15. E-, waterpipe and dokha: practices and impacts Thursday, 19 March 2015, 12:45-13:45

Track: Electronic Delivery systems: FCTC Art. 20,14,8 and crosscutting Chair: Al Mulla Ahmad (UAE) Poster Area Hall 6

PD-765-19 Prevalence and correlates of e- relative risk perceptions under the different regulatory environments of Australia and the UK H Yong, R Borland, S Hitchman, A McNeill, M Cummings, G Fong (Australia, , USA, Canada)

PD-766-19 Use of electronic cigarettes in Germany K Schaller, S Braun, M Poetschke-langer (Germany)

PD-767-19 Particle emissions of e-cigarettes: impact of the refill liquids used on the number and size distribution of emitted particles P Katsaounou, E Litsiou, K Glynos, I Kalomenidis, E Chita, S Zakynthinos, E Zervas (Greece)

PD-768-19 Acute effect of waterpipe on Ankle Brachial Index Z Hesami, B Sharif Kashani, M Aryanpur, G Heydari (, Islamic Rep. of)

PD-769-19 Second-hand exposure to e-cigarette emissions in confined spaces E Fu, E Fernández, M Ballbè, X Sureda, E Saltó, A Riccobene, G Muñoz, J Pascual, - J Martinez (Spain)

PD-770-19 Analysis of nicotine content in dokha samples by HPLC and estimation of the quantum of nicotine inhaled using a standardised midwakh pipe P K Menon, K Rajendran, S Thapa, R Shaikh ()

PD-771-19 Prevalence and factors influencing dokha use among male secondary school students in Ajman, UAE N Alshimmari, R Shaikh, J Sreedharan (United Arab Emirates)

PD-772-19 Salivary cotinine concentration and breath carbon monoxide levels in young adults smoking midwakh in comparison to cigarettes and shisha R Shaikh, S Al Sharbatti, J Sreedharan, J Muttappallymyalil, M Weitzman, K Rajendran (United Arab Emirates, United States of America)

PD-773-19 Smoke-free.gov Journey Campaign: how e-cig communities hijacked a national promotional campaign J Havlak, Y Hunt, E Augustson, H Patrick, M Rice, A Nemec (United States of America)

PD-774-19 Permitting or prohibiting the use of electronic cigarettes in the workplace: lessons from English policy development I Gray, H Cheeseman, D Arnott, A Sandford (United Kingdom)

PD-775-19 Smokers’ and ex-smokers' understandings of electronic cigarettes in the United Kingdom C Rooke, A Amos, S Cunningham-Burley (United Kingdom)

PD-776-19 Why do smokers use electronic cigarettes? P Ika, B Gvozdrnovic, B Bulajic Subotic, V Zugic, N Lazovic (Serbia)

PD-1370-19 The association of waterpipe smoking with quantitative CT measured emphysema in a community based sample H Chami, A Haydar, B Ghandour, N Ammar, M Adawi, A Al Mohamad, M Al-Langawi, M Al Kuwari, A Al Mullah (Lebanon, )

PD-1371-19 The association of waterpipe smoking with coronary artery calcium score in a community based sample H Chami, H Ismael, B Ghandour, N Ammar, M Adawi, M Al Kuwari, A Al Mullah (Lebanon, Qatar)

PD-1372-19 Benzene uptake in smokers and non-smokers attending hookah social events: regulatory Implications Reference: Kassem NOF, Kassem N, Jackson S, Liles S, Daffa R, Zarth A, Younis M, Carmella SC. Hofstetter R, Chatfield D, Matt G, Hecht S, Hovell M. Benzene uptake in hookah smokers and non-smokers attending hookah social events: Regulatory implications. Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention