CEJC 2(1)2004 214{219 Communication Synthesisof Aldehydes and Ketones by the Dehydrogenationof Alcohols in the Presence ofa RaneyNickel/ AluminiumIsoprop oxide/Alumina Catalyst 1 1;2 2 1;2 Ilie Ciocan Tarta ,Ioan A.Silberg ,Mircea Vlassa ¤,Ioan Oprean 1 \RalucaRipan "University, Institute ofChemistry, 30F^ ant^aneleStr., RO-3400Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 \Babes-Bolyai"University, Departmentof Chemistry, 11Arany Janos Str., RO-3400Cluj-Napoca, Romania Received 24June 2003; accepted 13October 2003 Abstract: Thesynthesis ofaldehydes andketones by the dehydrogenationof allylic and secondaryalcohols using aRaney-Ni-Al( i-OPr)3-Al2O3 catalyst without hydrogenacceptors is presented. c Central EuropeanScience Journals. All rights reserved. ® Keywords: dehydrogenation, alcohols, heterogeneous catalysis Raney nickel, aluminium isopropoxide, alumina 1Introduction The oxidation of alcoholsto carbonyl compounds isa fundamental reaction in organic synthesis [1].A number of transition metal-catalyzedprocedures havebeen developed, such as those using ruthenium [2]or palladium[3].A Raney-Nicatalyst isused frequently for the dehydrogenation of secondary alcoholsto ketones because of the high yields. However,this later method has the disadvantage of requiring either high temperatures[4] or largeamounts of hydrogen acceptors ( i:e.cyclohexanone),which are required for completeconversion[5]. Sometimes, noncatalytic quantities of Raney-Nihave been used for the dehydrogenation ofprimary and secondary alcohols[6]. ¤ E-mail:
[email protected] I.C.T artaet al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 2(1)2004 214{219 215 Our studies show that the dehydrogenation ofthe secondary and allylicalcohols can be achievedwith acatalyticmixture of Raney-Ni:Al( i-OPr)3:Al2O3:substrate (3:5:5:100 weight) without hydrogen acceptors and at temperatures between 120-170 0C (see Table 1).