[CORNWALL.] TRURO. 144 POST OFFICE Warrant,Entered Truro and Raised a Large Body of Men

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[CORNWALL.] TRURO. 144 POST OFFICE Warrant,Entered Truro and Raised a Large Body of Men [CORNWALL.] TRURO. 144 POST OFFICE warrant,entered Truro and raised a large body of men. Sir Smith, Esq.; Southleigh, Joseph Roberts, Esq.; Truro Richard Grenville having suffered by a serious encounter V can, Mrs. Tweedy; Poltisko, Mrs. Warburton; Mount at Lostwithiel with the Earl of Essex, in 1644, retreated Charles, William l\Iichcll, Esq. westward to Truro. On August llth in the same year, ST. CLEMENT's, with the hamlet of M ALP AS, is a he again marched eastward, taking possession of Lanhy- large parish, including part of the borough of Truro. The drock-house and Respirn-bridge. In the year 1645, church town is distant 2 miles from Truro railway station Truro bad a visit from Prince Charles, who spent the on the West Cornwall line, and is situate near to the river greater portion of the autumn and winter here. In Fal, being in the western division of the county, Hundred August, 1649, Sir John Berkely and Colonel Shingsley of Powder, and Truro Union, in the deanery and archdea­ having entered Cornwall for the purpose of inducing the conry of Cornwall and diocese of Exeter. The church, county to strike a blow against the Parliament for Charles dedicated to St. Clement, is an old stone building in the II., were captured in the house by Colonel Trevanion, and early English sty le of architecture, and consists of a nave, sent prisoners to Truro. north and south aisles, transept, porch, chancel, and square A number of houses, ca1led the Middle-row, was tower containing 3 bells; in the interior is a font, also a removed in the year 1794, whereby a spacious street was chest containing registers as far back as Charles I.; there obtained in the centre of the town, now called Boscawen- arc monuments to Admiral Reynolds and tile Spry family. street. The thoroughfares in the centre of the town are 'l'he living is a vicarage, annexed to the chapelry of St. kept remarkably clean, having water continually flowing Paul's, worth £340 yearly, with residence; the Lord through them. The scenPry in the immediate vicinity Chancellor is the patron. The Rev. Christopher Mends of Truro is particularly beautiful, blenrled with arable, Gibson, B.A., is the incumbent, and the Rev. A. W. Hob­ pasture, and wood lantls. The crucibles made at Calenick son, M. A., is the curatE.-. There is a chapel for Bible nearTruro, are considered superior; they are composed of Christians in the pari:>h; al~o a Jtarish Sunday school, held the china-stone. At a place called Malpat~, or M opus at St. Clement's church town. In the churchyard, near Passage, large quantities of Roman coins have been dis- to the Vicarage-house, stands an ancient monumental covered. There is a ferry, which crosses the river to stone. This stone formerly was used as a gate-post to a Tregothnan, the noble seat of the Right Hon. Lord field in this parish. The population, in 1851, was 3,465, Viscount Falmouth. and the acreage 3,4~5; the rateable value is £5,540. There are two newspapers, pnblislwd weekly, viz.:- The soil is inclined to clay, and the chief crops are corn, "The Royal Cornwall Gazette," a Conservative paper, turnips, and partly pasture. Mn. Vivian, of Pencalcnick, published on Thursday evenings, for the proprietors, at is lady of .the manor and chief landowner. their offices, 81, Lemon-street, by George 'Vilkinson PENCALENICK, very charmingly located here, is the Kneebone. The other is entitled'' The West Ilriton and mansion of Mrs. Vivian, widow of the late Johu Vivian, Cornwall Advertiser," the principles of which are Liberal, Esq.; it was formerly a residence of the Foots, and pur­ is published every Thursday evening, at the offices, chased by Johnson Vivian, Esq., in 1758. The house is a Boscawen-street, by Mess1·s. Heard and Sons. This handsome building, situate on a knoll rising almost paper was e3tablished in 1810. perpendicularly from the end of a navigable lake, und A Mining school is held at the Royal Institution, in backed by a mass of foliage. The buildings, gardens, Pydar-street, for the avowed purpose of givin~ education walks, and plantations, exhibit a picturesque sight when in the various departments of mining. The fairs held at viewed from the adjoining road, leading from Truro to St. Truro are, on March 5th, May 14th, November 19th, Austell, and is about 2~ miles from the former place. and December 8th. PEN ARE, the residence of Admiral Barrington Rey- The Borough 11rison is situated in Pydar-street, and nolds, was formerly the seat of the Launce family, but the Police station is in Boscawen-street, adjoining the after successive sales passed into that of Vivian. The Town-hall. The Workhouse of the Truro Union is distant late Admiral Reynolds, who married a sister of the late 1 mile to the north-east of the town. The population of Rev. John Vivian, converted the estate into a handsome Truro, in 1851, was 10,733, induding St. Mary's and part seat. From the house, which is built of freestone, there of Kenwyn's and St. Clement's. The Savings bank is is a good view of diversified country. The grounds are situated in Frances-street ; it was established in the sheltered by extensive woodland, and most beautifully laid year 1818. The days on which the County courts are out. holden are, January 4th, February 8th, .March 7th, April POLWHELE, the ancient seat of a family of that name, 4th, May 9th, June 6th, July 4th, August 8th, September was formerly the property of the Rev. Richard Polwhele; 5th, October lOth, November 7th, December 5th. it is now the residence of Col. Polwhele, and is situate The following parishes are included in the Truro about 2 miles to the north-east ofTruro. district, viz. :-St. Agnes, St. Anthony, St. Alien, IloDREAN, the seat of Henry Pry nu A ndrew, Esq., is Cornelly, St. Clement, Cuby, St. Erme, Feock, Gerrans, . beautifully situate in this parish, about 3 miles from St. Just, Kea, Kenwyn, Ladock, Lamorran, St. Mary's Truro. Truro, Merther, St. Michael Penkivel, Perranzabuloe, RosEDALE, the residence of Mrs. Tom, is also bituated Phillt>igh, Probus, Ruan Lanihorne, Tregavethan,Tregony, here, about I! miles from 'l'ruro. and Veryan. MALPAS, a township in this parish, is distant 2i miles Amongst the various seats situated here are Treyolls, from Truro. Shipbuilding is here carried on. A large Sir Samuel Spry; Newham House, Miss Brune; Alverton, number of coins of Severus, Valerian, and other Roman "'William Mansel Tweedy, Esq.; Tremorvah, Phillip P. Emperors, was discovered near to this spot. Truro. Brewer Mr. John, Ferris town Cbilcott Mrs. 22 Lemon street GENTRY. Brown Mr. John Taylor, Truro-vean ter Chirgwin Mr. Thomas, Edward street Andrew Henry Wm. esq. 75 Lemon st Brune Mi~~, Newham house Clark Mrs. Union place Andrew Mrs. Parade Budd. Mis-1, 13 Lemon street Clemmow Mr. Thornson, John street, Andrews Mr. Henry, Truro-vean terrace Bull more Wm. Hen. M. D. Princes st Ferri'4 town Barham Cha~. M.D. 11 Strangwa\·ster Calf Mr. Thos. Warmington, Fenistwn Clinton Mr. William Douglas William~, Ilarrett Mr. Charles, St.. Clement's st Callawav Mr. Arthur, Treaven's cot- 8 Vivian terrace Barrett Mrs. St. Clement's strePt tage, Pydar street Clyma Mr. George, Truro-vean terrace Barrett Mr. William, St. Mar.}'s street Calley l\Irs. 78 Lemon street Clyma Mrs. Daniell terrace Bawden Capt. James, Parade CarlyonMisses Mary&Ann, 72Lemon st Clyma Mr. William Jermings, Union pi Bawden Mrs. Walsingham place C11rlyon Misses Mary Louisa &. Char- Coad Mr.:~. Trafalgar row Bayl-y Mr. John, River street ]otte, 17 Lemon street Cock Mr. Abraharn, Truro-vean terrace Bayli!! Miss, Kenwyn street Carlyon Clement, M.D. 18 Lemon street Coek l<'rancii Hearle, esq. 19 Lemon st Bennallack .1\lr. John, Walsingham pl Carlyon Miss Harrier, 20 Lemon street Cock Mrs. Union place Benr1ett Mrs. Carclew street Carlyon John, esq. 3 Strangways ter Cock Mr. William, 19 Lemon street Bird Mr. Thomas, Castle street Carpenter Mr. John, 58 Lemon street Cragoe Mr. Thomas, Ro-ewin row Blee MisR. Pydar street Carthew Mrs. Princes street Cumming Mr. Thomas, Pydar street Bloomer Mrs. Emily, Edward street Cater Mr. Saml. Rundle, River street Curgenven Mrs. 42 Lemon street Bond \Vm. Hen.esq. Upper Lemon villa Cbappel Wm. Traer~ es4. 27 Lemon st Davies Mr. Edward, France~ street Borrow Mr. Henry, P)dar street Chilcott John Gilbert, esq. 8 Strang- Davi:i Mr. Hzkh. Harris, Truro-\·ean ter .Boyle Mr. Tl10mas, Rosewon row ways terrace Oavis Mr. John, Paraue .

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