Volume 29 Numbers 3–4 Summer–Fall 2009

University of Wisconsin System W o m e n ’ s S t u d i e s Feminist

L i b r a r i a n Periodicals A Current Listing of Contents

Volume 29, Numbers 3–4 (Summer–Fall 2009)

Periodical literature is the cutting edge of women’s scholarship, feminist theory, and much of women’s culture. Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents is published by the Office of the University of Wisconsin System Women’s Studies Librarian on a quarterly basis with the intent of increasing public awareness of feminist periodicals. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in feminist literature; to increase readers’ familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to provide the requisite bibliographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to a journal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials.)

Table of contents pages from current issues of major feminist journals are reproduced in each issue of Feminist Periodicals, followed by a comprehensive annotated listing of all journals we have selected. As publication schedules vary enormously, not every periodical will have table of contents pages reproduced in each issue of FP. The annotated listing provides the following information on each journal:

1. Year of first publication. 2. Frequency of publication. 3. Subscription prices (print only; for online prices, consult publisher). 4. Subscription address. 5. Current editor. 6. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). 7. International Standard Serials Number (ISSN). 8. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. 9. Selected publications in which the journal is indexed. 10. Selected fulltext products in which publication appears or vendor intermediaries who make the full text available. 11. Subject focus/statement of purpose of the journal.

Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 11 are used to identify the different categories of information. Our goal in Feminist Periodicals is to represent English-language periodicals from around the world that focus on gender, women's studies, or women's issues. Generally, we do not include mainstream newsstand magazines. We are also unable to include periodicals that lack a complete table of contents. We encourage feminist serials to build a full table of contents into their regular format to facilitate possible inclusion in FP and indexing elsewhere.

University of Wisconsin System users: To locate these periodicals within the UW System, do a UW System/Universal Borrowing search from your campus catalog (labeled variously “Other Libraries,” “More Libraries,” “Other Catalogs,” “Other UW Catalogs,” etc.) If information on actual holdings (volumes and issues) is not in the records retrieved, contact the Reference Department at the library of interest.

Suggestions for improvements of Feminist Periodicals are gratefully received. We would particularly appreciate assistance from readers in the UW System with our efforts to keep the holding information complete and up to date. Please let us know about new subscriptions, subscriptions we have overlooked, cancellations, or other pertinent information.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (ISSN 1941-725X) is published online, quarterly, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, UW System Women’s Studies Librarian, 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. Phone (608) 263-5754. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://womenst.library.wisc.edu Compiler: Heather Shimon. Graphics: Daniel Joe.

Feminist Periodicals is available free of charge at http://womenst.library.wisc.edu/publications/ feminist-periodicals.html. A subscription to the publications of the Office of the UW-System Women’s Studies Librarian includes our print publications Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources and New Books on Women, Gender, & Feminism along with email notification of each new issue of Feminist Periodicals. Subscription rates: Wisconsin subscriptions: $10.00 (individuals affiliated with the UW System), $20.00 (organizations affiliated with the UW System), $20.00 (individuals or non-profit women’s programs), $30.00 (institutions). Out-of-state subscriptions: $35.00 (individuals & women’s programs in the U.S.), $65.00 (institutions in the U.S.), $50.00 (individuals & women's programs in Canada/), $80.00 (institutions in Canada/Mexico), $55.00 (individuals & women's programs elsewhere outside the U.S.), $85.00 (institutions elsewhere outside the U.S.). Wisconsin subscriber amounts include state tax (except UW organizations amount). Feminist Periodicals was originally a print publication (ISSN 0742-7433) from v.1, n.1, 1981 through v.27, n.4, Fall 2007. Printed back issues of these issues are available for $10 each. All prices include postage. Publications of the Office of the UW- System Women’s Studies Librarian are available free of charge to UW Women’s Studies Offices, UW Campus Women’s Centers, and UW Libraries.

Back issues of Feminist Periodicals are archived online at http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1793/259.

© Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 2010. Periodicals Listed in This Issue Note: See page 129 for an annotated listing of all periodicals selected for inclusion in Feminist Periodicals.

AFFILIA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCIAL WORK (v.24, no.3, August 2009) ...... 7 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (v.11, no.2, August 2007) ...... 8 (v.11, no.3, December 2007) ...... 10 (v.12, no.1, April 2008) ...... 12 (v.12, no.2, August 2008) ...... 14 (v.12, no.3, December 2008) ...... 16 ASIAN WOMEN (v.25, no.2, Summer 2009) ...... 18 ASPASIA: INTERNATIONAL YEARBOOK OF CENTRAL, EASTERN, AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN WOMEN’S AND GENDER HISTORY (v.1, 2007) ...... 19 (v.2, 2008) ...... 22 AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES (v.24, no.61, September 2009) ...... 26 BMC WOMEN’S HEALTH (July–September 2009) ...... 27 BUST: FOR WOMEN WITH SOMETHING TO GET OFF THEIR CHESTS (no.58, August–September 2009) ...... 29 CALYX: A JOURNAL OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN (v.25, no.2, Summer 2009) ...... 31 CAMERA OBSCURA: FEMINISM, CULTURE, AND MEDIA STUDIES (no.71, 2009) ...... 33 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF GENDER AND LAW (v.18, no.2, 2009) ...... 34 DIFFERENCES: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST CULTURAL STUDIES (v.20, nos.2–3, Summer–Fall 2009) ...... 35 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S STUDIES (v.16, no.3, August 2009)...... 37 FEMINISM & PSYCHOLOGY (v.19, no.3, August 2009)...... 38 FEMINIST COLLECTIONS: A QUARTERLY OF WOMEN’S STUDIES RESOURCES (v.30, no.3, Summer 2009) ...... 40 FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY (v.4, no.3, July 2009) ...... 41 FEMINIST ECOMONICS (v.15, no.3, July 2009) ...... 42 FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES (v.9, no.3, September 2009) ...... 44 FEMINIST STUDIES (v.35, no.2, Summer 2009) ...... 45 FEMINIST TEACHER (v.19, n.3, 2009) ...... 46 FEMINIST THEORY (v.10, n.2, August 2009)...... 48 FRONTIERS: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES (v.30, no.2, 2009) ...... 50 GENDER & DEVELOPMENT (v.17, no.2, July 2009) ...... 52 GENDER AND EDUCATION (v.21, no.4, July 2009) ...... 53 (v.21, no.5, September 2009) ...... 54 GENDER & HISTORY (v.21, no.2, August 2009) ...... 55 GENDER & LANGUAGE (v.3, no.1, 2009) ...... 57 GENDER & SOCIETY (v.23, no.4, August 2009) ...... 58 GENDER IN MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (v.24, no.5, 2009) ...... 59 (v.24, no.6, 2009) ...... 60 GENDER, PLACE AND CULTURE: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST GEOGRAPHY (v.16, no.4, August 2009) ...... 61 GENDER, WORK & ORGANIZATION (v.16, no.4, July 2009) ...... 62 (v.16, no.5, September 2009) ...... 63 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & GENDER (v.32, no.2, Summer 2009) ...... 64 HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL (v.30, no.7, July 2009) ...... 65 (v.30, no.8, August 2009) ...... 66 (v.30, no.9, September 2009) ...... 67 HERIZONS: WOMEN’S NEWS & FEMINIST VIEWS (v.23, no.1, Summer 2009) ...... 68

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 4 HYPATIA: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY (v.24, no.3, Summer 2009) ...... 69 INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS (v.11, no.3, September 2009) ...... 71 JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES (v.18, no.3, September 2009) ...... 73 JOURNAL OF LESBIAN STUDIES (v.13, no.3, July–September 2009) ...... 74 JOURNAL OF WOMEN & AGING (v.21, no.3, July–September 2009) ...... 75 JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (v.15, no.1, 2009) ...... 76 JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HISTORY (v.21, no.2, Summer 2009)...... 77 LILITH: INDEPENDENT, JEWISH & FRANKLY FEMINIST (v.34, no.2, Summer 2009) ...... 78 MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN (v.37, no.3, Summer 2009) ...... 79 MERIDIANS: FEMINISM, RACE, TRANSNATIONALISM (v.9, no.2, 2009) ...... 80 MIDWIFERY TODAY (no.90, Summer 2009) ...... 81 MS. MAGAZINE (v.19, no.3, Summer 2009) ...... 82 NIKK MAGASIN (no.2, 2009) ...... 84 NORA: NORDIC JOURNAL OF FEMINIST AND GENDER RESEARCH (v.17, no.3, 2009) ...... 85 N.PARADOXA: INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST ART JOURNAL (PRINT EDITION) (no.24, July 2009) ...... 86 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S STUDIES: ALAM-E-NISWAN (v.16, nos.1–2, 2009) ...... 87 PERSIMMON TREE: AN ONLINE LITERARY MAGAZINE BY WOMEN OVER SIXTY (Summer 2009) ...... 88 POLITICS & GENDER (v.5, no.3, September 2009) ...... 89 RAIN AND THUNDER: A RADICAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF DISCUSSION AND ACTIVISM (no.43, Summer Solstice 2009) ...... 90 ROOM: A SPACE OF YOUR OWN (v.32, no.2, 2009) ...... 91 SAGEWOMAN (no.76, Summer 2009) ...... 92 SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH (v.60, nos.11–12, June 2009) ...... 94 (v.61, nos.1–2, July 2009) ...... 95 (v.61, nos.3–4, August 2009) ...... 96 (v.61, nos.5–6, September 2009) ...... 97 SIGNS: JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY (v.34, no.4, Summer 2009)...... 98 SINISTER WISDOM: A JOURNAL BY AND FOR LESBIANS (no.77, Fall 2009) ...... 100 SISTER NAMIBIA (v.21, no.2, July 2009) ...... 101 SOCIAL POLITICS: INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN GENDER, STATE, AND SOCIETY (v.16, no.2, Summer 2009) ...... 102 STUDIES IN GENDER AND SEXUALITY (v.10, no.3, July–September 2009) ...... 103 U.S.–JAPAN WOMEN’S JOURNAL (no.36, 2009) ...... 104 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: AN INTERNATIONAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL (v.15, no.7, July 2009) ...... 105 (v.15, no.8, August 2009) ...... 106 (v.15, no.9, September 2009) ...... 107 WOMEN: A CULTURAL REVIEW (v.20, no.2, Summer 2009) ...... 108 WOMEN & CRIMINAL JUSTICE (v.19, no.3, July–September 2009) ...... 110 WOMEN & ENVIRONMENTS INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE (nos.78–79, Fall–Winter 2009) ...... 111 WOMEN & HEALTH (v.48, no.4, 2008)...... 112 WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION (v.18, no.7, July 2009) ...... 113 (v.18, no.8, August 2009) ...... 114 (v.18, no.9, September 2009) ...... 115 WOMEN IN NATURAL RESOURCES (July–September 2009) ...... 116 WOMEN’S HEALTH JOURNAL (no.2, July–September 2009) ...... 117 WOMEN’S REVIEW OF BOOKS (v.26, no.4, July–August 2009) ...... 118 WOMEN’S RIGHTS LAW REPORTER (v.30, nos.3–4, Spring–Summer 2009) ...... 119

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 5 WOMEN’S STUDIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL (v.38, no.5, July–August 2009) ...... 121 (v.38, no.6, September 2009) ...... 122 WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM (v.32, no.4, July–August 2009) ...... 123 (v.32, no.5, September–October 2009) ...... 124 WOMEN’S STUDIES JOURNAL (v.23, no.1, 2009) ...... 125 WOMEN’S WRITING (v.16, no.2, August 2009) ...... 126 YALE JOURNAL OF LAW AND FEMINISM (v.21, no.1, 2009) ...... 128

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 6 Title: AFFILIA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCIAL WORK Issue: v.24, no.3, August 2009 Affilia Journal ofWomen and Social Work Volume 24 Number 3 August 2009

Editorial Caregiving for the Elderly: Personal and Professional Response Fariyal Ross-Sheriff and Mary Swigonski 221 Articles Developing a Standpoint Practice Method With Cases: Authority, Subjectivity, Reflection Marya R. Sosulski...... 226 Battered Women, Children, and the End of Abusive Relationships Angela M. Moe 244 Fear, Trust, and Negotiating Safety: HIV Risks for Black Female Defendants Matthew W. Epperson, Ingrida Platais, Pamela Valera, Raye Barbieri, Louisa Gilbert, and Nabila EI-Bassel ...... 257 Responding to the Complex and Gendered Needs of Refugee Women Zennarie Deacon and Cris Sullivan ...... 272 Spiritual Support and African American Breast Cancer Survivors Lucinda Lee Roff, Cassandra E. Simon, Debra Nelson-Gardell, and Heather M. Pleasants ...... 285 "Trying to Eat Healthy": A Photovoice Study About Women's Access to Healthy Food in City Pamela Valera, Jill Gallin, Dawn Schuk, and Nakisha Davis...... 300 On Practice A Passionate Practice: Addressing the Needs of Commercially Sexually Exploited Teenagers Irene Kalergis ...... 315 Past and Present "My Ever Dear": Social Work's "Lesbian" Foremothers­ A Call for Scholarship Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Taryn Lindhorst, Susan P. Kemp, and Karina L. Walters...... 325

Poetry The Lesson, The Good Girl (in recovery) Deb Sherrer ...... 337 Call for Papers ...... 339

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page  Title: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.11, no.2, August 2007 Afri(aD Journal of R@produ(tiv@ "@alth Editor: F. E. Okonofua



EDITORIAL HPV Vaccine and Prevention of Cervical Cancerin Africa 7 Friday Okonofua

ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES The social context ofinduced abortions among young couples in Cote d'Ivoire 13 Svanemyr, J and Sundl:Y, J. Knowledge About HIV/ AIDS and Sexual Practices Among Automobile Repair Workers 24 in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria l *Folashade 0 Omokhodion, Kqyode 0 Osungbade , Miia. A Ojanerl' Nod. e. Barengo Social, Economic and Demographic Determinants ofSexual Risk Behaviors 33 among Menin Rural Malawi: A District-Level Study Valerie A. Paz SoldanI, Joseph E. deGrqft-Johnsorl, Thomas Bisikcr, Amy 0. Tsui4

Evaluation ofa school-based Reproductive Health Education Program in rural 47 South Western, Nigeria Ademola J. Ajuwon, William R Brieger

Introducing the Standard Days Method: Expanding Family Planning Options in Rwanda 60 Caroline Blair, Irit Sinat", Marie MukabatsincJa2, Felix Muramutscr

Perception and Practice ofMalaria Prophylaxis inPregnancy amongHealth care 69 Providers in Ibadan 0'!Yeaso N C, Fawole A.0 Sustainability and factors affecting the success ofcommunity-based reproductive health 79 programs in rural Northwest Ethiopia DanielArgaw, Mesganaw Fanthahun, Yemane Berhane

Extracellular Calcium and Magnesium in Preeclampsia and Eclampsia 89 *Idogun E.S, ** Imarengiqye e.O, *Momoh S.M.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page  (AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, v.11, no.2, August 2007, page 2 of 2)

Heparin and Aspirin in Pregnant Sudanese women with Recurrent Miscarriage 95 Associa-ted with Antiphospholipid Antibodies 1 Yagoub M. AIMagid', EisirA. Elussein', Maha M. Omer, 5amaan 1.5amaan , 1 FawziAIRahinl, IshagAdam ,3*

CASE REPORT Findings from an HIVI AIDS programme for young women in two Nigerian cities: 99 A short report Olusryi O. C. Lawqyin

Spontaneous Uterine Rupture during Pregnancy: Case Report and Review ofLiterature 107 E. Nkwabong', LKouanl, IV': Takang 3

Intestinal Obstruction from an Adhesion Band ~1imickingPel'itonitis due to a Complicated 111 Induced Unsafe Abortion: A Case Report lhekwe Perpetus Chudi, *Egwuatu, Vinumt, **Okidi, Okry


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page  Title: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.11, no.3, December 2007 African Journal of R@productiv@ "faith Editor: F. E. Okonofua



EDITORIALS NewResearch Findings onAdolescentReproductive Healthin Africa 7 Friday Okonofua Protecting the Next Generation: PromisingDirections for a Better Future 13 Susan Rich

ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES Improving Health, ImprovingLives: Impact of the African Youth Alliance and 18 New Opportunities for Programmes Ugochi Daniels Sexual Behavior, KnowledgeandInformationSources of Very Young Adolescents in 28 Four Sub-Saharan AfricanCountries Akinrinola Bankole, Ann E. Biddlecom, Georges Guiella, Susheela Singh, EliJa Zulu

Prevalence and Meanings ofExchange ofMoney or Gifts for Sex in Unmarried Adolescent 44 Sexual Relationships in Sub-Saharan Africa Ann M. Moore, Ann E. Biddlecom, and EliJa M. Zulu

Coerced First Sex among Adolescent Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa: Prevalence and Context 62 Ann M. Moore, Kofi Awusabo-Asare, Nyovani Madise, Johannes John-Langba, andAkwasi Kumi-K;yereme Is Poverty a Driver for Risky Sexual Behaviour? Evidence from National Surveys of 83 Adolescents in FourAfrican Countries Nyovani Madise, EliJa M. Zulu andJames Ciera

Adolescents' views of and Preferences for Sexual and Rreproductive Health Services in 99 Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi and Uganda Ann E. Biddlecom, Alister Munthali ,Susheela Singh and Vanessa Woog Factors Associated with Sexual Abstinence amongAdolescents in Four 111 Sub-SaharanAfrican Countries Caroline W Kabiru, andAlex E~h Influence ofSocial Connectedness, Communication and Monitoring onAdolescent Sexual 133 Activity in Ghana Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme, Kofi Awusabo-Asare, Ann E. Biddlecom andAugustine Tanle

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 10 (AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, v.11, no.3, December 2007, page 2 of 2)

The Timing and role of Initiation Rites in PreparingYoung People for Adolescence and 150 Responsible Sexual and Reproductive Behaviourin Malawi Alister C MunthalP and Elfya M. Zultl, Perceptions ofrisk to HIV Infection among Adolescents in Uganda: Are they 168 Related to Sexual Behaviour? Richard Kibombo, Stella Neema and Fatima H.Ahmed HIV/ AIDS and Sexual-Risk Behaviors amongAdolescents: Factors influencing the 182 use ofcondoms in Burkina Faso Georges Guiella l andl\[yovaniJanet Madis!;'; Knowledge ofcorrect condom use and consistency ofuse among adolescents in 197 four countries in Sub-Saharan Africa l 3 4 Akinrinola Bankole , Fatima H. Ahmetf, Stella Neemcl, Christine Ouedraogo ,and Sidon Ko'!)'ani Metaphors We Love By: Conceptualizations of Sex among Young People in Malawi 221 Chi-Chi Undie, Joanna Crichton, Elfya Zulu


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 11 Title: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.12, no.1, April 2008 Afri(aD Journal of R@produ(tivf "@alth Editor: F. E. Okonofua



COMMENTARY Ethical concerns in female genital cutting 7 Rebecca Cook

ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES Statistical Approach for Evaluation ofContraceptive Data 17 V rijesh Tripathi Knowledge and Utilization of the Partograph among obstetric care givers in South West Nigeria 22 Fawole AO, HUlryinbo KI, Adekanle DA Experience with Conscious sedation for Oocyte Retrieval in Nigeria 30 Fiebai PO, Ogunmokun AA, Ajeryi RA

Sexuality and Health: A Study of Tanzanian Men's Experiences of Living with HIV/ AIDS 35 Balaile, Gunnel keryombo Jacob, Rango -Arvidson Anna-Berit Hojer Bengt Evaluation of Cardiovascular Morbidity in Nigerian Women after 3 Years of 47 Norplant® Contraception AS Sagery, BNOkeahialam, GE Imade, AOAisien Male Infertility Secondary to Varicocele: A Study of the Management of 45 Patients 54 Osifo O.D, Agbugui].O

Obstetric Hysterectomy inRural Democratic Republic ofthe Congo: AnAnalysis of40 Cases 60 at Katwa Hospital Jeff Kambale Mathe Prevalence of Low Sperm Count and Abnormal Semen Parameters in Male Partners of Women 67 Consulting at Infertility Clinic in Abakaliki, Nigeria UJ!lPujaEI, UJ!lPuNCandEjikemeBN Perceptions and Practices on Menstruation Amongst Nigerian Secondary School Girls 74 Echendu DolfyAdinma, ].I.B.Adinma Haemorheological Changes inAfrican Breast CancerPatients 84 Elusoji S. O. Famodu A. A. Aigbe A. Osime C. lribhogbe P. E. Oludiran O. EJ!lPakhide E. Elusoji C. Oluedo A

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 12 (AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, v.12, no.1, April 2008, page 2 of 2)

Age at Menarche and the Menstrual Pattern of Igbo Women of Southeast Nigeria 90 01!J Umeora, Ve Egwuatu Postpartum Sexual Abstinence and Breastfeeding Patternin Sagamu, Nigeria 96 A.O. Sule-Odu, T. A Fakoya, FA. Oluwole, OA. Ogundahunsi, A.O. Olowu D.M. Olanrewaju, FA. Akesode, OA. Dada, EA. Sofekun Use ofModern Birth Control Methods Among Rural Communities in Imo State, Nigeria 101 Ike Nwachukwu and O. O. Obasi Menstruation in Rural Igbo Women of South East Nigeria: Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices 109 Umeora OUJ, Egwuatu VB.

BOOK REVIEW An Arduous Climb: From the Creeks ofthe Niger Delta to a Leading Obstetrician and 116 University Vice Chancellor Michael Okobia, Fridqy OkonoJua


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 13 Title: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.12, no.2, August 2008 AfriWl Journal of R@produ(tivf "faith Editor: F. E. Okonofua


EDITORIAL Preventing primary postpartum hemorrhage in unskilled births in Africa Idara Udofia and Ftidqy Okonofua

ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES Knowledge of HIV and AIDS in women in sub-Saharan Africa 14 Amy D. Burgqyne and Peter D. Drummond Epidemiologic and behavioral characterization ofknowledge ofcondom use and modeling 32 among military personnel Laurens Holmes, Jr., Gbadebo Ogungbade, Done! D. Ward, Michael w: Ross, Ernest Ekong, Ekere James Essien Family planning methods among women in a vaginal microbicide feasibility study in rural 45 KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Laura Subramanian, Nuala McGrath, Hlengiwe Ndlovu, MitrY GqfOs Premarital fertility and HIV/ AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa 64 Michel Garenne, Julien Zwang Child sexual abuse, harmful alcohol use and age as determinants ofrisky sexual 75 behaviours among freshmen in a Nigerian University B. O. Olley PhD Sexual behaviour of in-school adolescents in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria 89 Morhason-Bello 10', Oladokun A, Enakpene CA, Fabamwo A 0*, Obisesan RA, Ojengbede OA Social context ofpremarital fertility in rural South-Africa 98 Julien Zwang and Michel Garenne Sexual abuse among juvenile female street hawkers in Anambra State, Nigeria 111 lkechebelu]I, Udigwe GO, Ezechukwu Cc, Ndinechi AG, Joe-lkechebe!u NN. Qualitative study on maternal referrals in rural Tanzania: Decision making and acceptance 120 ofreferral advice Andrea B Pembe, David P Urassa, Elisabeth Dm], Anders Carlstedt, Pia Olsson

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 14 (AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, v.12, no.2, August 2008, page 2 of 2)

Is poor maternal mortality index in Nigeria a problem ofcare utilization? A case study of 132 Anambra State IbehJChristian C. Prevalence ofmalaria at booking among antenatal clients in a secondary health care 141 facility in Ibadan, Nigeria Falade C OJ Olayemi OJ Dada-Adegbola H OJ Aimakhu C OJ Ademowo 0 G and Salako LA Comparative evaluation of haemoglobin estimation amongst pregnant women in Ibadan: 153 Hemocue -B Haemoglobin analyzer versus haemiglobincyanide (Standard) method as the gold standard O. A. Ojengbede'J S. N OkonkwoJI. O. Morhason-Bello


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 15 Title: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.12, no.3, December 2008 African Journal of Reproductive Health Editor: F.E. Okonofua



EDITORIAL Maternal Mortality Prevention in Africa: Need to Focus on Access and Quality of 9 Care FEOkonofua

ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES Maternal Mortality at the Central Hospital, Benin City Nigeria: A Ten Year Review 17 Eghe Abe, Lawrence 0 Omo-Aghoja

Community Perception of Maternal Mortality in Northeastern Nigeria 27 Abdulkarim G Mairiga, Mohammed B. Kawuwa, Abubakar Kullima

Determinants of Post-Partum Maternal Mortality at Queen Elizabeth 35 Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi: A Case-Control Study 2001-2002 Kanyighe C, Channon A, Tadesse E, Madise N, Changole J, Bakuwa E, Malunga E, Stones RW

Prevalence and Prevention of Malaria in Pregnancy in Edo State, Nigeria 49 Wagbatsoma VA, Omoike BI

Evaluation of Criteria-Based Clinical Audit in Improving Quality of Obstetric 59 Care in a Developing Country Hospital Fawole AO, Hunyinbo KI, Soti/oye OS, Otolorin EO

Quality of Antenatal Services at the Primary Care Level in Southwest Nigeria 71 Olufemi T Oladapo, Christianah A. Iyaniwura, Adewale 0 Sule-Odu

Key Informant Views of a Free Delivery and Caesarean Policy in Senegal 93 Sophie Witter, Mohamed Diadhiou

Staffing Needs for Quality Perinatal Care in Tanzania 113 Nyamtema AS, Urassa DP, Massawe S, Massawe A, Lindmark G, Van Roosmalen J

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 16 (AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, v.12, no.3, December 2008, page 2 of 2)

Young Mothers, First Time Parenthood and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Kenya 125 Violet Naanyu

Sex Ratio at Birth and Racial Differences: Why Do Black Women Give 139 Birth to More Females Than Non-Black Women? Amadu Jacky Kaba

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Health Seeking Behaviour among 151 Ghanaian Women in Accra Richard MK Adanu, Allan G Hill, Joseph D Seffah, Rudolph Darko, John K Anarfi, Rosemary B Duda

An Assessment of the Readiness for Introduction of the HPV Vaccine in Uganda 159 Katahoire RA, Jitta J, Kivumbi G, Murokora D, Arube Wani J, Siu G, Arinaitwe L, Bingham A, Mugisha E, Tsu V, LaMontagne DS

Gender Dynamics and Sexual Norms among Youth in Mali in the Context of 173 HIV/AIDS Prevention Catherine Boileau, Bilkis Vissandjee, Vinh-Kim Nguyen, Selim Rashed, Mohamed Sylla, and Maria Victoria Zunzunegui

REVIEW ARTICLE A Review of the Changes in the Ophthalmic and Visual System in Pregnancy 185 Afekhide E. Omoti, Joseph M. Waziri-Erameh, Valentina W. Okeigbemen

CASE REPORT Multiple Fractures and Iatrogenic Burns in a Newborn Due to Unskilled Delivery: 197 A Case Report Ayebo E Sadoh, Reuben 0 Ogungbe

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 17 Title: ASIAN WOMEN Issue: v.25, no.2, Summer 2009

Research Institute of Asian Women Sookmyung Women's University

Asian Women


Summer 2009 Vol. 25 No.2


Ageing and Gender in India: Paradoxes of a Huma Ahmed-Ghosh 1 Feminist Perspective

Boundary Agenda between Gender Equality and Bun Kyoung Lee 29 Human Resource: The Establishment of Policy for Women in Science and Technology in Korea

The Experiences of Abused South Mrican Women Mokgadi Moletsane-Kekae 49 in Shelters

Engendering the Modern-De/Sexual(ized) Young-Sun Kim 71 Body in Colonial Korea

Book Review

The Terror Dream: Myth and Misogyny in an Laura R. Woliver 99 Insecure America By Susan Faludi

The Mtermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Chaesung Chun 105 Social Change By Angela M.cRobbie

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 18 Title: ASPASIA: INTERNATIONAL YEARBOOK OF CENTRAL, EASTERN, AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN WOMEN’S AND GENDER HISTORY (page 1 of 3) Issue: v.1, 2007 aspaSla• International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History ------Women's Movements and Feminisms ------

VOLUME 1, 2007

Editorial v Francisca de Haan


Women's Suffrage and Revolution in the Russian Empire, 1905-1917 1 Rochelle Goldberg Ruthchild

Exploring Continuities and Reconciling Ruptures: Nationalism, Feminism, and the Ukrainian Women's Movement 36 Martha Kichorowska Kebalo

Feminism and Feminist History-Writing inTurkey: The Discovery of Ottoman Feminism 61 Serpil C;aklr

Between Liberal and Republican Citizenship. Feminism and Nationalism in Romania, 1880-1918 84 Maria Bucur

Making an Appearance: The Formation of Women's Groups in Hungary 103 Katalin Fabian

For Women's Rights, Church, and Fatherland.The Lithuanian Catholic Women's Organisation, 1908-1940 128 Indre Karciauskaite

The Bulgarian Association of University Women, 1924-1950 153 Georgeta Nazarska

The Burden of History. The Defeat of Second-Wave Feminism in Greece 176 Margaret Poulos

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 19 (ASPASIA, v.1, 2007, page 2 of 3)



Communism was a State Patriarchy, not State Feminism 197 Mihaela Miroiu

Communism as a Vision and Practice 202 Natalia Novikova

Feminism and Communism: Notes on the Greek Case 207 Angelika Psarra

How Should We Name the 'Women-Friendly' Actions of State Socialism? 214 Krassimira Daskalova

Chinese Communism and Chinese Feminism 220 Harriet Evans

On the Political Significance of the Sexual Division of Labour 231 Elena Gapova

Communist Feminism: The Unfulfilled Possibilities of a Difficult Relationship 236 Jane Slaughter

'Communist Feminism' as Oxymoron? Reflections of a 'Second-Wave' Feminist Historian of European Socialism and Feminism 241 Marilyn J. Boxer


In Search of Estonian Women's History 247 Raili PBldsaar

Reclaiming Romanian Historical Feminism. History Writing and Feminist Politics in Romania 255 Roxana Che$chebec

Current Research on Gender History in Russian Historiography 266 Marianna Muravyeva

Gender and Honour in Historical Perspective. Insights from Modern Greece 272 Paris Papamichos-Chronakis

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 20 (ASPASIA, v.1, 2007, page 3 of 3)


Serpil <;akIr, Osmanll Kadm Hareketi (The Ottoman women's movement) 276 Reviewed by Ay~e Durakba~a

Krassimira Daskalova ed., Voices ofTheir Own. Oral History Interviews ~~~ m Reviewed by Raluca Maria Popa

Kristen Ghodsee, Red Riviera: Gender, Tourism and Postsocialism on the Black Sea 280 Reviewed by Ralitsa Muharska

Irina Novikova and Dimitar Kambourov, eds. Men in the Global World: Integrating Post-Socialist Perspectives 282 Reviewed by Nadya Radulova

Olga Todorova, Zhenite ot tsentralnite Balkani prez osmanskata epoha

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 21 Title: ASPASIA: INTERNATIONAL YEARBOOK OF CENTRAL, EASTERN, AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN WOMEN’S AND GENDER HISTORY (page 1 of 4) Issue: v.2, 2008 aspaSla•

International Yearbook of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History ------<:>------<:>------Women Writers and Intellectuals ------<:>------<:>------

VOLUME 2,2008

Editorial vi


Released from Her Fetters? Natural Equality in the Work of the Russian SentimentalistWoman Writer Mariia Bolotnikova 1 Ursula Stohler

Nation and Gender in the Writings of Slovene Women Writers, 1848-1918 28 Katja Mihurko Poniz

Armenian Writers and Women's-Rights Discourse in Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Constantinople 44 Victoria Rowe

TheVisible Woman: Interwar Romanian Women's Writing, Modernity and the Gendered Public/Private Divide 70 Voichita Niichescu

The Feminisation of Bulgarian Literature and the Club of Bulgarian Women Writers 91 Irina Gigova

Reclaiming the Actress's Authority overTheatre Creation: The Autobiography of the Polish Actress Irena Solska (1875-1958) 120 Natalia Yakubova

A History ofThingsThat Did Not Happen:The Life and Work ofTwo Fictitious Hungarian Women Authors 140 Beata Hock

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 22 (ASPASIA, v.2, 2008, page 2 of 4)

FORUM CONTEMPORARY WOMEN WRITERS AND INTELLECTUALS Editors: Jasmina Lukic (Guest Editor) and Francisca de Haan

Introduction: Negotiating Identities in the Post-World(s) 160 Jasmina Lukic

Women's Cultural Canon? 169 Dubravka Ugresic

Defining the Feminine Presence in Literature: A Search for NewTerms 175 Milena Kirova

An Exchange of Gifts: Feminism for History 180 Susan Rubin Suleiman

Show the World How GoodThey Are 183 Kristin Dimitrova

In Eastern Europe, an Ethics of Care Is Extremely Important, As Well As Painfully Absent 186 Andreea Deciu Ritivoi

You Do NotTum Woman Only Because the Word 'Female' Is Written onYour Identity Card 191 Karin Karaka~lz

Inside and Beyond Words 195 Carmen Firan

Talking across Cultural Differences: Some Reflections Proceeding from Exile 201 Eva Hoffman

De-Fragmenting the Struggle and Other Stories 214 Mima Simic


Women's Literary History and Its (Im)Possibility 219 Bilyana Kourtasheva

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 23 (ASPASIA, v.2, 2008, page 3 of 4)


Marlen Bidwell-Steiner and Karin S. Wozonig, eds., A Canon ofOur Own? Kanonkritik und Kanonbildung in den Gender Studies (A canon of our own? Canon criticism and canon building in gender studies) 224 Reviewed by Astrid M. Fellner

Marina Blagojevic, ed., Mapiranje mizoginije u Srbiji: Diskurs I pra.kse (Mapping the misogyny in Serbia: Discourses and practises), vols.1 and 2 227 Reviewed by Tatyana Kmetova

Graiyna Borkowska, Alienated Women: A Study on Polish Women's Fiction, 1845-1918 229 Reviewed by Basia A. Nowak

Choi Chatterjee, Celebrating Women: Gender, Festival Culture, and Bolshevik Ideology, 1910-1939 231 Reviewed by Jill Massino

Francisca de Haan, Krassimira Daskalova and Anna Loutfi, eds., A Biographical Dictionary ofWomen's Movements and Feminisms. Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, 19th and 20th Centuries 234 Reviewed by Melissa Feinberg

Biljana Dojcinovic-Nesic, GendeRings: Gendered Readings in Serbian Women's Writing 236 Reviewed by Magdalena Koch

Constan~ Ghitulescu, In ~alvari ~i cu i~lic. Biserica, sexualitate, casatorie ~i divort; in Tara Romaneasca a secolului al XVIII-lea (Wearing shalvars and ishlik. Church, sexuality, marriage and divorce in eighteenth-century Wallachia) 239 Reviewed by Maria Pakucs Willcocks

Valentina GHijar and Domnica Radulescu, eds., Vampirettes, Wretches and Amazons. Western Representations ofEast European Women 240 Reviewed by Mihaela Petrescu

Hana Haskovci, Alena KfiZkovci, and Marcela Linkovci, eds., Mnohohlasem: vyjednavani zensJeych prostorU po roce 1989 (Polyphony: Negotiating women's spaces after 1989) 242 Reviewed by Libora Oates-Indruchova

Celia Hawkesworth, Voices in the Shadows: Women andVerbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia 246 Reviewed by Biljana DojCinovic-Nesic

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 24 (ASPASIA, v.2, 2008, page 4 of 4)

Katherine R. Jolluck, Exile and Identity. Polish Women in the Soviet Union during World War II 249 Reviewed by Lisa A. Kirschenbaum

Milena Kirova, Bibleyskata zhena. Mehanizmi na konstruirane, politiki na izobrazjavane v Staria zavet (Biblical femininity. Mechanisms of construction, policies of representation in the OldTestament) 250 Reviewed by Albena Hranova

Stefania Mihailescu, Emanciparea femeii romane. Studiu si antologie de Texte. Vol. II (1919-1948) (The emancipation of the Romanian woman. Study and anthology of texts.Vol. 2 [1919-1948]) 252 Reviewed by Maria Bucur

Mihaela Miroiu, Neprefuitele femei (Priceless women) 254 Reviewed by Oana Biilutii

Cynthia Simmons and Nina Perlina, Writing the Siege ofLeningrad. Women's Diaries, Memoirs and Documentary Prose 256 Reviewed by Elena Shulman

Maria Todorova, Balkan Family Structure and the European Pattern. Demographic Developments in Ottoman Bulgaria 258 Reviewed by Olga Todorova

Nancy Wingfield and Maria Bucur, eds., Gender and War in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe 260 Reviewed by Irina Novikova

Elizabeth A.Wood, Performing Justice: Agitation Trials in Early Soviet Russia 263 Reviewed by Marianna G. Muravyeva


NEWW: New Approaches to European Women's Writing (before 1900) 266 Dr Suzan van Dijk and Dr Ursula Stohler

Professor Anna Zarnowska (1931-2007): Obituary and Selected Bibliography 271 Grazyna Szelqgowska

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 25 Title: AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES Issue: v.24, no.61, September 2009

Australian Feminist Studies

Volume 24 Number 61 September 2009

Editorial: The Rights of Woman Now Mary Spongberg 301

Obituary Fay Gale, Professor Emerita (1932-2008) 303 Susan Magarey

Articles Leaving the Self: Nomadic Passages in the Memoir of a Woman Artist 307 Maria Tamboukou

'Feminism Failed Me': Childcare, Maternity Leave and the Denigration of Motherhood 325 Natasha Campo

Refiguring Universalism: Martha Nussbaum and Judith Butler-An Uneasy Alliance? 343 Julie MacKenzie

Shaping Pregnancy: Representations of Pregnant Women in Australian Women's Magazines 359 Joy Sha and Maggie Kirkman

Review Article Responsibility, Giving and Maternal Work 373 Michelle Boulous Walker

Reviews Women's Studies on the Edge edited by Joan Wallach Scott 377 Judith Gill

Feminisms in Geography: Rethinking Space, Place and Knowledges edited by Pamela Moss and Karen Falconer AI-Hindi 379 Karina Luzia

Ida Leeson: A Life by Sylvia Martin 382 Penny Russell

Stella Miles Franklin: A Biography by Jill Roe 384 Elizabeth Webby

Books Received 387

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 26 Title: BMC WOMEN’S HEALTH (page 1 of 2) Issue: July–September 2009 ~ Women's HeaIth

Research article i!J.i§,'+Niili Complications associated with transobturator sling procedures: analysis of 233 consecutive cases with a 27 months follow-up Isabelle Kaelin-Gambirasio, Sandrine Jacob, Michel Boulvain, Jean-Bernard Dubuisson, Patrick Dällenbach BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:28 (25 September 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles] [1 comment]

Research article HighlyHi9h1yaccessedaccessed Factors affecting awareness of emergency contraception among college students in Kathmandu, Nepal Ramesh Adhikari BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:27 (17 September 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article Group treatments for sensitive health care problems: a randomised controlled trial of group versus individual physiotherapy sessions for female urinary incontinence SE Lamb, J Pepper, R Lall, EC Jørstad-Stein, MD Clark, L Hill, J Fereday-Smith BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:26 (14 September 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article i!J.i§,'+Niili Group versus individual sessions delivered by a physiotherapist for female urinary incontinence: an interview study with women attending group sessions nested within a randomised controlled trial Frances Griffiths, Jo Pepper, Ellen C Jørstad-Stein, Jan Fereday Smith, Lesley Hill, Sarah (Sallie) E Lamb BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:25 (10 September 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Study protocol Protocol for Physiotherapy OR Tvt Randomised Efficacy Trial (PORTRET): a multicentre randomised controlled trial to assess the cost-effectiveness of the tension free vaginal tape versus pelvic floor muscle training in women with symptomatic moderate to severe stress urinary incontinence Julien Labrie, Yolanda van der Graaf, Eric Buskens, Stella ESM Tiersma, Huub CH van der Vaart BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:24 (1 September 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article Reproductive and family planning history, knowledge, and needs: A community survey of low-income women in Beijing, China Hong He, Truls Østbye, Anne K Daltveit BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:23 (10 August 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 27 (BMC WOMEN’S HEALTH, July–September 2009, page 2 of 2)

Study protocol Highly accessed Protocol for the value of urodynamics prior to stress incontinence surgery (VUSIS) study: a multicenter randomized controlled trial to assess the cost effectiveness of urodynamics in women with symptoms of stress urinary incontinence in whom surgical treatment is considered Sanne AL van Leijsen, Kirsten B Kluivers, Ben Willem J Mol, Suzan R Broekhuis, Fred L Milani, C Huub van der Vaart, Jan-Paul WR Roovers, Marlies Y Bongers, Jan den Boon, Wilbert A Spaans, Jan Willem de Leeuw, Viviane Dietz, Jan H Kleinjan, Hans AM Brölmann, Eveline J Roos, Judith Schaafstra, John PFA Heesakkers, Mark E Vierhout BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:22 (21 July 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article Highllyaccessed Pattern recognition in menstrual bleeding diaries by statistical cluster analysis Christoph Gerlinger, Jens Wessel, Gerd Kallischnigg, Jan Endrikat BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:21 (16 July 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article Tolerability of breast ductal lavage in women from families at high genetic risk of breast cancer Jennifer T Loud, Ellen Burke Beckjord, Kathryn Nichols, June Peters, Ruthann Giusti, Mark H Greene BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:20 (14 July 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article Effects of multiparity and prolonged breast-feeding on maternal bone mineral density: a community-based cross-sectional study Janaka Lenora, Sarath Lekamwasam, Magnus K Karlsson BMC Women's Health 2009, 9:19 (1 July 2009) [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 28 Title: BUST: FOR WOMEN WITH SOMETHING TO GET OFF THEIR CHESTS (page 1 of 2) Issue: no.58, August–September 2009



38 THE PRIME OF MISS DIABLO CODY The Oscar­ 66 MAKE IT WORK If you've ever watched Project Runway winning screenwriter is back, and her latest project is a and thought, "I can do that," then read up on these DIY scream. ByJill Soloway fashion design tips, and take your inspiration to the street. By Tara Marks 46 HOME SWEET HOME EC Think home economics is just a bunch of biscuit baking and pillow making? Well, 70 SWEET RIDE Bike in style mile after mile. Photos by think again. By Emily McCombs Gabrielle Revere, styling by Priscilla Polley

50 The BUSTFall Preview The best movies, music, lV,TV, fashion, and books hitting girl world this season and beyond. By Jenni Miller


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 29 (BUST, no.58, August–September 2009, page 2 of 2)

Regulars 6 Editor's letterLetter 7 Dear BUST

9 Broadcast Fever Ray has something to say; Bjork invests in Iceland's future; Shanghai gives Barbie atry; and more. 10 She-bonicsShe-bonies It's a Peaches, Amy Sedaris, Amy Adams, and Michelle Obama gab-o-rama. By Whitney Dwire 16 Pop Quiz Tyra Banks smiles with her eyes. By Emily Rems 17 Boy du Jour Paul Pope is the king of smart comic-book art. By Molly Simms 18 Hot Dates Have an August and September to remember. By Libby lay

21 Real life Hit the road with a bike bag; let us teach ya how to make kombucha; and more. 22 Old School Mom's puppy chow. By Kelly Carambula 25 Buy or DIY You won't believe your eyes when you see these adorable office supplies. By Callie Watts

29 looksLooks Melissa Love has style for miles; the best maxi dresses; step out at night in DIY tights; and more. 30 Fashionista Alison Lewis' new line is mighty fine. By Siri Thorson 32 BUSTlest Kitchen Our interns get down with mineral mascara, cupcake dental floss, and lavender conditioner. 35 Page 0' Shit Dressing down is a breeze in these stylin' tees. By Callie Watts

91 Sex Files The mysterious coregasm revealed; and more. 92 Ask Aunt Betty and Cousin Carlin Get it on, bang a gong, get it on. 94 One-Handed Read Crosstown Incubus. By fR.E.R. Stewart

Columns 12 Pop Tart Just you and me, punk rock girl. By Wendy McClure 14 Museum of Femoribilia When 19th-century women took adive, they used smelling salts to revive. By Lynn Peril 20 News From aBroad Alabama students need emancipation from sex segregation. By Laura Krafft 24 Eat Me Beat the heat with no-cook treats. By Chef Rossi 28 Mother Superior Voluntarily committed. By Ayun Halliday 36 Around the World in 80 Girls Hurrah for Salt Lake City, Utah! ByJeanette Moses 103 XGames Fight the Power. By Deb Amlen

The BUST Guide 79 Music Reviews; plus getting together with the Dead Weather. 85 Movies If you have a Paper Heart, don't have a Spring Break­ down when you're Post Grad. 87 Books Reviews; from babysitters to feminist agitators.

84 Party Pix BUSfs spectacular Craftacular! 96 BUSTshop 104 The lastLast laughLaugh It's party time, it's excellent. By Esther Pearl Watson

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 30 Title: CALYX: A JOURNAL OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.25, no.2, Summer 2009 CALYX A JOURNAL OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN


Margarita Donnelly 6 The CALYX Tradition POETRY Dian Duchin Reed 7 The Map-Maker Muses Sara Dailey 8 Biological Galaxies 9 Desert Wanderer Helen Puciloski 10 Abstract 12 Hindsight Mary Kolada Scott 26 Tough Love 27 Bounty Denise Rue 28 Breakdown at the A&P Jessica Sidler 29 Home Repair Michele Heather Pollock 30 One Secret Truth AboutBeing in Love Tess Taylor 31 Ohio Engagement Diane Shipley DeCillis 32 QuietRooms Patricia Cumming 33 Two Poemsfor a Mirrored Room Connie Post 34 Taking You Back to Your Group Home Lois Rosen 36 Hide-a-Bed 38 The Only Land She Ever OwnedIs Her Plot atMt. Hope Cemetery Katy E. Ellis, Jr. 65 Gloss 66 The Most Fragile Reappear Theresa Whitehill 68 Ave Maria Christine Stewart-Nunez 70 In Praise ofa Pregnant Body Andrea Potos 72 Each Self Mary Calvin 83 Mohawk Shanan Ballam 84 Suicide Watch Nancy Cherry 85 Harvest Gail Fishman Gerwin 86 Radiation Summer, 1995 Marigny Michel 88 Uncradled Helen Wickes 100 Pilgrimage Up Henderson Canyon Road 102 Rabbits Keep My Father Alive 104 Amputation Susan Hazen-Hammond 105 When I Had to Leave My Skin Abby E. Murray 106 Late Autumn in Vancouver & Baghdad: The Preservation ofWomen Linda Strever 108 Composting, Caprilands Herb Farm FICTION Sukie Brown 13 People, NotPlaces Barbara A. Fischer 73 Late September Felicity Shoulders 110 Ashes

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 31 (CALYX, v.25, no.2, Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

CREATIVE NONFICTION Leslie What 40 Living Waters Kathleen Zamboni McCormick 90 Satan's Snakes, Vanilla Cokes ART Andi Calliope Linden 49 Eroica 50 Becoming... 51 Bleecker St., NY Brenda Roper 52 After the Party 53 A Slip Through Time 54 Wet Nurse 55 Wet Nurse (detail) Nancy Ryan Keeling 56 Papa Gay 57 Father's Day 58 Carverdale Kid J Susan Jarvis 59 Experts Unequivocally Agree 60 Chattering atPlaydates 61 Pretending to Fly Sandra Beck 62 High Tea over Sacred Burial Ground 63 Triptych #2 Cathy Wysocki 64 ScStepper REVIEWS Holly Karapetkova 120 Letters to the World: Poemsfrom the Wom-Po Listserv edited by Moira Richards, et al. Julie R. Enszer 122 Over the Summer Water by Elizabeth McFarland Edythe Haendel Schwartz 125 A Darker, Sweeter String by Lee Sharkey Cecilia Woloch 127 Light Lowering in Diminished Sevenths by Judy Kronenfeld Claudia Van Gerven 129 The Bone Train by Katherine West Sharon McGill 131 Apologies Forthcoming by Xujun Eberlein Claire Languillat 132 Girl on a Stick by Kathleen Bryson CONTRIBUTORS' NOTES 139

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 32 Title: CAMERA OBSCURA: FEMINISM, CULTURE, AND MEDIA STUDIES Issue: no.71, 2009

Camera Obscura 71

Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies

Pretty: Film Theory, Aesthetics, and the History ofthe Troublesome Image Rosalind Galt . 1

The Documentaries ofKim Longinotto: Women, Change, and Painful Modernity Belinda Smaill . 43

Betrayed Promises: Politics and Sexual Revolution in the Films ofMarta Meszaros, Milos Forman, and Dusan Makavejev Constantin Parvulescu . 77

NowYou See It, NowYou Don't: Transnational Feminist Spectatorship and Farida Benlyazid's A Door to the Sky Suzanne Gauch . 107

Mothers and Daughters: Abjection and the Monstrous-Feminine inJapan's Dark Waterand South Korea's A Tale ofTwo Sisters KK Seet . 139

Masculinity in Video Games: The Gendered Gameplay of Silent Hill Ewan Kirkland . 161

Call for Submissions . 184

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 33 Title: COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF GENDER AND LAW Issue: v.18, no.2, 2009 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

Volume 18 2009 Number 2

Symposium Volume: New Scholarship on Reproductive Rights

Introduction Nancy Northup 391

Decisional Dignity: Teenage Abortion, Bypass Hearings, and the Misuse ofLaw Carol Sanger 409

Reproductive Rights as Health Care Rights B. Jessie Hill 501

The Meaning of"Life": Beliefand Reason in the Abortion Debate Caitlin E. Borgmann 551

Quasi-Colonial Bodies: An Analysis ofthe Reproductive Lives ofPoor Black and Racially Subjugated Women Khiara M Bridges 609

In the Name ofFetal Protection: Why American Prosecutors Pursue Pregnant Drug Users (And Otger Countries Don't) Linda C. Fentiman 647

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 34 Title: DIFFERENCES: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST CULTURAL STUDIES (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.20, nos.2–3, Summer–Fall 2009

Volume 20, Numbers 2 and 3

• d I f f e r e n c e s

The Future ofthe Human

Guest Editors Nancy Armstrong and Warren Montag

NANCY ARMSTRONG and WARREN MONTAG The Future of the Human: An Introduction

ETIENNE BALIBAR 9 Violence and Civility: On the limits of Political Anthropology

PAGE DUBOIS 36 The Democratic Insect: Productive Swarms

WARREN MONTAG 54 Imitating the Affects of Beasts: Interest and Inhumanity in Spinoza

BRADY THOMAS HEINER 73 Reinhabiting the Body Politic: Habit and the Roots of the Human

HENRY S. TURNER 103 Toward an Analysis of the Corporate Ego: The Case of Richard Hakluyt

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 35 (DIFFERENCES, v.20, nos.2–3, Summer–Fall 2009, page 2 of 2)

NANCY ARMSTRONG and LEONARD TENNENHOUSE Sovereignty and the Form of Formlessness

FILIPPO DEL LUCCHESE 179 Monstrous Individuations: Deleuze, Simondon, and Relational Ontology

MRINALINI CHAKRAVORTY and LEILA NETI 194 The Human Recycled: Insecurity in the Transnational Moment

REY CHOW 224 "I Insist on the Christian Dimension": On Forgiveness ... and the Outside of the Human

MIKE HILL "Terrorists Are Human Beings": Mapping the u.s. Army's "Human Terrain Systems" Program

279 Index to Volume 20

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 36 Title: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S STUDIES Issue: v.16, no.3, August 2009 EJWS

European Journal of Women's Studies Volume 16 • Issue 3 • August 2009

Contents Editorial Celebrating Intersectionality? Debates on a 203 Multi-faceted Concept in Gender Studies: Themes from a Conference

Articles Elaine Weiner 211 Dirigism and Deja Vu Logic: The Gender Politics and Perils of EU Enlargement

Anika Liversage 229 Life below a 'Language Threshold'? Stories of Turkish Marriage Migrant Women in Denmark

Sonia Nunez Puente and Antonio Garcia Jimenez 249 New Technologies and New Spaces for Relation: Spanish Feminist Praxis Online

Book Reviews Aisha Phoenix 265 Approaching Gender

Irene Robertson 268 A Woman's Pilgrimage to Recover Her Mother

Anjali Kothari 270 Mapping Gendered Middle-Class Identities in Contemporary India

Ksenija Vidmar-Horvat 273 Contemporary Bestselling Children's Literature and its Discontents

Kay Tisdall 277 Taking Stock of Antisocial Behaviour Policies

Books Received 281

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 37 Title: FEMINISM & PSYCHOLOGY (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.19, no.3, August 2009

Feminism CONTENTS :====l---&------p clwWgy Volume 19, Number 3,2009


Feminist Liberation Psychology

283 Editors' Introduction: Whither Feminist Liberation Psychology? Critical Explorations of Feminist and Liberation Psychologies for a Globalizing World. M. Brinton LYKES and Geraldine MOANE


298 Narrating Trauma and Reconstruction in Post-conflict Karachi: Feminist Liberation Psychology and the Contours ofAgency in the Margins Lubna CHAUDHRY and Corrine BERTRAM

313 Justice by any Means Necessary: Vigilantism among Indian Women Aaronette WHITE and Shagun RASTOGI

328 The Headscarf and Emancipation in the Netherlands Berrin KOYUNCU LORASDAGI

335 The Political Economy of Children's Trauma: A Case Study of House Demolition in Palestine Nadera SHALHOUB-KEVORKIAN


343 Anatomy of a Workshop: Women's Struggles for Transformative Participation in Latin America Alison CROSBY

354 In Whose Interest Do We Work? Critical Comments of a Practitioner at the Fringes of the Liberation Paradigm Simone LINDORFER

368 Facing Gender-based Violence in El Salvador: Contributions from the Social Psychology of Ignacio Martfn-Bar6 Larry J. MADRIGAL and Walberto V. TEJEDA

375 Naming Our Reality: Low-income LGBT People Documenting Violence, Discrimination and Assertions of Justice Michelle BILLIES, Juliet JOHNSON, Kagendo MURUNGI and Rachel PUGH

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 38 (FEMINISM & PSYCHOLOGY, v.19, no.3, August 2009, page 2 of 2)


381 Toward a Feminist Liberation Psychology ofAlliances Joan M. OSTROVE, Elizabeth R. COLE and Gina A. OLIVA

387 Envisioning Participatory Action Research Entremundos Marfa Elena TORRE and Jennifer AYALA

394 Present but Un-named: Feminist Liberation Psychology in Portugal Joao Manuel de OLIVEIRA, Sofia NEVES, Concei<;ao NOGUEIRA and Marijke DE KONING

407 Removing the Splinters from Our Own Eyes: A Commentary on Identities and Power in South African Community Psychology Ronelle CAROLISSEN and Leslie SWARTZ

414 Transdisciplinary Learning: Exploring Pedagogical Links between Feminisms and Community Psychology Pauline WHELAN and Rebecca LAWTHOM


419 Sarah CRAFTER on Knowledge in Context: Representations, Community and Culture by Sandra Jovchelovitch 421 Sylvie GAMBAUDO on Managing the Monstrous Feminine: Regulating the Reproductive Body by Jane M. Ussher 422 Lilliana DEL BUSSO on Writing on the Body? Thinking Through Gendered Embodiment and Marked Flesh by Kay Inckle

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 39 Title: FEMINIST COLLECTIONS: A QUARTERLY OF WOMEN’S STUDIES RESOURCES Issue: v.30, no.3, Summer 2009 Feminist Collections A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources

Volume 30, Number 3, Summer 2009


From the Editors ii

Book Reviews

Which Women’s Studies? 1 by Catherine M. Orr

Exceptional Women: Rights, Liberty, and Deviance in the French Revolution 6 by Holly Grout

Professional Reading

Collecting, Preserving, and Sharing Women’s History 10 by Phyllis Holman Weisbard

E-Sources on Women and Gender 13

New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 15 American Women’s Movement, Arab Women Writers, Gender, LGBT Studies, Politics, Science Fiction, Sex Work, Women’s Health, Women’s History, Women’s Rights

Periodical Notes 24

Items of Note 28

Books Recently Received 29

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 40 Title: FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY Issue: v.4, no.3, July 2009 Feminist Criminology Volume 4 Number 3 July 2009

Editorial Helen Eigenberg 191


"Out of the Blue": Men Who Murder an Intimate Partner R. Emerson Dobash, Russell P. Dobash, and Kate Cavanagh 194

Gender, Sexuality, Power and Drug Acquisition Strategies Among Adolescent Girls Who Use Meth Vera Lopez, Nancy Jurik, and Stacia Gilliard-Matthews...... 226

Between Life and Death: Women in an Indian State Prison Suvama Cherukuri, Dana M. Britton, and Manga1a Subramaniam ...... 252

Real Men Use Nonlethals: Appeals To Masculinity in Marketing Police Weaponry Jesse Wozniak and Christopher Uggen 275

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 41 Title: FEMINIST ECOMONICS (part 1 of 2) Issue: v.15, no.3, July 2009


Volume 15, Number 3, July 2009

A Special Issue on Inequality, Development, and Growth

Guest Edited by Giinseli Berik, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, and Stephanie Seguino


INTRODUCTION Feminist Economics of Inequality, Development, and Growth Giinseli Berik, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, and Stephanie Seguino 1

ARTICLES Gender Equality and Economic Growth in the World Bank World Development Report 2006 Diane Elson 35 Gender Disparity in Education and the International Competition for Foreign Direct Investment Matthias Busse and Peter Nunnenkamp 61 The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education and Employment on Economic Growth: New Evidence for a Panel of Countries Stephan Klasen and Francesca Lamanna 91 Do Gender Disparities in Employment Increase Profitability? Evidence from the Ajit Zacharias and Melissa Mahoney 133 Women's Employment and Family Income Inequality during China's Economic Transition Sai Ding, Xiao-yuan Dong, and Shi Li 163 Do Economic Reforms Influence Home-Based Work? Evidence from India Uma Rani andJeemol Unni 191 Gender Disparities and Economic Growth in Kenya: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach Bernadette Mukhwana Wanjala and Maureen Were 227 Globalization, Gender, and Poverty in the Senegal River Valley Jeanne E. Koopman 253 Modeling Gender Effects of Pakistan's Trade Liberalization Rizwana Siddiqui 287 Gender, Monetary Policy, and Employment: The Case of Nine OECD Countries Yelena Takhtamanova and Eva Sierminska 323

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 42 (FEMINIST ECOMONICS, v.15, no.3, July 2009, part 2 of 2)

Notes on Contributors 355 Thanks to Reviewers 361 Call for Papers 365 Information and Announcements 367 Feminist Economics Editorial Policies 369 Submission and Style Guidelines 373

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 43 Title: FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES Issue: v.9, no.3, September 2009

Feminist Media Studies

Volume 9 Number 3 September 2009

ARTICLES It's Sociobiology, Hon!: Genetic gender determinism in Cosmopolitan magazine Amy Adele Hasinoff 267 Doing Gender Difference Through Greeting Cards: The construction of a communication gap in marketing and everyday practice Emily West 285 A Beautiful Campaign?: Analysis of public discourses in Israel surrounding the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty Einat Lachover and Sigal Barak Brandes 301 The Cancer on your Coffee Table: A discourse analysis of the health content in mass-circulated women's magazines Amanda Hinnant 317 Building a Women-Centered DJ Collective: From to cyberspace to Sister USA Rebekah Farrugia 335 Fallen Women in Reality TV: A pornography of emotion Rachel E. Dubrofsky 353

COMMENTARY AND CRITICISM Introduction: Women, labor, media, and the economy Kaitlynn Mendes and Kumarini Silva 369 Writing on the Margins: Precarity and the freelance journalist Catherine McKercher 370 Drop Dead Gorgeous ... and Remain Voiceless: The web presence of Chinese women in the global economic recession Yan Wu 374

BOOK REVIEWS What a Girl Wants? Fantasizing a Reclamation of the Self in Postfeminism by Diane Negra Kim Allen 379 Encountering the Transnational: Women, Islam and the Politics of Interpretation by Meena Shafiry-Funk Sandhya Bhattacharya 381 Women in American Journalism: A New History by Jan Whitt Heidi Kurvinen 383

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 44 Title: FEMINIST STUDIES Issue: v.35, no.2, Summer 2009 FEMINIST STUDIES


volume 35, number 2

239 Preface 381 H.E. Wright Baby (Fiction) 243 Elizabeth Carolyn Miller Body, Spirit, Print: The Radical Autobioaraphies of Annie Besant and Helen and Olivia Rossetti 387 Roberta Gold "I Had Not Seen Women like That Before": Inter8enerational Feminism in New York City's 274 Catherine Pavlish Becoming Emily Tenant Movement (Creative Nonfiction) 416 Angie Young Abortion, Ideology, and the Murder of 294 Cheryl Hindrichs Geor8e Tiller Feminist Optics and Avant-Garde Cinema: (News and Views) Germaine Dulac's "The Smilin8 Madame Beudet" and Virginia Woolf's "Street Haunting" 421 Notes on Contributors 423 Publications Received 323 Natalie E. IlIum 428 Guidelines for Contributors Poetry

329 Myra J. Bird Feminist En8a8ements with Matter COVER ART Nan Goldin, Ryan in the Tub, Provincetown 1976. (Review Essay)

ABOVE Details, Nan Goldin, Positive Grid II, 1993-2002/2003. 347 Sarah Ruddy "A Radiant Eye Yearns from Me": Figuring Documentary in the Photoaraphy ofNan Goldin (Art Essay)

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 45 Title: FEMINIST TEACHER (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.19, n.3, 2009 Fetninist Teacher

VOLUME 19, NUMBER 3 2009


ARTICLES Inverting the Inverted Pyramid: A Conversation about the Use of Feminist Theories to Teach journalism 177 Danna L. Walker, Margaretha Geertsema, and Barbara Barnett

"Don't Hate Me Because I'm Virtual": Feminist Pedagogy in the Online Classroom 195 Nancy Chick and Holly Hassel

Bio-Pedagogy: Genetic Literacy and Feminist Learning 216 Michelle Sidler

Making Women the Subjects of the Abortion Debate: A Class Exercise that Moves Beyond "Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Life" 227 Sara L. Crawley, Rebecca K. Willman, Leisa Clark, and Clare Walsh

BOOK RENI EWS Different Wavelengths: Studies ofthe Contemporary Women's Movement by jo Reger, ed. Marcia Hernandez

The Womanist Reader by Layli Phillips, ed. 243 Stacy Russo

Radical Acts: Theatre and Feminist Pedagogies ofChange by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong and Kathleen juhl, eds. 245 Becky Becker

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 46 (FEMINIST TEACHER, v.19, no.3, 2009, page 2 of 2)

Women in Anthropology: Autobiographical Narratives and Social History by Maria G. Cattell and Marjorie M. Schweitzer, eds.

"Until Our Hearts are on the Ground": Aboriginal Mothering, Oppression, Resistance and Rebirth by D. Memee Lavell-Harvard and Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, eds. 247 Amber L. Johnson

Family Time: The Social Organization of Care by Nancy Folbre and Michael Bittman, eds. 250 Linda Seidel

On Language and Sexual Politics by Deborah Cameron

The Woman's Public Speaking Handbook by Elizabeth J. Natalie and Fritzi R. Bodenheimer 253 Gordon Alley-Young

Afterwords: Letters on the Death of Virginia Woolf by Sybill Oldfield, ed. 258 Nancy Gerber

DEPARTMENTS Teaching Resources 261

Call forTeaching Notes

Our Contributors

Contents Index to Volume 19 (2008-2009)

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 47 Title: FEMINIST THEORY (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.10, n.2, August 2009

Volume 10 Number 2 2009


SPECIAL ISSUE ON FEMINIST POLITICS OF REPRODUCTION Edited byNatalia Gerodetti and Veronique Mottier

Feminism(s) and the politics of reproduction: Introduction to Special Issue on 'Feminist Politics of Reproduction' Natalia Gerodetti and Veronique Mottier 147

ARTICLES Foetal personhood and representations of the absent child in pregnancy loss memorialization Helen Keane 153 Seeing and knowing: Ultrasound images in the contemporary abortion debate Julie Palmer 173 From reproduction to research: Sourcing eggs, IVF and cloning in the UK Kate O'Riordan and Joan Haran 191 Popular culture and reproductive politics: Juno, Knocked Up and the enduring legacy of The Handmaid's Tale Heather Latimer 211 Refusing disembodiment: Abortion and the paradox of reproductive rights in contemporary Patrick Hanafin 227

REVIEW ARTICLE Fings ain't wot they used to be ... Mary Evans 245

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 48 (FEMINIST THEORY, v.10, no.2, August 2009, page 2 of 2)

BOOK REVIEWS Teresa de Lauretis, Figures ofResistance: Essays in Feminist Theory Reviewed by Shohini Chaudhuri 253 Krista Cowman, Women ofthe Right Spirit: Paid Organisers of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPUj 1904-18 Reviewed by Jessica Meyer 255 Kate Bezanson and Meg Luxton, eds, Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-Liberalism Reviewed by Ngai-Ling Sum 256 Kathleen Stewart, Ordinary Affects Reviewed by Sara L. Warner 258 Alison Light, Mrs Woolf and the Servants Reviewed by Mary Evans 260 Gill Plain and Susan Sellers, eds, A History ofFeminist Literary Criticism Reviewed by Lisa Regan 261 Anne Phillips, Multiculturalism without Culture Reviewed by Anastasia Valassopoulos 263 Clare Chambers, Sex, Culture, and Justice: The Limits of Choice Reviewed by Ellen Turner 265 Diane Watt, Medieval Women's Writing Reviewed by Gillian Rudd 266 Geetanjali Gangoli, Indian Feminisms: Law, Patriarchies and Violence in India Reviewed by Srila Roy 268

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 49 Title: FRONTIERS: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES Issue: v.30, no.2, 2009

FRONTIERS A TournaI of Women Studies VOLUME 30 . NUMBER 2 . 2009

Introduction Gayle Gullett and Susan E. Gray Vll

Textual Migration: Self-Translation and Translation of the Self in Leila Abouzeid's Return to Childhood: The Memoir ofa Modern Moroccan Woman and Ruju' 'Ila AI-Tufulah Diya M. Abdo

Destination as Destiny: Amelia B. Edwards's Travel Writing Patricia O'Neill 43

Representations ofPrivate/Public Domains: The Feminine Ideal and Modernist Agendas in Egyptian Film, Mid-1950S-1980s Sabrina Joseph 72

Requiem for a Rosewood Marimba; Topographies; Poem Colored with Henna (poetry) Karen An-hwei Lee 110

Positioning Women's Rights within Asylum Policy: A Feminist Analysis ofPolitical Persecution Sara 1. Zeigler and Kendra B. Stewart 115

The Photographer's Wife (art) Laura Heyman 143

The Photographer's Wife: Seeing and Staging (curatorial statement) Kevin Young 150

Gertie and the Visitors (short story) Tricia Currans-Sheehan 152

The Night Cafe (poetry) Rhonda Poynter

What's Political about the New Feminisms? Carisa R. Showden 166

Contributors 199

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 50 Title: GENDER & DEVELOPMENT Issue: v.17, no.2, July 2009

Gender 8: Development Volume 17 Number 2 July 2009 Contents Introduction Caroline Sweetman 179 Trade unions and women's empowerment in north-east Brazil Ben SelwynSelooyn 189 Lipstick evangelism: Avon trading circles and genderempowerment in South Africa Catherine Dolan and Linda Scott 203 Women home-based workers organising for economic rights: case studies from Bulgaria and Turkey Ruth Bergan 219 Exploring women's daily lives and participation in the informal labour market in Mumbai, India Ranjeeta Basu and Marie D. Thomas 231 Paying back comes first: why repayment means more than business in rural Senegal Amelia Duffy-Tumasz 243 Maternal employment and fatherhood: what influences paternal involvement in child-care work in Uganda? Apollo Nkwake 255 Gendered perceptions of migration among skilled female Ghanaian nurses Joanne Nowak 269 Workers not maids - organising household workers in Mexico Marilyn Thomson 281 Legal protectionagainst gender-uiscrimination in the workplace in China Sadie Yang and Ao Li 295 Caring for people with HIV: state policies and their dependence on women's unpaid work Anesu Makina 309 Resources Compiled by Liz Cooke 321 Views, events, and debates Edited by Liz Cooke 339 Book reviews Edited by Liz Cooke 355

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 51 Title: GENDER AND EDUCATION Issue: v.21, no.4, July 2009

GENDER AND EDUCATION Volume 21 Number 4 July 2009


Articles Australian English-language textbooks: the gender issues Jackie PK. Lee and Peter Collins 353

Public and secret agents: personal power and reflective agency in male memories of childhood violence and bullying Mark Malaby 371

'I'm not a "maths-person"!' Reconstituting mathematical subjectivities in aesthetic teaching practices Anna Palmer 387

Gender differences in instrurnentallearning among secondary school students in Hong Kong Wai-Chung Ho 405

Viewpoint The sound ofsilence! Reflections on inclusion and exclusion in the field of gender and education Elisabet Ohm and Gaby Weiner 423

Article Beyond gender identity? Mary Lou Rasmussen 431

Responses Response to Mary Lou Rasmussen's 'Beyond gender identity?' Carrie Paechter 449

To be or not to be (a gendered subject): was that the question? Jo-Anne Dillabough 455

Review essay Mother's pride: parenting against the grain Katya Williams 467

Book reviews 471

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 52 Title: GENDER AND EDUCATION Issue: v.21, no.5, September 2009

GENDER AND EDUCATION Volume 21 Number 5 September 2009


Articles Having the balls, having it all? Sport and constructions of undergraduate laddishness Steve Dempster 481

Academic mothers finding rhyme and reason Venitha Pillay 501

Gender and emotions in relationships: a group ofteachers recalling their own teachers Minna Uitto and Eila Estola 517

The gendered boundaries of child-centred education: Elsie Ripley Clapp and the history ofUS progressive education Diana Moyer 531

Negotiating the complementarian gender ideology of an evangelical student subculture: further evidence from women's narratives Alyssa N. Bryant 549

An exploratory study ofstudents' constructions of gender in science, engineering and technology Ingrid Lynch and Tessa Nowosenetz 567

Viewpoint A feminist poststructuralist examination into the President's Challenge Physical Fitness Awards Program Elizabeth A. Domangue and Melinda A. Solmon 583

Article A good education: girls' extracurricular pursuits and school choice Sheryl Clark 601

Book reviews 617

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 53 Title: GENDER & HISTORY (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.21, no.2, August 2009

VOLUME 21 NUMBER 2 AUGUST 2009 Gender & History


Abstracts iv

Articles Virile Turks and Maiden Ireland: Gender and National Identity in Early Modern English Travel Literature ANNA SURANYI 241 Irish Domestic Servants, 'Biddy' and Rebellion in the American Home, 1850-1900 ANDREW URBAN 263 Languages as Women: The Feminisation of Linguistic Discourses in Colonial North India ASHA SARANGI 287 Colonial Constructions of Masculinity: Transforming Aboriginal Australian Men into 'Houseboys' JULIA MARTINEZ and CLAIRE LOWRIE 305 Misogyny, Jest-Books and Male Youth Culture in Seventeenth-Century England TIM REINKE-WILLIAMS 324 A Grocer's Tale: Gender, Family and Class in Early Nineteenth-Century Manchester HANNAH BARKER 340 Curing Mind and Body in the Heart of the Canadian Rockies: Empire, Sexual Scandal and the Reclamation of Masculinity, l880s-l920s PAUL R. DESLANDES 358

Christening Masculinity? Catholic Action and Men in Interwar Belgium TINE VAN OSSELAER 380 Ceremony and Citizenship: African American Weddings, 1945-60 KAREN M. DUNAK 402

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 54 (GENDER & HISTORY, v.21, no.2, August 2009, page 2 of 2)

Thematic Review

Gendering Early North America JANET MOORE LINDMAN 425

Book Reviews

David J. Hay, The Military Leadership ofMatilda ofCanossa, 1046-1115 (2008) KATHLEEN G. CUSHING 428 GaJ.:Y Macy, The Hidden History ofWomen's Ordination: Female Clergy in the Medieval West (2008) ANNE E. LESTER 429 Katherine L. French, The Good Women ofthe Parish: Gender and Religion After the Black Death (2008) ROB LUTTON 431 James A. Schultz, Courtly Love, the Love ofCourtliness, and the History ofSexuality (2006) NICOLA McLELLAND 433 Kristen Post Walton, Catholic Queen, Protestant Patriarchy: Mary, Queen ofScots and the Politics ofGender and Religion (2007) NICOLA ROYAN 434 Andrea Pearson (ed.), Women and Portraits in Early Modern Europe: Gender, Agency and Identity (2008); Sylvia Brown (ed.), Women, Gender and Radical Religion in Early Modern Europe (2007) FIONA WILLIAMSON 435 Frances E. Dolan, Marriage and Violence: The Early Modern Legacy (2008) DAVID J. APPLEBY 438 Mytheli Sreenivas, Wives, Widows, Concubines: The Conjugal Family Ideal in Colonial India (2008) DURBA GHOSH 439 Sam George, Botany, Sexuality and Women's Writing 1760-1830: From Modest Shoot to Forward Plant (2007); Ruth Watts, Women in Science: A Social and Cultural History (2007) ANN SHTEIR 441 Caroline Winterer, The Mirror ofAntiquity: American Women and the Classical Tradition, 1750-1900 (2007) HARALD KLINKE 443 Deborah Cherry and Janice Helland (eds), Local/Global: Women Artists in the Nineteenth Century (2006); Jordana Pomeroy (ed.), Intrepid Women: Victorian Artists Travel (2005); Meaghan Clarke, Critical Voices: Women andArt Criticism in Britain 1880-1905 (2005) CAROLINE PALMER 444 Rebecca Kay (ed.), Gender, Equality and Difference during and after State Socialism (2007) MELANIEILIC 448 Mire Koikari, Pedagogy ofDemocracy: Feminism and the Cold War in the US Occupation ofJapan (2008) HUGO DOBSON 449 Alison Oram, Her Husband Was a Woman! Women's Gender-Crossing in Modern British Popular Culture (2007); Rebecca Jennings, Tomboys and Bachelor Girls: A Lesbian History ofPost-War Britain, 1945-71 (2007) CAMERON DUDER 450 Contributors 453

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 55 Title: GENDER & LANGUAGE Issue: v.3, no.1, 2009 Gender and Language

Volume 3.1 2009

ARTICLES Metaphorically speaking: Constructions ofgender and career in the Danish financial sector Lise-Lotte Holmgreen What do women want? Linguistic equality and the feminization ofjob titles in contemporary France Remi A. van Compernolle 33 'The other kind ofcoming out': Transgender people and the coming out narrative genre Lal Zimman 53 Men and emotion talk: Evidence from the experience ofillness Jonathan Charteris-Black and Clive Seale 81

REVIEWS Gendered discourse in the professional workplace. Louise Mullany. Reviewed by Joanna Pawelczyk 115 Women speaking up: Getting and using turns in workplace meetings. Cecilia E. Ford. Reviewed by Rebecca Wey 121 Metaphor andgender in business media discourse: A critical cognitive study. Veronika Koller Reviewed by Charlotte White 127 New perspectives on language and sexual identity. Liz Morrish and Helen Sauntson. Reviewed by Heiko Motschenbacher 131 Words, worlds, and material girls - language, gender, globalization. Bonnie S. McElhinny (ed.). Reviewed by Najat Benchiba-Savenius 135

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 56 Title: GENDER & SOCIETY Issue: v.23, no.4, August 2009

GENDER & SOCIETY Volume 23, Number 4 August 2009

Special Issue Heteronormativity and Sexualities Guest Editors Jane Ward and Beth Schneider


Introduction The Reaches of Heteronormativity: An Introduction JANE WARD AND BETH SCHNEIDER 433

Articles Doing Gender, Doing Heteronormativity: "Gender Normals," Transgender People, and the Social Maintenance of Heterosexuality KRISTEN SCHILT AND LAUREL WESTBROOK 440 "We're There and Queer:" Homonormative Mobility and Lived Experience among Gay Expatriates in Manila DANA COLLINS 465 Making Heteronormative Reconciliations: The Story of Romantic Love, Sexuality, and Gender in Mixed-Orientation Marriages MICHELLE WOLKOMIR 494 "Now Why Do You Want to Know about That?" Heteronormativity, Sexism, and Racism in the Sexual (Mis)education of Latina Youth LORENA GARCiA 520 School Culture and the Well-being of Same-Sex-Attracted Youth LINDSEY WILKINSON AND JENNIFER PEARSON 542 Book Reviews New Choices, New Families: How Lesbians Decide About Motherhood, by Nancy J. Mezey NAOMIA.SCHAPIRO 569 Damaged Goods? Women Living with Incurable Sexually Transmitted Diseases, by Adina Nack NAOMI ALSTON 571 Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men, by Michael Kimmel TRISTAN S. BRIDGES 573 Queering Reproduction: Achieving Pregnancy in the Age ofTechnoscience, by Laura Mamo SARAH FRANKLIN 575 Sisterhood Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild, by Deborah Siegel RACHEL KALISH 577 Gender and Health: The Effects ofConstrained Choices and Social Policies, by Chloe E. Bird and Patricia P. Rieker FRIDA SIMONSTEIN 579 Intimate Partner Violence, by Angela J. Hattery BETHANY COSTON 581

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 57 Title: GENDER IN MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Issue: v.24, no.5, 2009

Gender in Management: An International Journal

Volume 24 Issue 5

Published: 2009 | Start Page: 316

Articles Job insecurity and motivation among women in Nigerian consolidated banks Catherine Chovwen, Emilia Ivensor (pp. 316-326) Keywords: Banks, Employee attitudes, Employment protection, Motivation (psychology), Nigeria, Women workers ArticleType: Research paper

The boardroom gender paradox Sinikka Pesonen, Janne Tienari, Sinikka Vanhala (pp. 327-345) Keywords: Boards of directors, Finland, Gender, Women directors ArticleType: Research paper

Motivational factors in a push-pull theory of entrepreneurship Jodyanne Kirkwood (pp. 346-364) Keywords: Entrepreneurialism, Gender, Job satisfaction, Motivation (psychology), New Zealand ArticleType: Research paper

Gender diversity in expatriation: evaluating theoretical perspectives Susan Shortland (pp. 365-36) Keywords: Equal opportunities, Expatriates, Gender, Women ArticleType: Viewpoint

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 58 Title: GENDER IN MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Issue: v.24, no.6, 2009

Gender in Management: An International Journal

Volume 24 Issue 6

Published: 2009 | Start Page: 3

Articles Career advancement and family balance strategies of executive women Souha R. Ezzedeen, Kristen G. Ritchey (pp. 3-411) Keywords: Career development, Role conflict, Women executives ArticleType: Research paper

Arab women managers and identity formation through clothing Katlin Omair (pp. 412-431) Keywords: Clothing, Gender, Middle East, Women executives ArticleType: Research paper

Have they learnt to interrupt?: Comparing how women management students and senior women managers in Australia perceive workplace communication dilemmas Mary Barrett (pp. 432-454) Keywords: Australia, Communication, Gender, Students, Women executives, Workplace ArticleType: Research paper

Mentoring experiences of successful women across the Americas Silvia Inés Monserrat, Jo Ann Duffy, Miguel R. Olivas-Luján, John M. Miller, Ann Gregory, Suzy Fox, Terri R. Lituchy, Betty Jane Punnett, Neusa María Bastos F. Santos (pp. 455-476) Keywords: Central America, Gender, Mentoring, North America, Personality, South America ArticleType: Research paper

Book Review Hidden Health Hazards in Women's Work Vol : 24 Issue: 6 Author(s): Suzanne Phibbs

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 59 Title: GENDER, PLACE AND CULTURE: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST GEOGRAPHY Issue: v.16, no.4, August 2009

GENDER, PLACE AND CULTURE Volume 16 Number 4 August 2009 CONTENTS

Articles Identities and agency in religious spheres: a study of British Muslim women's experience Fazila Bhimji 365 Themed papers Introduction: global perspectives on gender-water geographies Kathleen O'Reilly, Sarah Halvorson, Farhana Sultana and Nina Laurie 381 Gender and emergent water governance: comparative overview of neoliberalized natures and gender dimensions of privatization, devolution and marketization Leila M. Harris 387 The water question in feminism: water control and gender inequities in a neo-liberal era Rhodante Ahlers and Margreet Zwarteveen 409 Fluid lives: subjectivities, gender and water in rural Bangladesh Farhana Sultana 427 Watery masculinities: fly-fishing and the angling male in the South West of England Jacob Bull 445 Economic development, marine protected areas and gendered access to fishing resources in a Polynesian lagoon Barbara Louise Endemafio Walker and Michael A. Robinson 467 Book Reviews Review symposium - Fear: critical geopolitics and everyday life (Rachel Pain and Susan J. Smith, Eds) 485 Reviewed by Fiona Jeffries 485 Reviewed by Jennifer Hyndman 486 Reviewed by Hille Koskela 488 Response from the edt!ors (Rachel Pain and Susan J. Smith) 490 Stripping, sex and popular culture (Catherine M. Roach) reviewed by Jyh Wee Sew 492 Gender and family among transnational professionals (Anne Coles and Anne-Meike Fechter, Eds) reviewed by Irene Hardill 494

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 60 Title: GENDER, WORK & ORGANIZATION Issue: v.16, no.4, July 2009 Gender, Work & Organization

Volume 16 Number 4 July 2009 ACADEMIC PAPERS How Women Engineers Do and Undo Gender: Consequences for Gender Equality ABIGAIL POWELL, BARBARA BAGILHOLE AND ANDREW DAINTY 411 Gender Differences in Time Availability: Evidence from France FRAN<;OIS-XAVIER DEVETTER 429 Doing Gender in Academic Education: The Paradox of Visibility MARIEKE VAN DEN BRINK AND LINEKE STOBBE 451 Gendered Strategies of Self: Navigating Hierarchy and Contesting Masculinities SHELLEY PACHOLOK 471 Gender, Management and Market Discourse: The Case of Gender Quotas in the Swedish and Finnish Media JANNE TIENARI, CHARLOTTE HOLGERSSON, SUSAN MERILAINEN AND PIA HOOK 501 BOOK REVIEWS 522


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 61 Title: GENDER, WORK & ORGANIZATION Issue: v.16, no.5, September 2009

Gender, Work & Organization

Volume 16 Number 5 September 2009 Editorial: State Employment and the Gender Pay Gap CAROLE THORNLEY AND CHRISTER THORNQVIST 529 ACADEMIC PAPERS Gender Mainstreaming: The Answer to the Gender Pay Gap? JOAN EVELINE AND PATRICIA TODD 536 Entering the Twilight Zone: The Local Complexities of Pay and Employment Equity in New Zealand DEBORAH JONES AND RAE TORRIE 559 Nurses' Pay Formation in Swedish Health Call Centres MONICA ANDERSSON BACK 579 Career Development and Gender Pay Disparities in State Employment in Greece AIKATERINI KOSKINA 600 Gender, Pay and Work Satisfaction at a UK University MARIA SMITH 621 BOOK REVIEWS 642


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 62 Title: HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & GENDER Issue: v.32, no.2, Summer 2009 &


Volume 32:2 Summer 2009 Copyright © 2009 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College


A Celebration of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Remarks Commemorating Celebration 55: The Women's Leadership ~mmh n3 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Dean Elena Kagan

Social Reform Litigation and its Challenges: An Essay in Honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg 251 Michael J. Klarman


Inclusion, Accommodation, and Recognition: Accounting for Differences Based on Religion and Sexual Orientation 303 Douglas NeJaime

Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment 383 Ann Bartow

Student Articles

The Author of Her Trouble: Abortion in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Judicial Discourses 431 Ashley Gorski

The Costs of Multiple Gestation Pregnancies in Assisted Reproduction 463 Urska Velikonja

Book Review 505

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 63 Title: HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL Issue: v.30, no.7, July 2009

Volume 30, Issue 7, 2009 Health Carefor Women International

569 Editorial Eleanor Krassen Cavan


570 Embodied Work: Insider Perspectives on the Work of HIV/AIDS Peer Counselors DeAnne K. Hiljinger Messias, Linda Moneyham, Medha Vyavaharkar, Carolyn Murdaugh, and Kenneth D. Phillips 593 Mental Health Needs of Arab Women Aisha Hamdan 612 Effects of Husbands' Migration on Mental Health and Gender Role Ideology of Rural Mexican Women jaredA. Wilkerson, Niwako Yamawaki, and Samuel D. Downs 627 Perceived Mood, Health, and Burden in Female Mexican American Family Cancer Caregivers jo Nell Wells, Carolyn Spence Cagle, DavidMarshall, and Mary Luna Hollen 653 Managing Motherhood: Strategies Used by New Mothers to Maintain Perceptions of Wellness janet Currie

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 64 Title: HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL Issue: v.30, no.8, August 2009

Volume 30, Issue 8, 2009 Health Carefor Women International

669 Editorial Eleanor Krassen Covan


670 Effect of Older Maternal Age on the Risk of Spontaneous Preterm Labor: A Population-Based Study Safina Hassan McIntyre, Christine V. Newburn-Cook, Beverley O'Brien, and Nestor N. Demianczuk 690 Women's Rights and Women's Health During HIV!AIDS Epidemics: The Experience of Women in Sub-Saharan Africa Begna F. Dugassa 707 Attempted Suicide in Reproductive Age Women Flavia Azevedo Gomes, Beverley O'Brien, andAna Marcia Spano Nakano 720 Prevalence of HIV Antibodies in Pregnant Women With Increased Risk for AIDS Gustavo Romero-Gutierrez, Fatima Rocio De Luna-Ortega, Alejandra Horna-Lopez, andAna Lilia Ponce-Ponce De Leon 728 A Qualitative Comparison of Women's Attitudes Toward Hysterectomy and Myomectomy julie Askew 743 Negotiating Participation: How Women Living With Disabilities Address Barriers to Exercise Danielle E. Rolfe, Karen Yoshida, Rebecca Renwick, and Carrie Bailey

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 65 Title: HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL Issue: v.30, no.9, September 2009

Volume 30, Issue 9,2009 Health Carefor Women International

767 Editorial Eleanor Krassen Covan


768 Jordanian and Palestinian Immigrant Women's Knowledge, Affect, Cultural Attitudes, Health Habits, and Participation in Breast Cancer Screening Lina Najib Kawar 783 Surviving Life as a Woman: A Critical Ethnography of Violence in the Lives of Female Domestic Workers in Malawi Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu, Rachel Rodriguez, Nawal Ammar, and Keiko Nemoto 802 Modifiable Risk Factors for Term Large for Gestational Age Births joy V. jaipaul, Christine V. Newburn-Cook, Beverley 0 'Brien, and Nestor Demianczuk 824 Endurance of Aloneness Among Tibetan Indigenous Women in Western China: Application of Repeat Focus Group Discussions as a Tool for Empowerment and for Data Collection Anethe Ljunggren, Eva johansson, Chunglei Wang, and Karen Odberg Pettersson

BriefResearch Report

845 The Effects of Hormone Therapy Decision Support for Women With Mobility Impairments Heather Becker, Alexa K. Stuifbergen, and Sharon 1. Dormire

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 66 Title: HERIZONS: WOMEN’S NEWS & FEMINIST VIEWS Issue: v.23, no.1, Summer 2009 IDIDIZONS SUMMER 2009/ VOLUME 23 NO.1 news WOMEN'S STUDIES ON CHOPPING BLOCK 6 by Vivian Belyk.

PROGRESS ON FGM IN AFRICA 7 by ImanAzzi 44: Happy-G.-Lucky HOLLABACK GIRLSIGIRLSl 8 by Lisa Rahman


I t features arts & ideas SUMMER READING I LETTING GO OF HAGAR I 16 Reading by Lightning byJoan Thomas, No ~ Our relationships with our mothers can transform right 38 BeautifUl Shore by Beverley Stone, Silent Girl \ up until the end oftheir lives. As this excerpt from the by Tricia Dower, The White Space Between by 1\ book Enter Mourning: A Memoir on Death. Dementia and , Coming Home documents, our relationship with ourselves Ami Sands Brodoff, Mothering in the Third may ultimately shift, too. Wave edited by Amber E. Kinser, Women by Heather Menzies Between: The work. ofSharon Butala, Aganetha Dyck., Mary Meigs and Mary Pratt by Verna RAISE THE ROOF Reid, Dissonant Disabilities: Women With 18 Feminists have lobbied for better birthing services, decent Chronic Illness Explore Their Lives edited by child care, more educational opportunities and equal pay. Diane Driedger and Michelle Owen. Now it's time to create better ways to live after our work is done. MUSIC MUST-HAVES by BroerlyBeverly Suck. 42 PJ Harvey & John Parish, The Cliks, Madison Violet, Cori Brewster TRANSFORMING POWER 25 In her latest book, Transftrming Power: From the Personal to FILM Happy-Go-Luck.y, review by Maureen Medved the Political, Judy Rebick describes the new paths to social 44 change being foIgCd throughout the world to transform this planet and create a better world. byJudy Rebick. columns PALM LEADERS PENNI MITCHELL 28 Activists and corporate leaders are helping to create a 5 Ten Ways to Stop Breast Cancer sustainable future for palm oil plantations, indigenous people and orangutans. SUSAN G. COLE byJoyce Major 15 From Women's Room to Women's Movement 32 WOMEN WITH AUTISM LYN COCKBURN As the neurodiversity movement seeks greater respect for 48 The Rise ofthe Un-Gwens people with autism, stereotypes offemale behaviour and a lack ofproper diagnostic tools keep women further behind. by Melinda Robinson

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 67 Title: HYPATIA: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.24, no.3, Summer 2009 HYPATIA A Journal ofFeminist Philosophy Volume 24 I Number 3 Summer 2009

Transgender Studies and Feminism: Theory, Politics, and Gendered Realities 1 Talia Bettcher and Ann Garry Introduction 11 Viviane Namaste Undoing Theory: The "Transgender Question" and the Epistemic Violence of Anglo-American Feminist Theory 33 Krista Scott-Dixon Public Health, Private Parts: A Feminist Public-Health Approach to Trans Issues 56 Alexis Shotwell and Trevor Sangrey Resisting Definition: Gendering through Interaction and Relational Self/wod 77 C. Riley Snorton "A New Hope": The Psychic Life of Passing 93 Miqqi Alicia Gilbert Defeating Bigenderism: Changing Gender Assumptions in the Twenty-first Century 113 Paisley Currah and Lisa Jean Moore "We Won't Know Who You Are": Contesting Sex Designations in New York City Birth Certificates 136 Riki Lane Trans as Bodily Becoming: Rethinking the Biological as Diversity, Not Dichotomy 158 Roshanak Kheshti Cross-Dressing and Gender (Tres)Passing: The Transgender Move as a Site of Agential Potential in the New Iranian Cinema 178 Cathryn Bailey Embracing the Icon: The Feminist Potential of the Trans Bodhisattva, Kuan Yin

Book Reviews 197 Nancy Arden McHugh In-Between Bodies: Sexual Difference, Race, and Sexuality by Mary Bloods­ worth-Lugo 200 Vek Lewis Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serano 205 Jana Sawicki Queering Freedom by Shannon Winnubst

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 68 (HYPATIA, v.24, no.3, Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

Musings 211 Martha C. Nussbaum Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach and Its Implemen­ tation 216 Notes on Contributors

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 69 Title: INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.11, no.3, September 2009 Interna tional Feminist Journal of Politics

VOLUME 11 2009 NUMBER 3 September 2009


Celebrating Twenty Years of British Gender and IR: Crafting the Future- Present- Past Setting the Scene Marysia Zalewski 305 The Art of Crafting the Future- Present- Past Marysia Zalewski with Alex Brew, Merlyn Riggs, Claudia Clare and Charlie Hackett 310 Feminism, Art and Politics: Fragments of the Same? Helen M. Kinsella 323 Say What? Claudia Clare 326 Notes for 'Celebrating Twenty Years' Special Section 328 References for 'Celebrating Twenty Years' Special Section 332

ARTICLES Who's Afraid ofThird Wave Feminism? On the Uses of the 'Third Wave' in British Feminist Politics Jonathan Dean 334 A Gendered Analysis of the Crisis ofSocial Reproduction in Contemporary South Africa Khayaat Fakier and Jacklyn Cock 353 Morality and Patriarchal White Sovereignty: Three Stories of Gang Rape in Australia Barbara Baird 372 Traditions and Transitions: Perceptions of 'Good Womanhood' among Twenty Bosnian Focus Group Participants Inger Skjelsbcek 392

CONVERSATIONS Aftermath: Feminism and the Militarization ofWomen's Lives A Dialogue with Cynthia Enloe and Eli PaintedCrow Setsu Shigematsu 414

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 70 (INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS, v.11, no.3, September 2009, page 2 of 2)

Ruptures of Dialogue Daphne Trimikliniotis Mavrovouniotis 429

BOOK REVIEWS Review Essay: Intelligibility, Materiality, Politics: Recent Work on Judith Butler Samuel A. Chambers and Terrell Carver, Judith Butler and Political Theory: Troubling Politics; Gill Jagger, Judith Butler: Sexual Politics, Social Change and the Power ofthe Performative; Moya Lloyd, Judith Butler: From Norms to Politics Alison Stone 433 Laura J. Shepherd, Gender, Violence and Security: Discourse as Practice Anthony Burke 442 Jasbir K. Puar, Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times Gilbert Caluya 444 Mary E. Hawkesworth, Globalization and Feminist Activism Bina D'Costa 445 Ruth Reitan, Global Activism Marjon Kamrani 447 Melissa Hope Ditmore (ed.), Encylopedia ofProstitution and Sex Work Maria-Belen Ordonez 449

Shirin M. Rai and Georgina Waylen (eds), Global Governance: Feminist Perspectives Thomas Wanner 451 Notes on Contributors 455

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 71 Title: JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES Issue: v.18, no.3, September 2009

JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES Volume 18 Number 3 September 2009


Research articles Male early childhood teachers negotiate classroom dilemma: class, family, community and culture in models for moral reasoning Gay Wilgus 215 Side-splitting masculinity: comedy, Mr Bean and the representation of masculinities in contemporary society Patricia Neville 231 Morality, legality and gender violence in Angel Laura J. Shepherd 245 Elements of the Eden myth in A.L. Kennedy's 'Original bliss' Tudor Balinisteanu 261 Intersex individuals' religiosity and their journey to wellbeing Stephen Kerry 277 Forum Gender-violence and education in Malawi: a study of violence against girls as an obstruction to universal primary school education Thomas Bisika, Pierson Ntata and Sidon Konyani 287

Illustration 295 Book reviews Violence and gender in the globalized world: the intimate and the extimate (Sanja Bahun-Radunovic and V.G. Julie Rajan, eds) Reviewed by Colette Harris 297

Twentieth-century women's writing in Wales: land, gender, belonging (Katie Gramich) Reviewed by Bethan Jones 298

Gendered innovations in science and engineering (Londa Schiebinger, ed.) Reviewed by Mary O'Neill 300

The changing face ofmedicine: women doctors and the evolution ofhealth care in America (Ann K. Boulis and Jerry A. Jacobs) Reviewed by Elianne Riska 302

Everyday masculinities and extreme sport: male identity and rock climbing (Victoria Robinson) Reviewed by Peter Donnelly 303

Transnational women 's fiction: unsettling home and homeland (Susan Strehle) Reviewed by Karen Devlin 305

Jeanette Winterson: new British fiction (Sonya Andermahr) Reviewed by Katharine Cox 307

Reconstructing woman: from fiction to reality in the nineteenth-century French novel (Dorothy Kelly) Reviewed by Sara James 309

Sex, violence and the body: the erotics ofwounding (Viv Burr and Jeff Hearn, eds) Reviewed by Alison Peirse 311 Rethinking equality projects in law: feminist challenges (Rosemary Hunter, ed.) Reviewed by Tony Ward 312

Books received 315

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 72 Title: JOURNAL OF LESBIAN STUDIES Issue: v.13, no.3, July–September 2009 JOURNAL OF LESBIAN STUDIES

Volume 13, Number 3, 2009

Special Issue: InIVisibleIn/Visible Bodies: Lesbian Sexualities and Sporting Spaces Guest Editors: Katherine M. Jamieson and Leila E. Villaverde Contents

InNisible Bodies: Lesbian Sexualities and Sporting Spaces: Introduction 231 Katherine M. jamieson and Leila E. Villaverde The qBody Project: From Lesbians in Physical Education to Queer Bodies In/Out of School 238 Heather Sykes

Girlfight and Bend it Like Beckham: Screening Women, Sport, and Sexuality 255 jayne Caudwell Homonormativity and the Politics of Race: Reading Sheryl Swoopes 272 Samantha King "Family-Friendly" without the Double Entendre: A Spatial Analysis of Normative Game Spaces and Lesbian Fans 291 Tiffany K. Muller Myrdahl Queering Lesbian Sexualities in Collegiate Sporting Spaces 306 Kerrie j. Kauer The 2002 Sydney Gay Games: Re-Presenting "Lesbian" Identities through Sporting Space 319 Karen Lambert Lesbian Erotics at Women's Hockey: Fans, Flashing, and the Booby Orrs 337 judy Davidson

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 73 Title: JOURNAL OF WOMEN & AGING Issue: v.21, no.3, July–September 2009

Volume 21, Number3, 2009 Journal ofWomen & Aging


157 From the Editor ]. Dianne Garner


159 Sex Differences in Biomechanics Associated with Knee Osteoarthritis Ershela 1. Sims, julie M. Carland, Francis]. Keefe, Virginia B. Kraus, Farshid GUilak, and Daniel Schmitt 171 The Raging Grannies: Defying Stereotypes and Embracing Aging Through Activism Dana Sawchuk 186 Older Women and Cosmetic Tattooing Experiences Myrna 1. Armstrong, jana C. Saunders, and Alden E. Roberls 198 From 'The Thing to Do' to 'Defying the Ravages of Age': Older Women Reflect on the Use of Lipstick Laura Hurd Clarke and Andrea Bundon 213 Korean Older Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in North America: Cultural Considerations and Practice Recommendations Woochan S. Shim and Holly Nelson-Becker 229 Eldercare in a Filipino Community: Older Women's Attitudes Toward Caregiving and Service Use jenniferKimura and Colette V. Browne Book Reviews 244 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging: Research and Clinical Perspectives edited by Douglas Kimmel, Tara Rose, and Steven David Reviewed by Lee Ann Mjelde-Mossey 246 Parenting the Custodial Grandchild: Implicationsfor Clinical Practice edited by Bert Hayslip Jr. and Patricia Kaminski Reviewed by Royda Crose

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 74 Title: JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Issue: v.15, no.1, 2009


VOLUME 15 NO.1 2009


A Closer Examination of Barriers to Participation in Informal Science 1 Education for Latinos and Caucasians Brett L. Bruyere, Ethan D. Billingsley, and Lori O'Day

Enhancing the Number of Mrican-Americans Who Pursue Stem Ph.D.s: 15 Meyerhoff Scholarship Program Outcomes, Processes, and Individual Predictors Kenneth 1. Maton, Mariano R. Sto Domingo, Kathleen E. Stolle-McAllister, J. Lynn Zimmerman, and Freeman A. Hrabowski, III

Bridging the Digital Divide: Computing in Tribal Colleges and 39 Universities Roli Varma

The Emergence of Gendered Participation Styles in Science-Related 53 Discussions: Implications for Women's Place in Science Ramona Gunter

Undergraduate Institutions That Foster Women and Minority Scientists 77 Frances K. Stage & Steven Hubbard

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 75 Title: JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HISTORY (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.21, no.2, Summer 2009


Editors' Note / 7 Leslie Madsen-Brooks Challenging Science as Usual: Women's Participation in American Natural History Museum Work, 1870-1950/ 11 Elisabeth McMahon and Corrie Decker Wives or Workers? Negotiating the Social Contract between Female Teachers and the Colonial State in Zanzibar / 39 Elaine Carey "Selling is more of a habit than using": Narcotraficante Lola la Chata and Her Threat to Civilization, 1930-1960/62 Kate Dossett "I try to live somewhat in keeping with my reputation as a wealthy woman": A'Lelia Walker and the Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company / 90 Jessamyn Neuhaus "Is it ridiculous for me to say I want to write?" Domestic Humor and Redefining the 1950s Housewife Writer in Fan Mail to Shirley Jackson / 115

BOOK REVIEWS Adele Perry Gendet' Goes Global: The Writing of Transnational Histories / 138 Katherine Ellinghaus, Taking Assimilation to Heart: Marriages ofWhite Women and Indig­ enous Men in the United States and Australia, 1887-1937; Dorothy Ko, Cinderella's Sisters: A Revisionist History ofFootbinding; Patty O'Brien, The Pacific Muse: Exotic Femininity and the Colonial Pacific; Susan Scott Parrish, American Curiosity: Cultures ofNatural History in the Colonial British Atlantic World; Steven Pierce and Anupama Rao, eds., Discipline and the Other Body: Correction, Corporeality, Colonialism; Ann Laura Stoler, ed., Haunted by Empire: Geographies ofIntimacy in North American History. Laura Gowing Sexual Discourses in the Premodern World / 146 Marilynn Desmond, Ovid's Art and the Wife ofBath: The Ethics ofErotic Violence; Ruth Mazo Karras, Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others; Kathleen P. Long, Her­ maphrodites in Renaissance Europe; Katharine Park, Secrets ofWomen: Gender, Generation, and the Origins ofHuman Dissection; Dror Ze'evi, Producing Desire: Changing Sexual Discourse in the Ottoman Middle East, 1500-1900. Joan E. Cashin South, North, and Soviet: Gender and Region in Nineteenth-Century America / 153 Carolyn Earle Billingsley, Communities ofKinship: Antebellum Families and the Settle­ ment ofthe Cotton Frontier; Tina Stewart Brakebill, "Circumstances are destiny": An An­ tebellum Woman's Struggle to Define Sphere; Anya Jabour, Scarlett's Sisters: Young Women in the Old South; Cynthia M. Kennedy, Braided Relations, Entwined Lives: The Women of Charleston's Urban Slave Society; Beth A. Salerno, Sister Societies: Women's Antislavery Organizations in Antebellum America; Carol Wilson, The Two Lives ofSally Miller: A Case ofMistaken Racial Identity in Antebellum New Orleans; Kirsten E. Wood, Masterful Women: Slaveholding Widows from the American Revolution through the Civil War.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 76 (JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HISTORY, v.21, no.2, Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

Durba Ghosh Women Writing History: Looking Backward and Forward / 162 Kathleen Canning, Gender History in Practice: Historical Perspectives on Bodies, Class, and Citizenship; Kate Davies, Catharine Macaulay and Mercy Otis Warren: The Revolu­ tionary Atlantic and the Politics ofGender; Julie des Jardins, Women and the Historical Enterprise in America: Gender, Race, and the Politics ofMemory, 1880-1945; Devoney Looser, British Women Writers and the Writing ofHistory, 1670-1820; Bonnie G. Smith, ed., Women's History in Global Perspective, 3 vols.; Reginald Zelnik, Perils ofPankratova: Some Stories from the Annals of Soviet Historiography. Kathleen Weiler The History of Women's Education and the Construction of the Modern Subject / 177 Paul J. Bailey; Gender and Education in China: Gender Discourses and Women's Schooling in the Early Twentieth Century; Mary Kelley, Learning to Stand and Speak: Women, Educa­ tion, and Public Life in America's Republic; Nita Kumar, The Politics ofGender, CfJmmu­ nity, and Modernity: Essays on Education in India; Rebecca Rogers, From the Salon to the Schoolroom: Educating Bourgeois Girls in Nineteenth-Century France.




Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 77 Title: LILITH: INDEPENDENT, JEWISH & FRANKLY FEMINIST Issue: v.34, no.2, Summer 2009

InIn thetheGarden ofofEden,Eden, longlong beforebeforethetheeatingeatingofofthetheapple,apple, thethe Holy OneOnecreatedcreatedthethefirstfirsthumanhuman beingsbeings-a-aman,man,Adam,Adam, andandaawoman, Lilith.Lilith. LilithLilithsaid,said,"We"Weareareequalequalbecausebecausewewe arearecreatedfromcreatedfrom thethesamesameearth."earth." AlphabetAlphabetofofBenBen Slra,Slra,23a-b23a-b

11 InInTreatment by Elaine Showalter What did you miss when you were gluedglued totothethe TV watching twotwo seasons ofaa male shrinkshrinkandand hishis challenging patients? Showalter gives youyou aagendergender lens throughthroughwhich totoview thisthis hit HBO series.series.

16 Stories of Race and Reconciliation 3 From the Editor 16 1862: Ina MississippiTavern by Susan Weidman Schneider by Dara Horn Listen in on how this issue was shaped, thenjoin the conversation online. 1919:Atthe Connecticut Shore byJane Lazzare 4 Voices:Jewish Women Speak Out What makeup gives you' biblical 24 Feminist Funerals women's stories, fiddled' the byAmyStone firstfirst black. female rabbi' Molly Understanding the existential power ofthese Goldberg, now on fIlm • ultimate rituals, visionary women are now taking Lilith throwsthrows a party·Justice control, engaging with traditional practices while Rosalie Abella and Ruth creating new ways to mark this finallifecycle Messsinger-women toto be event. Baby namings for girls, egalitarian weddings reckonedreckoned with, and more and divorces-these you know. But what makes 14 Winning Poetry a good funeral? And why does it matter how you memorialize a woman? Rabbis, funeral directors The winners ofthisthis year's memorialize a woman? Rabbis, funeral directors and feminist icons weigh in on how to revise this NewbergerNewbergerPoetryPoetryContest: Claudia and feminist icons weigh in on how to revise this Reder,Reder,Qna Gritz, Emily Schneider ceremonial passage. 3636 ReviewsReviews 32 My Father's Reckless Abandonment SaraSaraMeirowitzMeirowitzdissectsdissectsJoannaJoanna by Yona Zeldis McDonough SmithSmithRackoff·JohannaJohannaReiss on Incommunicado for decades, herwriter dad herherhusband'shusband'ssuicide,suicide,reviewedreviewed surfacessurfaces inin a death notice. What fleeing bybyDianeDianeCole·Cole·reallyreallygoodgood newnew his firstfirst familyfamily did toto thethe daughter he poetry'poetry'novelsnovels withwiththetheHolocaustHolocaust leftleft behind. looming·looming·IsraelIsraelthroughthroughitsitswriters ••LoriLoriLefk.ovitzLefk.ovitzononAvivahAvivah GottliebGottlieb Zomberg,Zomberg,andandmoremore 4646 HappeningHappening compiledcompiledbybyNaomiNaomiDanisDanis Going.Going.Doing.Doing.IndispensableIndispensableresources.resources. 4848 BackPageBackPage bybyJaniceJanice EidusEidus GringaGringaGuiltGuiltandandHouseworkHousework

Cover:Cover:UntitledUntitledbybyAugustinAugustinEdouart,Edouart,1844.1844.CourtesyCourtesy ofofthetheAmericanAmericanJewishJewishHistoricalHistoricalSociety.Society.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 78 Title: MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN Issue: v.37, no.3, Summer 2009

MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN Covering all the issues concerning women and media

Volume 37, Number 3 Summer 2009

NOW Launches Expanded Media "Hall of Shame" 3 IIIII ;:.11111 Journalism and Women Symposium Marks 25th Anniversary 4 ThIS Research in Depth: TV Anchors and Gendered Personal Appearance 6 Research in Depth: Gender Images in Japanese Fashion Magazines 12 Issue I Ih~. Contemplating the Celluloid Ceiling 24 II ,1111

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 79 Title: MERIDIANS: FEMINISM, RACE, TRANSNATIONALISM Issue: v.9, no.2, 2009 Meridians feminism, race, transnationalism


Cover Art: Remote Woman- Roxanne Swentzell "I'm Getting That Far Away Feeling Again"

v Editor's Introduction Paula J. Giddings

I ESSAY: '''A Real Feminine Journey': Nancy Marie Mithlo Locating Indigenous Feminisms in the Arts"

31 ESSAY: "Never Innocent: Erica R. Meiners FeministTrouble with Sex Offender Registries and Protection in a Prison Nation"

63 POETRY: " White," Tara Betts "Zora Neale Hurston," and "Marian Anderson's Voice Carries"

66 ESSAY: "Chinese Women Protesting Lu Zhang Domestic Violence: The Beijing Conference, International Donor Agencies, and the Making ofa Chinese Women's NGO"

100 POETRY: "Two. Because Poems Are" Veronica Golas

102 ESSAY: "Legal Frankensteins Sharmila Ladhia and Monstrous Women: Judicial Narratives ofthe 'Family in Crisis'"

13° ESSAY: "Floating on Silent Waters: Shahnaz Khan Religion, Nationalism, and Dislocated Women in Khamash Pani"

153 About the Contributors

ISS Guidelines for Contributors

157 Acknowledgments

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 80 Title: MIDWIFERY TODAY Issue: no.90, Summer 2009

"A1idwifery CONTENTS Issue90,Summer2009 ~!2Q.9y

DEPARTMENTS Midwifery Today 4 Poetry 5 From the Editor The Cut, page 49 The Littlest Midwife, page 54 6 Networking Midwifery Today 7 Tricks of the Trade 9 Creating the Space for Healing: Antepartum Care in Women with 8 Marion's Message Trauma History-Maryl Smith 58 Media Reviews 13 Modifying Medical Procedure for the Trauma Survivor-Maryl Smith 60 News 70 Classified Advertising 14 Midwifery Is Not a Luxury-Lydia Bertrand 70 Calendar 16 Child Is Father to the Man: A Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse 73 Photo Album Speaks Out-Derek Lainsbury 18 The Birth of Anisa: Transforming Sorrow into Light through Love and International Midwife Informed Decisions-Ana Paula Markel 47 Cards & Letters 19 Early Trauma, Its Potential Impact on the Childbearing Woman, and the Role of the Midwife-Penny Simkin 22 "Hello, Baby!" Doesn't Mean "Goodbye, Kitty": How Cat Guardians Can Have a Safe and Healthy Pregnancy-Samuel L. Jacobs 23 Jana Borino-A Tribute 24 Shivers, Section and Standard Procedure-Leonora Ballantyne Harrison 26 Candida versus Breastfeeding-Which Is Winning?-PJ Jacobsen 28 Birth as Healing-Joanna Wilder 30 Arnica and Aconite-Homeopathic Newborn Care-Piper Martin 31 In MyOpinion: Birth as a Vehicle for Healing-Kate Prendergast 32 Survivor Moms: Multiple Trauma Exposures and the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Mickey Sperlich 35 The Care and Keeping of Placentas-Jody Selander Michele Anderson ofPinkie Toes Photography 36 Solace for Mothers-Sharon Storton is a liftstyle photographer in Austin, Texas, 39 The Conscious Choice to Culturally Reframe Birth-Colleen Bak wheresheprovides boldandoriginalportraits forfamilies: maternity, birth, newborn, children 42 Memorandum and Advice from an Abuse Survivor-Jasmine Rae Ojala andseniors. Viewhergalleriesandlatestworks 44 Learning to Be a Midwife-Judy Slome Cohain at www.pinkletoes.com. International Midwife 49 The Cut-Linda May Kallestein 53 A Special Homebirth in India-Lina Duncan 54 The Littlest Midwife-Sudy Storm 56 The Midwife I Want to Be-Lorna Dooley, UK Essay Contest Winner 57 The Midwife I Want to Be-Emma Brown, UK Essay Contest Runner-up

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 81 Title: MS. MAGAZINE (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.19, no.3, Summer 2009


"I see a society that respects the integrity of its citizens to struggle with complex health issues and make decisions that 3: a: are appropriate for them and o z .( their personal lives."lives:

2a: -DR. GEORGE TILLER Blogger Veronica Arreola brings feminist mothering to cyberspace. A a: < g o :J: ..o. o... § "~ :!~ UP FRONT FEATURES i o i~ w 6 LETTERS 26 Cyberhood Is Powerful 34 A Man Who "'~ 10 KEEPING SCORE ffi BY KARA JESELLA Trusted Women :J: o The 11tIlternai11tIIternai impulse turns BY MICHELE KORT ,.< I­ political when you mix moms, Dr. George TiJier, murdered ::>::> :I::J: NEWS feminism and the bJogosphere. by an anti-abortion extremist, "'w i" NATIONAL leaves a legacy ofcourage, tenacity ; 12 What a Difference a Latina Makes; 30 Baghdad Underground and an abiding dedication to ;: Held in Purgatory; Marriage BY ANNA BADKHEN women's rights. ffi Equality Gains Steam; Baker's A "railroad" ofsorts helps Iraqi ii: III.. Pride; Blue Streak; Short Takes; women escape servitude, abuse and ,. CaJendor even death. ";: z oz ~ GLOBAL II:a: l­ ll)V> 20 Stones Can't Stop Them; Education ~ Equals Power; SeD One Child to ill Feed Another?; Branded Women; o> o Short Takes

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 82 (MS. MAGAZINE, v.19, no.3, Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

'"' At risk of abuse or death, Iraqi women find shelter in "underground" Baghdad.


REMEMBRANCE 43 BOOK REVIEWS 40 A Women's Room of Her Own Nisi ShawlShtrWl (1flun Margaret Atwood's The The ftunder ofthe Feminist Press Year ofthe Flood; Sal RenshtrWRenshaw (1flun M. V. remembers herfriend, renuwnedrenO'UJ7led Lee Badgett's When Gay People Get feminist writer and scholar Marilyn Married: What Happens When Societies French,Fremh, who died May 2 at age 79. Legalize Same-Sex Marriage; Angela BY FLORENCE HOWE BuwenBowen (1flun R.utWJph P. Byrd, Johnnetta BetschBasch Cole and Beverly Guy-Shefta/J'sGuy-Sheftll/J's I Am Your MONEY Sister: Collected and Unpublished 42 Who Needs Money? Writings ofAudre Lorde ... Cover inspiration: You've Got Credit! Ms., Spring 1972 A new federal Jaw hopes to end 44 BOOKMARKS abusive credit card practices by Great reads for summer 2009 banles-and perhaps help women wake up to the high cost ofplastic. BACKTALK BY MARTHA BURK 47 No More Penny Pinching It's high time to close the wage gap between women and men-and CungressC(1flgress can help do it. BY DONNA BRAZILE


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 83 Title: NIKK MAGASIN Issue: no.2, 2009

• magasln 2.2009

8 "My car needs diesel and I need food" It's not only that meat fills your stomach. It also makes you a man­ and an environmental sinner. 12 What's driving you? Men are more likely than women to drive a car, and women are more likely than men to use public transport. But will women take over the masculine mobility pattern? Or is it possible to encourage both men and women to use public transport? 8 "I think it is important 15 Column: Gender equality - a top priority to convey that summer Danish Ministers Inger St0jberg and Ulla T0rn

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 84 Title: NORA: NORDIC JOURNAL OF FEMINIST AND GENDER RESEARCH Issue: v.17, no.3, 2009

NOQANordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research


Introduction: Sex & Politics-Case Africa Elina Oinas and Signe Arnfred 1~9

Articles Sexuality as Constitutive of Whiteness in South Africa Kopano Ratele 158

"In Our Culture"-How Debates about Zimbabwe's Domestic Violence Law Became a "Culture Struggle" Lene Bull Christiansen 175

"It's a Silent Trade": Female Same-Sex Intimacies in Post-Colonial Ghana Serena Owusua Dankwa 192

"What's Identity Got To Do With It?" Rethinking Intimacy and Homosociality in Contemporary South Africa Henriette Gunkel 206

Essay The Jacob Zuma Rape Trial: Power and African National Congress (AN C) Masculinities Raymond Suttner 222

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 85 Title: N.PARADOXA: INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST ART JOURNAL (PRINT EDITION) Issue: no.24, July 2009

n. p a o x l' tt a j 0 1.1 r n a 1

Volume 24, July 2009

Material Histories

Red Chidgey, Rosa Reitsamer and Elke Zobl 'Ladyfest: material histories of everyday feminist art production' Lisa E. Bloom 'Tableaux Vivants, Dying Empires: Eleanor Antin’s The Last Days of Pompeii,Roman Allegories and Helen’s Odyssey REBELLE:Kunst & Feminisme, 1969-2009: Katy Deepwell interviews Mirjam Westen Anna Lena Lindberg 'Affirmative Action: Experiences of ‘Implementing a Critical Gender Perspective in /Visual Culture’' Val Phoenix re.act.feminism Marian Evans We Are Unsuitable for Framing, Te Papa, New Zealand Olivia Nitis 'Material Histories: Feminism and feminist art in post-revolutionary Romania' Joanna S. Walker 'An Encounter with Nancy Spero' Pamela Allara 'Susan Woolf: Taxi Driver Signs in South Africa' Charlotte Lindenberg 'Barbara T. Smith Revisited' Views of 53rd Biennale and In the Light of Play Durban Art Gallery Artist’s Pages Gisela Weimann La Notte Blu

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 86 Title: PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S STUDIES: ALAM-E-NISWAN Issue: v.16, nos.1–2, 2009

Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies: Alam..e..Niswan ISSN: 1024.. 1256


Volume 16, Numbers 1&2 2009

Kathryn Farr Armed Conflict, War Rape, and the Commercial 1 Trade in Women and Children Labour Vidyamali Samarasinghe "Two To Tango" Probing the Demand Side of 33 Female Sex Trafficking Rukhsana Gazi, Risk Behaviour Network and Vulnerability to HIV 55 Shamima Parveen & Infection ofMigrant Female Sex Workers in Teknaf, Humayun Kabir Bangladesh Phillippa Kaufmann & Legal Response to Women as Victims ofTrafficking: 71 Sarah Hemingway A European Perspective Raffaella Di Chio The International Protect~on ofVictims of 99 Trafficking in Human Beings and the Geneva Convention relating to The Status ofRefugees Govind Subedi Trafficking in Girls and Women in Nepal for 121 Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Emerging Concerns and Gaps Christiana E.E Okojie International Trafficking ofWomen for the Purpose 147 ofSexual Exploitation and Prostitution the Nigerian Case Maggie Black Women in Ritual Slavery: Devadasi Jogini And 179 Mathamma in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Southern India Susanne Asman The Moral Order and Worries about Trafficking in 207 Nepal Christiana Ejura Attah Criminal Justice and Rape ofMinors as Crime 213 Against Innocents Chandra Bhadra Working Beyond Borders: Push of Poverty on 225 Migrant Women in Nepal Sigma Huda ProstiUltion: A Profitable Form ofTrafficking and 235 the Mechanisms to Counter it Shehla Aftab Khan Views & News 255

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 87 Title: PERSIMMON TREE: AN ONLINE LITERARY MAGAZINE BY WOMEN OVER SIXTY Issue: Summer 2009

Summer 2009

Fiction The Man in the Mink Hat Gilda Haber

The Armoire Kathryn Shaver Nonfiction Turning Sixty Vivian Gornick

Tiptoeing Toward Seventy Sandra Butler

Pushing Eighty-Still Pushing Books Dorothy Bryant

Reaching Ninety Roussel Sargent

On Approaching My Hundreth Year Katherine Bradway Poetry Poems Diana O'Hehir Art Women's Work Is Never Done Yolanda López

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 88 Title: POLITICS & GENDER Issue: v.5, no.3, September 2009

Politics 6 Gender

Volume 5 I Number 3 I September 2009

ARTICLES The Role of Gender Stereotypes in U.S. Senate Campaigns Kim L. Fridkin and Patrick J. Kenney 301 International Initiative and Domestic Reforms: European Union Efforts to Combat Violence against Women Celeste Montoya 325 Re(gion)alizing Women's Human Rights in Latin America Elisabeth Jay Friedman 349 "Whatever the Party Asks of Me": Women's Political Representation in Chile's Union Democrata Independiente Magda Hinojosa 377

CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON GENDER AND POLITICS Feminism and Quantitative Methods in International Relations "Feminist Methods in International Relations" Brooke Ackerly 409 The Numbers Do(n't) Always Add Up: Dilemmas in Using Quantitative Research Methods in Feminist IR Scholarship Laura Parisi 410 Overcoming Obstacles in Quantitative Feminist Research Clair Apodaca 419 Making Choices Mary Caprioli 426 Why a Feminist Theorist Studies Methods Brooke Ackerly 431

BOOK REVIEWS Gender, Race, and Nationalism in Contemporary Black Politics by Nikol Alexander-Floyd Reviewed by James Taylor 437 Mothers, Monsters, Whores: Women's Violence in Global Politics by Laura Sjoberg and Caron E. Gentry Reviewed by Anne Sisson Runyan 441 Multiculturalism Without Culture by Anne Phillips Reviewed by Suzanne Dovi 443 Gender, Politics and Democracy in Post-Socialist Europe by Yvonne Galligan, Sara Clavero, and Marina Calloni Reviewed by G. Claire Haeg 446


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 89 Title: RAIN AND THUNDER: A RADICAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF DISCUSSION AND ACTIVISM Issue: no.43, Summer Solstice 2009

"So it is better to speak How Remembering We We were never meant to survive" Survive

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 90 Title: ROOM: A SPACE OF YOUR OWN Issue: v.32, no.2, 2009


EDITOR'S LETTER ~L1SABETH VONARBURG ART The Museum of Impermanence 76 FIONA LEHN Le Musee de I'impermanence 77 TANIA ALEXIS CLARKE Speculations 5 In My Living Room 4 MICHAELA ROESSNER Dusk Crawler n. The Fisherman's Wife 90 THE FRONTROOM KRISTI MALAKOFF Reader Letters 7 CANDAS JANE DORSEY The Case of the Phantom First Contact 96 Schooners (detail) 40

INTERVIEW STEPHANIE AITKEN POETRY Oberland 15 FIONA LEHN Fantasy and Piety: An Interview DAWN DOUCET with Ursula K. Le Guin 8 Industrial Kitchen 37 ROOMMATE MARY E. CHOO Meet one Room reader 100 FICTION The Malcontents 38 From the Hidden Texts of Lucy Maud 41 FRANCES BOYLE The Hill Witch 73 EverPoppy 16 REVIEWS KIMMY BEACH MAUREEN EGAN FIONA LEHN Miss Moneypenny Pleads the Fifth 25 Space and Time, Continued 44 The Engine's Child 101 PATRICIA MONAGHAN KIRYA MARCHAND Lillian the Legend 102 Marjory's Garden 27 the tell-tale heart 64 BRONWEN WELCH AYELET TSABARI KELLY NORAH DRUKKER Finding Creatures and Other Stories 103 Fairy Shoes 35 Niamh 69

METTE BACH CAROLYN CLINK Cabin Fever 42 Sibling Rivalry 71 Says the Hostess to Her Guests 43 ROOM RECOMMENDS ERYN HISCOCK Editors share their favourites 104 ANDREA JOHNSTON Petra the Black Swan in Love Sending Alice to the Moon 45 74

C. JUNE WOLF CONTRIBUTORS 1l!i Dreamcatcher 53 CREATIVE NON-FICTION THE BACKROOM CHRIS RAVES LISA GILL Lost Side of a Pair 65 1981 speculative retrospective 112 Torrent 84

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 91 Title: SAGEWOMAN (page 1 of 2) Issue: no.76, Summer 2009


FEATURES 6 DANCING WITH THE SEASONS Leni Hester The Wheel ofthe Year is the prime mover in our Earth's magick, the force that manifests itselfin abundant, diverse life. 12 SONORAN SEASONS Shawn Finn The dance ofthe seasons in the Sonoran Desert does not inte­ grate easily with the high latitude symbol system I inherited.

17 A GOOD HARVEST EllaAndrews In the two years since that long; slow winter, I progressed from hobbling to walking, to digging, and planting again. Before I could offer hope for the planet, I needed rebuild hope for mysel£

20 IN SEARCH OF OUR LADY OF INSECTS Nolina Bryant I try to keep my vision ofParadise strong as I face the chal­ lenges ofliving this close to the land, seasons, and weather.

25 HONOR YOUR OWN WHEEL: CELEBRATING LOCAL HOLIDAYS Tchipakkan We resonate to the rhythms ofthis land. We know its cycles: that no matter how hot it is in summer, it will be biting cold come winter; ifit's pouring today, someday soon there will be a time when it's so dry that we have to carry water to the garden.


Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 92 (SAGEWOMAN, no.76, Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

Cover art: Wheel ofthe Year byJoanna Powell Colbert. See more of her work at www.gaiantarot.com


COLUMNS DEPARTMENTS 4 Living the Dream 73 A Circle is Cast Anne Newkirk Niven 77 Leaves ofSage One ofTen Thousand: 32 Tools for Transformation Gaia: the Endless Round 83 Diana L. Paxson 87 The Rattle 41 Herbal Adventures 93 Women at the Well Susun Weed 94 Weaving the Web The Wild Maiden 45 6 A Pinch ofSage Kiva Rose 9 49 Peaceful Mom POETRY Ayla Serenemoon II Notes Towards the One 53 Qgeening Through Barbara Ardinger 16 The Goddess Wheel 57 Crone Eyes, Crone Heart 19 Dream ofa Swedish Summer Ann Kreilkamp 24 Corn Moon Seasons ofChange 61 Holiday Triolets Bee Smith 39 65 Sacred Self Care Vtllzora Spriggs 67 Sweet Medicine Stories Loba 69 Generation Z ZBudapest

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 93 Title: SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Issue: v.60, nos.11–12, June 2009 Sex Roles: A Journal of Research Volume 60 . Numbers 11/12 . June 2009

ORIGINAL ARTICLES Neither Resilience nor Decline: The Complexity of Modern Marriage Ambivalent Sexism and Power-Related Gender-role Alone Together: How Marriage in America is Changing Ideology in Marriage Paul R. Amato, Alan Booth, David R. Johnson, and Stacy J. Rogers Z. Chen' S.T. Fiske' T.L. Lee 765 Reviewed by W. Goodfriend 902 A Situational of Sexual Assault Prevention A Social Psychological Perspective on Gender Relations: It's through Bystander Intervention a Love/Hate Relationship S.M. Bum 779 The Social Psychology ofGender: How Power andIntimacy Shape Risky Situation or Harmless Fun? A Qualitative Examination Gender Relations of College Women's Bad Hook-up and Rape Scripts Laurie A. Rudman and Peter Glick H. Littleton' H. Tabemik . E.J. Canales' T. Backstrom 793 Reviewed by M. Ciccocioppo 904 College Students' Perceptions of Peers' Disclosures Stigma and the Power of Socially Constructed Beliefs of Histories of Child Sexual Abuse Divorced without Children: Solution Focused Therapy with Women S.L. Harter' G.w. Harter' B.A. Atkinson' L.L. Reynolds 805 at Midlife Debra D. Castaldo Division of Household Labor and Distress: The Role of Perceived Fairness for Employed Mothers Reviewed by M. Coleman 907 S.T. Claffey' K.D. Mickelson 819 Sins of the Fathers Perversion ofPower: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church The Feminist Identity Development Model: Relevant for Young Women Today? Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea M.J. Erchull . M. Liss . K.A Wilson' L. Bateman' Reviewed by L. Lothstein 910 A Peterson' C.E. Sanchez 832 Tactics and Identity Politics: Understanding Socially Conservative and Economically Conservative Political Distrust and Gendered Attitudes: The Japanese Women's Political Organizations State and Women Righting Feminism: Conservative Women & American Politics K. Fuse' N. Hanada 843 Ronnee Schreiber Gender, Race and Morality in the Virtual World and Its Reviewed by L.E. Duncan 912 Relationship to Morality in the Real World L.A Jackson' Y. Zhao' E.A. Witt· H.E. Fitzgerald' ACKNOWLEDGMENT A von Eye 859 Acknowledgement 915 Accessibility of Gender Stereotype Domains: Developmental and Gender Differences in Children e.P. Miller' L.E. Lurye . K.M. Zosuls . D.N. Ruble 870 Gender and Form of Cereal Box Characters: Different Medium, Same Disparity K.A. Black, J.A Marola . AI. Littman' J.e. Chrisler . w.P. Neace 882 The Relevance of People Versus Objects in Explaining Females' Advantage over Males in Appearance Accuracy T.G. Horgan' M.P. McGrath' lA Long 890

BOOK REVIEWS Emergent Methods in Gender Research Handbook ofEmergent Methods Edited by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber and Patricia Leavy Reviewed by J.e. Chrisler 900

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 94 Title: SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Issue: v.61, nos.1–2, July 2009

Sex Roles: A Journal of Research Volume 61 . Numbers 1/2 . July 2009

ORIGINAL ARTICLES The Causes ofRape: Antisociality and Reproductive Strategies The Causes ofRape: Understanding Differences in Male Gaming, Gender, and Time: Who Makes Time to Play? Propensity for Sexual Aggression J. Winn . C. Heeter 1 Edited by Martin L. Lalumiere, Grant T. Harris, Vernon L. Quinsey, Internet Daters' Body Type Preferences: Race-Ethnic and Mamie E. Rice and Gender Differences Reviewed by G. Cowan 136 e.L. Glasser' B. Robnett· e. Feliciano 14 A Mating Game is a Relationship Game Gender Differences in Fat Talk Among American Adults: The Mating Game: A Primer on Love, Sex and Marriage Results from the Psychology of Size Survey Pamela C. Regan D.M. Martz· A.B. Petroff· L. Curtin' D.G. Bazzini 34 Reviewed by C. Hendrick 140 Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Among Early The Neglect of Social Class: Why Should We Care? Adolescents From Korea and the US What Should We Do? J. Jung . G.B. Forbes' Y-j. Lee 42 Psychology and Economic Injustice: Personal, Professional and Political Intersections Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Gay Preadoptive Parents' Preferences Bernice Lott and Heather E. Bullock About Child Gender Reviewed by M.e. McHugh 142 A.E. Goldberg 55 Faeries and Bears and Leathermen, Oh My! Gay Men Male and Female Victims of Male Bullies: Social Status Rethinking, Reclaiming, and Reifying Masculinities Differences by Gender and Informant Source Faeries, Bears, and Leathermen: Men in Community C. Berger' P.C. Rodkin 72 Queering Masculinity Gender Differences in the Representation ofViolence on Spanish Peter Hennen Television: Should Women be More Violent? Reviewed by K. Schilt 144 e. Fernandez-Villanueva' Ie. Revilla-Castro' R. Dominguez-Bilbao' L. Gimeno-Jimenez . A. Almagro 85 Internalized Misogyny as a Moderator of the Link between Sexist Events and Women's Psychological Distress D.M. Szymanski' A. Gupta' E.R. Carr' D. Stewart 101 Self-Other Perspective and Sexual Attitudes Affect Estimates of Sexual Risk E.A. Yeater' R.J. Viken . T. Hoyt· IL. Dolan 110 Sexual Desire and Depression Following Spinal Cord Injury: Masculine Sexual Prowess as a Moderator S. Michael Bums' S. Hough' B.L. Boyd' J. Hill 120

BOOK REVIEWS The New (Essentialist) Sexual Fluidity Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire Lisa M. Diamond Reviewed by e.L. Carr 130 Sex Education's Lessons in Inequality Risky Lessons: Sex Education and Social Inequality Jessica Fields Reviewed by S. Elliott 133

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 95 Title: SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Issue: v.61, nos.3–4, August 2009 Sex Roles: A Journal of Research Volume 61 . Numbers 3/4 . August 2009

ORIGINAL ARTICLES An Owner's Manual for Women•..and Men The Female Brain Virtual Virgins and Vamps: The Effects of Exposure to Female Louann Brizendine Characters' Sexualized Appearance and Gaze in an Immersive Virtual Environment Reviewed by S.A. Albrecht 286 1 Fox' J.N. Bailenson 147 Researching Media Sexualization Girls Gone Skank: The Sexualization ofGirls Correlates of Young Women's Interest in Obtaining Cosmetic Surgery in American Culture Patrice A. Oppliger C.N. Markey' P.M. Markey 158 Reviewed by F. Attwood 288 Sexual Prejudice Among Heterosexual College Men as a Predictor of Condom Attitudes The Impact of Changing Economies on Work and Families Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy: T.L. Boone' A. Duran 167 Changing Patterns of Work, Care and Public Policy in Europe The Effects of Contact on Sexual Prejudice: A Meta-Analysis and North America. Globalization and Welfare Series S.J. Smith' A.M. Axelton . D.A. Saucier 178 Edited by Diane Perrons, Colette Fagan, Linda McDowell, Discrimination and Women's Mental Health: The Mediating Kath Ray, Kevin Ward Role of Control Reviewed by lE. Olson 290 L.J. Landry' A.E. Mercurio 192 Rethinking the 'Feminisation of Poverty' Thesis Young Australian Women's Aspirations for Work and Family: Gender, Generation and Poverty: Exploring the 'Feminisation Individual and Sociocultural Differences ofPoverty' in Africa, Asia and Latin America Edited by Sylvia Chant M. Johnstone' C. Lee 204 Reviewed by L.c. Angeles 293 Family Patterns of Gender Role Attitudes J.L. Marks' C.B. Lam' S.M. McHale 221 Parental Overprotection, Cultural Value Conflict, and Psychological Adaptation among Asian Indian Women in America A. Varghese' S. Rae Jenkins 235 Men's Interpersonal (mis)Perception: Fitting in with Gender Norms Following Social Rejection J.L. Smith' K.L. Lewis 252 Explaining Gender Differences in Responses to Supportive Messages: Two Tests of a Dual-Process Approach B.R. Burleson' L.K. Hanasono . G.D. Bodie' A.J. Holmstrom' J.J. Rack, 1 Gill Rosier' lD. McCullough 265

BOOK REVIEWS A Task for Sisyphus? Sex Differences: Summarizing More Than a Century ofScientific Research Edited by Lee Ellis, Scott Hershberger, Evelyn Field, Scott Wersinger, Sergio Pellis, David Geary, Craig Palmer, Katherine Hoyenga, Amir Hetsroni, and Kasmer Karadi Reviewed by H.M. Lips 281 Choosing Health-Does Gender Make a Difference? Gender and Health: The Effects ofConstrained Choices and Social Policies Chloe E. Bird and Patricia P. Rieker Reviewed by S. Payne 284

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 96 Title: SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Issue: v.61, nos.5–6, September 2009

Sex Roles: A Journal of Research Volume 61 . Numbers 5/6 . September 2009

FEMINIST FORUM "Think Athletic Director, Think Masculine?": Examination of the Gender Typing of Managerial Subroles Within Athletic Status and the Gender Stereotyped Personality Traits: Administration Positions Toward an Integration L.l Burton' C.A. Barr' lS. Fink· lE. Bruening 416 G.L. Gerber 297 A New Look at Gender Inequality in Chinese: A Study A Structural Social Psychological View of Gender Differences of Chinese Speakers' Perception of Gender-Based Characters in Cooperation R-J. Cherng' C.-L. Chang' J.-Y. Chen 427 J. Sell' K.l Kuipers 317 Masculinity and Cognitive Age Perception: An Examination Fixed Roles and Situated Actions of their Relationship and Implications for Advertising M. Webster Jr.. L.S. Rashotte 325 Persuasion Status and Gender: The Paradox of Progress in an Age C. Chang 434 of Narcissism lM. Twenge 338 Another View of the Gender-Status Relation D.L. Best 341 Status, Personality, and Gender Stereotyping: Response to Commentators G.L. Gerber 352

ORIGINAL ARTICLES Teaching Children to Confront Peers' Sexist Remarks: Implications for Theories of Gender Development and Educational Practice L.M. Lamb, RS. Bigler' L.S. Liben . V.A Green 361 "It Makes Me a Man from the Beating I Took": Gender and Aggression in Children's Narratives About Conflict M.D. Walton' AR Harris' AJ. Davidson 383 Should I Confront Him? Men's Reactions to Hypothetical Confrontations of Peer Sexual Harassment K.A Saunders' C.Y. Senn 399

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 97 Title: SIGNS: JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.34, no.4, Summer 2009 I ~ N S Volume 34 Number 4 Summer 2009


Reproductive and Genetic Technologies A Thematic Issue Edited by Kristin Bumiller, Molly Shanley, and Anna Marie Smith


Silja Samerski Genetic Counseling and the Fiction of Choice: 735 Taught Self-Determination as a New Technique of Social Engineering

Lisa C. Ikemoto Eggs as Capital: Human Egg Procurement in the 763 Fertility Industry and the Stem Cell Research Enterprise

Dorothy E. Roberts Race, Gender, and Genetic Technologies: A New 783 Reproductive Dystopia?

Maura A. Ryan The Introduction ofAssisted Reproductive 805 Technologies in the "Developing World": A Test Case for Evolving Methodologies in Feminist Bioethics

Anna Marie Smith Reproductive Technology, Family Law, and the 827 Postwelfare State: The Same-Sex Parents' Rights "Victories" of 2005

Mary Lyndon Shanley Involuntary Childlessness, Reproductive Technology, 851 and Adrienne Asch and Social Justice: The Medical Mask on Social Illness

Kristin Bumiller The Geneticization ofAutism: From New 875 Reproductive Technologies to the Conception of Genetic Normalcy

Sujatha Anbuselvi In the Hot Tub: The Praxis of Building New 901 Jesudason Alliances for Reprogenetics

Laura Mamo Scripting the Body: Pharmaceuticals and the 925 and Jennifer Ruth (Re)Making of Menstruation Fosket

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 98 (SIGNS, v.34, no.4, Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

Banu Subramaniam Moored Metamorphoses: A Retrospective Essay on 951 Feminist Science Studies

Jennifer Manion Historic Heteroessentialism and Other Orderings in 981 Early America Book Reviews

Rickie Solinger Surrogate Motherhood and the Politics ofReproduction 1005 by Susan Markens Queering Reproduction: Achieving Pregnancy in the Age ofTechnoscience by Laura Mamo

Ivonne Szasz Fertile Matters: The Politics ofMexican-Origin 1008 Women's Reproduction by Elena R. Gutierrez

Joan Haran Afro-Future Females: Black Writers Chart Science 1010 Fiction's Newest New-Wave Trajectory edited by Marleen S. Barr Feminist Philosophy and Science Fiction: Utopias and Dystopias edited by Judith A. Little Bodies ofTomorrow: Technology, Subjectivity, Science Fiction by Sherryl Vint Galactic Suburbia: Recovering Women's Science Fiction by Lisa Yaszek

Cornelia Klinger The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference by 1016 Christine Battersby

Jessica J. Kelly Feminisms in Geography: Rethinking Space, Place, and 1020 Knowledges edited by Pamela Moss and Karen Falconer Ai-Hindi

About the Contributors 1023

Guidelines for Contributors 1028

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 99 Title: SINISTER WISDOM: A JOURNAL BY AND FOR LESBIANS Issue: no.77, Fall 2009 77 Fall 2009

A Journal by and for Lesbians

Environmental Issues/Lesbian Concerns Contents _

Diane Foster Notes for a Magazine 3 Fran Day Appreciations 4 Ruth Zachary Earth in Peril 5 Jeanne Neath Subsistence As Lesbian Revolution 7 Ellen Williams She Speaks 16 Brenwyn Embrace 19 Mary Oishi Final Station of the Cross 21 Jan Shade River 22 Natasha Carthew Deadwood 23 Carole Gale Francis Eatherington, Forest Defender 24 Alma AMother's Plea for Love from Her Children 31 Judith K. Witherow Hell Will Never Freeze Over 32 Lynn Martin Weather is What She Has to Say 35 Lilith Rogers Messages From Rachel Carson 36 Deb Friedman Detoxing the Environment.. 39 Alix Greenwod Strange Spring 42 Ruth Zachary August 29 Anniversary 43 Shaba Barnes Spring Cleaning 44 Zarod Rominski Where We Begin 49 Diane Foster Environmentallssues/Lesbian Concerns 53 Lilith Rogers The Earth Pledge 58 Alix Greenwood Choosing 59 Sandy Tate The Invisible Pollution 63 H. Madrone Epitaph 67 Avotcja Big Mama's Miniature Miracles 69

REMEMBRANCES Lynnly Beth Labovitz Tribute by Amy Epstein and Vicki Randle 71 Brenda Kay Henson Tribute by Wanda Henson 72 Bernice Bing Information from Lenore Chinn 74

BOOK REVIEWS Shedding Grace by Mab Maher Reviewed by Ida VSW Red 75 Sex Variant Woman by Joanne Passet Reviewed by Julie E. Enzer 77 Elsa: I Come With My Songs by Elsa Gidlow Reviewed by Julie E. Enzer. 77 Sinister Wisdom 75: Theories/Controversies Reviewed by Ruth Mountaingrove 81

BOOKS RECEIVED Kylie Kendall Mystery Series by Claire McNab 83 More Books by Claire McNab 84

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 100 Title: SISTER NAMIBIA Issue: v.21, no.2, July 2009 SISter• 0 NAMIBIA Features

Bravo Sister Namibia! Celebrate and continue to fire and inspire! 4

The early years of Sister Namibia 8

Forced and coerced sterilisation Violating the rights of women living with HIV ... 12

Consulting the public on the new Child Care and Protection Act 14

Let's Realise! All Change Starts With Us! A national conference for children 15

Gender in the 2009 South African Election ...... 16

Look at me! A celebration of women with disabilities ...... 18

Gepraat van aborsie in Namibie 20

Omulumentu gwolela oha si oshimpwiyu 22

Women asking the hard questions in Zimbabwe 28

Working on a new world with Namibian men 30

Sister Namibia's Green Ball Holder Award shows impact 32


Community Action: Women's empowerment through bicycle maintenance 24

Celebrating women writers 26

Sister Namibia Resource Centre 27

News Clippings 33

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 101 Title: SOCIAL POLITICS: INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN GENDER, STATE, AND SOCIETY Issue: v.16, no.2, Summer 2009 Social Politics


Volume 16 • Number 2 • Summer 2009

Forum: How Gender and Class Challenge Varieties of Capitalism Forum Lead: Gender, Class, and Varieties of Capitalism 161 HADAS MANDEL AND MICHAEL SHALEV

Commentaries: Gender, Inequality, and Capitalism: The "Varieties of Capitalism" and Women 182 MARGARITA ESTEVEZ-ABE How Gendering the Varieties of Capitalism Requires a Wider Lens 192 JILL RUBERY Varieties of Patriarchal Capitalism 204 NANCY FOLBRE

Articles Is Gender Inequality Greater at Lower or Higher Educational Levels? Common Patterns in the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States 210 MARIE EVERTSSON, PAULA ENGLAND, IRMA MOOI-RECI, JOAN HERMSEN, JEANNE DE BRUI]N, AND DAVID COTTER A Nordic Nirvana? Gender, Citizenship, and Social Justice in the Nordic Welfare States 242 RUTH LISTER Governance Reforms and Rural Women in India: What Types of Women Citizens are Produced by the Will to Empower? 279 JANA EVERETT

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 102 Title: STUDIES IN GENDER AND SEXUALITY Issue: v.10, no.3, July–September 2009

Studies in Gender and Sexuality

Volume 10, Number 3, 2009

21st Century Body

The 21st Century Body: Introduction Melanie Suchet, Ph.D. 113 Becoming/Being a Cosmetic Surgery Patient: Semantic Instability and the Intersubjective Self Victoria Pitts-Taylor, PhD. 119 The Somatechnics of Bodily Inscription: Tattooing Nikki Sullivan, PhD. 129 Castration and Medusa: Orlan's Art on the Cutting Edge Danielle Knafo, PhD. 142 Reading Desire: Commentary on Papers by Danielle Knafo, Victoria Pitts-Taylor, and Nikki Sullivan Gillian Straker, M.A., PhD. 159 Body Modification and the Enlightenment Project of Struggling Against Death Carlo Strenger, Ph.D. 166

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 103 Title: U.S.–JAPAN WOMEN’S JOURNAL Issue: no.36, 2009

U.S.-Japan Women's Journal E3*ftt~~/-v-j-)~

NUMBER 36 2009

Introduction Jan Bardsley 3 Kitchen Tales: Recipes for Resistance and Renewal J¥~ffiI q=- Y T /I!&J~ : mtn: ~ ~1:. 0) v ~ 1::0

Manufacturing the Mad Woman: The Case of Poet Sugita Hisajo Aki Hirota 12 and Modern Literature in 1920s Korea - tMm~:htd:EY~: {~pA~E8~Y0)7~7,

Migrant Women, Memory, and Empire in Naruse Mikio's Noriko J. Horiguchi 42 Film Adaptations of Hayashi Fumiko's Novels ~IJJT Q Y'~! ~ mOO 13 *0)~2'tl-*~~-T ~~,~~B~~O)fi~~OO~~~0l

Fantasy as Methodology: Simone de Beauvoir: Julia C. Bullock 73 and Postwar Japanese Feminism ~{t5!.fJ ~ v' 5 jJ1~~ffiI : *~ rj";t- ?~Jv ~ ~1& 13 *1~:t3 ~t Q Y'~!~

Cactus Roses and Camellias: Flowers, Action, and Masculinity Inger Sigrun Brodey >92 in Sanjuro and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance -1j-*T/O)::tE~:jf: r-+jj!~J JJzLJ r!J/-\T-1· /-\7/7,~.0tC~J 1~Ji,Q::tE~7:7~3/ ~ L l ~ G L ~ 1~"JV'l

Loudmouth Feminists and Unchaste Prostitutes: Linda Isako Angst 117 "Bad Girls" Misbehaving in Postwar Okinawa ~ Lv' 7 ;r. ~.::::7, r- ~ /FW~tt7C*~ffi : ~1&#~0) "/F.&:PY" O)/FiTlftJl\

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 104 Title: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: AN INTERNATIONAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL Issue: v.15, no.7, July 2009

Violence Against Women Volume 15 Number 7 July 2009

Editor's Introduction Claire M. Renzetti 751 Articles Domestic Violence and Forced Sex Among the Urban Poor in South India: Implications for HIV Prevention Suniti Solomon, Ramnath Subbaraman, Sunil S. Solomon, Aylur K. Srikrishnan, Sethulakshmi C. Johnson, C. K. Vasudevan, Santhanam Anand, Aylur K. Ganesh, and David D. Celentano...... 753 Partner Violence and Sexual Jealousy in China: A Population-Based Survey Tianfu Wang, William L. Parish, Edward O. Laumann, and Ye Luo ...... 774 Assessing Acceptance of Violence Toward Women: A Factor Analysis of Burt's Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence Scale Richard L. Ogle, Nora E. Noel, and Stephen A. Maisto ...... 799 "Boys Will Be Boys" and Other Gendered Accounts: An Exploration ofVictims' Excuses and Justifications for Unwanted Sexual Contact and Coercion Karen G. Weiss...... 810 Sorority Participation and Sexual Assault Risk Jacqueline Chevalier Minow and Christopher 1. Einolf...... 835 Women's Experiences ofViolence and Seeking Help Judy L. Postmus, Margaret Severson, Marianne Berry, and Jeong Ah Yoo...... 852 Poem Survivor: I Have Been Her Kind Karen M. Roush...... 869

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 105 Title: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: AN INTERNATIONAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL Issue: v.15, no.8, August 2009 Violence Against Women Volume 15 Number 8 August 2009

Editor's Introduction Claire M. Renzetti 875 Articles Oppression Through Acceptance? Predicting Rape Myth Acceptance and Attitudes Toward Rape Victims Jericho M. Hockett, Donald A. Saucier, Bethany H. Hoffman, Sara J. Smith, and Adam W. Craig...... 877 Psychological Consequences of Sexual Victimization Resulting From Force, Incapacitation, or Verbal Coercion Amy L. Brown, Maria Testa, and Terri L. Messman-Moore. .. 898 Parent-Child Relationship and Mother's Sexual Assault History Allison Ruby Reid-Cunningham...... 920 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Disorders of Extreme Stress (DESNOS) Symptoms Following Prostitution and Childhood Abuse Hyunjung Choi, Carolin Klein, Min-Sup Shin, and Hoon-Jin Lee...... 933 Sexual Assault Support Services and Community Systems: Understanding Critical Issues and Needs in the LGBTQ Community Jeffrey L. Todahl, Deanna Linville, Amy Bustin, Jenna Wheeler, and Jeff Gau ...... 952 When Older African American Women Are Affected by Violence in the Home: A Qualitative Investigation ofRisk and Protective Factors Anuradha Paranjape, Giselle Corbie-Smith, Nancy Thompson, and Nadine J. Kaslow...... 977

Book Review Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues, by Catherine MacKinnon Liena Gurevich...... 991

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 106 Title: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: AN INTERNATIONAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL Issue: v.15, no.9, September 2009 Violence Against Women Volume 15 Number 9 September 2009

Editor's Introduction Claire M. Renzetti ...... 999 Research Symposium Development of Measures ofAbuse Among Women With Disabilities and the Characteristics ofTheir Perpetrators Mary Ann Curry, Paula Renker, Rosemary B. Hughes, Susan Robinson-Whelen, Mary Oschwald, Paul R. Swank, and Laurie E. Powers...... 1001 Commentary on Curry et a1.'s Safer and Stronger Program and Suggestions for Future Methodological Research Bonnie S. Fisher ...... 1026 Commentary on Development of Measures ofAbuse Among Women With Disabilities and the Characteristics ofTheir Perpetrators Rebecca J. Macy ...... 1035 Interpersonal Violence and Women With Disabilities: Analysis of Safety Promoting Behaviors Laurie E. Powers, Paula Renker, Susan Robinson-Whelen, Mary Oschwald, Rosemary Hughes, Paul Swank, and Mary Ann Curry ...... 1040 Commentary on Powers et al.'s Article: "Interpersonal Violence and Women With Disabilities: An Analysis of Safety Promoting Behaviors" Susan F. Grossman ...... 1070 Situating Research on Safety Promoting Behaviors Among Disabled and DeafVictims of Interpersonal Violence Douglas A. Brownridge...... 1075 Reply to Our Commentators Mary Ann Curry, Laurie E. Powers, Paula Renker, Rosemary Hughes, Susan Robinson-Whelen, and Mary Oschwald...... 1080 Articles Developing Teen Dating Violence Prevention Strategies: Formative Research With Middle School Youth Rita K. Noonan and Dyanna Charles...... 1087 Women's Awareness of and Discomfort With Sexual Assault Cues: Effects ofAlcohol Consumption and Relationship Type Kelly Cue Davis, Susan A. Stoner, Jeanette Norris, William H. George, and N. Tatiana Masters...... 1106 The Functions of Gender Role Traditionality, Ambivalent Sexism, Injury, and Frequency ofAssault on Domestic Violence Perception: A Study Between Japanese and American College Students Niwako Yamawaki, Joseph Ostenson, and C. Ryan Brown...... 1126

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 107 Title: WOMEN: A CULTURAL REVIEW (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.20, no.2, Summer 2009 OMEN a cultural review


OPEN FORUM Renegotiating Identities

ARTICLES Trauma as Site of Identity: The Case of Jeanette Winterson and Frida Kahlo REINA VAN DER WIEL 135 The Impersonal Strategy: Re-visiting Virginia Woolf's Position in The Common Reader Essays KATERINA KOUTSANTONI 157 Double Acts: Mary Ellen Mark's Twins BRIDGET BENNETT 172 The Liquefaction of Desire: Music, Water and Femininity in Victorian Aestheticism SUZANNE FAGENCE COOPER 186

REVIEWS Judith Mackrell, Bloomsbury Ballerina: Lydia Lopokova, Imperial Dancer and Mrs John Maynard Keynes ROBERT ACKERMAN 202 Jacqueline Rose, The Last Resistance; Anne Karpf, Brian Klug, Jacqueline Rose and Barbara Rosenbaum (eds), A Time to Speak Out: Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism and Jewish Identity KLAUS HOFMANN 204

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 108 (WOMEN, v.20, no.2, Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

Katherine Mansfield, The Collected Stories; Ali Smith, The Accidental Lucy LE-GUILCHER 208 Gail Marshall (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Fin de siecle PATRICIA PULHAM 211 Azam Torab, Performing Islam: Gender and Ritual in Iran; Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian and Zara Houshmand, A Mirror Garden: A Memoir STACI SCHEIWILLER 214 Bryony Randall, Modernism, Daily Time and Everyday Life SCOTT MCCRACKEN 218





Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 109 Title: WOMEN & CRIMINAL JUSTICE Issue: v.19, no.3, July–September 2009 WOMEN &CRIMINALJUSTICE

Volume 19, Number 3, 2009


Editorial 169 Frances P. Bernat A New Look at the Gender Gap in Offending 171 Callie Marie Rennison Sentencing Female Drug Offenders: Reexamining Racial and Ethnic Disparities 191 Matthew S. Crow andjulie C. Kunselman From the Inside Out: Efforts by Homeless Women to Disrupt Cycles of Crime and Violence 217 jennifer K. Wesely andjames D. Wright Attitudes of College Students Toward Women in Policing 235 Calvin Wesley Haba, Robert A. Sarver Ill, Rhonda R. Dobbs, and Mary B. Sarver Youth Resilience: Can Schools Enhance Youth Factors for Hope, Optimism, and Success? 251 Frances P. Bernat

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 110 Title: WOMEN & ENVIRONMENTS INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE Issue: nos.78–79, Fall–Winter 2009

No. 78/79 - Fall/Winter 2009 otn.en ~ nVlrOntn.ents• international magazine

WE Speak Poetry 2 A Word from WEI Magazine 26 Elephant Man Editorial Board Rebecca Root 4 Trans-formations of Urban Space 21 Pornography An Introduction Allan Popa Alison Bain 15 I Am Becoming Clohe MacDonald Features 5 Open Log Art 1M on Identity 30 Featured Artist S. Bear Bergman and j wallace Syrus Marcus Ware 9 Touching the Terror and Loathing of Difference 16 After Claude Cahun Intervention An Open Letter About Our Use of the Master's TooLs Maeve Hanna Omisoore Dryden

12 Trans Sex in the City 41 In Print On the Terrors of the Trans Body Bobby Noble 40 Film & Video 16 Gendered S(h)elves Body and Identity in the Library WE Resources Emily Drabinski 45 Selected Print Resources WE Research 45 Additional References From Our Contributors 22 Safety and Urban Environments 45 Web Resources Transgendered Experiences of the City 46 Upcoming Conferences and Workshops Petra Doan 27 Transpositions (Three Forms) Eva Hayward

In The Field 32 A Conversation With barbara findlay Sybila Valdivieso 34 Trans Programming at the 519 Church Street Community Centre

37 Where Is It Safe2Pee? An Irreverent Interview with BaiLey Stevens of Safe2Pee.org Andrea Zanin

Fiction 19 Finding Love, Sex and Gender Mykelle Pacquing

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 111 Title: WOMEN & HEALTH Issue: v.48, no.4, 2008 Women&Health

Volume 48 Number 4 2008


Methodological Issues in Studying an Insular, Traditional Population: A Women's Health Survey Among Israeli Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) Jews 363 David A. Rier, PhD Avraham Schwartzbaum, PhD Chaya Heller, MS

Are Lesbians Really Women Who Have Sex with Women (WSW)? Methodological Concerns in Measuring Sexual Orientation in Health Research 383 Greta R. Bauer, PhD, MPH Jennifer A. Jairam, MSc

Breast Health Behavior Among Lesbians: The Role of Health Beliefs, Heterosexism, and Homophobia 409 Dana D. DeHart, PhD

The Menstrual Cycle and Sexual Behavior: Relationship to Eating, Exercise, Sleep, and Health Patterns 429 Susan G. Brown, PhD Lynn A. Morrison, PhD Marites J. Calibuso, BS Tess M. Christiansen, BA

Sociodemographic, Psychological and Health-Related Factors Associated with Poor Mental Health in Spanish Women and Men in Midlife 445 Marfa del Pilar Sanchez-Lopez, PhD Juan Jose Lopez-Garda, PhD Virginia Dresch, PhD Javier Corbalan, PhD

Psychiatric Comorbidity in Women with Disordered Eating Behavior: A National Study 467 Tahany Gadalla, PhD, MSc, Mmath Niva Piran, PhD

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 112 Title: WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION Issue: v.18, no.7, July 2009

® JULY 2009 Volume 18, No.7

Eight Steps Toward a Family-Friendly Campus Culture 1 NEWSWATCH: Gendered Politics at Work and Play 3-6 Surviving the Perils of Academic Whistleblowing 7 Partnership Creates FlU's 'Women Who Lead' Program 13 Students Seek 'Effortless Perfection,' Avoid Competition 14 Women on the Move 15, 20 Know and Use Communication Styles to Have More Impact.. 16 Breastfeeding in the Academy: Another Way to Discriminate. 17 Gay Student Athletes Drink to Cope with Homophobia 19 Voices of Pioneers in Educational Administration 21 How to Help Sororities Survive in Today's World 22 Editor: For Sale: Whisper 24 PLUS 4 pages of great new job opportunities for you 9-12

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 113 Title: WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION Issue: v.18, no.8, August 2009

® AUGUST 2009 Volume 18, No.8

Work/Life Programs: Lifesavers in a Scary Economy 1 NEWSWATCH: Gendered Politics at Work and Play 3-6 Millennial Women Bring New Roles, Expectations to Campus . 7 Strategies to Confront Privilege in Women's Centers 15 Men's Demands for Work/Life Balance Supports Women's 16 Benchmark to Assess the Value of Policies, Programs 18 Women on the Move 20 Challenges Lead Women to 'Opt Out' 21 Social Justice Starts With the Personal 22 Editor: Getting A Shower: Progress, Not Perfection 24 PLUS 6 pages of great new job opportunities for you 9-14

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 114 Title: WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION Issue: v.18, no.9, September 2009

SEPTEMBER 2009 Volume 18, No.9

Strange New Environment Challenges Higher Ed Leaders 1 NEWSWATCH: Gendered Politics at Work and Play 3-5 Five Key Trends Affect Work/Life Programs, Budgets 6 Tips for Leading in a Diverse Academic Environment 7 What Leadership Behaviors Support Your Staff? 8 Women on the Move 20 Identify, Reject Bad Apples in the Hiring Process 22 Students' Views on Intelligence Affects Their Performance 24 Opportunities to Advance Your Career 25 African American Academics Answer the Call to Lead 26 TImetables, Other Absurdities for Professional Mommies 27 Editor: 'Long Live the Challenge' at the 2009 Senior Olympics. 24 PLUS 13 pages of great new job opportunities for you .... 9-21

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 115 Title: WOMEN IN NATURAL RESOURCES Issue: July–September 2009 women in NATURAL RESOURCES

New Articles at WiNR

Forest Modeling Mary Stuever September 2009

The Forester's Log: Musings from the September 2009 Woods---A New Book by Mary Stuever

An Experimental Education Carolyn A. Copenheaver August 2009

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 116 Title: WOMEN’S HEALTH JOURNAL Issue: no.2, July–September 2009

Women's Health JOURNAL 2/2009 Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network

July - September 2009



FOCUS XI EFLAC in Mexico Feminist Voices Raised in Chorus 19 We Need to Develop More Strategies for Women's Empowerment An interview with TeNa Negrao 24 Feminism Should Free Itself from Patriarchal Practices An interview with Maria Suarez 28 The Patriarchy Disguises Its Strategies Because It Doesn't Want to Lose Power An interview with Norma Benitez 34 Young, Feminist and Lesbian by Zuly Garcia 38 Old Feminists, Longtime Feminists An interview with Aidita Iris Cruz 40

PANORAMA Safe, Legal Abortion The Struggle Continues in Latin America and the Caribbean 43 The Left and the Issue of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean: One Step Forward... Ten Steps Back by Yamila Azize Vargas 44 My Body, My Choice, My Story... A testimony from Karen Espfndola 48

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 117 Title: WOMEN’S REVIEW OF BOOKS Issue: v.26, no.4, July–August 2009 Women's Review o Books Volume 26, Issue 4 July / August 2009

3 OUR GREAT MAN Reborn: Journals & Notebooks 1947-1963 By Susan Sontag, edited by David Rieff Reviewed by Jan Clausen 5 SCRIBBLING WOMEN AJury Of Her Peers: American Women Writers from Anne Bradstreet to Annie Proulx By Elaine Showalter Reviewed by carole Desanti 8 TODAY'S ROSIES Sisters in the Brotherhoods: Working Women Organizing for Equality In New York City By Jane Latour Reviewed by Brigid O'Farrell 10 CAMP WOMEN Women, Armies, and Warfare in Early Modern Europe By John A. Lynn II Reviewed by Jennifer G. Mathers 12 CAKE WALK, SHIMMY, AND CHARLESTON Babylon Girls: Black Women Performers and the Shaping of the Modern By Jayna Brown Reviewed by Farah Jasmine Griffin 13 THE RHETORIC AND THE REALITY What Kind of Liberation?: Women and the Occupation of Iraq By Nadje AI-Ali and Nicola Pratt; City of Widows: An Iraqi Woman's Account of War and Resistance By Haifa zangana Reviewed by Kerryn Higgs 16 INTO OTHER CLAWS A Mercy By Toni Morrison Reviewed by Elizabeth McHenry 18 CARTOON By Jen Sorensen

19 FIELD NOTES RECOLlECTED. BUT NOT IN TRANQUIlITY By Robin Becker 20 CHORUSES OF EXPERIENCE Blood Dazzler By Patricia Smith; Voices By Lucille Clifton Reviewed by Ginny Kaczmarek 22 POETRY By Andrea Potos 23 WOMEN DOING SCIENCE SCiences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities By Sandra Harding; Motherhood, the Elephant in the Laboratory Edited by Emily Monosson Reviewed by Emily R. Grosholz 24 GOSSIP, HISTORY, AND LIFE-HISTORY Woman of Rome: A Life of Elsa Morante By Lily Tuck Reviewed by Rosalind Delmar 26 YOUNG, HIp, AND IRANIAN Passionate Uprisings: Iran's Sexual Revolution By Pardis Mahdavi Reviewed by Persis M. Karim 28 THE LADIES' ENTRANCE The Girl I Left Behind: A Narrative History of the Sixties By Judith Nies Reviewed by Suzanne McCormack 29 TINTINNABULATION England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells By Jill Johnston Reviewed by Joseph Davis

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 118 Title: WOMEN’S RIGHTS LAW REPORTER Issue: v.30, nos.3–4, Spring–Summer 2009 (page 1 of 2)


Volume 30, Number 3/4 CONTENTS Spring/Summer 2009

ARTICLES Bloodstains on a "Code of Honor": The Murderous Marginalization of Women in the Islamic World Kenneth Lasson 407

Some Penetrating Observations on the Fifth Anniversary ofLawrence v. Texas: Privacy, Dominance, and Substantive Equality Theory Shannon Gilreath. 442

The Gendered Racial Formation: Foreign Men, "Our" Women, and the Law Zvi H. Triger. 447979

Left Hand, Third Finger: The Wearing ofWedding (or Other) Ringsas a Form ofAssertive Conduct Under the Hearsay Rule Peter Nicolas 526

Feminism and Pornography in the Twenty-First Century: The Internet's Impact on the Feminist Pornography Debate Courtenay W Daum 543

Brian L. v. Administration for Children's Services: Ambivalence Toward Gender Identity Disorder as a Medical Condition Judith S. Stem & Claire V. Merkine 566

RUTGERS SCHOOL OF LAW - NEWARK CENTENNIAL ESSAYS Seizing the Moments: The Beginnings of the Women's Rights Law Reporter and a Personal Journey Elizabeth Langer 592

Getting to Dostoyevsky: An Interview with Annamay T. Sheppard ...... 609

A Memorial for Ruth Gerber Blumrosen Alfred W.W Blumrosen & Steven Blumrosen 620

Breaking Through: A Woman's Journey Through the Male Dominated Law Profession ofthe Mid-Twentieth Century Dona S. Kahn 628

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 119 (WOMEN’S RIGHTS LAW REPORTER, v.30, nos.3–4, Spring–Summer 2009, page 2 of 2)

Rutgers School of Law - Newark and the Legacy of Elizabeth Blume­ Silverstein Kelly Timoney 635

NOTES The As Yet Unfulfilled Promise and Potential of European Union Human Rights Law Diane N Hickey 647

Still Citizens After Marriage: Exploring Violations of Women's Nationality Rights Stephanie Palo 673

The Prevention First Act Examined: An Overview ofthe State of Contraception Laws as Viewed through the Lens ofFederal Legislation Jennifer Shaw 700

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 120 Title: WOMEN’S STUDIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL Issue: v.38, no.5, July–August 2009

Volume 38, Number 5 _____ July-August 2009 WOMfH'S STUOlfS

An InterdIsciplinary Journal

Paths of Power: Traditional Palestinian Women Healers in Israel 505 ARIELA POPPER-GIVEON

Renovating Domesticity in Ruth Hall, Incidents in the Life ofa Slave Girl, and Our Nig 538 JENNIFER LARSON

Surrogate Mothering and Conjugal Insecurity: Indonesian Domestics Re-envisioning the Family in Hong Kong 559 MING-YAN LA!

Essays on Childbirth: The Why and How 577 LAURAJOHNSON DAHLKE Book Reviews BRETT GARCIA MYHREN 597 MARCELLA STOCKSTILL 600

In Brief 605

Recent Publications 607

Notes on Contributors 609

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 121 Title: WOMEN’S STUDIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL Issue: v.38, no.6, September 2009

Volume 38, Number 6 _ September 2009 WDMfH'S STUDlfS

An Interdisciplinary Journal

"That I May not Faint, or Die, or Swoon": Reviving Pre-Raphaelite Women 611 EMILY]. ORlANDO

Convents As Feminist Utopias: Margaret Cavendish's The Convent ofPleasure and The Potential of Closeted Dramas and Communities 647 HORACIO SIERRA

Illness, Genre, and Gender in Contemporary Television Fiction: Representations ofFemale Cancer in Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives 670 MARTA FERNANDEZ-MORALES

Woman, Tyrant, Mother, Murderess: An Exploration of The Mythic Character of Clytemnestra in all Her Forms 692 RACHEL M. E. WOLFE Book Review ALEXANDRA YURKOVSKY 720

In Brief 725

Recent Publications 727

Notes on Contributors 729

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 122 Title: WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM Issue: v.32, no.4, July–August 2009



MARIE SEGRAVE 251 Order at the border: The repatriation of victims of trafficking

STEPHANIE A. LIMONCELLI 261 The trouble with trafficking: Conceptualizing women's sexual labor and economic human rights

MINA ROCES 270 Prostitution, women's movements and the victim narrative in the Philippines

JENNIFER LYNNE MUSTO 281 What's in a name? Conflations and contradictions in contemporary U.S. discourses of human trafficking

OLIVERA SIMIC 288 Rethinking 'sexual exploitation' in UN peacekeeping operations


YAACOV BOAZ YABLON 305 Gender differences in the consistency of attitudes towards peace

COMMENTARIES MELISSA FARLEY 311 Theory versus reality: Commentary on four articles about trafficking for prostitution

SHEILA JEFFREYS 316 Prostitution, trafficking and feminism: An update on the debate

BOOK REVIEW CAROLINE NORMA 321 Children in the global sex trade by Julia O'Connell Davidson Sex at the margins: migration, labour markets and the rescue industry by Laura Maria Agustin

Biographical Statements

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 123 Title: WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM Issue: v.32, no.5, September–October 2009



SPECIAL ISSUE ON WOMEN, WAR AND CONFLICT CHERYL TOMAN 325 Women, war, and conflict: Introduction to special issue ofWomen's Studies International Forum

HANADI AL-SAMMAN 331 Transfonning nationhood from within the minefield: Arab female guerrilla fighters and the politics ofpeace poetics

METKA ZUPANCIC 340 Berta Bojetu-Boeta, messages still not heard

ALISON RICE 347 Answering to "Muslim" language, country, and religion III Zahia Rahmani's "Musulman" roman

NADERA SHALHOUB-KEvoRKIAN, 354 Palestinian women's voices challenging human rights activism SANA KHsHEmoUN

SHANNON HEIT 363 Waging sexual warfare: Case studies ofrape warfare used by the Japanese Imperial Anny during World War II

ZAHIDA DARWICHE JABBOUR 371 Cerf-Volant by Dominique Edde: A critique of war or a reconstruction of memory?

HANAN SBAITI 377 Ghada Sarnman's Beirut Nightmares: A Woman's Life

MARIE LATHERS 382 The (be)coming of peace: Time, women, and war in Andree Chedid's La Maison sans racines

ABIR WARD 388 Women of the Lebanese mountains: A fight for edification

Biographical Statements

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 124 Title: WOMEN’S STUDIES JOURNAL Issue: v.23, no.1, 2009


Editorial, p.1-2 Robyn Andrews, Jenny Coleman, Leigh Coombes, Mandy Morgan, Sita Venkateswar Call for contributions for WSJ 2010, p.3

Articles Rosemary Seymour: Links and Legacies Kay Morris Matthews, pp.4-18

Women in Parliament in Pakistan: Problems and Potential Solutions Saira Bano, pp.19-35

Women and Gambling: What can be learned from the New Zealand experience? A Women’s Studies Approach Phillida Bunkle, pp.36-45

Commentary: Joining of Maori and Feminist Perspectives on Gambling, pp. 46-48 Lorna Dyall

Book review Jan Jordan, Serial Survivors: Women’s narratives of surviving rape Reviewed by Judith Dennis, pp.49-50

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 125 Title: WOMEN’S WRITING (page 1 of 2) Issue: v.16, no.2, August 2009

Women's Writing

Volume 16 Number 2 August 2009

Special Issue: Silver Fork Fiction Guest Editor: Tamara S. Wagner

Introduction: From Satirized Silver Cutlery to the Allure of the Anti-Domestic in Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing: Silver-Fork Fiction and Its Literary Legacies Tamara S. Wagner 181

Silver-Forks and Double Standards: Gore, Thackeray and the Problem of Parody April Kendra 191

History Suits the Dandy: Catherine Gore's Cecil Novels Lauren Gillingham 218

Almack's and the Silver-Fork Novel Cheryl A. Wilson 237

Silver-Forks and the Commodity Text: Lady Morgan and the Athenaeum Ellen Miller Casey 253

The "lure of the fabulous": Gift-Book Beauties and Charlotte Bronte's Early Heroines Elaine Arvan-Andrews 263

A Tale of Two Dandies: Gore, Dickens and the "Social-Fork" Novel Sarah C. Alexander 283

Silver-Fork Legacies: Sensationalizing Fashionable Fiction Tamara S. Wagner 301

"Life that is not clad in the same coat-tails and flounces": The Silver-Fork Novel, George Eliot and the Fear of the Material Royce Mahawatte 323

Book Reviews

Mary Astell: Reason, Gender, Faith (William Kolbrener and Michal Michelson, eds., 2007) Sarah Apetrei 345

The Collected Letters of Rosina Bulwer Lytton (3 vols.) (Marie Mulvey-Roberts With The Assistance Of Steve Carpenter, eds. 2008) Frank Sypher 348

Imperialism, Reform, and the Making of Englishness in Jane Eyre (Sue Thomas, 2008) Carl PIasa 353

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 126 (WOMEN’S WRITING, v.16, no.2, August 2009, page 2 of 2)

Selected Letters of Charlotte Bronte (Margaret Smith, ed., 2007) Linda H. Peterson 356 Characters and Scenes: Studies in Charlotte M. Yonge Oulia Courtney and Clemence Schultze, Eds., 2007) Talia ScheifJer 359

The Jewess in Nineteenth-Century British Literary Culture (Nadia Valman, 2007) Judith W. Page 362

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 127 Title: YALE JOURNAL OF LAW AND FEMINISM Issue: v.21, no.1, 2009




Symposium: Respecting Expecting: The 30th Anniversary ofthe Pregnancy Discrimination Act


Discrimination by Definition: The Historical and Legal Paths to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 Nicholas Pedriana

Symposium Articles

Making Pregnancy Work: Overcoming the Pregnancy Discrimination Act's Capacity-Based Model Joanna L. Grossman and Gillian L. Thomas 15

The PDA's Causation Effect: Observations ofan Unreasonable Woman Michelle A. Travis 51

Reconstructive Feminism: Changing the Way We Talk About Gender and Work Thirty Years After the PDA Joan C. Williams 79

Pregnancy Discrimination and Social Change: Evolving Consciousness About a Worker's Right to Job-Protected, Paid Leave ...... Patricia A. Shiu and Stephanie M. Wildman 119

Giving and Taking Family Leaves: Right or Privilege? Naomi Gerstel and Amy Armenia 161

The United States in Comparative Perspective: Maternity and Parental Leave and Child Care Benefits Trends in Liberal Welfare States...... Linda A. White 185

Why a Union Voice Makes a Real Difference for Women Workers: Then and Now Judith A. Scott 233


Who Says "I Do"? Noa Ben-Asher 245

Which Came First, the Data or the Politics? Disentangling Questions About Women's Aptitude for Science Carlin Meyer 261

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, nos.3–4, Summer–Fall 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 128

Annotated Listing of All Periodicals Selected for Feminist Periodicals Note: Not every periodical will have table of contents pages reproduced in this issue of Feminist Periodicals. See page 4 for a listing of periodicals in this issue.

AWIS MAGAZINE original research, comprehensive review articles, short 1. 1971. reports, and commentaries on reproductive health in 2. 4/year. Africa. The journal strives to provide a forum for African 3. $100. authors, as well as others working in Africa, to share 4. AWIS, 1200 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 650, findings on all aspects of reproductive health, and to Washington, DC 20005 [email: [email protected]] [website: disseminate innovative, relevant, and useful information http://www.awis.org/pubs/mag.html]. on reproductive health throughout the continent.” 5. Nicole Kresge. 7. ISSN 1057-5839. AGENDA: EMPOWERING WOMEN FOR GENDER EQUITY 8. OCLC 23747329. 1. 1987. 11. "AWIS is committed to the achievement of equity and full 2. 4/year. participation of women in all areas of science and 3. Americas: $61; Republic of South Africa: R210 (special technology." indiv.), R220 (indiv.), R310 (inst.); Southern Africa: R440; UK/Europe/other African States: £41. AFFILIA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCIAL WORK 4. PO Box 61163, Bishopsgate 4008, Republic of South 1. 1986. Africa [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. 2. 4/year. agenda.org.za]. 3. $160 (indiv.), $594 (inst.). 5. Editorial Advisory Board. 4. Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 6. [email: [email protected]]. 91320 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 7. ISSN 1013-0950. aff.sagepub.com]. 8. OCLC 25255461. 5. Christine Flynn Saulnier, Fariyal Ross-Sheriff 11. "Agenda strives for empowering women for gender 6. Fariyal Ross-Sheriff, Co-Ed. for Manuscripts, Affilia, equity." It is "a media project about women and gender, Howard Univ. School of Social Work, 601 Howard Pl. giving women a voice to articulate their needs and unite N.W., Washington DC 20059. about them. We aim to question and challenge the 7. ISSN 0886-1099. current understanding of gender relations in South 8. OCLC 12871850. Africa." 9. Criminal justice, family, social science, and women’s studies indexes. Also available on microfilm from Bell & THE AHFAD JOURNAL: WOMEN AND CHANGE Howell Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. 1. 1984. 10. Chadwick PCI Full Text, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO 2. 2/year. (various products), Highwire Press, InfroTrac (Gale 3. $25 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Group), Ingenta, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Sage 4. The Ahfad Journal, 4141 N. Henderson Rd., Ste. 1205, Publications, Swetswise. Arlington, VA 22203 [email: [email protected]] 11. "This journal is committed to the discussion and [website: http://www.ahfad.org/ahfad_ journal.html]. development of feminist values, theories, and knowledge 5. Amna E. Badri, Lee Burchinal. as they relate to social work research, education, and 6. Amna E. Badri, Ed., The Ahfad Journal, Ahfad Univ. for practice." Contains articles, reports of research, essays, Women, PO Box 167, Omdurman, Sudan. poetry, and literary pieces. Dedicated to "the task of 7. ISSN 0255-4070. eliminating discrimination and oppression, especially with 8. OCLC 12747640. respect to gender, but including race, ethnicity, class, 9. ERIC. Also available on microfilm from Bell & Howell age, disability, and sexual and affectional preference as Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. well." 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, ProQuest. 11. The Ahfad Journal's aim is "to publish scientific research AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH in women's development issues in Sudan and other 1. 1997. African countries." 2. 3/year. 3. Nigeria: N8,000; African-based: $150 (indiv.), $200 ASIAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S STUDIES (inst.); elsewhere: $200 (indiv.), $250 (inst.). 1. 1995. 4. African Journal of Reproductive Health, Women’s Health 2. 4/year. and Action Research Centre, KM11, Lagos-Benin 3. $60 (indiv.), $145 (inst.). Outside Korea: add $20 Express Way, Igue-Iheya, PO Box 10231, Ugbowo, postage. Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria [email: wharc@ 4. Asian Ctr. for Women’s Studies, Ewha Woman’s Univ., hyperia.com or [email protected]] [website: #11-1 Daehyun-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-750, http://www.ajrh.info or http://www.wharc-online.org]. Korea [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 5. Friday Okonofua. ewhawoman.or.kr/acwseng]. 7. ISSN 1118-4841. 5. Chang Pilwha. 8. OCLC 36782954. 7. ISSN 1225-9276. 9. African Books Publishing Records, Index 8. OCLC 33094607. Medicus/MEDLINE, Popline, Women’s Studies 9. Alternative Press Index; Current Contents: Social & International. Behavioral Sciences; IOWA Guide; Social Sciences 10. Bioline Intl., INASP. Citation Index. 11. “African Journal of Reproductive Health is a multi- 10. GenderWatch. disciplinary and international journal that publishes

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 129 11. “AJWS is an interdisciplinary journal, publishing articles often the case, and expands the comparative angle of pertaining to women’s issues in Asia from a feminist research on women and gender to all parts of Europe.” perspective.” ATLANTIS: A WOMEN’S STUDIES JOURNAL ASIAN WOMEN 1. 1975. 1. 1995. 2. 2/year. 2. 4/year. 3. U.S.: US$25 (student/indiv. new subscriber), US$40 3. $60 (student), $80 (indiv.), $120 (inst.). (indiv. renewing subscriber), US$65 (inst.); Canada: 4. Asian Women, Research Inst. for Asian Women, CN$20 (student/indiv. new subscriber), CN$35 (indiv. Sookmyung Women's Univ., Hyochangwon Rd. 52, renewing subscriber), CN$60 (inst.); elsewhere: US$30 Youngsan-ku, Seoul, 140-742, Korea [email: (student/indiv. new subscriber), US$45 (indiv. renewing [email protected]] [website: http://riaw.sookmyung. subscriber), US$70 (inst.). ac.kr]. 4. Inst. for the Study of Women, Mount Saint Vincent Univ., 5. Jaelim Oh. 166 Bedford Hwy., Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 2J6, 7. ISSN 1225-925X. Canada [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. 8. OCLC 7673725, 36782501. msvu.ca/atlantis]. 9. Alternative Press Index, Current Contents: Social and 5. Linda Kealey, Annalee Lepp, Katherine Side. Behavioral Sciences, IOWA Guide, Social Sciences 7. ISSN 0702-7818. Citation Index. 8. OCLC 3409640. 10. GenderWatch. 9. Alternative press, Canadian, history, language/literary, 11. Asian Women seeks "to present various perspectives multicultural, political science, and women’s studies and raise important issues in women's studies" and indexes. wishes "to serve as a communication channel between 11. "Atlantis is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to critical researchers in Asia and in Western countries." and creative writing in English or French on the topic of women. Contains scholarly articles, review essays, book ASPASIA: INTERNATIONL YEARBOOK OF CENTRAL, reviews, art and poetry." EASTERN, AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN WOMEN’S AND GENDER HISTORY AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES 1. 2007. 1. 1985. 2. 1/year. 2. 4/year. 3. $20/€16/£12 (student), $48/€40/£28 (indiv.), $94/€70/£52 3. US$202/AU$178/€161/£122 (indiv.), US$809/AU$650/ (inst.). €645/£486 (inst.). 4. U.K./Europe: Berghahn Journals, Ltd., c/o Turpin 4. U.S./Canada/Mexico: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Distribution, Stratton Business Park, Pegasus Dr., Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 8TQ, United Kingdom Philadelphia, PA 19106; U.K./Europe: T & F Customer [email: [email protected]]; Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., elsewhere: Berghahn Journals, Inc., c/o Turpin North Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: America, 143 West St., New Milford, CT 06776[email: [email protected]]; Japan: Kinokuniya Co. Ltd., [email protected]] [website: Journals Dept., PO Box 55, Chitose, Tokyo 156, Japan; http://www.berghahnbooks.com/journals/asp]. India: Universal Subscriptions Agency Pvt. Ltd., 101-102 5. Maria Bucur, Krassimira Daskalova, Francisca de Haan. Community Centre, Malviya Nagar Extn., Post Bag No. 8, 6. [email: [email protected]]; book reviews: Saket, New Delhi 110017, India [website: http://www. [[email protected]]. tandf.co.uk/journals]. 7. ISSN 1933-2882; electronic ISSN 1933-2890. 5. Mary Spongberg. 8. OCLC 71270510 6. Mary Spongberg, Dept. of Modern History, Div. of 9. America: History and Life, British Humanities Index, Humanities, Macquarie Univ., New South Wales 2109, Current Abstracts, GenderWatch, Historical Abstracts, Australia [email: [email protected]]; book reviews: Index Islamicus, International Bibliography of Book Nicole Moore, Dept. of English, Div. of Humanities, Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Macquarie Univ., New South Wales 2109, Australia Social Sciences , International Bibliography of Periodical [email: [email protected]]. Literature, MLA International Bibliography, Sociological 7. ISSN 0816-4649; electronic ISSN 1465-3303. Abstracts, TOC Premier. 8. OCLC 16151817. 10. EBSCO (various products), Gale Group (various 9. Alternative press, Australian, gay/lesbian, social science, products), ProQuest (various products), Wilson (various and women’s studies indexes. products). 10. EBSCO (various products), OCLC FirstSearch ECO, 11. "Aspasia is an international peer-reviewed yearbook that Swetswise. brings out the best scholarsip in the field of 11. "Australian Feminist Studies publishes transdisciplinary interdisciplinary women’s and gender history focused scholarship and discussion in the fields of feminist on—and produced in—Central, Eastern, and research and women's studies courses. In addition, it Southeastern Europe. This region includes such aims to attract and encourage discussion of government countries as Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and trade union initiatives and policies that concern Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, women; examination of the interaction of feminist theory Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, and practice; comment on changes in curricula relevant Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, to women's studies and feminist studies...; reviews, Slovenia, Turkey, and Ukraine. In these countries the critiques, enthusiasms and correspondence." field of women’s and gender history has developed unevenly and has remained only marginally represented BMC WOMEN’S HEALTH in the “international” canon. Through its contributions, 1. 2001 (electronic journal). Aspasia transforms “European women’s history” into 2. Irregular. more than Western European women’s history, as is still 3. No subscription fee.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 130 5. Melissa Norton, Natalie Pafitis, Jigisha Patel. BOOKS TO WATCH OUT FOR! (MORE BOOKS FOR 6. BioMed Central Ltd., Middlesex House, 34-42 Cleveland WOMEN) St., W1t 4LB, United Kingdom [email: Editorial@ Presumed ceased. biomedcentral.com] [website: http://www.biomedcentral. com/bmcwomenshealth]. BOOKS TO WATCH OUT FOR! (THE LESBIAN EDITION) 7. ISSN 1472-6874 Presumed ceased. 8. OCLC 47666363. 9. CAS, CINAHL, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, BRIDGES: A JEWISH FEMINIST JOURNAL Medicus/MEDLINE, Scopus. 1. 1990. 10. PubMed. 2. 2/year. 11. “BMC Women's Health is an open access journal 3. $34 (indiv.), $56 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $10.50 surface publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all postage, $18 airmail. aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of 4. Journals Div., Indiana Univ. Press, 601 N. Morton St., gynaecological, fertility, and breast disorders, as well as Bloomington, IN 47404 [email: [email protected]] related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and [website: http://inscribe.iupress.org/loi/bri]. epidemiology.” 5. Clare Kinberg. 6. Bridges, 4860 Washtenaw Ave., Ste. I-165, Ann Arbor, BERKELEY JOURNAL OF GENDER, LAW & JUSTICE MI 48108 [email: [email protected]] [website: 1. 1986. Formerly titled Berkeley Women's Law Journal. http://www.bridgesjournal.org]. 2. 2/year. 7. ISSN 1046-8358. 3. $11.25 (student), $22.50 (indiv.), $55 (inst.). Outside 8. OCLC 20542141. North America: add $15 postage. 9. Index to Jewish Periodicals, Jewish Abstracts. 4. Journal Publications Coordinator, 421 North Addition, 11. "The editors bring to Bridges a commitment that Boalt Hall School of Law, Univ. of California at Berkeley, combines traditional Jewish values of justice and repair Berkeley, CA 94720-7200 [email: JournalPublications@ of the world with insights honed by the feminist, lesbian law.berkeley.edu] [website: http://www.boalt.org/bwlj]. and gay movements." 5. “Editor.” 6. [email: bwlj@ socrates.berkeley.edu]. BUST: FOR WOMEN WITH SOMETHING TO GET OFF 7. ISSN 0882-4312. THEIR CHESTS 8. OCLC 11830558. 1. 1993. 9. Alternative Press Index, Annotated Guide to Women's 2. 6/year. Periodicals, Current Index to Legal Periodicals. 3. U.S.: $19.95; Canada: $29.95; elsewhere: $39.95. 10. Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe. 4. BUST Subscriptions, PO Box 16775, North Hollywood, 11. "Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, a CA 91615-9272 [email: [email protected]] continuation of the Berkeley Women’s Law Journal, is [website: http://www.bust.com]. guided by an editorial policy which distinguishes us from 5. Debbie Stoller. other law reviews and feminist journals. Our mandate is 6. BUST Submissions, PO Box 1016, Cooper Station to publish research, analysis, narrative, theory, and New York, NY 10276 [email: [email protected]]. commentary that address the lives and struggles of 7. ISSN 1089-4713. underrepresented women. We believe that excellence in 8. OCLC 32952095. feminist legal scholarship requires critical examination of 11. “With an attitude that is fierce, funny and proud to be the intersection of gender with one or more other axes of female, Bust tells the truth about women’s lives and subordination, including, but not limited to, race, class, presents a female perspective on pop culture.” sexual orientation, and disability. Therefore discussions that treat women as a monolithic group do not fall within CALYX: A JOURNAL OF ART AND LITERATURE BY our mandate. Because conditions of inequality are WOMEN continually changing, our mandate is continually 1. 1976. evolving." 2. 3/year. 3. $19.50 (low income), $23 (indiv.), $29 (inst.). BITCH: FEMINIST RESPONSE TO POP CULTURE Canada/Mexico: add $15 postage; outside U.S./Canada/ 1. 1996. Mexico: add $25 postage. 2. 4/year. 4. PO Box B, Corvallis, OR 97339-0539 [email: calyx@ 3. U.S.: $24.95; Canada: $34.95; elsewhere: $60. proaxis.com] [website: http://www.calyxpress.org]. 4. Bitch, PO Box 397, , IL 61061-0397 [email: 5. Editorial Collective. [email protected]] [website: http://www. 7. ISSN 0147-1627. bitchmagazine.org]. 8. OCLC 3114927. 5. Andi Zeisler. 9. American Humanities Index, The Annual Index to Poetry 6. Bitch, 4930 NE 29th Ave., Portland, OR 97211 [email: in Periodicals, The Index of American Periodical Verse. [email protected]]. 11. "Calyx publishes literature and art by women. It exists to 7. ISSN 1524-5314. nurture women's creativity through the wide promotion 8. OCLC 38398466. and publication of women's finest work." 9. Alternative Press Index. 10. GenderWatch. CAMERA OBSCURA: FEMINISM, CULTURE, AND MEDIA 11. Bitch offers “. . . feminist analysis of pop culture, the STUDIES fomenting of activism among our readership, and the 1. 1976. effecting of change in pop culture’s portrayals of women 2. 3/year. and feminism.” 3. $20 (student), $30 (indiv.), $133 (inst.). Canada: add $11 postage; outside U.S./Canada: add $14 postage. 4. Duke Univ. Press, Journals Fulfillment, 905 W. Main St., Ste. 18B, Durham, NC 27701 [email: subscriptions@

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 131 dukeupress.edu] [website: http://www.dukeupress.edu/ 5. Editorial Collective. cameraobscura]. 7. ISSN 1062-6220. 5. Editorial Collective. 8. OCLC 24786087. 6. Camera Obscura, Dept. of Film and Media Studies, Univ. 9. Wilson's Index to Legal Periodicals. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4010 [email: 10. GenderWatch, Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe. [email protected]] 11. "Columbia Journal of Gender and Law was founded to 7. ISSN 0270-5346 ; electronic ISSN 1529-1510. publish legal and interdisciplinary writings on feminism 8. OCLC 4818143. and gender issues and to expand feminist jurisprudence. 9. Alternative press, film, humanities, television, and Both national and international in focus, JGL is intended women’s studies indexes. to serve as a forum for topics inadequately addressed in 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various most law journals and reviews, including issues products), GenderWatch, General Reference Ctr. Gold concerning women, children, family, sexuality, (Gale Group), Ingenta, Lexis-Nexis Academic Selected reproductive rights, and violence. The articles in JGL Full Text, Swetswise. approach legal issues from a variety of disciplines. We 11. Film theory and history; feminist theory; psychoanalytic aim to promote an expansive view of feminism theory; Marxist theory; photography; video and embracing women and men of all colors, classes, sexual performance. orientations, and cultures."

CANADIAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND THE LAW CONTEMPORARY WOMEN’S WRITING 1. 1985. 1. 2007. 2. 2/year. 2. 2/year. 3. CN$30 (student/low income), CN$40 (indiv.), CN$75 3. $50/€38/£25 (indiv.), $224/€168/£112 (inst.). (inst.). Outside Canada: add CN$12 postage. 4. Americas: Journals Customer Service Dept., Oxford 4. Univ. of Press, Journals Div., 5201 Dufferin St., Univ. Press, 2001 Evans Rd., Cary, NC 27513 [email: Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T8, Canada [email: journals@ [email protected]]; Japan: Journals Customer utpress.utoronto.ca] [website: http://www.utpjournals. Services, Oxford University Press, Tokyo, 4-5-10-8F com/cjwl/cjwl.html]. Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8386, Japan [email: 5. Editorial Collective. [email protected]]; elsewhere: Journals 6. Editors, Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, Customer Service Dept., Oxford Univ. Press, Great Osgoode Hall Law School, York Univ., 4700 Keele Clarendon St., Oxford OX2 6DP, United Kingdom [email: St.,Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada [email: cjwl@ [email protected]] [website: osgoode.yorku.ca]. http://cww.oxfordjournals.org]. 7. ISSN 0832-8781; electronic ISSN 1911-0235. 5. Mary Eagleton, Susan Stanford Friedman. 8. OCLC 13902155. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 9. Canadian, legal, and women’s studies indexes. 7. ISSN 1754-1476. 10. Hein Online. 8. OCLC 228439788. 11. "CJWL is the only Canadian legal periodical dedicated to 9. MLA International Bibliography. providing in-depth, feminist analysis of legal issues of 11. “Contemporary Women’s Writing critically assesses concern to women." writing by women authors who have published approximately from 1970 to the present. It welcomes CANADIAN WOMAN STUDIES/LES CAHIERS DE LA theoretical, cultural, historical, geographical, formalist FEMME and political approaches.” 1. 1978. 2. 4/year. CRITICAL HALF 3. CN$38 (indiv.), CN$75 (inst.). Outside Canada: add 1. 2003 (electronic journal). CN$20 postage. 2. 2/year. 4. Canadian Woman Studies, 210 Founders College, York 3. No subscription fee. Univ., 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, 4. [website: http://www.womenforwomen.org/repubbiannual. Canada [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. htm]. yorku.ca/cwscf]. 5. “Editor.” 5. Luciana Ricciutelli. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 7. ISSN 0713-3235. 11. “Since 2003, Critical Half, the bi-annual academic journal 8. OCLC 9951504. of Women for Women International, has presented 10. Canadian Periodical Index, Women’s Studies various perspectives on economic, social, and political International, Women's Studies Index. issues as they relate to women in international 11. "CWS/cf is a bilingual, interdisciplinary, feminist journal development and conflict and post-conflict societies. The that brings exciting scholarship about women to non- journal aims to raise awareness and spark debate among scholars, broadcasts our diverse experiences and a variety of audiences about the importance of women's bridges the gap between Canada's languages and participation in development and reconstruction, and to cultures." discuss the unique contributions that women can make to these processes.” COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF GENDER AND LAW 1. 1991. CRITICAL MATRIX: THE PRINCETON JOURNAL OF 2. Irregular. WOMEN, GENDER, AND CULTURE 3. $20 (student), $40 (indiv.), $50 (public interest org.), $65 1. 1985. (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $10 postage. 2. 2/year. 4. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, Columbia Univ. 3. $20 (student), $25 (indiv.), $30 (inst.). Canada/Mexico: School of Law, 435 W. 116th St., New York, NY 10027- add $6.50 postage; outside U.S./Canada/Mexico: add 7297 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// $9.50 postage. www.columbia.edu/cu/jgl/index.html].

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 132 4. Critical Matrix, Program in the Study of Women and 9. MLA International Bibliography, MLA Periodicals, ABELL, Gender, 113 Dickinson Hall, Princeton Univ., Princeton, Thompson ISI, British Humanities Index, Iter. NJ 08544 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 11. “Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal www.princeton.edu/~prowom/CM]. (EMWJ) is the only peer-reviewed academic journal 5. “Editor.” devoted to the interdisciplinary and global study of 7. ISSN 1066-288X. women and gender during the years 1400 to 1700. Each 8. OCLC 13313631. issue of this annual journal reflects the energies of this 9. MLA International Bibliography, Women’s Studies rapidly growing field by publishing essays, art exhibition International. and book reviews, bibliographies, and a forum on a 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues. current topic of interest to the study of early modern 11. "Critical Matrix is a forum for research, criticism, theory, women. Essays may consider women and gender from and creative work in feminism and gender studies. any region of the globe and may develop a number of Seeking connections among academic, creative, and scholarly perspectives, including but not limited to art political approaches to gender, Critical Matrix brings history, cultural studies, history, history of philosophy, together written and visual materials that explore, history of science, literature, music, politics, religion, or redefine, or reach across traditional disciplinary theater. Approaches that challenge current assumptions boundaries. Edited by graduate students, guided by an and cross disciplinary boundaries are especially advisory board of nationally recognized scholars, and welcome.” published twice yearly by the Program in Women's Studies at Princeton University, Critical Matrix solicits EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY WOMEN: STUDIES IN THEIR new work by authors from multiple disciplines, at any LIVES, WORK, AND CULTURE stage in their careers, with or without academic 1. 2001. affiliation." 2. 1/year. 3. $124.50 (inst.). Individuals should inquire for personal DIFFERENCES: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST CULTURAL subscriptions. STUDIES 4. 63 Flushing Ave., Unit 221, Brooklyn Navy Yard, 1. 1989. Brooklyn, NY 11205-1073 [email: amserve@earthlink. 2. 3/year. net] [website: http://amspressinc.com/ecw.html]. 3. $20 (student), $35 (indiv.), $133 (inst.). Canada: add $11 5. Linda Veronica Troost. postage; outside U.S./Canada: add $14 postage. 6. Washington and Jefferson College, 60 S. Lincoln St., 4. Duke Univ. Press, Journals Fulfillment, 905 W. Main St., Washington, PA 15301 [email: [email protected]]. Ste. 18B, Durham, NC 27701 [email: subscriptions@ 7. ISSN 1529-5966. dukeupress.edu] [website: http://www.dukeupress.edu/ 8. OCLC 48413767. differences]. 9. MLA International Bibliography. 5. Ellen Rooney, Naomi Schor, Elizabeth Weed. 11. “Eighteenth-Century Women, a hardcover serial 6. Differences, Box 1958, Brown Univ., Providence, RI publication from AMS Press, publishes articles and book 02912 [email: [email protected]]. reviews in the fields of literary, biographical, 7. ISSN 1040-7391. bibliographical, social, and cultural history. It focuses on 8. OCLC 18507940. women in Great Britain, Europe, the Americas, and the 9. Sociological Abstracts, Studies on Women Abstracts; rest of the world during the “long” eighteenth century, Women’s Studies International, Women's Studies Index. extending roughly from the restoration of the English 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, Dow Jones Interactive, monarchy (1660) to the death of Jane Austen (1817). EBSCO (various products), GenderWatch, General The Journal Aims to be a record of women’s lives and Reference Center Gold (Gale Group), Humanities Full accomplishments, not only as essayists, novelists, Text (Wilson), InfoTrac (Gale Group), Ingenta, Lexis- playwrights, poets, translators, pamphleteers, letter- Nexis Academic Selected Full Text, Literature Resource writers, and journalists, but also as mothers, wives, Center (Gale Group), Project MUSE, ProQuest, daughters, queens, princesses, reformers, business Swetswise. owners, educators, socialites, ladies of the manor, ladies 11. "Differences is affiliated with the Pembroke Center for of the night, intellectuals, natural philosophers, travelers, Teaching and Research on Women, a nonprofit theater managers, actresses, musicians, artists, artisans, educational organization, at Brown University. The consumers, arbiters of taste, and promoters of fads, journal brings together cultural studies and feminism and fashions, and morals.” aims to provide a forum for an examination of cultural politics and discursive practices informed by feminist EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES criticism." 1. 1994. 2. 4/year. EARLY MODERN WOMEN: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY 3. $222/£120 (indiv.); $825/£446 (inst.). JOURNAL 4. North America: Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., 1. 2006. Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 [email: journals@sagepub. 2. 1/year. com]; Europe: Sage Publications, 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55 City 3. $25 (student); $40; outside U.S.; $45. Rd., London EC1Y 1SP, United Kingdom [email: 4. Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Ctr. [email protected]] [website: http://ejw. for Renaissance & Baroque Studies, Univ. of Maryland, sagepub.com]. 0139 Taliaferro Hall, College Park, MD 20742 [email: 5. Kathy Davis, Gail Lewis. [email protected]] [website: http://www.emwjournal. 6. Hazel Johnstone, EJWS, Gender Inst., LSE, Houghton umd.edu]. St., London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom [email: ejws@ 5. Jane Donawerth, Adele Seeff, Diane Wolfthal. lse.ac.uk]; book reviews: Ann Phoenix [email: 7. ISSN 1933-0065. [email protected]] and Federica Giardini [email: 8. OCLC 71010502. [email protected]] [website: http://www.lse.ac.uk/ collections/ejws].

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 133 7. ISSN 1350-5068; electronic ISSN 1461-7420. Review essays strive to provide a guide to the literature 8. OCLC 30758367. on a particular topic (e.g., Australian feminist writing; 9. Current contents, humanities, political science, social global economics; women in prison; Islam & feminism; science, and women’s studies indexes. African American feminism/womanism; domestic 10. EBSCO (various products), Highwire Press, Ingenta, violence; women in the civil rights movement). OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. 11. European Journal of Women's Studies is a major FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY international forum for original scholarship at the cutting 1. 2006. edge of Women’s Studies. The journal’s main focus is 2. 4/year. the complex theoretical and empirical relationship 3. $135 (indiv.), $555 (inst.). between women and the particular, and diverse, context 4. Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA of Europe. As well as publishing articles, the journal 91320 [email: [email protected]] [website: includes short topical and polemical pieces and book http://fcx.sagepub.com]. reviews. 5. Helen Eigenberg. 6. Helen Eigenberg, Prof. and Dept. Head, Criminal Justice, FEMINISM & PSYCHOLOGY Dept. 3203, Univ. of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 615 1. 1991. McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, TN 37403 [email: 2. 4/year. [email protected]]. 3. $100/£54 (indiv.), $877/£474 (inst.). 7. ISSN 1557-0851. 4. North America: Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., 8. OCLC 61145011. Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 [email: journals@ 9. Criminal Justice Abstracts. sagepub.com]; Europe: Sage Publications, 1 Oliver’s 11. “Feminist Criminology is dedicated to research related to Yard, 55 City Rd., London EC1Y 1SP, United Kingdom women, girls and crime within the feminist critique of [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// criminology and focuses on research theory that fap.sagepub.com]. highlights the gendered nature of crime. Research that 5. Virginia Braun, Nicola Gavey. uses sex as a control variable often fails to illuminate the 6. [email: [email protected]]; book factors that predict female criminality. Feminist reviews: Rose Capdevila [email: rose.capdevila@ Criminology provides a venue for articles that place northampton.ac.uk]. women in the center of the research question, answering 7. ISSN 0959-3535; electronic ISSN 1461-7161. different questions than the mainstream approach of 8. OCLC 23367452. controlling for sex.” 9. Current contents, family, mental health, psychology, sexuality, and women’s studies indexes. FEMINIST ECONOMICS 10. CSA Sage Psychology, EBSCO (various products), 1. 1995. Highwire Press, Ingenta, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Sage 2. 4/year. Publications, Swetswise. 3. North America: $446 (inst.); elsewhere: £311 (inst.). 11. Feminism & Psychology aims “to foster the development 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., of feminist theory and practice in – and beyond – Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, psychology, and to represent the concerns of women in a PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer wide range of contexts across the academic-applied Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., ‘divide.’” Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. FEMINIST COLLECTIONS: A QUARTERLY OF WOMEN'S co.uk/journals]. STUDIES RESOURCES 5. Diana Strassmann. 1. 1980. 6. Diane Strassmann, Ed., Feminist Economics, MS-9 Rice 2. 4/year. Univ., PO Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892 [email: 3. Univ. of Wisconsin: $10 (indiv./non-profit women's org.), [email protected]]; books for review: Cheryl $20 (inst.); in Wisconsin: $20 (indiv./non-profit women's R. Doss, Books Review Ed., Yale Univ., Intl. Relations org.), $30 (inst.); elsewhere inside U.S.: $35 (indiv./non- Program, PO Box 208206, 34 Hillhouse Ave., New profit women's org.), $65 (inst.); Canada/Mexico: $50 Haven, CT 06520-8206 [email: [email protected]] (indiv./non-profit women's org.), $80 (inst.): elsewhere [website: http://www.feministeconomics.org]. outside U.S.: $55 (indiv./non-profit women's org.), $85 7. ISSN 1354-5701. (inst.). Subscription includes most Office of the Women's 8. OCLC 32729633. Studies Librarian publications (see p. ii). 9. Alternative press, current contents, humanities, social 4. 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI science, and women’s studies indexes. 53706 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various womenst.library.wisc.edu/publications/feminist-coll.html]. products), Ingenta, MetaPress, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, 5. Phyllis Weisbard, JoAnne Lehman. Swetswise. 7. ISSN 0742-7433. 11. "Feminist Economics was founded to provide an open 8. OCLC 6467769. forum for dialogue and debate about feminist economic 9. Alternative Press Index, LISA: Library & Information perspectives. By opening new areas of economic inquiry, Sciences Abstracts, Women's Studies Index, Women’s welcoming diverse voices, and encouraging critical Studies International. exchanges, the editors aim to enlarge and enrich the field 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, GenderWatch, Ingenta, of economic discourse. The journal's goal is not just to LISA: Library & Information Sciences Abstracts, develop more illuminating theories, but to improve the ProQuest Research Libraries. conditions of living for all children, women, and men." 11. Book, video, website, & periodical reviews; editorials; features; news; bibliographies. Focus on feminist, FEMINIST EUROPA: REVIEW OF BOOKS teaching, publishing, librarianship, bookselling, archiving, 1. 1998. researching – in Wisconsin, nationally, and worldwide. 2. 1/year (electronic journal).

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 134 3. No subscription fee. Cardiff, Wales CF10 3NB, United Kingdom [email: 4. [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// [email protected]]. www.ddv-verlag.de/frauen_zeitschriften.html]. 7. ISSN 1468-0777; electronic ISSN 1471-5902. 5. Tobe Levin, Waltraud Dumont du Voitel. 8. OCLC 46802581. 6. Tobe Levin [email: [email protected].de]. 9. Internatiolnal Bibliography of the Social Sciences, MLA 7. ISSN 1570-0038, 1618-7628. International Bibliography, Sociological Abstracts. 8. OCLC 42949741. 10. EBSCO. 11. Feminist Europa. Review of Books presents reviews (in 11. “Feminist Media Studies provides a transdisciplinary, English) of outstanding feminist work not published in transnational forum for reachers pursuing feminist English but in all other European languages, “allowing approaches to the field of media and communication important contributions in women’s studies to pass the studies, with attention to the historical, philosophical, international language barrier. The growing board of cultural, social, political, and economic dimensions and editors reviews feminist fiction and non-fiction in analysis of sites including print and electronic media, film Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Flemish, French, and the arts, and new media technologies. The journal German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, invites contributions from feminist researchers working Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, across a range of disciplines and conceptual Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.” perspectives. Feminist Media Studies offers a unique intellectual space bringing together scholars, FEMINIST LEGAL STUDIES professionals and activists from around the world to 1. 1993. engage with feminist issues and debates in media and 2. 3/year. communication. Its editorial board and contributors reflect 3. $274 (inst.) plus $20.40 postage. a commitment to the facilitation of international dialogue 4. The Americas: Journals Customer Service, Springer New among researchers, through attention to local, national York, LLC, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2485 and global contexts for critical and empirical feminist [email: [email protected]]; elsewhere: Journals media inquiry.” Customer Service, Springer Distribution Center (SDC), Haberstr 7, 69126 Heidelberg, [email: FEMINIST REVIEW [email protected]] [website: http://www. 1. 1979. springer.com]. 2. 3/year. 5. Rosemary Hunter. 3. $78/£45 (indiv.), $545/£287 (inst). 6. Feminist Legal Studies, Kent Law School, Eliot College, 4. U.S.: Palgrave Subscription Dept., Palgrave Journals Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NZ, United Subscriptions, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010; Kingdom [email: [email protected]]. elsewhere: Palgrave, Subscription Dept., Brunel Rd. 7. ISSN 0966-3622; electronic ISSN 1572-8455. Bldg., Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, 8. OCLC 27836032. United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] 9. Legal, social science, and women’s studies indexes. [website: http://www.feminist-review.com]. 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, Kluwer Academic, 5. Editorial Collective. OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. 6. Feminist Review, c/o Women’s Studies, London 11. “Feminist Legal Studies contains articles, essay reviews, Metropolitan Univ., 166-220 Holloway Rd., London N7 book reviews and case-notes on aspects of law, legal 8D8, United Kingdom [email: feminist-review@ theory and legal practice relevant to feminist work. The londonmet.ac.uk] journal is committed to an international perspective and 7. ISSN 0141-7789; electronic ISSN 1466-4380. to the promotion of feminist work in all areas of law. The 8. OCLC 6191763. editorial board encourages the submission of papers 9. Alternative press, social science, and women’s studies from people working outside the academy, as well as indexes. academics other than ‘lawyers’. Although the focus of the 10. Chadwyck PCI Full Text, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO journal is law, we encourage interdisciplinary work (various products), Ingenta, MetaPress, OCLC’s addressing the concerns not only of lawyers but others, Electronic Collections Online (ECO), Palgrave Macmillan, women and men, interested in feminist work.” ProQuest (various products), Swetswise. 11. Feminist Review is a "major women's studies journal in FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES Britain committed to publishing the best of contemporary 1. 2001. feminist analysis and always informed by an awareness 2. 4/year. of changing political issues." 3. $120/€95/£71 (indiv.), $628/€500/£394 (inst.) 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., FEMINIST STUDIES Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, 1. 1972. PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer 2. 3/year. Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., 3. $20 (student), $40 (indiv.), $275 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: $45 airmail. [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. 4. Feminist Studies, Business and Editorial Office, 0103 co.uk/journals]. Taliaferro, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 5. Cynthia Carter, Lisa McLaughlin. [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. 6. North America/Latin America/Caribbean: Lisa feministstudies.org]. McLaughlin, Ed., Feminist Media Studies, Dept. of 5. Claire G. Moses. Communication, Williams Hall, Miami Univ., Oxford, OH 7. ISSN 0046-3663. 45056 [email: [email protected]]; Europe/Africa/ 8. OCLC 1632609. Asia/Australasia: Cynthia Carter, Ed., Feminist Media 9. Alternative press, book review, general, current contents, Studies, Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural family, history, language, literary, social science, and Studies, Cardiff Univ., Bute Bldg., King Edward VII Ave., women’s studies indexes.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 135 10. Chawick Literature Online, Chadwyck PCI Full Text, 10. EBSCO (various products), Highwire press, Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various Ingenta,OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Sage Publications, products), Factiva, Gale Group (various products), Swetswise. GenderWatch, ProQuest (various products), Social 11. “Feminist Theory is an international interdisciplinary Sciences Sciences Full Text (Wilson), Swetswise. Wilson journal which provides a forum for critical analysis and (various products). constructive debate within feminist theory.” 11. "Feminist Studies was founded to encourage analytic responses to feminist issues and to open new areas of FEMSPEC research, criticism and speculation. The editors are 1. 1998. committed to providing a forum for feminist analysis, 2. 2/year. debate, and exchange. The feminist movement has 3. $40 (indiv.), $95 (inst.); outside U.S.: $50 (indiv.), $105 demonstrated that the study of women is more than a (inst.). compensatory project. Instead, feminism has the 4. Batya Weinbaum, Femspec,1610 Rydalmount Rd., potential fundamentally to reshape the way we view the Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 [email: [email protected]] world. We wish not just to interpret women's experiences [website: http://www.femspec.org]. but to change women's condition. For us, feminist 5. Batya Weinbaum. thought represents a transformation of consciousness, 6. ISSN 1523-4002. social forms, and modes of action." 7. OCLC 40652224. 9. American Humanities Index, MLA Bibliography. FEMINIST TEACHER 10. Genderwatch, Humanities Full Text, Science Fiction and 1. 1984. Fantasy Research Database. 2. 3/year. 11. “Femspec, a peer-reviewed journal, is interested in 3. $38 (indiv.), $85 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $20 postage. developing a community of like-minded people engaged 4. Univ. of Illinois Press, 1325 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL in speculating, theorizing, creating and questioning 61820 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// gender across the boundaries, including issues of sexual www.press.uillinois.edu/journals/ft.html]. orientation. We emphasize interdisciplinary approaches, 5. Editorial Collective. and encourage work on teaching as well as literary and 6. Manuscripts: Daniel Toronto [email: dtoronto@ cultural criticism and creative material. We hope an brown.edu]; book reviews: Monica Barron [email: approach to pedagogy will bring in work from a wider [email protected]] [website: http://www.uwec.edu/ area of disciplines. We are interested in a variety of wmns/feministteacher/index.htm] feminisms and aim to be inclusive of ethnic and cultural 7. ISSN 0882-4843. diversity in an internationalist perspective. We are also 8. OCLC 11660672. committed to publishing feminist experimental prose and 9. AcadAlternative Press Index, Biography Index, Book poetic works, and to experimenting across media. Our Review Index, ERIC, Left Index, MLA International impetus came from the collectively-perceived lack of Bibliography, Sociological Abstracts, Women’s Studies attention to non-linear writing, sf, fantasy, magical International, Women's Studies Index. realism and supernatural works in feminist journals and 10. Academic Search, Contemporary Women’s Issues, audiences; the lack of consistently evolving developed Education Fulltext, GenderWatch, ProQuest (various levels of feminism in sf criticism; and the inadequacy of products). magical realism publishing outlets in the U.S.” 11. "Feminist Teacher provides discussions of such topics as multiculturalism, interdisciplinarity, and distance FILMS FOR THE FEMINIST CLASSROOM education within a feminist context. Feminist Teacher 1. 2009. serves as a medium in which educators can describe 2. 2/year. strategies that have worked in their classrooms, 3. No subscription fee. institutions, or non-traditional settings; theorize about 4. [website: http://www.signs.rutgers.edu/ffc_home.html]. successes or failures; discuss the current place of 5. Julie Ann Salthouse, Ariella Rotramel, Deanna Utroske, feminist pedagogies and teachers in classrooms and Karen Alexander. institutions; and reveal the rich variety of feminist 6. 8 Voorhees Chapel, 5 Chapel Dr., Rutgers Univ., New pedagogical approaches." Brunswick, NJ 08901 [email: [email protected]]. 7. ISSN 1948-3066. FEMINIST THEORY 11. “Films for the Feminist Classroom (FFC), an open- 1. 2000. access online journal, is a collaborative project of the 2. 3/year. Rutgers University Women’s and Gender Studies 3. $206/£111 (indiv.), $574/£310 (inst.). Department and the Rugers-based editorial offices of 4. North America: Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Signs: Journal of Women, Culture, and Society. FFC Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 [email: journals@sagepub. publishes film reviews that provide critical assessments com]; Europe: Sage Publications, 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55 City of the value of the films as pedagogical tools in the Rd., London EC1Y 1SP, United Kingdom [email: feminist classroom. Interviews with directors and [email protected]] [website: http://fty. producers of feminist film are also included in FFC sagepub.com]. issues. FFC endeavors to become a dynamic resource 5. Stacy Gillis, Gabriele Griffin, Sneja Gunew, Celia for feminist teachers.” Roberts, Sasha Roseneil, Jackie Stacey. 6. Gabriele Griffin, Feminist Theory, Univ. of York, FRONTIERS: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES Heslington, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom [email: 1. 1975. [email protected]]. 2. 3/year. 7. ISSN 1464-7001; electronic ISSN 1741-2773. 3. $38 (indiv.), $103 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $25. 8. OCLC 44511077. 4. Univ. of Nebraska Press, PO Box 84555, Lincoln, NE 9. Communications, family, gay & lesbian, political science, 68501-4555 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// social science, and literary indexes. www.nebraskapress.unl.edu].

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 136 5. Susan E. Gray, Gayle Gullett. Goldsmiths College, Univ. of London, Lewisham Way, 6. Editors, Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, Dept. of London SE14 6NW, United Kingdom. History, Arizona State Univ., PO Box 874302, Tempe, AZ 7. ISSN 0954-0253; electronic ISSN 1360-0516. 85287-4302 [email: [email protected]]. 8. OCLC 19946680. 7. ISSN 0160-9009. 9. Education, linguistic, multicultural, social science, and 8. OCLC 2586280. women’s studies indexes. 9. Current contents, history, language/literature, family, 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various social science, and women’s studies indexes. products), Ingenta, MetaPress OCLC FirstSearch ECO, 10. EBSCO (various products), Gale Group (various ProQuest (various products), Swetswise. products), GenderWatch, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, 11. Gender and Education focuses on "gender and feminist Project MUSE, ProQuest (various products), Swetswise. knowledge, theory and debate as these relate to all 11. Feature articles; personal essays; poetry; short fiction; aspects of educational development and its effects." black and white photography and art. Many issues focus on a theme, e.g., women's oral history; dilemmas in GENDER & HISTORY feminist fieldwork; Chicana identity; lesbian history; 1. 1989. gender and nationalism. All issues have two or more 2. 3/year. thematic "clusters" of articles, art, and essay. Recent 3. Americas: $44 (indiv.), $739 (inst.); Europe: £30/€45 topics include dance, hair, multicultural pedagogy. (indiv.), £564 (inst.); elsewhere: £35 (indiv.), $1,011 Crossing boundaries in feminist scholarship and the arts, (inst.). Frontiers seeks to be a multidisciplinary, multicultural 4. Americas: Journal Customer Services, John Wiley & bridge between the community and the academy. Sons Inc., 350 Main St., Malden, MA 02148; Europe/Middle East/Africa: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, PO GENDER & DEVELOPMENT Box 808, 1-7 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis PO21 9FF, 1. 1993. United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: 2. 3/year. http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journals]. 3. $120/€95/£72 (indiv.), $306/€244/£181 (inst.), developing 5. Editorial Collective. countries as listed in the current UNDP Human 6. U.S.: The Editors, Gender & History, Dept. of History, Development Report: $61. Univ. of Minnesota, 1110 Heller Hall, 271-19th Ave S., 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., Minneapolis, MN 55455 [email: gendhist@ umn.edu]; Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, U.K.: Gender & History, School of History, Univ. of PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., [email: [email protected]]; books for Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: review: The Review Editors, Gender & History, Dept. of [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. Art History, Univ. of Nottingham, University Park, co.uk/journals]. Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom [email: gabriele. 5. Caroline Sweetman. [email protected]]. 6. The Editor, Gender & Development, Oxfam Publishing, 7. ISSN 0953-5233; electronic ISSN 1468-0424. Oxfam House, John Smith Dr., Cowley, Oxford OX4 2JY, 8. OCLC 19587394. United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] 9. Women Studies Index, Women’s Studies International. [website: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/go/gad]. 10. Blackwell/Synergy, EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, 7. ISSN 1355-2074; electronic ISSN 1364-9221. OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. 8. OCLC 32372551. 11. Gender and History is "the only specialist journal for 9. International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, research and writing on historical questions about Women’s Studies International. femininity and masculinity and relationships between 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, MetaPress, OCLC women and men in the past. The journal covers all FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. historical periods and a wide spectrum of societies." 11. "Gender & Development offers a forum for development practitioners, students and all concerned with the theory GENDER & LANGUAGE and practice of gender-oriented development to 1. 2007. exchange views, record experience, describe models of 2. 2/year. good practice and disseminate information about 3. $80/£40 (indiv.); North America: $181; developing networks and resources." nations: £40 (inst.); elsewhere: £90. 4. Equinox Publishing Ltd., Unit 6, The Village, 101 Amies GENDER AND EDUCATION Street, London SW11 2JW, United Kingdom [email: 1. 1989. [email protected]] [website: http://www. 2. 6/year. equinoxpub.com]. 3. $376/€299/£190 (indiv.), $2,078/€1,654/£1,108 (inst.). 5. Bonnie McElhinny, Sara Mills. 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., 6. Bonnie McElhinny, Dept. of Anthropology, 19 Russell St., Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S2, Canada; Sara Mills, English PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Dept., Sheffield Hallam Univ., Owen Bldg., Sheffield S1 Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., 1WB, United Kingdom; book reviews: Chantal Tretreault, Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of North Carolina at [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC co.uk/journals/GandE]. 28223 [email: [email protected]]. 5. Debbie Epstein, Mary Jane Kehily, Emma Renold. 7. ISSN 1747-6321; electronic ISSN 1747-633X . 6. Helen Rowlands, Gender and Education, Cardiff School 8. OCLC 141197817 . of Social Sciences, Cardiff Univ., Glamorgan Bldg., King 9. Bibliography of Linguistic Literature, Educational Edward VII Ave., Cardiff CF10 3WT, United Kingdom Research Abstracts Online, Linguistics Abstracts, MLA [email: [email protected]]; books for review: Bibliography. Heather Mendick, Dept. of Educational Studies 10. Equinox Publications.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 137 11. “Gender and Language is the journal of the International committed to an evaluation policy that does not preclude Gender and Language Association (IGALA). It is an any of the feminist perspectives." international forum for research on and debates about feminist research on gender and language. Gender is GENDER IN MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL defined broadly, as a key element of social relationships JOURNAL often loosely linked to perceived differences between the 1. 1986. Formerly titled Women in Management Review. sexes as well as a primary arena for articulating power in 2. 8/year. complex interaction with other dimensions of power, like 3. Americas: $10,719; E.U. countries (excluding U.K.): class, race, and sexuality. It welcomes research €9,209; Australia: AU$13,049; U.K./elsewhere: £6,199. employing and investigating a range of different linguistic 4. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Subscriptions Dept., approaches (including, but not only including, Howard House, Wagon Ln., Bingley BD16 1WA, United conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, Kingdom [email: [email protected]] ethnography of communication, interactional [website: http://www.emeraldinsight.com]. sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, variationist 5. Sandra L. Fielden. sociolinguistics, stylistics and pragmatics) which focus on 6. Sandra Fielden, Senior Lecturer in Organisational a range of different linguistic phenomena.” Psychology, Manchester Business School, Univ of Manchester, Booth St. W., Manchester M15 6BP, United GENDER & PSYCHOANALYSIS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY Kingdom [email: [email protected]]. JOURNAL 7. ISSN 1754-2413. 1. 1996. 8. OCLC 35083706. 2. 4/year. 9. Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in 3. $65 (indiv.), $115 (inst.); outside U.S.: $110 (indiv.), $135 Management & Marketing, EBSCO (various products), (inst.). Personnel Management Abstracts, Emerald Reviews, 4. Gender & Psychoanalysis, Intl. Universities Press, Inc., Helecon, Management Training & Development Alert, 59 Boston Rd., Madison, CT 06443 [email: info@iup. SCIMA, Studies on Women Abstracts, Top Management com] [website: http://www.iup.com]. Abstracts. 5. James W. Barron. 10. EBSCO (various products), Emerald, Ingenta, OCLC 6. Claude Barbre, 319 W. 100th St., New York, NY 10025. FirstSearch ECO, ProQuest (various products), 7. ISSN 1091-6318. Swetswise. 8. OCLC 349-17611. 11. “Gender in Management Review seeks to provide current 9. EMBASE/Excerpta Medica. research, practice, ideas, developments and news of 10. Ovid Psychinfo. major issues in the field of women in management by 11. "Gender & Psychoanalysis is devoted to providing a lively publishing papers which have been accepted after review intellectual forum linking and critiquing diverse by external referees.” psychoanalytic views of gender." GENDER ISSUES GENDER & SOCIETY 1. 1980. Formerly titled Feminist Issues. 1. 1987. 2. 4/year. 2. 6/year. 3. $424 (inst.) plus $42 postage. 3. $148 (indiv.), $752 (inst.). 4. The Americas: Journals Customer Service, Springer New 4. Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA York, LLC, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2485 91320 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// [email: [email protected]]; elsewhere: Journals gas.sagepub.com]. Customer Service, Springer Distribution Center (SDC), 5. Dana M. Britton. Haberstr 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany [email: 6. [email: [email protected]]; books for review: Martha [email protected]] [website: http://www. McCaughey, Gender & Society Book Review Ed., springer.com]. Women’s Studies, Living Learning Ctr., Appalachian 5. Rita J. Simon. State Univ., Boone, NC 28608 [email: gendsoc@ 6. Rita J. Simon, School of Public Affairs, Dept. of Justice, appstate.edu]. Law & Society, The American Univ., 4400 Massachusetts 7. ISSN 0891-2432; electronic ISSN 1552-3977. Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20016-8043. 8. OCLC 14687475. 7. ISSN 1098-092X; electronic ISSN 1936-4717. 9. African studies, current contents, criminal justice, 8. OCLC 6482659. education, family, health, history, Middle Eastern studies, 9. Alternative press, Islamics, and women’s studies psychology, social science, violence, and women’s indexes. Also available on microfilm from Bell & Howell studies indexes. Also available on microfilm from Bell & Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. Howell Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. 10. Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various products), 10. CSA Sage Sociology, EBSCO (various products), Factiva, InfoTrac (Gale Group). Highwire Press, InfoTrac, (Gale Group), Ingenta, JSTOR, 11. Gender Issues offers "a forum to open debate on MAS FullTEXT, MasterFILE FullTEXT, OCLC feminism, women's issues, and women's lives throughout FirstSearch ECO, ProQuest, Sage Publications, Social the world." Sciences Index Full Text, Swetswise. 11. "Gender & Society focuses on the social and structural GENDER, PLACE AND CULTURE: A JOURNAL OF study of gender as a basic principle of the social order FEMINIST GEOGRAPHY and as a primary social category. Emphasizing theory 1. 1994. and research from a micro- and macrostructural 2. 6/year. perspective, Gender & Society welcomes studies in 3. $354/€282/£214 (indiv.), $1,140/€908/£690 (inst.). sociology, social psychology, political science, history, 4. U.S./Canada/Mexico: Routledge Journals, Taylor & economics, and anthropology that are framed by a social Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, analysis and a feminist perspective. Gender & Society is Philadelphia, PA 19106; Japan: Kinokuniya Co. Ltd., Journals Dept., PO Box 55, Chitose, Tokyo 156, Japan;

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 138 India: Universal Subscriptions Agency Pvt. Ltd., 101-102 GENDER, WORK & ORGANIZATION Community Centre, Malviya Nagar Extn., Post Bag No. 8, 1. 1994. Saket, New Delhi 110017, India; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: 2. 6/year. T & F Customer Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., 3. Developing World: $534 (inst.); Americas: $57 (indiv.), Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United $1,106 (inst.); U.K.: £34 (indiv.), £658 (inst.); Europe: £34 Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: (indiv. non-euro zone), €50 (indiv. euro zone), €835 http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. (inst.); Elsewhere: £34 (indiv.), $1,290 (inst.). 5. Deborah Dixon, Robyn Longhurst, Beverly Mullings, 4. Americas: Journal Customer Services, John Wiley & Brenda Yeoh. Sons Inc., 350 Main St., Malden, MA 02148; 6. Brenda Yeoh, Dept. of Geography, National Univ. of Europe/Middle East/Africa: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, PO Singapore 1 Arts Link, Kent Ridge, 117570, Singapore Box 808, 1-7 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis PO21 9FF, [email: [email protected]]; books for review: Patricia United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: Noxolo, Dept. of Geography, The Univ of Sheffield, http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journals]. Sheffield S10 2TN, United Kingdom [email: 5. Deborah Kerfoot, David Knights. [email protected]], or Peter Hopkins, School of 6. The Journal Administrator, Gender, Work and Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle Univ., Organization, School of Economics and Management Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom [email: Studies, Keele Univ., Staffordshire ST5 5BG, United [email protected]]. Kingdom [email: [email protected]]; book 7. ISSN 0966-369X; electronic ISSN 1360-0524. reviews: David Morgan, Dept. of Management, Keele 8. OCLC 29760407. Univ., Staffordshire S5T 5BG, United Kingdom. 9. Alternative press, family, gay/lesbian, geographical, 7. ISSN 0968-6673; electronic ISSN 1468-0432. humanities, social science, and women’s studies 8. OCLC 37447061. indexes. 9. ANBAR Electronic Intelligence, Asian Pacific Database, 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various Geo Abstracts, International Bibliography of the Social products), Ingenta, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, ProQuest Sciences, Middle East Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, (various products), Swetswise. South East Asian Abstracts. 11. "The aim of Gender, Place & Culture is to provide a 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, OCLC FirstSearch forum for debate in human geography and related ECO, Swetswise. disciplines on theoretically-informed research concerned 11. “Awareness of gender as a central feature of all aspects with gender issues. It also seeks to highlight the of everyday life and society has become more and more significance of such research for feminism and women’s widespread. Appropriately social sciences research is studies. The editors seek articles based on primary reflecting this increasing concern with gender, especially research that address: the particularities and in the field of work and organization where this journal is intersections of gender, race, ethnicity, age (dis)ability, focused. Gender, Work and Organization is the first sexuality, class, culture and place; feminist, anti-racist, journal to bring together a wide range of interdisciplinary critical and radical geographies of space, place, nature and multi-disciplinary research in this field into a new and the environment; feminist geographies of difference, international forum for debate and analysis. The journal resistance, marginality and/or spatial negotiation; and, is dedicated to advancing theory, research and critical methodology.” applications concerning gender relations at work, the organization of gender, and the gendering of GENDER, TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT organizations. Contributions are invited from all 1. 1997. disciplinary perspectives, including anthropology, history, 2. 3/year. labour economics, law, philosophy, politics, psychology 3. $78/Rs 600/£42 (indiv.), $303/Rs 1,080/£164 (inst.); and sociology.” Bangladesh/Maldives/ Pakistan/Sri Lanka: $24 (indiv.), $42 (inst.). GENDERS: PRESENTING INNOVATIVE WORK IN THE 4. North America: Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., ARTS, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL THEORIES Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 [email: journals@sagepub. 1. 1988. com]; U.K./Europe/Middle East/Africa/Australia: Sage 2. 2/year (electronic journal). Publications, 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55 City Rd., London EC1Y 3. No subscription fee. 1SP, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]. 4. [website: http://www.genders.org]. uk] [website: http://gtd.sagepub.com]. 5. Ann Kibbey. 5. Merete Lie, Ragnhild Lund, Mari Osawa, Thanh-Dam 6. Genders, 226 UCB, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO Truong. 80309. 6. The Editors, Gender, Technology and Development, 7. ISSN 1936-3249. Gender and Development Studies Ctr., Asian Inst. of 8. OCLC 16388863. Technology, PO Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 9. Art, film, history, humanities, language, and women’s 12120, Thailand [email: [email protected]]. studies indexes. 7. ISSN 0971-8524; electronic ISSN 0973-0656. 10. DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals, Lexis-Nexis 8. OCLC 39721161. Academic Selected Full Text. 9. Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, International 11. Genders publishes "essays about gender and sexuality Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Sociological in relation to social, political, artistic, and economic Abstracts, Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts, concerns." Women’s Studies International. 11. “This journal serves as a forum for exploring the linkages GIRLISTIC MAGAZINE: FEMINIST THOUGHT AND between changing gender relations and technological CULTURE development. This journal links the activities of men and Presumed ceased. women to institutions or governments on the basis of technology, social relations and management.” HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & GENDER 1. 1978. Formerly titled Harvard Women’s Law Journal.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 139 2. 2/year. 5. Eleanor Krassen Covan. 3. U.S.: $30; Canada: $38; elsewhere: $36 surface 6. Eleanor Krassen Covan, Professor of Sociology and postage, $48 airmail. Gerontology, Univ. of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 4. Subscriptions Manager, Student Journals Office, Harvard S. College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403-5625. Law School, 1541 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 7. ISSN 0739-9332; electronic ISSN 1096-4665. 02138 [email: [email protected]] [website: 8. OCLC 9837689. http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlg]. 9. Biological sciences, health, medical, nursing, social 5. “Editor.” science, and women’s studies indexes. 6. [email: [email protected]] 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, MetaPress, OCLC 7. ISSN 0270-1456. FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. 8. OCLC 3967304. 11. "The journal provides an international, interdisciplinary 9.. Alternative Press Index, Current Law Index, Index to approach to health care for women. The editors accept Legal Periodicals, PAIS. research reports and clinical and theoretical papers 10. Hein Online, Lexis/Nexis/Academic Universe, Wilson about a wide variety of women's health issues." (various products). 11. “Harvard Journal of Law & Gender is devoted to the HECATE: A WOMEN'S INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL development of a feminist jurisprudence. The main OF WOMEN’S LIBERATION purpose is to provide an in-depth exploration of the 1. 1975. impact of the law on women and of women on the law. 2. 2/year. Political, economic, historical and sociological 3. AU$35 (indiv.), AU$70 (NGO/impecunious inst.), AU$154 perspectives are combined with legal ones to present a (inst.). Subscription includes electronic journal, Hecate’s realistic portrait of women's legal status.” Australian Women’s Book Review. 4. Hecate, PO Box 6099, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland HAWWA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN OF THE MIDDLE EAST 4067, Australia [website: http://www.emsah.uq.edu.au/ AND THE ISLAMIC WORLD awsr]. 1. 2003. 5. Carole Ferrier. 2. 3/year. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 3. $118/€80 (indiv.), $360/€245 (inst.). 7. ISSN 0311-4198. 4. Brill, c/o Turpin Distribution, Stratton Business Park, 8. OCLC 2530248. Pegasus Dr., Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 8TQ, 9. Alternative Press Index, Women’s Studies International, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] Women's Studies Index. [website: http://www.brill.nl/haww]. 10. Australian Public Affairs Full Text (Informit), Dow Jones 5. Amira Sonbol. Interactive, EBSCO (various products), GenderWatch, 6. Editor-in-Chief Amira Sonbol, Prof., Ctr. for Muslim- InfoTrac (Gale Group), ProQuest (various products). Christian Understanding, Georgetown Univ., 600 New 11. Historical and critical articles; creative work; graphics; Jersey Ave., Washington, DC 20001 [email: bibliographies; reviews. "Hecate prints material relating to [email protected]]. women. We are interested in contributions which employ 7. ISSN 1569-2078; electronic ISSN 1569-2086. a feminist, Marxist, or other radical methodology to focus 8. OCLC 52498385. on the position of women in relation to patriarchy and 9. MLA International Bibliography. capitalism." 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, Kluwer Academic, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. HECATE'S AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S BOOK REVIEW 11. Hawwa publishes articles from all disciplinary and 1. 1989. comparative perspectives that concern women and 2. 2/year (electronic journal attached to Hecate). gender issues in the Middle East and the Islamic world. 3. See Hecate for subscription prices. These include Muslin and non-Muslim communities 4. [website: http://www.emsah.uq.edu.au/awsr]. within the greater Middle East, and Muslim and Middle- 5. Carole Ferrier. Eastern communities elsewhere in the world. Articles 6. Hecate, PO Box 6099, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland dealing with men, masculinity, children and the family, or 4067, Australia [email: [email protected]]. other issues of gender are also considered. The journal 7. ISSN 1033-9434. strives to include significant studies of theory and 8. OCLC 24488443 methodology as well as topical matter. Approximately 9. AUSLIT, Alternative Press Index. one-third of the submissions focus on the pre-modern 10. GenderWatch. era, with the majority of articles focusing on the 11. "AWBR is the only Australian review of women’s books. contemporary age. The journal features several full- [It] reviews current writing by women, mainly in Australia: length articles and current book reviews. The majority of fiction, poetry, history, health, sexuality, social and Hawwa’s articles are in English. However, articles cultural issues, children’s and adolescent fiction. AWBR submitted in French are also considered. aims to provide women throughout Australia, urban and rural, outside and within the universities, with current HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL information on small-press publications and books that 1. 1979. might otherwise not form part of mainstream reviewing. 2. 12/year. In addition, it brings feminist perspectives to the 3. $242/€193/£144 (indiv.); $882/€706/£533 (inst.). reviewing of more mainstream publications." 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis Group, Journals Customer Services, 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, HERIZONS: WOMEN’S NEWS & FEMINIST VIEWS Philadelphia, PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F 1. 1992. Customer Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., 2. 4/year. Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United 3. U.S.: CN$35.50; Canada: CN$27.50; elsewhere: Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: CN$36.50. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals].

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 140 4. Herizons, PO Box 128, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2G1, issues on the above topics accessible to the women Canada [email: [email protected]] [website: activists and other interested parties in other parts of the http://www.herizons.ca]. world.” 5. Penni Mitchell. 6. [email: [email protected]]. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES 7. ISSN 0711-7485. 1. 1994. 8. OCLC 28686467. 2. 3/year. 9. Canadian Periodical Index, Women’s Studies 3. $81/Rs 850/£44 (indiv.), $298/Rs 1,620/£161 (inst.); International. Also available on microfilm from Bell & Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri Lanka/Maldives SAARC rates: Howell Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. $36 (indiv.), $57 (inst.). 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various 4. North America: Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., products), Gale Group (various products), ProQuest Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 [email: journals@sagepub. (various products). com]; UK/Europe/Middle East/Africa/ Australasia: Sage 11. “Herizons has a feminist issues slant and writes about Publications, 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55 City Rd., London EC1Y news, includes book reviews, carries interviews, includes 1SP, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]. lots of photos, and boasts a full-color cover and lively uk] [website: http://ijg.sagepub.com]. design.” 5. Malavika Karlekar, Leela Kasturi. 6. Editor, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Centre for HYPATIA: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY Women's Development Studies, 25, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, 1. 1986. Gole Market, New Delhi 110 001, India [email: ijgs@ 2. 4/year. cwds.org]. 3. Americas: $50 (indiv.), $225 (inst.); UK: £26(indiv.), £142 7. ISSN 0971-5215; electronic ISSN 0973-0672 (inst.); Europe: €32 (indiv.), €179 (inst.); elsewhere $75 8. OCLC 31697306. (inst.), $277 (inst.). 9. Indian, social science, and women’s studies indexes. 4. Americas: Journal Customer Services, John Wiley & 10. OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Sage Journals Online, Sons Inc., 350 Main St., Malden, MA 02148; Swetswise. Europe/Middle East/Africa: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, PO 11. Indian Journal of Gender Studies ". . .aims to provide a Box 808, 1-7 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis PO21 9FF, more holistic understanding of society. Women and men United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: are not compared mechanically. Rather, gender http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journals]. categories are analysed with a view to change social 5. Lori Gruen, Alison Wylie. attitudes and academic biases which obstruct a holistic 6. Hypatia, Editorial Office, Simpson Ctr. for the understanding of contributions to the family, community Humanities, Univ. of Washington, 206 Communications, and the wider polity." Box 353710, Seattle, WA 98195-3710 [email: [email protected]] [website: INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS http://depts.washington.edu/hypatia]; book reviews: 1. 1999. Sharyn Clough [email: [email protected]]. 2. 4/year. 7. ISSN 0887-5367; electronic ISSN 1527-2001 3. $146/€116/£92 (indiv.), $645/€513/£389 (inst.). 8. OCLC 13312118. 4. U.S./Canada/Mexico: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals 9. Alternative press, philosophy, social science, and Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA women’s studies indexes. 19106; Japan: Kinokuniya Co. Ltd., Journals Dept., PO 10. Chawick Literature Online, Contemporary Women’s Box 55, Chitose, Tokyo 156, Japan; India: Universal Issues, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various Subscriptions Agency Pvt. Ltd., 877 Phase V, Udyog products), Gale Group (various products), GenderWatch, Vihar, Gurgaon 122001, India; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Project MUSE, ProQuest & F Customer Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., (various products), Swetswise, Wilson (various products). Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United 11. “Hypatia is a forum for cutting edge work in feminist Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: philosophy. Since its inception in 1986 as an http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. independent journal, Hypatia has been both a catalyst for 5. Catherine Eschle, Teresia Teaiwa, Sandra Whitworth. broadening and refining feminist philosophy, and an 6. International Feminist Journal of Politics, Ctr. for Intl. and invaluable resource for those who teach in this area. Security Studies, York Univ., 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Feminist philosophy arises out of diverse traditions and Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada [email: [email protected]]. methods within philosophy, and is also richly 7. ISSN 1461-6742; electronic ISSN 1468-4470. interdisciplinary in orientation; we are committed to 8. OCLC 42282643, 43515877. publishing articles that are broadly accessible. Hypatia 9. International Political Science Abstract. serves as a resource for the wider women's studies 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, MetaPress, OCLC community, for philosophers generally, and for all those FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. interested in philosophical issues raised by feminism.” 11. “International Feminist Journal of Politics is a unique cross-cultural and international forum to foster debate IMPACT and dialog at the intersection of international relations, 1. 1998. politics and women’s studies. Developed by a team of 2. 1/year. leading feminist scholars, this journal brings together 4. ISIS-WICCE, Plot 23, Bukoto St., Kamwokya, PO Box some of the most influential figures in the field to build a 4934, Kampala, Uganda [email: [email protected]] global critical community of writers and readers.” [website: http://www.isis.or.ug]. 8. OCLC 41952386 IRIS: A MAGAZINE FOR THINKING YOUNG WOMEN 10. GenderWatch. 1. 1980. Currently on hiatus. 11. The journal’s focus is primarily on women’s human rights 2. 2/year. and women’s empowerment. “The purpose of the journal 3. $12. is to make the African, and especially Ugandan, women’s

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 141 4. Iris Magazine, Women's Ctr., PO Box 800588, 7. ISSN 8755-4178. Charlottesville, VA 22908-0588 [email: irismagazine@ 8. OCLC 11309512. gmail.com] [website: http://iris.virginia.edu]. 9. Human relations, language/literature, religion, social 5. Virginia Moran. science, and women’s studies indexes. 6. [email: [email protected]] 10. ATLA Religion Database, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO 7. ISSN 0896-1301. (various products) InfoTrac (Gale Group), ProQuest 8. OCLC 12588752. (various products), Swetswise, Wilson (various products). 9. Directory of Women's Media, Responsive Database 11. "Founded in 1985, Journal of Feminist Studies in Services, Women’s Issues Database, Women's Studies Religion was the first journal to be established in the field Index. of feminist studies in religion, and is internationally 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, Gale Group (various recognized as the premier journal in the discipline. JSFR products), Lexis-Nexis Academic Selected Full Text. has two parents: the academy, in which it is situated, and 11. "Iris is a fully inclusive journal: we aim to provide the feminist movement, from which it draws its information to women about issues which affect them, nourishment and vision. Issues of JFSR include scholarly across race, class and sexual preference. We try to print articles, review essays, reports of significant feminist information the mass media ignores, and succeed in projects related to religion, poetry, and roundtable raising the political awareness of our subscribers." discussions."

IRISH FEMINIST REVIEW JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES: AN INTERNATIONAL Presumed ceased. FORUM FOR THE DEBATE ON GENDER IN ALL FIELDS OF STUDY JOURNAL OF FEMINIST FAMILY THERAPY: AN 1. 1991. INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2. 4/year. 1. 1989. 3. $83/€66/£49 (indiv.), $736/€586/£437 (inst.). 2. 4/year. 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., 3. $109/€109/£84 (indiv.), $622/€618/£475 (inst.). Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 PA 19106; India: Universal Subscriptions Agency Pvt. Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; Ltd., 101-102 Community Centre, Malviya Nagar Extn., U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., Post Bag No. 8, Saket, New Delhi 110017, India; U.K./ T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., T & CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex CO3 co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. 3LP, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] 5. Anne M. Prouty Lyness. [website: http://www.tandf. co.uk/journals]. 6. Anne M. Prouty Lyness, Journal of Feminist Family 5. Alex Franklin, Mark Llewellyn, Blu Tirohl. Therapy, Dept. of Applied Psychology, Antioch New 6. The Editors, Journal of Gender Studies, Univ. of Lincoln, England Graduate School, 40 Avon St., Keene, NH Derek Crothall Bldg., George St., Hull HU1 3BW, United 03431-3516 [email: [email protected]]. Kingdom [email: [email protected]]; books for review: 7. ISSN 0895-2833; electronic ISSN 1540-4099. The Review Editors, Sabine Vanacker, Dept. of English 8. OCLC 16545991. Studies, Univ. of Hull, Cottingham Rd., Hull HU6 7RX, 9. Alternative press, counseling, family, gay/lesbian, legal, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] mental health, social science, social work, violence, and [website: http://informaworld.com/cjgs]. women’s studies indexes. 7. ISSN 0958-9236; electronic ISSN 1465-3869. 10. EBSCO (various products), OCLC FirstSearch ECO, 8. OCLC 24317037. Swetswise. 9. Current contents, humanities, social science, and 11. "Journal of Feminist Family Therapy provides a women’s studies indexes. multidisciplinary forum to further explore the relationship 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various between feminist theory and family therapy practice and products), Ingenta, Lexis-Nexis Academic Selected Full theory. Articles include those of a theoretical nature, as Text, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Ovid Psychinfo, ProQuest well as those focusing on empirical research and clinical (various products), Swetswise. application. The journal seeks to critique family therapy 11. "Journal of Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary journal concepts, including the field as a whole and its which publishes articles relating to gender from a feminist institutional structure, as well as feminist approaches to perspective covering a wide range of subject areas family therapy training and supervision, and to apply a including the social and natural sciences, arts, and feminist-oriented perspective to treatment issues of popular culture." particular importance to therapy with women." JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY FEMINIST THOUGHT JOURNAL OF FEMINIST STUDIES IN RELIGION 1. 2005. 1. 1985. 2. 1/year (electronic journal). 2. 2/year. 3. No subscription fee. 3. $22.50 (student), $28.50 (indiv.), $57 (inst.). Outside 4. [website: http://escholar.salve.edu/jift/]. U.S.: add $10.50 surface postage, $18 airmail. 5. Sarah Littlefield and Johnelle Luciani. 4. Journals Div., Indiana Univ. Press, 601 N. Morton St., 6. Sarah Littlefield [email: [email protected]]; Johnelle Bloomington, IN 47404 [email: [email protected]] Luciani [email: [email protected]]. [website: http://inscribe.iupress.org/loi/fsr]. 7. ISSN 1932-6548. 5. Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Melanie Johnson-De 11. “The Journal of Interdisciplinary Feminist Thought (JIFT), Baufre. a peer-reviewed, online publication, provides a forum for 6. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Harvard Divinity scholars in any field to contribute research related to School, 45 Francis Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138 [email: women’s issues. Each issue has a specific focal topic [email protected]] [website: http://www.fsrinc.org/ selected by the editors. Contributions are solicited from jfsr]. authors in different disciplines working together on the

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 142 focal topic, from individuals in various fields of study, and 11. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies “publishes from researchers working with students. The multi- research using innovative, theoretical, epistemological, disciplinary approach gives a wide perspective on the and methodological approaches on a wide range of focal topic.” topics about Middle East women and gender issues.”

JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S STUDIES JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH ON 1. 1999. MOTHERING 2. 4/year (electronic journal). 1. 1999. 3. No subscription fee. 2. 2/year. 4. [website: http://www.bridgew.edu/soas/jiws]. 3. $34 (indiv.), $90 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $12 postage. 5. Diana Fox. 4. The Assn. for Research on Mothering, 726 Atkinson 6. Diana Fox, Executive Ed., JIWS, Dept. of Anthropology, College, York Univ., 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA 02135 M3J 1P3, Canada [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// [email: [email protected]]; book reviews: Suzanne Baker www.yorku.ca/arm/journal.html]. [email: [email protected]]. 5. Andrea O’Reilly. 7. ISSN 1539-8706. 7. ISSN 1488-0989. 8. OCLC 48859274. 11. “Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering is 9. Elsevier Bibliographic Database, MLA International an integral part of community building for both Bibliography. researchers ‒ academics and grassroots ‒ and mothers 11. The aim of Journal of International Women’s Studies is interested in the topic of motherhood. Each issue will “to provide a forum for scholars, activists and students to give voice to women’s lived experiences of mothering in explore the relationship between various forms of all their complexity and diversity.” feminism and activism.” The journal is multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural and open-access. JOURNAL OF WOMEN & AGING 1. 1989. JOURNAL OF LESBIAN STUDIES 2. 4/year. 1. 1996. 3. $109/€109/£84 (indiv.), $523/€517/£398 (inst.). 2. 4/year. 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 3. $92/€92/£71 (indiv.), $352/€346/£266 (inst.). Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. 5. J. Dianne Garner. co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. 6. J. Dianne Garner, Ed., Journal of Women & Aging, 1348 5. Esther D. Rothblum. Cottonwood Tr., Sarasota, FL 34232 [email: 6. Esther D. Rothblum, Journal of Lesbian Studies, [email protected]]. Women’s Studies Dept., San Diego State Univ., 5500 7. ISSN 0895-2841; electronic ISSN 1540-7322. Campanile Dr., San Diego, CA 92182-8138 [email: 8. OCLC 16546320. [email protected]]. 9. Aging, anthropology, counseling, current contents, family, 7. ISSN 1089-4160; electronic ISSN 1540-3548. health, human resources, legal, medical, mental health, 8. OCLC 34991235. science, social science, social work, and women’s 9. Gay/lesbian, gerontology, and women’s studies indexes. studies indexes. 10. EBSCO (various products), Lexis-Nexis Academic 10. Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various products), Selected Full Text, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. Hawoth Press, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, ProQuest 11. "Journal of Lesbian Studies is the only professional (various products), Swetswise. journal devoted exclusively to the lesbian experience. 11. "This timely journal enhances the knowledge of a wide The content of articles focuses primarily on women who variety of professionals who are concerned with the identify as lesbians. The journal serves as a vehicle for health and well-being of women as they age. In order to the promotion of scholarship and commentary on deliver quality care and services to older women, lesbianism from an international perspective." practitioners, researchers, and educators need access to the most current information--information that they can JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EAST WOMEN’S STUDIES find in Journal of Women & Aging." 1. 2005. 2. 3/year. JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN SCIENCE 3. U.S.: $39.50 (indiv.), $88 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add AND ENGINEERING $15.50 surface postage, $26 airmail. 1. 1994 4. Journals Div., Indiana Univ. Press, 601 N. Morton St., 2. 4/year Bloomington, IN 47404 [email: [email protected]] 3. $227. [website: http://inscribe.iupress.org/loi/mew]. 4. Begell House Inc., 50 Cross Hwy., Redding, CT 06896 5. Nancy Gallagher, Sondra Hale. [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. 6. JMEWS, Ctr. for Near Eastern Studies, Bunche Hall begellhouse.com]. 10286. Intl. Institute, Univ. of California, , CA 5. Carol J. Burger. 90095-1408 [email: [email protected]]. 6. Editor, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and 7. ISSN 1552-5864. Engineering, Ctr. for Interdisciplinary Studies, Virginia 8. OCLC 56513116. Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Lane Hall, Blacksburg, 9. Index Islamicus, Meria. VA 24061-0227 [email: [email protected]]. 10. Project Muse, ProQuest, EBSCO (various products), 7. ISSN 1072-8325; electronic ISSN 1940-431X. Wilson (various products). 11. “Designed as a unique and much-needed resource for educators, managers, and policymakers, the Journal of

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 143 Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 4. Zenska infoteka, Martićeva 38, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia publishes original, peer-reviewed papers that report [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www.zinfo.hr]. innovative ideas and programs for classroom teachers, 5. Darija Marić. scientific studies and formulation of concepts related to 7. ISSN 1332-2745. the education, recruitment, and retention of under- 11. Kruh & Ruže focuses on feminism and women’s issues, represented groups in science and engineering. particularly in Eastern Europe. It provides summaries in Discipline-specific issues related to women and English. minorities are consolidated to address the entire educational environment for K through post-graduate and LILITH: A FEMINIST HISTORY JOURNAL on to continuing education. The journal includes pertinent 1. 1984. book reviews and ‘reports from the field’ by women and 2. 1/year. men of color in academe, business, industry, and federal 3. AU$25 (student), AU$30 (indiv.), $45 (inst.). and state agencies.” 4. c/o School of Historical Studies, Univ. of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia [website: JOURNAL OF WOMEN, POLITICS & POLICY http://www.lilith.org.au]. 1. 1980. Formerly titled Women & Politics. 5. Editorial Collective. 2. 4/year. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 3. $39/€39/£30 (indiv.), $506/€510/£392 (inst.). 7. ISSN 0813-8990. 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 8. OCLC 16862367. Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; 10. EBSCO (various products). U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., 11. “Lilith is a fully refereed journal committed to publishing T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex articles and reviews on the history of women, gender, CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. sexuality, and related issues. We encourage submissions co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. that may be of international interest from new and 5. Carol Hardy-Fanta, Heidi Hartmann. established scholars." 6. Heidi Hartmann, Co-Ed., Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, Inst. for Women’s Policy Research, 1707 L St. LILITH: INDEPENDENT, JEWISH & FRANKLY FEMINIST N.W., Ste. 750, Washington, DC 20036 [email: 1. 1976. [email protected]]. 2. 4/year. 7. ISSN 1554-477X; electronic ISSN 1554-4788. 3. $24.97 (indiv.), $30 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $13. 8. OCLC 5661577. 4. Lilith, Dept. LIL, PO Box 3000, Denville, NJ 07834-9841 9. Current contents, history, Islamica, Latin American [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www.Lilith.org]. studies, legal, political science, public affairs, social 5. Susan Weidman Schneider. science, social work, and women’s studies indexes. 6. 250 W. 57th St., #2432, New York, NY 10107. 10. Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various products), 7. ISSN 0146-2334. OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. 8. OCLC 2694720. 11. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy is "dedicated to 9. International, Women's Studies Index. Also available on uniting the field of women's studies with political science, microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning, sociology, and psychology. Interdisciplinary in scope, the Ann Arbor, MI. journal draws articles from a wide spectrum of 10. Dow Jones Interactive, Ethnic Newswatch, Factiva, methodological approaches, with a comparative GenderWatch. perspective." 11. Lilith "addresses women's issues from a feminist perspective within the Jewish community, and is a JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY Jewish voice in the general women's movement." 1. 1989. 2. 4/year. MAKE/SHIFT: FEMINISMS IN MOTION 3. $50 (indiv), $125 (inst.). Canada/Mexico: add $9 1. 2007. postage; outside U.S./Canada/Mexico: add $17.40. 2. 2/year. 4. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, PO Box 19966, MD 21211- 3. U.S.: $20 (indiv.), $30 (inst.); Canada: $25 (indiv.), $35 0966 [email: [email protected]] [website: (inst.); elsewhere: $40 (indiv.), $60 (inst.). http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_ 4. PO Box 2697, Venice, CA 90294 [email: info@ womens_history]. makeshiftmag.com] [website: http://www.makeshiftmag. 5. Jean Allman, Antionette Burton. com]. 6. Editor, Journal of Women's History, Dept. of History, 5. Jessica Hoffmann, Daria Yudacufski. Univ. of Illinois, MC 466, 810 S. Wright St., Urbana, IL 7. ISSN 1095-7370. 61801 [email: [email protected]]. 8. OCLC 81962029. 7. ISSN 1042-7961; electronic ISSN 1527-2036. 11. “Make/Shift magazine creates and documents 8. OCLC 19219902. contemporary feminist culture and action by publishing 9. Alternative, history, and women’s studies indexes. journalism, critical analysis, and visual and text art. Made 10. Chadwyck PCI Full Text, Contemporary Women’s by an editorial collective committed to antiracist, Issues, EBSCO (various products), GenderWatch, Lexis- transnational, and queer perspectives, Make/Shift Nexis Academic Selected Full Text, OCLC FirstSearch embraces the multiple and shifting identities of feminist ECO, Project MUSE, ProQuest (various products), communities. We know there’s exciting work being done Swetswise. in various spaces and forms by people seriously and 11. International women's history. playfully resisting and creating alternatives to systematic oppression. Make/Shift exists to represent, participate in, KRUH & RUŽE critique, provoke, and inspire more of that good work.” 1. 1994. 2. 4/year. MAMM: WOMEN, CANCER AND THE COMMUNITY 3. $33/€21. 1. 1997.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 144 2. 6/year. with a focus on all aspects of medieval studies, including 3. $19.95 history, literature (English and foreign languages), art 4. [website: http://www.mamm.com]. history, religion, philosophy, music, classics, Judaic 5. Harriet Frieze. studies and Arabic studies.” 6. MAMM, 54 West 22nd St., 4th Fl., New York, NY 10010 [email: [email protected]]. MERIDIANS: FEMINISM, RACE, TRANSNATIONALISM 7. ISSN 1099-5633. 1. 2000. 8. OCLC 377794862. 2. 2/year. 9. CINAHL. 3. $34.50 (indiv.), $87 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $18 airmail. 11. “The only national consumer magazine devoted to the 4. Journals Div., Indiana Univ. Press, 601 N. Morton St., community of women with breast and gynecologic Bloomington, IN 47404 [email: [email protected]] cancer, their families, healthcare providers and support [website: http://inscribe.iupress.org/loi/mer]. groups, MAMM covers cancer prevention, treatment and 5. Paula J. Giddings. survival for women. MAMM gives its readers the 6. The Editor, Meridians, 146 Elm St., Smith College, essential tools to make well-informed decisions and to Northampton, MA 01063 [email: [email protected]] participate fully in their health and well-being, offering [website: http://www.smith.edu/meridians]. emotional support they need before, during and after 7. ISSN 1536-6936; electronic ISSN 1547-8424. diagnosis, cutting edge news and mix of survivor profiles, 10. EBSCO (various products), InfoTrac (Gale Group), conventional and alternative treatment information, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Project MUSE, ProQuest investigative features, and essays.” (various products), Swetswise. 11. “Meridians is a peer-reviewed, feminist, interdisciplinary MANUSHI journal whose goal is to provide a forum for the finest Journal suspended. scholarship and creative work by and about women of color in the U.S. and international contexts. Its other MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN: COVERING ALL THE purpose is to make scholarship by and about women of ISSUES CONCERNING WOMEN AND MEDIA color central to contemporary definitions of feminisms in 1. 1972. the exploration of women’s economic conditions; their 2. 4/year. political practices; the articulation of histories, 3. $40 (indiv.), $70 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $15 postage. geographies, cultures, and sexualities; and their forms 4. Communication Research Associates, Inc., PO Box 180, and meanings of resistance and activist strategies.” Colton’s Point, MD 20626-0180 [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. MICHIGAN FEMINIST STUDIES mediareporttowomen.com]. 1. 1978. 5. Sheila J. Gibbons. 2. 1/year. 7. ISSN 0145-9651. 3. $10 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). 8. OCLC 2360896 & 8100460. 4. Michigan Feminist Studies, Program in Women's Studies, 9. Women’s Studies International, Women's Studies Index. 1122 Lane Hall, Univ. of Michigan, 204 S. State St., Ann 10. Dow Jones Interactive, Factiva, ProQuest (various Arbor, MI 48109-1092 [email: [email protected]] products). [website: http://sitemaker.umich.edu/michigan.feminist. 11. Media Report to Women focuses on the "relationship studies/home]. between women and media, especially journalistic 5. “Editor.” coverage, depiction in news, programming and 7. ISSN 1055-856X. advertising, and media's influence on women and girls." 8. OCLC 23364553. 11. "Michigan Feminist Studies' primary mission is to bring MEDIEVAL FEMINIST FORUM original, interdisciplinary, and thought-provoking 1. 1986. scholarship in feminist studies to a national audience." 2. 2/year. 3. U.S.: $20 (student/independent scholar, 4 issues), $30 MIDWIFERY TODAY (indiv., 4 issues), $25 (inst., 2 issues); Canada: $22 1. 1987. (student/independent scholar, 4 issues), $32 (indiv., 4 2. 4/year. issues), $27 (inst., 2 issues); Europe: $25 3. U.S.: $55; Canada/Mexico: $65; elsewhere: $75. (student/independent scholar, 4 issues), $35 (indiv., 4 4. Midwifery Today, Inc., PO Box 2672, Eugene, OR 97402 issues), $30 (inst., 2 issues); elsewhere: $28 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// (student/independent scholar, 4 issues), $38 (indiv., 4 www.midwiferytoday.com]. issues), $30 (inst., 2 issues). 5. Jan Tritten. 4. Medieval Feminist Forum, c/o Michelle M. Sauer, 6. [email: [email protected]]. Managing Ed., Dept. of English, Minot State Univ., 500 7. ISSN 1522-2888. University Ave. W., Minot, ND 58707 [email: medieval. 8. OCLC 14991213. [email protected]] [website: http://www. 10. Alt-HealthWatch, Contemporary Women’s Issues, Dow minotstateu.edu/mff]. Jones Interactive, GenderWatch. 5. “Editor.” 11. "Through networking and education, Midwifery Today's 6. Editorial & books for review addresses same as above; mission is to return midwifery care to its rightful position book reviews: Chris Africa, Book Review Ed., 2874 Triple in the family; to make midwifery care the norm Crown Ln., #10, Iowa City, IA 52240 [email: chris- throughout the world; and to redefine midwifery as a vital [email protected]]. partnership with women." 7. ISSN 1536-8742. 8. OCLC 22690408. MINERVA JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND WAR 11. Medieval Feminist Forum "is a forum for discussion and 1. 2007. Previously published as Minerva: Quarterly Report presentation of professional and scholarly issues from on Women and the Military, established 1983. the perspective of feminist studies and gender studies 2. 2/year.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 145 3. $70 (indiv.), $150 (inst.); outside U.S.: $80 (indiv.), $160 10. Chawick Literature Online, Contemporary Women’s (inst.). Issues, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various 4. McFarland, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640 [email: products), GenderWatch, InfoTrac (Gale Group), OCLC [email protected]] [website: http://www. FirstSearch ECO, Project MUSE, ProQuest (various mcfarlandpub.com/minerva.html]. products), Swetswise, Wilson (various products). 5. Linda Grant De Pauw, Jennifer G. Mathers. 11. "Reflecting two decades of feminist scholarship emerging 6. Jennifer G. Mathers, Minerva Journal of Women and from and supporting the women's movement, NWSA War, Aberystwyth Univ., Dept. of Intl. Politics, Journal, a scholarly publication of the National Women's Aberystwyth SY23 3FE, United Kingdom [email: Studies Association, publishes research which continues [email protected]]. to link feminist theory with teaching and activism. The 7. ISSN 0736-718X; electronic ISSN 1935-9209 journal will raise critical and challenging questions in 9. Historical Abstracts, America: History & Life. women's studies for the decades ahead." 11. “A multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal that examines the roles of women in war and the ways that NAN NÜ: MEN, WOMEN AND GENDER IN CHINA armed conflict affects women’s lives.” 1. 1999. 2. 2/year. MS. MAGAZINE 3. $67/€50 (indiv), $199/€151 (inst.). 1. 1972‒1989, 1990. 4. Brill, c/o Turpin Distribution, Stratton Business Park, 2. 4/year. Pegasus Dr., Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 8TQ, 3. $45; outside U.S.: $51. United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] 4. Ms., PO Box 97313, Washington, DC 20078-7049 [website: http://www.brill.nl]. [website: http://www.msmagazine.com]. 5. Harriet T. Zurndorfer. 5. Katherine Spillar. 6. Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Sinologisch Instituut, Postbus 6. 433 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 92012. 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands [email: 7. ISSN 0047-8318. [email protected]]. 8. OCLC 22202699. 7. ISSN 1387-6805; electronic ISSN 1568-5268. 9. Book Review Index, Women’s Studies International, 8. OCLC 41343413. Women's Studies Index. 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, Kluwer Academic, 10 Dow Jones Interactive, Factiva, ProQuest (various OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. products). 11. “The foremost medium for first-rate research on gender 11. "Ms. is a mass circulation magazine covering roles in China, Nan Nü is a strictly peer-reviewed and international and national (U.S.) news, the arts, books, interdisciplinary journal featuring original studies related popular culture, feminist theory and scholarship, to men, women, and gender in the fields of Chinese ecofeminism, women's health, spirituality, and political history, literature, linguistics, and language, and economic affairs; Ms. also publishes fiction, poetry, anthropology, archaeology, art and music, law, photo essays, and cartoons." philosophy, medicine/science, and religion. It features a great number of book reviews, and covers the whole of NIKK MAGASIN Chinese history from a wide variety of angles and in an 1. 2000. extensive variety of subjects, from wet nurses to 2. 3/year. courtesans, and from scholars to opium.” 3. No subscription fee. 4. NIKK Nordic Gender Inst., PO Box 1156, Blindern, NO- NASHIM: A JOURNAL OF JEWISH WOMEN’S STUDIES & 0317 Oslo, Norway [email: [email protected]] [website: GENDER ISSUES http://www.nikk.no]. 1. 1998. 5. Bosse Parbring. 2. 2/year. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 3. $25 (indiv.), $52 (inst.). Canada/Mexico: add $11.50 7. ISSN 1502-1521. postage; outside U.S./Canada/Mexico: add $11.50 8. OCLC 46592581. surface postage, $23 airmail. 11. “An interdisciplinary popular journal on gender issues in 4. Journals Div., Indiana Univ. Press, 601 N. Morton St., Northern Europe.” Bloomington, IN 47404 [email: [email protected]] [website: http://inscribe.iupress.org/loi/nas]. NWSA JOURNAL 5. Deborah Greniman. 1. 1988. 6. Nashim, The Schechter Inst. of Jewish Studies, PO Box 2. 3/year. 16080, Jerusalem 91160, Israel [email: nashim@ 3. $40 (indiv.), $145 (inst.). Canada/Mexico: add $12 schechter.ac.il] [website: http://www.schechter.ac.il]. postage; outside U.S./Canada/Mexico: add $16.50 7. ISSN 0793-8934. postage. 8. OCLC 39018983. 4. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, PO Box 19966, MD 21211- 9. Index to Jewish Periodicals. 0966 [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. 10. EBSCO (various products), GenderWatch, Humanities press.jhu.edu/journals/nwsa_journal]. Full Text (Wilson), InfoTrac (Gale Group), Project MUSE, 5. Rebecca Ropers-Huilman. Swetswise. 6. NWSA Journal, 330 Wulling Hall, 86 Pleasant St., SE, 11. “Nashim is a publication of the Schechter Institute of Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0221 [email: Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and of the Hadassah [email protected]] [website: http://www.cehd.umn.edu/ International Research Institute on Jewish Women at nwsaj]. Brandeis University. Nashim is a pluralistic reflection of 7. ISSN 1040-0656; electronic ISSN 1527-1889. creative voices from across the Jewish spectrum and 8. OCLC 18305154. around the Jewish world. Nashim publishes academic 9. Education, history, literary, social science, and women’s and review articles, essays and literary and artistic studies indexes. pieces.”

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 146 NORA: NORDIC JOURNAL OF FEMINIST AND GENDER 5. Christine Butegwa. RESEARCH 8. OCLC 41943008. 1. 1993. 11. “The journal addresses the critical concerns identified in 2. 4/year. the Beijing Platform for Action and follow-up activities.” 3. $188/€70/£114 (indiv), $198/€153/£120 (inst.). 4. U.S./Canada/Mexico: Taylor & Francis Group, Journals PMS: POEMMEMOIRSTORY Customer Services, 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, 1. 2001. Philadelphia, PA 19106; India: Universal Subscriptions 2. 1/year. Agency Pvt. Ltd., 101-102 Community Centre, Malviya 3. $7. Nagar Extn., Post Bag No. 8, Saket, New Delhi 110017, 4. PMS, HB 217, 1530 3rd Ave. S., Birmingham, AL 35294- India; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services 1260 [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www.pms- Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, journal.org]. Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@ 5. Linda Frost. tandf.co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.no/nora]. 7. ISSN 1535-1335. 5. Elina Oinas, Tutta Palin. 8. OCLC 46946321. 6. NORA, Centre for Women’s Studies, Univ. of Turku, FI- 9. American Humanities Index. 20014 Turku, Finland [email: [email protected]]. 11. “PMS: poemmemoirstory is a journal of exclusively 7. ISSN 0803-8740; electronic ISSN 1502-394X. women’s writing. We showcase the best work written by 8. OCLC 28566695. women in the genres listed in our title. We feature one 9. Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts, International memoir in each issue by a woman who may not be a Bibliography of the Social Sciences, MLA International writer per se, but who has experienced something of Bibliography/Directory of Periodicals, Studies on Women historic significance.” & Gender Abstracts. Available on microfilm from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES: ALAM-E- 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, MetaPress, OCLC NISWAN FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. 1. 1994. 11. "Nora is a new interdisciplinary journal of women's 2. 2/year. studies, published in English and international in scope, 3. Pakistan: PK Rs 500 (indiv.), PK Rs 630 (inst.); SAARC which is to be a channel for women's research from all countries: PK Rs 750 (indiv.), PK Rs 830 (inst.); disciplines. Emphasis is placed on showing a Nordic elsewhere: $58 (indiv.), $78 (inst.). profile in women's research, with regard to both content 4. C-31, Noman Heaven, Block 15, Gulistan-e-Jauhar, and methodological approaches. Nora aims to discuss Karachi 75290, Pakistan [email: niswan_pk@hotmail. and examine the realities and myths of women's lives in com or [email protected]] [website: the Nordic countries, historically and today, while at the http://www.pakistanwomenstudies.com]. same time offering a forum for theoretical debate, 5. Tahera Aftab. dialogue and information on research of a general 7. ISSN 1024-1256. interest to feminist scholars and scientists. Nora 8. OCLC 31702342. encourages papers that have a comparative and 9. Multicultural Education Abstracts (Print), Sociological interdisciplinary perspective and are theoretically self- Abstracts, Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts, reflective." Women’s Studies International, and various other educational databases. N.PARADOXA: INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST ART 10. SocIndex. JOURNAL 11. "Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies is an 1. 1998 (print); 1996 (electronic). interdisciplinary journal which aims at disseminating and 2. 2/year (print); 1/year (electronic). sharing women's studies research globally. It also 3. U.K./Europe: £18 (indiv.), £32 (inst.); elsewhere: $34 publishes curricula, course outlines, reading lists, reviews (indiv.), $72 (inst.). of books and films, seminar and conference reports, etc." 4. KT Press, 38 Bellot St., London SE10 OAQ, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: PEACE & FREEDOM: MAGAZINE OF THE WOMEN’S http://www.ktpress.co.uk]. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM 5. Katy Deepwell. 1. 1970. 6. [email: [email protected]] [website: 2. 2/year. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/n.paradoxa/index.htm]. 3. Included in WILPF membership. 7. ISSN 1461-0434; electronic ISSN 1462-0426. 4. 565 Boylston St., 2nd Fl., Boston, MA 02116 [email: 9. Art Bibliographies Modern, Contemporary Culture Index. [email protected]] [website: http://www.wilpf.org]. 11. “n.paradoxa is the only international feminist art journal in 5. Theta Pavis. the world on the work of contemporary women artists 6. [email: [email protected]]. (visual arts only) and feminist theory.” 7. ISSN 0015-9093. 8. OCLC 13148666. OFF OUR BACKS: A FEMINIST NEWSJOURNAL 9. Alternative Press Index, Directory of Women's Media. Print journal suspended. Also available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. OUR RIGHTS: AN ANALYSIS OF GENDER AND WOMEN’S 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, Infotrac, Lexis-Nexis HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFRICA Academic Selected Full Text, GenderWatch. 1. 1988. 11. "Articles and news notes covering the international 2. 2/year. women's peace and justice movement. Emphasis on 3. Free to Femnet members. racism, disarmament, and U.S. global intervention. 4. The Editor, PO Box 54562, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya [email: Special emphasis on using resources to fill human [email protected]] [website: http://www. needs, especially those of women." femnet.or.ke].

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 147 PERSIMMON TREE: AN ONLINE LITERARY MAGAZINE 7. ISSN 1743-923X; electronic ISSN 1743-9248. BY WOMEN OVER SIXTY 8. OCLC 62035295. 1. 2007. 11. Politics & Gender is “an agenda-setting journal that 2. 4/year (electronic journal). publishes the highest-quality scholarship on gender and 3. No subscription fee. politics and on women and politics. It aims to represent 4. [website: http://www.persimmontree.org]. the full range of issues on gender and women across the 5. Chana Bloch, Martha Boesing, Sandy Boucher, Sandra major sub-fields of political science.” Butler, Marcia Freedman, Nan Fink Gefen. 6. [email: [email protected]]. PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY 11. "Persimmon Tree showcases an impressive variety of 1. 1976. literature and art by women over 60, many still working 2. 4/year. well into their 80s and 90s. Many of the writers and 3. Americas: $85 (indiv.), $369 (inst.); Europe: €90 (indiv.), artists are well-known: Marilyn French, Ruth Stone, €368 (inst.); UK: £60 (indiv.), £290 (inst.); elsewhere: £60 Grace Paley, E. M. Broner, Paula Gunn Allen, Jane (indiv.), $567 (inst.). Lazarre, Faith Ringgold, and Nicole Hollander. Others 4. Americas: Journal Customer Services, John Wiley & are lesser known, while some are newly developing their Sons Inc., 350 Main St., Malden, MA 02148; craft in their later years. All of them are at the height of Europe/Middle East/Africa: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, PO their creative powers, and all of them express the shared, Box 808, 1-7 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis PO21 9FF, though diverse experiences of aging women, from late United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] [website: middle age to late old age. Persimmon Tree is intended http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journals]. to fill a niche that has been neglected by contemporary 5. Jayne E. Stake. publishing, whether in print or online. There is a growing 6. Jayne E. Stake, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Missouri- body of work by male writers and artists who are entering St. Louis, 1 University Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63121 [email: or well into old age. But the comparable body of work by [email protected]]. aging women in much smaller and mostly limited to a few 7. ISSN 0361-6843; electronic ISSN 1471-6402. already well-known writers and artists. Women are 8. OCLC 2529664 & 6190694. creating, but they are not getting the exposure they 9. Anthropology, child development, current contents, deserve." education, family, human resources, linguistics, marriage, multicultural, psychology, public administration, PHOEBE: JOURNAL OF GENDER & CULTURAL social science, social work, and women’s studies CRITIQUES indexes. 1. 1989. 10. Blackwell Synergy, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO 2. 2/year. (various products), Ingenta, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, 3. $25 (indiv.), $35 (inst.). Ovid Psychinfo, Swetswise. 4. Phoebe, Women's and Gender Studies Dept., 315 Milne, 11. Psychology of Women Quarterly is sponsored by Division SUNY-Oneonta, Oneonta, NY 13820 [email: phoebe@ 35 of the American Psychological Association. Empirical oneonta.edu] [website: http://www.oneonta.edu/ studies, critical reviews, theoretical articles, and invited academics/womens/Phoebe_Small.htm]. book reviews are published in the journal.... The kinds of 5. Karina Lissette Céspedes, Kathleen O’Mara. problems addressed include: psychological factors, 7. ISSN 1045-0904. behavioral studies, role development and change, career 8. OCLC 20041898. choice and training, management variables, education, 9. Women’s Studies International, Women's Studies discrimination, therapeutic processes, and sexuality. Abstracts. 11. "Phoebe was founded to provide a forum for cross- RACE, GENDER & CLASS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY AND cultural feminist analysis, original research, debate and MULTICULTURAL JOURNAL exchange.... We seek not only to describe women's 1. 1993. experiences but to interpret them within their socio- 2. 4/year. political context in order to understand how women's 3. $40 (indiv.), $60 (inst.); outside U.S.: $70 (inst.). condition has been and can be changed.... Phoebe is 4. Jean Ait Belkhir, Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of New particularly committed to publishing work informed by a Orleans, 2000 Lakeshore Dr., Milneburg #170, New theoretical perspective which will enrich critical thinking in Orleans, LA 70148 [email: [email protected]] [website: various areas. Work that examines the intersection of http://www. suno.edu/Race_Gender_Class]. race, class and gender or focuses on racial, sexual or 5. Jean Ait Belkhir. ethnic minorities is especially welcome." 7. ISSN 1082-8354. 8 OCLC: 30482739. POLITICS & GENDER 10. Ethnic Newswatch, GenderWatch,. 1. 2005. 11. Race, Gender & Class focuses on "the intersection of 2. 4/year. race, gender and class, whatever the topic/discipline for 3. U.S./Canada/Mexico: $90 (indiv.), $225 (inst.); research, reading and practice." U.K./elsewhere: £50 (indiv.), £125 (inst.). 4. U.S./Canada/Mexico: Cambridge Univ. Press, 100 Brook RAIN AND THUNDER: A RADICAL FEMINIST JOURNAL Hill Dr., West Nyack, NY 10994-2133 [email: OF DISCUSSION AND ACTIVISM [email protected]]; 1. 1998. U.K./Europe/elsewhere: Cambridge Univ. Press, The 2. 4/year. Edinburgh Bldg., Shaftesbury Rd., Cambridge CB2 8RU, 3. $1 per $1,000 in yearly income (indiv.), $40 (inst.). United Kingdom [email: [email protected]] Outside U.S.: add $15. [website: http://journals.cambridge.org]. 4. Rain and Thunder, PO Box 674, Northampton, MA 01061 5. Kathleen Dolan, Aili Mari Tripp. [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 6. [email: [email protected]]; book reviews: www.rainandthunder.org]. Sue Thomas [email: [email protected]]. 5. Rain and Thunder Collective.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 148 11. “Rain and Thunder is a grassroots publication providing a 8. OCLC 5585549. space for radical feminist thought, analysis, creativity, 9. Alternative press, Canadian, history, humanities, activism, and resistance to flourish. Rain and Thunder Islamica, social science, and women’s studies indexes. seeks to bring to the forefront the voices, issues, politics, Also available on microfilm from Micromedia Ltd., 20 and struggles of radical feminist women everywhere.” Victoria St., Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8, Canada. 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, Gale Group (various REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS products), Lexis-Nexis Academic Selected Full Text, 1. 1993. ProQuest (various products). 2. 2/year. 11. Abstracts; book reviews; bibliographies; periodical 3. $64/€48/¥7,800 (indiv.), $128/€96/¥15,600 (inst.). Free to resource guide. An interdisciplinary, international those (primarily in developing countries) who cannot periodical of research on women and sex roles. afford the full rate or are unable to pay, or have no access to international currency, send order to P. Martin ROOM: A SPACE OF YOUR OWN [email: [email protected]]. 1. 1975. Formerly titled Room of One’s Own. 4. Americas: Customer Service Department, 11830 2. 4/year. Westline Industrial Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146 [email: 3. U.S.: CN$39 (indiv.), CN$48 (inst.), Canada: CN$27 [email protected]]; Europe/ (indiv.), CN$36 (inst.); elsewhere: CN$49.50 (indiv.), Middle-East/Africa: Customer Service Dept., The CN$58.50 (inst.). Boulevard, Langford Ln., Kidlington OX5 1GB, United 4. Room, PO Box 46160, Station D, Vancouver, British Kingdom [email: JournalsCustomerServiceEMEA@ Columbia V6J 5G5, Canada [email: elsevier.com]; Asia Pacific: Customer Service Dept., 3 [email protected]] [website: http://www. Killiney Rd. #08-01, Winsland House I, Singapore roommagazine.com]. 239519 [email: JournalsCustomerServiceAPAC@ 5. Growing Room Collective. elsevier.com] [website: http://www.elsevier.com]; Japan: 7. ISSN 0316-1609. Customer Service Dept., 4F Higashi Azabu, 1 Chome 8. OCLC 2248303. Bldg., 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106- 9. American Humanities Index. 0044, Japan [email: JournalsCustomerServiceJapan@ 11. Room seeks "to provide a forum where new and elsevier.com] [website: http://japan.elsevier.com]. established women writers can publish their creative 5. Marge Berer. work." 6. Reproductive Health Matters, 444 Highgate Studios, 53- 79 Highgate Rd., London NW5 1TL, United Kingdom; SAGEWOMAN: CELEBRATING THE GODDESS IN EVERY submissions: Marge Berer [email: mberer@rhmjournal. WOMAN org.uk] [website: http://www.rhmjournal.org]. 1. 1986. 7. ISSN 0968-8080. 2. 4/year. 8. OCLC 29940332. 3. $22; outside U.S.: $32. 9. Current contents, health, medical, population, public 4. SageWoman, PO Box 687, Forest Grove, OR 97116 affairs, reproduction, social science, and women’s [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. studies indexes. sagewoman.com]. 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various 5. Anne Newkirk Niven. products), Elsevier (various products), Gale Group 7. ISSN 1068-1698. (various products), Ingenta (various products) . 8. OCLC 16164078. 11. The aim of Reproductive Health Matters is "to promote 10. GenderWatch. laws, policies, research and services that meet women's 11. "Celebrating the Goddess in every woman, Sagewoman reproductive health needs and support women's right to is a gentle, uplifting magazine of women's spirituality and decide whether, when and how to have children.... [its] wisdom." women-centered perspective...allows us to identify and understand women's reproductive health needs, and SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH therefore evaluate and improve on existing policy and 1. 1975. practice to women's benefit.... To this end, the journal 2. 12/year. explores what is meant by women's needs and how 3. $1,647 (inst.) plus $168 postage. these can best be met. It addresses fundamental values, 4. The Americas: Journals Customer Service, Springer New concerns and dilemmas, acknowledging the multi-faceted York, LLC, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2485 nature of problems and solutions. Finally, it reflects on [email: [email protected]]; elsewhere: Journals commonalities and differences in goals and points of Customer Service, Springer Distribution Center (SDC), view among those involved in the field – in order to foster Haberstr 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany [email: sdc- increased communication and cooperation, new thinking [email protected]] [website: http://www.springer. and action, and new forms of consensus." com]. 5. Irene Hanson Frieze. RESOURCES FOR FEMINIST RESEARCH/ 6. Irene Hanson Frieze, Ed., Sex Roles: A Journal of DOCUMENTATION SUR LA RECHERCHE FEMINISTE Research, Dept. of Psychology, 3329 Sennott Sq., Univ. 1. 1979. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 [email: sroles@pitt. 2. 2/year. edu] [website: http://www.editorialmanager.com/sers]. 3. Canada: CN$27 (student), CN$38 (indiv.), CN$105 7. ISSN 0360-0025; electronic ISSN 1573-2762. (inst.); elsewhere: US$58 (indiv.), US$128 (inst.). 9. Child development, criminology, current contents, 4. RFR/DRF, Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education, Univ. of education, family, health, mental health, psychology, Toronto, 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6, sexuality, social science, social work, and women’s Canada [email: [email protected]] [website: studies indexes. http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/rfr]. 10. Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various products), 5. Philinda Masters. InfoTrac (Gale Group), Ingenta, JSTOR, Kluwer 7. ISSN 0707-8412.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 149 Academic, ProQuest, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Ovid SISTER NAMIBIA Psychinfo, ProQuest (various products), Swetswise. 1. 1989. 11. Sex Roles publishes original research and theoretical 2. 6/year. articles concerned with the underlying processes and 3. Namibia: N$30 (student/unemployed), N$60; elsewhere consequences of gender role socialization, perceptions, in Africa: US$18; elsewhere: US$36. and attitudes. Topics include developmental, cognitive, 4. Sister Namibia Magazine, PO Box 86753, Windhoek, and social-personality factors in childhood; child-rearing Namibia [email: [email protected]]. practices, family organization, and parental behaviors 5. Liz Frank. and attitudes; social influences; acquisition, 7. ISSN 1026-9126. maintenance, and impact of stereotypes; social contexts; 8. OCLC 29552869. adulthood life stage concerns and social policies and 9. The African Book Publishing Record, Inernational African practices; effects of contemporary social change; social, Institute Apex 96, International Women's Media economic, legal, and political systems and policies; Foundation Directory 1996, Prodder - The Southern employment and work environments; personal and African Development Directory. interpersonal relationships; sexual preference; 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, GenderWatch, Lexis- victimization; health concerns; and research Nexis Academic Selected Full Text. methodological issues. Submission of papers that 11. Sister Namibia aims at "challenging structures and address gender role socialization and cultural, racial, stereotypes that oppress and divide women." ethnic, and class diversity are encouraged. The journal also publishes critical reviews of research and book SOCIAL POLITICS: INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN reviews. GENDER, STATE, AND SOCIETY 1. 1994. SIGNS: JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND 2. 4/year. SOCIETY 3. $78/€60/£40 (indiv.), $210/€165/£115 (inst.). 1. 1975. 4. Americas: Journals Customer Service Dept., Oxford 2. 4/year. Univ. Press, 2001 Evans Rd., Cary, NC 27513 [email: 3. $56 (indiv.), $302 (inst.). [email protected]]; Japan: Journals Customer 4. Univ. of Chicago Press, Journals Div., PO Box 37005, Services, Oxford University Press, Tokyo, 4-5-10-8F Chicago, IL 60637 [email: subscriptions@press. Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8386, Japan [email: uchicago.edu]; [website: http://www.journals.uchicago. [email protected]]; elsewhere: Journals edu/Signs]. Customer Service Dept., Oxford Univ. Press, Great 5. Mary Hawkesworth. Clarendon St., Oxford OX2 6DP, United Kingdom [email: 6. Mary Hawkesworth, Signs, Rutgers Univ., 8 Voorhees [email protected]] [website: http://www. Chapel, 5 Chapel Dr., New Brunswick, NJ 08901 [email: sp.oxfordjournals.org]. [email protected]]. 5. Barbara Hobson, Rianne Mahon, Ann Shola Orloff, Fiona 7. ISSN 0097-9740. Williams. 8. OCLC 1362618 & 7288933. 6. Electronic submissions only. See website. 9. Current contents, history, humanities, language/literary, 7. ISSN 1072-4745; electronic ISSN 1468-2893. psychology, social science, and women’s studies 8. OCLC 28959388. indexes. 9. Current contents, history, political science, social 10. Chadwick PCI Full Text, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO science, and women’s studies indexes. (various products), Gale Group (various products), 10. Dow Jones Interactive, Highwire Press, Ingenta, OCLC ProQuest (various products), University of Chicago FirstSearch ECO, Oxford University Press, Project Press. MUSE. 11. Feature articles; research; review essays; reports; book 11. Social Politics "features articles on gender and social reviews; letters/comments; archival notes. policy, citizenship, and the role of the family; interdisciplinary, international, concerned primarily with SINISTER WISDOM: A JOURNAL BY AND FOR LESBIANS gender studies but also covers history, sociology, political 1. 1976. science, economics, philosophy, and law." 2. 3/year. 3. $10-$15 (hardship), $20 (indiv.), $33 (inst.); outside U.S.: STUDIES IN GENDER AND SEXUALITY $25 (indiv.); free to women in prisons and psychiatric 1. 2000. institutions. 2. 4/year. 4. PO Box 3252, Berkeley, CA 94703 [website: http://www. 3. $65/€52/£39 (indiv.), $274/€218/£165 (inst.). sinisterwisdom.org]. 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., 5. Fran Day. Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, 6. [email: [email protected]]. PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer 7. ISSN 0196-1853. Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., 8. OCLC 3451636. Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: 9. Alternative Press Index, Directory of Women’s Media, [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. Women’s Studies International, Women’s Studies Index. co.uk/journals]. 11. “Sinister Wisdom is a multi-cultural, multi-class, female- 5. Muriel Dimen. born lesbian space. We seek to open, consider and 6. Muriel Dimen, Ed., Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 3 E. advance the exploration of community issues. We 10th St., Ste. 1B1, New York, NY 10013 [email: recognize the power of language to reflect our diverse [email protected]]. experiences and to enhance our ability to develop critical 7. ISSN 1524-0657. judgement, as lesbians evaluating our community and 9. Gay & Lesbian Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Studies our world.” on Women & Gender Abstracts. 10. EBSCO (various products), Ingenta, Ovid Psychinfo, Swetswise.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 150 11. “Studies in Gender and Sexuality is a response to the TRANSFORMATIONS: THE JOURNAL OF INCLUSIVE excitement attendant to recent research and writing by SCHOLARSHIP AND PEDAGOGY scholars and clinicians. It provides a forum for examining 1. 1990. gender and sexuality that is both multidisciplinary and 2. 2/year. interdisciplinary. As clinicians and scholars who have 3. $20 (indiv.), $50 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $10 surface written and practiced at the intersection of feminist theory postage, $20 airmail. and clinical psychoanalysis, the editors are especially 4. Transformations, New Jersey City Univ., Academic interested in those areas of controversy that invite the Affairs, Hepburn Hall 309, 2039 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey divergent perspectives and insights of different City, NJ 07305 [email: [email protected]] disciplines. Early issues of SGS focus on transgender [website: http://www.njcu.edu/assoc/transformations]. identities and intersexuality; contemporary readings of 5. Jacqueline Ellis, Edvige Giunta. the category of perversion; puberty and adolescence 7. ISSN 1052-5017. revised and revisited; and the intersections among class, 8. OCLC 22296121. race, and gender in theory, culture, and the clinical 9. Alternative Press Index, Gay & Lesbian Abstracts, situation. The primary goal of SGS is to promote dialogue Sociological Abstracts. on these and other timely topics among clinicians, 10. AltPressWatch,GenderWatch. researchers, and theorists. Consonant with this goal, the 11. "Transformations provides scholarly articles, both journal also publishes related work from the humanities, theoretical and practical, that help faculty at all levels to social sciences, and natural sciences, where questions integrate issues of gender, race, class, and culture into involving gender and sexuality are currently in lively the curriculum. Book reviews, syllabi, and resource lists debate.” are also included."

TEEN VOICES TRIVIA: VOICES OF FEMINISM 1. 1988. 1. 2004. Previously published as Trivia: A Journal of Ideas, 2. 2/year (print); 12/year (electronic). established 1982. 3. $20 (teen indiv.), $25 (adult indiv.); Canada: $25 (indiv.). 2. 2/year (electronic journal). 4. Teen Voices, PO Box 120027, Boston, MA 02112-0027 3. No subscription fee. [email: [email protected] ] [website: http:// 4. [website: http://www.triviavoices.net]. www.teenvoices.com]. 5. Harriet Ellenberger, Lise Weil. 5. Becca Steinitz. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 7. ISSN 1074-7494. 11. “Trivia: Voices of Feminism is a public forum for the 8. OCLC 26441986. creative and the critical thinking of that great diversity of 11. “Teen Voices is an interactive, educational forum that women who insist on our primacy, and who in league challenges media images of women and serves as a with and in the name of all the other endangered species vehicle of change, improving young women’s social and on the this planet, refuse to accept the life-destroying economic status. Teen Voices provides an intelligent status quo. We publish feminist writing in the form of alternative to the glitzy, gossipy fashion-oriented literary essays, experimental prose, poetry, translations, publications that too often exploit the insecurities of their and reviews. We encourage women writers to take risks young audience. Teen Voices is the premier national with language and forms so as to give their ideas the magazine written by young women, publishing their most original and vital expression possible. Our larger authentic voices. Teen Voices encourages expression, purpose is to foster a body of rigorous, creative and not suppression ‒ it honors the sensibilities, ideals, independent feminist thought.” hopes, fears, anger, joy, and experiential insights of teenage and young adult women.” TULSA STUDIES IN WOMEN'S LITERATURE 1. 1982. 13TH MOON: A FEMINIST LITERARY MAGAZINE 2. 2/year. 1. 1973. 3. $18 (student), $20 (indiv.), $25 (inst.); outside U.S.: $21 2. 3/year. (student), $23 (indiv.), $28 (inst). 3. $44.99 (indiv.). 4. TSWL, 800 S. Tucker Dr., Tulsa, OK 74104 [email: 4. 13th Moon, 2 Horizon Rd., Apt. G20, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 [email protected]] [website: http://www.utulsa.edu/tswl]. [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 5. Holly Laird, Laura Stevens. 13thmoon.net]. 7. ISSN 0732-7730. 5. Judith Emilyn Johnson. 8. OCLC 8426594. 7. ISSN 0094-3320. 9. Book review, humanities, language/literary, and women’s 8. OCLC 2587697. studies indexes. 9. Humanities, language/literary, and poetry indexes. 10. JSTOR. 11. Features theoretical and critical articles, poetry, fiction, 11. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature is "a scholarly art, reviews, and translations of women's writing. “13th journal that publishes articles, notes, archival research, Moon is the oldest continuously published feminist and reviews dealing with the life and work of women literary magazine of those founded in the 1970's revival writers of every period and in all languages." of feminism. Its field of scholarship is literature and graphic art by contemporary women...." 13th Moon U.S.–JAPAN WOMEN'S JOURNAL provides a forum for material often neglected by the 1. 1991. larger culture which does not bear women's concerns in 2. 2/year. mind, and by translators of foreign language literatures 3. Japan: ¥5,000; elsewhere: $35 (indiv.), $70 (inst.). who overlook the work of contemporary women writers. It 4. Jōsai Intl. Ctr. for the Promotion of Art and Science, Jōsai is committed to publishing the work of minority women, Univ., 1-1 Keyaki-dai, Sakado-shi, Saitama 350-0295, lesbians, and women of color, and has published "...a Japan [email: [email protected]]. large selection of writers who are either ‘new formalists’ 5. Sally A. Hastings, Noriko Mizuta. or experimentalists...”

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 151 6. Sally A. Hastings, History Dept., University Hall, 672 Oval in context with representations of race, age, sexuality, Dr., Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN 47907-2087 [email: social units, and social class. The significance of visual [email protected]]. culture for art education rests not so much in the object 7. ISSN 1059-9770. or image, but in the learning and teaching processes or 8. OCLC 24838451. practices used to expose culturally learned meanings 11. U.S. – Japan Women's Journal focuses on "Japanese and power relations that surround the creation, Women's Studies, Asian Women's Studies and consumption, valuing, and dissemination of images. comparative studies of women." It fosters "the exchange Similarly, the significance of gender for art education of scholarship on women and gender between the U.S., involves issues of equity and social justice in the Japan and other countries." learning, teaching, and practicing of art.”

UNCOVERINGS WISCONSIN JOURNAL OF LAW, GENDER & SOCIETY 1. 1981. 1. 1985. Formerly titled Wisconsin Women’s Law Journal. 2. 1/year. 2. 2/year. 3. $20. U.S./Canada: add $5.50 postage; elsewhere: add 3. $30. $15 postage. 4. Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society, Editorial 4. American Quilt Study Group, 1610 L St., Lincoln, NE Offices, 975 Bascom Mall, Univ. of Wisconsin Law 68508-2509 [email: [email protected]] [website: School, Madison, WI 53706 [website: http://www.americanquiltstudygroup.org/uncoverings.asp] http://hosted.law.wisc.edu/wjlgs]. 5. Laurel Horton. 5. “Editor.” 7. ISSN 0277-0628. 7. ISSN 1052-3421. 8. OCLC 7495216. 8. OCLC 12192424. 9. Book review, arts, humanities, language/literary, and 9. IAC's Current Law Index; Index to Legal Periodicals; women’s studies indexes. Westlaw. 11. "The purpose of Uncoverings is to carry out AQSG's 10. Hein Online, Lexis/Nexis/Academic Universe, Wilson mission to establish, sustain, and promote the highest (various products). standards for quilt-related studies. We stimulate, nurture, 11. "We established this journal to sustain and enlarge the and affirm engagement in quilt studies, and provide forum for discussion of the impact of law on women's opportunities for its dissemination." lives. We publish so that the best of what is thought and said about women and the law is no longer ignored or VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: AN INTERNATIONAL AND relegated to a `special issue.'" INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL 1. 1995. WOMAN AND EARTH 2. 12/year. 1. 1979. Formerly titled Woman and Russia. 3. $275 (indiv.), $1,087 (inst.). 2. 1/year. 4. Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 3. $10. Free copies sent to women and women’s groups in 91320 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// Russia/CIS/NIS and Eastern Europe. vaw.sagepub.com]. 4. Woman and Earth Global Eco-Network, World 5. Claire M. Renzetti. Headquarters, 467 Central Park West, Ste. 7F, New 7. ISSN 1077-8012; electronic ISSN 1552-8448. York, NY 10025 [email: [email protected]] [website: 8. OCLC 30869194. http://www.womanandearth.com]. 9. Criminal justice, family, legal, linguistics, police science, 5. Tatyana Mamonova. psychology, risk, social science, violence, and women’s 7. ISSN 1535-6655. studies indexes. 8. OCLC 27724086. 10. CSA Sage Criminology, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO 10. GenderWatch. (various products), Highwire Press, Ingenta, OCLC 11. Woman and Earth is an "international eco-feminist FirstSearch ECO, Sage Publications, Swetswise. magazine in English and Russian." Its focus is on women 11. “Violence Against Women is a peer-reviewed scholarly (globally) and Russia and the environment, and it also journal that focuses on gender-based violence against features art, music, dance, poetry and fiction, as well as women in all forms and across cultural and national gender and health issues. boundaries. It publishes empirical research as well as historical and cross cultural analyses. A primary goal is to WOMAN'S ART JOURNAL foster dialogue among those working in various fields 1. 1980. and disciplines, as well as in agencies and other settings, 2. 2/year. and among those from diverse backgrounds in terms of 3. $34 (indiv.), $79 (inst.). ethno-cultural and racial identity, sexual orientation, and 4. Old City Publishing, 628 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA experiences of victimization/survivorship.” 19123 [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www.oldcitypublishing.com]. VISUAL CULTURE & GENDER 5. Margaret Barlow, Joan Marter. 1. 2006 (electronic journal). 6. Woman’s Art Journal, Rutgers Univ., Dept. of Art History, 2. 1/year. Voorhees Hall, 71 Hamilton St., New Brunswick, NJ 3. No subscription fee. 08901 [email: [email protected]] [website: 4. [website: http://www.emitto.net/visualculturegender]. http://www.womansartjournal.org]. 5. Karen Keifer-Boyd, Deborah Smith-Shank. 7. ISSN 0270-7993. 6. [email: [email protected] or [email protected]]. 8. OCLC 6497852. 7. ISSN 1936-1912. 9. Art, humanities, and women’s studies indexes. Also 8. OCLC 76805476. available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and 9. EBSCO (various products). Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. 11. “The purpose of the journal is to encourage and promote 10. Wilson (various products). an understanding of how visual culture constructs gender

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 152 11. Critical articles and reviews pertaining to women in the 7. ISSN 1499-1993. visual arts. "We are interested in a re-interpretation of art 8. OCLC 7966483. history from our new awareness as women.... Woman's 9. Alternative press, Canadian, social science, and Art Journal is a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and for women’s studies indexes. honest criticism." 10. EBSCO (various products), Swetswise. 11. “Women & Environments provides feminist perspectives WOMEN: A CULTURAL REVIEW on women’s multiple relations to their social, built and 1. 1990. natural environments through research, theory, 2. 3/year. professional practice and community experience.” 3. $101/€81/£58 (indiv.), $405/€322/£245 (inst.). 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., WOMEN & HEALTH Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, 1. 1976. PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer 2. 8/year. Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., 3. U.S.: $218 (indiv.), $1,330 (inst.); Canada: $318.50 Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: (indiv.), $1,912.50 (inst.); elsewhere: $335.50 (indiv.), [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. $2,037.50 (inst.). co.uk/journals]. 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 5. Isobel Armstrong, Helen Carr, Laura Marcus, Alison Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; Mark. U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., 6. Editors, Women: a cultural review, c/o Dept. of English, T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex Birkbeck College, Malet St., London WC1E 7HX, United CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. Kingdom [email: [email protected]]. co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. 7. ISSN 0957-4042; electronic ISSN 1470-1367 5. Ellen B. Gold. 8. OCLC 22349229. 6. Ellen B. Gold, Div. of Epidemiology, Dept. of Public 9. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various Health Sciences, Univ. of California Davis, One Shields products), Ingenta, MetaPress, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Ave., TB 168, Davis, CA 95616 [email: Women’s Studies International, Swetswise. [email protected]]. 10. Catchword. EBSCO (various products), OCLC’s 7. ISSN 0363-0242; electronic ISSN 1541-0331 Electronic Collections Online (ECO), Swetswise. 8. OCLC 2337206. 11. "Women is a new initiative in feminist thought and 9. Alcohol/alcohol problems, education, family, health, legal, culture. It explores the role and representation of women medical, nursing, population, psychology, science, social in arts and culture, past and present, taking up the science, social work, and women’s studies indexes. challenging debates on sexuality and gender." 10. Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various products), OCLC FirstSearch ECO. WOMEN & CRIMINAL JUSTICE 11. Feature articles; research; bibliographies; book reviews; 1. 1989. news and notes. 2. 4/year. 3. $120/€120/£93 (indiv.), $473/€467/£360 (inst.). WOMEN & LANGUAGE 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 1. 1975. Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; 2. 2/year. U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., 3. U.S.: $15 (indiv.), $30 (inst.); Canada/Mexico: $18 T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex (indiv.); elsewhere: $20 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. 4. Anita Taylor, Executive Ed., Women & Language, Dept. co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. of Communication, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA 5. Frances P. Bernat. 22030 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 6. [email: [email protected]]. communication.gmu.edu/womenlanguage]. 7. ISSN 0897-4454; electronic ISSN 1541-0323. 5. Anita Taylor. 8. OCLC 17501958. 7. ISSN 8755-4550. 9. Alternative press, criminal justice, family, Islamica, public 8. OCLC 11313029. affairs, social science, social work, and women’s studies 9. MLA, Women’s Studies International, Women's Studies indexes. Index. 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues (highly selective), 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various products), Swetswise. EBSCO (various products),Gale Group (various 11. "Women & Criminal Justice is the only periodical devoted products), ProQuest (various products), Wilson (various specifically to interdisciplinary and international scholarly products). research and criminal justice practice dealing with all 11. "Women & Language is an interdisciplinary research areas of women and criminal justice." periodical and newsletter, associated with the Organization for the Study of Communication Language WOMEN & ENVIRONMENTS INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE and Gender, which seeks to provide a feminist forum for 1. 1976. those interested in communication, language and 2. 2/year. gender. It raises questions on the construction of gender 3. Canada: CN$22 (indiv. 2 yrs.), CN$35 (inst. 1 yr.); and the interconnections among sex, gender, race, class, elsewhere: US$22/CN$33 (indiv. 2 yrs.), and heterosexual hegemony with regard to symbolic US$35/CN$52.50 (inst. 1 yr.). communications and the impacts of masculinist 4. Women & Environments International Magazine, Faculty communication paradigms. Women & Language of Environmental Studies, HNES Building Rm 234, York welcomes completed research, essays, personal Univ., 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, narratives, poetry, as well as work in progress and Canada [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. information sharing on conferences, publications, and so weimag.com]. on. It includes contributions from all disciplines, and 5. Editorial Board. particularly looks for interdisciplinary work."

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 153 WOMEN & MUSIC: A JOURNAL OF GENDER & CULTURE 9. Alternative press, counseling, family, health, legal, 1. 1997. mental health, nursing, psychology, social science, 2. 1/year. raumatic stress, violence, and women’s studies indexes. 3. U.S.: $31 (indiv.), $57 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $15 10 Dow Jones Interactive, EBSCO (various products), postage. OCLC FirstSearch ECO, ProQuest (various products), 4. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1111 Lincoln Mall, Lincoln, NE Swetswise. 68588-0630 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// 11. "Women and Therapy is the only professional journal that www.nebraskapress.unl.edu]. focuses entirely on the complex interrelationship between 5. Suzanne G. Cusick. women and the therapeutic experience. The journal is 6. Suzanne G. Cusick, Attn. Women & Music, NYU Faculty devoted to descriptive, theoretical, clinical, empirical, and of Arts & Sciences, 24 Waverly Pl., Rm. 268, New York, multicultural perspectives on the topic of women and NY 10003 [email: [email protected]]; books for therapy. Women comprise the overwhelming majority of review: Eileen M. Hayes, UNT College of Music, 1155 clients in therapy. Yet there has been little emphasis on Union Cir. #311367, Denton, TX 76203-5017. this area in the training of therapists or in the professional 7. ISSN 1090-7505. literature. Women & Therapy is designed to fill this void 8. OCLC 35452326. of information." 9. IBR, IBZ, International Index to Music Periodicals, Music Index, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. WOMEN IN ACTION 11. “Published for the International Alliance for Women in 1. 1984. Music, Women & Music seeks to further the 2. 3/year. understanding of the relationships among gender, music, 3. Americas/Africa/Caribbean/Europe: $35; Asia/Middle and culture, with special attention being given to the East/Pacific: $30; Philippines: PhP300. concerns of women.” 4. Women in Action: Isis International-Manila, PO Box 1837, Quezon City Main, Quezon City 1100, Philippines WOMEN & PERFORMANCE: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// THEORY www.isiswomen.org]. 1. 1983. 5. Cai Yiping. 2. 3/year. 7. ISSN 1011-5048. 3. $42/€33/£22 (indiv.), $187/€149/£103 (inst.). 8. OCLC 4286732. 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., 9. Women’s Studies International, Women's Studies Index. Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, 10. InfoTrac (Gale Group). PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer 11. ISIS International's Women in Action "gives in-depth Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., coverage to the issues women around the world are Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: working on: development, health, work, violence against [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. women, media, communication, methods of organization, co.uk/journals]. models for action, networking and more.... Each issue is 5. Editorial Collective. produced jointly by Isis International and one or more 6. Women & Performance, 665 Broadway, Rm 611, New Third World women's groups." Articles, editorials, York, NY 10012 [email: managingeditor@ conference reports, resource guides. womenandperformance.org and submissions@ womenandperformance]; book reviews: [email: WOMEN IN FRENCH STUDIES [email protected]] [website: 1. 1993. http://www.womenandperformance.org]. 2. 2/year. 7. ISSN 0740-770X; electronic ISSN 1748-5819. 3. $28. Outside U.S.: add $5 postage. 8. OCLC 9855579. 4. Maureen Perry, Reference Librarian, Univ. of Southern 9. Alternative press, language/literary, and women’s studies Maine, Lewiston-Auburn, PO Box 1937, Lewiston, ME indexes. 04241-1937 [website: http://users.ipfw.edu/virtue/WIF/ 11. "Women & Performance is a feminist journal devoted to WIF-Studies.htm]. the study of theater, dance, film, music, video, ritual and 5. Catherine Montfort. performance art. It includes discussions of feminist 6. Dawn M. Cornelia, WIF Studies, Executive Ed., School of aesthetics, photo essays, interviews, historical material, Languages and Literatures, Guelph, Ontario N1P 1A3, reviews and scripts. Women & Performance encourages Canada [email: [email protected]]. dialogue among performers and theorists." 7. ISSN 1077-825X. 8. OCLC 29631629. WOMEN & THERAPY: A FEMINIST QUARTERLY 9. MLA Bibliography. 1. 1982. 11. Women in French Studies seeks "to publish research on 2. 4/year. women writing in French, on women in French or 3. $120/€120/£93 (indiv.), $682/€679/£522 (inst.). Francophone cultures and other domains of feminist 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 criticism." Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., WOMEN IN GERMAN YEARBOOK: FEMINIST STUDIES IN T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex GERMAN LITERATURE & CULTURE CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. 1. 1985. co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. 2. 1/year. 5. Ellyn Kaschak. 3. $30 (indiv.), $52 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $15. 6. Ellyn Kaschak, Psychology Dept., San Jose State Univ., 4. Univ. of Nebraska Press, PO Box 84555, Lincoln, NE One Washington Sq., San Jose, CA 95192 [email: 68501-4555 [email: [email protected]] [website: http:// [email protected]]. www.nebraskapress.unl.edu]. 7. ISSN 0270-3149; electronic ISSN 1541-0315. 5. Katharina Gerstenberger, Maggie McCarthy. 8. OCLC 6394106.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 154 6. Katharina Gerstenberger, Dept. of German Studies, 737 agencies, on faculties, in labs, in the business world, and Old Chemistry, PO Box 210372, Univ. of Cincinnati, in the consulting field.” Cincinnati, OH 45221 [email: katharina.gerstenberger@ uc.edu] and Patricia Anne Simpson, Dept. of Modern WOMEN IN SPORT & PHYSICAL ACTIVITY JOURNAL Language and Literature, Reid Hall 329, PO Box 172980, 1. 1992. Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT 59717 [email: 2. 2/year (electronic journal). [email protected]] [website: http://www. 3. $30 (indiv.), $50 (inst.). womeningerman.org]. 4. National Association for Girls and Women in Sport, 7. ISSN 1058-7446. WSPAJ, 1900 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191 8. OCLC: 12869456. [website: http://www.aahperd.org/wspaj]. 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various 5. Vikki Krane. products), Gale Group (various products), Project Muse. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 11. Women in German Yearbook focuses on "feminist 7. ISSN 1063-6161. approaches to all aspects of German literary, cultural, 8. OCLC 26085230. and language studies, including teaching." 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, GenderWatch InfoTrac, ProQuest (various products). WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION 11. "Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal is a peer- 1. 1992. reviewed journal that serves readers by providing a 2. 12/year. forum for women-centered issues and approaches to 3. U.S.: $79; Canada: $89; elsewhere: $99. sport and physical activity. The journal consists of 4. 5376 Farmco Dr., Madison, WI 53704 [email: career@ original data-based research, review essays, creative wihe.com] [website: http://www.wihe.com]. writing, book reviews, commentaries, letters and 5. Mary Dee Wenniger. responses, and other scholarly writings relative to sport 6. [email: [email protected]]. and physical activity. Contributions across all disciplines 7. ISSN 1060-8303. are welcomed, in addition to a variety of approaches and 8. OCLC 25065894. viewpoints. Emphases of the journal are the development 9. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). of theory about women and their physicality, the gender 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, Gale Group (various issues relevant to women in sport and physical activity, products). feminist re-conceptualizations of existing knowledge, and 11. "Women in Higher Education aims to enlighten, action-oriented research. Contributions for the journal are encourage, empower, and enrich women on campus by sought throughout the world and from traditional and facilitating the integration of women administrators and non-traditional settings." faculty, staff and students to win acceptance of women's styles and values on campus and in society." WOMEN OF NOTE QUARTERLY: THE MAGAZINE OF HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY WOMEN WOMEN IN JUDAISM: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL COMPOSERS 1. 1997 1. 1993. 2. 2/year (electronic journal). 2. 4/year. 3. No subscription fee. 3. $20 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $8 postage. 4. [website: http://www.womeninjudaism.org] 4. PO Box 210788, St. Louis, MO 63121-0788 [email: 5. Dina Ripsman Eylon. [email protected]] [website: http://www. 6. 246-1054 Centre St., Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8E5, Canada vivacepress.com]. [[email protected]]. 5. Barbara Harbach, Jonathan Yordy. 7. ISSN 1209-9392. 7. ISSN 1068-2724. 9. RAMBI, Index to Jewish Periodicals, MLA. 8. OCLC 27568338. 11. “Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal is an 9. International Index to Music Periodicals, Music Article academic, refereed journal published exclusively on the Guide, Music Index. Internet, and devoted to scholarly debate on gender- 11. “Women of Note Quarterly is a journal/magazine of related issues in Judaism.” historical and contemporary women composers. The audience includes libraries, music scholars and WOMEN IN NATURAL RESOURCES performers, those interested in women's social and 1. 1979 (print); 2003 (electronic). political issues, and all who enjoy classical music.” 3. No subscription fee. 4. [website: http://www.cnr.uidaho.edu/winr]. WOMEN’S HEALTH AND URBAN LIFE: AN 5. Sandra Martin. INTERNATIONAL & INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL 6. Women in Natural Resources, Univ. of Idaho, PO Box 1. 2002. 441114, Moscow, ID 83844-1114 [email: winr@uidaho. 2. 2/year. edu]. 3. Canada: CN$40 (student), CN$50 (indiv.), CN$85 (inst.); 8. OCLC 42351620. elsewhere: US$40 (student), US$50 (indiv.), US$85 11. “Women in Natural Resources is a unique, high-quality (inst.). ejournal in the field of natural resources. It combines the 4. Aysan Sev’er, Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto at best elements of a technical journal, the informal style of Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough, Ontario a newsletter, and the reader-friendly format of a M1C 1A4, Canada [email: [email protected]] magazine. It is designed and written by women in all [website: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~womenshealth/ levels of forestry, fisheries, wildlife, range, recreation, about.html]. soils and the environmental and social sciences as they 5. Aysan Se’ver. relate to natural resources. We provide information and 7. ISSN 1499-0369. ideas for from and about women. Our contributing 11. “Women’s Health and Urban Life addresses a whole authors are women in management, in federal and state range of topics that directly or indirectly affect both the physical and mental health of girls and teen-aged and

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 155 adult women living in urban or urbanizing pockets of the 6. Women’s Review of Books, Wellesley Centers for world. The orientation of the journal is critical, feminist Women CHE, Wellesley College,106 Central St., and social scientific. The journal accepts both Wellesley, MA 02481 [email: [email protected]] quantitative and qualitative, and both theoretical and [website: http://www.wcwonline.org/womensreview]. empirical articles on health, reproduction and global 7. ISSN 0738-1433. issues.” 8. OCLC 9529447. 9. Alternative press, book review, humanities and women’s WOMEN'S HEALTH JOURNAL studies indexes. Also available on microfilm from Bell & 1. 1987. Howell Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. 2. 4/year. 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various 3. $50; Chile: 8.000 pesos. products). 4. Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network, 11. "In-depth review of current books, in all fields, by and/or Casilla 50610, Santiago 1, Santiago, Chile [email: about women." [email protected]] [website: http://www. reddesalud.org]. WOMEN'S RIGHTS LAW REPORTER 5. Deborah Meacham. 1. 1970. 6. [email: [email protected]]. 2. 3/year. 8. OCLC 24302247. 3. $15 (student), $20 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add 9. Women’s Studies International. $6 postage. 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues. 4. Women’s Rights Law Reporter, Rutgers Law School, 123 11. Women's Health Journal aims "to promote women's Washington St., Newark, NJ 07102 [email: wrlr.editors@ health and quality of life; to promote women's rights, gmail.com]. especially their reproductive and sexual rights." 5. “Editor.” 7. ISSN 0085-8269. WOMEN'S HISTORY REVIEW 8. OCLC 1795817. 1. 1992. 9. Alternative Press Index, Current Law Index, Index to 2. 5/year. Legal Periodicals, Legal Contents, Legal Resource 3. $87/€70/£51 (indiv.), $567/€454/£364 (inst.). Index, Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS), 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., Sociological Abstracts, Women’s Studies International, Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, Women's Studies Index. Also available on microfilm from PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Bell & Howell Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., 10. Hein Online, Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe. Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: 11. Full-length and feature articles, comments, review [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. essays, book reviews and bibliographies on all areas of co.uk/journals]. the law affecting women's rights and sex discrimination. 5. June Purvis. 6. June Purvis, Women’s History Review, School of Social WOMEN'S STUDIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL and Historical Studies, Univ. of Portsmouth, Milldam, 1. 1972. Burnaby Rd., Portsmouth PO1 3AS United Kingdom 2. 8/year. [email: [email protected]]; North America: Belinda 3. $258/€206/£155 (indiv.), $1,060/€844/£650 (inst.). Davis, Dept. of History, Rutgers Univ., 16 Seminary Pl., 4. U.S./Canada: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, Inc., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1108 [email: bedavis@rci. Journals Dept., 325 Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, rutgers.edu]; Australia/Far East: Joy Damousi, Women's PA 19106; U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer History Review, Dept. of History, Univ. of Melbourne, Services Dept., T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia [email: j.damousi@ Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: history.unimelb.edu.au]; books for review: Louise Ryan, [email protected]] [website: http://www.tandf. Social Policy Research Ctr., Middlesex Univ., Enfield co.uk/journals]. Campus EN3 4SA, United Kingdom [email: l.ryan@mdx. 5. Wendy Martin. ac.uk]. 6. Wendy Martin, Claremont Graduate Univ., Dept. of 7. ISSN 0961-2025; electronic ISSN 1747-583X. English, Blaisdell House, 143 E. 10th St., Claremont, CA 8. OCLC 25943278. 91711. 9. EBSCO (various products), Swetswise. 7. ISSN 0049-7878; electronic ISSN 1547-7045. 11. Women's History Review "publishes contributions from a 8. OCLC 1791887. range of disciplines (women's studies, history, sociology, 9. Anthropology, communications, current contents, family, cultural studies, literature, political science, anthropology film, humanities, social science, and women’s studies and philosophy) that further feminist knowledge and indexes. debate about women and/or gender relations in history. 10. EBSCO (various products), Gale Group (various The time span covered by the journal includes the products), Ingenta, OCLC FirstSearch ECO, Swetswise. twentieth century as well as earlier times." 11. "Women's Studies provides a forum for the presentation of scholarship and criticism about women in the fields of WOMEN'S REVIEW OF BOOKS literature, history, art, sociology, law, political science, 1. 1983. economics, anthropology and the sciences." Also 2. 6/year. includes poetry. 3. North America: $39 (indiv.), $95 (inst.); elsewhere: $92/€58/¥9,257 (indiv.), $136/€86/¥13,757 (inst.). WOMEN'S STUDIES IN COMMUNICATION 4. Old City Publishing, Inc., 628 N. Second St., 1. 1977. Philadelphia, PA 19123 [email: ian@oldcitypublishing. 2. 3/year. com] [website: http://www.oldcitypublishing.com]. 3. $15 (student), $35 (indiv.), $60 (inst.). 5. Amy Hoffman. 4. [website: http:// www.orwac.org]. 5. Cindy L. Griffin.

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 156 6. Valeria Fabj, College of Intl. Communication, Lynn Univ., Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, Aotearoa, New 3601 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton, FL 33431 [email: Zealand [email: [email protected]], Michelle [email protected]]; book reviews: Lesli Pace Lunn, School of Health and Social Services, Massey [email: [email protected]]. Univ., Private Box 765, Wellington, Aotearoa, New 7. ISSN 0749-1409. Zealand [email: [email protected]]. 8. OCLC 8848461. 7. ISSN 0112-4099. 9. Index to Journals in Communication Studies, Women’s 8. OCLC 14929028. Studies International, Women’s Studies Index. Also 9. Women’s Studies International. available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and 10. EBSCO (various products). Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. 11. Women's Studies Journal is "an academic journal 10. Contemporary Women’s Issues, EBSCO (various published by the Women's Studies Association of new products), Factiva, Gale Group (various products), Zealand, which is a feminist organization formed to ProQuest (various products, Wilson (various products). promote radical social change through the medium of 11. "To publish material related to gender and women's studies. The Women's Studies Journal communication deriving from any perspective, including welcomes contributions from a wide range of feminist interpersonal communication, small group positions and disciplinary backgrounds. It has a primary, communication, organizational communication, the mass but not exclusive, focus on women's studies in media, and rhetoric." Aotearoa/New Zealand."

WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM WOMEN'S STUDIES QUARTERLY 1. 1978. 1. 1981. Previously published as Women's Studies 2. 6/year. Newsletter, established 1972. 3. Europe/Iran: €42 (student), €131 (indiv.), €699 (inst.); 2. 2/year. Japan: ¥5,700 (student), ¥17,500 (indiv.), ¥92,700 3. $28 (student), $40 (indiv.), $75 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add (inst.); elsewhere: US$48 (student), US$148 (indiv.), $25 surface postage, $50 expedited postage. US$782 (inst.). 4. WSQ, 365 Fifth Ave. Ste. 5406, New York, NY 10016 4. Americas: Customer Service Department, 11830 [email: [email protected]] [website: http://www. Westline Industrial Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146 [email: feministpress.org/wsq]. [email protected]]; Europe/ 5. Talia Schaffer, Victoria Pitts-Taylor. Middle-East/Africa: Customer Service Dept., The 6. [email: [email protected]]. Boulevard, Langford Ln., Kidlington OX5 1GB, United 7. ISSN 0732-1562. Kingdom [email: JournalsCustomerServiceEMEA@ 8. OCLC 7387895. elsevier.com]; Asia Pacific: Customer Service Dept., 3 9. Alternative Press Index, Women’s Studies International, Killiney Rd. #08-01, Winsland House I, Singapore Women's Studies Index. 239519 [email: JournalsCustomerServiceAPAC@ 10. Project Muse, ProQuest (various products). elsevier.com] [website: http://www.elsevier.com]; Japan: 11. "Women's Studies Quarterly covers recent developments Customer Service Dept., 4F Higashi Azabu, 1 Chome in women's studies and feminist education, including in- Bldg., 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106- depth articles on research about women and current 0044, Japan [email: JournalsCustomerServiceJapan@ projects to transform traditional curricula." elsevier.com] [website: http://japan.elsevier.com]. 5. Christine Zmroczek. WOMEN’S WORLD 6. Christine Zmroczek, Editor-in-Chief, Women’s Studies 1. 1984. International Forum, PO Box 37, Sheringham, Norfolk 2. 2/year. NR26 8YF, United Kingdom [email: c.zmroczek399@ 4. ISIS-WICCE, Plot 23, Bukoto St., Kamwokya, PO Box btinternet.com]. 4934, Kampala, Uganda [email: [email protected]] 7. ISSN 0277-5395. [website: http://www.isis.or.ug]. 8. OCLC 7590245. 5. Robyn Naylor. 9. Alternative press, history, humanities, psychology, social 7. ISSN 1019-1534. science, and women’s studies indexes. 8 OCLC 37264188. 10. EBSCO (various products), Elsevier (various products), 9. Women's Studies Index. Ingenta, Swetswise. 10. GenderWatch. 11. Research communications; review articles; book reviews. 11. "International feminist magazine providing news about The journal strives to reflect the multidisciplinary, women around the world from a feminist perspective and international field of women's studies, both inside and out focusing particularly on the link between women in of academia. It also aims to acknowledge cultural developing and industrialized countries." differences and at the same time to encourage an international exchange based on a shared feminist WOMEN'S WRITING framework. 1. 1994. 2. 3/year. WOMEN'S STUDIES JOURNAL 3. $79/€63/£50 (indiv.), $499/€398/£313 (inst.). 1. 1984 (print); 2008 (electronic). 4. U.S./Canada: Taylor & Francis, Inc., Journals Dept., 325 2. 2/year. Chestnut St., 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106; 3. No subscription fee. U.K./Europe/elsewhere: T & F Customer Services Dept., 4. [website: http://www.wsanz.org.nz/journal/index.html] T & F Informa U.K. Ltd., Sheepen Pl., Colchester, Essex 5. Editorial Collective. CO3 3LP, United Kingdom [email: subscriptions@tandf. 6. Jenny Coleman, Coordinating Ed., School of People co.uk] [website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals]. Environment and Planning, Massey Univ., Private Bag 5. Marie Mulvey-Roberts. 11-222, Palmerston North, Aotearoa, New Zealand 6. North America: Lisa Vargo, Dept. of English, Univ. of [email: [email protected]]; book reviews: Saskatchewan, 9 Campus Dr., Saskatoon, Leigh Coombes, School of Psychology, Massey Univ., Saskatchewan S7N 5A5, Canada [email: lisa.vargo@

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 157 usask.ca]; elsewhere: Marie Mulvey-Roberts, Women’s about the work of women writers, and hopes to reflect the Writing, Reader in Literary Studies, School of English & diversity of scholarship that can be brought to bear on Drama, Univ. of the West of England, St. Matthias this area of study.” Campus, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2JP, United Kingdom [email: [email protected]]; book YALE JOURNAL OF LAW AND FEMINISM reviews: Jennie Batchelor, School of English, Univ. of 1. 1989. Kent, Canterburg, Kent, CT2 7NX, United Kingdom 2. 2/year. [email: [email protected]]. 3. $20 (indiv.), $30 (inst.). Outside U.S.: add $10 postage. 7. ISSN 0969-9082; electronic ISSN 1747-5848. 4. PO Box 208215, New Haven CT 06520-8215 [email: 8. OCLC 30983772. [email protected]] [website: http://www.yale. 9. America: History & Life, Annotated Bibliography for edu/lawnfem/law&fem.html]. English Studies, British Humanities Index, Gay & Lesbian 5. Editorial Collective. Abstracts, Historical Abstracts, MLA International 7. ISSN 1043-9366. Bibliography, Sociological Abstracts, Studies on Women 8. OCLC 19571969. Abstracts, Women’s Studies International, Women’s 9. Current Law Index, Index to Legal Periodicals, Infotrac. Studies Index. 11 Hein Online, Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe. 12. EBSCO (various products), Swetswise. 12. "The journal provides a forum for the analysis of women, 11. “Women’s Writing is an international journal focusing on society, and the law. We are committed to expanding the women’s writing up to the end of the long Nineteenth boundaries of traditional legal discourse, and plan to Century. The Editors welcome theoretical and historical publish a wide range of legal and non-legal work, perspectives, and contributions that are concerned with including articles, fiction, criticism, poetry, and gender, culture, race and class. The aim of the journal is autobiography." to open up a forum for dialogue, discussion and debate

Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents (v.29, n.3, Summer 2009) ISSN 1941-725X Page 158