John Bosco 215 East County Line Road, Hatboro, PA 19040 267-803-0774 (phone)

Student Name: ______

Class: ______Date: ______

1. ’s People broke their covenant with him; he ______. a) faithfully made a new covenant with humans b) became angry with the human race c) decided not to make any more covenants

2. , sometimes called "______," made amends for ’s disobedience by giving up his life to give us eternal life. a) Redeemer b) the new Adam c) the new covenant

3. Born ______, Blessed Peter To Rot was the son of the region's first Catholics and became a committed catechist. a) in Japan b) on the island of Papua, New Guinea c) in Hawaii

4. The words, "______," open the first creation account in Genesis. a) In the beginning b) It is good c) Let there be light

5. Humans are ______; that is, they are made to relate to one another. a) social beings b) meant to be hermits c) dignified

6. The spiritual part of the human being, the ______, lives forever. a) mind b) personality c) soul

7. ______is God’s loving care for all things and his will and plan for creation. a) Salvation 1

b) Destiny c) Providence

8. In the first creation account in Genesis, God ______. a) separated the land from the water b) saw that man was lonely and needed a companion c) predicted that Cain would murder his brother Abel

9. ______is one of the steps in practicing Lectio Divina, a prayerful way to read Scripture. a) Putting yourself into the reading b) Memorizing a Scripture passage each day c) Singing the Psalms each evening

10. ______is God’s Word given to the Church, protected by Christ’s Apostles, and passed down to the bishops over many centuries. a) The b) Papal authority c) Sacred Tradition

11. The Ten Commandments are listed in the Old Testament in ______. a) the Book of Genesis and the Book of Psalms b) the Book of Exodus and the Book of Deuteronomy c) Proverbs and the Book of Exodus

12. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his followers that he had not come to ______. a) be a rabbi b) get wealth and power c) abolish or throw out any laws

13. ______is God's rule of peace, justice, and love that exists in Heaven but has not yet come in its fullness on Earth. a) Eternal happiness b) The Kingdom of God c) The new covenant

14. The first three Commandments tell us ______. a) how to honor and respect God and his holiness b) how to pray and read the Scriptures c) how to respect all people and their dignity

15. ______is another name for the Ten Commandments, the summary of laws God gave to on Mount Sinai. a) Natural moral law b) The Great Commandment c) The Decalogue


16. Like the Passover meal, the ______is a memorial meal for which we gather in memory of Jesus and for the breaking of bread. a) Mass b) Eucharistic celebration c) both a and b

17. The Passover celebration gets its name from ______. a) the way death passed over the houses of the Israelites b) the passing of the Israelites through the Red Sea c) the passing of unleavened bread among the Hebrews as they left Egypt

18. God established a ______with all people forever when he sent his Son, Jesus, to free people from their sins. a) Passover b) new covenant c) priesthood

19. ______afflicted Egypt because the pharaoh refused to give the Hebrews their freedom, as Moses requested. a) Invading armies b) Terrible plagues c) Powerful tornadoes

20. Later, when Moses was a shepherd, God appeared to him in the wilderness as a ______. a) beautiful white dove b) burning bush c) voice coming from the starlit sky

21. Someday, like the prophets, we will have to ______. a) go to dinner with rich and powerful people b) help to raise taxes for the government c) stand up for justice and those being mistreated d) become great rulers

22. Often, the Old Testament prophets were not very popular with the people because ______. a) they were nasty and proud b) they made fun of the Pharisees and c) they shared messages that people did not want to hear d) they wanted to be kings

23. Christians believe that Jesus is the ______, the one anointed and promised by God to save and lead the people. a) Messiah b) most knowledgeable rabbi c) the prophet of Nazareth d) prophet 3

24. A messenger from God who speaks the truth and calls the people back to God's laws and justice is ______. a) an anointed king b) a prophet c) a teacher d) a psalmist

25. asked God to give him an ______. a) unbreakable seal b) understanding heart c) open mind d) earthly crown

26. Solomon knew that true human wisdom comes from ______. a) God's own wisdom and goodness b) watching how the world works c) memorizing all of God's laws d) listening to a group of advisors

27. The Book of Wisdom, often called ______, is a narrative about the importance of acting wisely, rather than short sayings or proverbs. a) Proverbs b) the Book of Solomon c) Psalms d) the Book of

28. Joshua, the successor of Moses, led the Israelites in ______. a) returning to Egypt for a year b) defeating the tribes in Canaan to take over the land God promised c) prayer every Sabbath d) building the Temple of Jerusalem

29. Long before Israel had a king, it was led by Moses, Joshua, and by wise ______. a) shepherds b) musicians c) judges and prophets d) farmers

30. ______, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, where his ancestor, , had lived and been a shepherd. a) Soon after King David died b) A thousand years after King David ruled c) Five generations after King David d) Two hundred years after King David ruled