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Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Stratigraphic Architecture and Sediment Facies of the Western Oak Ridges , Watershed, Southern Architecture stratigraphique et faciès sédimentaire de la moraine occidentale de Oak Ridges, bassin de la rivière Humber, sud de l’Ontario Hazen A.J. Russell, Robert W.C. Arnott and David R. Sharpe

Glacial History, Paleogeography and Paleoenvironments in Glaciated Article abstract North America The in is a ca. 160 km long east-west Volume 58, Number 2-3, 2004 trending ridge of and gravel situated north of . Study of the Oak Ridges Moraine in the Humber River watershed was undertaken to assess URI: its role in the groundwater system of the buried Laurentian Valley. The Oak DOI: Ridges Moraine is interpreted to have been deposited in three stages. Stage I records rapid deposition from hyperconcentrated flows where tunnel channels discharged into a subglacial lake in the Lake Ontario basin. Low-energy basin See table of contents sedimentation of Stage II was in a subglacial and ice-contact setting of a highly crevassed ice sheet. Stage III sedimentation is characterized by rapid facies changes associated with , , and basinal sedimentation. Publisher(s) Detailed sediment analysis challenges the concept that the Oak Ridges Moraine was deposited principally from seasonal meltwater discharges, climatic Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal modulated ice-marginal fluctuations, or in an interlobate position. Instead it is interpreted to have formed in response to late-glacial ice sheet events ISSN associated with subglacial meltwater ponding, episodic and catastrophic 0705-7199 (print) subglacial meltwater discharge, and subsequent seasonal meltwater discharge. 1492-143X (digital) The moraine probably formed as the glacial-hydraulic system re-equilibrated to the presence of a thinned, grounded ice shelf and a subglacial lake in the Lake Ontario basin. Explore this journal

Cite this article Russell, H. A., Arnott, R. W. & Sharpe, D. R. (2004). Stratigraphic Architecture and Sediment Facies of the Western Oak Ridges Moraine, Humber River Watershed, Southern Ontario. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 58(2-3), 241–267.

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Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 2004, vol. 58, nos 2-3, p. 241-267, 19 fig., 3 tabl.


Hazen A.J. RUSSELL**, Robert W.C. ARNOTT and David R. SHARPE; first and second authors: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5; first and third authors: Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8.

ABSTRACT The Oak Ridges Moraine in southern Ontario is a RÉSUMÉ Architecture stratigraphique et faciès sédimentaire de la ca. 160 km long east-west trending ridge of sand and gravel situated moraine occidentale de Oak Ridges, bassin de la rivière Humber, sud north of Lake Ontario. Study of the Oak Ridges Moraine in the Humber de l’Ontario. La moraine de Oak Ridges, sud de l’Ontario, est une crête River watershed was undertaken to assess its role in the groundwa- de sable et de gravier orientée est-ouest d’une longueur de 160 km au ter system of the buried Laurentian Valley. The Oak Ridges Moraine nord du lac Ontario. L’étude de la moraine de Oak Ridges dans le bas- is interpreted to have been deposited in three stages. Stage I records sin de la rivière Humber permet de comprendre son rôle dans le sys- rapid deposition from hyperconcentrated flows where tunnel chan- tème de drainage de la vallée Laurentienne. La moraine de Oak Ridges nels discharged into a subglacial lake in the Lake Ontario basin. Low- a été édifiée en trois phases. La phase I consiste en une sédimenta- energy basin sedimentation of Stage II was in a subglacial and ice- tion rapide par hyperconcentration des écoulements, où les chenaux contact setting of a highly crevassed ice sheet. Stage III sedimentation en tunnel se déversent dans un lac sous-glaciaire du lac Ontario. Le is characterized by rapid facies changes associated with esker, sub- bassin de sédimentation de faible énergie de la phase II est sous-gla- aqueous fan, and basinal sedimentation. Detailed sediment analysis ciaire et touche à un inlandsis ayant d’importantes crevasses. La challenges the concept that the Oak Ridges Moraine was deposited phase III se caractérise par un changement de faciès très rapide, par principally from seasonal meltwater discharges, climatic modulated la présence d’, de cônes aquatiques et de bassins sédimen- ice-marginal fluctuations, or in an interlobate position. Instead it is taires. Les analyses sédimentaires détaillées ébranlent l’hypothèse interpreted to have formed in response to late-glacial ice sheet events que la moraine de Oak Ridges ait été formée par la fonte des glaces associated with subglacial meltwater ponding, episodic and cata- saisonnière, les fluctuations climatiques près des marges glaciaires, ou strophic subglacial meltwater discharge, and subsequent seasonal dans une position interlobaire. Notre interprétation indique plutôt qu’elle meltwater discharge. The moraine probably formed as the glacial- a été mise en place en réponse à des événements de fonte sous- hydraulic system re-equilibrated to the presence of a thinned, glaciaire de nature épisodique et catastrophique, et par des apports grounded ice shelf and a subglacial lake in the Lake Ontario basin. subséquents d’eau de fonte saisonnière. La moraine s’est probable- ment formée lors de la ré-équilibration du système glacio-hydraulique en présence d’un inlandsis mince, en contact avec le substrat et ali- mentant un lac sous-glaciaire dans le bassin du lac Ontario.

Manuscrit reçu le 17 juin 2005 ; manuscrit révisé accepté le 2 mars 2006 (publié le 2e trimestre 2006) * Geological Survey of Canada contribution number 2005129 ** E-mail address: [email protected] GPQ_58-2-3.qxd 20/06/06 09:55 Page 242

242 H. A. J. RUSSELL, R. W. C. ARNOTT and D. R. SHARPE

INTRODUCTION the Greater Area.It provides recharge to lower due to infill of deep valleys, with coarse sediment, that provide form a prominent element of the southern Ontario connecting to lower sediment (Sharpe et al., 2002). The ORM landscape. The location and distribution of the moraines was also provides abundant water to streams and to watershed outlined early in the 20th century by Taylor (1913). Subsequent , in addition to a large domestic groundwater sup- work has refined the extent and form of these moraines ply (Sibul et al., 1977; Howard et al., 1995). Thus, improved (Barnett, 1992). Moraines in the area have been classified by information on sediment extent, composition and variability is Chapman and Putnam (1943) as either or moraines needed to better manage these vital watershed activities. The (Fig. 1) and related to specific genetic processes. Kame Humber River watershed which includes the western extent of moraines have been inferred to be deposited at the margin of the ORM and underlying portions of the buried Laurentian Valley inactive ice, whereas, till moraines are inferred to be thrust is one such watershed worthy of study (Figs. 2-3). into position by advancing ice, and to mark the extent of ice- Moraine origin can be inferred from its sediment composi- advance (Chapman and Putnam, 1943). There have been few tion and architecture. The ORM has been interpreted as an studies of the sediment composition of either kame or till interlobate moraine deposited between converging flow of the moraines. Consequently, 60 years after Chapman and Putnam ice-lobe to the north and the Lake Ontario lobe work, understanding of many moraines in southern Ontario is to the south (Chapman and Putnam, 1984). The proposed incomplete. Two exceptions are the Waterloo and Oak Ridges inter-lobe re-entrant and increased meltwater and sediment moraines (Karrow and Paloschi, 1996). In particular, the flux in this reconstruction was attributed to climatic warming ca. 160 km long Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) has been the during the Mackinaw Interstadial (Karrow, 1974; Duckworth, focus of extensive sedimentological study aimed at under- 1979). The proposed ice lobes and interstadial ice retreat standing the geological history of the landform (Barnett et al., implied sedimentary events, structures and depositional trends 1998; Sharpe et al., 2002). unique to each lobe. This classic interpretation for the origin of Many moraines in Ontario are important areas of ground- the ORM is at odds with accumulating evidence of large-scale water recharge. Moraine topography and internal sedimentary erosional and depositional meltwater events in the area and architecture controls the transmission of water from ground sur- formation of the ORM from short-lived flood discharge events face to groundwater and regional aquifers. Planning efforts to (Shaw and Gilbert, 1990; Barnett et al., 1998). protect source water in Ontario watersheds need better infor- The integration of landform and sedimentary analysis is mation on moraine landscapes and their hydrogeological func- required to address moraine genesis and to provide geologi- tion. An improved understanding of moraines in southern cal insight for groundwater flow system analysis and landuse Ontario is of particular interest due to increased concern over planning in the ORM area (Warren and Ashley, 1994). The source water protection (Technical Experts Committee, 2004). ORM provides an opportunity to study a large moraine using Studies that emphasize geological controls on the groundwater a range of geoscience data. Development activities are pro- system, such as those in the ORM (Howard et al., 1995; Sharpe viding abundant surface and subsurface data that permit the et al., 2002; Meriano and Eyles 2003; Holysh et al., 2004), north moraine to be studied from three key perspectives: terrain of Lake Ontario (Figs. 1-2), are of importance as ORM forms the analysis, sedimentology, and subsurface mapping (Russell principal recharge area for groundwater flow to watersheds in et al., 1996).

46° FIGURE 1. (A) Location of study A area in southern Canada. The Georgian province of Ontario is shown in grey and study area as a black Bay box. (B) Digital elevation model of Niagara southern Ontario with till and strat- Escarpment LakeLake SimcoeSimcoe ified moraines highlighted. (A) Carte de localisation de la raine TrentonTrenton B OakOak RidgesRidges MoraineMo zone d’étude au Canada. L’Ontario Lake est en gris et la zone d’étude est Huron indiquée par le carré noir. (B) Carte Lake Ontario des élévations du sud de l’Ontario, Toronto où les et les moraines strati- fiées sont accentuées.

Lake Erie till moraines stratified moraines 100100 kmkm 41° 84° 76°

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FIGURE 2. Digital elevation model of the LakeLake ORM with the four moraine segments SimcoeSimcoe PdPd RiceRice LakeLake labeled. The 270 m contour is used to out- LakeLake tc tc line the approximate landform expression of tc tc ScugogScugog buried tc Pontypool the ORM. Note tunnel channels defined by Laurentian northeast-southwest trending valleys with Valley Albion Hills Uxbridge low surface roughness north of the ORM and margins aine intervening drumlinized terrain. Humber River ges Mor OakOak RRidgesid Moraine watershed study area is outlined in black. Modèle numérique d’élévation de la moraine LakeLake OntarioOntario de Oak Ridges avec les segments de moraine. La courbe d’élévation de 270 m 0020kmkm 2200 montre la forme de la moraine de Oak Study Area Ridges. Les chenaux en tunnel sont définis par des vallées orientées NE-SO ayant une faible rugosité de surface et se manifestent tctc - tunneltunnel channelchannel PdPd - PeterboroughPeterborough drumlindrumlin ffieldield TorontoToronto sur un terrain de . Le bassin de la rivière Humber est surligné en noir.

80°10' FIGURE 3. Location of the Humber River

30' Lake

° tctc Si m co e watershed study area and the ORM north- 44 west of Toronto. Drill core, river section and aggregate pit section sites are shown. Back- tctc ground DEM shows contrasting landscape of D area with tunnel channels (tc) and - D ized Newmarket Till uplands (D) north of the Alliston moraine and Halton (HT) south of Marsh tctc tctc D the moraine. Selected towns are indicated by tctc letters in circles, N = Nobleton, B = Bolton, D ORM W = Woodbridge. Drainage channels across (310(310 masl)masl) the are from Chapman (1985) with their respective elevations above Holland Vandorf tctc sea level (asl). Bloomington Gormley (350-375(350-375 masl)masl) Localisation du bassin de la rivière Humber et de la moraine de Oak Rigdes au nord-ouest ORM de Toronto. Le modèle numérique d’élévation GSC-Nob met en évidence un contraste de paysage BS&G N DH-P-28a entre les chenaux en tunnels (tc) et les drum- DH-V-108 Caledon DH-P-14 B DH-V-86 lins des hautes-terres du till de Newmarket (D), (420) DH-P-21 DH-P-29 DH-V-158 au nord de la moraine, et la plaine du till de R186 DH-P-20a Halton (HT), au sud de la moraine. Les villes DH-P-17a sélectionnées sont indiquées par les lettres PG-II DH-P-4B PG encerclées : N = Nobleton, B = Bolton, 401

400 W = Woodbridge. Les chenaux de l’escarpe-


Erin >

> W ment du Niagara et leurs élévations au-dessus


(380) >

> du niveau moyen des mers (asl) proviennent

Brampton > > Esker > de Chapman (1985). Acton HTHT (367) Lake Ontario

Toronto Escarpment

Humber River watershed Tunnel Channels tc

Niagara Niagara Drumlinized Newmarket Till Campbellville D (290) Halton Till HT Acton Drainage channels (367 m asl) Major highways Kilbride Data site (250)

0 15 30 Km 25' ° 43 80°00'

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244 H. A. J. RUSSELL, R. W. C. ARNOTT and D. R. SHARPE

OBJECTIVES fossiliferous content, organic content and/or stratigraphic posi- This paper describes the morphology and sedimentary facies tion beneath the Newmarket Till (Karrow, 1967; Eyles and of the ORM within the Humber River watershed (Figs. 2-3). Williams, 1992). The overlying, regionally extensive, Late Landform and sedimentological analysis is used to develop a Wisconsinan Newmarket Till has a drumlinized and channel- three-stage depositional model of the ORM: (1) tunnel chan- ized upper erosional surface (Sharpe et al., 1997; Boyce and nel fill, (2) low-energy glaciolacustrine sedimentation, and Eyles 2000). Tunnel channels incise the till and locally may (3) esker-subaqueous fan sedimentation. Sedimentary facies extend to bedrock (Russell et al., 2003b; Sharpe et al., 2004). and stratal architecture are used to address questions of the Part of the erosional topography is an anabranched pattern of origin of the ORM and its relationship with a Late Wisconsinan tunnel channels that has been mapped north and east of the regional unconformity. Sediment facies analysis indicates sed- ORM (Figs. 2-3). Channels are 10’s of km long, up to 5 km imentation was from both large magnitude outburst subglacial wide, and steep sided with maximum depths of ca. 150 m discharge and from low-energy annual glaciolacustrine (Barnett, 1990; Brennand and Shaw, 1994; Russell et al., processes. The origin of the moraine, therefore, is related to 2003b). Based on seismic reflection surveys (Pugin et al., 1996, regional deglacial ice-sheet hydraulic dynamics rather than 1999) and drillholes (Barnett et al., 1998; Russell et al., 2003a) short-term climatic fluctuations. the channels have been mapped beneath the ORM. The drum- linized Newmarket Till surface and tunnel channels define a regional Late Wisconsinan unconformity interpreted to have GEOLOGICAL SETTING been formed by subglacial meltwater events (Shaw The Lake Ontario region is underlain by Paleozoic bedrock. and Gilbert, 1990; Sharpe et al., 2004). The unconformity is East of the Niagara Escarpment much of the bedrock is buried overlain locally by a discontinuous ridge of ORM sediment, by up to 200 m of Quaternary sediment deposited since the which extends from the Niagara Escarpment eastward to glaciation (Fig. 4). Pre-Wisconsinan deposits and Trenton.The moraine comprises four wedge-shaped landform Lower Wisconsinan deposits are recognized based on their elements (Rice Lake, Pontypool, Uxbridge, Albion Hills) that

A Age Litho- Chrono- B ~ka Stratigraphy Stratigraphy

~13 Halton Till

Oak Ridges Moraines Oak Ridges and Late Moraine sediment channel sediment Wisconsinan re gi nco 14 onal u n f o

r Halton m

i Till Newmarket Till t 20 y Upper Thorncliffe 22 Fm Channel sediment Meadowcliffe Till Quaternary Middle Thorncliffe Middle unconformity Fm Wisconsinan Newmarket Seminary Till Till 40 Lower Thorncliffe Fm Lower Sunnybrook Till Early sediment Lower sediment Lower Pottery Road Fm Wisconsinan 60 Scarborough Fm Bedrock

unconformity 115 Don Fm

>135 York Till Illinoian

Bedrock Bedrock Paleozoic channel

FIGURE 4. Stratigraphic column and conceptual architectural model Coupe stratigraphique et modèle conceptuel de l’architecture de la of the ORM area. (A) Stratigraphic framework modified by Karrow moraine de Oak Ridges. (A) Coupe stratigraphique modifiée par (1974). (B) Conceptual stratigraphic model of the central ORM area. Karrow (1974). (B) Modèle conceptuel de la partie centrale de la Original art work by J. Glew. moraine de Oak Ridges. Oeuvre originale de J. Glew.

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generally broaden from east to west (Fig. 2). Sedimentological Late Wisconsinan stage by the underlying Newmarket Till and studies of core and surface exposures have found the moraine overlying glaciolacustrine sediment. to consist of silt, sand and gravel with only minor clay and diamicton (White, 1975; Duckworth, 1979; Paterson, 1995; Gilbert, 1997; Barnett et al., 1998; Russell and Arnott, 2003). METHODOLOGY Recent interpretations of moraine genesis recognize it to rep- 2 resent several stages of sedimentation in a variety of subglacial This study focuses on the western ORM within the 900 km and ice-contact glaciolacustrine depositional environments Humber River watershed, located directly east of the Niagara (Barnett et al., 1998; Russell et al., 2003a; Sharpe et al., 2003). Escarpment. A comprehensive understanding of the sediment Early moraine sedimentation was predominantly within tunnel facies and sediment facies associations of the western ORM is channels and consists of coarse-grained gravel and diffusely developed from outcrop and borehole data within the frame- graded sand (Shaw and Gorrell, 1991; Barnett et al., 1998; work of a basin analysis approach (Potter and Pettijohn, 1963). Russell et al., 2003a). Channel-fill strata are characterized by Supplemental data includes a digital elevation model (Kenny a number of seismic facies interpreted to be high-energy scour et al., 1999), surficial geological mapping (Barnett and Gwyn, and fill, bedform foresets, and slump or mass-flow deposits 1997; Russell and Dumas, 1997; Russell and White, 1997; (Pugin et al., 1999). A succession of low-energy glaciolacus- Sharpe and Barnett, 1997), Ontario Ministry of Environment trine silt and clay rhythmites overlies the channel fill sediment (MOE) water well records, geotechnical records (Russell et al., (Russell et al., 2003a). The rhythmite succession is, in turn, 1996), and seismic profiles (Fig. 5; Pugin et al., 1999; Pullan overlain by sand and gravel deposited from east to west during et al., 2004). Field observations have been classified into sed- the main esker-subaqueous fan, ridge-building stage of the iment facies and sediment facies associations based on tex- ORM (Paterson, 1995; Barnett et al., 1998; Russell and Arnott ture and sedimentary structures (Eyles et al., 1983; Miall, 1984). 2003). Along the southern flank of the moraine muddy lacus- Structural and isopach surfaces are from a regional stratigraphic trine-rich Halton Till forms the final episode of moraine sedi- model (Logan et al., 2005, in press). mentation (Barnett et al., 1998). Adjacent to the moraine, To characterize the ORM morphology within the Humber glaciolacustrine sand and silt were deposited in post glacial River watershed a 100 m grid cell DEM (Fig. 6; Kenny et al., lakes Algonquin and Iroquois (Karrow et al., 1995). The timing 1999) was used in conjunction with seven north-south topo- of ORM deposition is well constrained stratigraphically to the graphic profiles ca. 25 km long and spaced 4.5-8 km apart.

Surficial Mapping Field Stations Hydrogeology Drillhole Sites FIGURE 5. Datasets used to cre- ABate the ORM structural and isopach maps. (A) Surficial field sta- tions (n = 1 344) of Russell and B White (1997). (B) Hydrogeology borehole data (n = 92) and location A of two Interim Waste Authority (IWA) site. (C) Geotechnical borehole sites (n = 500) and location of seismic profiles (n = 5). (D) Selected Ministry of Environment (MOE) water well date based on deepest A = Peel IWA sites 34b & 48 hole per 500 m grid cell (n = 2 028). B= IWA sites V3 & V4 Données utilisées pour la création 0 5 1010 0 5 1100 de la structure et des cartes de la moraine de Oak Ridges. (A) Géolo- KmKm KKmm gie de surface (n = 1 344) de Russell et White (1997). (B) Don- nées d’ydrogéologie (n = 92) et CDGeotechnical and Seismic Data MOE Water Well Data localisation de sites du Interim Waste Authority (IWA). (C) Données géotechniques (n = 500) et locali- C sation de profils sismiques (n = 5). B (D) Données de puits d’eau du Ministry of Environment (MOE) basées sur le puit le plus profond dans une cellule de 500 m (n = 2 028). A

Seismic Lines A: Caledon East (Pullan et al., 2004) B: Nobleton (Pugin et al., 1999) C: King City (Pugin et al., 1999) 0 5 1100 0 5 1010 KKmm KmKm

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246 H. A. J. RUSSELL, R. W. C. ARNOTT and D. R. SHARPE

tc tc tc a’

15 km ORM b’




Halton till



> 400





Brampton > > c’ Niagara Esker Escarpment


010km Lake Ontario

FIGURE 6. DEM of the Humber River watershed indicated by the solid Modèle numérique d’élévation du bassin de la rivière Humber (ligne line with the location of seven 25 km long north-south topographic cross- pleine) et localisation de sept sections transversales nord-sud de 25 km. sections. Note irregular topography of the moraine between sections A Notez l’irrégularité de la moraine entre les sections A et C. Les pentes and C. Steeper slopes on the southern moraine flank are indicated by abruptes du flanc sud de la moraine sont liées à une incision profonde. deeper drainage incision. Smoother topography of moraine occurs where La topographie plus douce de la moraine se produit aux endroits où le Halton Till is exposed at the surface. Elements of the regional physiog- till de Halton est exposé.L’escarpement du Niagara, les chenaux en raphy are labeled: (1) Niagara Escarpment, (2) tunnel channels, tunnel (tc), la moraine de Oak Ridges et le till de Halton sont localisés (3) ORM, and (4) Halton Till. Interpreted northern and southern posi- sur la figures. Les limites nord et sud du bassin glaciolacustre lors de tion of ORM glaciolacustrine basin during formation of moraine ridge is la formation de la moraine de Oak Ridges sont montrées par les lignes shown by lines a-a’ and b-b’ respectively. Approximate minimum extent a-a’ et b-b’. La ligne c-c’ montre la superficie minimale de la moraine et of grounded ice during stage III of deposition of the moraine and de l’esker Brampton durant la phase III. Les lignes blanches représen- Brampton esker is shown by line c-c’. White lines are major highways. tent les autoroutes.

The ORM area indicated on cross-sections is based on geo- watershed, the ORM forms an east-west ridge that has a max- logical mapping, surface roughness, and elevation (Fig. 7). imum elevation of ca. 420 m asl where it onlaps the Niagara Escarpment, and a relief of ca. 100 m above the Halton Till plain to the south. The moraine ranges in width from 3 to GEOMORPHOLOGY AND SURFICIAL GEOLOGY 24 km (Fig. 7) and has an asymmetric cross-section with a steeper, ca. 3° northern flank that is commonly <5 km long, Based on topography, surface roughness, and orientation and a gentler southern flank that extends for 10-20 km. The of roughness elements four main regional physiographic ele- steepest ORM slopes are ca. 14°, but about 97% of the area ments are identified on the digital elevation model by: (1) the has slopes <5°. Steep slopes commonly occur where Halton Niagara Escarpment and cuesta on the west, (2) drumlinized Till crops out along the sides of stream valleys. Adjacent to Newmarket Till, (3) steep-walled tunnel channels, (3) ORM, the Niagara Escarpment, the ORM surface sediment is sand and (4) smooth Halton Till plain (Fig. 6). Within the 900 km2 and the landscape consists of disorganized, internally drained Humber River watershed, the surficial sediment consists of depressions and fluvially dissected topography (Fig. 7A). To Oak Ridges Moraine (140 km2, 15%), Halton Till (450 km2, the east, the ORM is extensively incised where sand crops 50%), and bedrock, where Newmarket Till and glaciolacus- out (Fig. 7B), but is significantly less dissected where Halton trine units account for the remaining 250 km2 (35%). In the Till is exposed (Fig. 7D-E).

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A B 500 450 S Paris Moraine N S N Oak Ridges Oak Ridges Moraine 450 Moraine 400 Oak Ridges Moraine Niagara Cuesta 400 350 m asl 350 300

300 250 no depth inferred no depth inferred 250 200 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 CD 400 400 Oak Ridges Mount S Humber Moraine Oak Ridges N S N River Wolfe Moraine Oak Ridges Moraine 350 350

300 300 Humber River m asl 250 250

200 200 ORM sand Halton Halton Till no depth inferred no depth inferredTill 150 150 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 E F 400 400 Oak Ridges Moraine S N S Oak Ridges Moraine N 350 350

Humber 300 River 300 m asl 250 250 Newmarket Till 200 200 Halton Tillno depth inferred Halton Till no depth inferred 150 150 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 metres metres

Glaciolacustrine silt Glaciolacustrine sand Halton Till Fine sand Newmarket Till

FIGURE 7. Six, 25 km long north-south topographic cross-sections Localisation de six coupes transversales nord-sud de 25 km de long spaced 4-8 km apart. Note the ORM consists predominantly of sand et espacées de 4 à 8 km. La moraine de Oak Ridges est composée and Halton Till at the surface. Surface sediment types are indicated de sable et le till de Halton la recouvre. Les types de sédiments de only for the ORM area. Vertical exaggeration is ~23 times, axis scales surface sont seulement indiqués pour la région de la moraine de Oak are in metres. Note that no depth is inferred for shadded areas of sur- Ridges. L’exagération verticale est d’environ 23 fois et les axes sont ficial sediment. en mètres. L’estimation de la profondeur des sédiments de surface est inconnue dans les zones ombragées.

STRATIGRAPHIC ARCHITECTURE a sediment thickness <89 m (Fig. 8B). From the structural and The basal contact of the ORM stratigraphic unit has been isopach surfaces the ORM is up to 245 m thick, but is <50 m mapped using seismic reflection, continuous core, geotechni- thick over 75% of the area (Fig. 8C). Thickness of the ORM cal data and waterwell records (Fig. 5). The seismic reflection sediment decreases dramatically where it onlaps the Niagara profiles are up to 4 km long and provide a continuous image of Escarpment (northwest corner) and south of the Humber River the sediment architecture. These data record key elements beneath Halton Till (Figs. 8-9). The thickest ORM sediment associated with the lower contact of the moraine sediment, occurs in topographic lows along the basal unconformity bedrock valleys, sediment-hosted tunnel channels that extend (Figs. 8-9). The buried northeast-southwest trending bedrock to bedrock, shallow tunnel channels underlain by Newmarket Caledon East valley, for example, is filled with sediment >150 m Till or Lower sediment, and interchannel uplands with drumlins. thick (Fig. 8). In the north-central part of the watershed, the Interpolation of stratigraphic picks from the combined data per- northwest-southeast trend of >100 m sediment thickness is mits a continuous structural surface to be generated (Logan the buried valley intercepted by the Nobleton borehole and et al., 2005) and isopach map derived (Fig. 8A). The ORM sed- seismic line. A small semicircular, >100 m, sediment thickness, iment unit underlies an area of 645 km2 (72%) of the water- on the east boundary of the watershed coincides with the shed. Of the well records reporting ORM sediment, 95% have buried valley intercepted by the Vaughan borehole (Fig. 8).

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248 H. A. J. RUSSELL, R. W. C. ARNOTT and D. R. SHARPE

FIGURE 8. Maps and histograms A of ORM thickness. (A) Isopach D map with 50 m contour intervals. C TC (B) Histogram of ORM thickness in primary data. (C) Histogram of A ORM thickness in interpolated data with a 30 m grid cell. Cartes et histogrammes de l’épais- seur de la moraine de Oak Ridges. (A) Carte avec des lignes de contour à chaque 50 m. (B) Histo- King City gramme de l’épaisseur de la TC moraine de Oak Ridges à partir des Caledon East B données primaires. (C) Histo- TC gramme de l’épaisseur de la moraine de Oak Ridges à partir d’une grille d’interpolation de 30 m.

B Borehole Data C Isopach Grid

50 20000 N=1110 N=609101cells 50%ile = 19 m 50%ile = 26 m 15000 97%ile = 100 m 97%ile = 104 m

25 10000 frequency frequency 5000

0 0 020406080 125507597 thickness (m) thickness (m)

50 m 100 m 150 m 200 m 250 m

The ORM overlies an irregular surface that is correlated unit is Halton Till. Halton Till is a unit of interbedded diamicton with a regional unconformity consisting of tunnel channels and and glaciolacustrine-glaciofluvial sediment that have been drumlinized Newmarket Till north of the ORM (Shaw and interpreted to be a late-stage episode of ORM sedimentation Gilbert, 1990; Sharpe et al., 2004). Three topographic lows (Barnett et al., 1998). It is not discussed further here (see are interpreted to be tunnel channels based on the downflow Russell and Arnott, 1997). In continuous drillcore the pre- projection of exposed tunnel channels north of the ORM dominant ORM sediment facies is graded fine-sand to silt (Figs. 2-3), character of strata in continuous core (Russell et (ca. 56%) and small-scale, cross-laminated, fine sand al., 2003a), and seismic data (Pugin et al., 1999). From east (ca. 17%). Other sediment facies are common locally, for to west these channels are informally referred to as the King example, in drillcore DH-Nob 32% is gravel, in DH-V-158 30% City, Holland Marsh and Caledon East tunnel channels is sand facies, and in DH-P-14 small-scale, cross-laminated (Fig. 8). sand facies is ca. 32%. Lack of exposed ORM sediment lim- its the ability to map sediment facies continuity laterally. In two aggregate pits, however, relatively coarse textured sediment SEDIMENTOLOGY facies have rapid sediment facies changes in both flow-trans- verse and flow-parallel directions (Fig. 13). Along the Humber SEDIMENT FACIES COMPOSITION River, in less laterally extensive river cut exposure (<100 m), Sediment obtained from 600 m of drillcore at 11 sites, and finer grained sediment facies appear to form tabular units. ca. 150 m of vertical profiles from outcrop were described in detail (Figs. 3, 10-13). These data have been grouped into six PALEOFLOW sediment facies, and are summarized in Tables I, II and III, for more detailed discussion see Russell (2001), Russell et al. Paleoflow measurements derived from imbricate gravel- (2003a), and Russell and Arnott (2003). Consequently, discus- clast fabric and cross-stratified sand were collected at five sion of sediment facies is summarized as sediment facies asso- sites across the ORM. All measurements were made in the ciations. Overlying the southern flank of the ORM stratigraphic upper part of the ORM unit within 10 m of the contact with

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A FIGURE 9. Cross-sections of the ORM showing top and bottom sur- 400 W Humber E faces. (A) East to west cross-sec- River 300 tion of the ORM crest. (B) East to ORM west cross-section across the 200 m asl Halton Till plain. (C) North to south 100 cross-section downflow of the Holland Marsh and including the 0 04000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 44000 m Caledon East buried valley. (D) North to south cross-section of the eastern side of the watershed. B 400 W E Coupes transversales de la 300 moraine de Oak Ridges. (A) Coupe ORM transversale est-ouest de la crête 200 de la moraine de Oak Ridges. m asl 100 (B) Coupe transversale est-ouest de la plaine du till de Halton. 0 (C) Coupe transversale nord-sud 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 m du marais de Holland et de la val- lée de Caledon East. (D) Coupe C 400 transversale nord-sud de la partie N S est du bassin. 300 ORM 200 m asl


0 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 m

D 400 N S 300 ORM

m asl 200


0 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 m

overlying Halton Till. At three sites separated by ca. 1-6 km textures are consistently reported across all datasets (Logan on the south side of the ORM, and along the Humber River, a et al., in press). Of a total of 2 299 records interpreted as pen- total of 267 paleoflow measurements were made in climbing etrating ORM sediment, 19% and 82% have no gravel or sand, cross-laminated, fine sand (Fig. 10B). Locally, measurements respectively.The gravel distribution is strongly associated with have a preferred orientation, but in general the pattern is highly the basal contact of the ORM stratigraphic unit: 50% of gravel variable. In the stratigraphically lowest strata paleoflow direc- units directly overlie the basal unconformity and ca. 75% occur tions are toward the west, northwest, and north (Fig. 10B). In within 10 m of the basal contact (Fig. 14A). This distribution is contrast, measurements higher in the stratigraphy, for exam- consistent with observations from several hundred shallow ple, at sites 186 and PG, are toward the southeast, and toward (<4 m deep) sites that contain little gravel (Fig. 5A). At depth, the northwest at site PG-II (Fig. 10B). Measurements taken gravel is concentrated within the ridge area of the ORM ca. 8 km to the north, near Bolton, in cross-stratified sand indi- defined by the 270 m contour with relatively little gravel cate a westerly direction. Ten kilometers to the north, on the beneath Halton Till south of this elevation. Gravel units are north side of the ORM, paleoflow measurements have a predominantly <10 m thick (60%), with units thicker than 20 m bimodal distribution with modes toward the west and north- being rare (7%; Fig. 14B). As a percentage of total ORM sed- west (Fig. 13). iment thickness, sand and gravel exceeds 50% of the unit thickness for 25% of the records. The complete stratigraphic thickness of ORM is formed of gravel in 5% of the data and SEDIMENT DISTRIBUTION sand ca. 15%. The net sand and gravel in individual records is The integration of new field data with archival data permits <20 m for 80% of the data. a comprehensive overview of the sediment distribution within The abundance of gravel overlying the regional unconfor- the ORM. Estimates of the gravel-sand-silt-clay composition of mity in waterwell records correlates well with observed gravel the ORM are well supported by respective datasets (Logan deposits in continuous core (Fig. 10A) seismic interpretations, et al., in press). Identification of sediment grain size finer than and field mapping (cf. Russell and Dumas, 1997; Pugin et al., fine sand in waterwell records are unreliable (Russell et al., 1999; Sharpe et al., 2003). At DH-Nob (Fig. 10A) gravel overlies 2001; Logan et al., in press). Consequently, only percentages the unconformity on truncated Thorncliffe Formation, whereas of sand and gravel in records are discussed here as these in seismic profiles to the east, gravel overlies drumlinized

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FIGURE 10. Graphic stratigraphic A B Elevation log of DH-Nob core and three ver- (m) N site R186 S tical sections along the Humber 220 River. Legend is the same for Halton Till Figures 11-12. Note thick gravel deposit overlying the unconformity DH-Nob in DH-Nob. See Figure 4 for loca- Depth (m)Elevation (m) tion. 0 260 n = 15 Coupe stratigraphique du forage 210 de DH-Nob et de trois autres sec- tions situées dans le bassin de la rivière Humber. La légende est également la même pour les figures 11 et 12. Notez la présence 10 250 n = 81 d’un dépôt graveleux épais qui sur- monte l’inconformité dans la coupe

200 Silt DH-Nob. Voir la figure 4 pour la Sand

x-lam localisation du forage. Bedrock

190 Diamicton 20 240 10 km

site PG-II 180 30 230 Halton Till

<1.5 km

40 220 170

n = 71 site PG

50 210 Halton Till 160 n = 39

n = 41

60 200 Silt Sand x-lam Bedrock

150 Diamicton 195 Thorncliffe Fm. n = 20 Silt Silt Sand

W Sand E Bedrock Bedrock Diamicton /gravel Fine sand Diamicton Fine sand

Legend (Figures 10-12)

no recovery convolute deformation Graded fine sand-silt vertical dewatering clay laminae X-lam fine sand horizontal, micro-laminae m massive strata Medium-coarse sand small-scale cross-lamination silt intraclasts medium-scale cross-lamination dewatered Gravel

plane - bed 80-15 sand to silt ratio, clay is remainder Diamicton basal channel unconformity paleoflow measurements Bedrock n = 15

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A B C W E DH-V-86 DH-V-158 DH-V-108 300 Halton Till 290

280 m Halton Halton m m Till Till 270 m m

260 35-65 4-67 0-98 95-5 0-87 39-61 250 91-9 3-96 43-57 240 97-3

94-6 230 86-13

0-84 0-71 40-60 220 0-62 17-83 0-61 0-90 0-76 7-91 20-80 210 36-64

Elevation (m) Elevation 91-9

1-91 0-75 200 95-5 m 0-92 0-99 90-10 0-70 0-96 190 1-92 0-97

Silt 1-71 1-93 Sand Silt 0-84

180 Gravel

Diamicton /gravel 1-96 Fine sand

2-75 3-97 0-98 Diamicton ? Fine sand 4-96 14-85 44-56 83-17 170 96-4

87-12 160 93-7 92-8 Regional ? unconformity 150 86-13 m 84-16 85-15 140 90-10 90-10 m 6-90 130 92-8 88-12 m 120 W Silt Sand Bedrock Diamicton /gravel Fine sand

FIGURE 11. Graphic stratigraphic logs of three continuous cores from Coupe stratigraphique de trois forages continus au site de IWA the Vaughan IWA site, northeastern Humber River watershed. Vaughan, nord-est du bassin de la rivière Humber. Des sédiments Interbedded glaciolacustrine and diamicton Halton Till overlies ORM glaciolacustres entrecroisés et le diamicton du till de Halton surmon- sediment. Note the ca. 40 m thick diffusely graded sand in the lower tent les sédiments de la moraine de Oak Ridges. Notez la présence part of DH-V-158. See Figure 10 for description of symbols. d’une couche diffuse de sable d’environ 40 cm dans la partie infé- rieure du forage DH-V-158. Voir la figure 10 pour la description des symboles. GPQ_58-2-3.qxd 20/06/06 09:55 Page 252

252 H. A. J. RUSSELL, R. W. C. ARNOTT and D. R. SHARPE

SW DH-P-14 NE 265 DH-P-21 DH-P-29 DH-P-28A 260 19-79 DH-P-20A 255 DH-P-17A 84-13 250 DH-P-4B 245 97-3 240 5-90 Di (19)53-27 Halton Till 235 3-65 32-68

230 92-6 7-70 2-80 14-62 225 35-64 24-70 0.5-72 220 60-37 silt

215 78-20 Gravel 5-72 79-20 Bedrock Diamicton fine sand 210 74-25

Silt 0-98 1-82 0-76 Gravel Elevation (m) Elevation 205 68-31 0-93 Bedrock 83-16 1-71 Diamicton

Fine sand 76-23 200 91-7 94-6 3-74

195 95-5 74-24 Oak Ridges Moraine 80-20 190 92-8 30-66 1-70 73-24

185 Silt Silt

Gravel 67-55 Gravel Bedrock

180 Bedrock Diamicton Fine sand Fine sand Diamicton 91-6

2-82 Silt 175 Gravel

Bedrock 29-30 Diamicton Fine sand 170 Lower deposits 165

160 Silt Silt Gravel Gravel Bedrock Bedrock Diamicton Fine sand Diamicton Fine sand FIGURE 12. Graphic stratigraphic logs of seven continuous cores from Coupe stratigraphique de sept forages continus au site de IWA Peel, the Peel IWA sites, southwestern Humber River watershed (Figs. 4-5B). sud-ouest du bassin de la rivière Humber (Figs. 4-5B). Le till de Halton Halton Till overlies ORM. Note how Halton Till complex drapes under- surmonte la moraine de Oak Ridges et remarquez sa complexité de lying deposits. Clay laminae are only observed in valleys. recouvrement des sédiments. Des argiles laminées sont seulement observées dans les vallées.

Newmarket Till (Pugin et al., 1999).The distribution of gravel at TUNNEL CHANNEL FILL ASSOCIATION the base of the ORM correlates with observed gravel occur- The ORM tunnel channels are asymmetric in cross-sec- rence north of the ORM on Newmarket Till uplands (Russell tion, locally overdeepened, and may erosionally overlie and Dumas, 1997). Gravel overlying the regional unconformity Newmarket Till, lower sediment, or bedrock (Fig. 15). The is interpreted as being deposited during initial stages of tunnel Humber River watershed tunnel channels are 10-20 km long, channel formation; that is during the transition from subglacial <5 km wide and up to 170 m deep (Pugin et al., 1999). sheet flow to channelized flow. Gravel occurring high in the ORM Channel fills consist of four sediment facies that have a dis- unit is interpreted to have been deposited in proximal environ- tinctive spatial and stratigraphic organization. Gravel distribu- ments such as the core deposits of subaqueous fan or esker tion in the basal part of tunnel channels is highly variable. In deposits (see below). the Caledon East buried bedrock valley/tunnel channel, gravel is common in a unit about 40 m thick, 1 500 m wide, and SEDIMENT FACIES ASSOCIATIONS 6-8 km long (Russell et al., 2004). Elsewhere, gravel has been intercepted along the elevated tunnel channel margin at The complete ORM unit or parts of the succession have been DH-Nob where it forms a broad tabular deposit 500 m wide attributed to a number of different sediment facies associations, and ca. 20 m thick (Figs. 10, 15). On the basis of high resolu- including: tunnel channel fill (Barnett et al., 1998), suspension tion seismic reflection data with borehole control, this unit is and turbidite basin sediment (Gilbert, 1997), subaqueous fan interpreted to consist of stacked, >4 m high, mesoforms and (Paterson and Cheel, 1997), and deltaic and braided stream low-relief gravel sheet deposits emplaced by flows from the deposits (Duckworth, 1979).Three sediment facies associations north (Russell et al., 2003a). The most common strata in the are recognized in the Humber River watershed (Fig. 15); tunnel channel axis have a chaotic seismic facies signature. West of channel, basin rhythmite, and subaqueous fan associations the borehole DH-Nob, downflow of the exposed Holland Marsh (Russell and Arnott, 2003; Russell et al., 2003a). tunnel channel to the north, the deposits are 80-100 m thick

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proximal FIGURE 13. Graphic stratigraphic distal logs for the Gormley aggregate pit. abcdeSections are arranged from west WEto east. Regional paleoflows is 9 5 5 from east to west (right to left). 5 Figure has been modified from 5 Russell and Arnott (2003). 7 3 3 270° Coupes stratigraphiques du site de 3 Gormley. Les coupes sont alignées 3 de l’ouest vers l’est. Les paléo- écoulements vont de l’est vers 5 1 1 1 l’ouest (de droite à gauche). La 270° 1 figure a été modifiée à partir de Depth (m) Russell et Arnott (2003). 3 Paleoflow direction

Masive and/or cross-bedded gravel 1 Planar stratified gravel WE Low-angle cross-bedded sand d e Diffusely graded - massive sand c Trough cross-bedded sand b Planar cross-bedded sand a 200 m Small-scale cross-laminated sand

TABLE I Summary of diamicton and gravel lithofacies in the western Oak Ridge Moraine

Facies Sub-facies Texture Bed thickness General character Interpretation (m)

Diamicton Dispersed clasts in a <0.5 Sharp or gradational base, fine Small debris flows, silt to sand-silt matrix sand-silt matrix, 1-3% granules, ice-rafted (drop) debris massive, normally graded

Cross-bedded1 Sandy pebble <0.3 Sharp-based, planar and trough Bedload transport by fluidal Gp, Gt to cobble gravel cross-beds, rare faults, normally flows with deposition within graded beds, openwork to migrating matrix-supported

Gravel Horizontal stratified1 Heterogeneous Sharp-based, graded beds, open Bedload sheets under Gh to well sorted framework to matrix-supported, critical flow conditions clast clusters, clast imbrication

Heterogeneous1 Heterogeneous <2.0 Sharp-based, normal and reverse Hyperconcentrated Gd pebble gravel graded, clast clustering, faint dispersions, downflow of horizontal bedding, matrix or clast hydraulic jump scouring supported, intraclasts of silty sand

1. Sediment sub-facies described in detail in previous publications (Russell and Arnott, 2003; Russell et al., 2003a).

and extend laterally across the channel for 3-4 km (Pugin et SUBAQUEOUS FAN ASSOCIATION al., 1999). The chaotic seismic facies has been correlated with Proximal subaqueous fan deposits are described from diffusely graded/massive and interbedded cross-stratified sand aggregate pits, whereas distal subaqueous fan are intercepted forming a 50 m thick tunnel channel fill ca. 8 km to the south- in drillcore and river-cuts. The proximal subaqueous fan east at DH-V-158 (Fig. 11; Russell et al., 2003a). The deposits consist of medium-scale cross-stratified, horizontally DH-V-158 site occurs in the terminal reaches of a separate bedded and massive sand and gravel (Russell and Arnott, channel that is part of a regional channel network and is 2003). More distal deposits are predominantly small-scale inferred to be the proximal equivalent of more distal, climb- cross-stratified fine sand, silt, and rare clay laminae. Strata fine ing, small-scale, cross-stratified fine sand observed in Humber rapidly in a streamwise direction and fine upward (Fig. 13). The River valley sections (Fig. 10B). proximal part of the fan is lithologically diverse and consists of

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TABLE II Summary of sand lithofacies in the western Oak Ridge Moraine

Facies Sub-facies Texture Bed thickness General character Interpretation (m)

Cross-bedded Medium coarse sand, <0.4 Sharp-based, rare convolute bedding, 2-D and 3-D dunes Sp, St rare pebbly sand minor fautls, trough and planar, and barforms climbing cross-strata, stoss depositional, reactivation surfaces

Sand Low-angle Medium sand <0.02 Sharp-based, minor undulation, Antidune and chute and Sh horizontal to low angle dip, multiple pool conditions related to internal erosional surfaces, normal supercritical flow graded, coarse sand lens, beds onlap upflow, local massive scour fills

Diffusely graded Fine, medium sand, <0.05 Sharp-based, irregular scours, massive Hyperconcentrated Sd minor intraclasts, and to bedded, amalgamated beds, sand dispersions granules intraclasts, isolated pebble clusters, water escape structures

TABLE III Summary of sand-silt and clay lithofacies in the western Oak Ridge Moraine

Facies Texture Bed thickness General character Interpretation (m)

Small-scale Silt and fine sand <0.05 Sharp-based, stoss-erosional to Waning flow and combined cross-laminated sand stoss-depositional, minor microfaults suspension/bedload transport

Graded fine sand silt Silt and fine sand <0.05 Lower contact sharp and graded, fining Density underflows upward, micro-laminae and beds <5 cm thick, clay intraclasts

Clay Silt and fine sand <0.02 Gradational lower contact, normal Basinal underflow and graded, massive, minor bioturbation suspension sedimentation

five sediment facies sub-associations (Russell and Arnott succession is overlain locally by a shallow-channel sub-asso- 2003). The most proximal fan-core sub-association consists of ciation, which consists of broad (depth-width <1:5), nested massive heterogeneous and horizontal-bedded cobble and channels that truncate underlying sandy strata. These chan- pebble deposits (Fig. 16A-B). Facies change stratigraphically nels are mostly filled with planar and trough cross-stratified, upward from cross-stratified to massive or planar-stratified medium sand. Subaqueous fan deposits are commonly capped gravel and commonly have abrupt contacts. Downflow facies by rhythmically bedded silt and clay. change rapidly from massive gravel grading to cross-stratified Individual subaqueous fan associations have not been sand in less than 10 m. The flanking fan-core association con- mapped within the ORM unit. Proximal parts of the association sists of downlapping, low-angle cross-stratified sand and cross- can extend, 10’s to 100’s of metres in a streamwise direction, stratified sand with minor gravel (Fig. 16C). Locally, these strata whereas the finer, more distal part, extend for 1 000’s of are truncated by the steep-walled scour sub-association that in metres. An individual fan association can be 10’s of metres most places occurs downflow of the fan-core sub-association thick, but typically are <30 m thick. Transverse to flow, the (Fig. 16D). The steep-walled scours are up to 10 m wide and width of the association is highly variable depending upon the 3 m deep and filled mostly with diffusely graded sand. The scale of discharge, conduit diameter, and periodisity of dis- steep-walled scour sub-association defines an important charge. In the proximal zone, widths are probably 10’s of hydraulic boundary in the streamwise facies arrangement, metres expanding to 100’s of metres downflow. beyond which no gravel was transported (Russell and Arnott, 2003). Downflow, the gently-inclined bedset sub-association is up to 8 m thick and consists of 5-10° dipping surfaces over- BASIN RHYTHMITE ASSOCIATION lain by planar cross-stratified, medium sand and small-scale The basin sediment facies association consists of a rhyth- cross-laminated, fine sand. Climbing, medium-scale cross- mic succession of small-scale cross-laminated sand, graded strata are common; more distally small-scale cross-lamination sand-silt, and clay. Commonly, the coarsest strata occur in the predominates (Figs. 16E-F, 17A). The medium-scale cross- lower part of the rhythmite and form one or more fining-upward stratified sand generally fines upward. The more distal lower fan cycles that are overlain by a clay layer. The basin rhythmite

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A 50 association occurs between 170-270 m elevation with >70% occurring between 190 and 230 m. In outcrop, units can be 45 traced for tens of metres laterally with only minor change in 40 character. Small-scale, cross-laminated and graded fine sand 35 and silt (Si, Sr) form >95% of the association and range in 30 thickness from 1 cm to 4-5 m. The maximum thickness is 16 m. Two different rhythmite assemblages are observed: one 25 dominated by normally-graded sand-silt strata (Fig. 17), and 20 a second thicker but less common assemblage including

Frequency (%) 15 massive, normally-graded sand-silt, and small-scale cross-

10 laminated sand.

5 In core the number of clay-topped rhythmites ranges from 6 to 69 (Figs. 10-12, 18). A total of 300 rhythmites with clay 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 tops was measured. Of the total, ca. 80% are <1 m thick. Of the rhythmites >1 m thick, 75% (n = 51) contain some amount Height above unconformity (m) of missing core. This suggests that thicker intervals with miss- ing core may represent multiple amalgamated clay topped

30 rhythmites where drill-core sampling failed to recover some B clay horizons. Using a qualitative technique of matching thick- ness, sequence rhythms, and number, rhythmites can be cor- 25 related between a number of cores in the Peel IWA site (Figs. 4A, 5, 18). For example, cores DH-P-20a and DH-P-17a 20 are separated by ca. 2 km, and in the two cores 22 rhythmites can be matched (Fig. 18). This correlation is possible even 15 where individual rhythmite thickness varies by more than an order of magnitude between sites. Elsewhere, correlating over 10 distances <500 m can be tenuous. Frequency (%) Frequency The areal distribution of the basin rhythmite association is 5 poorly constrained because it is only recognized in continuous core. Archival data, particularly waterwell records, lack the res- 0 olution to reliably interpret this association.The rhythmite asso- 1251015202530354045506070 ciation has been interpreted to overlie the tunnel-channel-fill Gravel thickness (m) association and to be generally restricted to channel areas (Russell et al., 2003a). Where correlation of rhythmites is pos- sible it suggests similar depositional controls between sites, C 20 and consequently deposition in a single basin. Individual rhyth- 18 mite thickness varies substantially but correlation of rhythmite 16 patterns at the Peel site suggests a single depositional control such as annual meltwater-sediment flux. Such a control sug- 14 gests surface connection of the meltwater system and the basin. 12


8 A depositional model for the western ORM must integrate the sedimentological data presented in this study, as well as Frequency (%) Frequency 6 regional physiography, surficial geology, and the deglacial his- 4 tory from previous workers (Barnett, 1992). Sediment facies 2 and sediment facies associations of ORM strata constrain interpretations of the local depositional processes, in addition 0 1 5 25 45 65 85 to the timing, and magnitude of formative processes. Paleoflow measurements provide local constraints on the direction of Net sand thickness (m) the depositional flow, whereas, elements of the regional phys- FIGURE 14. Characterisation of ORM composition. (A) Height of gravel iography provide a framework for the depositional and ero- units above the regional unconformity below the ORM. (B) Net gravel sional events during the Late Wisconsinan stage. Landform thickness in ORM dataset. (C) Net sand thickness in ORM dataset. and sediment associations also provide evidence for the Composition de la moraine de Oak Ridges. (A) Hauteur des unités reconstruction of a regional unconformity upon which the ORM de graviers au-dessus de l’inconformité régionale et en-dessous la occurs in the Humber River watershed. Within the paleogeo- moraine de Oak Ridges. (B) Épaisseur nette des graviers dans la moraine de Oak Ridges. (C) Épaisseur nette des sables dans la graphic setting a three stage depositional model for the ORM moraine de Oak Ridges. is presented: (I) subglacial channel fill, (II) rhythmite sedi-

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iii i Halton Till ii v iv IIIb iii IIIa vii vi IIIa vii Ic Ic II Newmarket Till Lower sediment

Bedrock Ib IIIa: proximal fan, i: fan core, ii: flanking fan core; Ia: bedrock valley with gravel fill iii: steep-walled scour, iv: planar-tabular foresets Ia Ib: sediment hosted tunnel channel, diffusely graded sand fill v: shallow channels; IIIb: distal fan vi: climbing Ic: gravel in shallow channels on the unconformity small scalecross lamination; vii: Bouma turbidite II : basinrythmite association sequence ca. 50 km

FIGURE 15. Sketch of sediment facies associations logs along an Illustration des associations de faciès sédimentaires d’une coupe east-west cross-section of the ORM architecture, in the Humber River transversale est-ouest de la moraine de Oak Ridges, dans le bassin watershed. Upper case roman numerals and letters indicate the main de la rivière Humber. Les chiffres romains en majuscules et les lettres sediment facies associations; I, tunnel channel, II, basin rythmite, and indiquent les principaux faciès; où I sont les chenaux en tunnel, II, III, subaqueous fan. Lower case roman numerals indicate elements of les et III, le cône subaquatique. Les chiffres romains en minus- the subaqueous fan association defined within the figure. Fan is shown cules indiquent les éléments du cône subaquatique. Le cône s’amin- as fining from east to west. cit de l’ouest vers l’est.

mentation, (III) esker-subaqueous fan development. The STAGE I: SUBGLACIAL CHANNEL FILL stages generally form a depositional continuum; however, it is possible that depositions of some elements of stage II and Shallow channel sedimentation stage III are contemporaneous but separated spatially. Northwest of the Holland Marsh, shallow channels on the Newmarket Till upland are partially filled with sand and gravel THE UNCONFORMITY (Russell and Dumas, 1997). Southward, and at the base of the ORM, gravel deposits which are up to 20 m thick and The surface of drumlinized Newmarket Till and exposed account for 50% of gravel in the stratigraphic unit, are here tunnel channels north of the study area are elements of a interpreted to be shallow channel fills. Gravel in interfluvial regional unconformity that can be traced from Georgian Bay areas of shallow channels was deposited during the incipient eastward ca. 240 km to the Kingston area (cf. Sharpe et al., stages of channel formation. Deposition in shallow channels 2004). This unconformity has been traced beneath the ORM on the uplands occurred as the regional sheet flood collapsed on seismic data (Pugin et al., 1999) and in continuous core and preferentially eroded wide, deep channels that captured (Russell et al., 2003a). A variety of erosional forms along the most of the meltwater discharge (Brennand and Shaw, 1994; unconformity suggest that during the Late Wisconsinan a sub- Shaw, 1996; Fisher et al., 2005). glacial outburst flood swept southward from the and extensively eroded the terrain of this part of south- Deep channel sedimentation ern Ontario (Sharpe et al., 2004), the Niagara Escarpment (Kor and Cowell, 1998), and probably beyond (Shaw and Channel erosion and deposition was incremental and Gilbert, 1990; Munro-Stasiuk et al., 2005). Drumlins were responded to changes in the outburst flood discharge and ice eroded by this regional sheet flood (Fig. 19A) and localized sheet dynamics (Fig. 19B). An initial high-sediment flux along erosion of Newmarket Till was related to spatial and temporal channels is indicated by large gravel bedforms observed in variations in turbulent flow structure and large-scale vortices channels north of the moraine (Shaw and Gorrell, 1991) and (Fig. 19B; Shaw, 1996). Discharge became more focused as buried channels beneath the ORM (Sharpe et al., 2003). the sheet flow evolved quickly to a channelized flow forming Gravel was also deposited on raised channel margins (e.g. at tunnel channels (Brennand and Shaw, 1994). Once formed, Nobleton) within migrating gravel dunes which based on tunnel channels may have preferentially captured ongoing intepretation of seismic reflection data were of the order of meltwater discharge events (Shoemaker, 1999). North of the 4-5 m high and consequently deposited in flow depths of ORM, exposed Newmarket Till has a hierarchy of channel ca. 20 m (Fig. 19C). A seismic transect across the Nobleton scales, from shallow channels to km wide and 10’s km long channel indicates that the channel thalweg was eroded an tunnel channels, which locally are eroded to bedrock (Russell additional 100 m following emplacement of the gravel deposits et al., 2003b). Shallow channels are interpreted to represent on the east channel flank (Pugin et al., 1999). The extent of the incipient stage of channel formation (Russell et al., 2003b; channel erosion, and most probably the rate of channel inci- Sjogren et al., 2002). sion, varied along and across channels. Localized erosion was

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AB a

10 cm

C Db

a b


FIGURE 16. Photos of selected elements of the subaqueous fan Photographies des faciès sédimentaires du cône subaquatique. facies assemblage. (A) Planar-stratified gravel with upward fining cou- (A) Gravier plat et stratifiés avec des couplets fins orientés vers le plets, clast clusters, and open-work pebble beds; paleoflow toward haut, amas d’erratiques et lits de galets remaniés; le paléoécoule- the right. (B) Unconsolidated sand intraclast in massive and inverse- ment est orienté vers la droite. (B) Inclusions de sable non-consolidé graded sandy gravel; paleoflow to the right. (C) Low-angle cross-strat- dans du sable graveleux massif et inversé; le paléoécoulement est ified medium sand interpreted as antidune cross-stratification. orienté vers la droite. (C) Lits entrecroisés de sable moyen à faible (D) Diffusely graded fine sand filling a steep-walled scour. pendage interprétés comme une stratification entrecroisée typique (E) Succession of climbing ripple-scale cross-laminated fine sand; aux antidunes. (D) Sable fin diffus dans une zone de surcreusement. paleoflow is from right to left. (F) Stoss-depositional, climbing ripple- (E) Succession de sable fin laminé en rides; le paléoécoulement est scale cross-lamination; note the steep angle of climb and well-graded orienté vers la gauche. (F) Rides laminées ondulées; remarquez beds, coin is 2.5 cm in diameter. One metre scale stick has 10 cm l’ange d’inclinaison des lits, la pièce a un diamètre de 2,5 cm. L’échelle divisions. métrique est graduée à chaque 10 cm.

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FIGURE 17. Photos of sediment A B C facies of the basin rhythmite associ- ation. (A) Normally graded beds of fine sand and silt with minor drilling- induced deformation. (B) Normally graded, microlaminated, fine sand and silt. (C) Normally graded fine sand and silt overlain by a clay bed. Photographies des faciès sédi- mentaires des varves. (A) Lits nor- maux de sable fin et de limon avec une faible déformation associée au forage. (B) Lits normaux de sable fin et de limon microlaminés. (C) Lits normaux de sable fin et de limon surmontés d’un lit argileux.

2 ccmm 2 cmcm 2 ccmm

potentially aided by over-pressurized sandy aquifers that DH-V-158, were probably deposited by the same events that caused groundwater to flow toward lower pressure areas that deposited the diffusely graded and reverse-graded sand in coincided with newly formed scours/channels (Piotrowski, the more proximal part of the Holland Marsh and King City 1997). Accordingly, extensive sediment piping along the scour tunnel channels. The apparent divergent paleoflow directions, margins entrained additional sediment into the flow and sig- northwest, north, and southwest at sites PG and PG-II may be nificantly accelerated vertical and lateral scour/channel growth. explained by the radially expanding flow within a subglacial Locally, these zones of intense scour erosion may have basin, deposition from deflected flows, or deposition within a occurred at channel confluences or the margins of subglacial large reverse-flow eddy. Variable paleoflow directions are a cavities where flow underwent rapid expansion. Within con- common element of many subaqueous fan deposits (Gorrell fined subglacial conduits supercritical flows upon encounter- and Shaw, 1991) and submarine turbidite systems (Pickering ing zones of flow expansion could have been sites of hydraulic et al., 1989). This necessitates the evaluation of these data in jumps. These zones likely ranged from localized features a regional context. On a southerly downflow trajectory of the 10’s-100’s m long to large regional features such as the pro- King City tunnel channel, within Lake Ontario, ca. 50 m thick posed subglacial lake within the Lake Ontario basin glaciolacustrine sand and silt deposits overlying the regional (Shoemaker, 1999). For hydraulic jumps to form in the unconformity have been identified (Lewis et al., 1997a). The absence of stratified flow, open connection to the sur- sediment may be distal equivalents of channel fill deposits face would be necessary to permit flow expansion. Under con- presented in this study. Stratigraphically upward, the diffusely ditions of either hydraulic jumps or channel confluences, large- graded sand of stage I is intercalated with small-scale, cross- scale vortices would scour, entrain, and transport sediment laminated, fine-sand and the first appearance of clay strata downflow. Because of the high sediment load, the flow most that define the rhythmite association. The transition to the probably became stratified with an upper fully turbulent region rhythmite association records a decrease in sedimentation and an underlying thinner hyperconcentrated region (Sohn, rate, flow energy and a reduction in meltwater discharge within 1997). Depending upon the rate of sedimentation and the the tunnel channel system. thickness of the flow, massive, inverse-, or normal-graded strata were deposited (Figs. 11B, 19C). Similar stratal char- STAGE II: RHYTHMITE SEDIMENTATION acteristics have been interpreted from seismic data from the Holland Marsh channel at Nobleton (Pugin et al., 1999). To Rhythmites gradationally overlie stage I channel fill sediment the southeast of the Nobleton site, within the King City chan- within bedrock and sediment-walled tunnel channels (Figs. 9, nel, diffusely graded sand (Fig. 11B) is interpreted to have 19D). The succession forms a 25-50 m thick interval within been deposited within a zone of flow expansion at the margin buried tunnel channels but is absent or thin, <8 m thick, beyond of a subglacial lake in the Lake Ontario basin (Russell et al., the tunnel channel margins. Initially rhythmite deposition con- 2003a). Interbeds of cross-laminated sand within the diffusely sisted of small-scale cross-laminated sand that fines upward graded sand succession indicate that flow energy fluctuated and is progressively overlain by the fine sand to silt facies that temporally and/or spatially between hyperconcentrated and culminates in a clay lamina. At DH-V-158, the interval consists bedload depositional conditions. Thick accumulations of climb- of ca. 60 rhythmites that thin and fine upward for 25 m and then ing small-scale, cross-laminated sand at sites PG and PG-II coarsen and thicken upward (Fig. 18). The upward-fining trend (Fig. 12), ca. 10 km downflow to the southwest of site is locally interrupted by thicker rhythmites interpreted to record

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A Peel IWA Site seasonal variation in discharge, or point-source sediment input

12 m 16 m and an order of magnitude increase in sedimentation rate 6 DH-P-20a (Fig. 18). The gradational transition from channel fill to rhyth-

4 181.5 (m asl) mite deposition was probably in response to the end of the stage I outburst flood event and the onset of seasonal meltwa- 2 233 ter discharge and sedimentation in a glaciolacustrine setting. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Graded laminae most probably record deposition by unsteady Count 6 underflows related to the diurnal meltwater flux (Gilbert, 1997). DH-P-17 The graded, fine-sand and silt that form the rhythmites corre- 4 spond to b and c division of a Bouma turbidite whereas the thickness (m) thickness Varve 201.5 overlying clay corresponds to the d-division (Pickering et al., 2 225 1989). The upper clay lamina of each rhythmite records depo- sition by low-energy suspension sedimentation during winter. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Count Each clay laminae, therefore, may represent the culmination of a single year of sedimentation and thus the rhythmites are ten- tatively interpreted to be varves (Banerjee, 1973; Ashley, 1975; DH-P-21 6 Gustavson, 1975; Gilbert, 1997). DH-P-29 2 Across the area individual varves in bedrock valleys and in 4 5 count tunnel channels may not be coeval and may have been deposited in isolated basins or cavities instead of in a single 2 222.5 208 contiguous glaciolacustrine setting. Regional reconstructions of the ice-sheet margin at this time (ca. 13-14 ka) do not indicate 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Count occurrence of subaerial lakes (Barnett, 1992). Consequently, 6 a subglacial setting is interpreted with ice attached to the sub- DH-P-28 strate across interfluves and bedrock highs but not in the chan- 4

Varve thickness (m) thickness Varve nels. Deposition was restricted to ponded water (glaciolacus- 223 2 trine) within tunnel channels and bedrock valleys. Varves record 207 a period of low-energy sedimentation that in the southwest part of the watershed (Peel site) lasted for <40 years and 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Count 20 km to the northeast at the Vaughan site for ca. 60 years. Direct correlation of varves across the study area, or beyond B Vaughan and Nobleton sites to more easterly parts of the moraine (Gilbert, 1997), may not 6 be possible; however, there is an emerging similarity of varve counts in the range of 60 to 100 along the length of the ORM. DH-V-158 In the southwest part of the watershed, the rhythmite associ- 4 ation of stage II is overlain gradationally by Halton Till which records fluctuating grounded-ice conditions and minimal melt- 2 water-sediment influx to this area during the remainder

Varve thickness (m) thickness Varve (Stage III) of ORM deposition. At other locations within the ORM, stage II rhythmites are gradationally overlain by coarser 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Count grained strata deposited during stage III. 13 m 6 6 6 DH- STAGE III: RIDGE CONSTRUCTION DH-V-86 V-110 DH-Nob (ESKER-SUBAQUEOUS FAN) 4 4 4 The change from stage II to stage III is marked by upward- 2 2 2 thickening and coarsening of the varve succession and even-

Varve thickness (m) thickness Varve tually an absence of suspension deposits that record an increase in the meltwater discharge. This stage of ORM for- 25 20 15 10 5 5 10 5 mation occurred in an ice-marginal basin controlled by the Count Count Count Niagara Escarpment to the west. Ridge morphology (Fig. 6), the extent of exposed surficial sediment (Fig. 7), and areal FIGURE 18. Varve diagram for core data showing varve thickness and varve count from lowest varve (right) upward (left). Arrows indicate variation in ORM thickness (Fig. 8) suggest that stage III dep- potentially correlative varves. Note the thicker varves in DH-P-20a osition was restricted to the ORM ridge in a basin that was compared to DH-P-17. Italized numbers are elevation above sea level. 30-40 km long (east-west) and <20 km wide (Fig. 19E). Diagramme de l’épaisseur et du comptage des varves, de la varve The location of the northern basin margin and ice margin inférieure (droite) vers le haut (gauche). Les flèches indiquent la cor- rélation possible des varves. Comparez la différence de l’épaisseur grounding line is constrained north of the ORM by the under- des varves des sites DH-P-20a et DH-P-7. Les chiffres en italique lying Newmarket Till that crops out along the edge of exposed indiquent l’élévation du niveau de la mer. ORM sediment (Fig. 6; Sharpe et al., 1997). The southern

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A B Gla cial Ice

Sheet-flood erosion Tunnel channel erosion


gravel unconformity

Lower deposits diffusely graded sand

Stage I : channel fill Stage II : rhythmite sedimentation


e antidunes a. Niagara Escarpment a b. Oak Ridges Moraine b c d c. subaerial lake hydraulic jump d. esker e. subglacial lake dunes Stage III : basin setting Stage III : subaqueous fan sedimentation

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← episodic outburst flood discharges. For example, deposits of FIGURE 19. Diagrams outlining the depositional history of the ORM. massive gravel, diffusely graded strata, low-angle cross-strat- (A) Sculpting of Newmarket Till into drumlins by regional sheet floods. ified sand and steep-walled scours are probably diagnostic of (B) Tunnel channel erosion by episodic outbreak floods. (C) Stage I jökulhlaup (outburst) flood events (Maizels, 1997). These out- channel fill showing diffusely-graded sand along channel axis and gravel deposits along channel margin. (D) Stage II rhythmite deposi- burst flood discharges may have drained supraglacial or sub- tion from seasonal meltwater discharge into flooded, subglacial tun- glacial reservoirs or alternatively may have been triggered by nel channels. (E) Ice-contact basin model for stage III sedimentation anomalous precipitation events (Cowan et al., 1988; Gilbert, of the ORM ridge. (F) Subaqueous fan sedimentation during stage III 1997). of flood discharge from subglacial conduits. Schémas de la mise en place de la moraine de Oak Ridges. Stage III ORM formation is characterized by esker-sub- (A) Modelage du till de Newmarket en drumlins par des inondations aqueous fan sedimentation marginal to and within an ice- régionales. (B) Érosion en chenaux par des inondations épisodiques. bounded glaciolacustrine setting. With the exception of the (C) Phase I: remplissage des chenaux avec du sable diffus dans l’axe Brampton Esker, there are few observations of esker deposits des chenaux et par des dépôts graveleux le long des marges des in the western ORM (Saunderson, 1975). The following dis- chenaux. (D) Phase II: déposition des varves par les eaux de fonte saisonnières et par les chenaux en tunnel sous-glaciaires. (E) Zone cussion focuses on the subaqueous fan deposits deposited de contact glaciaire pendant la formation de la crête de la moraine de predominantly from a plane-wall jet with jump. Subaqueous Oak Ridges. (F) Sédimentation du cône subaquatique par des fan deposits record two contrasting but streamwise continuous conduits sous-glaciaires durant la Phase III. depositional settings: (1) high-energy, coarse-grained proxi- mal jet-efflux, and (2) low-energy, fine-grained distal jet-efflux.

PROXIMAL JET EFFLUX basin margin and grounding line is defined approximately by changes in ORM thickness (Figs. 8-9), surface slope in the Two types of jet-efflux geometries are possible where con- vicinity of the 250 m contour (Fig. 6), and the Brampton esker duits debouched into a glaciolacustrine environment: a sub- (Figs. 3, 6). This interpretation is further supported by rela- critical plane jet, or a supercritical plane-wall jet with an asso- tively thin, discontinuous ORM sediment beneath the Halton ciated hydraulic jump (Russell and Arnott 2003). Depending on Till suggesting that ice was grounded below this elevation. To conduit diameter, flow velocity, flow density and interfacial fric- the south of the ORM, the Brampton esker provides paleo- tion, the jet may extend for up to 10’s km into the basin. In geographic control (Saunderson, 1975, 1976). The esker is general, a plane-wall jet and a plane-wall jet with jump have a stratigraphically equivalent to the upper ORM sediment and broad semicircular form (Russell and Arnott, 2003). Deposits was deposited in an ice-cover conduit. The northwest pale- from a plane-wall jet will grade rapidly downflow from mas- oflow direction indicates south to north hydraulic gradient. To sive, clast-supported and matrix-supported gravel to plane sustain this esker conduit grounded ice would likely be bed gravel. The abrupt loss of flow competence and capacity required along the 30-40 km length of the landform. contributes to rapid bed aggradation and results in a rapid Consequently, if a subglacial lake existed in the Lake Ontario change in the streamwise direction from massive to plane- basin during ORM ridge construction, the Brampton esker pro- bed and then cross-bedded coarse sand over distances as vides some constraint on the width of the grounding zone adja- short as 10 m (Russell and Arnott, 2003). Under compara- cent to the subglacial lake. tively low-flow energies, antidune cross-stratification was deposited beneath inphase waves. In contrast, higher-energy The ice-bounded basin (corridor) within which the ORM flow conditions formed steep-walled scours that were infilled ridge was deposited may have been subglacial or subaerial by diffusely graded sand beneath or downflow of oscillatory (Fig. 19E). Presently, there is no sedimentological or landform hydraulic jumps. Steep-walled scour and fill record the most evidence that unequivocally supports either interpretation in rapid rates of erosion and sedimentation; for example, over- the Humber River watershed. Ponded water levels in this basin hangs formed in unconsolidated sand along scour margins. were controlled by the location at which ice impinged on the Downflow of the hydraulic jump, medium-scale, planar-tabular Niagara Escarpment and the ice thickness. Maximum water cross-strata predominate and locally show moderate (ca. 15°) levels of ca. 420 m asl are indicated by the highest meltwater angles of climb. channel at Caledon (Fig. 4A; Chapman, 1985). Fluctuations of basin water depth would have been related to changes in the rate of meltwater discharge into the basin and rates of basin DISTAL JET EFFLUX drainage. Basin drainage would have been closely related to More distal jet efflux deposits are commonly characterized the thickness of ice, ice sheet profile, and the pressure seal by small-scale cross-lamination (Rust and Romanelli, 1975; along the Niagara Escarpment. A thin, low-profile ice sheet Gorrell and Shaw, 1991) and by graded fine-sand to silt. These would have been more susceptible to buoyancy induced lift- strata are interpreted to be intermediate or distal subaqueous off and subglacial drainage, or development of ice-marginal fan deposits. Where small-scale, cross-laminated facies form channels along or across the Niagara Escarpment and con- metre-scale cosets, deposition is interpreted to have been nection to drainage systems that flowed to the south-south- from semicontinuous outburst flood discharge. On the other west (Chapman, 1985). hand, where thinner sets occur and are upward-fining graded A number of key facies within the ORM ridge sediment pro- fine sand to silt deposition from surge-type turbidity currents vide evidence that the glaciohydraulic system was supplied by are interpreted. In the latter case, the stratal assemblage is

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similar to the Tbc and locally Td Bouma turbidite divisions north-south trending tunnel channels. Strata were deposited at (Pickering et al., 1989). a zone of rapid flow expansion with commensurate rapid and Stage III deposition marks a major change in the style of voluminous sedimentation within a subglacial glaciolacustrine ORM sedimentation. Following the low sedimentation rates setting.This was followed by transition to stage II, which, in this and meltwater discharge of stage II, there was a significant study, corresponds to a period of low-energy seasonal melt- but gradual increase in energy, and a change in the style of water discharge and varve formation. Subaqueous fan sedi- meltwater delivery. Discharge into the basin was most likely mentation may not be ruled out in stage II of the eastern ORM; dominated by axial east to west flow with secondary discharge however, it is not characteristic of the low meltwater flux asso- from small conduits to the north and south. Within the study ciated with this interval.This differs from the Barnett et al. (1998) area, this lateral discharge is documented from the Gormley definition of stage II as a phase of subaqueous fan sedimenta- study site (Russell and Arnott 2003) and to the south at the tion. Consequently, rapid and voluminous sedimentation asso- Brampton esker (Saunderson, 1976). Evidence of the ciated with subaqueous fan processes is more appropriately east-west axial discharge, on the other hand, is based on placed at the base of stage III which Barnett et al. (1998) termed westerly paleoflows measured in coarse-grained deposits, subaqueous fan to delta. Previous descriptions of stage III are 10-30 km to the east of the study area (Paterson, 1995; consistent with the stage III strata in the current study except Barnett, 1997). Within the study area, distal strata related to that deltaic deposits were not observed in the Humber River this east-west discharge consists of fine-sand and silt deposits. watershed. This is not unexpected as deposition of subaque- The dimensions of the ice-bounded basin most probably var- ous fans or deltas are commonly controlled by the depth of ied significantly as the ice responded to thermal, and/or water at the ice-front, and the position of the conduit within the mechanical erosion of the meltwater discharge and buoyancy glacier (i.e. subglacial, englacial or supraglacial). For example, generated by increased water levels. During periods of high outlet channels on the Niagara Escarpment are at 420 m asl, discharge, the basin grew larger as ice was either eroded or which is above most of the Humber River watershed. For the locally lifted off from the bed. During periods of low discharge, same meltwater discharge, variation in basin geometry, basin on the other hand, the basin shrank as ice became grounded depth, and ice-sheet drainage can produce different stratal and sedimentation became confined along the ORM ridge. architectures (Fyfe, 1990). Subaqueous fan and deltaic deposits, although lithologically similar, can commonly be differentiated on the basis of vertical facies succession, and styles of stratal archi- DISCUSSION tecture. Furthermore, streamwise facies changes in subaqueous fans are generally much more rapid and generally fine, rather ORIGIN OF THE ORM than coarsen, upward. Stage IV of the Barnett et al. (1998) Several depositional models have been proposed for the model described ice-marginal sedimentation of the Halton Till formation of the ORM. The most generally accepted model which gradationally overlies the ORM strata. This stage of suggests that the ORM is an interlobate deposit formed moraine sedimentation is not addressed in this study. between flow from the Lake Ontario lobe and flow from the Simcoe or main Laurentide ice lobe (Chapman and Putnam, CONTROLS ON THE GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION 1984). Alternatively, other authors have suggested that the OF THE ORM ORM is, at least partly, a subaerial braid plain deposit (Gwyn and Dilabio, 1973; Duckworth, 1979). More recently, however, In the depositional model presented by Barnett et al. (1998) detailed landform and sediment studies complemented by little discussion was given to the mechanisms that may have seismic profiles lead Barnett et al. (1998) to suggest that the controlled the location of ORM deposition. Traditionally, the ORM is a landform of subglacial and ice-marginal origin ORM has been attributed to the development of an interlobate formed mostly of glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediment re-entrant formed due to ablating and thinning ice along the built above a regional unconformity. A subglacial origin for the ice-margins of the Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe ice lobes. ORM and the presence of a subglacial lake in Lake Ontario This re-entrant was suggested to have formed in response to was suggested by Shoemaker (1999). The sedimentological climatic forcing of ice-marginal retreat during the Mackinaw results of this study support the multi-staged origin of the ORM Interstadial (Duckworth, 1979). Recent developments in the and also provide evidence that the ORM was deposited, at understanding of ice-streams (Hart, 1999), surging least in part, in a subglacial setting. (Kamb et al., 1985), and subglacial lakes (Shoemaker, 1999) indicates that the origin of the ORM is more likely controlled by ice sheet conditions. Using a regional subglacial meltwater REFINING THE STAGES OF ORM FORMATION model, Shoemaker (1999) suggested that a subglacial lake The following discussion refines the four stage model of developed within Lake Ontario and that the ORM may have ORM formation proposed by Barnett et al. (1998), and elabo- formed at the grounding line of this lake. Evidence presented rates on stratigraphic and depositional details within the study in this study supports this suggestion, but only for the lowest area. The suggestion by Shoemaker (1999) that the ORM ori- tunnel channel fill succession (Stage I). Subsequent stages gin was controlled by a subglacial lake in the Lake Ontario basin appear to have responded to the glaciohydraulic regime of the is also considered. The channel fill sediment facies, stage I in ice sheet. The inferred control on formation of the ORM by a this study, corresponds with stage I of the Barnett et al. (1998) subglacial lake is important and sufficiently controversial that a model. Deposition was from subglacial outburst floods along brief review of the evidence for a subglacial lake is discussed.

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SUBGLACIAL LAKES Consequently, the abrupt change in landform styles across the ORM suggests a major change in the subglacial erosional Subglacial lakes are well documented beneath the ice sheets regime and glaciohydraulic character of the ice sheet in the of Antarctic and Greenland (Dowdeswell and Siegert, 1999), area of the ORM. This change was unrelated to a glacial mar- and Icelandic icecaps (Björnsson, 2002). The Antarctic Lake gin because ice was well to the south of the ORM area prior to Vostok is the largest documented subglacial lake with a similar formation of postglacial Lake Iroquois (Karrow and Occhietti, size as modern day Lake Ontario (Dowdeswell and Siegert, 1989). Glacial Lake Iroquois is interpreted to have formed ca. 1999).These lakes are maintained by geothermal heat flux and 500 years after deposition of the ORM (Barnett et al., 1991). thick ice producing a warm-based glacial regime where there is little supraglacial meltwater delivery to the base of the ice sheet. During the Laurentide deglaciation there was likely abundant THE CONFINING ICE LID supraglacial meltwater production (Patterson, 1994). Conse- A subglacial lake the size of Lake Ontario would have sig- quently, the development of subglacial lakes during the Late nificantly influenced the surface topography of the overlying Wisconsinan Laurentide deglaciation is plausible in light of its ice sheet in a fashion similar to that documented from the warm-based character, large volumes of supraglacial meltwater, Ice Sheet (Siegert and Ridley, 1998). The largest and interconnected englacial meltwater system (Shoemaker, documented subglacial lake beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet is 1991; Shaw, 1996). In fact, sedimentological studies are begin- Lake Vostok and is overlain by ice with a surface topography of ning to record evidence for the existence of lakes beneath the 0.004° slope (0.25 m km-1; Siegert 2000). Consequently, to (Munro-Stasiuk, 1999) and also beneath reconstruct regional ice sheet dynamics during Laurentide other former ice sheets (McCabe and O’Cofaigh, 1994). deglaciation requires three important conditions for formation Formation of a subglacial lake in the Lake Ontario basin of the ORM: (1) a thin extended low-gradient ice sheet, (2) a most probably post-dated the formation of regional drumlin subglacial lake within the Lake Ontario basin, (3) a grounded fields located north and south of modern Lake Ontario (Shaw ice shelf across the Lake Ontario basin. The thinned ice sheet and Sharpe, 1987; Boyce and Eyles, 1991), and that have also would have permitted more water to accumulate in Lake been mapped on the bottom of Lake Ontario (Lewis et al., Ontario as the lithostatic pressure of the confining ice was 1997b). Irrespective of whether the drumlins were formed by reduced. Furthermore, a low ice-sheet gradient over a sub- deforming till (Boyce and Eyles, 1991), or as a result of regional glacial lake results in a lower hydraulic gradient in the area and meltwater floods (Shaw and Sharpe, 1987; Shaw, 1996; reduced subglacial meltwater pressures outward from the cen- Shoemaker, 1999), a late glacial ice-stream and consequent tre of the Lake Ontario basin to the grounded margins (e.g. thinning of the ice sheet would have occurred. Rapid flow within Brampton esker). Once established, a subglacial lake would ice sheets has been shown to coincide with increased storage have been difficult to drain without build-up of considerably of basal meltwater, subsequent meltwater discharge, and asso- thicker ice in the lake area (Shoemaker, 1999). A thinned ice- ciated thinning of the ice sheet from modern (Kamb et al., shelf over the lake would also have been more susceptible to 1985) and inferred for examples (Patterson, 1997). changes in water depth within the basin. The influence of Evidence of extensive meltwater flow following the regional changing water depth in subglacial lakes on the overlying ice- drumlin forming episode is supported by the presence of tun- lid is poorly understood. It is plausible that the ice may have nel channels that traverse the drumlin fields (Mullins and fractured extensively around the lake margin forming cre- Hinchey, 1989; Barnett, 1990; Brennand and Shaw, 1994; vasses; in a fashion similar to that in ice-covered reservoirs Mullins and Eyles, 1996; Pugin et al., 1999; Russell et al., with fluctuating water levels. The number and width of the cre- 2003b; Sharpe et al., 2004). Tunnel channels are interpreted to vasses might be related to the thickness of the ice-cover, the form subglacially by either steady state meltwater discharge underlying basin geometry and topography, and the rate and or due to episodic, catastrophic meltwater discharge (Cofaigh, amplitude of water level change. Although such crevassing of 1996). North of Lake Ontario, tunnel channel formation has lake ice may involve the whole thickness of the ice-cover, it is been interpreted to be by episodic outburst floods (Barnett, unlikely that this would be the case with an ice-shelf. For exam- 1990; Brennand and Shaw, 1994). The channel width, depth ple, to support the ORM ridge sediment at an elevation of and stratal character of the fill (Shaw and Gorrell, 1991; Pugin 400 m asl requires a minimum ice-shelf thickness of >300 m. et al., 1999) indicate that large quantities of meltwater dis- Dry crevasses in temperate glaciers generally only extend to a charged southward along tunnel channels into and through the depth of 25-30 m. Below this depth the horizontal stress in the Lake Ontario basin. Concentration of meltwater flow within tun- ice sheet generates rapid ice flow which closes crevasses nel channels would have coincided with the end of fast glacial (Paterson, 1981). An exception to this occurs where the cre- flow conditions and with the development of a thin ice shelf vasses fill with water and in this case crevasses may extend to across the Lake Ontario basin (Shoemaker, 1999). This change the bottom of the glacier (Paterson, 1981). With a low gradi- in the ice-sheet thickness would have produced conditions ent ice-shelf and supraglacial ponding of water, it is possible favourable for the accumulation of meltwater in the Lake that crevasses formed in the vicinity of the grounding line would Ontario basin and development of a subglacial lake have filled with water and provided an additional control on the (Shoemaker, 1991, 1999). The absence of well defined chan- location of the ORM. Crevassing may have localized thermal nels south of the ORM, and further south within Lake Ontario and meltwater erosion and consequently development of the is additional support for the occurrence of a subglacial lake in ice-walled glaciolacustrine environment into which stage III of the lake Ontario basin (cf. Sharpe et al., 1996; Kenny, 1998). the ORM was deposited. Shoemaker (1999) postulated that

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the ORM may have formed at a grounding line where discharge East buried valley by continuous core and seismic data. With into subglacial lakes underwent flow expansion and conse- new data collection the depth of the valley was increased by quently lost transport competence. Is there evidence to sup- ca. 100 m over previous estimates from waterwell data. port this subglacial lake hypothesis in the case of the ORM? Furthermore, previously unidentified sandy gravel fill within the bedrock valley is up to 40 m thick, extends laterally for ca. 1 500 m, and may have longitudinal continuity for 6-8 km. EVIDENCE FOR A SUBGLACIAL LAKE Municipal groundwater studies in the area, relying on water- IN THE LAKE ONTARIO BASIN well data, had previously dismissed the area as having no Observations of sediment thickness and fill from tunnel potential for additional groundwater resources (cf. Russell et al., channels beneath the western ORM support the hypothesis 2005). Similar unidentified buried valleys likely occur elsewhere that this part of the ORM was deposited subglacially.The low- within the Humber River watershed and the depositional mod- ermost channel fill strata of diffusely graded to massive sand els proposed here should help better delineate these features. that grade downflow into climbing small-scale cross-laminated Improved knowledge of sediment facies distribution will sand are interpreted to have been deposited beyond the also improve understanding of heterogeneity. For the grounding line within a subglacial cavity – possibly a subglacial three settings noted above, differences in depositional setting proto Lake Ontario (Russell et al., 2003a). Based on the ele- and associated paleoflow directions produce differences in vation of these strata the water level in this subglacial lake the orientation and dimensions of aquifer heterogeneity. In would have approached ca. 180 m asl compared to the current deep tunnel channels, aquifer orientation will parallel the Lake Ontario level of ca. 74 m. This subglacial lake would have north-south trend of the channel network, with coarser sedi- been several hundred metres deep and extended, 10’skm ment located toward the proximal, northern end. Current further inland than modern day Lake Ontario. understanding of this aquifer setting is poor due to the limited deep data collection. In contrast to the poor understanding of Additional evidence of rapid sedimentation at a zone of gravel distribution in deep channels, the distribution in shallow flow expansion is provided by the chaotic seismic facies in the channels on Newmarket Till interfluves is much better. Like in Holland Marsh channel at Nobleton, interpreted to be correl- the deep tunnel channels, gravel in shallow channels most ative with massive and diffusely graded strata from the sub- likely trend north to south. Gravel in this setting may also have parallel King City tunnel channel (Pugin et al., 1999; Russell a subsidiary east-west trend. With height above the uncon- et al., 2003a). These tunnel channel fills represent the initial formity the east-west gravel trend is likely to become domi- stages of ORM formation, possibly related to the last signifi- nant. Prospecting models for aquifers within ORM sediment cant flow along the tunnel channels before reorganization of can be improved by applying the 3-D stratigraphic model the ice-sheet and development of axial east-west (Logan et al., 2005). This model can be used to help constrain flow along the ORM, accompanied by secondary north and the extent and thickness of stratigraphic units, and the location south lateral inflow. of specific targets within respective ORM. Such information can then be integrated with improved conceptual knowledge APPLICATIONS of depositional trends within the ORM to aid in identifying drilling targets. The ORM forms an important regional aquifer system in the Humber watershed and the buried Laurentian valley.The aquifer Watershed resources in the are under size and properties are controlled by the stratigraphic architec- increasing pressure from urban development and water supply ture and sediment facies of the depositonal environments of demands. To respond to these land use issues will need con- the ORM.The combination of moraine extent, topographic posi- tinued improvements in the understanding of the moraine sed- tion, hummocky terrain, predominantly sandy sediment, and iment/hydrostratigraphic framework discussed in this paper to channelized basal contact means that ORM is a major area of address surface water–groundwater concerns. Improvements recharge. The ORM captures ca. 300-400 mm of water a year to framework models, for example, increased understanding when this is available (Howard et al., 1995). Some of this of vertical recharge fluxes from the ORM to Lower sediment recharge can flow to deeper regional aquifers in lower sediment fill of the Laurentian valley. along tunnel channels eroded through Newmarket Till (Fig. 15). In places therefore, this allows complete hydraulic connection CONCLUSION between upper sediment of the ORM ridge and lower sediment The western segment of the ORM, in the Humber River that fills the older, underlying Laurentian valley. watershed, is predominantly a glaciofluvial-glaciolacustrine The distribution of coarse sediment reflects the depositional deposit that accumulated in an ice-supported environment origin of the ORM. Coarse permeable sediment occurs in three 200-400 m above Lake Ontario. The ORM overlies an irregu- stratigraphic positions within the ORM, (1) tunnel channels, lar erosional unconformity with relief of 80-100 m, and has a (2) overlying the unconformity between tunnel channels, and highly variable thickness of >150 m. Regional models of land- (3) in the apex of fans and eskers, dispersed stratigraphically form development for both drumlins and tunnel channels sug- high (Stage III) in ORM sediment. The understanding of coarse gest that the Late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet under- sediment distribution (a predicative model) is poor due to an went fast flow and as a consequence was extended and over reliance on waterwell records. This lack of a predictive thinned. Tunnel channels formed following drumlin formation model is highlighted by the improved delineation of the Caledon and record large volumes of meltwater discharged south along

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these corridors. The lack of tunnel channels south of the ORM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in the Humber River watershed suggests that the position of Field assistance was provided by D. Cummings, S. Dumas, the ORM marks a significant change in the hydraulic regime A. Grignon, L. Maurice, and C. Helmer. Access to core col- of the ice sheet. From north to south changes in landforms of lected for the IWA site investigation was provided by M. Gomer the ORM area may support the suggestion by Shoemaker and R. Blair. The Nobleton core collection was supervised by (1999) that a subglacial lake formed in the Lake Ontario basin. G. Gorrell. Database and GIS support was provided by C. The extent and depth of this lake is poorly constrained, but it Logan. Field discussions with T. Brennand, G. Gorrell, J. Shaw, was probably larger than Lake Ontario and as much as several and P. Barnett advanced the authors understanding of the hundred metres deep. This subglacial lake, in conjunction with regional geology of the ORM. Review of earlier versions of tunnel channels, may have provided the primary control on the manuscript by R. Knight, R. Gilbert, and R. Rainbird helped the formation of the ORM. improve the paper. Constructive commentary by journal Formation of the ORM is interpreted to have occurred in reviewers T. Fisher, R. Kelly, and A. Plouffe are much appre- three stages, each reflecting changes in meltwater discharge, ciated. Funding for this work was provided by the Geological location and orientation of subglacial or proglacial basins, con- Survey of Canada (GSC) National Mapping Program duit efflux location, and ice cover. Deposition during stage I (NATMAP), the GSC hydrogeology program, and a Natural was from waning outburst discharges through subglacial tun- Sciences and Engineering Research Council research grant nel channels. At this time, enhanced erosion of the tunnel to R.W.C. 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Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 58(2-3), 2004