Normal Table of Embryonic Development in the Four-Toed Salamander, Hemidactylium Scutatum

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Normal Table of Embryonic Development in the Four-Toed Salamander, Hemidactylium Scutatum mechanisms of development 136 (2015) 99–110 Available at ScienceDirect journal homepage: Normal table of embryonic development in the four-toed salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum C.A. Hurney a,*, S.K. Babcock a, D.R. Shook b, T.M. Pelletier a, S.D. Turner c, J. Maturo a, S. Cogbill a, M.C. Snow a, K. Kinch a a Department of Biology, MSC 7801, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 b Department of Biology, P.O. Box 400328, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904 c Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908 ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article history: We present a complete staging table of normal development for the lungless salamander, Received 17 September 2014 Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Terrestrial egg clutches from naturally Received in revised form ovipositing females were collected and maintained at 15 °C in the laboratory. Observations, 30 November 2014 photographs, and time-lapse movies of embryos were taken throughout the 45-day embry- Accepted 31 December 2014 onic period. The complete normal table of development for H. scutatum is divided into 28 Available online 21 January 2015 stages and extends previous analyses of H. scutatum embryonic development (Bishop, 1920; Humphrey, 1928). Early embryonic stage classifications through neurulation reflect criteria Keywords: described for Xenopus laevis, Ambystoma maculatum and other salamanders. Later embryonic Embryonic development stage assignments are based on unique features of H. scutatum embryos. Additionally, we Plethodontid provide morphological analysis of gastrulation and neurulation, as well as details on Normal table external aspects of eye, gill, limb, pigmentation, and tail development to support future re- Amphibian search related to phylogeny, comparative embryology, and molecular mechanisms of development. © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. a biphasic life mode. Adults are easy to identify due to a con- 1. Introduction striction at the base of the tail and a white venter with a distinct black spot pattern. H. scutatum exhibits a short-lived, aquatic Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae) is a small, larval stage, which contrasts to the direct development mode four-toed salamander distributed throughout eastern North utilized by most members of the family Plethodontidae. Adult America. Characteristic of the family Plethodontidae, members females lay eggs during the late spring in nests of densely of the genus Hemidactylium lack lungs and possess nasolabial packed sphagnum moss patches alongside the edge of fresh grooves. As the sole species of the genus Hemidactylium and water ponds. Egg clutches develop in the terrestrial nests until the monotypic tribe Hemidactyliini (one of four tribes of the the gilled, aquatic larvae hatch and enter the pond for a short subfamily Hemidactyliinae), H. scutatum possesses four digits larval period resulting in metamorphosed juveniles that return on each hindlimb, mode V tongue feeding, and skulls with fully to terrestrial habitats during the summer. articulated frontal and parietal bones and no fontanelle (Wake, Broader understanding of embryonic morphological fea- 2012). Adults inhabit terrestrial, forested habitats with access tures and developmental patterns in H. scutatum may help to fishless ponds that serve as breeding locations to support resolve hypotheses regarding species diversity and the complex * Corresponding author. James Madison University, USA. Tel.: +540 568 4830; fax: +540 568 4990. E-mail address: (C.A. Hurney). 0925-4773/© 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. 100 mechanisms of development 136 (2015) 99–110 phylogenetic history of metamorphosis within the family 2.1. Major features of early development: stages 1–19 Plethodontidae (Bonett et al., 2005; Bruce, 2005; Chippindale (Tables 1 and 2; Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4) and Wiens, 2005; Kerney et al., 2012). Short-lived, long-lived, and direct developing species are contained within the sub- 2.1.1. Cleavage stages (Stages 1–7; 0–27 hours after family Hemidactyliinae. Recent phylogenetic analyses indicate oviposition; Table 1; Fig. 1) that the monotypic tribe Hemidactyliini is the sister taxon to H. scutatum embryos have lightly pigmented animal poles the species-rich, direct-developing tribes Bolitoglossini and and no evidence of gray crescent pigmentation on the dorso- Batrachosepini (Vieites et al., 2011; Wake, 2012). Relations with lateral edge. Single-celled embryos average 2.4 mm in diameter members of the tribe Spelerpini, whose members exhibit long- (n = 7; range 2.3 mm−2.5 mm (Stage 1), which is consistent lived larval stages as well as aquatic paedomorphs, remain with previous reports from Humphrey (1928) and Bishop (1920). poorly resolved. As observed in most amphibians, cleavage in H. scutatum Despite the call for more studies on salamander embryon- embryos is asymmetrical and holoblastic. The first and second ic development, resolution of the debates regarding the cleavage planes in H. scutatum are meridional and orthogo- phylogenetic history of Plethodontidae is limited by the lack nal to one another. The first cleavage plane begins to form of comprehensive descriptions of embryonic morphogenesis approximately 8 hours after oviposition and division is com- (Bonett et al., 2005; Bruce, 2005; Chippindale and Wiens, 2005). plete within 12 hours (Stage 2). Before the first cleavage Most of the early reports of embryonic development in furrow is complete, a second furrow begins to form in the plethodontids are incomplete analyses based on field descrip- animal pole. The first two cleavages divide the embryo into tion or informal laboratory observations (Barden and Kezer, 1944; four cells by the end of Stage 3 (15 h). The third cleavage event Bishop, 1920, 1925, 1941; Bishop and Chrisp, 1933; Fowler, 1946; is equatorial and displaced toward the animal pole creating 4 Franz, 1967; Goin, 1951; Goodale, 1911; Hilton, 1909; Humphrey, micromeres in the animal hemisphere and 4 macromeres in 1928; Lynn and Dent, 1941; Miller, 1944; Rabb, 1956; Smith et al., the vegetal hemisphere observable externally (Stage 4, 18 h). 1968; Stebbins, 1949). More recent staging tables offer more in- After the 8-cell stage, cell division continues asymmetrically sights into embryonic features, but many are not comprehensive and synchronously, resulting in an increase of cell number or do not document the full embryonic period (Collazo and from 16 cells (Stage 5, 21 h) to 32 cells (Stage 6, 24 h) Keller, 2010; Collazo and Marks, 1994; Franssen et al., 2005; and ultimately to 64 cells (Stage 7, 27 h). Time-lapse movies Marks, 1995; Marks and Collazo, 1998). The embryonic staging at room temperature (22–23 °C) show that the interval table for the direct-developing Plethodon cinereus provides the between the onset of early cleavages decreases throughout most comprehensive analysis of plethodontid embryonic char- development. For example, 2 hours and 40 minutes elapse acters to date (Kerney, 2011). The staging table of embryonic between second and third cleavage, 2 hours and 10 minutes development for H. scutatum complements and extends pre- elapse between the third and fourth cleavage and 1 hour vious studies and provides a complete analysis of timing and and 40 minutes elapse between sixth and seventh cleavage. characterization of external development to extend knowl- Shorter intervals (1:35 or 1:30) occur for later cleavages. edge of salamander embryology, vertebrate development, and Thus developmental rates at room temperature are initially further enrich analyses of plethodontid life history evolution. only moderately faster than at 15 °C but tend toward twice as fast as the embryo progresses through cleavage stages. The overall size of the embryo increases slightly during cleav- age stages from 2.4 mm in diameter to 2.5 mm (n = 4). Similar asymmetric cleavage patterns are reported for other 2. Results plethodontids (Collazo, 1990; Collazo and Marks, 1994; Hilton, 1909; Kerney, 2011; Marks, 1995; Marks and Collazo, 1998), al- We define 28 embryonic stages for H. scutatum on the basis though field studies of two direct developing plethodontids, of external morphology. The total embryonic period from ovi- Aneides lugubris and Batrachoseps wrighti, report meroblastic position to hatching is approximately 45 days at 15 °C. Stages cleavage for early cleavage stages, followed by holoblastic cleav- 1 to 19 represent early development from cleavage through neu- age during later cleavage stages (Miller, 1944; Stebbins, 1949). rulation and are consistent with stage designations for events through neurulation defined for Ambystoma mexicanum 2.1.2. Blastula stages (Stages 8–9;1d16hto3d5hafter (Bordzilovskaya et al., 1989), Ambystoma maculatum (Harrison, oviposition; Table 1; Fig. 1) 1969), Desmognathus aeneus (Marks and Collazo, 1998), and H. scutatum embryos enter Stage 8 approximately 40 hours Xenopus laevis (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1956). Stages 20 through after oviposition when the size of the apical aspect of the animal 28 document later developmental events such as tail, gill, and blastomeres decreases by a factor of 2 relative to the previ- limb formation culminating in hatching (Stage 28). After neu- ous stage. Asymmetric cell division continues, resulting in rulation, H. scutatum development deviates from described hundreds of animal blastomeres
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    1 In Press: 2000. Chapter XX. Pages __-__ in Richard C. Bruce, Robert J. Jaeger, and Lynn D. Houck, editors. The Biology of the Plethodontidae. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, N. Y. SOUTHEASTERN U. S. COASTAL PLAIN HABITATS OF THE PLETHODONTIDAE: THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIEF, RAVINES, AND SEEPAGE D. BRUCE MEANS Coastal Plains Institute and Land Conservancy, 1313 N. Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL 32303, USA 1. INTRODUCTION Because the Coastal Plain is geologically and biologically a very distinct region of the southeastern United States -- the southern portion having a nearly subtropical climate -- the life cycles, ecology, and evolutionary relationships of its plethodontid salamanders may be significantly different from plethodontids in the Appalachians and Piedmont. Little attention has been paid, however, to Coastal Plain plethodontids. For instance, of the 133 scientific papers and posters presented at the four plethodontid salamander conferences held in Highlands, North Carolina, since 1972, only three (2%) dealt with Coastal Plain plethodontids. And yet, while it possesses fewer total species than the Appalachians and Piedmont, the Coastal Plain boasts of slightly more plethodontid diversity at the generic level. The genera Phaeognathus, Haideotriton, and Stereochilus are Coastal Plain endemics, whereas in the Appalachians and Piedmont Gyrinophilus is the only endemic genus unless one accepts Leurognathus apart from Desmognathus. In addition, Aneides is found in the Appalachians and not the Coastal Plain, but the genus also occurs in the western U. S. All the rest of the plethodontid genera east of the Mississippi River are shared by the Coastal Plain with the Appalachians and Piedmont. Geographically, the Coastal Plain includes Long Island in New York, and stretches south from the New Jersey Pine Barrens to include all of Florida, then west to Texas (Fig.
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