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Hepatitis A Structure

David I. Stuart,1,2 Jingshan Ren,1 Xiangxi Wang,3 Zihe Rao,3,4 and Elizabeth E. Fry1

1Division of Structural Biology, The Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine, The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK 2Diamond Light Source Ltd, Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0DE, UK 3National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100101, China 4Laboratory of Structural Biology, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Correspondence: [email protected]

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) has been enigmatic, evading detailed structural analysis for many years. Its recently determined high-resolution structure revealed an angular surface without the indentations often characteristic of receptor-binding sites. The viral protein 1 (VP1) β- barrel shows no sign of a pocket factor and the amino terminus of VP2 displays a “domain swap” across the pentamer interface, as in a subset of mammalian and insect picorna-like . Structure-based phylogeny confirms this placement. These differences suggest an uncoating mechanism distinct from that of enteroviruses. An empty capsid struc- ture reveals internal differences in VP0 and the VP1 amino terminus connected with particle maturation. An HAV/Fab complex structure, in which the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) appears to act as a receptor–mimic, clarifies some historical epitope mapping data, but some remain difficult to reconcile. We still have little idea of the structural features of envel- oped HAV particles.

he primary function of the out- virus genus of which hepatitis A virus (HAV) is Ter protein shell (capsid) is to protect the ge- the type species are somewhat outliers from, and nome and evade immune recognition to enable much less well studied than, for instance, the the transport of the genome into the cellular enteroviruses (e.g., poliovirus and rhinoviruses). cytoplasm where replication can be initiated. Picornaviruses generally possess a nonenvel- The structure of the capsid can help us to under- oped ∼30 nm diameter capsid that packages a stand some aspects of this process: how capsid single-stranded RNA genome. The genomic assembly is directed and controlled, how the ge- RNA contains a single large open reading frame, nome is encapsidated, how interactions with the flanked on each end by relatively short non- host cell are coordinated, how the capsid disas- translated RNA segments. The open reading sembles to facilitate genome replication and how frame encodes a single large polyprotein that is the capsid organization responds to and evades processed by a viral protease into three polypep- the antiviral response mounted by the host. tide intermediates, P1–P3. P1 is subsequently The Picornaviridae are an extremely well- further processed into three structural proteins, studied family of viruses; however, the Hepato- VP0, VP3, and VP1, which self-assemble into a

Editors: Stanley M. Lemon and Christopher Walker Additional Perspectives on Enteric Hepatitis Viruses available at Copyright © 2019 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a031807 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9:a031807

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D.I. Stuart et al.

spherical capsid with icosahedral (532) symme- cule of genomic RNA, which does not possess try (Fig. 1A). VP0, VP3, and VP1 are roughly strict icosahedral symmetry. Five copies of the similar in shape and arranged so as to approxi- VP1 capsid protein surround the icosahedral mate T = 3 quasi-equivalence (Rossmann and fivefold axes. Three copies of VP2 and VP3 al- Johnson 1989). In many picornaviruses, VP0 ternate at the threefold axes, and two copies of undergoes a final maturation cleavage after VP2 abut each otherat the twofold axes (Fig. 1B). packaging of the RNA genome, by a poorly un- Interactions of the external surface of the derstood mechanism, perhaps catalyzed by assembled capsid with a receptor expressed on RNA. This yields the mature VP2 capsid protein the surface of the host cell play a critical role in and a smaller amino-terminal fragment, VP4. cellular entry of the virus. The surface of the The generalstructure of thepicornaviral cap- capsid also interacts with antibodies generated sid has been well characterized. The three largest by the host’s immune system, potentially result- capsid proteins, VP1–3, each adopt an eight- ing in neutralization of infectivity. The peptide stranded antiparallel “β-barrel” fold in which loops on the surface of the capsid have little the amino-terminal amino sequences are posi- structural constraint, and thus tolerate deletions, tioned on the inner surface and the carboxy-ter- insertions, or amino acid substitutions that en- minal residues face externally. The small VP4 able the virus to evade antibodies. These surface protein is located internally and not well visual- loops therefore vary significantly in length and ized in crystallographic models, either because it structure, so that different picornavirus species is flexible or because it contacts the single mole- may have distinctive shapes. Thus, viruses of one major genus—Enterovirus—have a depression (canyon) around the fivefold vertices, which is A P1 - 836 highly conserved and frequently harbors the site of receptor interaction (Rossmann et al. 1985). Close to this is an opening into a hydrophobic pocket in the interior of the VP1 β-barrel in VP4 - 23 PX - 67 VP2 - 222 VP3 - 246 VP1 - 278 which a lipidic molecule (pocket factor) binds (Smith et al. 1986). In enteroviruses, it seemsthat the lipid is dislodged from the pocket, leading to B its collapse, after binding of the capsid to its re- ceptor and concomitant uptake into early endo- somes. These conformational rearrangements in the capsid result in channels opening up both on and adjacent to the twofold axes that allow VP4 and the amino terminus of VP1, both hydropho- bic and positioned internally, to externalize and puncture the endosomal membrane (Ren et al. 2013). This triggers release of the viral RNA, which enters the cytoplasm where it undergoes translation on ribosomes and initiates the process of replication (Wang et al. 2012). Other genera of the Picornaviridae do not possess the VP1-bind- Figure 1. HAV structural proteins and their topogra- ing pocket, and the site of receptor binding can phy. (A) Schematic of polypeptide intermediate 1 (P1) vary. It is quite possible that the mechanism of genome organization. The numbers of amino acids in uncoating varies with the site of receptor bind- the polypeptides are shown. The color scheme is viral ing, but the details are less well established. protein 1 (VP1), blue; VP2, green; VP3, red; VP4, yellow; this is used throughout the figures. (B) Surface HAV has markedly different physicochemi- overview: the hepatitis A virus (HAV) accessible sur- cal properties to nearly all other picornaviruses face. White lines clarify the particle facets. (Siegl et al. 1981). It is remarkably stable both

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Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Structure

geneticallyand physically, being able towithstand (Wang et al. 2015). Very thin, platelike crystals temperatures up to 80°C and pH as low as 2, and were grown for both the mature and natural empty particles appear even more robust than full empty virus ( that did not package particles (Wang et al. 2015). This makes disinfec- RNA) and which were separated during sucrose tion tricky and the process of uncoating, for now, density gradient purification. The crystals were unfathomable. Quite recently, it was shown that grown in typical small drops from 30% 2-meth- the virus exists in an enveloped form (garnering yl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) and probably for this membrane from the host to form the so-called reason in situ data collection at room tempera- quasi-enveloped HAV [eHAV] particle) while ture (Axford et al. 2012) was impossible because outside cells, potentially shielding itself from im- when the x-ray shutter was opened the crystal mune surveillance (Feng et al. 2013). This per- would twitch out of the beam (see supplemen- haps starts to blur the distinction between envel- tary movie in Wang et al. 2015). Data were there- oped and unenveloped viruses and raises the fore collected from frozen crystals on beamlines question of whether this is unique to HAV, or I03 and I24 at Diamond Light Source, UK, and occurs also with some other picornaviruses, and structures were solved for the mature and empty has simply escaped attention. HAV also retains capsids at 3.5 Å and 3.0 Å, respectively. Unlike the ability to undergo transcytosis across cells some enteroviruses, such as enterovirus 71 when complexed with immunoglobulin A (IgA) (EV71) (Wang et al. 2012), the empty particles antibody (Dotzauer et al. 2005; Counihan and were essentially indistinguishable in exterior Anderson 2016). HAV appears to have a very (and therefore antigenic) structure to the mature short (23 amino acids), nonmyristoylated VP4 virus particle. As expected from previous expe- (Shukla et al. 2014). Unlike other picornaviruses, rience with EV71 (Wang et al. 2012), there was on capsid assembly, a 67-residue polypeptide re- no evidence for structural modification attribut- mains attached as a carboxy-terminal extension able to formaldehyde inactivation. of VP1. By comparison with other picornavirus- In terms of its broad surface architecture, es, this would have been expected to belong to the the HAV particle most closely resembles the nonstructural P2 section of the genome (protein smooth, spherical aphthoviruses, although HAV 2A in the other viruses); thus, it is known as VP1- has a noticeably faceted appearance, akin to a 2A or pX (see Pintó et al. 2018). pX is likely to triakis icosahedron (Fig 1B). These flat facets mediate the association with the membrane en- mean that there is no canyon. Compared with velope, and indeed is later cleaved off by host a typical enterovirus (Rossmann et al. 1985), a proteases to yield the mature, nonenveloped cap- shortening of the VP1 BC loop lowers the north sid (Feng et al. 2013). HAV isolates belong to a wall of the canyon while reductions in the VP2 single serotype, and this lack of antigenic varia- EF and VP1 GH loops ablate the south wall (Fig. tion has been attributed to its need to conserve 2A). Compared with the more spherical foot- rare codons (Sanchez-Eugenia et al. 2016). These and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) (Acharya differences made the determination of its struc- et al. 1989), the loops at the fivefold and three- ture an imperative as it was expected that the fold axes in HAV are slightly raised to make the capsid would bear distinguishing features to the facets. There are no major depressions anywhere structures from other genera and might shed light on the surface that might immediately suggest on its uncoating mechanism. Indeed, the analysis themselves as receptor attachment sites. The of HAV described below provided the first struc- HAV receptor story remains incomplete; there tural information on the Hepatovirus genus. was early evidence for the involvement of glyco- phorin A (Sanchez et al. 2004) as the erythrocyte receptor because HAV agglutinates red blood OVERALL STRUCTURE OF HAV cells at acidic pHs. The epitope for glycophorin The structure was solved for HAV genotype interactions was proposed to involve residue TZ84, cultivated in 2BS cells and inactivated Lys 221 of VP1 and the surrounding VP3 resi- with formaldehyde by the Sinovac company dues (102–121) lining the “capsid pit.” This is

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D.I. Stuart et al.


VP1 BC loop

VP2 EF loop

VP1 GH loop



Figure 2. Distinctive structural features of hepatitis Avirus (HAV).(A) No canyon depression. Side view of surface of protomer of HAV (gray) overlaid on a ribbon depiction of an enterovirus 71 (EV71) protomer with the proteins color-coded as in Figure 1B. This highlights the loops, which are labeled, that are truncated in HAV to flatten out the canyon. (B) Potential glycophorin A receptor-binding site. A pentamer from the HAV capsid with viral protein (VP)1–3 drawn in cartoon representation showing the location of residues implicated in the glycophorin A receptor-binding site as spheres: magenta VP1 Lys 221 and gray 102–221 VP3. (C) VP1 exten- sions. Side-by-side surface renditions of an HAV pentamer (left) and a Ljungan virus (LV) pentamer (right). The magenta spheres highlight the last VP1 residue visible in HAV beyond which are ∼3 VP1 residues and the 2A extension that would be present in the enveloped particle. On the LV pentamer, the residues corresponding to the extended VP1 carboxy-terminus are drawn in royal blue. (D) Lack of hydrophobic pocket in VP1 β-barrel compared with an enterovirus. An HAV protomer (left) is drawn in cartoon representation alongside that for EV71 (right). The pocket volume calculated with PyMOL is drawn in light blue mesh. The lipid that binds in the EV71 pocket is drawn in magenta sticks.

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Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Structure

mapped to the structure in Figure 2B. Although REWIRING OF THE PENTAMER BOUNDARY there is no canyon or pit depression, the VP3 STRUCTURE residues (102–121) do not appear to be accessi- One of the most significant differences between ble in the mature capsid. There have also been HAV and the earlier characterized mammalian reports that T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin picornavirus structures is a change in the struc- domain 1 (TIM1) acts as a receptor (Kaplan et al. ture at the icosahedral twofold axes. This com- 1996). However, recently, it has been shown to prises a swap in position for the amino-terminal play no role in cellular entry for either quasi- 52 residues of VP2. The net result is that the enveloped or naked HAV, although it may facil- overall structural appearance is almost indistin- itate early stages of infection by binding phos- guishable because the same β-hairpin structure phatidylserine on the eHAV surface (Das et al. is formed at the twofold symmetric position; 2017). We believe the recently determined struc- however, this hairpin comes from a different ture of a complex of HAV with a neutralizing chain. This is achieved by a flip in the ψ torsion antibody may throw some light on receptor angle of the peptide of residue 53, which lies very binding, and this is discussed below. close to the twofold axis (only ∼5 Å from it). In line with the low buoyant density in cesi- This flip places the first 53 amino-acid residues um chloride (CsCl) (Siegl et al. 1981), there are across the interpentamer boundary (Fig. 3A), no apertures in the capsid to permit the entry of where they form a strong interaction with the Cs+ ions. In both the mature and empty capsids, adjacent pentamer. As a result of this swap in the approximately three residues are disordered at amino-terminal structures, an extra strand is the carboxy-terminus of VP1 (where pX would formed on the VP2 β-barrel of the neighboring previously have been joined to VP1). No exten- pentamer. Similar structural domain swaps have sion is visible but its position on the outer capsid been observed in certain protein structures (Liu can be inferred. Interestingly, since the structure and Eisenberg 2002). It results in a very similar of HAV was determined, structures of other pi- overall structure in the case of HAV, but with cornaviruses have been shown to bear an exten- complex changes in connectivity and in how the sion at the carboxy-terminus of VP1, which is adjacent protomers of one pentamer are sewn more or less well-ordered on the surface of the together with the adjacent pentamer (Fig. 3A). capsid. An example of this is Ljungan virus (LV), This arrangement was not known to occur in in which 20 Å high protrusions are seen, dis- picornaviruses when first recognized in HAV. placed some 45 Å from the icosahedral fivefold However, it exists in distantly related picorna- axes, composed of the 55 carboxy-terminal res- like viruses of insects including cricket paralysis idues (Fig. 2C) (Zhu et al. 2015). virus (CrPV) (Tate et al. 1999), a member of the Unlike enteroviruses (but in common with Cripavirus genus in the family . other picornavirus genera), HAV harbors no Furthermore, structures of several picornavirus- contiguous hydrophobic pocket in the VP1 β- es that harbor an uncleaved VP0 have since been barrel. The β-barrel is compressed compared solved, including LV (Zhu et al. 2015) and hu- with enteroviruses (Plevka et al. 2013; De Col- man parechovirus-1 (HPEV-1) (Kalynych et al. ibus et al. 2014), and the remaining space largely 2015), and have been found to have exactly the filled with hydrophobic side chains, as in aph- same VP0 swap (Fig. 3A). The domain-swapped tho- and cardioviruses (Fig. 2D) (Acharya et al. amino-terminal conformation for VP2 is actu- 1989). In addition, lengthened βC and βH ally much closer to the amino-terminal confor- strands in VP1 essentially cover what would be mation of VP3 and VP1. This further strength- the entrance to the pocket. It therefore seems ens the suggestion that HAV belongs to a major unlikely that HAV would be able to bind small clade of picornaviruses that are more “primi- molecules within this pocket as observed in en- tive” and are the most closely related to the in- teroviruses and such a line of attack for antiviral sect picorna-like viruses such as CrPV (Tate compound discovery is unlikely to be fruitful et al. 1999) and (TrV) (Squires (De Colibus et al. 2014). et al. 2013), also a cripavirus (Fig. 3B).

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D.I. Stuart et al.


Aichi Seneca

Mengo LV Theiler’s

FMDV EV71 LV HAV BEV Rhino 14 Polio 2 HAV surface HAV CBV3



Figure 3. Structural features. (A) Viral protein (VP)2 domain swap. A surface-rendered protomer of hepatitis A virus (HAV) is depicted with the VP2 amino terminus differentiated by being drawn in green cartoon represen- tation. The VP2 amino termini from Ljungan virus (LV) and foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) are superimposed and depicted in cyan and magenta, respectively. It can be seen that both LV and HAV share the domain swap conformation characteristic of insect picorna-like viruses rather than the classical picornavirus conformation represented by FMDV. (B) Structure-based phylogenetic tree of representative picornaviruses and cripaviruses. Included in the analysis are 3VBF (EV71), 1BEV (bovine enterovirus), 4HRV (human rhinovi- rus14), 1EAH (poliovirus type2), 1COV (coxsackievirus B3), 1TME (Theiler’s virus), 3MEV (mengo virus), 3CJI (Seneca Valley virus), 1ZBA (FMDVA10), 2WFF (equine rhinitis Avirus [ERAV]),3NAP (triatoma virus [TrV]), 5GKA (aichi virus), 3JB4 (LV), and 1B35 ( [CrPV]). Evolutionary distance is calculated based on the number of unmatched residues and the deviation among matched residues. Residues corresponding to the HAV VP2 switch region (1–53) are excluded although their inclusion does not affect the result. (C) Disordered region in the empty particle. HAV is viewed from the inside with blue mesh corresponding to positive |Fo-Fc| electron density calculated taking the correctly positioned empty HAV from the full HAV. This shows that VP1 2–28 and VP2 5–17 around the threefold axis are better defined in the full particle.

THE MYSTERY OF UNCOATING the aphthoviruses, where there is a propensity for the capsid to fall apart into pentamers, The extent of the structural differences detailed whereas HAV is almost bulletproof. Does com- above strongly suggests that HAV uncoats via a parison of the structures of the mature virus and mechanism distinct from enteroviruses. Howev- natural empty capsids throw any light on this? er, it also seems to be different from, for instance, The two structures are almost identical external-

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Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Structure

ly, but internally the empty capsid has more and both are extraordinarily tough compared disordered protein in the vicinity of the threefold with other picornaviruses (remaining stable at axes (Fig. 3C), corresponding to regions of VP0 up to 80°C and at pHs down to about 2) (Walter (the first 40 residues) and neighboring stretches et al. 2012). What is also unusual in HAV is that of the amino terminus of VP1 (the first 47 res- the empty capsids are extremely robust, whereas idues). In the RNA-containing full particles, for most picornaviruses empty capsids and vi- VP0 is at least partially cleaved and VP4 can rus-like particles (VLPs) tend to be significantly be detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacryl- less stable, posing a challenge to the design of amide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE), al- VLP-based vaccines. It is possible that HAV may though it is not visible in the structure (Wang contain cryptic clues as to how to achieve in- et al. 2015). A greater proportion of VP0 appears creased stability in empty particles. to be uncleaved in HAV full particles than in In many picornaviruses, the stability of the other picornaviruses. This is consistent with particle is determined by the interface separat- previous suggestions that the VP0 cleavage is ing the 12 pentameric assemblies comprising particularly slow (Probst et al. 1999). Empty the icosahedral capsid (Filman et al. 1989; War- HAV particles contain VP0 and appear to be wicker 1992; Porta et al. 2013). To determine similar to empty particles that are often observed whether the stability of HAV might arise from in other picornavirus infections, where, in the the VP2 domain swap at the pentamer interface, absence of RNA, there is a tendency for the in- we characterized CrPV capsid stability because ternal structure to be less well-ordered. It seems it shares the domain swap seen in HAV. We unlikely that such empty particles can encapsi- found that the stability profile of CrPV was sim- date RNA and they are, therefore, probably not ilar to the enteroviruses. Therefore, the VP2 do- on the route to assembly of full particles. main swap cannot be explained as a strategy to In the full particles, residues 30–39 at the achieve the high physical stability of the HAV amino terminus of VP1 on the interior of the capsid. capsid are disordered. It is notable that this In the HAV capsid, however, there is par- stretch is rich in lysine residues, which suggests ticularly tight packing in the interaction region that this region may interact with the RNA (the adjacent to the twofold axes that separate in the latter does not adhere to strict icosahedral sym- initial stages of uncoating in the enteroviruses metry and is not usually visible in structures (Garriga et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2012). The where icosahedral averaging has been used to complementarity in HAV resembles that seen improve the phases). The use of a positively in poliovirus, where the release of pocket factor charged stretch of residues at the amino termi- likely triggers instability. This complimentarity nus of a major capsid protein has also been ob- is achieved by matching tyrosine side chains served in LV and HPEVs, although in those with small residues nestled around the twofold cases the protein is VP3 rather than VP1 and axis. This could contribute significantly to high the interaction with RNA is confirmed by the HAV particle stability, while the VP2 domain detailed visualization of sequence-specificinter- swap could be indicative of a fundamental dif- actions with packaging sequences (Zhu et al. ference in how HAV uncoats its genome com- 2015; Shakeel et al. 2017). Nevertheless, this sug- pared with enteroviruses. Apart from these two gests that this combination of charge interactions striking features, the other candidate interface, in addition to sequence-specific interactions may relating to protomers around the icosahedral be a characteristic of this clade of picornaviruses. fivefold axes, has similar properties to other The sedimentation coefficients are circa 144S picornaviruses. and 82S for the full and natural empty particles, Like enteroviruses, HAV could transfer its respectively (144S is a little less than the 155S genome across the endosomal membrane to the expected, for example, for a full enterovirus par- cytoplasm using a mechanism involving the for- ticle) (Wang et al. 2012). We have investigated mation of an “umbilicus”-like structure com- the robustness of both empty and full particles, prised of the amphipathic amino-terminal helix

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of VP1 and a membrane pore generated by VP4 cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM), of tran- (Ren et al. 2013; Butan et al. 2014). The short- sient or trapped intermediates should be able ened, non-myristoylated version of VP4 in HAV to resolve this puzzle. has some hydrophobic character consistent with the formation of an amphipathic helix, and it has been reported to rupture membranes by forma- QUASI-ENVELOPED eHAVAND tion of discrete pores (Shukla et al. 2014) as has ENDOSOMAL SORTING COMPLEX the VP4 from TrV (Sanchez-Eugenia et al. 2015). REQUIRED FOR TRANSPORT (ESCRT) ENGAGEMENT REMAINS Although HAV is capable of undergoing trans- A STRUCTURAL PUZZLE cytosis when complexed with an antibody (Dot- zauer et al. 2000, 2005; Counihan and Anderson As noted above, HAV is the first picornavirus for 2016), HAV transcytosis is inefficient and likely which nonlytic cellular egress in extracellular ves- involves vesicular transport, not entry of intact icles has been found likely to be important in dis- HAV particles across the plasma or endosomal ease pathogenesis. How this happens remains membrane directly into the cytoplasm. It is not obscure, andthe origins ofthe surrounding mem- clear what mechanism if any could provide for branes have also been poorly understood. Recent- entry of the capsid into the cytosol, or what spe- ly, however, McKnight et al. (2017) reported a cific host factor (perhaps a protease) could be quantitative proteomics analysis of eHAVvirions, capable of triggering particle disassembly within whichshowedthatcapsidsareselectedascargofor the cytoplasm. Thus, despite the seemingly un- vesicular export via a highly specificprocess,and surmountable challenge posed by the stability of that infectious eHAV virions possess a set of host the HAV capsid, uncoating is likely to follow in- proteins similar to that of exosomes, enriched in teractions with a receptor expressed on mem- endolysosomal components and missingmarkers branes, as in the enteroviruses. of autophagy, suggesting an exosome-like mech- The interface between the pentameric as- anism of ESCRT-mediated eHAV biogenesis in- semblies in the HAV capsid is strengthened by volving endosomal budding. Note that, as for a combination of factors: the domain swap many other aspects of HAV, this is quite different crossover and the supplementation of β-sheets from the autophagosome-mediated release pro- that span the twofold axis, the enhanced com- posed for enteroviruses. Further studies showed plementarity of the helices at the twofold axis, that ESCRT-III proteins, particularly charged and the overall tighter knit of the capsid (which multivesicular body protein 2A (CHMP2A), has no holes, as mentioned above) compared have a role in eHAV biogenesis, as previously with other picornaviruses. This makes it quite proposed (McKnight et al. 2017). This is in line mysterious how the particle disassembles. By with the observation (based on knockdown and reference to the Dicistroviridae, the structure of mutagenesis studies) that HAV harbors tandem empty, heated, TrV particles revealed that the candidate YPX3L motifs (VP2: Y144PHGLL149 capsids were not expanded nor had any chan- and Y177PVWEL182), that putatively bind a nels by which the RNA could have exited con- component of the ESCRT pathway, ALG-2-in- trasting to the enterovirus-heated particles. teracting protein X (ALIX) (Feng et al. 2013). Internally, the first 33 residues of VP1 were dis- This would then allow the virus to engage the ordered but more significantly, the first 76 resi- ESCRT complex to facilitate release of enveloped dues of VP2 comprising the entire domain swap particles via exocytosis (Feng et al. 2013). How- portion were also disordered. It was suggested ever, as shown in Figure 4, the residues implicat- that RNA release may take place through tran- ed are surprisingly mostly buried, apart from sient flipping out of pentamer subunits (San- E181 and P178, making their role unclear unless chez-Eugenia et al. 2016). Although there is no major conformational rearrangements render direct evidence to support this model, it seems them accessible, or if they are accessible on a pre- likely that TrV and HAV share a common mech- cursor particle. Structural analysis of eHAV par- anism, and structural analysis, most likely by ticles might clarify this.

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Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Structure

P178 E181

Figure 4. Location of endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) late-domain motifs. Late- domain YPX3L motifs are shown as magenta spheres on the pentamer of hepatitis A virus (as drawn in Fig. 2A). In the inset box, a close-up of the residues that are accessible is shown in the context of the accessible surface.

DOES THE ANTIGENIC SURFACE OF HAV capsid were synthesized. When tested for their COMPRISE ESSENTIALLY A SINGLE ability to be bound by mAb #11, peptides repre- ANTIGENIC SITE? senting VP3 residues 67–77 and 208–219 react- ed mildly. These VP3 peptide sequences are Several studies have addressed the antigenic relatively closely positioned on the surface of structure of the HAVcapsid, largely built around the virus, and thus may contribute to an aug- the characterization of a number of neutralizing mented version of the major conformational an- monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Until recently, tigenic site identified by Ping and Lemon (1992) the evidence for residues comprising part of the previously. binding sites of such antibodies was indirect, To identify additional epitopes on the surface mainly that viruses harboring mutations at a of HAV, structure-based predictive methodology certain point escaped neutralization. On this ba- (Borley et al. 2013) was applied. The results con- sis, residues S102, V171, A176, and K221 of VP1 curred with those above and suggested that VP2, and D70, S71, Q74, and 102–121 of VP3 were residues 71 and 198, and VP3 residues 89–96 may implicated in neutralizing epitopes (Ping and comprise additional epitopes. More recently di- Lemon 1992). All except K221 of VP1 were pro- rect evidence has come from a high-resolution posed to form part of a single antigenic site; but cryo-EM complex between HAV and a potent since these residues are separated by 40–50 Å on HAV-specific mAb, R10 (Wang et al. 2017). the particle surface, they cannot form part of any This antibody is an extremely potent neutralizer ∼ ∼ single epitope. In a more recent study, 12 mAbs (neut50 is 2nM, 0.3 µg/mL for the antibody were generated against HAV particles (Wang and∼3nM,∼0.45 µg/mLfortheantigen-binding et al. 2015), one of which, mAb #11, was found fragment [Fab]) and reverse transcription poly- to have both neutralizing activity as well as the merase chain reaction (RT-PCR) experiments to ability to bind VP3 in immunoblots, providing quantify virus remaining on the cell surface evidence of direct physical interaction with VP3. showed that not only could the antibody block Based on the particle structure, peptides repre- attachment but it could actively compete with senting all exposed regions on the surface of the the receptors on the cell surface (Wang et al.

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2017). These experiments show that R10 neutral- Fab fragment destabilizes the capsid, and then izes HAVinfection by blocking attachment to the only relatively mildly (reducing the melting tem- hostcell.Thecomplexthusrevealsnotonlyatomic perature by 7°C), whereas the antibody slightly details of the antibody-binding site (Fig. 5), but stabilizes the particle (by 2°C), consistent with also suggests where cell attachment might occur. bivalent attachment cross-linking adjacent pen- Despite binding being extremely tight, only the tameric building blocks (Wang et al. 2017).





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Figure 5. R10 antibody interactions with hepatitis A virus (HAV). (A) Surface of the cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) complex for R10 and HAV based on the 4.2 Å resolution cryo-EM structure of the R10 antigen- binding fragment (Fab)/HAV full particle complex. The virus surface is color-coded blue to red according to distance from the particle center while the Fab molecules are shown in red. One icosahedral asymmetric unit is indicated by a white triangle. (B) Surface maps of HAV generated using radial interpretation of viral electron density maps (RIVEM) (Chapman and Rossmann 1993). Residues of VP1, VP2, and VP3 are shaded in pale blue, green, and red, respectively; residues involved in binding to R10 are shown in brighter colors corresponding to the protein chain they belong to, and are outlined by blue and yellow lines. An icosahedral protomer is outlined in purple with the symmetry axes labeled. (From Wang et al. 2017; panel reproduced (A) and modified (B), respectively, with permission from the author.)

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Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Structure

The details of the R10 epitope are shown in crystallization media. In addition, there are 10 Figure 5B. The heavy chain predominantly binds sulfates grouped close to each icosahedral five- VP3 and contributes ∼60% of the protein–pro- fold axis. This might suggest that sulfated gly- tein interface, whereas the light chain binds VP2 cosaminoglycans may act as, or form part of, the and VP3 and contributes ∼40%. The interaction receptor and are supported by competition as- surface comprises four of the six common R10 says in which the virus is preincubated with complementary determining regions (CDRs): heparin sulfate, which shows marked inhibition H1 (residues 28–32), H2 (residues 52–57), H3 at micromolar concentration (Wang et al. 2017). (residues 100–106), and L1 (residues 30–31). These results, together with our observation that Atypically, the light-chain framework region the R10 Fab destabilizes the capsid, suggest the (L1-2, residues 45–55) provides for additional use of a receptor mimic mechanism to neutral- interactions. VP2 residues 64–71 and VP3 resi- ize virus infection, suggesting new opportunities dues 68–78, 143–150, 209, and 246 form the epi- for therapeutic intervention. tope on the surface of the capsid. Altogether, We are still left with the puzzle of HAV ap- these residues are 87.5% identical and 91.7% parently possessing a single, hugely extended conserved across the six primate hepatovirus ge- antigenic site. There are examples for other vi- notypes (see McKnight and Lemon 2018), sug- ruses where mutations resulting in altered anti- gesting that R10 probably binds strongly to most genic properties are not always directly involved if not all of these viruses. The affinity of R10 for in binding antibodies (Parry et al. 1990). Now, the capsid is strengthenedby 19 hydrogen bonds, because the VP1 residues are only implicated by which are formed in part by the side chain of Y48 escape mutation data, we propose that the pre- in the light chain, and main chain carbonyl dominate neutralizing epitope is that visualized groups from V103 (H-chain) and L53 (L-chain). by Wang et al. (2017), and that the escape ob- These interact with VP3 K150 and R209, respec- served via changes in VP1 is achieved by some tively, and indirectly with VP2 R67. In addition, other mechanism. The mechanism remains un- unpublished results (XW) show that a further known, but because the virus is very rigid, and four neutralizing antibodies attach at essentially many of these neutralizing antibodies are quite the same epitope. So how do these compelling potent binders, perhaps the most likely explana- structural results stack up against the previous tion is that escape is achieved by circumventing serological results? In brief, a subset of the resi- the block on receptor binding for instance by dues previously mapped as being part of the epi- relaxing the need for receptor attachment to tope are confirmed, as is even the proposal, from the VP2/3 epitope area, conceivably by boosting in silico analysis, that VP2 might be part of the receptor attachment (perhaps an alternative re- epitope. However, there is absolutely no possi- ceptor) to VP1. In this respect, we note that one bility of any of the VP1 residues directly influ- of the escape mutations (VP1 221) occurs at a encing binding ofthis antibody.Wewill return to residue also implicated in glycophorin attach- this puzzle after considering what these results ment, while another (VP1 102) is adjacent to a might tell us about receptor binding. sulfate-binding site, with two others (VP1 171 All the above results are in line with neutral- and 176) being relatively close by. ization being achieved through blocking of re- ceptor attachment. This pinpoints the pentamer CONCLUDING REMARKS interface as the site for receptor recognition. Surprisingly, the crystal structure revealed that There are subtle but profound differences in the the surface of the virus shows a marked segre- structure of the HAV capsid compared with that gation of charge: broadly, the pentamers are of previously characterized picornaviruses. A edged by a positively charged fringe, with the structure-based phylogeny (Fig. 3B) suggests central region being mainly negatively charged. that HAV may represent a link between “classi- The positive charges on the fringe are decorated cal” mammalian picornaviruses and more prim- with a string of sulfate ions derived from the itive picorna-like viruses that infect insects. The

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D.I. Stuart et al.

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Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Structure

David I. Stuart, Jingshan Ren, Xiangxi Wang, Zihe Rao and Elizabeth E. Fry

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a031807 originally published online July 23, 2018

Subject Collection Enteric Hepatitis Viruses

Natural History, Clinical Manifestations, and Acute and Persistent Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 3 Pathogenesis of Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 1 and and 4 Infection: Clinical Features, Pathogenesis, 2 Infections and Treatment Rakesh Aggarwal and Amit Goel Nassim Kamar and Sven Pischke Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus: Emerging Epidemiology of Genotype 1 and 2 Hepatitis E and Re-Emerging Enterically Transmitted Virus Infections Hepatitis Viruses Kenrad E. Nelson, Alain B. Labrique and Brittany L. Stanley M. Lemon and Christopher M. Walker Kmush Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Structure History of the Discovery of Hepatitis A Virus David I. Stuart, Jingshan Ren, Xiangxi Wang, et al. Stephen M. Feinstone Comparative Pathology of Hepatitis A Virus and Epidemiology and Transmission of Hepatitis A Hepatitis E Virus Infection Virus and Hepatitis E Virus Infections in the John M. Cullen and Stanley M. Lemon United States Megan G. Hofmeister, Monique A. Foster and Eyasu H. Teshale Innate Immunity to Enteric Hepatitis Viruses Stem Cell−Derived Culture Models of Hepatitis E Zongdi Feng and Stanley M. Lemon Virus Infection Viet Loan Dao Thi, Xianfang Wu and Charles M. Rice Nonhuman Primate Models of Hepatitis A Virus Immunization against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E Virus Infections Daniel Shouval Robert E. Lanford, Christopher M. Walker and Stanley M. Lemon Hepatitis E Virus Genome Structure and Murine Models of Hepatitis A Virus Infection Replication Strategy Asuka Hirai-Yuki, Jason K. Whitmire, Michael Scott P. Kenney and Xiang-Jin Meng Joyce, et al. Hepatitis A Virus Genome Organization and Evolutionary Origins of Enteric Hepatitis Viruses Replication Strategy Anna-Lena Sander, Victor Max Corman, Alexander Kevin L. McKnight and Stanley M. Lemon N. Lukashev, et al.

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