LOWELL TUEBOB JOURNAL Offloo ia Graham's Block—2d floor. 'DUM VI VIM U S, VIVAMUH." 81.60 per year in advance. VOLUME IX. LOWELL. MICHIGAN. WEDi\ESl)AYt FEBRUARY 18, [87i.

i Mh. A. GECK, a jeweler from lonin, LOWELL JOURNAL, GRAND RAPIDH, Greenville, Ionia, and T HE Tribune makes a few com- j occupies the jeweler's corner in KopPs many other cities want the new State PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AirniUjre store. ments on our article relative to the Trib- House of Correction, each claiming that uue s position on the postal question, but At Lowelli Nicbfg'jD* by JOHN GILES was in t >wn last week it should be located where it will do the trusts we didn't misrepresent its views with a view of settling tip his business •JAt*. W. HINK. greatest good to the greatest number. intentionally. We didn't. affairs hwe. TEJiMS $1.50 .4 VJiAIt. A NUMBER of our citizens and citizen- Tire road leading past W. R. Blais- ABOUT the Ist of May, W. H. Hall and esses went to Smyrna on Tuesday eve- dell's needs attention. During the re- euunr DKVOTEI) TO Frank Kanuulell design opening a first- ning of last week, and tripped the light cent thaw the water dammed up north of class cigar and tobacco store in this vil- LOCAL IND GENERAL NEWS. fantastic. Gardner, the host, and his the road so as to surround several families lage. estimable wife, were prepared to meet in that vicinity. Mr. Sutherland's house The JOURNAL hat an EXTENSIVE SOUTH LOWELL GRANGE NO. 113. num- them, and gave them an excellent sup- was completely surrounded by water, CIRCULATION which rcndem it cr bers seventy.five members. iiowne P - The company returned feeling and Mr. 8. justly protests against being a very dmrahlc and. projitnbl* ric,ll 1 11 Grange has a membership of over one y P " for their ride to Smyrna. converted, into an island even-few days, AD VERT I SING MEDIUM. humlrc(1. THE Reporter talks unadulterated Eng- when a few hours work would make suf- The JournalJOB DEPARTMENT in now TWENTY-FIVE pound turkeys are as ''"h to some of the Sit. Clemens' ladies ficient outlet for the water. Mr. Tre- supplied with facilities for doing plenty in Michigan as rats in a Govern- for habitually rushing out of church be- denick has been able to get out by walk- fencc3 11,111 FIRBT-CLASS JOD WORK. ment building. But they are always in fore services arc half over. Wait till the '"S jumping across small some other town. spring styles come out, Lew, and those ,akcs- |3?"Prices redue&l ten to twenty per cent. 1 nder 8Uch (lee convi AT a meeting of the fruit growers re- OflJce In Oraham'i Block, A LADY Singer in this village got off a l?' '** ^ " P ction n ung 9hort of an ca OPPOSITI LOWE IX NATIONAL BANK. good note when she said if she had to rthquake will cently held in Grand Rapids, a new or- make her own bread, she'd do it with them ^ lcavc tho Sanctuary until ganization was effected, to be known as tbo In retponu to a request, we five a portion qf her own "do" benediction is pronounced. The The Grand River Valley Horticultural the law as if stands rehtHff to newspaptrs and Society. E. Bradfield was chosen'Presi- M*. L. 8. HcTCnDfBOS of Emmet, i. Wi°te',"hi<>M ^ subscribers. tho Republican nominee for Senator, of D-n*ontly reeeived . dent, H. H.'Holt Vice President, C. J. If subscribers order ths diseonHnumes of tho eighth dUtrict, to All the vaeancv '«Ur'r°" h» brother Rier, OreenCove Dietrich Secretary, and G. W. Dickin- their periodicals, the publishtrs may continue S t lg hC son Treasurer. The society will confine to send them until all artaearges are paid. caOMd by tho resignation of Senator ^ "' " ^ Emerson. Mr. Wm. T. Hewitt of Mar- f JUSt 8hot aa allig8tor' 3"^° feet its work to the counties of Kent, Ionia, If subscribers neglect or ref use to talis their ODEWTCH W1 th hi8 reTolTer Gamc of Montcalm, Barry, Ottawa, Allegan and periodicals from the office to which they are shall, is the Democratic candidate. ^V.' 1 - ^ that kind is plenty down there. D. M. Muskegon. directed, they are held responsible until they IUVOEPIEKCF, Hon, Henry Fraiick, showed n. some .ample, of green peas NOTWITHSTANDINO the many improve- hate settled their bills, and ordered them dis- Senator Crosby, and G W. Qnggsare just from Florida, and remarked that the ments constantly going on in Lowell, over continued. ho committee appointed to eonfer with rosc9 ^ in b!oom Jl)wn lhcn, ^ which all should rejoice, there is now and If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound ,h c8tiou 0[ 1,> to give notice to the publisher, at the eniof ™tinX».?T° V'" - 'cm bloom, Rier ean't slide down hill then an occasional visitor who feels when eating tho Stato IIOUBO of Correct,on at where they have posies the year round. he comes to town that these changes have their time, if they da not wish to continue Grand Rapids. m , „ taking it; otherwise the publishtr is authorized , . . TUB Lowell Cornet Band does not pro- in a measure chilled his old love for tho WE have been praying ,n secret, so to to ^ a at Fcb to send it on, and the subscribers will be place, and with feelings of sadness ho speak, for some tune, that the Detroit 2l8t. ncitl,crdoc3 u,e ,laail t0 responsible until an expxess notice, with payment turns away to mourn that "home is not of all aneatt, is sent to the publishtr. Daily i\)i( would shine up a little typo- ghe u Qrand National Calico Ball March what it used to be." Many, who used to graphically, and go to its readers with a c that a man |S. G. lluggins |14. store at Sarauac, Saturday night, and DR. W. A. FALLASS is teaching school who can drive over and mutilate the hu- Sealed proposals for eoustructing the 4, stole a suit of clothes. 8omebody" inKeene, having, we are informed, given maan 'fororm divindivinee with sucsuch cooll min-- sidewalk on the south side of Bridge st. was arrested in this village Monday morn- up the medical profession forthc present. 8 farm- acfis, instead of the maaufactarer em- corrupts. And while we are " march- the walls of the ancient city, the Acrop- is part, and the excellence of the E i iRiv^r, and Illinois road was pissing Tay- same question, and a part which has laid firm practical good sense and sound advice. man explained tbo provisions of the bill to secure house at San Bernardino. Oadrs be- ploying one to do hi't. Tho farmer ing on," let us remember that our groat, olis, and other edifices, and also the chorus, are prodigious. The debut of lor's switch, a wheel in tho middle of tho A DISPATCH from Cape Coast Castle states hold on the conscience of our people. In a an equalixaUon of National Dank circulation In tho number before us questions on country of magnificent distances the trans- haved like a sensible man. The first wants to-purchase one machine, the men, while they came from tho rural remains of a small mole, which in the this lyrico-ornithological company in train lumped to the outside of the rail, the that twelve ambassadors from the Aahanteos The eonalderaUon of the bankrnpt bill was then a great variety of subjects are asked, portation of heavy farm products by wagons wife had a legal < laim to his protection, manufacturer has thousands to sell, districts, and with their large heads course of centuries had been filled up " Norma " was attended by the wealth flaugo cutting tho spikes und bolts from there recently arrived in the British camp suing for returned, and continued until the hour of adjourn- from knotty law points to delicate sub- to market is, of course, out of the question, ment. but he had also married the second in and it would seem more reasonable and strong arms grappled with with sand. For some years past the and fashion of Lima. When the parro- to Ft. Wayne crossing, a distance of five pcace. Sir Wolselcy replied that ho would llailroads are a necessity of the times and jects connected with ei gagement and House. good faith. So a compromise was that he should employ his own agent the million heroes and secured inhabitants of Messina have utilized quet that sang the contralto finished miles, and leaving track unlit for use till only treat with the King himself at Coomas- circumstances. Fully recognizing this, the marriage, and all theso questions are The OommlMloner of Agriculture wai requested eftected by wedding the two branches All the farmer wants, or should their share of material wealth, they these interesting remains of antiquity, the allegro in the " Salutation to the spiked. A large lorcc of men was at once put nid. It is also reported thrt Oen. Wol>cley Oovernnu-nt has kindly fostered and liberally answered carefully and with great good subsidized thvm. Tho peofle havo heavily to furnish a paper on irrlRaUon forward!d by Mr. of tho house of Oades into one, and the want, is to purchase his machinery, or have, iu most instances, suffered from alter a fashion which canaot fail to ex- Moon," such was tho enthusiasm, the on and damages repaired. A remarkable fea- has detained the Ashanti-o ambassadors as humor and worldly wisdom. In this taxed themxelves to aid In their construction, Marsh, O. 8 Minister to Italy.—Ata Hodges wu haopy man now rejoices in the bosoms other goods, at a fair price; and it the corrupting contact, and havo disap- cite horror among arcbsologists. shouting and the applause at hearing ture of the accident is that not another wheel hoatages for some British sailors taken pris- single number also there are eight dif- expecting substantial benefits in return. admitted to a seat from the flnt congressional dis- of bis two families. This is more man- matters not to him who the middle- pointed their early promise, because The site of tho ancient town has a bird sing the Casta Diva, that the of tho train left the track. oners by the enemy. While we readilv ahsent to tho propo- trict of Arkansas. Ths conilderaUon of the army ferent stories, either continued or com- ly than sneaking o$whatever tho good man is, or who employs him, so long as too much money or power brought been resorted to as a conve- bird company, affrighted, look flight OEN. MOBBOW, commanding at Camp Doug- sition that railroads, oven as now appropriation bill was resumed In commlttoj of the lete in themselves; articles by the conducted, add imiiienselv to thu d'velop- whole.— Upon riilng, the Speaker announced sev- pooplo of San Bernardino may think the business iu honestly and fairly more temptations than even a great nient quarry for building-stones, and sought reiiij;e among the side las, Salt Lake, having recentfy causcd to be [evs. Henry Ward Beecher and Dr. Qulcknllrpr Waste. ment of the country and the convenience ol eral cbansei in tbo committeo to Investigate the af- about it. done. Webster or Clay wore proof against. and indeed, there is now scarcely a S Bconos. Tills interrupted the perform- laid before Chief Justice MrKean complaini* tho neopli-; itill, in mir inmost soul, we feel f.irs of tho DUtrict of Columbli, the committeo Let us soberly consider tho question of Hall; many admirable comments on ance for fully aqnarferof an hour, and now being constituted a* .ollowa; UeMn. Wilson Manufacturers haven thousand times house in Messina of which the walls At tho UOTV Almudcu Qnicksilvor deeply wronged at the return made lor tho Six MitiTiTONB.—About twoyeornago, topies of the day, and a grout variety of abuse of his soldiers by tho polico force, of IndUna, E. H. Roberts ol Now York, Hubbard of more mtetest in this matter than a adding any more material power to tho are not built with the finely polished Signor Contarini hud to tranqnilizo tho Works, Homo years ugo, it bccamo Kind and liberal spirit we have shown them. Dn. J. WALKEII, on old and prominent of useful and miscellaneous reading. the Chief Justice statei in a letter that he has Michigan, Hamilton of New Jersey, snd Jewett of farmer, benco will look after his agents political wing of our nation. And in marbles of Pompeyopolis. The recent "atlists" by giving them bread necessary to pull down a portion of Bates of freight are often exorbitantly high Ohio.—The House tbfn took a i*oe#« till 7:30, the physician of California, discovered, by A better puolication it would bo hard no |)ow;r to protect tho soldiers, and that and frequently changed. Often a larger bill evening »oMion being for tbo comlderailon of the much more closely. And will appoint view of the absurd and idiotic demands erection at Messina of a light-house, a soaked in wine. Thenceforth the ex- tho old retorting furnaces to make actual oxpcnence upon his own sys- lo find; and while bearing our tcMli- Oen. Morrow will have to protect his own is charged for a short distance than a long Mil to revise aud coniull ate tho statute*. such an are competent to do justico to made by tho sloughing of the Old roosque, and of an agency for the | pressionx of approbation were moder- room for other machinery. Upon in- tern, a medicine which may honestly mony to the fact that it well deserves men. one, thiiH diicrimiiifcting aguinst plaoos, and Senate. his machinen, and see that all are well World, iu view of Communism, and a Messageries Maritimes, and the repair- ated, in order not to spoil the play. It vestigation it was discovered tnat tho often higher raies arc charged one individual be termed •'a boon to suffering hu- the wonderful success it has achieved A SHOCKING accident occurrod on the Chi- THTTKBDAT, FobrnaryS.—A resolution and properly put np and started, whieh hundred like isms that swarm like ing of the streets, have absorbed every iippears Unit the bird artists have now ground where the furnaces had stood than another, HIUH discriniinating against manity." Being a combination of horb- in the past, may wo add our wishes for tago an i Northwestern Railroad, near Har- persons. When we plant a crop we can only for the appointment of a Joint committee of the is of Rrewt importance lo the farmer, Egypt's plagues, from the pools of fes- vestige of the ancient town, with the beeume aeciiHtomed to tho applause. alistic extracts, pungent and sour to its redoubled success in the future. vard, ill., on February 5, caused by a broken was completely saturated with quick- guess what it will cost to send it to market, Hcnato and Houao to Investigate the government of as well ns the manufacturer. i tcr'ing vices that drip from decaying exception of a marble colonnade, which The correotness and propriety with silrer. The company set n bony of the taste, and yet possessed of gentle rail. The tram was thrown down an embank- for wo are tho slaves ol those whom wc tho DUtrict of Columbia, was adopted.—Mr.TCar- The farmer, on tho other hand, is humanity in tho old world, let us gel has hitherto been spared only because TUB Salem (Mass.) Gazelto recalls which they give certain parts of tho hands to work upon the spot with have created. What is tho remedy ? Whore penter introduo d a bill to restore tbo rights of tho stimulative clmrnfiteristics -although bock to the land marks of our fathers, opera are wonderful. Tho primo ment about twenty feet high, and the ontiro state of LouUtana.—A memorial win read from only interested in ono machine, and its columns were not so well adapted the fact that.the Siamese twins weie hydraulic pipes, and the amount of lies the Uifficnlty? For even in our own ranks entirely free from alcohol—he named tcnore possesses all the airs and graces train immediately took fire, consuming two there is a Babel of opinion. Some advocate Joaeph Henr in relation to bla election as D. 8. Sen- although he, as a Granger, has em- aud build on the foundations of justice, for building purposes as the blocks of arrested at Lynnfield, Mass., in Au- quicksiWer which was sluiced out in a ator Irom Virginia to till the unexpired term of N. it VINEAAB BITTERS, and despite tho of the school of Mario, and the Indies coaches, a baggage, a sleeper, and an express new routes East, subsidized bv Oovornment, ployed an agent, it is hardly to be temperance, and economy. For other stone and marble which were torn from gust, 1831, for a breach of the peace. short space cf time was prodigious. J. Dorden, deceased. Tho bill to facilitate the prejudice existing among his profes- either rail or canal: others would h.-ve new- execution of and protect certain public works of supposed that he will take the same foundations can no man lay than that the surrounding edifices. The supply While staying for a few days at the of Lima have named tho prima donna car. Forly-ono persons are reported injurtd The deeper tho work proceeded, tho roads made by privats enUirprises, and trust sion, against all patented medicines, improrement at tho month of the MUalsalppI river interest as the manufacturer; hence which is laid. JACOB SNYDER. of the latter materials, however, hav- hotel, enjoying thomselves fishing on 1'atti. At least, that is tho story as five seriously, aud one fatally. richer was the yield of mercury. Points to competition. waa paated. Tho Chair announced m members he determined to brave the jeers of his manufacturerb cannot afford to dis- ing been exhausted, it will probably the pond and shooting in the woods, told by one of the Lima papers—peo- A DISPATCH from Orand Forks, D. T., says wero reached where the liquid metal The first of these would require many years of tho Senate Joint committee to Investigate the af- brother practitioners, and give to suf- before they can aflord the relief which we fairs of the DUtrict of Columbia, Messrs. Frellng- charge their agents and depend on "To LOOK at Mr. Proctor, the Secre- not bo long before these columns are with a young Englishman as an attend- ple who have any imagination to spare that in a quarrel t etween Jas. Stephens and a could bo dipped up with ladles, and it fering humanity the benefit of his acci- want now; and, besides, will surely develop buysen, Bontwell, aud Tnurman. The Senate those of Grangers. tary of the Rojal Astronomical Society broken up aad transported to another ant, they were much annoyed by the will please accept this draft upo® it. notorious character named Joe Raymond, was ascertained that even the bedrock into other Credit Mobilicrs. The second wifi then resumed consideration of tho tiankrupt bill, dental discovery. He did so, and tho of London," says a letter writer, "you after which an exocutive aeealon was held. spot. The last trace of the ancient eager curiosity of visitors, who dis- alias Catlls'- Joe, the latter broke tho skull ol —a soft tertiary sondstone—was com- only add one more link to the chain which benefits from ^ its use became known. would never suspect the existence of THE Richmond Enquirer says hun- Hotue. The Issues et the Farmers' Movement. town of Pompeyopolis will thus have tun ed their intended seclusion. Col. the former with an axe, striking him three pletely saturated with the liquid min- now binds us hand and foot. I sen no solution The demand increased, and immense for this question but lor Congress to avail it- A bill wu passed concerning practice In terrltorUI scientific knowledge in his head. Ho ceased to pvint El bridge Gerry and a Mr. Prescott, dreds of well-to-do English families times. Raymond then fied, but was subse- quantities were sold, at a merely nomi- From tho iDdnslrial Age. eral. Much of thie porous rock was self of its constitntional right to regulate com- courts; also a bUi to amend the act of March 3, parts his glossy black hair exactly in ol Stoneham, went toward them in a are preparing to emigrate to Virginia quently arrested. There is great excitement, inal price. Its merit is told in the fact quarried and retorted, but at length merce between the States, and for the States 1873, to enconrage the growth of timber on the Since the " Farmers' Movement" is the middle; his face is flushed, as AT BOX Hall, near Sittingbourne, i field, but were warned to keep away. in the spring. Land has already been and it k feared that ho will be lynched. Sto- themselves to regulate tho tariffs within their that "in two years over six MILLIONS of the cost of the work exceeded the profit, western prairies. Tho House spent the remainder no longer a shadow of coming events, though he revelled in plum pudding, England, some laborers, while digging Irritating words followed, and the purchased by Englishmen in Amelia vens is not expected to survive. and the work was abandoned.—Kir- own bounderics. That this right is vented in bottles havo been sold;" and still tho but a " thing of life," it has become a good ale and plenty of sleep. How a recently, found a Roman coffin, con- county to the extent of $60,000, and the the government of the States and nation of the day in coromlitee of tho whole on the army twins, niter firing a blank cartridge, I'HE Toledo (Ohio) Board of Trade has ginia Chronicle. appropriation bill. In tho evening a session waa demand increases. Surely such a man taining a few bones, a beautifully seems wholly clear. When a railroad ia to matter of national anxiety and interest man with so short a neck and such struck the Colonel with the butt of a settlers are well phased to own their adopted a series of resolutions in favor of the had for the conalderatlon of the bill to revUe the should be ranked among tho benefac- twisted wire gold ring, and some wood- be bnilt. the line of which crosses statutes. that its growth be a healthy one. And broad shoulders can ever gaze at the gnu. They were put under $200 farms instead of renting land at home Vrabaali and Erie canal Irohi that city toTerro THE "Leatheratocking Tales" of my private property, and I do not toro of thu human race.—Com. stars will ever remain a mystery. In en square-headed nails. The coffin Senate. as it had its origin in a general desire bonds. for $25 an acre. Haute, Indiana, and its exteasion /rom that Fennimore Cooper are to bo brought wish to have this property mutilated, I to eliminate the glaring abuses of the manner he is agreeable, easy,and* pleas- was,in tolerably good condition. The point to St. Louis, frankly so inform the railroad. Government FUIUAY, February 6.—The bill in re- AN interestinf? discovery of gold has out in a New York theatre. FIVE of Mobile's policemen have only day, we hope it will keep its parentage ant, and he leaves a good impression field in which it was found was at one ONE thousand Mennonites are to set- now stops in and very properly says: This Ution to bountiet passed. It provides that all who one arm apiece. been made in Bute, Scotland. in mind ; and since it wages an honest wherever he goes." time a Roman cemetery. tle in East Tennessee. • "1

RATU OF ADVCRTHIMO. Mow Aclvcrttno monta T OWIIJil* JQUBHAIi tkerlllBals-J. M. Mathswaon Att'y. CLOTHING AT A SACRIFICE. OaetaehorUii space makes a KB*r*' BhsrllT Sale—J. M. Matbewson Att'y. THE LOWELL JOURNAL $1.B0 a Yew. T Nollee John Hard/. » mo. IB wo-1 1 y BheriifBals—O. If. Look Att'y. JAS. W. BINS, BDITOE. FURNITURE. T OWCLL JOUBWAL Gilt EaterprUe-L. D. .4 la*.

LOWELL, FKU.18. ' A life local paper, List of Utten remaiuinK ia tho Foot office T OWBLL JOUHNAL at Lowell, Kent Conntjr, Mich,, Fab. IBtb 1871, HTATB or MICHIGAH, "» 31 Columns of reading 1 Bosioe.s locals 10 cents per llnaj'" ^" LADIES' LIST. RXROUTIVR Orpioit. F matter e»erj week. ion J 6 cents for eaob suhsrquent InserMon. PROCLAMATION UY THE GuVKRNOR. Martiaie and death notices tree. Mrs J W Duiilun, Misa Maggie Marcie. Miss IS T OWBLJU JOUHNAL Cards in Business Directory $5 per annum. Jennie Welcb. WIIRUKAH, Tlio Legislature oflbisSute, NT Yearly adrerllwrs entitled to ob4nge ill Istt »e«iioD, bj Joint rcioluUon. directed 1 Circulation constantly Legnl matter at HUtute rates, and must ba paid QENTa' LIST. the oppoiolnicnt by the Ooveroor of A com- increasing. for when affldnrit is made. F llenfiamin. A r Berkley, Brwin D nrooks, Transient adferlisements raus • bo iniitcu of eighteen pereons to prepare amend- ifyTheno terms will bo striclly adhered to. Jobn G". .iio Kanffman, W W Mcintosh, T OWELL JOURNAL ,>( ments to tbo constitution and report the same A •nti, o Korenbiiij;... ' " ^ Sludt. to him; and i Ono of the bust adver- "nuyer, Steven Weaver...... L DIRECTORY ALL Ol-' OUH Th. nuh/ Keliablc (Jft Uutrihution in the WiiKiiKAs. The said committee having been tising mediums in Wnrnei. appointed and performed the duty assigned Cuuntry. the west. T J»B. w. Hino, FOREIO.V LIST. them, and boving made their report; Now, JOHN KOPF j^OWELL JOURNAL WroTARY I'Ulll.lC, Francis Josiah Brown, Williaaj Graham, therefore, I, John J. Bagley, Qorernor of the IN JUUilNAI. Ol'FICE, Roey Stevenp, James Wright. Job work chcaper than •V LI/WELL.MICII. Stale of Michigan, by virtu# of the power r $100,000 00 Swearing done with nsatacss and dispatch. Persons calling for these Letters will please Immense Stock of Winter Clothing Tested iu mo by tbo constitution, do hereby PKOPUIETOK OF over. say "Advertised," and give tho date of this direct that the Legislature of the State Qoo. B. Balcom, . „ . . £OWBLL JOURNAL RACTICAL Watchmakerand Jeweler, watches, notice. A. M. ELswonTii, P. -M IN VALUABLE GIFTS convene in extraordinary session at the Cap- Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warrantod.- itol, in the city of Lansing, on Tuesday, the Best styles ol'Plain end JewolrymadetP o Order. Shop in the Post Offlce, To be diatribiited in LOCAL BUSINESS NOTICES. third day of March next, at twelve o'clock il Fancy Job Work. Must be sold at a Sacrifice, THE NEW Omnibua Line. coon, for the purpose of consideringtbe J^OWELL JOURNAL HAW ft BCRUlCK.oarry Passengers toandl rom GHEAT reduction on boots and shoes, hats L. D. SINE'S amendments to tin constitution reported by the depot, or to any part of and caps, cloth and clothing at Iline, Parrish Subscribe I Subscibel S said committee, and to consider and act npon Also Uanulaeturer a^d Wholesale end Retail night. Leateyourordersat the franklin House,and & Birch's. 43rd SEUI-ASSVAL all sucb other matter as may be submitted ridein the new Omnibus. Dealer in all kind* of fiiiiirr mm by special message. VIOK'S J. A- Oibion. SHE STAR CLOTHINO HOUSE ADVERTISEMENT IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM In tMtimon'jr whereof 1 hire hereanto *et "FlARiESS" a TT'Y, NOTARY, Real Estate »gontand Auction my hand and cauaed the grrat wnl of tbo FINE AND PLAIN A. "r- CnnTeyHnciogandtheCoUKUonofdobte JUB'P ODT. li! Bute to be hereunto nfflxrd, at Lanalng, tbii aepeclallty. Office and residence on the North-Bas THE SCIENTIFIC CLOTHES WASHER, the best To be drawu Monday, March 30lh, 1874. |L. 8.] twenty-first day of Januarr, in tbo year ol FLORAL GUIDE LAKGE OVEN, HOT AIR DRAFT, ASH SIFTING, ANTI-DUST, If ot Section 14, township ut B"wne. onr Lord one thoawnd eight hundred and machine of tbe kind in use, is now for sale at FOR SPRING GOODS. seventy-four. OOOK.XCTO- STO "V 13 « W. J. Atkliia&O"®'1®^. — , the store of Atkins & Greene. Do not fail to JOHN J. BAOLEY. FURNITURE! FON X8V4;. KALERSiu Agricultural Implemonti. We also ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OP By the Governor: For Hard or Soft Coal and Coke, or Wood, with'or without Low Iron Clad sell thejnitly celebrated Lumber «»«oni and call and see this friend of tbe household. No family can afford to do without it. DAVIIL STRIKKR, COPPCR OR ENAMELED RESERVOIR and CAST IRON W ARM- giee manufactured by J. A. Adams Bros. Bust- 10,000 I3sr GOLD Secretary of State. PARLOR & BEDROOM SETS. B Place one door Baet of Post Office. Lowell. 200.PBgeK, 600 engravlngi. tad colored plate. Pub liihea •IJSoenisajretr. Flnt namber tor 1874 Jait ING CLOSET. DONTFAIL TO SEE 12. PAINTS AND OILS at West's. • The Largest and best assortment A Germsn edition at *»me priw. -"j PTimt A Hunter# BEST prints at 10 cents per yard at Hine, OVERCOATS WAY BELOW COST ONE PRIZE $6,0t 0 IN SILVER! THE POSTAL LAW. there is between Grand Rapids Addreu.JAMES V10K,. 1Roeheiter , N. V. k BALERS in iirugs,faien;Meaiolnei,Per(umeiy Fivt Frixet 91,OOO S. 1 and Detroit. *} Palnte.Olie.kc. Store at the old aUnd of J. B. Parrish A Birch's. Five I'rixei $gOO -g C. KUSTERER Shear .Bridge atroet, Lowell, Mich. Ten FHxea $100 J Gl Among our State exchanges only We have in stock the best assortment of Cook and Heating Stoves ever FIOAEO CIOAHB at West's. Hotels furnished at low prices BREWER & MALSTER Two F«mll» C«rrl»«« »nd Matched Hone* witti Blue Chinchilla Ovorcoatfl worth 412.00 will now be sold for $8.00. Sllrer Mounted Harnem, one paper has spoken m opposition offered to lite trade in this village, whioh we are sell- EOn'^AR Conro'wlion ot looker Chapter No. Tbe cheapest place in town to buy your worth 11,500 each I City Brewery 78, at Masenio Hall, on Wednesday erenlngs Dry Goods is at Devendorf ft Blain's. tf Two Bugjie*, Hone* &e„ worth $600 each! T 0 to tbe restoration of tho press privi- ing at prices as low as tho lowest. R moon All Wool Beaver Overcoats worth $20.00 will now be sold for $12.00. " Fine-toned Ro*ewood Piano, worth tiSOt 3RAND RAPIDS, - - - MICH on or before tbe full g^HOOKEB, H. P. In additloH to tbe above I also keep on band THE BEST CKIARS at West's Drug Store. Ten Family Sewing Macbints, worth $100 oach t leges. The Detroit Tribune seems ALSO A FULL LINE OF SHELF HARDWARE. Esqnimanx Beaver Overcoats worth $25.00 will now be sold for $15.00 a choice stock of J. Q. LOOK, Sec. 1800 OoM and Silver Lever nunting Wateh- DRAUGHT LAGER. N.B.—Money to loan on good Real Estate ««CJ» all] worth from $HO to S.WOeaeht to stand quite alone in its warped 7 I. o. o. ». ; Willow Ware, BURDICK FEED CUTTER, BLANC'RD CHURNS, lecnrlty. MTRON H. NOBTOK. Boy's and Children's Overcoats 25 per cent# below cost ARMONY LODGE, No.W#, of Loyll, Mich, Gold Chain*, Silver-waro, Jewelr/, 4c.,4c. opinion on this question. And the Mirrors, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS; ETC- meeteetery Saturday even ng, atlOdd Pel. THE best assortment of Trunks at Deven- Number of Gift* 10,000! Ticket* Limited tofiO.M Fine Pictures and IowaH' Hall. "AT*, N. U. State press is "warping" the Tribune dorfs JcBlain's. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, to Obromos, Examine our slock before buying elsewhere. O. B. Hiixou. Sec. wuom Liberal Premium* will be paid. vigorously for informing the newspa- —AND— John Taylor, Dress Goods cheap at Devendorf A We Must close the Balance of our Winter Goods before SlNOI.BTlCKRTd, $3 SlX TICKETS, $10 TWILVB per men in Michigan that the best RON FOUNDER and manuhictnrer ol various Blain's. tf COPPENS & PARKER, TICKETS, $20; TWBKTY-FIVE. $40. TOYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS kinds of Flows, Harrows. Ouitirators, Son- March 1st. course for them to pursue is to stop West End Union Block. Iin, Bobsleighs snd all kinds of casting to order THOSE Water Proof's have arrived at 90c ALL GOODS WARRANTED, Dwell, Mich. f 1-00, and $1.25. nircular* containing a full list of priwti, n do^- grumbling and pay their postage. K enptionof the manner of drnwlng.aml oth»r Infor- HINE, PARRISH FT BIRCH. Davendorf & Blaln, natlon in reference to tho Ulntribatlon will bewnt The Berrien Co. Rccord says: to anyone ordering them. All letters must be aJ- and sold TlEALERSin Fancy Dry Goods,BibbonsCarpeting ANV one wanting yoo'ti will learn some- dteKsxd to If each county cannot enjoy the lU Hats, Caps aud Notions. Opposite Lo- thing to their advantage by calling at the LEVI BROTHERS, XAWovFir*. L D.SIXE, ItoxM. FOREST &, LOWELL MILLS, well National Bank. 101 W. Fifth St. Olnoinnati, O. free delivery of their own county Cheap for Cash. store of Hine, Parrish ft Birch, O. Broad, newspapers within their own borders, BEST buck gloves and mittens at $1.75 at HATCH & CRAW. EALER in BooU. Shoes, Uather Findings, ftc, where such free delivery does not Sr^A large supply of COFFINS Custom work done ulth neatness and despatch Hine, Parrish ft Birch's. cost the Government an additional UrsD t ojor west ol Graham's block Lowell. CASKETS AND SHROUDS, ATLANTIC sheeting at 12 cents at Hine GLOVER HULLINS!! penny for mail service, then we say CASH PAW for JTHEA T ! John Wilaon, Parrish ft Birch's. We are now ready with a forever abolish tho free delivery LL KINDS of Blacksmitbing, horseshoeing. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, Constantly on hand. All calls prompt- A Wagon and carriage Ironing done to order. CORSETS from 65 cents to $ I at Hine, Par- MONITOR MACHINE. system now established in our cities, Flour, Peed, &C., Constantly on hand rish ft Birch's. All Ordtr* will receive prompt attention and and which costs the Postal service ly attended to. J. M. Matbewson, an immense sum annually. WE HAVE IN OPERATION ONE OF VfDTARY, Attorney and Solicitor, Will at- Laces and Lace collars at ;Devendorf 36 Ganal Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Satisfaction Gnarantoed tenoto busmesa In any of the Stateor Uni- ft Blain's. tf Addre**: And the Pontiao Oazetle says : ted States Courts. PAIRS AISTK'S HAY BOAtiES. Special attention given to Oonreyancing, Col- WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES at D. F. HUSTED free exchange list,—in the direct PA. IMC*. • O .HCDAHMILL, ALL-WOOL flannel at 25 cents at Hfae, Par- ry Home in the eily. Qysters interest of the great press monopolies TTVdBRB MAY BE FOUND TEE LARSUT rish ft Birch'g: 38 Canal Street, Grand Rapid*. whose object the Tribune foreshadows Tv bkitt jiock of^Mtnlnj ToaU ererioftr- H. O. Btephenaon, ed in tblt market. We iftakt • upeolklli y oi ISSOLUTION OF CO-PABTNBB- AND ALL Z15DS Of GAME IN SEASON to be ihe destruction of the independ- Edmimd Lee ED. B. D1KEMAN. OMOIPATHiC fhysiclun A Surgeon. Especial ship—The co-partntnhip bertolore existing .bo atUatlon given to Syphillstlo and Chronic Dunder tbe Orm nsme ef Wingler, Bergln L Co. is this ent press of country, towns and laea. Stephenson's Patent Trusses and Sup- A RARE CHANGE ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS S dsy dissolved by limitation. All accounts for and porters maaulactured to order. All work warrant- nguiuKt the firm will be settled at the store by villages. HAS JUST OPENED Anil take rhe iitencf of none but tbe bent end lateit Improred rood*. We would Invite all l.hn i id to give satisfaction. Bendence first doo; .north pl.t. parcbteinc RBAPERSor 3IOr£«5to c.11 lindexAilDe the alljwhol eoatm Wingler ft Bergln. Photogra'hs given away of Union School Hou" And the Hastings Banner says : JOHN WINGLER. • DC IN MUSIC HALL BLOCK, Now is your time. A large photo- Dr.T-ii. Lamb, JNO. S. BERGIN. CELEBRATED JOHNSTON MACHINES. JOHN GILBS. With their accustomed opposition graph worth one dollar will be given T> UIDENCE AND OFFICE eoruer of Osk and •'•be combined Machine belnfribcino.t pcrfect Mower and Reaper erer bnilt. The ffltT IBOM The business!will be carried on at the old stand to the circulation of the county news- A FULL LIME OF free to any person getting two dollars Bndge streets, Lowell, Mluh. under tbe firm name of Wingler ft Bergio. AW I t-R is a great JaTorite with tbe Farmer aud/ui/y uarranttd tor atrengtb and dumbllu/T Th# having unsottlod accounts will please give tbe satnn £ papers, the city Press are denouncing worth of pictures taken. Your choice Chaa. Alttaen, their immediate attention. Thankful for past $ PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF the pending bill in Congress to give out of 100 different views of MICHI- Iron Clad Mower Improved, f TVEALE R in Ready-made Clothing, Qent's furn- lavors we snlidt a continuance ef tbe same. S D ishing Goods, Bats, Caps, &c., Corner store Dated, Feb. 0th, 1874. to the people the advantage to be GBOCEREIS. GAN SCENERY. Remember this For the xaaon of 1873. AlMitbe SHERWOOD, DODOEtni WORLD MACHINES. wast side Hat River Bridge, Lovely Mich. JOHN WINGLER. a- 33-tf JNO B. BBROIN. derived from the home press free chance will bo given only until the THE NICHOLS & SHEPPARD VIBRATOR THRESHING of the expense of postage. Promi- first of April next. Photographs and WM. FUUEOT MACHINE, THE ROWELL BROAD-CAST SEEDER AND CUL- "TvIALER in ratdy-made Clothing, Cloths, Gent's Prcspectus for 1874—Seventh Year. Live Stock, Salt Pork, Hides nent among these blowers against gems a speciality. A good ambro- If Fumisli.cg Goods, Hsts, Caps, Boots and the rights of the people and the life type in a good case for 25 cents. TIVATOR COMBINED, WARRANTED THE BEST Shoes. Ciothinxcut and mado to order. Store in Fnllen's block, Bridge street, THE ALDINE, ot the county paper, in this State, is Over Mrs. Hiler's Millinery Store, IN TIIE WORLD. SUPERIOR, FARMER'S FRIEND AND ROL- Pelts &c ~ G7a^ Oovlll, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universally admit- QjCantraiUarket.BrldgeStrMt, the Detroit Tribune. Its object for He proposes Lowell, Mich. MILO HILER. ted to be tho Bandsomest Periodical la the s LER DRILLS. THE ITHACA WHEEL RAKE, WITH ENEBAL Canvassing Agent, All kinds of H. W, AVERT years, and for which purpose it has to sell them as low \T books can be obtaiuud of him at lowest rates, World. A Representative and Cham- Lowell July letMNTS. J^OWBLL NATIONAL BAHBT" ITS NEW SELF DUMPING ATTACHMENT. . Addreas l/iwell. O- expended large sums, has been the as they can be boug'ht pion of American Taste. annihilation of tbe county papers of ] i C. Q. Stone ft Co., Not for Sale in book or Newa Store. OF LOWBLL. The Celebrated Grrattan Wagons THE ALDINE, while losued with all the regularity, LOWITLL MARKET UJBPOBT. tho State. in any [mar.ket .W^EALERS in Dry Goods, Groceries, BooU and has none of the temporary or interest character- Take Notice 111 Bhoes, Hsts and Caps, Crockery Ac. Store In istio of ordinary periodical", it it an elegant CORRKCTEU Ffii,17 1374. The above are extracts from a few Capital, $100,000. 'Orahmm's Block, U well, »llch. mi«cellany of pure, light and graceful literature i M for cash. W. J. A TKINS f QREESE. midu collection of plciures, tlm rsrwi »p»finipns nr ITheat, white, per bushel, $1.60. of our exchanges Similar bentimeats Surplus, 13,000. C.W.FiakftCo. artistic skill, in black and white. The ponsetsor of dn red, do 1.40. D1EKCTOD MNIBUS LINE to and from trains,to hoteU snd a complete volume oannot duplicate thetiuantlty Flour, per hundred, tl.O#. are spoken by the State press gen- do pvr biirrel. $4-90. SOTEIU private houses. The best omnibus in the vlilsge of bne paper and engravings iu any other or number Wm. W. Hatch. E. J. Booth. Odrawn by tbe bent team in tbe busines«. Leave jroar of roluincs lor ten tiroes its cost; and then, there Cora, per buihei.VO c. erally. H. A.Rice, C. R. Hine, ordersat the Franklin House or at Morrison's Hotel. are the cbromos besid«s! Com Meal, per hundred, $1.40. The Qreat Boston Firel ART DiPAaTNur, 1874. tw Oat», per bunljel, 40c. A. 8. Stannard. M. N. Hine, RESTAURANT, J Orton JSdlo, The Illustrations of THE ALDINK have won a Middling*, pi-r huadrod, 100. SENATOR W. B. WESSON has with- C. T. Wooding, Jno. Giles, word-wide rt-putAlion. The wood-cuts of THE x Bran, prrton, |I4.00. URGEON, PHYSICIAN aud Accoucheur. Ollice AI.DINE posters ail ibe dellcssy and elsborete finish ss - liuttei, per pouod, 28c. U. M. Clark In Scott uno U tst's Bicck with K, K. Doty. Rcri- drawn his resignation and will serve HE IS PREPARED TO FURNISH Union Block, Lowell, Mich., S oftbe tuoat costly steel piste, whlU they uU'ord a Egg*, per dotco, iSc Uatement of the condition of ,b. in.n.an.e Co.. cence cornet Bridge and Jeffeison Sts. better rendering of thu ariitt's otigiual. a- Cheene, per pound. 16e. at the coming session of the State INT^roRl paid on JUCIIOHIIH. pillj of In mldltlon to designs by tbo inemlwrs of tbe Beef,per hundred. fSOC. w. w. 1UTOU, I'lM.dfot. K. J. HOOTU, V. Prev (OI'POSITK TUB PRANKLIN UOUBB.) W oodiug & Fuller, Nstlonul Acs'leiny, mid uUivr noted AmcrU'sn nrtists, ® Pork, per linnilrfi. Legislature; health permitting. AT II. M .C'LAKK, Ca*hlrr. EAl.F.RS in li>;ht and dtunght harnciu, horses 1'MK Al.UIN'F. will reproduce examples of Ihe best Pork, ult. pi-r pi unJ, 10 GOODS WHOLESALE, dothiui;, r''Ot» li'onLets. «lupi. tiunki rtc , loreign IIIIUUTS.selDcled *ilb a VIPW to tbo higlKnt S Chickeui', j>er pound,00$ — NORTH AMERICA, DCollnik muuursi'tuieil at Wooding il Fuller's,oppos utiktic suocovi und and greslest genoral mtiirest. Turkey", l"*' poun.i i-10 Tint Allegan Journal thinks the cry S.A. MORRISON & Co, Props, PHILADELPHIA. Ite National Bank. [vHn6U| Tbi. iiustlerl/ t 11' I pUtes for 1874 will be by l.aril, pu poillii} Ol' AT r.OOD LIVING RATES. CafAlSnPFiSR^ fSS and Tlio*. Motun and 1). Woodward. Tallow, per poiiud, Tr 1 got a Baui|iIo bottle of Dr. A. Hoscbeu's Cer- Tb" Cbrlslnmn Us.io (or liil will contain Hprclul I'otntoi'', perl'U.bcl, ;0e. of "dead hcadiun ' comes with poor B.O. Wiieou, deigns appropriate lo tln.»fa«on, by nur Ini.t attliu, Tiftup*. perli'i-lu-' ::'r man By nip, J'rte qf clturyr. It lias htelr Iwen IONTBACIOR AND BL'ILLKB. j.hop West side and nill »iit|wt>»lnalli»i-tl.in« am "1 its pii'di-vessoti, Ouiotia. ("•! Iiii'b.' . f I "0 graee from the Tribune and sends a Everytkmj new. Dining Hull large introduced into this couutry from (Jermany. g Vlat Kirrt, MnlnXtrcct. i-KKMHH run 1874. orq lii'UnK, |" t lnr.lii'l, f I .'Jo hot one at that paper for taking the and lor any person salferiiig with u terere und Convenient. I'.vetv subscriber to TlIK ,\l. INhfortlio yeir IH7J Appt". I"-' '"i-li" I i'l will recoivw a juir (if rbtomos. The '.nis'itm tpiilr.. ilri»"l. n-r p iind, Tflle. position il does on tho postal qnes- cough. hoBvy cold settled on the bream, con- ^rffanized A. D. 1847 ORAND RAPIDS DIRECTORY. plcliu. ' »!'<• |islnt. d In oil |.ir the pulilii-lii.|>< of I'f.icln-'. m W. sumptiou or uov dUme of the Ibrou'. aud Hill of Fare complote, andj li-rins |r«*ii8onal)le I'MK Al.lUNK, by TIIOIOSK Morsn, «boi-e great lluiK't. r I'Oiiiid. Iflr. lion. Too had thai, the- Tribune's la- UK WILL I'AV lungs, it has uu Hiual i;i tbo world. Our reg- Kd. B. Dlkuuiau. Colorado piclute w«« j uu.'w. d by Congrc.s foi leu fa'l • M.,-, pn. I. l/io tboursud dollnrs Tli.' i.uljeols w.-n. ejiosen to ('*lf "Un*. Jr>, .• 1 poli'id. 10c ular size bullies 'lb citals. iu all cases money NLY oni'pn.M'JckcIi) Kslnlilisbment iu (jtand bored editorial IK not better appre- O Itupidk. Diunioii.ls, Waiobes, Silver and rep.eki-nl "Tbe f. i't" aud "Tile Wot," One i> a view |i •; In '•..iii>, I-IICII S'-wJic. will be promptly returned il' ratisfaction ij not Rooms Furnislied fcilv.-r 1'Ulrd ware. ;in Canni street. In Tbe While Monnt-iins, New llinipubire; ibu Sheep I'I II". ciated. The Highest Market Price, "iveu. Two doses will relieve any case- Try 78 rM,t other gives Ihe (Till, "f Ureen Hirer, Wyoiuitig Hun.. Diniillrd, Ice. in Qrit class Mj'U- for tbe accomnodation ct Gucste. ^ Dattlirs with tht iluthbuu llouau. Teirltoiy. I', irons ol t ute will piue these pictures (•houldem, mnnkel. To. tore fiend. it 9v-22nyl ' ONKUKSTItBET. GKANI) RAFIBS MICH. fur theni.'ielves, und "ill uppteviute thuenterprite © IliilfH, Kneo, per pound, fcc IT costs only $26 a head for threo -Fon- A. II. AsiitotLL, I'ropnetor. that renders their olstribution po»>ible. Hide* dry. p-r pound. 12c. Photographs IPbutographs! Capital and Surplus, NOT. 11 1872 M 11 any subs.'rlber should indicate a pmreience fut II iv. pei ten, f 10 Oo'u 15 < 0 Good Sample llooms for Agents iiutijuuiu A Dariun, boys to cut up a harness in Grand I am now prepared to make the public firet- a figure cubject, tli" puollsheis wil send ••Thought Kui.-kwhnit Flmii f5.00. F armor's Produce, A TTOBNKY ut Law, Judge ol Ftobnte, NoUry- of Home," a new and beautiful chromo, 14x10 incbes, Hi i ktrhe»t.per bni-lirl 100 Rapids. In Lowell it cosie one boy closs work—the genuine iierliu Retouched JX Public, Uouiinikbioner ol Deeds, ic., lor .New reiirewnllng a little lu'Uu exile whosa spiakiug © AVING opened a Hotel ReBtauraiit in S3,500,000. Yorkauu Wisconhin, Probate Olhce, County build eyes betray Ihe longings of hii heart. one year at Jackson to cut up in Photographs, never before made in this place. eastern end of Union Block, with all ng, Uraud Kaptds.Mub. riiiias.—per annum, iu udvance, witb Oil AT ALL TIMES. Cbromos free. H 0 1 n Notice. Old pictures enlarged and colored equal to tbe facllitieB requisite to make it first claaa in ' Compta ' * ' tbere .till For 60 opnta extra, tbo cbromos with be IIKREA3, nu wift. Mirgurri Vnnderear that way. all its departments, we assute tbe^pnblic that Holders, the Um OforeV '^"ritr 7uoy to Holier Holden, Stewart, & Co., sent, mounted, varnlnhedand prepaid by mail. life. Ivory types only made by C. J. Flandres kUff W lelt my bed nnd board wllhrnit ju.' caime it shall be so conducted as to deserve the most « g~i K.WiRAL INSURANCE AGENTS and AdjusUrs. THE AI.DINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only and pn.000, and will be donation. All can contribute some- N. B.—Persons with blue or gray eyes are lM> th M Maiden Uue, New York. Lowell, Feb. ISth, I>71. 3..wo $col9.20tf , .. , . USOKARD BKHLBR. Phnoe dKft " «»»• netearploa particularly requested to come cloudy weather thing. Lowell, Dec. Slat, 187}. aa.6w IBorsafe »idf«l{aSlel&sqn!oeeapply to abon.

muni • 11 m .Uillivfe •-*,. ... 4.i!feiS|6»,V.

" Hoiiwkopper " of Health. The Visit to the CHj; or, Pride Must Let's clone Ihe srene—• webk pinscd by— IT is now generally admitted by hon- Purepa-Uosii "There was a certain hotel to which A HKJ GA.MK AT MiKRLEM. est physicians, tlmt "lien onco the consump- Re R. R. fv ; : i I', i "i The PincIlbuckH. hull demented, The liver being tho great depurating many of tho people of our village wore UttTO a Fall# Worn writhing still, when they received or blond-cleansing organ of the system—set tion Is fairlv fast'-nod upon tho lunifs, no hu- BY uu<» n'ncn.i.Y. A TivcntS'-Sccond Ward Ilutchcr nml a in the habit of going. This I avoided. ohn Pinobbaek lived on Miucitinc Hill, A note with perlnmo sceutcd, Uiis groat " housekeeper of our hoalth " at man power can save thu patient from death. Air—" The QUVCK of Ularncy.'" MrTrnth Amine Ilnrhrr Again at Ihr 1 huy also say that about 50 percont. of those RADWAY'S READY Another chosen at hazard seemed to bu Knort of I lie I r lloylinod—ftcat'ly 'I'cn The upper crust among, From Mrs. Hurry. Thin it read : ^rk, and tho foul oorruptions which gender Ooli of aoDgB a founlnin, better. Thither I walked, determined lliMim at Murblo riuylnu for a I'umr He had a hralthy bank account, "To Mrs. I'lnchbaok, greeling— In tho blood, and rot out, as it were, t o ma- who die from this diseaHo can traca the cause 13 GREAT ALTERATIVE Dear ftlend-tne ladies of our sot chinery of life, are gradually exoelled from to a neglected finish or cold, which imeht An* of cbarni* n niounUtn, to leave no trace of my destination to of 8.100. Ilix wife was fair and young ; RELIEF AND BLOOD PURIFIER. Tbcro'ii no piima (loiina From tho N. Y. Sun. He'd earned a handsome competence Are soon Iv ^vo a meeting tbfc system. For this purpose Ur. Pierce's have been cured bv a small boltlo of Liquid those who knew me—no clue to my Opodeldoc, or what is the same thiiiB, .Mm- Gun wid ln-r coiiiparo ; There was a match in tho Twenty- liy selling hidon and leather; Golden Medical Discovery with very small It is not a qnnck nrmtmni. For nlie ifl the gwcH'ti-nt, identity to those who should find mo The objtct Is to call tipon • daily doses of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative ton'n Anodynr l.tniniont. Cnros tlxo Worst Pains second ward to shoot ono thousand Rix head was level, and his hi art Tlio iiiffmlients nro piibliiihcd An" tlio most complolcst, dead. As light as any leather. And sneak with .Madam Herman Pellets are pre-eminently tho articles needed. Cot this nolicc out ami britiK it with you. IN rni>M im ont-li bottle of mrdicino. It From lior Koldeu girdle marbles for if500. The competitors About the getting up in style They cure every kind of humor from tbo worst Wo are authorized to refund tho cash to any To her nut-brown hair. I had no mark on my clothing, no were tho well-known butcher John Mc- But John's wife, pretty though she was, Ol our lorthcoming German ; scrofula to the common pimple, blotch or person or persons who shall buv and use /'ar- OXK TO TWE.MY MINUTES. is nerd luidrmmimpudcd by She's the Borgeous posa card, paper, or letter with me ; I had Kewen, and Fritz, the barber. Mc- And sociable and free. And if you'll send us th« address eruption. Oreat eating ulcers kindly heal sons' Purgative i'i'/s and fail o/relief and sat- rhysiciniifl wherever it has Of vour high-bred relations, nnder their mighty curaiive influence. Viru- iafactioD.—Com. Of Slffnor Roba, torn the hatter's mark from my beaver. Kewen weighs 350. Ho is about five Was fond of taking on Fronch airs NOT ONSB OUR been introduced. It will An she doeH ontvalue him As I ascended tho hotel steps I felt, so When in society. I'll see that they, as well as you, lent blood poisons that Inrk in tho system are pofutivfly euro SCJtOFVLA DT a hundred pounds. feet eleven, and before he grew so fat Arc granted invitations 1" by tliem ronbed of their terrors, and by their T ArrF.n READINO THIS ADVERTISKMENT to speak, like one going to his own To see tbe lady In her silks HE purest and sweetost COD LTVER in it* various itaac*, li J! VU- Sure, her smile is Kraoions, was one of the best made men ever And diamonds array'd, • • • • persevering and somewhat protracted uso tho OIL is Hazard A Caswell's, made on the sea funeral. most tainted systems may be completely reno- Need any one Btffer with Pain. MA TI.SM, VruiTE A Mv.. An' her bust is epncioua, seen. Ho has been an athelete ol noto 'Twas hard to b'lieve she once had been Tho moral of onr story ia, shore, from fresh, selectod livers, of the Like a milk-white reservoir vated and built up anew. Enlarged glands, y-AVU, GOITRE, A grinning waiter bowed before me. in his day. Fritz is a famous German A simple dairy maid. That pride must havo a tumble- Cod only oy CABWKLL, HAZARD ft Co., New Iladwny'n Kcmly itrllrl U n Curo lor (An' troth I that's what it is. the darliut; an" tumors and swellinjrs dwindle away and dis- York F i« absolutely pure and tweel. Pa- JutoNciiiTis, xj:ii vovi A pert clerk lifted up his head and barber in Seventh avenue, near Fif- That those who in their wealth lorgct appear under the influence of those great re- Kvrr* I'nln. may Ood blesH her an' it for tho same 1 An' may And so it was—and one tine day They occe wore poor and humble— tients o havo once taken it prefer it to all I)j:r. IIATY, JM JPIKN1 He look down upon her, au' be good lo her!) stared. I was an ordinary traveler to tieth street. They call him Dutch A couple stout and jolly— solvouts. IT WAS TflF. riRST AMI) IS Who think they wear so close a mask othei Phyaioians have decided it supsrior CObS I MPTJOX, nnd nil dis- Of all silvery sounds. them, that was evident. Fritz. He weighs 180 pounds, is five Zeke Soper und bis wile—came down ' DOCTOHS COULDN'T HELP HIM. to al. other oils iu market.-Com. VINECARBITTERS That no one can detect it.- UEIOSVILLE, Morgan Co., O., Marcli 21,1872. THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY enfes nrising from on impure It was late in the evening; the place feet ten, well made, and fine looking. To see their darling Polly,— Mav come to grief with all tbo airs, Hear ber voice a minute 1 For Polly was the lady's name DeV Dr. PIEHCF. ; Dr. .1. Uulkert* California Vin- that instantly stop, the rrost excrnclatlog pains conditit i; of tbo blot d. fiend wore an air of repose. Laughing and a They are both brunettes, but MoKewen li'on when they least expect it. For the rich with few children it may allais Inflammations, and cares Congcitlons.whetbs Like a lark or linnet, When at her spinning wheel, VNyicn I was 12 or 15 years of age I took what egar Hitters art! .i purely Vegetable for ourltosADAi.ia ALMANAC, ID faint cliik of glasses in an inner apart- is rosy, while Fritz is pale and sallow. is called King's Evil, and by constant doctor- do to buy a shoo without Tips, but those who of the Lungs. Stomsch. Bowils, or other glands o How the warble bubbles up But now she'd changed it to Pauline, are blessed with little mousv and many chil- pieparatloii, mado diieliy from tlie na- organs, by ono application. which you will find certifiratea From her purly throat I ment told of some conviviality. One In spite of his size, McEewen is deci- As being more genteel. ing it would heal in ono place and break out IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, General Items. in another. It aim broke out in my left ear. dren it is ruinous to buy any others than SIL- tive herbs found on the lower ranges ol from reliable nnd trustworthy An' now hear It falliu', old man read his newspaper before the dedly the handsomer man. VER PIPPED Hlioes.—Com. no matter how rlolent and exernclating the pain, the " O, lawful sakesl" Zeke's wile cried out, A WILD hog recently shot by a teams- I first found your name in the Gkrlstian Advo- ilio Sierra Novmla mountains of Califor- RIIFjUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm, (.'rippled, llerr Physicians, Ministers of the Like an echo callin' Are. Nothing else was astir. Flickenii' gently downward The match was made in Fritz's shop When she tbo mansion stood in, ter near Muskegon, Mich., weighed al- cate, and sent ten milts for tho first bottle, nia, tlio incdicinal properties of which ous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with dlieaso may suffer Gospel and others. I asked for a room. The clerk nod- THE greatest oil well ever struck is From some hills remote. early on Monday morning, while Mc " I hope I never more may sec most 603 pounds. which did me more good than all other medi- aro extracted tliercfiom without tho use Dr. B. Wilfon Cart, of Piii.'mow, Then again it risos. ded. Kewen was being shaved. Fritz's little A bowl of hasty puddin' cines I ever used. 1 am 28 years old and doc- the Evans, on the Dougherty farm near RADWAY'S READY RELIEF rsys he bss t!»i d it in ,, „ M 0) ro(nIj THAT old dance, the minuet, is being nf Alcohol. Tlio (jiiesiimi is almost An' wid joy surprises, ooys wore shooting marbles in the If this ain't scruuipsbious 1 Only see tored with five doctors, and not one of them Petrolia, whicb produced the first WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. and olhtr Ulbcusis wiib tout-asUsftc- " Dn you care what floor ?" he asked. helped me so much as your boltlo of Diacov- daily asked. " What is tlio catiso of tho tion. For ber love an' rapture The picUrs on the ceilin'l revived by fashionable teaobors in New twenty-four hours 4,800 bhls. Inflammation of tlie KIdnerm I shook my head. shop, and McEewcn, eyeing the sport As nat ral as life I Why, Zeke. cry. I have got well and able to do a good unparalleled succc.is of V IN KG An BIT- Dr.T.C.Pligb,of IWHirore, rrcotn. Find in song relief: York. Inflammation ol Ihe Bladder mends it to sil person* n.ffi ring with An' it now sinks lowly " Number twenty-nine is empty," ho while enjoying his shave, said, " I was I'm on tbe p'int o' squealin' 1 day's work. JOHN A. WILSON. TKitsf" Our answer is, that they remove GRIFFIN, QA., lately received cards Inflammation ol Ihe Bnwels, diseased Blood, ssylng it is snj^rlor to Into prayer most holy. said, ana tossed a key to the waiter, the beet marble shot in my day in this New Scheme of Basy Payments the causo of disease, aud liio patient re- Congestion ol Ihe Lnnip* any prersrstion he lias ever used. Or now swells in rondeaux It's fresco, is it ? Well, I vow, for the wedding of a lady of sixty, PR JSPERITV is o blessing to tho good, whom I followed at once. ward. MR covers his health. They are tho great Sore Throat, DlBlcnlt Breathing, , Eev. Dabney Ball, of the itaitimore (Though I don't meself rightly know, npon I'm drefful glad you told me 1 and a blushing bridegroom of twenty- but a curse to the evil. M. E. Conlmnre Konth, fnjs he has We reached tho room by two flights " I'll bet you weren't any better at And see tbe carpets and chcers, blood purifier and a life-giving principle, Palpitation ol the Heart, been so much brnrfltled by Its use, that me conscience, what sort of a thing a "ron- llyntcrics. Croup, D) plherin, of stairs. Atits door the waiter pushed. that than I," said Fritz. " No boy And sofy's I Zekel, hold me I one. be cheerfully reronncsnds it to all his deau '' is when it's at home.) MASON & HAMLIN a perfect Renovator and Invigorator „ . . _ . . Catnrrh. Influenza friends snd ar TUB Californians are making pfepa- Obtain only " BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES," and Payments may run throngh one to four iind cor. of Wnshlnfftun anil Charlton SU.. K. Y. READY RELIEF. Fifty Cents per Bottle. do cry," as poor Father Mulcahy- God rest door a heavy sigh escaped me. Alas 1 For your dear, blessed mother. Sold by all UrugKUta unci Dealer*. The news flew around the neighber- It's good enough for you, and I rations^or having another aquarium do not take aujr of tbe worthlesi ImltaUons that mar bim I—tould me long ago at Sunday School.) that life had become so woful a thing be offered. Sold tttryukert. years. hood, and a crowd gathered so rapidly ' Shan't call you any other. car sent across the continent from the In the line o' song. to me that I should want to be rid of it. Ail whioh has been paid allowed HEALTH. BEAUTY. Ayer's Hair Vigor, that it was necessary to shut the doors . eastern coast, next spring. THIUTV YKARK* RXPRRIRNf'K OF A> In the dim light of my ono candle I But speaking of your christenin', Poll, and deduoted ou Organs purohoscd aud STRONG ANO PUKE RICH BLOOD | of the barbel's shop and admit only a CALIFORNIA lions are inconveniently OLD NUKHK. CRUMBS paced the floor, and thought bitterly To mo it is bewilderin' INCRKASBOF FLiP.SH AND WMMIT HIS LUCKY DUMBER. limited number of spectatore. Mr. That you're been married seven years in the Borryessa valleys ana MRS. WINSLOW's SOOTHING STROP IS THE PRE paid for within one year. Are a modern itove Are better, became of the girl I loved so dearly. SCRIPTION OP one of the best Female PhTsiclans and polish, far better than (1 !• they giro a finer RIOII CIjKAR SKIN AND BKAUTI. Bogert, a mutual friend, was referee. And ain't had any children. _iills.' They make light of such trifles An organ may lie retiirnrd after aix any other In eiiitenoe • than any other polish. FUL CO.UPIiKXION SK- FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR It was in the days ol curtained beds. Your ma had twelve, and I've bad eight— Nursea In tbo United States, and has benn used foi "Every one has a lucky number," A ring was chalked on the floor, and as'young colts, calves and lambs. Cl'RBD TO ALL. The bed in this room was hung with Now, Polly dear, confeds it, thirty years with norer fallinR i.ifety and luooessb} months at cost of only reasonable rent, if for said the old gentleman. "Mine is the rules .of the game were settled. mlliioni of mothers aad children, from the feeble In dark chintz; so were the windows. A house, tbongb grand, ain't worth a snap ACCORDING to Dr. Holland, " the av- any reason it is not wanted longer. If DR. RADWAY'S twenty-one. Twenty-nine might have They tossed a penny to decide whether Without a babe lo bless it. fant of one week old U> the adult It corrects aotdltj COMFORT To ita Natural Vitality and Colors Over the bureau was a looking-glass, erage American, in the average Ameri- an Organ be retained and rent paid four been an unlucky number for me. Yet they should shoot 25 marbles at each of HJis ftomaoh, relieves wind colic, regulates Uu Yield a brilliant, illfenr ihoon. wllh lets than half the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT with a portrait of a lady in puffed What's that yon say ? Yon wish I'd try can restaurant, eats his dinner in the< botjtfl'.aod glviM rest, health and comfort to mothei labor required when other poliihei are used. I didn't know it; both were painted on inning or 100. Fritz was in favor of years, it becomes Ihe property of the a white oval. Twenty-one-twenty- sleeves and high comb at the top by To speak with more propriety— average time of six minutes and forl^^ nojfeiM. We bellove it to bo the Best and Sarest Has made the most astonMihiB Cures't so 100 marbles. But McEewen's friends That having babes is frowned upon parly hirins-, without further payment. •iulck, so rapid are the rhanges thr Boily Advancing year* nine. Not much difference you see, 21, way of ornament. There were four five seconds." Romody In the World In all cases of DYSENTERY alckneis, care, &iiap> would not agree on account of his size. By folks in pood society ? and DIARRIKEA IN CHII.DEN. whether II undergoeN uniler the influence of lhlped Hands, Caked Breasts, morning. Fritz looked a little too ex- iMNsellliiff. and nil baTlng any apire time for 143 Cfaamben St., New York. Or bis deecrti are small: I'll see Dr. Black about you to-mor- Smote on the lady's startled car, lighters, half a mile from shore. This PBICK 81.00 PF.K BOTTLE. Flesh IFounds, Fistula, Mange, Wbo fear* to But It to tbo touch, cited for the knowing ones. McEowen NEW YORK. p eaunt work, wiMieut tlik, write at once for com. 48 Broad Ht t Boston. Frost Bites, Spavins, Siceeney, And win or loaoitaU," row." " Ah, Pincbback 1 Herd's a narty ; inconvenient method is to be done iete 18 page dencriptiMclrenlar and liberal terms. led off, hitting 15, missing 16. The We've come to f»ve you a surprise— BEEP CATTLI—Fair to prime.... | S 00 (918 50 E) F. A. HDTCBIHBOK A CO.. Ohloago, IIL External Poisons, Scratchesches or Grease, away with by the construction of a dock, Hoo*—Live 6 00 O 8 »0 Sflnd Cracks, Stringhalt. Windgms, "I agreed with him; and one evening, " I don't want Dr. Black to be call- sturdy German iollowed{ reducing his DR. RADWAY'S Wc know you'll bo delighted which is to cost three and throe-quarter SHEEP—Fair to primo 6 60 9 7 00 dolls of all kinds, Foundered Feet, as I walked home from a little party ed," sighed Jessie. "I'd rather die." score by hitting 7 and missing 18. The And welcome us right cordially, COTTON—Mlddlln* ^ 16 Perfect PurgmiTe and Uegulaling Pills Sit/asi, Ringbone, Cracked Heels. Though we wero not invited." millions of dollars. where we had met, with her on my "What's the matter?" cried the old scores varied, but the advantage was FLOOR—8prlu« extra . 6 60 Q 6 7ft fiiEXTERMINAlORS Poll Evil, Foot Rot in Sheep, THE Penang Gazette is the oldest WHEAT—No. 3 Milwaukee Spring , 1 97 9 1 60 perfectly tasteless, elegantlr coated with sweet gum. Biles nf Animals, Roup in Poultry, arm, I stopped- under a great willow lady. "You are not yourself. You clearly on the fat man's side as the "Friends," cried tho lady, "welcome all— CORN-Western Mixed 80 ft 83 ANO INSECT POWDER FORI purge, regulate, rsrify, cleanse and strengthen. Toothache, Lame Back, (fc., tfc. journal in the world. Ic is printed on BaUTMioe, RADivAY'S PlLl.S. for the cure of all disorders of tree, and took-her hand in mine, and doa't eat nor sleep, and you cry per- game progressed. The butcher won I'm glad to see you, really 1 OATS—Western CO 9 60)tf Moths, 4c. tho Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder,Nerv Large Size tl.00. Medium 60c. Small 26o. a large sheet of yellow silk, and ap- RIE—Western I 03 9 I 08 said: petually. What ails you ?" by his greater power of endurance. Just pass down to tbe dining-room Small Sixo for Family Use, 25 cents. BABLKT 1 80 @ 1 9S "Jennie, I love you better than my " I'm miserable," said Jessie. Fritz became so thoroughly exhausted And u^e tbe closets freely, pears in tho same form, with the same ANY n*ttitheaddrtM of 6 or8young peraons Tho Garcling Oil has been in ii8e aa a But please don't come up stairs, for wc I'dkr-Mess ®16 12* of different post-offlces, who they think would "Why?" asked her aunt. by the seventh hour that it was neces- characters, and on tho same kind of OHV 9k a club liniment since 1S33. All wo nsk is u /air life—will you marry me ?" flNTF «•' P * tor a beautiful Young Folks' Pa- Warranted to effect a posit.vu curo. Pu'reiy Vegeta Two ii lends are entertaining— material as it did a thousand years agj^f bmdido'." Y" P«r, will reoeire KRKE a beanUful chromo. CONSUMPTION trial, but 1)0 snreand follow tllrcctlons. I waited for an answer. "Oh, aunt," said Jessie, "it's all sary to give him strong stimulants. Distinguished persons from abroad— hie, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious Cai^ LX—Choice to extra prime.. .f 5 3S Address Publisher Gem, Sharon Uentre, Ohio. .And Its OVLX'O. drugs. Ask your nearest DrugRistordealenn Pat- She gave none. your fault. You told me over and over McEewen took pure water. Both men Both nervous and complaining." The only change is in tho writers. ^ 1 PL 9 6 00 ent Medicines for one of onr AlmanncB, and Medium to diofco , 4 75 s eo tr* Observe the following symptoms, resulting "Jessie," I said, "won't you speak again that a girl must never jump at an suffered, but were game to the last. Bx the invention of a new system ol Common to fWr , a ro 490 THIS 18 NO HUMBUG. WILLSON'S from Disorders of the Difrestlvo Organs; read what the people say about theull. Oh, horror I Even as she spoke, t Constipation, Inward Piles. Fullness ol the Blood The Gargling Oil is for sale by all re- to me!" offer; that a man must be refused at When nine hours had elapsed McEewen hardening steel, it is believed that the HOOJ—Livs . 4 75 By ioadln* SSets., with age, height, color of eyes and in the Head, Acidity of thn Stomach, Nausea, Heart- spectable dealers throughout the United A voice that made her shiver SHEEP-Live, good to cnoloe , 4 28 S 08 0 hair, you will receire a correct picture of yonr future Then she did speak. least once, or he'd not value a girl. was 100 marbles ahead, and in 27 min- work of piercing the St. Gothard tun- r* husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. burn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stales and other countries. Came from above: "O Zeke I" it cried, BDTTEB—Choice 24 9 28 W. FOX, P. O. Drawer S3, Fultonvllle, N. Y. Carbolated Cod Liver Oil Stomach. Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at Our feiffmonfato dale from lS33tothc pres- " No—oh, dear, no ! And I liked him so; and oh, he liked utes and 85 seconds more the referee " That syrup for my liver I nel can be finished a year or two in ad- Eoos—Fresh 16 9 17 It a scientific combination of two well-known medi- ths Pit of tho Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hur- FLOOB—White winter extra C 50 £ 7 75 pines. Ite theory Is Qrst to arrest Ihe decay, then ried and DIScuit Breathing. Fluttering at the Hean, ent, an,1 are unsolicited. We also iimmifaoture "I offered her my arm again, and mc. And when he asked me I felt so decided that the game was finished by I've left it in the room below— vance of the expected date. The build op the system. PhTslclsns find the doctrine Choking or Suffocating Sensations, when in a Lying I cannot do without it— SpnDR extra . S 60 9 6 75 DR. WHiniEV"ft«erv Posture. Dimness of Vision. Dots or Wehs before ths merchant*! Worm Tablets. took her home without a word. She glad! Aunt, I remembered what you tbe fat man's having scored 600. Fritz s new invention was made by M. Eneoht, WHEAT—Spring, No. 1 A I 25 Longest engaged, and moat successfot i i'ou -.y- BB8T. Uttca, N. Y., and Corf Llrtr Oil II A'alurt'i bet I atihlan! In resisting Sold hy Druiulsls. The aged couple merrily year about 6,000 gallons of sorghum PORK—Mess 14 35 S.oiiwil ""'rocelTe the IIjAkiIyK Consumption. ^ REAO" FALSE AND TRITE." Send ono let te JOHN HODGE. Secretary. bowed ; that was all. Then when she "You little goose!" cried the old LARD ; FARMnlt one year and Rrlrgs A Bros.'Quarterly, 1 l,p ln , r p stamp to RAD WAY A CO.. No S2 Warren St., N. Y Tho dining-room invaded. and cane molasses, worth in the neigh- S OJk price Si ct».. and an order on the firm for $1 worfli of •.J'-"- .i .* * wrdKf-ahnped bottle*. went out of sight, and I stood alone in lady. To make tbe matter worse, old Zeke CINCINNATI. Information worth thousands will be sont you. SUniflcant Pacts. borhood of $4,500. To all tillers of seeds. Send at once to sucuro this offer. Krenr tar nol?niHd bht".!M"y tbi' bi'Mh UriiKtflat*i" . Prepared bnny d la the village street, I felt desperate As for me, you fancy how I felt. I Had taken too much t iddy, BEEP CATTLI ,f 3 flu 9 6 00 meranJ Patron sl)ou|d hare this ralusble paper. From the Now York Mall. the soil wo say, "Go ye and do liko J•". II. WILLNON»t ssjajnii.-i,, 83 Johjonn HI.ni.., Ne.Now Yorkvi . AGEKTS WANTED TOR THE had no thought of suicide now. My And felt that he was just as rich Boos-Live . 5 (i| 0 00 enough to kill myself. A peculiar and promising feature of And grand as anybody. wise." SHEEP-Live . 4 mi 9 5 00 WgiTIRN Ao'ta: |rfph'ARDSQN IBIOAOO. The Best Paper, Try it! " What had I done to have BO cold a desire was to live and ask that ques- FLOUR-Family Louis. HISTORY OP THE tho trade of tho country is found in A CODFISH was captured at Ketch 7 2ii 9 7 40 refusal ? Why should she scorn me so? tion of mino over again. I pocketed " Why, how d' don, good folks 1" ho cried. WllKAT I 48 (4 1 80 ORGANS.^® The Sclentlfli' Ainer'cnn is tho cheapsst and the very large shipment of grain from Harbor, N. S., on Tuesday last, whioh COB* 60 9 r.j STANDARD LOTTA BUSTLE. eat Illustrated weekly paper published. Every num- my pistol and crept down on the other And then at Mrs. Barry ber contains from lo to 16 original engravings of new Oh, dear, no I' I grow furious as I re tho West this winter. The remarkable OATrii... 48 (A 61 |to9ira Inroited In Wall St. JMplomn Award* GRANGE MOVEMENT Ho winked and said, facetiously, differed in some lospcots from thu or-. LLTK X ofton leails toi fortune. No rd by the Amcri- machinery, novel inventions. Bridges, Engineering OH THE peated the words. side of the bed. I stepped toward the 03 9 06 enn liiHtltulji each works, Architecture, improved Farm Implements and increase of shipments may be seen " Lord, what a spruid you carry 1 dinary "lakes." Whore a proporlyJ II'MUt* 1 60 (9 I 70 risk. 33 page pamphlet Ires eveiy new discovery In Chi mistry. A year's numbers FARMER'S WAR AGAfNST MONOPOLIES. • "Yet it stung me all tho same. ] bureau aud blew out the candle. The Well, make yourselves to bum at once. 1 VAU NTiHr.TIIMIINNIOK A oar, A. W. Thomas, from tho following statement, which organized ood has fins, the fellow h; !^ PORK— Mesa (<415 38 Co., Hankers, 8S Wall St.. f«. V. (•atontce and Manu- contain fSi pages and several huiidrud engravings, Bolnir a full an'l authentic noconnt of the strutdiles tossed from side to side of my bed all faint red light of the fire was still in the Away with melancholy I LAUD 0 9 9X farturer, forthe Light- Thousands ol volumea aro preserved for hindlrg and of the Amerionn Farmers av.ilust tho extortions of shows the aggregate shipments of fiour flippers like a seal, and these flippotn reference. Tho practical receipts are well worth ten night, and thought T. could endure it no room. As I dashed out of the door I Hurrah I Let's have a straight-four dance! ST. LOUIS. est, stronKost and most tho Railroad Companies, with a history of the rise and grain from the ports of Chicago, wero used to some purpose, for tho comfortable Bustle- limos tho subscription price. Terms, $3 a year by an.l proKress o( the Urdor of Patrons of Husbandry; longer. But I would not pain and dis- heard two female screams, but I escap- Jerushy, where is Polly? BEEP CATTLE—Choice $ 4 00 4 4 78 THE GOLDEN EGG The Standard Lotta — mail. Specimens sent free. A new volume'eammenosd Us objects anil prospects. It sells at sight. Send for Milwaukee, Toledo and Duluth, ny fisherman who made the capture had Oood to prime . H 00 <3 ii 78 For Agintt. Large income Kuaranteed. Knclose thatcanbo«orn. Sizes J snunrr!), 1874 May be bad of all Newa Dealers. speciniHii PSKBS and terms to Agent*, and see why it grace my respectable relatives by com- ed iu safety. HOGS—Uve stamp for circular. K. Allison. 113 Chambers St., S.Y. D ATK MTO obtained on the best terms, sells lasier than any other book. Address, NATION lake and rail, from Januarv 1 to 17, She needn't keep herself so shy great dilficulty in landing him. He . 4 75 A 8 10 to suit every style of dross. WHOLESALE DEPOTS: 1 , M, ,el,0 no lnT mitting suicide in tbe place wherein I met the waiter on the stairs. SHEEP—Good to ohnioc 4 00 0 4 60 r** ! ®1 ." ' " eBllonsand Al. PUIILISIUNO CO., Oh'cago, III. and for corresponding periods in pre- Because she's got a fortin'; pulled stronf or than any fish ever bo- FLOUH—Spring. XX 6 00 (S 0 75 AT t AOT We havo found something NKW for OI WIIITK HTUKKT, NKW YORK. •ketches examlpod. and advice free. All patents aro they dwelt and were well known and "Found out the mistake, sir," he She was as poor as anyone H I LHO I agonts. It will unii letter than any- SOI RACK ST., IMIU.ADKLIMIIA. ibUshttd in the* aSoiontiflc Ameristn tho week they vious years: fore captured by that inau, und, alter WHVAT—No. 3 Spring « 1 33)4 thing youevorbaniliod.SnnipletSSc. KUKKKAMAN- . iuc. hend for niimyhlet 110 i^e*. conUlnlnff IHAPPVRKL1KF. thought of. I would go to New York said. "Just coming to rectify it." 'Fore Pincbback did his courtin'— CORN 60 ft SIX UFACTUR'O OO..U5CUrkorlll\l»di5on sl..Ohlc/ " ' la rs and full directions for obtaining Patents, Don't despalrl' Bead Articles. 1874. 1873. 1872. being landed, flapped around iu the the cream of medical —even then a very large city—and "Don't mention it," I said. I'm But this I'll always say for Poll- OATS & 48 |THEA • NECTAR Address for tho Paper or concerning Patents, Flour, brls 4u3,673 151,308 137,919 No other gal, 1 reckon. boat, much to tho annoyance of its RTE 84 <9 85 'for a full courao of Tplegraphine when IS A PURE Jilteraturel Thirty taken with lirMNKNS COCKSK. .11UNN Jk CO., 37 Park How, New York. - lyeara among the seeking some hotel, register an assumed very glad—that is, it don't matter. Could ekal her at dairy work, BAULKY 1 50 & I Cti BLACK TEA Branch Office, cor. F and 7th St8..WaBhlngton. D.C other unwilling occupants. POBK—Mess For circulars sddre«« Jones Com'l Col- aflllcted: thousands saved from an eatlygrare: name, and retiring at night with a bot Here is something for your trouble," Wheat, bu 31!68,795 258.812 41,7(30 At wasbin', or a bakin*. «15 00 $15 lege, St. Louis. Mo. Upon day and night. with the Creen Tea Flavor. War- lost vitality; nervons weakness; who may marry; LARD ® 9 tie of laudanum aud a brace of pistols, and I gave him a five dollar bill. Corn, bu 552,805 4G8.2C5 912,140 THE new Brooklyn Metallurgica ranted to suit ail tastes. For s.il.' why not; lost memery; Impaired health. Thirty Oats, bu 640,975 456,133 268.302 MILWAUKEE. overywhoru. And for sale whole- Wood's Household Magazine. lei'turos delivered at Chicago Medical Institute, awake no more, and so be rid of my He said " Thank ye, sir " but I saw Ah, here she is 1 and Pincbback too I Works of Brooklyn, Cal., near San AAA PKU WKPK cau be made by any sale only by the Great Atlantic A price 60 centa. Circulars to ladles, two stamps, Barley, bu 259,893 205.723 109,554 CATTLE—Choic# to extra prime... t 4 60 (9 8 25 Lj""V/ smart man who can keep his business Pacihc Tea Co., No. 191 Fulton that he thought mo crazy. Ho was Come, folks, bring on your fiddle, Francisco, are in active operation. THE BEST DOLLAR MONTHLY. Consultation free. Cures guaranteed. Addresior misery. I arranged my affairs to tho Bye, bu 26,777 11,700 30.250 And let us have an old time dance Medium to cljpU'e 8 78 (S 4 38 mtelf. Address B. F. CRAMKR, St. and 2 and 1 Church St., NOH call ou Dr. A. Q. OLIN, 68 Randolph-st., cor State- With a powerful crusher they pulverize Common to fair 3 00 9 8 60 Jertey OltyrW. J. York. P.O. Box6B08. Send foi a day mado bycan- Chicago, 111. Pleasant home for patients. All boat of my ability, and received an confirmed in his opinion when, as I Up sides and down thr. middle I fhea-Nootar Circular. yasslng for this ToUl grain, bu.4,549,234 1,300,638 1,383,072 a ton of ore in an hour, from which Hoosj-Livc 8 00 O 5 45 wltl1 8, nc 4 correspondence strictly confidential. imaginary letter from a friend in New passed to the door of my own room, I Come. Polly, put your btst licks in, SHErf—Live, good to choice 4 50 d 5 35 MflNFV K « " Key $5 to $15wlth Chromo, i "Heaven bless twenty-one! It's a all kinds of grain have been very good, At all our frolics down to hum- and the more refractory ores, lead, an-i EOG-^FRCSH 16 @ 18 sill containing the wholo of the Interesting se- THIS PRINTING INK.,.,,..,.,*,™..W. 0. WILSON Co.. . ter of business. I burdened myself Go on, I 'II see yon throngh it I" FLOUR—While winter extra 7 00 « 7 75 (JjOK J'KR DAY Oommlsflon or 830 a week rial story, Th" illy story of l.nrpliiKton THE YtSEMITE VALLEY. ilarnor'a BaildlnRs, New York, it is for j-aln by Mll- with no unnecessary luggage. What lucky number!" it is evident, first, that the farmers timony, arsenic, and copper. Siv^ Sprlug extra C 00 Salary and expenses. We offer it and will House. This great featsre does not Infringe upon waokee Newspaper Union, Milwaukee, In liith. and 9 0 75 pay It. Apply now. '"-bbct & Co., Marlon.O. the completeness of other departments. Tbo 14x20 inches, in 17 Oil Colors. li B. paokar«s. Also a full assortment of Job Inks. did an unknown suicide wantof another But I never was saner than I was have been receiving an unusually large strong furnaces subject these ores to WHEAT—Spring, N«. 1 9 1 25 Thus Uncle Zeke rattled on. Spring, No. 3 9 1 22 WEEKLY WlHCONHlN Is a 48-aoIumn--quarto-larger Magaxlno.onoyear, with Mounted tihromo, - $2 00 then, and never half so happy. amount of money for their products; And when his tongue had tired, an intense heat for twelve hours. The OilK P«r Day. lWO Agents wanted. Sand than tbe A'eiP Tor* Ledger or the N if Vork Vfeeklu. Magatino, ono yoar, with Unmonntod Chromo, 1 60 ftfTO KAUIl WEEK. AROnts wanted. Partlcn- coat and a change of linen ? CORN-No. 2 9 57 CD JLtl stamp to A. H. Blair A Co.. St. Uiuls, Mo. Sample copies froo. All letters should be carefully Magazine, alone, one yoar I 00 flP i mI.lars froo. J. Worth .t Co.. .St. Louis. Mo. " I kissed my mother and sister and Of courue I proposed to Jessie the second, that, as a consequence, the Old Aunt Jeruaha took up tbe theme. gases aro conveyed in a pipe through OATS—No. 2 9 40* addressed CRAMER, AIKENS A CRAMER, Mil- Examine our Clubbing and Premium Lists. With emulation fired. waukee. Wis. ^^ startled my grand father by an embrace, very next day, and I need not tell you country merohants of the Northwest a tower made of porous materials, the -"TB—No. 1 9 70 Two MrsNclnss Perloilirnls for Ihe price M. N. D. No. 7. She told her niece's history • BLEV—No.2 9 1 82 iioo.ooo .Kan sap. Per D of one. solicit Bxpcricnccd < anva^scrM that her answer was not " Oh, dear, have boon doing a good trade, and that vapors being checked in their progress f|K#%E!! *y guaranteedusinsohr started and upon what I mentally called From chHdhood till she married, RK-MESS ." 914 50 OBND STAMP to Aims Record, Aurora. III., for and others to sond at oner tor terms and Specimen WIIKN WHITIMJ TO AI>VKKTISKR

ME?1.- NEW THING ED E P 0 A pBOBATE NOTIOHi- ietrtlt tli WiiwwkM Rillrwi. 0 ?T JTS^ K&fU « ™?cTn.i. Court j^EW FIRM, lor tbe County o( Kent in Chancery. STATE op MIOHKIAM, County of Kent,) ss. At a Winslow Dodge. CoaiplMnsnt, smslon of the Probate Cnurt tor the Oounty of Kent, The Old Reliable""Bout« to *11 polnte holden at tbe Probate OBloe. In the City of Orand Bast and Wost- Siuion Vsn»lxo, Natlinniel C. Whltlleld, nnd Maria Biplds, on Thursdsy, the fifth day nf yebrusry. in II. Vinch. I-efendnnt*. the year one tliou»iind eight hundred and seventy- A N li TMIOK leave t.owcll (^UN.IUVII oxeep'.ED.L At n •ef»lnn of said Court, held st tho court linuailn UNDER THE SUNt GOING BAST. the city of Orand llapids. in i-«id fountj, on tin SOlb 1'rosent Benjamin A. llarlnn Judge of Probate. • In thu matter of the ostnts of .Norman roster Hail 11:05 AM Thro.Krogbt 8:16 PM CHEAP GOODS. 1',16P M n'lRilEVHOll.cirfi.^r. Mixed, 12:66 I'M Expn-di- Iii thin cniin". it aiii'i'i'iliig from sffldavlls on flic, ^ On reading and filing the petition, duly vetllled, West's American lire Setter 001 NG WEST , hat tbiVSnt kntlianfel C Wldtf, d. .. not a nf Lmcn II. Tyler administrator of Hdde»la1o,pray- "A New Broom Sweeps Clean," y , ht ^AM W.xtd, 0:00 V M rrBlilriit of this State, hut n mident of the State ol IUL'lor license and authority to sell the real estate r lg e:U0 1' M therein described lor tho reasons and purpoHe therein Exoroi S:*0 M#il> . . « , Kanms, nml that hc has resided in sstd State of Kan. For Selling Carriage aud Hag. sas lor the last past elchtoen months. is an old adage, and we shall try nTTbrough tV:kclii lo nil pi incip»l point* bonl, On motion of 0.11.1.ook, Coniplaininfs solicitor, thereupon It 1* orderd, that Monday, tho ninth on Tire told, ou ibe wheel, for gale at tlio cmujany"* ofllce, Lo»»ll. ordoicd tlmt the nppcarnnce of said .non-resident day ol March next, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, bu and prove tlie adage true as re- l.Mlu-ii »"J Smoking earn on dny trains. defendant Nnlbsniel O. WhitSild he entered herein assigned lor the hearing of said petition .and that t he I'ttllmun-K Slc.plok writ onnighttMnj. within three months from the date of this order, and heir* at law ul said deceased, and all othor persons inUrested In said estate, are required to appenrata gards a new firm, but shall en- In case of bis sppca'snro becAse his answer to the Bil With which aair of BDOUT TIKKM CAU Oon'l Sup't Detroit, Mieb. of Complaint to l^nied.andacopy thereof to 1)0 served session i l said Court, then to be holdm at tho on the Complainant's Kolldtor within twenty day* after Probaie Office, in the City ol O'and Kapids, In said deavor to do as clean work after Crand Uapitfs k Indiana Railroad aeivlco on \.in. of a copv of said Ml] and notice ol thw coiiaty, and show cause. If any their be. why the Tlme-TaWe. order; and in default thereof, ,alte" priiyer of the petitioner should not be granted . the newness has worn oft BR confessed by said non-resident Defendant. And It li further ordered that aald petitioner Ten Minutes. And ilia further ordered, that within twenty davs give notice to the penoiu interested in aald eataw of Every shrewd business inan OOKIIRNPKD TIME CAUD, Nov. So, 1873. (he complainant cause a notice of this order to he pub- tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing lished in the Lowell Weekly Journal, a newspaper thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pub- lished in the Lowell Journal, a newspaper printed OOINQ NORTH. printed, pnhHidied and circulating in said county, can buy goods for Cash at about It ii one of the moil wonderful time and labor-ia and that said publication bo continusd therein once and circulating In aald county of Kent, four succeii- ving machines of tbi ige. DAILT,(UKOATI HICirTM). in each week lor six weeks in succession, or that he ive weekaprevlouaU said day of hearing. the same price, and no man can cause a copy of this order to he personally Mrr«d BENJAMIN A. UARUN,Judge ofProbate. No tesri ng tbe wheel to plecu, no taking ont bolta, STATIONS. BsprtM. Ksprca. Aeeom. on Hid non-resident defendant st least twenty days A t. ue copy CTRCB E. PERKIKH, Register. no breaking paint, no burning the felloe or boring before thetitne above Ptesciibed for his appearance. i-32w4 buy and sell goods without a new holei, but limply taking the wheal from the ixli, Siobmond.. 10 UUA.M. 4 W P.* putting It Into the macbini, and returning It to the 4 SO " BIRNEY HOYT, Circuit Judge. Jfewport — 10 SO " O. II. LOOK, Complainant's Solicitor. profit Hence, when a mer- the owner, tightened in the moat latiifactory mannir WixcherteT 11 18 " 6 12 " A true copy of the original order on file with me pBOBATE NOTIOB- alllntwoor threimlnntei. 11 45 •' 6 40 •• SMMTiU« 6 10 « in said cause. Attest, chant advertises that be can sell PertUnd 12 nr.*. HOBAHT H .CniPKAS, Register. STATE OP MICBIOAR, County of Kent, J-s*. Ata Tbe undenlgnid bai one of these machlnii athil X>eeatnr...~. 1 36 " By W. H. Van Lcenwen, Jr. Deputy. 31w 7 aessioo of the Probate Court (or the county of Kent, black smith shop, and has th e Fort Way"6— —• 8 00 A.* 2 SO •' holden at the Probate Offico. In the city of Grand his goods a great deal lower than 5 21 " Rapids, on Tuesday, the third day of Febru- Bturgii — ... 10 42 •' paOBATB NOTICE— Men don 11 22 " 6 00 •• ary in the year ono thousand cig^it hundred his neighbors, every sensible EXCLUSIVE RIGHT KaUmAioo •«••••••• 12 2ir.il. 6 65 " STATE OP MICUIOAK, County ol Kent >. Ata ses- andaeventy-fonr. Montdth 1 23 •' 7 61 » sion of tb«! Probate Couit for the county of Kent, Present, Benjamin A. Harlan, Judge ofProbate person knows that he is prom- Orand Bapldi . 2 65 •' 7 t-O A. M. holden at the Probate [Office, In the dty of Orand In tbe matter of the estate of Noble Crawford, Howard City. 5 38 " 0 22 •• Rapids, on Saturday, the twenty-drst day of deceased. , , Upper Big Bapids 6 47 " 10 41 •• January, in the year one thousand eight hundred On readin? and filing the petitlon,duly venfied.of ising that which he is unable to Fortbetown of Lowell. Al I who havesem It operate Deed City 7 20 " 11 04 •• Abigail M. Craafoid of Lowell In said pronounce It the belt Invention In uu for uttlug Clam Lake —. 8 60 " 12 SAS- ,npr«ent%enjaniln A. Harlan, Judge of Probate. County, praying among other things, that admiaia- perform. Urn. taverM Citr 4 80 " In the matter of tbe estate of ChatleaM.Stevens tiatlon of said estate may be granted to heraelf. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the aecond OOINQ SOUTH. ^^n'rwding and filing tho petition duly verified of day of March next, at ten o'clock In tho fore- We expect to buy our goods Jarvis C .Train, representing that he is a creditor of noon, be assigned for the heannt of aald petition, Traverse City 7 00 A.M* and thoit the belts at law of said deceased and all other OUm Lake, 6 00 A. M. 10S5 said estate, that tbo adminlstiatrix heretofare as 12 20 P. M. appointed in said matter has departed this dfe and persons'Intereetei in said estate, aro required to ap- V EeedClty—--— 6 30 " pear at a session of said court, then to be holden at Up. Big Bapidi— 7 07 " 12 67 •' piaylng among other things that administration de KiSSiTof «ld estate may be granted to Mlltoa M. the Probateofflcelothodty of Grand Rapids, , in Howard City...—~ 8 14 " 2 04 " said county, and »how canse if any there bo why the Remember I warrant'all 7 26A.II. 11 30 " 4 24 «' Perry, of tho vlilsge of Lowell In said county. Orand Baplaa—— Thereupon It Is ordered, that Monday the twentv- prayer of the petitioner ahonld not be granted. And HUP AS CffiH W 8 66 « 12 60P.M. 6 67 •• tire set with this Machinei Montcitb thlrd day of February next, at ten o clocklnthe it la further ordered, that said petitioner give notice Kalamaaoo ...... 9 40 " 1 40 " 6 46 •' to the persons interested in said estate of the pen- 10 47 " 7 6» " 1 reeoon, he assigned for the bearing of said petition, Jlendon"— -. and that the heirs at law of said deceaaed, and dency of raid petition, and the hearing thereof by Stnrgii, — 11 28 «• 8 JO •• caniiogacopy sfthis order to be published In the Fort Wayne—..— 2 OOp. M. 11 16 •« other person* Interested In said estate, are iv Tim, rtanlrea to appear at a sestlnn of said court, then to Lowell Jonrnal,a newspaper printed and drouliting Deeatar.. 3 09 " Aecom'n. in said county of Kent tnrco successive weeks pre- 4 21 •• 6 45 A.M. bo holden at the Piobate offlee, in tho dty ol Grand Portland ...... Rapids, to said county, and show causo, il »ny there vious to said dav of bearing. and to sell them as cheap as they KdgeriUe 4 49 •• 7 M " BENJAMIN A. HARLAN, Judge ol Probate. 5 U 7 40 " be, why the prajer of the petitioner stonld notb. HORSE SHOEING Wineheiter - - granted. And it is forther ordered, tkat said A true copy CYRUS E. PEREIKB, Register. Jfewport 6 69 " 8 80 " n32wl 0 25 •• « 00 - petitioner give notice to the persons IntcresteJin KiebmoDd. .... said said eatato, of the pendency of said p«tltlon,8nd Jtxprea Ttaiw UaTing Rlebmooa at 10 00 A. *. and ths bmrinr thereof by causing a copy of this order 1 Clalam Lake at 2 SO p. K-, iton ail night »t Grand Kap- to be published in the Lowell Journal a BtWMper |V. B. MYERS, printed and circulating in said county of Kent, llBOBATE NOTICE.- State of Michigan A SPECIALTY. i ds. t; County of Kent. }m. Ata MSBion of the Pro- MAKING Oen. Paw. Agent, PllUbnrg, Pa. three succeisive weeks, previous to said day of bate Court for the County of Kent, holden at the hearing. HARLAN Judge ol Probate Probate OOce, In tbe City of Grand Raplda, on Wed- BENJA1(1N A nesday the fourth day of February, in the year one QUICK RETURNS, Creat Wesien Railroad. Crxca £. PXRKIXB Register. 8lw3 thnuand eight hundred aad aeventylour. Present Benjamin A. Harlan, Judge ofProbate. AND From May lift until further notice trtim wllljleare pHAKCEBY SALB- In the matter of the estate of Xraitni King de- I have nothing to do with Detroitai folkrw* (Detroit time:! ceased: SMALL PROFITS, ATLAKTLO Rxraiiia (daily)— SUte oi Michigan- Court fer the On reading end filing tho petition duly verified of Hunter'B old shop, but have ne- Foot Third street 3.56 A M. County of Kent, in Chancery. . „ v ii Nancy M. King, the widow of said deceased praying DAT KZPBMS (dsily except Sunday)— The National Bank of Michigan nt Marshall, among other things, that admlnlatiatlon of eaid eatato may be granted to John L. Clements of the OUR MOTTO. moved all work to ^ IV>ot Third street . 40 A M, Complainant. | Daraoir Kxpana (daily except Sunday)— township of Ada in nidcounty. Foot Third street 11*0 AH. Jamoe Edie, Kale Edle," James W. Norton and Thereupon it is ordered, that MondiT, the second a. Y. Expaasa (daily except Sanday)- Samuel N.Edie, Defendants. day of March next, at ten o'doek in the fore- Foot Third street 8 loo p*. In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of this noon be assigned for the hearing of said neVtlon and Court,made in the above entitled canse, on theeleyenth that theheirsat law of aald deceased,and all other per- lra«nsarri*o at Detroit from the East at 7 and day of Juno, A. D. 1873, I the aabsoriber, a Circuit sona InUreated in aald estate, are required to appear at Put us to the test and see if • 00 A. «., 6 15snd9 46 r. *. ^ a Court Commissioner in and oIKentCounty, Michigan, a aesalon of said Court, then to be holden atthe Day Express east has Pullman Parlor Car aUached shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on Probate Office, in the City ol Giand Bapids, in laU we can perform what we adver- Fates very law. New York Express has Pullman s Thursdsy, tho twenty-sixth dav ofFebnisry, A. D. connty, and ihow canse, if any there be, why the Keeping Ctra for Boffalo and EoehtfUr direct wltii- 1874. at ten o'clock a. m. of that day, at the front prayer of tbe petitioner should not be granted. mim old shop door of the Court House of said Kent County, (to wit: And it is further ordered, that aald petitioner give tise. ^tese'connections made at Suipemioa Bridge with 1 eppig's Block to caled.; in tbe City of Grand notice to the persons interested in said eetate, oi Sew York Central and Eria Ballwars. Rsplds ln said county all thatcertaln piece and parcel the pendency of aid petition and the hearing For tickets, sleeping car berths or any Infoimttlon, of land aitnated and lying in the township of thereof by causing a copy of this order to be pnbllshed * r person or letter to Oensraf Offlca of the Lowell, county of Kent and Sts te of Michigan, known in the Xowell Journal a newspaper printed HIDE, PARRISH &BIfiOH. and described as follows, vli: The west half of the and drcniating it laid Oounty of Kent three north west quarter of soctlon No. fonrteen (14.) Buccesnive weeks, prevloni to laid day of hearing. .**.0,™,. „ASKK.8Now, township No. six (6), north range Mo. nine v9>, BENJAMIN A. HABLAN, Judge of Probate. J. S. Wilaon, W. K. MtTIB, Western Passenger Agent, A true copy CTBCB E, PEBKIKB, Begtster. Qen'l Sup't Detroit. Mich "ZSt, B. WILUOK, 3Swl Hamilton. Ont. Circuit Court Commissioner. Seat County, Michigan. HOWK fi WHITE, O. H, LOOK.Complainant's Solldtor. gBOCBIFF'S SALE.— Michigan Central R. R.Ttaie Tafcle srayiyiiiiits.> Dot ed, Grsnd Bapids, Deeember27th,A.D.1873. ByTirtBeefan exeeutiea ined eat of and under MannlaetnranaBd DeaJirst • n27w7 the teal of tbe Circuit Court ffir the coanty of Kent, Sueuttori PABUKOBB TXAIVB POB THX WCST, LXAVB tested on the 81st day of December A. D. 1878. In taror Ottroit, 7M J and D:4oam, S:4o and li4o p M OHBBIFFS SALE,- David H. HongbUllng, Hiram B. Boaaeyn an« BERKEY BROS. & JAY, JTackion, lo.4o and 12:16 9:8land 5:o5 p m George A. Patteison and against the goods and chat- By virtne of an execution issued out of and under tels and for want thereof tb«n of the real estate ef BOOTS, JUIBBIBBOO, 2:O3 and 2:66 ]2:26 and 8do p m theseal of the Circuit Court, for the eonntyof tbe defendaata therein named, I 55 57 & 59 Canal St., Gfand Rapidi PAHBXXaEX TBAISS FOR TBE EAST LEAVE Kent, tested on tho 12th day of Deoember 1873, have levied npon aad sballexpose for aale at public In law of Morgan L. Swift, and againstthe goods anctio nor vendue to thehighest bidder at the front Chieago. 6:oo and 0:ooBm, 1:88 Bnd0:oo pm and chattels and for the want thereof the* of the entrance to Leppig's block In the city ( eitract te Firilsk Xalamatoo, 11:16 and2:o3am, and J,15pm reaIe«tateof the defendants therein nsmed within of Grand Rapids Kent county Michigan, that being Jackson. 2:8oand4;16a m, and4:46pm mv bailiwick, 1 have levied upon and shall expose the bnildiog in which li dluated the place of holding for sale at pnblic auction to the highest bidder at the the Circuit Court for the coanty. wherein saia SHOES, Conaectionsat Kalamatoo with Orand Bapids & outer door of the Circuit Court rooms InLepnig's premieeaareMtBated, oa Thursday thaSod day of April Hotels and Private HonseB. Xttdiana trains for Grand Bapidi, and polnta north. block In the city of Orand Bapids, Kent county Itste next at ten o'clock in the forenoon.of said day, all of At Jackson, with Grand Bivar Valley DlTlalon fo of Michigan, on Saturdsythe 21st day of March 1874, the nght, title aad interest of the defendant James T. Prices Guaranteed as low as any Satoo Bapids, Charlotta, Hastings, tirand Bapidi at 2 o'clock ji. m. of that day, the following descrioed Norton named in aaid execution in aad te tbe followlag RUBBERS, &G. responsible House in the U. B« •aakegonand Whitehall. described real estate lying and being in tbe coanty H. E.SAROBNT.Qen'ISnpM.ChleMO. "lloUnine (9)7 ten (10; and eleven (11), of Block 8 of Kent and State of Michigan, to wit: the south- of Blchsrd and Wiekham'a recorded plat of the village west qaarter ef the south-east quarter of section Special attention given to H.BUBD. Asst.Snpt.'. Detroit. thirty-five (36,) in town nine (9,) north and of efLowdli to li. fc range nine [9], wast and the aorth-west fractionsl Br THOIUBTATI Deputy Sheriff. 32*8 ^ <40srtcr ofthe north-east qaatltr of fectlon two [2|, •r (n iimi n HJDBIPF'B SALE. „ , , . , . io town eight [8], north and of range nine west. S Bv virtue ol three executions issued ont of and Dated, tliis «econd dav of February A. D. 1874. Sutttutrf •ader the seal of the Circuit Court for the county o| pHAWCEBY SALE— ISAAC LUYNES Sheriff. Kant, tested on the 23th day of August A. D. 1872, O. lI.LouK.l'IIK Atty :i3w6 CUSTOM WORK BERKEY BROS & GAY, •ne bsin* in favor of David D. Hernck ct al- one in State of Michigan. The Circuit Court for lbs ftivor ofbamuel W. Bass et.al., and one in lav or of County of Kent, in Chancery. And a large and well selected Salesroom & Office Frank Nevin et al, and against the goods and chat- Samuel VomilfOonpUiiianL HBOBATE NOTICE.-State of Michigan r tels, and for the want thereof then ol the real estate JL County of Kent. ; At a aession of the Pro- stock constantly on hand. €t the defendsnts therein named within mv bailiwick, Beajamin IL Hicks. Clarisl* E. Hicto.Kllmboth D. bate Court for the County of Kent, holdeti at the 55 57 & fi9 CANAL ST., 1 have levied upon and shall expose for sale at public Truax. James H. Truax, Ludan B. Lull and August us Probate Office, iu Ihe City of Orand Rapid*, on Wedne* Motion, to tbe highest bidder, at the outer door of Buchanan Defendant*. ,,u, n . day tlie twenty-eighth day of.Innunry in the year one Ibe Circuit Court rooms, in Lepplg i block, in the In pnrananoe and by virtae of a decree of thia Cou--' thouund eight bundreoand seventy-lonr. Grand Rapids, eitv of Oiand Rapids, Kent county, State of Mich- made in tbe above entitled ISUMI on the eleventh dsy Preaent, lienjamin A. Marian, Judge of Piobale. AU WORK Ixan,on Saturday, the 9th day of January next, at of June. A. D. 1878, 1 the subacrlber,aCircuit Court In tbe matter of the entate of Joseph Smith do Mo'dack a. tn. of that day, the following described Commissioner in and of Kent Coanty, Mldiigsn, ceased; WhKBB CAN BE FOUND EvEBTTBnra teal estate,situated in Uie township oi Ada, Kent shall aell at pnblic auction, to the highest bidder, on Un reading and filing the petition duly verilied of Thursday, the twenty-sixth day of Jebrnary, A. D. Stephen Jobneon of the township ol WARRANTED "rh^eMtfr'Sttonal half of tbo south-east ffaetionsl 1874, at ten o'clock a. m. ot thst day, at the front Bowne, in said county, praying among NEEDED IN THE X of aection twenty (20), contslning 68 20-100tbs door of tho Court Hous«olsaldKentConnty,ltowit: other thinga, that the InstrumeLt now on file in this Lepplg'i Block, so called,] in the city of Grand Court, purporting to be the last will and testament ol Bridge Stmt, Lowell, Xlob. the south-east fraction of see*, loo twenty-one Rapids, in Mid county, sll ol Village Lot* numbered said deceaasd, may be adinitted to probate, and that 121). eontainlDg 20 15-100ths acres. ten (If), eleven (11). twelve (12; and thirteen [13), of the execution ibercof and admiDistratlou of aaid es- Also the ea>t fractional X ol the south-east frao- block numbered one >1}, ol Chcaebro a plati ol ths tate may be granted to Jsme* C. Jobnsou aud him- A L N. ITIlRfi 111 tieaal ol section twenty-eight (28), exoept one Village of Segwun in the township of Lowell, In.the wlf. they being in said will sppointed sole executors . i. Uewk. White •era sold, containing 86 15-10Uihs acres. county of Kent and State of Michigan, and also tbeieof Also the esst halt of the south-west fractlonsl * Villago Lot numbered twenty-one (21), In block two 'ilieieupon it is ordered thst Tuesday, the twonty- Cfaectlcn twenty-eight |28l, containing eighty [80J (2i, of said plat of said Village and the dwelling- fourth day of February ncx t,st ten o'dock in the fore- bo use thereon, and also Village lot numbsred noon be assigned lor the hearing of said petition, HEBIFF'S SALE. Also the north-west fractional X of the south-east sixteen (16), in block one \1\, of said plat of *ald and that the heirs at law ot said deceased,and By virtue ol an execution issued oat cf and fractional k ol aection twenty-eight [28], containing Village of Begwun and the school boose thereon all other persons Interested in aaid estate,are required Sunder the seal ol the Circuit Court for thi county o f U 38-100tha. flr t iuecmon to Also the south-west fraction ol the north-west belonging to the party ' to appear at u session of nid Court, then to be holden Kent, tested on the 28tb day of November, 1872, in indentuie of mortgage mentioned and set forth at the Probate Office, In the city ot Grand Bapids in tsvor of D. B. Steadmsn el ai. and agattit tha nodi fractional if • of section twe atj-clght (281, [except laid county, and show cause !f any there be, why the and cbal'tls and lor the want thereof thin of the BERKEY-BROS.J& GAY, M-lOOtbs acres] containing 96 M-Kjuths. '»JAMSI.WIUMII. prayer of tne petitioner should not be granted. And real aatate of the delendanta therein Jnamed, within Also the north-east * ol seoHon twenty-nine [»], Circuit Court Commissiooer. •cxcept U 94-l00ths acres sold] containing 107 16- it is forther ordered that isid petitioner give notice my balliwiek. 1 have levied upon and anall expoee for Manufoetaririo Kent County, Michigan. to the peisons interested in said e«tste,of the prnd- lale at public auction to the hlgheit Udder, at tha iOOthi Lcres. . O, H. LOOK,Complainant's Sollator. ency ol said petition and the hesrlng thereof by outer doer of the Circuit Court rooma ia Lepplg'i Also the north-east * of the north-wesl H olssc- Dated, Orand Bapids,December 27th, A. D. 187S, (aUaiiix a copy of this order to lie published in th* block in thi city ol Orand Rapids. Kent county. State oil ml Lowell Journal, a newspaper printed and ef fc. Ichlgan, on Saturday, the Slat day of January. FUENITU RE drcniating in said County of Kent, three .anccessire 1874, at up o'clock a.m. of that day, the following 1371 ceotaluing one hundred and one [101] acres, weeks previous to aald dsy of hearing. OJUWDMAFID8, MICH, pHANCEBY BALE,- described real estate Mtuated in the township of Ada ttled. NovTUth, p WYCKoKF, Sherifi. BENJAMIN A. HARLAN, Judge of Probate. Kent coanty Michigan: litato ol Michigan—The Clrcnlt Court lo. the CYRUS H. PERKINS, Bcglster. SiwJ Thi eait fractional half of the oontb-eaat fractional CHAMBER FURNITtJRE, X ofiec. twenty (20).containing 68 20-100thi acm. TbhK^rTu » BdJoamsd 'unSl th. Connty of Kent, in Chsncery. tl , PARLOR FUKNITUBE UAdsy of lOKh at 2 o dock P. M. of that Samuiil Normtu, CompUlDinl, A lao the south-out fraction of MC. twinty-oai (II; coBtainlng20 li-IOOtka acrw. ROBATE ORDER.—State of Michigan, County day ai the saaia r W*CKOFF,Sheriff. Beniam'n H, Hick*, Clarlaaa E. Hicks, Elliabeth also thi Mil fractional X of the aoulh-aart frae- LIBRARY CASES, ofKent, >ss. At a session ol the Probate Co'irt tional Si vf aec. twenty-eight (28), except one acre 3.U.. MATHEWSOB, At'ty. I). 1 rusx and Ssmnal E. Keifer, Delendanta. lor the Connty of Kent, holden it the Probate office Dated,Jan. 31st, 1874. 33w4 In pursuance anc by virtue of a decree of tliis P eold, containing 86 IMOOthi acrea. Court, made la the above entitled cause, on tho in thedty ol Grand Rapids ou Monday, Ihe twenty- Alio the eaat half of the iouth-weit froetional X RATTAN CIIAIJIS eleventh dsy ol J one. A. D. 1873, 1 the subic. iber sixth day of January in the year OBB thouiaBd eight of lection twenty-eight (38), containing eighty (IOJ, a Circuit Court Commlsuoner in and of Kent County, hundred andievcnty-fonr. acrsi. I'reieut, Benjamin A. Harlan, Judge ofProbiU. CAMP CHAIRS, AC., AC. f^h&Mby OiTcn to all persons Intereiled' tbat Michigan, ahnll aell at public auction, to the highest Alio the norlb-weit fractional *« of the eouth-eut bidder, on Thursdsy. the twenty-sixth day of Fob- In the matter of tbe estate af Levi tf. I«omu, de- fraetlenil U of sec. twenty-eight (28), containing 62 John Bardy. an adult peraon no'residingln the ceaaed. coonty of Kent in the Bute of Michigan. where l rusry.A.D. 18;4,at ten o'clocka. m.ofthat diy.at 28-l90tbs seres. f the tront door of the Court House of aaio Kent On reading and filing the petition duly verified, Also thi ionth-west fraction of thi norlb-weit have resided lor more than one year oowlsrtj^st, County,(to wit: Leppig'a Plock so called,) 'nthe »f Ellen Loomii, widow of aald deceesed, praying fractional If of lec. twenty-eight ('28), [exoept 92- intend to make application in writing to the mtau City of Grand Bapids, in said county, all of village among other thingi, that the Instrument now on J09thi acres] cintsiaing 96 61-100ths acres. Cssart of saW county of Kent, .1 the f rebate o«o. in ill* in tbla eonrt purporting to be tbe Last Will and lot number twenty-one (21), in block number two (J), Abo the north-esst X ot aec. twenty-niua 129), uuuioti the city of Grand Bapidi to s^d ooanty. on Monday in the village of SegwBn aa laid down on a map oi teatament of aaid doceaaed.may be admitted to [exoept 6 4 94-lOOtbs acres sold! containing 10718- S t» the 20th day of March, A. D. 1874, at 9 o'cioclt In tne said village filed In the Office of theClerk (Register) probate, and that tbe execution thereof and adminis- lOOtbi acm. tn conn and then and iherebv pray for anordar of the county ol Kent and State of Michigan, aald Ira lion of said eMute may be granted to Duncan Alio tbe north-east X of the north-weit X ot Mo- BERKEY BROS. & GAY, dtangug my name from John flardyla JehnOldi.ln villagealtuatcd in the township of Lowell, in Kent Boss of the township of Bowne in said connty. he tion thirt)-ihreei33) couUlningforty (40)aorii. •eeoiSuSoe with and putBuant to the couoty and State ol Michigan. bring in said Will appointed sole exscutor thereof. Alio the south-west of aection twenty-seven (27) the State te in such caae made «id '' * JAMES B. WIL1SON, Thereupon il is ordered,that Monday the twenty-third containing one hundred and oae (101) acres. Soetioa twe of an act approved February 2d 1861, en- Circuit Court Comnnasloner, day of February next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon,be Dated, Nov. 15th, 1878. titled "An act to provide for changing the names of aasigned for the hearing of nid petition, and thit 5S 57 1 69 MHL ST., G. RIPIDS miner diiidren and of other persons. The reaaons Kent County, Michigan. JESSE F. WYOKOffF, Sheriff. O. H. LOOK, Complainant'i Solldtor. theheinBtlaw oi aald deoUaed, and all other per- J M. MATHBWSOX, Att'y. Maki aipKlalty ol fcr snch peeposed change of name will then and there Dated, Grand Hapids, December 27th, A. D. 1873. ions interested in said astute, are required to appear The above aale ia heteby adjourned nntll the 18th ha shown-nnd givenb eforo said ftobate Court. n27w: at a session ol said Court, then to be holden at the diy of Much next, at 2 o'clock P. M. of that day, at ^OTWfE.plda.'eb.Uth.m^ HXRI)T Probate Offlee, in tbe City ol Orand, Bapids In said the lame place. county, and show canse if any there be, why the Dated, Jan. 31st, 1874. ptayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And JESSE F. WYCKOPF, Sheriff. ijn ftli further ordered, that laid petitioner give notice J, M. MSTHBWSOX, Att'y. 33w4 Administrators Notice. to the persons interestid in said eatate, of the DRAPEUIEH,; pendency of said petit ioa, and the OTICE is hereby given to all penons having hearing thereof by cauaing a copy of thia Dissolution of Co-partDership olaims against Ihe eitate of Jsmes Chccwmin, order to be publiabed in the Lowell Journal Offering In thi$ Une un$urpo$$t# netrlf Ndeceased, that all such claims must be presented to a newspaper printed and circulating in said County Notice, matuMpat rta$o%9*UrmHt> the undersigned within six months from the date of ot Kent three iuccessive weeks, previous to laid day All persons wintlng logi uwed. hardwood other- of b*ArlBR. wiae, can have it done at Buchanan Bobertson M. C. BARBER AdminUtrator. BENJAMIN A. HARLAN, Judge of Probate. Mill. CYBU8 E. PERKINS, Begiiter. 31w8 :;vtf BUCHANAN ft BOBBBTSON. Pier & Mantle Mirron. be paid lo B. Fuller. - T_ HOODING. Lowell, Jan.Mth, 1874. E. FULLER.