Dear friends,

These are your life long healthy habits for your to be your best self. Do one a day for the next 30 days and after 30 days some of these will stay with you for life helping you to run your life.

Be Your Best Day 1 ✓ Aim to eat 2 healthy today. Time them between and then between lunch and . Add a 3rd if today is a particularly busy day. Eat it after dinner before bed.

Day 2

A simple thought for you to consider today. ‘Stay Positive. Work Hard. Make it Happen’.

Day 3

Today treat your body well by moving often. Aim for 10,000 steps today your body deserves the effort.

Day 4

A handful of cashew nuts and an apple is a great elevenses snack for you. Grab some today and enjoy.

Day 5

Name one person you are really grateful for. Send them a message and tell them by the end of today. Day 6 ✓ Moving for 20 minutes today will benefit your body and mind. Go for a walk without your phone and concentrate on how your body feels.

Day 7

Drink 8 glasses of water today. Staying hydrated will help you perform at your best.

Day 8

Time is your most valuable asset. Name something you want to spend more time on and think about how to do that.

Day 9

Stretch for 10 minutes before going to bed tonight. Start at your head and work the whole way down to your toes. Repeat 3 times. Do this with in a quiet space with your phone on silent.

Day 10

Buy a good quality vitamin D supplement. It will help your body to feel good. Day 11 ✓ Name one thing that stresses you and something that is a stress reliever for you. Focus on relieving your stress today. Stresser: Stress Reliever:

Day 12

Name one person who you feel can help you achieve a fit- ness goal. Reach out to them and make a plan.

Day 13

Are there certain times of the day you have bad hab- its? Identify these times and focus on why you are eating and your choices.

Day 14

Define success on your own terms. What does success mean to you and what one thing can you do today to help make that happen?

Day 15

How many hours a week are you willing to commit to your fitness? Write them down and when you hope to do them each week. Day 16 ✓

A great mid morning snack is two rice cakes with sliced banana.

Day 17

Storms don’t last forever. What is happening now that will be easier in the future? Stay positive.

Day 18

Just 30 minutes a day will really help you get fitter. Don’t overcomplicate things, go for a brisk walk or do a circuit session at home today.

Day 19

How does your dinner plate look? Aim to fill half your plate with vegetables.

Day 20

Pick one book to read this month. What book will it be and when will you have it read by? Day 21 ✓ Get active today, you have a lower chance of being over- weight if you move your body regularly. What exercise will you do today?

Day 22

A glass of milk is a great post workout recovery . It is packed with protein and will help with hydration.

Day 23

How much time are you spending on your phone? Check your phone settings and aim to reduce this time with increased exposure to greenery, sunlight and nature.

Day 24

Even a little exercise is way better for your heart health than none. If you are feeling de-motivated just remember this, something is always better for you than nothing.

Day 25

When your eating your dinner remember good fats. Sprinkle a little good fats on your plate, 1-2 tbsp of nuts and seeds are perfect. Day 26 ✓

Write a list of the top 5 issues that are bothering you today. Write the potential solutions to these issues.

Day 27

Research has shown that regular exercise will help you sleep better. Whether it’s morning, afternoon or evening, today make sure to get a little exercise in to increase your sleep quality.

Day 28

A small pot of yoghurt with 1-2 tbsp of nuts is a great snack idea.

Day 29

Be mindful of how much you drink a day, try to stick to 1-2 cups and try not to drink coffee after 4 p.m.

Day 30

Strength training is really important throughout your life. Think about how you can keep your body strong. What exercises will help you stay strong? Squats are your friend.