INVENTOR Sweezy Aaro?Ez-Maess by 22
Nov. 21, 1939. H. J. NESS 2,181,093 HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS Filed Jan. 26, 1938 MM 1// M 1. 11221,MM-77 1222 / / / / / /27 / /2222277/2 / / / / / / / / / 2.7/ / /- /, ., ,. ,. M2 2 2.M& N NSy 70 A/A A/yd 6AS INVENTOR sweezy Aaro?ez-MAess BY 22. --Cee ATAORNEY | Patented Nov. 21, 1939 2,181,093 UNITED STATES PATENT office 2,181,093 EEAT TREAMNT OF METALS arold J. Ness, Bloomfield, N.J., assignor to Nes alloy Products, inc., New York, N. Y., a corpool ration of New Jersey Application January 26, 1938, serial No. 186,941 2 Claims. (C. 148-16) This invention relates to the metallurgy of both surface of the part and may be discovered only ferrous and non-ferrous metals and more particul on failure of the part in use. Similar decarburi larly to the provision of an atmosphere for the zation and scaling problems arise in the reheating heating and heat treatment of such metals for of billets and the heating of bars, wire bars and 5 mechanical working, normalizing, hardening, etc. slabs for rolling, piercing, as in tube making, in This application is a continuation in part of the SOaking of steel ingots, and in the heat treat my applications Serial No. 67,547, fled March 6, ment of finished or partially finished parts for 1936, and entitled "Metallurgical process and ap hardening, normalizing, etc. Troublesome oxide paratus', Serial No. 79,968, filed May 15, 1936, formations also Occur in the heating and heat 0. and entitled 'Metallurgical process', and Serial treatment of such metals as brass, copper and 0 No.
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