of Hellmann’s stores are oper- their luck with the hotel and failed, even ing his hotel’s reputation for fashion. At the moment, Berlin is witnessing the eted US Green Card. And now, Hellmann ated as part of a franchise. Russians even though German fashion czar Karl Lager- This coming summer, he also intends emergence of a highly modern fashion middle is looking to establish even more connec- rank his luxury brand PHC label higher feld himself had given it a thorough restyl- to reopen the 5-star hotel’s restaurant, class. The hipster attitude of many other proj- tions with his former home, this time via than Brioni and Tom Ford. ing. It is entirely possible that Hellmann, a Papillon, where upscale international ects should not distract us from this fact. business ties. And now it’s time to add a store in successful entrepreneur, assumed the risk cuisine will be served. Berlin design is making its way upwards. Having had a shop-within-a-shop at the US. The perfect fit of a Hellmann for sentimental reasons. Indeed, when he According to Hellmann, his hotel Taking a number of unexpected detours, Barneys in Manhattan until the US finan- suit makes every man look good: “New first came to Berlin in 1978, Hellmann was snuggled within the tranquil Grunewald it’s slowly but successfully staking its claim cial crisis in 2008, Hellmann is eager to Yorkers are very fashionable, so they’ll invited shortly thereafter to a reception forest is ideal for “guests who want a in the international fashion scene – with a return to the city that never sleeps. “The appreciate that,” he argues. He himself at the Schlosshotel in the Grunewald: “I true sense of privacy.” The entrepreneur work ethic resting on medium-sized company city has an unbelievable positive energy,” rarely goes shopping on any of his regu- immediately fell in love with this wonder- himself, who lives with his wife and five- values and access to good Wi-Fi. And no wor- he gushes, “you can feel it as soon as you lar trips to New York. “I always wear the ful place,” recalls the designer. year-old son in Berlin-Mitte, has been ries, there are still more than enough parties, get off the plane.” Hellmann also sees Los same thing,” the designer admits – a black The Renaissance-style hotel was also designing the interiors of private homes pop-up store openings, dinners and panel Angeles as a perfect potential location for sweater (cotton in summer, cashmere in where German actress Romy Schneider for years, and also created the Lalique talks going on outside of the erstwhile Fash- one of his stores. Of course, he already winter), dark blue jeans, ankle boots – (1938–1982) got married – twice. And its Suite (€16,000/night) for the five-star ion Week schedule – places and spaces where knows “there’s nothing anywhere that and done. Hellmann is less interested famous Jugendstil bar was often the last Hotel Prince de Galles in Paris. This fashion professionals can continue to do their doesn’t already exist in the US.” But he’s in himself and much more interested in stop of the night for beloved German means there’s only one thing this Berlin “networking.” There’s no need to fear that still convinced that his collection will be making his clients look their best. Stars comedian and enthusiastic drinker designer is still missing: “Of course, I Berlin will run out of events any time soon. able to make a mark on the American like Rammstein lead singer Till Linde- Harald Juhnke (1929–2005), who lived would love to redesign a hotel in New fashion market. Indeed, in keeping with mann (56) and German national soccer just around the corner. In 2006, Germa- York.” the credo of his company, he has “the player Jérôme Boateng (30) are big fans ny’s national team stayed at the five-star Julia Hackober is deputy director at power of a perfect suit.” of his work. hotel during the Soccer World Cup. Iconist.de, a digital lifestyle magazine With the help of this motto, Hellmann Hellmann also recently translated his Hellmann has now re-designed 22 of Claudia von Duehren is a culture belonging to the Welt Group. made his way to the top of the fashion perfectionist sensibilities to the realm of the 53 total rooms and suites (starting at editor at Bild and BZ in Berlin.

Julia Hackober is deputy director at ICONIST.de, a digital lifestyle magazine belonging to the WELT Group. Claudia von Duehren is a culture editor at BILD and Think Tank Berlin BZ in Berlin. #EUREFcampus gasometertour.de gasometertour.de ©

www.euref.de @eurefcampus @euref @eurefcampus Bild: April 2019 The Berlin Times 3

graduated from art school in 1991 speaking about it in public, I’ve managed with no clear idea of what to do with to peel back the layers underlying that Imy life. I was interested in “alter- impulse. The first thing I came to under- native” comic books – which is to say, stand is that what felt like a random deci- comic books that were not about super- sion at the time actually came out of a heroes – and I knew that the best-known powerful unconscious need to educate publisher of such books was based in myself about the circumstances leading Seattle, Washington. On the off chance Drawing on Berlin up to World War II and the Holocaust (an that I could land a job with this publisher, unfortunate void in my poor public school I drove the 3,000 miles from Providence, history education). Beneath that, I was Rhode Island, to the Pacific Northwest. I “I decided in that moment that my next comic book would be trying to come to terms with the (largely) had no idea that, in doing so, I was join- male capacity for dehumanization, oppres- ing a mass migration of recent college about Weimar Berlin, and that it would be 600 pages long.” sion and mass slaughter. Beneath that, I graduates who would catalyze Seattle's Jason Lutes tells the story of how he came to write his epic graphic was trying to process my own country's local music scene into an international novel on Germany in the last years before Hitler history of atrocities, and to what degree I phenomenon before stepping into entry- personally am implicated in that history. level jobs at Amazon, Adobe and Micro- It turns out that only by looking far away soft. in time and space could I begin to look at I landed the job, but swiftly became myself. disillusioned with the comics publish- Over all of the years I worked on this ing scene, and after a year I left to work book, most of my various studio spaces for a free weekly arts and entertainment of dodgy VHS copy of the film Cabaret acters that interested me, finding my way façade was cut from diamond and the were subterranean – basement rooms, paper called The Stranger. The art direc- as it played in the background during a between the tent-poles of major historical patterns of paving stones were fractals often windowless. I would make my morn- tor invited me to write and draw a weekly party back in art school. Despite – or, as events: Bloody May, the Crash of 1929, the of wonder. There was something in the ing coffee and walk downstairs to write or page of comics for the paper, and I jumped I now believe, because of – this lack of Reichstag elections of 1930. air – was this the same Berliner Luft that draw about Berlin between the years 1928 at the chance. I knew I wanted to tell a understanding, I decided in that moment I had a publisher, and each chapter people had inhaled in 1930? This place and 1933. I was writing about the Bloody long story, but had no idea how to go that my next comic book would be about would be published as an individual comic was, of course, very different from the one May while the WTO protests of 1999 were about it, so I decided to just make it up Weimar Berlin, and that it would be 600 book. I sent Kurt and Marthe to arrive in I had been trying to capture, but also very happening outside my front door in Seat- as I went. The films of David Lynch, Jim pages long. Berlin at Potsdamer Bahnhof on a train similar to it. And in that word – “capture” tle; I was writing about the Crash of 1929 Jarmusch, and Richard Linklater were my It was 1994. I was 26 years old. I did the from the west, and then followed them – I recognized the arrogance with which during the global financial crisis of 2008; I touchstones. I chose the title Jar of Fools math and figured, given my rate of produc- into the city to see what they would find. I had undertaken this project. One could was writing about the rise of fascism in the the way a band might choose its name: tion on Jar of Fools, that I could wrap up At some time around the year 2000, never capture the vibrancy and complexity late 1920s during the rise of global fascism something enigmatic but suggestive, open this new project by the time I turned 40. Carlsen, a publisher out of Hamburg, of a city so alive. in our current moment. When I walked to interpretation. After two years, I had I mail-ordered Bertolt Brecht’s Berlin offered to translate and print Jar of Fools A sudden gulf opened between my down those stairs I was traveling back in written and drawn 128 pages of story, immediately. It was the first of a collec- in Germany. They invited me over to pro- imaginary Berlin and the real Berlin now time and descending into my own uncon- which together formed my first “graphic tion of over a hundred Berlin-centric mote the book at a comics festival in the surrounding me. There was a vast distance scious, but I was also listening. novel” (a marketing term which had just books I would amass over the following town of Erlangen and, aware of my work- between these two places, and in that dis- I don’t have any special talent in this been coined in hopes of selling more years, as I made weekly rounds of the in-progress, arranged for me to spend a tance my anxiety evaporated. There was regard. I believe anyone able and willing comic books to adults). used-book stores in the greater Seattle few days in Berlin. At that point, I was – of course – no way I could capture this to take the time out of their life to listen Jar of Fools was my self-education in the area in an effort to acquire every English- roughly 200 pages into the story, and had place, or any place. My Berlin was a city in can sense the greater trajectory of human comics medium. I had read and studied language source upon which I could lay never set foot in the actual city. I was ter- a shoebox; the real Berlin is alive, infinite civilization. I can draw pictures fairly well, hundreds of comics, but only through my hands. In the map room at the Uni- rified. and irreducible. I had aspired to create and comics is a narrative art form cur- making a book-length story myself did versity of Washington, I found the 1928 What if the real place was so different a portrait of the city and its people, but rently enjoying some popularity, so I’m I begin to comprehend how text and Pharus Plan of the city, had a copy made from the one in my book that it would in the wake of that aspiration I began to privileged and fortunate enough to be able image in juxtaposition interact to create and pinned it up over my drawing table. I render all of my work useless? What if I decipher a self-portrait. to make half a living reporting back from a unique form of expression, something had quit my day job and was making a go had been devoting the past six years of my I flew back to Seattle with a sense of my underground listening post. greater than the sum of its parts. With of it as a starving artist, living off meager life – writing and drawing in a basement relief, intent on staying as true to the real The real question now, for me, is what to this newfound knowledge, I was electrified royalties and freelance work while I con- in Seattle, about as far away from Berlin Berlin as I could, but accepting that I do with these messages. by a sense of possibility – the feeling that sumed book after book, taking notes and as a person can get – to an elaborate lie? would never get it right. comics was a boundless medium, and that making sketches as I went. My goal was As I boarded the train at Erlangen I felt In the end, including those first two I could tell any kind of story I wanted. In to immerse myself in the time and place, more and more convinced that I would be years of research, the project took me 24 my early twenties, I had struggled to find to put myself on the streets of the Prus- shown to be a fraud. years to complete. I missed my original something to say, but now I wanted to say sian capital and imagine what it was like I remember when the first buildings deadline by 10 years, drawing the last page everything. What subject could possibly to be at ground level while momentous on the outskirts started to drift past by a few days before my 50th birthday. The grant me that possibility? events unfolded in real time. After two the window. The sun was setting; aban- book ends in 1933, with the ascension of It was in this state of mind that I was years of research, having never set foot in doned industrial buildings were dappled in Adolf Hitler to the chancellorship, and I flipping through a magazine and happened the actual city of Berlin, I felt I was ready golden light. Absurdly, I was not prepared wrote and drew that portion in Vermont, across a half-page advertisement for a to start. for the fact that everything would be in while the 2016 presidential election was book of photographs called Bertolt Brecht’s I had come up with two main charac- full color (my comic is drawn in black-and- unfolding. The resonance between the Berlin: A Scrapbook of the Twenties. I foggily ters: Kurt Severing, a jaded Berliner and white), and in particular how green it was. story I was telling and the present-day recall one line of evocative ad copy: “And journalist writing for Die Weltbühne; Springtime in Berlin, to someone who has ascension of authoritarianism was pow- the jazz bands played on as the world spun and Marthe Müller, an ingenuous young only known the city through old photo- erful and stupefying. At first I thought it a out of control.” I knew next to nothing woman from who has come to graphs, is astonishing. strange and unfortunate coincidence. Now about Berlin in the 1920s, beyond having study art in the big city. My strategy was I got off the train (as Kurt and Marthe I’m not so sure. heard my parents’ 1958 double LP of Die to follow these two into the metropolis, had done in the first chapter of my book) I chose the subject of Weimar Berlin Berlin, Jason Lutes Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) improvising the story one scene at a time, and wandered aimlessly. I was in a height- in 1994, on impulse. With some distance Drawn and Quarterly, once or twice as a child, and fragments peeling off to pursue any secondary char- ened state of awareness, where every now from the finished book, and through Montréal, 2018, 580 pages AXEL VÖLCKER (2) AXEL VÖLCKER


My big fat worldwide Wedding

The district in north Berlin is in the process of reinventing itself – with the help of its residents from more than 165 countries

as rents in Berlin’s inner-city districts continue their BY JULIA BOEK explosion, Wedding has started to see more students, hipsters and young families on its streets. The new- t’s a typical afternoon in Berlin-Wedding, not comers have opened up vegan cafés, organic flower far from Leopoldplatz. The radiant early-spring shops and hip bars. In fact, Wedding is now even home Isun is shining down, so much so that the Turk- to a Michelin-starred restaurant and a number of shops ish barber has put a rack of wet towels out on the belonging to organic supermarket chains. sidewalk to dry. In contrast, the cigarette smoke at Wedding encapsulates the world in one urban dis- Café Morena hangs heavy in the air. Wolle, the tav- trict. And this isn’t just talk, it’s an everyday reality,

AXEL VÖLCKER ern’s retired proprietor, and Paule, one of his regulars, even as some misguided opinion-makers still insist are drinking their morning beer in the still-empty that the coexistence of people of different origins, pub. The huge ashtray on the large table in front of cultures, religions and mentalities has yet to be tested them contains a good dozen cigarette butts, and the in this country. In Wedding, this coexistence has been radio is blasting saccharine German Schlager music. a fact for decades. This is why Wedding is an excellent At 12 o’clock sharp, Wolle disappears behind the bar. illustration of the most prominent social phenomena It’s time for his first “blood thinner,” as the regulars underway in Germany today – and perhaps in Europe, call their vodka. These men spend their days sit- too. These include, for example, issues surrounding ting around together in the tavern, after all, “whadya migration and integration, the competition for housing, expect us to do, look out the window the whole demographic change and the growing gap between the time?” rich and the poor. In other words, the focus is on the As he lights his next cigarette, Wolle sets out on fundamental question of how we want to live with one a journey to the past. He recalls how he opened his another in the future. tavern here in the early 1970s, after winning it in a For Les Schliesser, Wedding is a classic Ankunftsstadt gambling match. Its name back then was Sexmuffel – arrival city. While it is indeed a very poor district, it II – which can be loosely translated as “Sex Curmud- is nevertheless a very friendly one that attracts people geon II.” Wolle explains that it was an “erotic film bar” from all corners of the world. Word is out that all are that attracted customers from all walks of life in West welcome to try their luck here in the northwest part Berlin, including political party functionaries, workers of the capital. In fact, it’s still possible to find afford- from the nearby Osram light bulb factory and French able space here to rent an apartment or build up a soldiers from the Allied barracks at Kurt-Schumacher- small existence – even if it’s getting harder and taking Platz. Today, the 82-year-old sports a wide grin at the longer these days. thought of that bygone era. These days, the clientele Schliesser is a visual artist and himself a “migrant” at Café Morena is more along the lines of plumbers from southern Germany. He made his way in the and construction workers, many of whom show up mid-1990s to Berlin-Mitte and later to Wedding. for their after-work beer. But he also hosts weekly One day back in early 2000, he and fellow artist teachers’ get-togethers, artists and members of the Daniela Brahm happened upon the stacked concrete Left Party. cubes that made up the former Rotaprint printing Today, more than 86,000 people live in the nine- press manufacturer on Gottschedstraße. The 10,000 square-kilometer area in northwest Berlin known as square-meter site with its 11 factory and office spaces Wedding. Once referred to as “red Wedding,” the area was completely abandoned, except for a couple was a legendary workers’ district until it was forced to of tenants. The last small offset printing machine look on as those jobs moved elsewhere. After World had been taken offline in the late 1980s. Brahm and War II, the district became part of the French sector, Schliesser immediately saw the potential of the com- and Wedding residents soon began receiving a special plex. But they also noticed that many of the nearby allowance designed to compensate them for having residents were welfare recipients who had little to live along that East-West death strip known as the access to work or any sort of education or training. IMAGO Berlin Wall. Sitting in his atelier, Schliesser recalls how back in In the 1970s, large numbers of so-called Gastarbeiter the 2000s, Berlin was forced to sell 6,000 properties – the German term denoting workers recruited from to the highest bidder. The Berlin real estate bubble abroad – moved into the area, especially after Germany had just burst, property prices were in the dumps and and Turkey signed a labor agreement in October 1961. the city was looking to reduce its debt. The Rotaprint Many of these foreign workers stayed, and even more complex was also up for sale, and there was already an joined them. These days, people from 165 nations call Icelandic investor on board who wanted to build loft Wedding their home. In fact, one out of every two apartments there. What ensued was a true real-estate residents here has a “migration background.” poker match. The most effective card Schliesser and In the 1980s, a number of big Wedding-based facto- Brahm had up their sleeves – along with their 11 ries, such as AEG, Osram and Rotaprint, closed their fellow shareholders in their newly founded gGmbH doors, most likely because West Berlin’s status as an company – was their idea for a never-before-seen isolated island within East Germany had rendered it mixed-use concept for the site alongside a sophis- unprofitable as a location for industry. Many workers ticated financing model. In 2007, with the help of lost their jobs, which meant that all the shops along the an instrument known as the Erbbaurecht (heritable large boulevards of Müllerstraße and Badstraße also building right), which gave the gGmbH a 100-year lost their customers. lease, they were able, together with two founda- The district never quite recovered from that setback. tions, to acquire the former printing press site for To this day, in some areas you’ll still find casinos lining €600,000, thus rendering the re-sale of the complex the streets alongside junk shops. Both the unemploy- prohibited. The transaction was based on the mutu- ment rate and the crime rate are high. And yet, Wed- ally binding premise of “no profit by ownership.”


The world in one city district: residents with a multifaceted 5,500 members, Wedding’s African community is by far range of social and cultural backgrounds live side-by-side the largest in Berlin. in an area of north Berlin called Wedding. Together, these Journalist Julia Boek and art director and photographer people contribute to the district’s distinct character, making Axel Völcker have been focusing for years on the it a locality brimming with diversity and contrasts. Two such stories and sensations of everyday life in the district residents are Wolfgang and Anna Dumkow (below left), in their magazine Der Wedding. In 2017, they took up managers of the Wiesenburg, a protected landmark that a new approach to their storytelling, this time based began in 1886 as a shelter for homeless women and men entirely on photographs. To create their illustrated book and today is a haven for art and culture. Other residents Berlin-Wedding – Das Fotobuch (Berlin-Wedding – The include members of the city’s African community, many Photobook, from which some of the pictures shown here of whom come from Egypt, Cameroon and Nigeria and are taken), they enlisted photographers from Ostkreuz, gather on Sundays at the Evangelische Freikirchlichen a well-known Berlin-based agency, to spend a year Gemeinde (Evangelical Free Church) to sing gospel songs wandering through the district taking photos in bars, living My big fat worldwide Wedding and recite bible verses to the point of ecstasy. With roughly rooms, mosques, studios and the job center. ESPEN EICHHÖFER/OSTKREUZ The district in north Berlin is in the process of reinventing itself – with the help of its residents from more than 165 countries

Looking back, Schliesser is convinced that their suc- Religion and politics are themes that both women cess can be a role model for how to approach Berlin’s try to keep out of their fashion business. After all, there urban development in a manner that doesn’t revolve are so many other things to talk about. “Tradition or around profit. In his words, their approach is “proof not, Turkish weddings are total bling bling,” says Ipek, that renters can refurbish and develop a complex by whose name translates as “silk.” For most of the brides themselves by means of self-management.” Today, he who come to the mother-daughter duo, the women co-manages ExRotaprint’s business operations with create baroque “Sisi-type” dresses with lots of tulle, Brahm. The complex is at 100-percent capacity and rhinestones and lace, as well as matching dresses for several of the site’s buildings – all of which are now the bridesmaids. Up to 10 women – mothers, sisters historically protected monuments – have been refur- and aunts – have been known to come into their work- bished with the help of two architects, a building loan space to discuss every detail of the bride’s dress. and income from rent. Anadolu recalls that her own wedding, which took The co-managers rent out the space based on a strict place in Turkey in the early 1990s, was also a large- allocation philosophy: one-third of tenants are trades- scale affair; however, it was an event the then 21-year- people, including carpenters and the like; the second old didn’t have much of a say in. third are organizations that perform social work, such She has since divorced her husband. Indeed, her

as a German school for migrants; and the final third of life path – which took her from the position of textile AXEL VÖLCKER the space is rented out to artists and creatives, includ- workshop manager at a Berlin-based company to her ing ateliers and 17 rehearsal rooms for musicians. current status as a businesswoman who says what she “The district desperately needs jobs, educational thinks and makes her own decisions – did not jibe with opportunities and social support,” says Schliesser. By her ex-husband’s image of women. “After 17 years of making specific choices when it comes to renting out marriage, it was a difficult decision to divorce,” says their space, he explains, they can decide who sets up Anadolu, sighing, yet with a look of satisfaction. Her shop on their site and how Wedding can profit from daughter Ipek will soon be completing her BA in their work. These days, their vision of a non-profit real fashion management and hopes to join her mother’s estate company – the ExRotaprint team refers to itself business at some point. For Nuray Anadolu and Ipek as a “social sculpture” – has become more important Yeşildağ, the district of Wedding is the perfect place than ever. Even in Wedding, money is now starting to pursue a good life based on traditional values and a to play an increasingly large role, as Schliesser is well self-determined future. aware. In some places, rents have increased fourfold Wolle, the 82-year-old pub owner, also foresees a within a year, and the gentrifying tendency of push- dazzling future for Wedding. He even goes as far as ing out people with less money has long since been to predict “a cultural revolution.” There are more and underway. more well-educated people moving to the district, he In the small dressmaking shop for women’s and says. For his own part, he’d like to stay “until they have children’s clothing Cosa on the ground floor of a resi- to carry me out.” That makes sense, seeing as Wolle dential building on Tegeler Straße, Nuray Anadolu and was born in his grandfather’s Schultheiss pub just a her 24-year-old daughter Ipek Yeşildağ are very busy few blocks away. these days. April is a very popular month for Muslim weddings. Ramadan is in May this year, which means Julia Boek is co-publisher of no one marries in that month. Hoş geldiniz! Welcome Berlin-Wedding – The Photobook. to Turkish Wedding! Or maybe it would be more accurate to say “Welcome to German-Turkish Wed- ding!” Indeed, just like in the districts of Kreuzberg and Neukölln, the Anatolians are among those Berliners who have lived in Wedding the longest. Anadolu moved to Wedding in 1992, and her daugh- ter Ipek was born in the district. A professional fashion tailor from western Turkey, Anadolu sports a very fashionable bob, her hair is dyed purple and she has a tattoo on her lower arm. Wedding is her home. It’s where she can speak Turkish to people from her home country on every corner; it’s where she can celebrate Muslim holidays with members of her community; and it’s also where she can find mosques right in her neighborhood. And even though she spends most of her time in her sewing shop, she’s quick to note that these surroundings give her tremendous strength. And yet, living alongside her compatriots presents certain challenges and complications. As the 48-year- old Anadolu points out, many of the older people, especially those from eastern Turkey, are highly con- servative. “They stay among themselves, only visit Turkish doctors, go to Turkish supermarkets and even For more information, visit keep a distance from other Muslims,” she says. And www.derwedding.de/das-buch by “other Muslims,” she means women such as Nuray Anadolu and Ipek Yeşildağ, that is, women who don’t wear headscarves yet still pray to Allah for several minutes every night before going to bed. 6 The Berlin Times April 2019


Fan lingo: U.N.V.E.U. – short for (in German): And never forget: Iron Union. Union representatives Union Berlin is a soccer club of underdogs, but only the well-behaved, honest and open-minded kind

political resistance – that reaches championship after the next. Suf- skilled workers. After the two Ger- their club: they donated blood going to just any soccer game, we’re BY ANNETT GRÖSCHNER back to the days of the divided city. fice it to say that there were often manys unified, 22,000 jobs were lost and gave the proceeds to the club; going to Union.” And there’s always something to what you might call “inconsisten- at the nearby Oberschöneweide they emptied their piggy banks to 1. FC Union Berlin has been play- t’s a Saturday afternoon in these labels, even if many elements cies” at play in that era. These days, industrial area, the equivalent of purchase shares in the team; they ing in the second division since late March. Our destination of the team’s reputation have Dynamo plays in a division two one full Union stadium. With them refurbished the stadium themselves; 2009. At the moment, the club is Iis a home game at the Alte already become the stuff of myth, leagues below Union. went the livelihood of entire fami- and they invented the often-copied in third place, which means their Försterei stadium, deep in the including the legend of the 11 lock- In 1968, Union had one of the first lies. The career paths of some of annual Christmas Caroling event at ascent to the first division, the east of Berlin. The further the smiths on the field and the battle women’s soccer teams in both Ger- Union’s older fans also mirror this the stadium, which 30,000 people Bundesliga, is entirely possible. S-Bahn takes us in the direction cry “Eisern Union” (iron union). At manys. This was at a time when experience: pre-reunification train- attend every year on Dec.23. Now- This also means people in Berlin of Köpenick, the more crowded it 1. FC Union, every player is a soccer women in West Germany were still ing in shift-based systems at large- adays, Union fans even buy pricy are increasingly hearing the typical gets, and the more red-and-white god. Union represents the east, too, kept from playing soccer in clubs scale GDR factories, unemployment beer in their stadium. Union phrase “Scheiße, wir steigen scarves and other gear we see on and above all Köpenick, the city due to the preposterous idea that after the fall of the Wall, various However, the bonds that tie auf!” (Shit, we’re moving up!). It’s a fans of the 1. FC Union Berlin district whose sheer obstinacy women’s bodies and souls would transitional jobs, some even outside the club to its fans are occasion- statement that perfectly captures soccer team. The atmosphere is was able to preserve its munici- ally put to the test. Having made Union fans’ ambivalence toward relaxed, and the crowd is made up pal autonomy well into the 20th an official commitment to toler- reaching a higher division. After all, mostly of older men interspersed century. It also stands for a deep- Even if your entire ance and open-mindedness, the what happens when big companies by all variations of red-and-white rooted Berlin dialect that no one club and its economic council get involved and start making their striped families and their kids. on the other side of Berlin speaks existence is wavering, have implemented a number of own decisions for the team? Women are definitely outnum- anymore. programs, including a job network On this particular Saturday, bered, but they nevertheless have The Alte Försterei’s location at the stadium at the for refugees, that have not been as before all games, fans add the a presence here. All the parking the edge of a wooded area called well-received by all Union fans. Yet word “Fußballgott!” (soccer spaces around the stadium are full the Wuhlheide means that the Alte Försterei remains when an anonymous fan made anti- god!) after each player’s name is and the S-Bahn trains are burst- path to each home game is part of a Semitic comments online about announced over the loudspeaker. ing at their seams, as are the trams. ritual that includes a walk through a reliable home the Ingolstadt player Almog Cohen This time, however, they have an The exit at S-Bahnhof Köpenick the forest. In the past, the walk just a few weeks ago, the response extra “Fußballgott” for the Pader- station is too narrow for the back from the stadium was often suffer if they did – and because of Germany, re-training, additional was unanimous in its condemna- born coach, Steffen Baumgart, a masses of people, but the police the march of a losing team, some- such public displays of their bodies training, jobs at companies that tion. The club reacted immediately former Union captain. Fans don’t are relaxed, standing at their post times even of a sorely beaten one. would supposedly offend standards went bankrupt, failure to be paid by and called on Union fans to fight all forget things like that here. Even next to the sausage stand in the As the Union joke goes: “When of decency and propriety. In East dodgy entrepreneurs – the whole forms of racism. when Baumgart’s Paderborn team station. Today’s opposing team is god created the world, he spoke to Berlin, this brought about great kit and caboodle. People still disagree when it manages to put a stop to Union’s SC Paderborn 07, a worthy oppo- the stones and said: ‘Do you want mirth and shaking of heads. Soccer is a great anchor, though. comes to determining the best 20-game undefeated streak – in nent, but not a team known for its to become Unioners?’ And the For their part, the fate of Union’s Even if your entire existence is Union era. Was it when the team their own stadium, of all places – rabid fans. Things are quite differ- stones said ‘Yes, but we’re not hard men’s team serves to illustrate wavering, the stadium at the Alte still played for only 600 people and Union fans celebrate their former ent when a team like SV Dynamo enough.’ ” many of the upheavals of the Försterei remains a reliable home, fans could sit on the curbstones captain anyway. Dresden travels to the stadium; Back in the GDR, Union was an postwar period in East Berlin: rel- no matter what division the team and chat? Or is it better today, those games require an increased “elevator team,” that is, a team that egation, ascent, renewed relega- is in. Union fans now come from when almost every game is sold out level of security. went up and down between the tion down to the fourth division, all over. There’s even a “Union in and there are almost as many club Annett Gröschner is a novelist 1. FC Union Berlin is known for first and second leagues, while their debt, the struggle to stay alive and a English” online portal for English- members as seats in the stadium? and professor of journalism at the University of Arts Berlin – its working-class tradition and much-hated East Berlin rival, BFC brush with bankruptcy. The same speaking enthusiasts. Either way, the thing that matters and a passionate fan of Union underdog status but also for its Dynamo, the favorite club of the was true for the fans, too, many Much has been said about the most is something else, and it can be Berlin. sense of solidarity and spirit of Minister of State Security, won one of whom were well-educated and undying love Union fans hold for summarized as follows: “We’re not

games is already proving divisive. dium where Hitler once lorded of society are set to carry out this BY FRANK BACHNER Udo Wolf, the chairman of the over the competition from his process. Thomas Härtel, president Left Party delegation in Berlin’s privileged box? In this epic archi- of the Berlin Sport Federation, set The turn of t was a happy and joyful big- parliament considers the idea “a tectural monument to Nazi mega- the tone: “One hundred years after time sports event. “A time to bad joke.” Berlin’s Senator for Jus- lomania? the Olympic Games of 1936 is the Imake friends” was the motto tice, Dirk Behrendt, of the Green Quite a few people would agree right date to again confront the a century of the 2006 Soccer World Cup in Party is also strongly opposed. with Geisel and Wolf. But their eventful history of our country. Germany. The stadiums were full, This is all understandable. By views are short sighted. It might By looking back, we can set an the weather was sunny for weeks 1936, Hitler’s terror regime had even be desirable to draw paral- example as to how far Germany Why Berlin should apply to host the and the German fans were giddy been in operation for three years. lels to 1936. The result could only has come in its development despite their team losing in the One year earlier, the be that Germany is found to be a into a democratic, peaceful and 2036 Olympic Games semi-finals. Race Laws had downgraded Jews peaceful, cosmopolitan country – cosmopolitan country.” Kaweh The world saw a very tolerant, to second-class citizens, and oppo- as the world already experienced Niroomand, a native of Iran and empathetic country that summer, nents of the regime were already at the Soccer World Cup in 2006. vice president of the German and there could soon be an oppor- disappearing to concentration 2036 would simply be a continua- Olympic Sports Federation, has a tunity for it to happen again. Ber- camps. The dictator exploited tion of that. similar argument. “1936 is a sensi- lin’s Senator for the Interior and the Olympic Games, which had This is true, however, only under tive topic,” he admits. “But it is Sport, Andreas Geisel, has pro- been awarded to Germany in 1931, precisely the condition that his- also a huge opportunity, especially posed that Berlin apply to host as a propaganda platform with- tory is never to be forgotten; it at this time, to present our demo- the 2036 Summer Olympics – with out equal. The largest sporting is imperative that the victims are cratic country as an antithesis to the added symbolic significance event on the planet was intended remembered appropriately. It what it was 100 years ago. of being one hundred years after to show the world that Germany would be a fatal flaw for Germany the Nazis turned the 1936 games was a peace-loving, economically to present itself as a country for into an ignominious propaganda aspiring country. And now, a hun- which National Socialism is a mere campaign. dred years later, the idea has been historical footnote. Frank Bachner is a metro editor for the Berlin daily As of yet, there are but musings, floated for the Olympic Games to The decision-makers in this Der Tagesspiegel. yet the potential push to host the take place again in the very sta- country and the absolute majority April 2019 The Berlin Times 7

A company is founded every 20 minutes in Berlin

proved once again in the latest Kolibri co-founders Stammler and a big-city atmosphere on the food, Berlin is better known for be ‘unfinished’ as a city and eco- BY MAGDALENA THIELE Berlin Startup Monitor (BSM), and Sadowski have no doubt that one hand, and the familiarity of its international cuisine than for nomic space,” argues Schroers. “It an annual study published by the Berlin will continue its reign as each distinct urban neighborhood its local dishes. opens up so many more opportu- aniel Stammler and German Startups Association Germany’s startup capital. The on the other,” explains Stammler. “Berlin’s got a buzz,” says Jan- nities for young and aspiring indi- Janosch Sadowksi came in cooperation with Google for many networks and institutions He also notes that Berlin’s large Niklas Schroers, associate direc- viduals than an established and Dto Berlin by way of Entrepreneurs. The findings of the created there to support found- pool of employees – particularly tor and team leader office agency less permeable structure would. Karlsruhe, the city in southwest study are based on the German ers and young companies will in the tech scene – makes the at property consultant Savills Right now in Berlin, anything is Germany where they founded Startup Monitor, which surveys further consolidate this status, city “entirely unique on both a in Berlin. Schroers backs up his possible.” Kolibri, their gaming startup. 1,550 startups and their 3,763 they argue. However, young personal and an entrepreneurial claim by noting that the capital But these things alone will not Stammler and Sadowski see the founders and 18,000 employees. founders throughout Germany – level.” All of this in spite of the city has a pleasant business cli- be enough for Berlin to maintain town as having been an ideal The latest figures show that mate and a myriad of opportu- its leading status in the long run springboard for their business, Berlin remains Germany’s startup nities, plus the cost of living is amid competition from other especially thanks to its prox- hotspot. At 15.8 percent, Berlin is not nearly as high as that seen international cities, notes Schro- imity to the Karlsruhe Insti- home to more than twice as many in other European cities. He also ers. He argues that Berlin is going tute for Technology (KIT) and startups as Hamburg, the number explains that while the German to have to expand its infrastruc- all the creative minds study- two among startup cities in Ger- capital is not yet a tech hub, it ture, particularly by means of a ing there. “However, in order many, at 7.2 percent. Berlin also is most definitely a talent hub, a major international airport – or to take things to the next level, leads the nation in terms of the trend that fuels the city’s rapid even two international airports, we had to move to Berlin,” says percentage of women employed at ongoing development – in Berlin, if necessary (and if the local busi- Sadowksi. “For one thing, a startups, although 16.2 percent is a new company is founded every ness community has its say). At large part of the German games still far too low. The typical Berlin 20 minutes. the same time, however, Berlin industry is at home in Berlin; and founder is male, in his mid-30s and Berlin can already claim to be will have to maintain that inimita- then after the move, it was much holds a university degree in busi- Germany’s strongest FinTech ble “unfinished” charm. As Schro- easier to fill our job vacancies ness or economics. and in Berlin, too – are quick to fact that Berlin weather is often location. All the big players, ers puts it: “Become a new Bay with great international talent. Although the formerly divided complain about the complicated gray and Berliners themselves including the online banks Solaris Area but still keep that Kreuzberg Berlin has a completely unique city of Berlin is often described nature of local bureaucracy, in quite gruff, says Sadowski, with a and N26, the company builder spirit. That’s the challenge in a pull on people.” as “unfinished,” it continues to particular when it comes to hiring grin. What matters to him much Finleap and the FinTech ven- nutshell.” As has been the case for several attract people for a number of foreign workers. According to the more: “We’ve been able to triple tures Lendico and Fundingcircle, other startups, Germany’s capital reasons, two of which are its sheer BSM, for roughly two-thirds of the size of our team since we are based in Berlin. Even Rocket city provided Kolibri its stomp- diversity and openness to new- all founders, acquiring visas is a moved here.” Internet, the company considered ing grounds. The company’s turn- comers. This is also reflected in particularly difficult challenge, Yet another factor that should to be the pioneer among startup over is now roughly €100,000 per the overall employee structure at and many lose whatever remain- not be overlooked is the fact that launchers, grew out of Berlin. day, half of which is generated startups. As the BSM notes, “A ing patience they may have when there’s good beer to be had in It is fascinating that even 30 through advertising. “Our move glance at the origins of employees confronted with all the social Berlin. “We were astonished to years after the fall of the Wall, to Berlin was one of the best deci- at young companies in the capital security conditions and provi- discover that people in Berlin like the German capital is still “unfin- sions we ever made,” says Stam- shows that almost 50 percent are sions. to drink Rothaus, which is a beer ished” and “unorganized.” But it mler. foreign-born, which makes Berlin And yet, Berlin continues to from our home town. Rothaus appears to be precisely this state Magdalena Thiele is a Berlin is still a magnet for considerably more internationally draw large numbers of people. will always have a special place in of affairs that makes Berlin so freelance economics young companies and, above all, oriented than most other regions What does the city have that our fridge at Kolibri Games.” And interesting. “In general, I think journalist based in Berlin. for young talent. This fact was in Germany.” others don’t? “International flair it’s true – even when it comes to it’s very good – even exciting – to

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ASIA PACIFIC EUROPEAN UNION WEEK BERLIN 8 The Berlin Times April 2019 ANNA KLEMM Playing for the future Time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Berlin’s Young Euro Classic festival – as well as a number of former participants who’ve made it big

Junge Deutsche Philharmonie. As part of he worked as an assistant to conduc- later she oversaw family concerts with BY PETER UEHLING the orchestra’s participation in the YEC tors Dirk Brossé, Krzystof Urbański and intercultural undertones at the Rund- starting in 2004, Wilmsen held the posi- Thomas Søndergard. His work as an funk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, for which ne of the most successful con- tion of solo oboist. In 2010, she became assistant involved such tasks as checking she also composed several musical dra- cepts in classical music is turn- solo oboist in the orchestra of Berlin’s the tonal balance of the instruments and matic works. Fostering dialogue between Oing 20 this year. Back in 2000, Deutsche Oper, and three years later she rehearsing works with individual orches- German and Turkish culture is the idea the youth orchestra festival known as the was named solo oboist at the Deutsches tra groups. behind her chamber music ensemble Oliv- Young Euro Classic (YEC) took place Symphonie-Orchester, one of Germany’s Although a young conductor can learn inn; for example, they perform Schubert’s for the first time ever in Berlin. From best. For many musicians, this would be a lot by engaging in such work, it won’t “Winterreise” using Turkish instruments. that first year onwards, the YEC team enough of a career and plenty to keep make him famous. According to Hasan, Her work also involves a tangible turn under Gabriele Minz was able to fill the them busy; but Wilmsen also performs Young Euro Classic was less important for Viola Wilmsen toward the public, and she is currently Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt to regularly as a soloist in oboe concerts, his career than his work with the EUYO, working as the musical director of the the brim almost every evening – with plays chamber music in several ensembles with whom he also rehearsed indepen- Gorki Theater in Berlin. So, as important performances by well-known German and has even recorded CDs with them. dently starting in 2014. Ultimately, what as it was for her to win the European and international youth orchestras, but When asked to what extent Young Euro was most decisive were his achievements DPA/TAGESSPIEGEL Composers Award – previous recipients also by lesser-known regional ensembles. Classic contributed to her success, Wilm- at various competitions: after pursuing include Magnus Lindberg, Niels Klein and The festival takes place each year in the sen describes a more indirect impact: his studies further in Weimar and Zurich, Agata Zubel – Sinem Altan’s schedule of final weeks of Berlin’s official theater hol- “Participating in the YEC has a mostly Hasan was a finalist in 2016 at the Dona- engagements was already full before she idays, which means it profits from having indirect effect on players,” she argues. “I tella Flick Conducting Competition in received the composers’ prize. fewer cultural events to compete with as think what’s most important is the sense London and was named associate con- In other words, the benefits of taking well as from the sheer charisma of the of achievement and positive feedback one ductor of the Welsh National Opera. As a part in Young Euro Classic remain rela- youth orchestras themselves. Far from gets from conductors in youth orchestras. winner of the renowned Young Conduc- tively minimal for individual musicians. the service-oriented mentality of some That’s what gave me strength and moti- tors Award at the Salzburger Festspiele, Viola Wilmsen notes that the event fails professional orchestras, these young vated me on my path to becoming a pro- he was also appointed to the position of to support the networking of musicians musicians inevitably play with a special fessional musician.” As she notes further, principal conductor of the Tiroler Sym- from different orchestras and cultures. intensity and give audiences hope that the pressure and excitement of perform- phonieorchester Innsbruck. But Hasan Still, the competitive nature of the festi- this youthful élan will be preserved in ing at the Konzerthaus in Berlin and in a will only take up that position starting in val has prompted the youth orchestras the future. The suggestive slogan of the series with other youth orchestras acted the fall, because for the current season, he to reach breathtaking heights of musical Young Euro Classic is “Hier spielt die as an “incentive to be especially well-pre- is still studying as an assistant under Ber- quality; for example, Stravinsky’s “Sacre Zukunft,” which can be loosely translated pared and to give absolutely everything in nard Haitink in Chicago and Amsterdam. du Printemps,” which required tremen- as “This is where the future plays.” every concert.” The Young Euro Classic most likely dous effort to play 100 years ago, is now But what does that future actually look Youth orchestras indeed gain motivation exerts its strongest promotional impact Sinem Altan easily mastered by regional youth orches- like? In other words, what happens to by performing in famous concert halls, but on behalf of composers, rather than for tras. Indeed, modern music education young musicians after they’ve performed most of all they benefit from the experi- young orchestra members. Almost all on the varying importance of participa- plays a decisive role in the upswing in at Young Euro Classic? If one is looking ence of working with established con- youth orchestras perform a new work by a tion in the YEC. performance and quality, and the develop- to portray the festival’s success at pro- ductors. Students studying orchestra con- composer from their home country, which It should be noted that Sinem Altan ments fostered by the Young Euro Classic moting young talent, then oboist Viola ducting can also learn a lot, for example, then competes with others for the Euro- was already well-known before she got also serve to inspire individual musicians Wilmsen is the poster child. After winning by working as assistants. Up-and-coming pean Composers Prize decided by a public involved in the Young Euro Classic. In to reach new heights. competitions for her trumpet playing and conductor Kerem Hasan, who was born in jury. In 2015, the National Youth Sym- her home country of Turkey, her talents also displaying her talent for piano and London in 1992, accompanied the Euro- phony Orchestra of Turkey presented the were noticed and fostered as a young girl vocals, Wilmsen chose to study the oboe pean Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) on work “Hafriyat – Earthwork” by the then- and she came to Berlin at the age of 11 in Lübeck and later in Paris and Berlin. its tours starting in 2012, and also played 30-year-old composer Sinem Altan. Of the to study piano and composition at the Peter Uehling is a music critic for While still in secondary school, she played in Berlin. At the time, he was studying three musicians presented here, she is the Hochschule für Musik. At the age of 23, the daily Berliner Zeitung. This year’s Young Euro Classic will take place in in the German National Youth Orches- piano and conducting in Glasgow and only one who mentions the Young Euro she wrote the first of now four works for Berlin from July 19 to Aug. 6. tra, and later, while at university, in the played piano in the orchestra, but mostly Classic on her CV. This speaks volumes Berlin’s Neuköllner Oper, and one year BERLIN: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. News and facts from the German capital.

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