Time 1s running o'ut Government to sign a new deal for student loan serv_ice BY KAREN GRIFFIN direct result of the massive cut­ _ernment pays banks a certain per­ backs to post secondary educa­ centage when a student defaults Governments have to sign a new tion imposed by the Liberal gov­ on a student loan, a default can be deal with banks for student loan ernment, they caused exorbitant as much as not paying your loan service increases in tuition fees and dev­ for several months or being late on The federal government is plan­ astating student debt loads." said a payment by ..as little as a day. ning to have the Canada Student Davies. Students are also not allowed to Loan program delivered by pri­ Davies also says that by reclaim­ declare bankruptcy until approxi­ vate sector service bureaus which ing the operation of delivering mately two years after graduation will remove the power from the student loans, students will not be which Vatcher sees as part of the banks. saved from incredible debt. problem behind banks-running the They have come under fire from "Merely shuffling the responsi­ program. students who have been enduring - bility for loans from one financial "If I go out and shoot somebody poor service and financial ruin institution to another will not solve for God's sake I can declare bank­ since the banks began providing the current crisis." ruptcy but if 1'.m a student I can't the service in 1995. Chris Vatcher, MUNSU execu­ it's crazy the law right now and the The banks have also been slow tive member, says that the banks'. kids are' being victimized. Hope­ to accept any deals from the gov­ delivery of student loans are the fully the government realizes and ernment since pulling out of the major part of the financial crip­ take responsibility for the services agreement in the spring of this pling of students under debt. they are suppo~ed to be provid­ year. The_deadline date to reach an "In risk sharing the govern­ ing," said Vatcher. agreement is July 31st and is ment's providing a lot of money to He points out that while 93% of quickly approaching and there the banks because of when they student loans are in the process of have been no final agreements. arranged this," said Vatcher ''The repayment, only 15% of business Libby Davies, an federal MP for banks will say they're losing loans are and that this is a serious argues that money but in fact they're not los­ problem. transferring the service to private ing money, they're making a for­ "You're beating on students sector bureaus or back to the gov­ tune but they don't think they're when the fact is you don't have ernment is not going to solve the making as much as they should to." says Vatcher. problem. be." While loan service providers ''The crisis we face today is a In a risk sharing deal, the gov- • Please see "Loans" page 2 Pri·de week; St. John's style Newfoundland Pride -w:eek more a celebration than protest. - BY RAY CRITCH having discussions with the jus­ watched the events. "People walk tice department to bring provin­ across it with their families and The St. John's Pride Week offi­ cial legislation in line with the children and they didn't like it, cially began with the raising of the federal law." they would walk away, but a rainbow flag at City Hall on Mon­ However, there is still progress number of them stayed and day, July 17th. to be made. "Obviously legisla­ watched." This week's celebrations, "He­ tion is not a fast thing that hap­ Denise Walsh, General director roic Past, Proud Future," are espe­ pens. Even with the decision of of LBGT-MUN also felt that the cially important to the members of Justice Leo Barry, it was upwards situation for their community had the Gay and Lesbian community of three years until we got the improved on campus: She said, "I . as in the past year they have been ,provincial legislation changed to think things have improved · tre­ given official status in the human have sexual orientation included mendously. Th~ way-that we can rights code of Newfoundland and in -the Human Rights Code." said judge it is our involvement. .. Four Labrador, as well as the same sta­ Riehl, "Afterthatwillbethetouchy years ago was When the centre was tus as other common-law couples · topic of same sex unions. I think founded and since then it's grown underfederallegislation. They will that will be our next challenge." tremendously. Right now we have also take a much more jovial tone And discrimination is still hap­ about 25-30 active members." than the protest oriented events of pening, though less than in previ­ The support centre for members years past. ous years. Tracy Adamson, a mem­ of the Gay and Lesbian commu­ · Michael Riehl, Chairman of ber ofNGALE said that when she nity on campus is also heavily Newfouµdland Gays and Lesbi­ opened a second business which involved in pride week. Accord­ ans for Equality (NGALE) said, partly catered to the <1ay and Les­ ing to Walsh, though there are no "We've also seen some great ad-· bian community,' she was worried events planned for campus aside vances this year in the province about persecution, but that these from the centre's display in the and in the country ...Bill C-23 was fears have, gladly, gone unrealized. University Centre Cafeteria, they passed. This now allows same-sex Riehl added that the previous were co-&ponsoring a barbecue on couples to have the same rights night's festivities, the Drag Race, _Saturday, July 22"d, and would be and responsibilities as common - went without incident, and many active participators in the events law couples. At the same time we' re tourists and. others stayed and •Please see "NGALE" page 2 2 NEWS The Muse July 21, 2000 •• The Muse July 21, 2000 NEWS 3 NGALE New Frontiers, New • Continued from page 1 that were planned by NGALE Also, Karen Murphy, a student Traditio·ns in Newfoundland working with the centre said that they are planning their own MUN Eighth National Conference a success for Women in Science and Engineering Pride Week for the first week of classes, concurrent with orienta­ BY KAREN GRIFFIN The conference held from realized through a cooperative nology and science in the past tion activities for all first year stu­ July 6 1h-8•h,was attended by education program. couple of years since the last con­ dents. The volunteer organization over two hundred women from "I liked it but I didn't want to ference. Othercelebrationsin this week's of women in science and engi­ across the country and across do this for the rest of my life "In the past couple of years the Pride activities included Women's neering played host to a na­ the world. It was described by and I chose engineering be­ ratios ofwomen to men has changed, and Men's dances on Tuesday and tional conference two weeks both the hosts and those in at­ cause it looked.Jike you weren't companies have changed and the Wednesday respectively, picnics, ago. The_ Canadian Coalition tendance as a great success. closing any doors, it's job that careers themselves have changed." bowling parties and various other of Women in Engineering, Sci­ Susan Pfister, a graduate stu­ allows you to do some creative said Williams. events culminating in the annual ence and technology met for dent of ci vii engi11eering at Me­ thinking but also science and She said that although there march on Sunday, July 23n1. their eighth annual conference. morial found the conf.erence to math." have been a few sciences where Some of the topics discussed . be a worthwhile experience. Dr. Mary Williams, program women have already had a strong at this conference were how to "It was great. It was very in­ chair of the conference and a pro­ background, such as biology, there Loans recruit and retain women in the spirational it was educational, fessor of engineering here at Me­ are areas of Memorial where there • Continued from page 1 field of STEM (science, tech­ I really enjoyed it and I'rh glad morial, explained that women are are no female faculty members. have not yet made deals with the nology' engineering and math­ that I went and the name of the still a minority in particular fields This imbalance in gender ratjos government, plans for September ematics), how to network conference, New Frontiers, of science and technology and the however, has gone up. Approxi­ distribution of the $1 billion dol­ . within your chosen field, edu­ New Traditions, it was really conference was in part to figure mately 20% of the engineering lar program are said to be running cation of such career opportu­ appropriate I thought." said out why that is and how to change faculty. at MUN is female, yet in smoothly. "As of Sept everything nities for girls and boys in Pfister. this. recent 'years this figure has . not will smoothly, there's no worries highschool ·and below, and to Pfister became interested in the She also discussed that since the increased. The ·rigures, says about that hopefully everything learn about women's contribu­ fieldofengineeringafterherdream lastconferencetwo years ago, there Williams tend to go up and down will run smoothly and hopefully tions to this field. of being a veterinarian became have been major changes to tech- yearly. the government will take back control." In a recent letter to the Minister of Human Resources Develop­ Project Coordinator ment, Davies reminded the federal NOW OPEN- & Project Assistants government of it's obligation to 3rd floor university centre students. "I would also like to take the Student Planner opportunity to remind you that 2000-2001 the Canada Student Loans pro­ Every Fall the MUN Students' Union distributes Student Planners and other gram is in fact a social program_. material to new and returning students. Student financing is not the same We need people to take an active role in this project We require a coordiantor as commercial financi11g. It is a and assistants to package the contents of the kits and assist in distribution during the first week of school in September. · . social investment in our students and in the future of our country." The job will start around mid-August, when experienced textbooks, books, eds material becomes available, and conclude said Davies. / ... and much morel at the end of the first week of school. While some view the govem­ a MUNSU student service You must be a MUN Student, taking at least ment' s reelaiming of loans as a one course during the summer and at least three courses in September. You must riot step in the right direction, some . have held a MUCEP position this summer. M feel that the problem will not sim­ Please send your resume to ply go away because of a transfer­ It's the old TSC Information Centre I Post Office, and it's the old Secondhand Bookstore all under one roof at our Sam Whiffen (Planner) Stu e... 1---1 er 51 of responsibility. As July 31 ap­ nice and bright, brand-spanking new location . MUN Students' Union (MUNSU) proaches, the government says a Room 2000, University Centre 737-7633 Fax 1_37-4743 deal will be months in the works, The Attic Resumes received until August 9, 2000 yet loans should not ~e affected. is your place for postal services, bus passes, newspapers, The local student aid office and Atlantic Lotto, fax services, experienced books and eds, CIBC representatives could not and more. be reached in time for this story. Loans will be distributed on ~ - Memorial University of Newfoundland Student•' Union campus in the old food court of the Thompson Student's Centre. Former Editor J®B Legal Aid MUNSU Office in Chief: The MUSE Newspaper requires a MUN Student (full time or part time) to , assume distribution responsibilities for the.MUNSU Copy Centre and , University Centre John Shaft. the MUSE student newspaper. Room2000 The MUSE is a weekly newspaper distributed around campus every Friday (11 weeks during the Fall Semester and 11 in Winter ) 737-7633 Distribution of the MUSE will require approximately three hours on Friday to complete within a time frame of 9am • 2pm. There is some lifting required.

Copy Centre distribution Involves posting notices to bulletin boards around Office Hours campus once or twice per week, depending on demand - Hours are flexible. Monday to Thursday The successful applicant may continue in this position for the Winter 2000 Semester. 2:30 pm , 4:30 pm

Please direct your resume by August 9, 2000 to Distribution (MUSE & Copy Centre) MUN Students' Union, ROOM 2000 University Centre Attention: Sam Whiffen 737-7633 [email protected]

MUN STUDENTS' UNION 4 Editorial/Opinion/Letters The Muse July 21, 2000 the summer muse Volume 50, Number 25 lists, I ists, I ists Editor Ray Critch Editor Karen Griffin . Production Manager Dan Greene Dear Muse 2. Recreation complex for shuffle­ board faculty Distribution Matthew Ear1e People always seem to like lists, es­ 3. The Dr. Puff Daddy music hall Advertising Manager · Sam Whitten pecially columnists like me who have 4. Alien landing pad (the truth is out Contact The Muse: Phone 737-8919 Fax 737-4743 nothing better to write about. There there) E-mail [email protected] Web www.mun.ca/muse were a few news events this week which 5. Hey, you can never have too many are worthy of comment, as follows: 7-ll's News Event #1: MUN administrators 6. Underwater soap carving test facil- are continuing to work to find a perma­ ity Yay, we're nent name for the new TSC (Oops, not 7. Keanu Reeves Film Studies Centre supposed to call it that taboo phrase, 8. A really BIG place to play paintball ·. naughty me). It just so happens that we New Event #3: MUN administrators, gay! .... and have managed to obtain through the flushed with the success of labelling access to information act: 8 rejected the washrooms in the new University names for the University Centre Centre, are now ponderin.g what to ac­ 1. Thompson Student Cubicle complish next while they await fund­ Stockwel I Day 2. The Crosbah ing for the Memorial University Space 3. The May Flower Shuttle. I close with my suggestions 4. The Memorial Meisen Molson for: 8 Things that MUN needs most: Stockwell·Day is straight. I know, what a waste of a cute, religious, right politician. This Mansion 1. Better internet. . dial-up service to being gay pride week in St. John's the event of Stockwell's reign could not have come at 5. The Centre Built on Land Not Ille­ keep up with those speedy new 14.4 a better time. It's about time that Day won. Could you see Preston being the poster boy for gally Appropriated by Smallwood moderns sexual repression? 6. The Ken Eckert Centre for Excel­ 2. Student aid staff who did not work Here he is Mr. Family Values who says, "I want my gun and to shoot it too." He's all about lence (Why this was rejected, I don't as East German border guards abortion being an abomination in God's eyes but for capital punishment, God can make know) 3. Breezeway music which appeals to an exception. Killing is okay as long as it is done at time when it cannot be disputed for 7. The CS-MUNSU Hall for Confus­ listeners above fourteen a minute that you are indeed committing murder. ing Acronym Development 4. Winter Carnival judges not hired Do you want to be a part of his family? Well, if you do, make sure you fit these simple 8. Starbucks from the Teamsters' qualifications: News Event #2: Several Midwestern 5. Library computers which postdate You must be a male, you must be married to a female, you must have approximately 2;5 American universities have published the Carter administration children, (that .5 is going to be hard), you must be heterosexual- which immediately leaves a style manual which prohibits sexist 6. Banjos. Lots more banjos! out 10% of us, no plans for divorce ...ever, you cannot have· abortions, have sex before and offensive words, such as 'lady' and 7. Tunnels in better shape than Ro­ marriage, you must be God fearing, and he doesn' trnean Buddha or any of those other pagan 'history.' 'History' comes from the man ruins gods, he means Jesus and the Christian crowd, that's right, if you're a Dionysus fearing Greek and Latin 'historia', and has zero 8. Free tuition and unlimited bar tab person, sorry, we can't help you here. So get that rainbow flag down from Andy Wells' pole connection to the English pronoun 'his'. for Muse staff. (Now will you print because Stockwell's gonna be Prime Minister' some day. But, as no one bothered to look up this this?) We'll all have our unregistered guns, recognize the People's Republic of Alberta as our pesky detail, perhaps on these cam­ nation's capital, and believe that if someone commits a crime, like being too drunk to fish, puses history itself is a thing of the past Ken Eckert . then heck, dust off the electric chair. (sorry). Thus, here are: 8 New uses for Canada, this land of the free and home of the brave, would change its flag from the benign American university history buildings: Ken is an English masters student maple leaf to something exciting- like some stars in the top left corner of the flag. You know, 1. Pork rind storage facility here at Memorial. Stockwell was an interior decorator and has plenty of colour schemes in mind. Maybe we'll throw in a few stripes to make those stars stand out. To add a bit of drama we'll add a little blue to break up the monotony of red and white. It'll be great! We'll push Dear Editor, ing of a large general purpose facility back Canada Day three or four days and name it something different. Something symbolic - in the former cafeteria of the Chemis­ of our emancipation of the Liberal party- like independence-yeah, independence day !! Or, On behalf of the library, I should try /Physics building. This facility we could name it after our new leader Stockwell Day. respond to two points made by Ms. should be open in September. We'll put all those gays and lesbians, poor people, non-whites, single people and Nancie Rideout in her letter to the edi­ I order to manage the four terminals disabled people all on an island and leave the~ there. People who like Britney Spears will tor ("Ten Things That Should Be that we have established, we ask that have to go too. We' II stick a camera there to keep an eye on them and have one hour viewing Changed At MUN", July 7, 2000"). people sign up for them in half-hour every week. Let's call it survivor. With regard to recalls, these are avail­ segments. We have observed that indi­ able to all of the Memorial community, viduals of all ages tend to take a vacant Karen Griffin not just graduate students as the article work station without signing up, or seems to imply. At one level, all users having signed up for a half hour, tend enjoy the same privilege: a two-week not to vacate these work stations on period of use of the material checked time. In both of these cases, staff in the out. After that two-week period, the library will intercede on behalf of mem­ work can be recalled on behalf of any bers of the Memorial community. We other user. [In the case of materials have consid·ered taking steps to limit needed for reserves, the work can be the use of terminal to those with Memo­ recalled before the two-week period is rial accounts, but we have a number of complete.] Essentially, this policy serious users from the general commu­ means that undergraduate users who nity who would be disadvantaged have checked a work out cannot renew thereby. Since the terminals are not it if another user has placed a hold on fully occupied at all times, it is diffi­ it. If that second user os a graduate cult for to make a convincing case for student or faculty member, the work taking steps which would increase the can be recalled on behalf of the under­ degree of underutilization. graduate user a.fter the second user has I am not altogether convinced that had it for two weeks. the relatively small contribution the I will admit that the two-week loan library makes to workstat~on access on period places a premium on the organi­ campus should be emulated as we move zational abilities of the user, regard­ in to the future. Therefore, I have asked less of status, and that difficulties are that the planing for renovations are The Summer Muse is the official student newspaper of Memorial University of Newfound­ bound to ensue. On the other hand, a unlikely to begin this year and plan­ land during the summer, and operates in partnership with The Muse. The Summer Muse three-week basic period is unlikely to ning is a complex matter. Therefore, I prints 5000 copies every two weeks during the summer and adheres to the preamble of The change matters. The important point to am not in a position to say that what the Muse constitution and its policies on letters and advertising. understand is that the longer the loan outcome will be, only to note that the The Muse is the official student newspaper of Memorial University of Newfoundland · period granted faculty, graduate stu­ past may not be an adequate guide to (MUN) and is a -member of the Canadian University Press (CUP). Established in 1950 as dents and honours undergraduates is the future in this matter. a successor to The Memorial Times (est. 1936), it distributes.10,000 copies weekly and is· not proof against r·ecall beyond the I the interim, if you have trouble with published by the The Muse Board of Directors. • initial two-week period. access to workstations, a member of the The Muse reserves the right to edit copy for length, profanity, content, grammatical errors On the matter of internet terminals, library staff will be pleased to assist and material that is unfaitly discriminatory or which contravenes Canadian Libel Laws. · the library has assumed a very limited you. ' . Opinions expressed in The Muse are not necessarily those of the staff, the MUNSU, the role in providing general internet ac- Board of Directors, or the Administration of Memorial University. cess to the campus community. There Sincerely yours, Material within is copyright The Muse and its Contributors, 2000. Perrnis'siori is given are a number of large clusters of gener­ Richard Ellis for any member CUP paper to reproduce and alter material for publication·so long as the ally available terminals elsewhere on original intent is not altered. campus and the Faculty of Arts and Richard is the head librarian at the The Muse is printed by Robinson-Blackmore. Sciences are cooperating in the open- Queen Elizabeth II Library. The Muse·July 21, 2000 Entertainment S Romance and .Betrayal: • Shakespeare. by the Sea. • • and 1n the park. BY /AN FOSTER Newman, the Director of Julius ture development." Caesar and the Manager of last In terms of what people can ex­ If you're looking to add some year'$ Festival spent a lot of time pect next yeat, the plans have not romance, or betrayal to your out at · the Cape last year while yet been made as to what plays will summer, then you should check working with Much Ado About be performed. However, both the out the Shakespeare by the Sea Nothing. "I was just looking at the Merchant of Venice and Titus Festival. Since 1993~ the Festi­ area, anditjustsort_ofbreeds war," Andronicus were mentioned. One val has performed many of the he said. "Julius Caesar is.the ul­ should also check out the other bard's most popular works. This timate war play ... it sort of leads shows that the Festival is perform­ year, audiences in St. John's can into why those guys are in the ing this year. One is a· youth see Julius Caesar, the classic trenches, and for what silly rea­ project, where a group of teenag­ tale of political intrigue, or sons they' re stuck in the trenches ers, under the guidance of profes­ Love's Labour's Lost, a light . .. so that's where the inspirati~n sional mentors, write, produce and romantic comedy. for it came from." For Love's La­ act in their own show. Entitled . Perhaps one of the most i~por­ bour's Lost, Deon considers the The Viking Project, it is perfonned tant features of the Festival is its new Cabot 500 Theatre in in Bowring Park on the weekends use of background. One can see Bowring Park to be the ·perfect and admission is free. The second, that Newfoundland is an ideal spot location, since it is ai:i actual stage, Space Festival, rounds offthe sum­ for many of Shakespeare's plays. not just a grassy field. This allows mer. It begins at the end of August, In years past, audiences have seen formore interiorsetting and a mor~ and features several plays from Macbeth performed on the cliffs traditional enactment. here and away. "More acting than overlooking Logy Bay andA Mid­ The Festi valalsoallowsfor those you can shake a stick at!" Deon Summer Night's Dream per­ interested in acting to break into quips. formed in the f otest. "We don't the drama community. This year's The Shakespeare by the Sea just take a show and plunk it down show has a mix.. of experienced Festivals runs from now until Au­ outdoors,"_said Jennifer Deon, the actors w~o have participated in gust 19th. Julius Caesar is per­ DirectorofLove'sLabour'sLost. previous years and newcomers. formed every Sunday and Mon­ "We look around and see what's "We al ways like to foster develop­ day at Cape Spear. You can catch around us, and we use that to in­ ing talent,"Deon said. ''That's very Love's Labour's Lost at Bowring spire our interpretation of the much a part of how we do our Park every Friday and Saturday play." shows ... it's pretty hard in New­ in Bowring Park. All shows start In fact, Julius Caesar was cho­ foundland to find an experienced at 6:00 p.m., weather permitting. sen this year ·partly based on the Shakespearean actor, so it's very Tickets are $10 for the General lan~scape at Cape Spear. Gabriel much about fostering our own fu- Public and $5 for Children. . . Smells .Like Teen Spirit: .Moffatts - . headed tovvards-. hard .rock?

BY /AN FOSTER they go. However, the fame they of My Dreams," and "Miss you haveacbievedsofarhas been some­ Like Crazy." · On July 8th, Memorial Stadium thing they have .worked towards Such attention can be hard to was·"Moffatized." The four teens for many y~ars. Since early c.hild- · obtain when competing -.with a played to a packed audience, along . hood, the Moffatts have b~en sing­ torrent of other pop stars who sur­ with two other pop sensations-­ ing in front of audiences every-. face almost daily. However, the MacMaster and James and Pacific where. The group actually began Moffatts don_'t really seem wo~­ Rim. The show was a definite suc­ as a country quartet, performing ried about-being left behind in the cess, with thousands of teenage on talk shows like Ralph Emery. race. "Ii makes it more of chal­ girls screaming their praise in un­ Just over a year ago, they rel~ased lenge for us t9 get by that image,'~ ion as the band played. Chapter1: A New Beginning, and Scott Moffatt said. "Everyone These days, that sort offan reac­ gained international attention for knows we're teenagers, but every­ tion follows the band wherever such bubblegum ballads_as "Girl one knows how we make music far beyond our years. It's challenging for us to say 'we'lldo this while the ~oy·-band phase lasts, and then becomearealrockn' roll band that everyone respects.'" The ingredients are certainly there for the group to move into heavier music, as their influences www.themoffats.com include bands like The Beatles set to hit stores in October, prom- And how can an article about and Nirvana. These groups, mixed ises much of the same in terms of the Moffatts be complete wit~­ with theirpop/countrybackground their current style, but with a bit out touching on the constant provide for a diverse list of musi­ more experimentation. The band media spotlight the band is un­ cal tastes. "When we were singing worked with the very capable pro­ der? "We don't have a problem , we liked stuff like ducer (, Mot­ with the media," Dave Moffatt Garth Brooks and Dwight ley Crew) on the new . "He said. "When the media write ar.:. Yoakum." Scott added. "When we really wanted to make our album a ticles about us, whether they're hit our teens we wanted something bit more of a sonic adventure than good or bad, we know they're more aggressive, so we looked to the last album," Scott said. "This just opinions, so it doesn't re­ Nirvana and Bush and U2. That new album is still very much an ally matter." "And we don't get kind of influenced the way we aggressive album with lots of gui­ that many bad reviews," Scott play our instruments." tar and lots of harmonies up front, added. "We're very fortunate ... Evolution is certainly what lon­ but it's very experimental musi­ and even if we do have a show gevity as a band is all about, and cally." The new album is also a that we're not too proud of ... the short history of the Moffatts is better representation of the band's people see the positive in what a good example of such evolution. work than previous endeavors. we do because we are completely From <::;ountry to Pop and even a ''There's only two songs on the different from everyone else out little Rock, the band has touched record that we didn't write," Bob there. We're teenagers that write on a number of musical circles Moffatt added. "It's got more of a our own music and play our own already. The next album, which is Moffatt sound." music." 6 Entertainment The Muse July 21, 2000 Marvellous Mu·tantsl

Cinema dirty work. Therefore we have X-Men Mystique, a shape shifter played Starring: Hugh Jackman, Anna by Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, as Paquin, Patrick Stewart well as Toad and Sabertooth as our 2Q1h Century Fox evil assistants. Not_only do we have extraordi­ BY AUDREY AMMINSON .nary actionsequencesand phenom­ enal displays of supernatural power As the theatre darkens and the but also great characters that are movie begins, we see characters · interestingand witty. The.dialogue we have only read about take hu­ keeps you on your toes and the man form. X-Men brings some of action keeps you on the edge of its most notorious characters to your seat. Perhaps the most intrigu­ the big screen with appearances ing aspectofX-Men is thatit is very from Wolverine, Storm; and of selective in what it lets you know. course Professor X. Considering I Throughout the movie you slowly was somewhat unfamiliar with tlie begin to learn more about the char­ original comic I was pleasantly acters, their fears, and most impor­ surprise~ to discover that many of tantly, why they have become mu­ the characters were not only famil­ tants. Of course, on the flip side, it iar to me, but also extremely inter­ can be very' frustrating to not.have esting. With amazing special ef­ the answers and to know that it is fects, a strong "good fights evil" " only a matter of time before they plot, and a cast that will blow you make a sequel. The movie ends with away x~Men · promises to not only just as many questions as answers be the best movie of the summer Professor X and his superpowered possee. www.lmdb.com and leaves you in a complete state but also a record breaker. Anna Paquin (The Piano). These Dr. Jean Grey and James Marsden evil enemy. Ian McKellen (Apt of suspense: The plot may seem typical, what two amazing actors play two very (Gossip) as Cyclops. I think what Pupil) _stars as Magneto, a mutant Anyone who has ever enjoyed with the inevitable fight again.st confused and lonely mutants who makes this movie so great is the vill~n who fears the power hu­ the idea ofsuperheros and the pres­ evil and all, but the characters are form an unlikely friendship. We variety of talent that is displaye(l. mans have on the lives of mutants ence of the supernatural.will defi­ anything but ordfoary. Surpris­ also have Patrick Stewart (Star Each actor seems perfect for the and who predicts a war, which he nitely love· this m.ovie. Batman ingly, the main story revolves Trek: Insurrection) as Professor mutant identity they have as­ will inevitably start;·between mu, and Superman better watch out around the relationship between X, Halle B'erry (Introducing sumed. tants and humans; And of course because there is a new wave of Wolverine, played by Hugh Dorothy Dandridge) as Storm, But of course no super hero is a no villain is complete without superheros on the horizon and they Jackman and Rogue portrayed by · Famke Janseen (The Faculty) as hero without the presence ·of an henchmen (or women) to do their are a force to be reckoned with. Do you like funny rriovies? . Cinema Scary Movie Starring: Carmen Electra, Shan­ non Elizabeth, Anna Faris Dimension Films .


During my movie watching ca-·. reer, I have seen a lot.of horror movies. I' v~ seen Freddy stalking the nightmares of the Elm Street kids, Bruce Campbell being ·har­ assed by the Evil _1Dea:d, · Leatherface sitting at his death . table with his family, · zo.µibies eating people, the Blair. Witch .. scaring nearly 200 million'dollars out of our pockets, and even a red­ headed girl getting her revenge in a bloody sexual exploitation film . . · Ahem. Point being, horror films are a genre.commonly referred to as the trash dump of cinema his­ tory, yet there were many of them. But, by the e~rly nineties 'the horror genre was dead, and had. been forced to a small corner in . the direct-to-video market. But ·· along came its savior ... aman by · the name of Kevin Williamson. The Matrix, one of the many films spoofed In Scary Movie. www.lmdb.com He scripted Scream which not over-the-top spoof that takes a spearian vitality. The audience One can e?.lpect the film to be Any fan of horror films, will only kicked-ass at the box-of­ stab at the horror genre. Directed is expecting big laughs, and no crazy by simply contemplating enjoy Scary Movie, but more fice, but also single-handedly by Keenan Ivory Way ans, and matter how stupid the movie gets, it's original title: "Last Summer . importantly, any fan of movies revived· the entire horror genre. written by a team of no less than it definitely delivers those I Screamed Because Halloween should enjoy it too. The laughs 1 Williamson was also .the pen six writers - two of which are laughs. Fell On Friday the I J h." As in­ are not subtle and the film does behind I Know What You Did Wayans' - this film is a laugh Donotbefooled..,.,....thismovie teresting a title that would have such a good job of spoofing so / Last Summer, and has blessed outloudfunnyparo~y.Employ- is not for kids! The film is as made,itwouldhavel)eenhellto many movies, that you are likely WB viewers with Dawson's ing extremely gross-out humor, bloody (bloodier sometimes) fit on one of those small printed to miss many of them. Many peo­ Creek. and also moving beyond the than the films it spoofs, and filled tickets you get at the theatre. ple might argue that this film is After the introspective horror genre to attack popular with crude sexual humor that is One scene, involving a bloody a smutty exploitation film - Scream in 1996 there has fol­ films like The Matrix, Scary both graphic and extreme. The locker · room encounter, works they'd be right. Scary Movie is 1 lowed a perpetual gush of ~orror Movie is surprisingly consist- film seems keenly aware of its particularl:y well. Satire and e_xactly what both the audience films to end the millennium and ent and sharp. . crudeness, and nastily flaunts as humor. are balanced together to and the studios want: big dumb make studios rich. Inevitably The acting in the film is appro- much shock humor as possible. create a bizarrely obscene sce­ coarse laughs at small low someone was going to spoof this priately sub-par, but what more If it were spoofing any other nario that must be seen to be _budget prices. Also, a last minute newly resurrected genre, and it would you expect from a silly genre this wouldn't work, but believed. Th~timingofthisfilm note to anyone going to the film: ain't Mel Brooks. movie like this one? No one is since the horror genre is deeply could not have been more per­ · remember to yell "Whaassssup !" . Scary Movie is certainly the stepping into a dark theatre to rooted in excesses of ie s own, feet, and it is destined to become real loud during the onscreen product of thjs newly resusci­ watch the characters emote and the shock humor cotnplete the a bigger hit than many of the take of that infamous Budweiser tated genre. It is an excessive deliver their lines with Shake- spoof perfectly. films it is spoofing. commercial. The Muse July 21, 2000 Entertainment 7

Music the album is the promise of Alice Music Chris Sheppard presents Deejay's "Better Off Alone.'~ It is Infest Groove Station 6 included here, but in a chopped Papa Roach · Various up two and a half minute version · Dreamworks BMGMusic that destroys the epic growth of - the wicked eight or nine minute . BY KATHERINE SCOTT BY STEPHEN KIESWETTER edits of the song. , . With little innovation to offer, infest (v.)- to invade;'to spread The latest offering from Chris this album is hardly a worthwhile or swarm in or ,..over . in a trouble- Sheppard is his continuous mix buy. Un:lessyouareaGrooveSta- some manner. . .. album Groove Station 6. From tion or Chris Sheppard fan there A suitable title for the first ma­ the opening beats of Santana's Groove Station 6 is a fairly com­ are better compilations to be pur- jor-label release for Papa Roach, a "Maria Maria" to the final beauti­ petent collection of radio friendly · chased. My recommendation . . rap-metal bandhailirigoutofCali­ pops album. After all, ''.Last Re­ ful lull ofMoby' s "Natural Blues" hits like Cher's "Believe," 1LC's would be to pick up Fatboy Slim's fornia. The members of P-Roach sort" is a song about suicide. Other . this album provides seventy-four "Unpretty," and Britney Spears' On the Floor of The Boutique (as dubbed by fans) . ~e frontqia9 ~ heavy topics dealt with 'include minutes of accessible dance tunes. "Crazy." But if you are in the , which captures the raw energy of ' Jacoby · "Coby Dick" Shaddix, divorce and alcoholism. Although With no brilliant surprises, spin­ mood for some more exotic tunes club dancing and delivers a di- guitarist· Jercy Horton, bassist the lyrics sometimes seem a little ning the disc is somewhat similar this is the wrong place to be look­ verse and awesome mix of songs Tobin Esperance, and drumm~r juvenile, they are packed with to simply turning on your radio. ing. that· will get you moving every DaveBuckner.Togetherthesefour emotion and sincerity. , . time. small-town boys deliver big After.four independent records, Which is both good and bad. The biggest disappointment of . . . . sound, P-Roach have matured into a wor­ Influenced by every IJ!Usical thy adversary for other bands with Music Jackson, is a smooth trip-hoppy genre from punk to reggae, Papa the same influences. With influ­ ences like Godsmack, Powerman TitanA.E. romp called "Down To Earth" Roach really does infest your 5000 and System ofarDown, they Various that closes the album t>n really mind. Infectious songs like the seem to beteadyto infest the world: Capitol Records strong note. Seductive vocals first single, "Last Resort,'.' are and the out of this world chant bound to keep you humming for Their hard-hitting drums and base­ BY STEPHEN KIESWETTER "come back down to earth" gen­ hours, and the tune is contagious lines have already won them a tly keep the listener moving and enough to spread to everyone: large fanbase, as have their dark lyrics and Coby's raging vocals. Anyone who saw and liked th~ bopping along. within earshot. movie Titan A.E. should like As far as soundtracks go, Ti· Don't be misled: this is defi- This is one band that isn't going the energetic and interesting tan A.E. is pretty good. With the nitely not ·a sunshine-and-lolli- . away ~ soundtrack compilation that ac­ exception of a bum song from companies the film. catchy chorus, it proves to be an Powerman 5000, the album holds . Music Featuring artists ranging from infectious song. together well. Unlike other ani­ The Million Dollar Hotel Lit to Fun Lovin' Criminals to ·A loud rock-romp by Lit opens mated movies' where the charac­ Various · Jamiroquai, this soundtrack is the album to successful effect. It ters break in to. song, this film Island packed with space-themed both introduces the power rock has a cqnventional soundtrack songs. The highlight of the al­ of many of the songs, and also with no specific character songs. BY RAY CRITCH bum is a song entitled "Cosmic allows the label to suck in con­ Yet, the continuous space theme Castaway" by Electrasy that.cap­ sumers quickly, ·as "Over My and references to the "stars," "fly­ Variousmy ass .... TheStoryforthis tures the rock a.nd roll space at­ . Head" has become a mini-hit it- ing," and "slaves" link most movie was initially written 'by Bono titude of the. movie. With its self. songs tightly to the film and its and Nicholas Klein, the music is U2 noisy grinding guitars and A new track by Luscious content. andfriendsold,namely BrianEnoand . Daniel Lanois,.·arid. new, 'Nicholas Million Dollar Hotel" is so sublimi• Music mistaken. Klein and Salman Rushdie. · · nal. Many ofthe songs are gems, like Reactionary The album has a live feel to it However,thisisnogreatesthitsCD. 'The Ground Beneath Her Feet," Face to F,ace and the band employs more vo­ The only remakes on this disc are ''Stateless"and''Nevc:rLetMeGo,"as Beyond/EM!, cal harmonies than before, but rehashes of.Lou Reed's ''Satellite of wellas"Anarchyin the USA"Eachof blends them with chaotic guitar ' Love" and a remake of "Anarchy in these is precious in its own distinct BY KATHERINE SCOTT riffs so that all you hear is noise. the UK'', theSexPistolsclassic, which way. The first is drawn from the story The only song bearing any re­ continues ti> rock here as "Anarchy in · of Salman Rushdie's 1999 master­ How appropriate that the first s~mblance to a de~ent cut is a the USA," ~so _having nothing to do piece of the Same name, and Bono ' single from this CD is "Disap­ track called "Out of Focus." On withBono'sWritingisthefirsttrack,a · remarlcablycapturestheSt(lltimentsof closer inspection, isn't that ,riff , deliciously smooth working of 'The that wotk in this one. "Never Let Me pointed." The latest release from -;-.,: ;:s -c;~ California-based punk outfit · · ~ .. . . ~~, J~L~ . ... awfully similar to the previously Qrouiid Beneath Her ~t," with' the Go" follows 'The Ground Bet)eath Face to Face is nothing but. The . of mine for quite ~ome tiine now released "A.O.K. ?" " lyrics lifted (with permis.sion)' from Her Feet" witheloquencean4 texture. fifth studio album from the band, and I highly anticipated 'the re­ Other than that, none of the · Salman Ru5hdie's novel of.the saine But one must remember that, except comprised of frontman Trever lease of Reactionary, a compi- · songs on Reactioniary caught name. for "Anarchy in the USA,'' this is.not apartyCD. . . . . Keith, bassist Scott Shiflett, gui­ lation of twelve songs as chosen my attention. No intriguing so­ Th~ one problem with this disc is tarist Chad Y aro, and drummer by fans the world over vijl a los. No ear-catching lJrics. Noth­ that there are' ~tions that just fade by Ifyou didn't see, or:l;ladn' t heard of , is a shrink-wrapped webcasi. i expected great things, ing'. I think I'll stiek to listening like background music. Probably the movie, you're not alone. Appar­ reminder that sometimes good but when I tore off the cello­ to their old releases. At least they because they were background mu­ ently 6 new cinenias jusi means twice things must come· to an end. phane and slipped the disc into · have something intere~ting to sic. This is still a soundtrack after all, the Shaft. However, thesoundtrackis These punks have been favorites my stereo, I realizei;I I was sadly · offer. and the music was designed to com­ definitely worth a listen. It does sag a , plement the actions in the film. little in the middle, but the first and lam However, not everything on 'The sets are worth it alone. Music 182, .rather than the hard-core, MxPx straight-edge style of Keith's Music ' The Ever Passing Moment three-man punk outfit. Lucy Pearl A&M To. listen' to their new CD, Lucy Pearl ,one would never guess 'that )ive Records ,_J; KATHERiNE SCOTT. MxPx started oilt as a Chris­ tian band, but now on a ·more BY STEVE MARTIN For those of you who aren't mainstream label.they are pro­ .. familiar with MxPx, they are a ducing great anthems like the That'sright,thetalentfromtribal punk trio which originated in aforem~ntioned Responsibil- · quest, Tony, Toni, Tone, and En Bremerton, Washington. The 1'1!l···•. , ij!~'{ ~~·~~?;;$~,~~· ' ity, with its head banging cho­ Vogue have combined their pow~ · ~>!+k. '. ' 't,?:~J·.'t.," 4··'• !':('~ . " ,:,:.;:;<·li-';·"-'.Q.~iff.· c .,.,. .. );~.. ~- - ~ -- .. ~ band consists of Mike "Spitz" · ' ' ,;,;,..; '(~,l; .' M ;,l;~\<~~j;.fr;:,~,, ~ ' rus. Other tasty tunes on the ers and transformed into the super- · Herrera (vocals; .bass), tom for the instant catchiness of disc includ~ My Life Story, band Lucy Pearl. I know you have take everythin_g good that came Wisniew~ki (backg'rotind vo­ their songs. This young band It's Undeniable, and Mis­ heard the smash soul bubble gum out of the 70's minus the ridicu­ cals, guitar), and Yuri Ruley . has shown potential following placed Memories with its in­ pop song Dance Tonight and lous bell bottom pants. Combine (drums), .and they have just the release of the first video trigu~ng opening riff. .This is ·you're thinking, 'is this l!.11 this it with a little techno beat from the released their latest studio al­ from The Ever Passing Mo­ not to say the rest of the album band has to offer?·' 90's and you get what I guess we bum. The Ever Passing ·Mo­ ment, entitled Responsibility. is lacking. In fact it is entirely This album offers hours of soul­ could call in techno-funk. Any­ ment, released on May 16, con­ However, Herrera's vocal styl­ possible to listen to the CD ful pleasureforthe mellow' coffee­ way it does equal some great tunes. tains fifteen .brand new poppy ing is much more similar to • from beginning to end without dri nking, dashiqiao wearing, So if you' re digging this kind of punk tunes, all of which add ttiose of Trever Keith (front skipping any of the tracks, and chain smoking, beatnik in you. beat, be proud my friends, ·raise up to make one amazing al­ man of the California-based the easy-to-learn lyrics malce Now, soul is a funny word, at least your heads high, go to your local bum. · face to face) than to the some­ it very difficult to not sing I think it is. I have one, but when I music store tell them the Muse sent The music of MxPx can be times annoying nasal whining albng. think soul I think quiet and con-· Y?U· After they look at you funny compared to that of the ever­ . of .Tom DeLonge. Neverthe­ The new CD from MxPx. The temporary. Lucy Pearl places a and begin to throw you out yell: "I increasingly popular Blink· less, MxPx employs great melo­ Ever-Passing Moment. Worth swing:on this, modem day defini7 have come for Lucy Pearl!" Your 182, who have become k,nown dies and harmonies like Blink· a Listen. ' ' ' ' tion, this band is kinda like, if you ears shall be pleased. •. i' .... · ' • "' . ., ' , ' .· > ~uzi!e <" H'l tho TSC, forrrrore inforrna.t!i'ln.

" < ' THE STlJD"'. .·. VOLUNTEER bUREAUisF ' ~~e-ern , 'r'ou

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ROOMTOSubletin3bedroomapart­ ment18ABairdPlace, 10minutewalkto HEY ED, glad to seethede-assimila­ &tt.etisc00d:Sa!Lrmyal93>!1'fla'd0udlWas1'4xSaludayal11:00anast..ktn's ·- 18 INTERNAlionally recognized art­ MUN.$165/monthP.O.U.Call584-3453, tionprocesshasgonesmoothly .Perfec­ Sevei-fioaYMJa1istO'utt\3>~Fa11oe~T.B- . al43aareiusai1m&i@rnrua · · ists from Finland take ordinary material, · ask for Gary, RichardorChristine,or579- lionshouldbe easiertoexplaintopeople paper,andtransformitintoextraordinary 5844 and askforGary when you're not spouting off all that !nhBtAeSctidaxiBtJeAnswersl.Neatwww.a1ezi~ works of art in the ongoing exhibition, "resistanceisfungle"nonsense.Anywho, ROOM FOR Rent.Availableimmedi­ "Paf)er+Fll'lland=Mnowondsplayatthe · Olive Juice, R . ately to female tenant. Room in fully ArtGalleryof NeWfourdlandandlabrador furnished house on University Avenue, iotheSt.John'sArtsandCultureCentre. EACH PERFECT coconut sprinkle You.can view this un~sual art exhibition less than 10 min walk to MUN.$ 225 holds the answer to the question of the monthlyshareutilitiesphone: 7592006 monotonedove-image. Whydon'tthey freeof chargeon TuesdaysthroughSLrl­ I PAAVDAPl.BJCA~SPa1~l.dq:raoilml19JB'd'g:llXU:bd1nJNa:lbl days, 12 noon to 5pm. Formoreinforma­ produce cement in Portland? I think MOR FHOUSEmatewantedtoshare they might. Halibut is nice but pollock . · E-mil~@pa;tcz (S,CZ)&brt Cl:lt..Uift. lioncall Carolineat737-2427. This exhi- · with one other liberal mindd male. 325/ llish:6 . ~~(PPP-MJ.J).Ckt1ti:e bition continues until July 30th is better, if you like shellfish. La-di-da. month inclucfing heat/lighVcable: Call 722- Do-re-me. Take your cue from the ~PErriesaefreto..gl,toNevaQ.JnrsereQ.JiEtB:Bd:aies 6521 INTERESTED in volunteering? Call . frenzied lamb and the alabaster plas· axitY.aiesaierigtatL terer. That's it. That's all. 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On Line:Bible Study and Live Bible Questions at. www.amazingracts.org For mo~ info contact us: Room 60}7, Univ_ersity Centre _ ENCHANTEDBLUE KictleylYes, the , , e-mail: [email protected] web: www.mun.ca/masdas KictleYhasretumedoncemore. Teehno, industrial, electronica; etcetera. Wednes: days at 4 p.m. until 5 p.m. Listen fo it ~y • tuning to 93.5 FM, CHMR-MUN Radio, 103. 7 on cable. Also, go to http:// www.mun.ca/chmrtohearontheinternet For requests phone 737-7935whileonthe air, E-mail [email protected] anytime. Check outhttp://ebk.da.ru for more nifty s.tuff. Enjoyl FOR SALE SEGADREAMcast/excellentcondition 4 games, 2 controllers, RF switch/AV cables VMU and Rumble pack Contact ~ike@738-2522or [email protected] JAPANESE/Engish-EajisWJapanese­ diclionaryin mint condition. $'15 contact [email protected] · L,ABCOATusedmaybetwoorthree .• limes. Excellentfor labs!! 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