Ress Class of '64 Bishop Jonri J

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Ress Class of '64 Bishop Jonri J ". PA.'tun ress Class Of '64 Bishop Jonri J. Wright To Confer 00 Degrees In Civic At ena May 31 Over sOO baccalaurea > and advanced degrees will 1 conferred by Che Most lie , John J. Wright, Bishop N e w spaper Pittsburgh and Chancellor African I nstitute To Offer the University, at the Unite Awards Da y ally's seth .Annual Sort • Commencement at 3 Lj , Eight- Program Sunday, May 31 in the Civ : Tomorrow Areas. ' ! Duquesne's African Lan­ Hits program will be the guage of West Nigeria, and Duquesne University; • In accordance with Pr • guage and Area Center will only one of Its kind in the Igbo that of East Ntgurix, laitic . Press assoclJloa sident Johnson's Project i sponsor an eight-weak, go­ U.S., supported by the ini- * "This year,* said Dr. (DUSPA) will sponsor], its War on Poverty, R. Sarge I vernment supported, inten­ versity ^ id the U.S. Office Grosschmid, «th« govern- tenth annual high school Shriver, Jr., director of tl t sive African language pro­ of Education. meat has awarded 29 Na- spaper Awards Day, Peace Corps and special m Mr. Shrivnr , gram this summer, begin­ ttonal. Defense Language p.m„ tomorrow, May sistant to the President, wj | day, May 17 and Thursday, ning June 8 and ending July Fellowships; 24 aretograd- the Campus theater. teliver the principal ad< • May 28. This permit card 31. ress, ' j will also Inform eandldaies uate students and 5 to wi­ Fifty-six high school Dr. Ceza Grosschmid, di­ dergraduates." papers belonging to theJaS' Mr. Shriver will be iwan .. of UkeU graduation statu*. rector of the African Insti­ Attending for the second; soclatlon In western Pi •d an honorary Doctor f A $10 deposit must be tute, says he has, 'indeed time will be Mtss Cathye sylvanla have entered jjhia -aws degree. made when the graduation been fortunate in securing Wolcsanski, A*65, the Un­ year's competition, . | Honorary degrees will s • robe is issued to the can­ the teaching services of some I varsity's representative in pa be conferred on WiU|a • didate. Entrants submlted ghk"ee Steinberg, conductor of tl > of the world's foremost au- the annual National College consecutive issues of Vnelr Commencement and bac- tDortties on African lan­ Queen Contest tssJane Pittsburgh Symphony, wl » rslaureate instructions will newspaper beginning 4tth will receive tike Doctor r guages^ ,* *• i • • i' Marinuk, who recently trans- September publications t be given to the csadidates Assuming responsibility uni- Music, and Ft. Rev. Gupri > at a meeting, »:» p,nu» Fri­ .ferred to Geo Journalism . depart: We aid and, (XS.B., coadjuti - for the summer program will . versity. where judging was donejby day, May 29, In Mills audi­ , be Dr. William E. Welmers;, Dr. Grosschmid irchabbot of St. Vincent i torium. In ~ addition language the faculty. J Archabbey and a well-kno« i professor of African lan- The eight-week course In­ Afncan All candidates must attend courses the Insti- Guest speaker -will be il r. Authority in PlainChant.w > * guages at UCLA. * cludes 120 hours of class­ lute ' will offer a course George Swetnam, staff - this-meeting. ^ * According to Dr. Cross­ room work supplemented by fill receive the Doctor I called * Africa Yesterday, ter for the Pittsburgh Pr< Human* letters. j ' The Honors Convocation chmld, .Mrs. Welmers, also 30 hours of laboratory prac­ Today and Tom ow," a The Rev. Joseph P, will be held, 3, Thurs­ an accomplished linguist, tice. six-week course the tn- om-y, c.S.sp., will pri Permit, cards for acad day, May 28, in Mills audi­ will teach igoo, and Charles ' Swafaili, Bambara, Hausa, troductory level. the 'Outstanding Npwspa|cr ic "robes may be obtain, torium. All graduates and Bird, Dr. Welmer's assis­ Igbo and Voruba are the Last summer a workshop Award.'" i the Registrar'sofflcerfro parents are invited )o a,m. to 4 p.m., Wednei tant and a Ph.D. candidate, five languages being offered. on African Area Studies at- , Ceramic awards are >tend. wilt teach Hausa. ' , l Swahili is a trade lan­ traded much nit est from be .given to winners of' F.W. Parsons, professor guage spoken by 30 million local high school teachers best column, editorial, f a- rf of Oriental and African lan­ natives of Zanalbar,,Kenya, and will be ed again tur»v news, and sports st< guages at the University of Tanganyika, and Uganda. this year for.thdjse people lea. ' Jon Voya\ re GradualW: London and world renowned Hausa is spoken by 30 seeking general- i p-to-date Iii addition, 'Superlo authority on Hausa, win also million people in Northern information 01 African' "First Honor", and *Seo yd Nigeria. Yoruba is the Ian*! affairs; " , Honor" certificates will :>•• awarded to schools Jud ed :besi in their respective > »- 1 rollment divisions. Womeh s Committer ' . r.\ KUj 2X, ia«4 - Have A Locker? ui tor Wld opfiongniij glvwj m* by Presents Constitution Just, a reminder: oJT deptrtiof' mtAor* "boa ravwf*' Holders of lockers rnyto at DM Holy GtMM'raUMra' A n.'H constitution for the Jala, A'68; Toni Lynch, A'65; on the residence councils. Rockwell hall - renew yduT Women's Residence Council . Claudia . Mortimer, E'65; All graduating woman re- rental ft 1.00) for 1964- lj 55 Hn you W« pray thai jmai was presented' to students Lynn Roberts, A'65; Mary sldents were presented with term of school now or em «y aiccvsp mem ) tt ewry *ftort in tf»» yaara VMkd. during meetings held Mon­ Grace Scarpello, E'65; and silver charms. all lockers. We will apt be day, May 4, at'Assumption Karen Trocld,' A'66. Linda Kelley, A'64, read responsible for any item) -ft Hall, and Tuesday, May 5 At the St. Ann's house' the senior history, humor in unrented lockers.' v ftfiry j. McA^tny. c.s S». r at St. Ann's. meeting, senior gifts were ously listing the highlights Books* re i In a referendum vote, the awarded. Carol Los, Lura of four years of norm life. new constitution was voted Lukenheimer, and Mary Gal- Mary Link, A'64, pre. on yesterday, Thursday, May sford received silver Du- sented the. senior will and 14. - A three-fourths major­ quesne charms for their work predictions. Former Un versity P esident ity Is' needed to pass the measures, Mary Agnes CRourke, pre­ Observes Silver Am iversary sident of the Women's Resi­ r dence Council, explained the The Very Rev. Vernon; . the University of Pittsburgh and the National University main reforms. Gallagher, C.S.SP,, ford er University .president; i ad of Ireland. With the-opening Of St. He wan honored in 19B3 Ann's East wing in Septem­ currently Superior of H| ly Ghost Fathers* Eastern.Pi »- by being, chosen one of the , ber, 1964, three separate vinee of the United States, • 100 men of -the Future" by ' house councils will be elec­ will celebrate the 25th an) 1- "Time" magazine' and the ted. Each council will con­ versary of his ordination to Pittsburgh Chamber of Com­ sist of a chairman to conduct the priesthood In the U I- merce. meetings, a vice-chairman to versl'v Chapel, Sunday, Jti ne 0) 1954, he wan named handle demerits, a secre­ 'man of the Year in Educa­ tary, and at student congress tion" by the Junior Chamber representative. A native of Sharpsbui g. Pa., Father Gallagher » u) of Commerce of Pittsburgh. Two uppe rclass men will be During his tenure as Pro-.' > elected to the Assumption ordained in 1938 and bej in teaching at Duquesne in 19- 3. sident, Father Gallagher council. After six weeks drew the attention of die lo­ of school, the freshmen will cal community to the Uni­ choose two more officers versity by his many public from their own dorm. Nursing School appearances and participa­ The present council mem­ tion In civic aff-i ra. , bers will serve as the co­ Schedules Dote He Inauguratedihe modern i ordinating council. Elec­ campus expansion program tions for this council will For Exams He nerved on dean.of ;ollege of Arts aodSc; with the build(ng of Trinity, be held in Tebruary. Rockwell, and Assumption The overlap of terms will Make up examinations *d academic vice-preside t nursing will be offered I efore becoming Preside t halls. provide continuity, and allow The anniversary oh Jon* the- council to be available NEW COUNCIL—the chairman, secretary, and commit. follows: 4 the Unlwrslty in i»5 , tee members of the Woman's Residence Council consti­ Maternal-Child He was elected prtmnci I 14 will Include for orientation. High Mans'of Thnnanwjvtag Expansion of Duquesne's tutional committee pause for-a picture. 1-3 P.OU, June 17, in i upenor in 1958 and in 191 I 307 Rockwell hsU. at' 11 a.m. In the chapel and residence facilities made the Bottom row, left to right, are Dottle KoJala^A'S6, Mag I etlred as University pr< - DeAngelo, A'67, and Mary Grace Scarpello, E'fX, Psychiatric Nursing: lf-3 Moot to a> voi e full time > a reception in MiUa audi­ old constitution obsolete. torium, Rockwell bavl. , The proposed constitution Standing, left to right, -re Karen Tracni, A-66, secre­ p,m., Jane 17, or I0._a.rn).- I la new duties. 12, Jane 18, in Father Gallagher Srinhoa was written by a committee tary; Mary Tone Relller, A'66, chairmanj and Claudia Mor Fathef Gallagher receiw I timer, E'SS. • " 307 Rockwell hall. doctoral dag"'* In EngUi to extend to ail his old rnende beaded by Mary Relller.
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