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RESUME AMOS PAUL SALES, Ed. D., CRC, NCC CRC#12528 Professor and Program Head Rehabilitation Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and School Psychology College of Education University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 Email: [email protected] Date of Birth: November 6, 1941 Place of Birth: Red River County, Texas Wife: Catherine Hall Sales Sons: Christopher Clinton ACADEMIC HISTORY University of Arizona - Tucson, Secondary Education, B.S., May 1965 University of Arizona - Tucson, Rehabilitation M.S., December 1966 University of Florida - Gainesville, Counselor Education, Ed.D., May 1971 Dissertation: Rehabilitation Counselor Candidate Change Resulting From Sensitivity Group Experiences Dissertation Director: Dr. Robert O. Stripling Counselor Education Department College of Education University of Florida Gainesville, Florida RESEARCH INTEREST Dr. Sales’ research emphasis throughout his career has been on improving rehabilitation counseling services as delivered to individuals with disability. Over the past twenty (20) years, this research emphasis has targeted prevention and intervention with individuals having substance abuse problems and related changes needed to ensure such skills are SALES Page 2 developed within rehabilitation education. This emphasis also has resulted in writings of impact on empowerment in counseling. TEACHING SPECIALTY AREAS Dr. Sales has taught all coursed within the University of Arizona Rehabilitation curriculum. His national leadership positions in professional associations position him as an expert in the evolution of the field of rehabilitation. His teaching emphasis over the last ten (10) years has been on providing supervision of masters and doctoral students in counseling, skill development, and practice. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Dr. Sales has devoted his academic, research, and service efforts over the past 40 years to human resource development within education and rehabilitation. Dr. Sales held academic and administrative appointments at Kansas State Teachers College for four years prior to being recruited to the Department of Rehabilitation of the University of Arizona in 1973. Since 1973, his peer evaluation and ratings have been consistently at the highest level, “Truly Exceptional”. His performance resulted in promotions from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor within four years (1973-1977) and from Associate Professor to full professor in three years (1978-1980). Since 1977, Dr. Sales held Department Head and Dean’s Office appointments until his decision in 1996 to return to professor duties. Professor of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Head, Rehabilitation Program, 1996-present. Professor of Special Education and Rehabilitation and Head, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, December 1992-1996. Director, Smith Project National Dissemination Project, 1993-1999. Professor of Special Education and Rehabilitation and Consultant-Trainer, Smith Project, College of Education, University of Arizona, Fall 1991-December, 1992. Professor of Rehabilitation and Assistant to the Dean for Prevention Education, College of Education, University of Arizona, Fall 1987-Fall 1991. Professor of Rehabilitation and Director, Rehabilitation Center (Head, Department of Rehabilitation) College of Education, University of Arizona, Fall 1980-Fall 1987. Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Director, Rehabilitation Center (Head, Department of Rehabilitation), College of Education, University of Arizona, Fall 1977-Fall 1980. Acting Executive Director, National Rehabilitation Association, Washington, D.C., January 1977- July 1977. SALES Page 3 Director of Program, National Rehabilitation Association, Washington, D.C., June 1976-January 1977. Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Center, College of Education, University of Arizona, Fall 1973-Spring, 1976, Leave of Absence, 1976-1977. Assistant Professor and Director, Rehabilitation Counselor Education and Coordinator, Rehabilitation Services, Kansas State Teachers College, 1970-1972, promoted to Associate Professor, 1973. Assistant Professor and Assistant Director, Rehabilitation Counselor Education, Kansas State Teachers College, 1967-1968. Assistant School Psychologist, Psychological Services Agency, Bisbee, Arizona, 1966-1967. MAJOR FIELDS Since 1987, Dr. Sales' research, program development, and service have been devoted to the field of prevention and the application of prevention concepts and practices to professional preparation and development substance abuse prevention and treatment. His work has resulted in publications and model demonstration programs of national impact as well as national consultation regarding case management and service delivery with general and specialty rehabilitation caseloads. Rehabilitation Education and Administration Counseling Interventions Rehabilitation Service Delivery Prevention Concepts and Practices GRANTS AWARDED Since receipt of his doctorate degree, Dr. Sales, through successful competition, has received yearly funding under grants and contracts to administer research, model service delivery, and personnel preparation programs. He has been awarded over 50 grants and/or contracts totaling just over $24,000,000, all of which successfully attained the goals outlined in the application. Veterans Reintegration and Education Project, collaboration with Disability Resources in developing and obtaining support for a federal “earmark” program funded at a yearly sum of $385,500 Rehabilitation Services Administration’s Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) Long-Term Training Grant, one of eight awarded nationally, 2004-2009, $200,000 yearly. Rehabilitation Services Administration CSPD Supplemental Grant Award, 1999 to 2004. SALES Page 4 Subcontract, yearly negotiation and grant submittal, San Diego State University RCEP IV Program to provide agency in-service training, 1996-present, $75,000 yearly. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant in Rehabilitation Counseling, 1994-99, 1999-2004, 2004-2009, $150,000 yearly. Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration Grant for field-based counseling, 1991-94, 1994-96, 1998 extension, 1999-present, $83,084 yearly. Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration Grant for field-based counseling, 2007-2009, supplemental, $38,400. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant in Doctoral Rehabilitation Counseling, 1994-99, 1999-2004. Navajo Nation Subcontract for Student Support Services, 2002-2003, $49,940 yearly. FIPSE Grant Proposal funded in Higher Education and Disability, 1996-present. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant in Native American Undergraduate Rehabilitation, 1994-1997. Department of Economic Security Statewide Service Grant - Focus Groups, statewide-identifying case service and case management needs of community rehabilitation service delivery specialists 1994-1995. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant in Rehabilitation Counseling With the Deaf, 1994-1995. Prevention Curriculum Dissemination (Smith) Project, Private Donors, 1993-1997. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training grant in Rehabilitation Counseling, 1990-1993. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant (doctoral) in Rehabilitation Education, 1990-1993. Department of Education Pre-service and In-service Training Grant in Substance Abuse Prevention, 1987-1989. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant in Rehabilitation Counseling, 1986-1989. SALES Page 5 Developed and negotiated for receipt of funding a proposal to implement requirement for substance abuse prevention knowledge and skills within the Teacher Education programs of the College of Education, University of Arizona, 1986-1991. Regional Interpreter Training Grant – Pre-service and In-service Training for the Deaf (6 state region), Department of Education, 1985-1987. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant in Rehabilitation Counseling for the Deaf, September 1983-1987. Developed concept and negotiated funding for Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration Establishment Grant in Computerized Vocational Evaluation, 1983-1984. Collaborated with U of A Speech and Hearing faculty in development of a proposal and receipt of funding for an NIHR Research & Training Center on Rehabilitation of Native Americans, 1983-1993. Negotiated funding for Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration Contract for Vocational Evaluation Services within the Rehabilitation Center, Service delivery program recommended case services needed for clients referred, 1981-1984. Psychological Consultant Contract, Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration, for a three-year time frame provided case management consultation and training to rehabilitation counselors in the Tucson area. 1981-1983. Research Dissemination Grant, Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration, provided training on case service delivery and case management implications for rehabilitation counselors statewide related to individual assessment of clients. June-August, 1981. Navajo Education Training Grant, Sub-contract for development and delivery of a culturally relevant bachelor’s degree program in rehabilitation, 1980-1983. Region IX Rehabilitation Services Administration Short-Term Training Grant, Placement Curriculum Issues, June 1978. Comprehensive Evaluation Grant, Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration, 1977-1981. Vocational