10 Heathenry

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10 Heathenry Ásatrú and Odinism Historical Influences and Precursors HistoricalHistorical Precursors-Precursors- HeathenismHeathenism • Pre-Christian Germanic Religion and Culture - Tribal - “Carl” or clan leader = civil and spiritual head of clan - Religion integrated into daily life - Vikings as farmers, hunters, and warriors • Elder (poetic) and Younger (prose) Eddas • Tell stories of gods, goddesses, men, women, giants, dwarfs, warriors, farmers, etc. all interacting - role models for how to live, love, die in honour. HistoricalHistorical Precursors-Precursors- HeathenismHeathenism • Icelandic Sagas • Multi-generational family stories - very real details about the daily lives, religious practices, etc. - Olaf Tryggvason - Raud the Strong - Queen Sigrid of Sweden • Snorri Sturlusson - compiled Eddas in 11th c., but stories predate this. Historical Precursors - Odinism • Social Turmoil in Germany – Wotan/Odin worship – Swastika = Thor’s hammer and wheel of sun • Alexander Rud Mills – The Odinist Religion: Overcoming Jewish Christianity (1930) • Else Christensen – The Odinist Fellowship (1971) • Racism/Racialism HistoricalHistorical PrecursorsPrecursors -- AsatruAsatru • Norse Mythology books - Kveldulf Gundarsson • The Broader Neo-Pagan Movement • “A Wind through the World Tree” 1972-1973 – Stephen McNallen’s Viking Brotherhood (Ásatrú Free Assembly) – The Odhinnist Fellowship (John Yeowell) – Asatruarmenn (Svienbjörn Beinteinsson) • Icelandic Asatru WorldviewWorldview • Animistic and panentheistic – Nature filled with spirtis, gods – Magic = miracle: asking for aid from spiritual sources • Cyclical – Ragnarok WorldviewWorldview • Nature based • Multi-versal • Yggdrasil: – Asgard – Vanaheim – Ljossalfheim – Svartalfheim – Midgard – Muspellheim – Joutunheim – Niefelheim – Helheim EthicsEthics • Courage • Tribalist • Truth • Nine Noble Virtues • Honour • Havamal • Troth • Self-Discipline • Hospitality • Industriousness • Self-Reliance • Perseverance TheologyTheology • Polytheistic • Aesir: – Odin – Frigg – Thor – Sif – Loki – Tyr TheologyTheology • Vanir: – Njord & Skadi – Freya & Freyr • Supernatural Beings: – Landsvaettir – Disir – Valkyries – Norns – Wights, etc. OrganizationOrganization • Kindred • Hearths • Garths • Heathens • Gydhia/Godhi, Godhar • Moots, Things, Althings RitualRitual ToolsTools • Bowl • Ring • Hammer VarietiesVarieties ofof HeathenismHeathenism • Odinism – The Odinic Rite – Emphasis is primarily on the god Odin, less on other Aesir and Vanir deities – Odin as “all father,” the male divine principle, source of all inspiration – Religion “genetically” appropriate for certain people and not for others – “Without race there is nothing: therefore our first duty is a study of race and the significance of Aryan people to world history” VarietiesVarieties ofof HeathenismHeathenism • Folkish Asatru – Asatru Folk Assembly – Polytheistic (not Odin-centred) – No “political” racist/racialist agenda - but, still maintain “genetic” argument re: religion – Stephen McNallen (original founder of Viking Brotherhood) VarietiesVarieties ofof HeathenismHeathenism • Theodism – Garmin Lord – Heathen Reconstructionism - reviving not only the religion, but the culture, art, lifestyles, of pre-christian Germanic peoples – Self-consciously “Tribal” - hierarchical structure of Lord/Lady (leaders), Carls (active, knowledgeable members) and Thralls (those who seek to join, but not yet found worthy). – Stress importance of learning, scholarship VarietiesVarieties ofof HeathenismHeathenism • Asatru – Irminsul Aettir – Icelandic model – No racialist message – Not based on Kindred, instead on “aettir” - means extended family. VarietiesVarieties ofof HeathenismHeathenism • General Germanic Paganism – The Troth – Germanic mythology, but can be Druid with Germanic emphasis, Witch with Germanic emphasis, etc. – Elders (The High Rede) - governing council – Godman, Godwoman (instead of Gydhia/Godhi) VarietiesVarieties ofof HeathenismHeathenism • Odinism – The Odinic Rite • Folkish Asatru – Asatru Asatru Folk Assembly Folk Assembly • Asatru – Irminsul Aettir • General Germanic Paganism – The Troth RitualsRituals • Blots • Sumbels RitualsRituals • Seidhr • Spirit possession • Hrafnar (Ravens) RitualsRituals • Galdr • Making Taufr RitualsRituals –– WheelWheel ofof thethe YearYear • Disting/Disablot (Jan 31-Feb. 1) • Ostara (March 21) • Maitag/Merry Moon (April 30-May 1) • Midsummer (June 21) • Loaf-Feast/Freyfaxi (July 31/Aug. 1) • Fallfest/Winter Finding (Sept. 21) • Dieses/Winternight (15th-30th October).
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