Universidad Politécnica Salesiana News Publication Date: 01/06/2021 14:59:00

President of presented the immunization plan in our branch campus in

María Sol Villagómez and Juan Cárdenas with vice president Alfredo Borrero

Ecuadorian President, , was in our branch campus in Quito to explain and start the immunization plan to stop the spread of Covid 19; the aim of the plan is to vaccinate nine million people in one hundred days. Ximena Garzón, Ministry of Health, explained the details of the plan. The event was attended by Fransisco Sanchez, representative of Salesians in Ecuador; Juan Cardenas, UPS president; Maria Sol Villagomez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito; Alfredo Borrero, Vice ; Enrique Pita, vice president of the National Electoral Council; national assembly members and representatives of international organizations. Juan Cardenas explained that the university has provided its premises, logistic and technical support for this process. "We believe it is a democratic process because of its organization, this offers security and creates hope in society. Hundreds of people have already been vaccinated in our branch campuses in Cuenca and , now in Quito", he said. Doctors, nurses and more medical staff from the ministry of health are now in our branch campus in Quito to vaccinate the elderly and people with disabilities. "Our university supports this process and is committed to people's health. We are all together to fight against this pandemic", said Maria Sol Villagomez. Guillermo Lasso, President of Ecuador, stated that "the immunization plan represents health, wellbeing, reactivation and success. This a joint work between society, the public and private sector. We will meet our goal with transparent and efficient management. Find out where you will be vaccinated according to the government's plan, in the following link: lugarvacunacion.cne.gob.ec

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