Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no. 37, p. 51–113, 9 pls., 2 fi gs., 1 table. © 2011, Mizunami Fossil Museum Miocene shallow marine molluscs from the Hokutan Group in the Tajima area, Hyôgo Prefecture, southwest Japan Takashi Matsubara Division of Natural History, Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, 6 Yayoigaoka, Sanda 669-1546, Japan <
[email protected]> Abstract A taxonomical study of molluscs from the Miocene Hokutan Group was carried out and their paleobiogeographic implication was discussed. A total of 100 species, including 45 species of Gastropoda, 54 species of Bivalvia, and one species of Scaphopoda, were discriminated. The fauna is referred to the Kadonosawa Fauna s.s. on the basis of the occurrences of the intertidal “Arcid-Potamid Fauna” and the upper sublittoral Dosinia-Anadara Assemblage. The upper sublittoral assemblages include Turritella (Turritella) kiiensis Yokoyama, Turritella (Hataiella) yoshidai Kotaka, T. (Kurosioia) neiensis Ida, Ostrea sunakozakaensis (Ogasawara), Cucullaea (Cucullaea) toyamaensis Tsuda, Siphonalia osawanoensis Tsuda, and Varicospira toyamaensis (Tsuda). These species are distributed as far north as the southernmost part of northeast Honshû at that time, and their geographic distributions are identical with the Miocene mangrove swamp element. The occurrences of these species strongly support the previous paleoclimatic reconstruction of the Japanese Islands during the latest Early–earliest Middle Miocene age on the basis of the intertidal molluscan assemblages, and show that central and southwest Honshû was under the warmer marine climate than in northeast Honshû and northwards. All the species including a new cardiid, Parvicardium? mikii sp. nov., are described and/or discussed taxonomically.