Day 1: Arrive from Zanziba After a long flight, you will have a change to reluxe at the hotel in and enjoy the the beach. After you have checked in to the hotel, we’ll having several activities and funs such as Ø Sweaming with Dolphine

Ø Snockling Ø Fishing Ø Having Lunch

Day 2: Zanzibar – After a day in Zanzibar, you will get the connecting flight from Zanzibar to Arusha at 8:00 am (Flightlink) and drive to the hotel to leave the lauguage before visiting the masaai

Masaai village, The Maasai refuse modern progress and live according to their ancient customs; they still live-in villages whose structure and traditional organization have remained unchanged.

The villages have a well-defined structure: each village is surrounded by an enclosure made of thorny bush shrugs, that protects the villagers from the attacks of predators. Once we have arrived at the village will be given a warm welcoming traditional dance and they will slaughter a goat or a sheep to show a appreciation for us visiting them.

When you enter the village, right at the centre, there is a second smaller thorny enclosure surrounding the area where the cattle are led to stay for the night, there they are protected from the attacks of hyenas and lions, who could pass the external enclosure. The fact that only the cattle are protected by a double barrier is a tangible evidence of how important animals are to the Maasai; they are more important than their own lives and they are willing to protect them by all means. All around the central enclosure, arranged in a circle, are the Maasai huts; they are made of a mixture of straw, mud and excrement, the roof is made of straw; the huts usually have a circular shape, except in the area of the Ruaha Lake, where they have a rectangular one. Overnight Run Retreat

Dunner and overnight at Fun retreat

Day 3: Themi Waterfalls and Hot spring

After breakfast we will leave the hotel and drive to the start point of the short hike to the Themi waterfalls which will take about three 3 hours. Themi Waterfalls is formed at a point where one of the underground tributaries to the Themi river flows into its valley. It is located in the early stages of the Themi river, near its source mount Meru of Arusha - . Unlike other waterfalls, this one flows from an underground stream, flowing through layers of bedrock, until it meets the main river valley, falling more than 15 metres.

However, unlike in the early days, the water from the falls is now being tapped off by the AUWASA for use in homes downstream, as it is considered to be one of the few naturally clean sources of water in the city - uncontaminated by any human activities. After the hike we will drive to the hot spring for barbeque hot lunch with music on top.

Maji Moto, known locally as Kikuletwa Hotsprings, is paradisiac oasis amidst the Tanzanian savannah, offers captivating, Bounty-styled views, crystal-clean water and dense vegetation around. Located in 2-hour drive from Moshi (Tanzania) – the main climbing hub of the region – Chemka Hot Springs is the best place to visit after a Kilimanjaro hike or a safari adventure.

Chemka oasis is a unique phenomenon – it is the only place in Tanzania (and most likely in the whole East Africa), where the groundwater actively interacted with geothermal sources, forming a number of small lakes with warm, never-stagnating water, which purity is not inferior to the best Dominican or Maldivian resorts.

Day 4: Meru hike Meru hike has such a lot to offer and dazzles with a perfect mix of flora and fauna and diversified landscapes. Passing the “small Serengeti” during a game drive, you are likely to spot peaceful herds of buffaloes, shy bushbucks on the edge of the forest as well as warthogs and zebras. A great place to spot the athletic black and white colobus monkey as well as the elegant mitis monkey.

The hike will take 7 hours up and down and when you are on the hike you will be escorted by a local guide.

Day 5: Safari Tarangire National Park (Safari ) After breakfast, you will be picked up by the guide with lunch boxes and start a less than a 2.5 hours’ drive to Tarangire National Park.

With its savannah, seasonal swamps and upside-down trees, it is well known for its large number of elephant herds and other animals like monkeys, zebras, buffalos, lions, Leopards, gazelles, giraffes, impala . During the dry seasons the Tarangire River, being one of the main sources of water in the area, attracts various animals. After an extensive game drive, you will leave the park and drave back to Arusha

Day 6: Arusha – Zanzibar - Dubai On this day we will leave the lodge and drive to the orphanage to visit the kids before your transferred to for your further travel plans