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SM lZb]ma^^qi^km%Kh[^km;<A8CC4A0? THURSDAY 4.6.2006 EXPRESS 7 Dell, the Notebook Discs burned rosoft Corporation. Replacement system or On-Site Mobility Service DVD+/-RW: Small Business Server must serve For hard drives, GB means 1 billion bytes call placed to Dell. U.S. only. call placed to Dell. U.S. only. servicecontracts. On-Site Mobility: Trademarks/Copyright Notices: Trademarks/Copyright . (“DFS”), an independent entity, to qualified Small . (“DFS”), an independent entity, Hard Drives: Advanced Exchanged Service for Projector: LIMIT 5 DISCOUNTED OR PROMOTIONAL ITEMS PER CUSTOMER. SERVER Between 32 and 64MB of system memory may be allocated to support graphics, Microsoft Windows Small Business Server: E-VALUE Code: E-VALUE 07295-S20403b D Processor 840 supporting ® Small Business Server 2003, ® SC430 D Processor supporting ™ ® For a copy of our Guarantees or Limited Warranties, write Dell USA L.P., Attn: Warranties, One Dell Way, One Dell Way, Attn: Warranties, write Dell USA L.P., For a copy of our Guarantees or Limited Warranties, Pentium Desktop Shared SDRAM: ® 399 * $898 D Processor 820 supporting dual-core ® $ Pentium ® 9 Limited Warranty: ounts. U.S. Dell Small Business new purchases only. ounts. U.S. Dell Small Business new purchases only. * Hardware Warranty Support), add $119 * Hardware Warranty 9 Pentium 1 ® 1 best, without having to worry about my technology. best, without having to worry about my technology. $1199 $ dual-core processing (3.20GHz, 2x1MB Cache, 800MHz FSB) RAID 1 Optional Service* M-F 8am-6pm) Service, Standard Edition, processing (2.80GHz, 2x1MB Cache, 800MHz FSB) Upgradable to Intel Offers expire 4/12/06 All terms subject to credit approval and availability, and are subject to change without notice. and All terms subject to credit approval and availability, 798 place. To receive next business day service, customer must contact Dell before 5 PM customer time. To reg. price Server Small Business Value after $399 discount Intel • ay be utilized by your system as dedicated backup space. • 512MB ECC DDR2/533 SDRAM (Up to 4GB) Hard Drive (Up to 600GB*) • 80GB* (7200 RPM) SATA • 1-Yr Basic Enterprise Support (Next Business Day On-Site • Dell Recommends: System including Microsoft • • 3-Yr Basic Enterprise Support (Next Business Day On-Site 3-Yr Basic Enterprise Support (Next Business • dual-core processing • POWEREDGE Includes: Intel $ from such errors. 3400MP 9 3400MP orporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Mic ™™ 9 PROJECTOR PROJECTOR ™™ 2 P 1 Images Component (HD) Inputs Images Component (HD) Inputs DLP DELLDELL DL Small, Light and Bright for Mobile CustomersSmall, Light and Bright for Mobile Customers Small and Lightweight at 2.4 lbs.! Small and Lightweight at 2.4 lbs.! • • • Bright 1500 ANSI Lumens (Max)* • Bright 1500 ANSI Lumens (Max)* High 2100:1 Contrast Ratio for Outstanding High 2100:1 Contrast Ratio for Outstanding • • Composite, and Supports PC, S-Video, •• Supports PC, Composite, and S-Video, • Standard 2-Yr Advanced Exchange Service* • Standard 2-Yr Advanced Exchange Service* reg. price reg. price $1299 $ after $100 discount after $100 discount SKU: 3400MP2SKU: 3400MP2 eeks. See http://www.dell.com/smallbizrebates or call 1-877-773-3355 for rebate coupon and details. or call 1-877-773-3355 eeks. See http://www.dell.com/smallbizrebates *) IT’S THE WAY WE DO BUSINESS. WE DO THE WAY IT’S bject to parts availability, geographical restrictions and terms of service contract. Service timing dependent upon time of day geographical restrictions and terms bject to parts availability, * Hardware eteCare not available in all states. Customer may be required to return unit to Dell. For complete details, visit www.dell.com/ sage. Dell recommends replacing your bulb after 3000 hours of usage (up to 4000 hours in Eco-mode)." * /mo., (48 (48 pmts. /mo., charges. Your monthly payment may vary, depending on your creditworthiness. QuickLease arranged by Dell Financial Services L.P monthly payment may vary, charges. Your E-VALUE Code: E-VALUE 07295-s80405a Lease as low as $19 " NOTEBOOK 1 . 432 FLAT PANEL $432$ FLAT PANEL PANEL FLAT Accidental Damage Service, ™™ ™ M Processor & 14.1" Widescreen Display P ® 1300 1300 XP Home Edition 2001FP 20 2001FP 2001FP 2001FP 20.1" ® ™ ™™ 599 L M Processor 735 (1.70GHz) toll free ® $ 539 Pentium Resolution of up to 1600x1200 and Vertical Resolution of up to 1600x1200 and Vertical 877 729 4103 877 729 4103 MONITOR ULTRASHARP DELLDEL ULTRASHAR MONITOR Advanced Design Ideal for Advanced Design Ideal for Space-Constrained Environments Space-Constrained Environments discount Sharp Images at a Maximum Sharp Images at a Maximum Clear, Clear, • • Angle of 176° Horizontal Wide Viewing Angle of 176° Horizontal Wide Viewing • • 20% • Digital DVI-D and Analog inputs • Digital DVI-D and Analog inputs reg.reg. price after price $539$ after 20% discount SKU: 20013YRSKU: 20013YR ® 1370 Internal Wireless 802.11b/g > dell.com/SnPoffer ™ * CompleteCare Pentium ® Up to 64MB of system memory may be allocated to support graphics, depending on system memory size and other factors. 1300 that comes with double the normal memory (512MB) and free internal wireless that keeps me connected, that comes with double the normal memory (512MB) 1300 Warranty Support), add $99 Warranty DDR2 SDRAM; 40GB* Hard Drive (Mail-In Service, Hardware Warranty Support) (Mail-In Service, Hardware Warranty Service, 699 ™ reg. price Notebook Essentials – Starting at 6.55 lbs. mail-in rebate* $100 • Intel • 14.1" Widescreen XGA Display FREE 512MB Shared* DDR2 SDRAM for the price of 256MB • • FREE Dell • Genuine Windows • 24x CD Burner/DVD Combo 1-Yr Mail-In Economy Service Plan • Dell Recommends: • 8X CD/DVD Burner (DVD+/-RW* Drive), add $70 2-Yr On-Site Mobility Service Plan* (Next Business Day On-Site • INSPIRON Includes: Intel $ because they have the affordable, high-end technology my business needs to go the distance. I got great values like the because they have the affordable, high-end technology pplicable restocking charges, are extra, vary and are not subject to discount. May be combined with other select offers or disc XP Professional ™ ® * CALL FINALLY I FOUND MORE WAYS I FOUND FINALLY FOR OFFICE MY TO KEEP WITH ME. UP t for the then FMV, renew the lease or return the equipment to DFS. Please contact your DFS representative for further details. t for the then FMV, Black; Up to Black; Up to Notebook Shared SDRAM: †† heir products. Dell disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and names of others. ©2006 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. 00 discount 1 99 ptions or requirements. Dell cannot be responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orders arising ective part or system. Replacements may be refurbished. Defective unit must be returned. Bulbs have a 90 day limited warranty. ective part or system. Replacements may be refurbished. Defective unit must be returned. Bulbs have a 90 day limited warranty. imension, XPS, and Inspiron systems, for Norton Ghost 10 and Dell DataSafe users, up to 25% of the stated hard drive capacity m 3 side, Intel Inside Logo, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Pentium and Pentium Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel C $399 $ Word Compatible Word DESKTOP ® 3100cn 3100cn ™™ Color 9 Color †† Rebate coupon requests must be postmarked within 30 days of ship date and rebate checks are ordinarily processed within 8-10 w 49 5ppm 5ppm Service may be provided by third party. Technician will be dispatched, if necessary, following phone-based troubleshooting. Su will be dispatched, if necessary, Technician Service may be provided by third party. Actual printer speed will vary with use.Actual printer speed will vary with use. COLOR LASER PRINTER • 600 x 600 dpi with 2400 image quality • Up to 45,000 Pages Monthly Duty Cycle reg. price discount after $100 reg. price after $ • 600 x 600 dpi with 2400 image quality • Up to 45,000 Pages Monthly Duty Cycle reg. price after $499 $ SKU: 310SINBSKU: 310SINB †† DELLDELL COLOR LASER PRINTER Reliable Color Laser Printer for the Price ofReliable Color Laser Printer for the Price of Black & White Black & White Fast Printing – Up to 25ppm •• Fast Printing – Up to 25ppm 1100 1100 E-VALUE Code: E-VALUE 07295-D50405M CompleteCare service excludes theft, loss, and damage due to fire, flood or other acts of nature, or intentional damage. Compl ™ 17" E176FP Flat Panel Display E176FP 17" ™ Mail-In Rebate: dell.com/smb/expressoffer On-Site Service: Based on ANSI/NAPM IT7 .228-1997 tests of 55 units, April 2005, with average ANSI Lumens 1384. Bulb brightness degrades with u Monthly payment based on 48-month Fair Market Value (“FMV”) QuickLease and does not include taxes, fees, shipping and handling Monthly payment based on 48-month Fair Market Value XP Home Edition Word Processor – Microsoft – Processor Word ® ® 399 4 Processor (2.80GHz) ® $ 1100 and 17" fl at panel display. And the Inspiron at panel display. fl and 17" 1100 Leasing: ™ DIMENSION FREE Upgrade to Dell WordPerfect Pentium ™ ® Dell 3400 Projector Lumens: Hardware Warranty Support) Hardware Warranty CRT Monitor ($170 Value) an E773 17" (16.0" v.i.s.) Support), add $70 Hardware Warranty 549 wherever I go. Dell solutions also offer fast response times and little downtime – which means I can stay focused on what I do wherever I go. Dell solutions also offer fast response times rst why I went into business in the fi table than ever before. And that’s With a little help from Dell, my business is more profi Dimension I’M A 24/7/365 So I partnered with Dell, KIND OF GUY. CompleteCare Accidental Damage Service: • FREE Upgrade to 17" E176FP Flat Panel Display for the price of • Dell Recommends: • 512MB Shared* DDR SDRAM, add $50 On-Site Service,* 3-Yr Economy Service Plan (Next Business Day • • 256MB Shared* DDR SDRAM • 80GB* Hard Drive (7200 RPM) • 48x CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive 1-Yr Economy Service Plan (Next Business Day On-Site Service, • reg. price Desktop Economical, Essential Technology after discount $150 • Intel • Corel • Genuine Windows NEW Includes: $ Dell recommends Windows Dell recommends ENHANCE YOUR SYSTEM ENHANCE YOUR Pricing, specifications, availability, and terms of offer may change without notice. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling and any a change without notice. Taxes, and terms of offer may Pricing, specifications, availability, Small Business Small Weight varies by configuration and manufacturing variability. varies by configuration and manufacturing variability. Weight More ideas to boost your business at Weight: Business customers. Minimum transaction size of $500 required. At the end of the FMV QuickLease, you can: purchase the equipmen In case of customers leasing under these promotions, please note that items leased will be subject to applicable end-of-lease o Call: M-F 7a-8p Sat 8a-5p CT *Pricing/Availability: Round Rock, Texas 78682. For more information, visit http://www.dell.com/warranty. 78682. For more information, visit http://www.dell.com/warranty. Round Rock, Texas with this drive may not be compatible with some existing drives and players; using DVD+R media provides maximum compatibility. with this drive may not be compatible with some existing drives and players; using DVD+R media provides maximum compatibility. Plan includes CompleteCare Accidental Damage Service, and is not available in all states. and TB equals 1 trillion bytes; actual capacity varies with preloaded material and operating environment and will be less. On D as the domain controller and is limited to 75 users. stylized E logo, E-VALUE, Dimension, Inspiron, TrueMobile and PowerEdge are trademarks of Dell Inc. Intel, Intel Logo, Intel In and PowerEdge are trademarks of Dell Inc. Intel, TrueMobile Dimension, Inspiron, stylized E logo, E-VALUE, Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or t depending on system memory size and other factors. replacement part will be dispatched, if necessary, following phone-based troubleshooting, in advance of receipt of returned def replacement part will be dispatched, if necessary, 8 EXPRESS 4.6.2006 THURSDAY     Imagine... In 6months,wecantrain make a difference inthe make adifference a Call now orvisit us online: WASHINGTON DC Marathon commitment Your and dedication efforts Your fundraising each weekend A longergroup run week onyourown minutes,twicea 30 VIRGINIA BEACH Marathon Marathon Marathon Roll 1/2 Honolulu Rock ’N’ GIVE US GIVE Florence Florence marathon Marine Corps Choose from 4 Great Events: 4 Great Choose from HAWAII ITALY ™      The officialmarathonmedal The officialmarathonshirt Free entrytothemarathon and camaraderie Great coaching, support, marathon orhalf you tocompletea program thatwill prepare A six-monthtraining YOU GET © 2006 Walk•The•Talk© 2006 or halfmarathonand fight againstAIDS ® Productions, Inc.AllRightsReserved.NoFederal or     hotel accommodations Marathons willalsoreceive roundtrip airtraveland Participants oftheFlorence andHonolulu others onlydream about Bragging rightsforaccomplishing New friendsandmemoriesthatwilllastalifetime you are ahero topeoplewithAIDS knowing from The joyandsatisfaction thatcomes you 202.543.2RUN 202.543.2RUN to complete USMC something endorsement implied. . All youhavetodoisask. You'll besurprisedathowwillingpeoplearetosupportyou. We'll betheretohelpyoueverystepoftheway.HIV/AIDS. raise morethan$65million In thepasteightyears,we’vehelped20,000peoplenationwide people aliveuntilthere'sacure. services—tokeep AIDS medical care,food,andothervital you raisewillallowWhitman-Walker Clinictoprovidedirect casesistentimesthenationalaverage.The money new AIDS HereinWashington,people ages15to59. therateof DC, isnowtheleadingcauseofdeathworldwideamongall AIDS Guided Fundraising convenient foryou. Washington areaeach weekend.Choosethelocationmost There arefourgrouprunsiteslocatedthroughoutthe best thingyoudothisyear, andyourlifewillneverbethesame. Itmaybethe tremendous differenceinthefighttoendAIDS. or slow. 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Auto Mechanic ACTIVISM IT OPTICIAN Used Car & Auto Repair in Takoma Park. Need 1 MD DISHWASHER Ophthal. office needs licensed opt with bench exp. Inspector, 1 Mechanic. Call Tony, 301-270-8845. Wash pots/pans using industrial dishwasher, Systems Support Specialist as well as dispensing end sales, excellent benefits & CAMPAIGN clean kitchen equipment, mop floors and Salary. Rock/GD area. Please fax resume to: JOBS AUTO SALES unpack food deliveries. Requires physical Seeking an experienced IT professional to provide 301-881-2945. mobility, ability to lift 50 lbs., ability to read system & application support to both internal & Printing/Field Service Technician labels, willingness to work evenings, Sat. and external customers. In this dynamic environment you To repair bindery equipment. Electronic background ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION some holidays. Offer contigent upon drug test. $350-$550/Week will be applying the latest web technology to resolve required. Car needed. salary + benefits. Competitive wages w/generous benefits. business problems & implement solutions. Fax resume to 703-524-1704 • Stop air & water pollution Apply To: RECEPTIONIST- BILINGUAL SPANISH • Gain campaign exper. DARCARS, one of the regions fastest growing HR, Food & Friends, You need: knowledge of HTML, Java, JavaScript, rela- Silver Spring. FT. YOU: fully fluent in Span.-Eng.; min. • FT/PT Leadership positions available auto groups, is currently seeking motivated, 219 Riggs Road., NE; tional database applications, 1 yr. clerical exper.; highly productive. US: paying Dupont Circle customer friendly individuals eager to begin a WDC 20011. $13-$16/hr. + bonuses; parking/Metro; full benefits. lucrative career! Experience is not necessary - Crystal Reports & report writing, PC & Mac environ- Apply now. Visit www.markskatz.com. Call Erin 202-797-9655 Fax 202-635-4263. ments & outstanding customer service skills. we offer one of the industries best training [email protected] Fax 301-495-8815. ADMIN—IT Co seeks Admin Assts & Data entry programs! Joining us entitles you to: NO PHONE CALLS. EOE Also: Bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineer- Restaraunt clerks. Min 2 yrs exper. Co loc in Clarksburg,MD. Gd • Health Insurance & 401K Cook wanted exp req’d. Apply in person 331 1/2 benef w/ health/dental/401K. EOE. Resume to: • Company Car ing, business, mathematics or other analytical field, 2-5 DRIVER years in customer service, production &/or operations; Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003 [email protected] or fax to: 301-556-4237 job code 798-4 • Paid Vacation Courier Co in Beltsville, looking for PT Owner ADMINISTRATIVE ASST—N. Bethesda & College Pk • Over $80K 1st yr earning potential! & strong skills in problem solving, verbal & written Restaurant Operators w/ economical vehicles to make early communication, organization & time management. Med ofc, flex wrk sched M-F, Free pkng. Salary $12- • Rapid advancement into management morning small package deliveries in the MD, DC, & ALL POSITIONS $16 hr depending upon skills & exper., Computer lit Apply in person, at DARCARS of Silver Spring - NOVA areas. Good earning potential. Full-time position with excellent benefits, including 3 NO NIGHTS & cust serv exp reqd. Email res: [email protected] 12214 Cherry Hill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904 Call M-F only, 800-346-1512 x1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST—Individual w/ good verbal (at the corner of Rt. 29 and Cherry Hill weeks vacation, medical/dental programs, FSA/de- Chutzpah Deli/Restaurant & computer skills needed for P/T day position in Slvr Road).Contact Shannon Ryan at 301-622-0020 or DRIVER/COURIER pendent care, tuition reimbursement, 401(k) matching is opening a new location in Tysons. Looking for Spg. Ability to speak Spanish helpful. Hrs/days [email protected] for more info. Sil Spg to D.C. w/own car. Gas supplied. Pd holiday & & retirement plan. reliable Asst. Managers, Deli Help, Servers & flexible. For addt’l info call Toni, 301-578-8585 x 202 vac. 301-384-8942/301-879-2433 Cooks. Will train right people. For immediate Send a cover letter w/salary requirements & resume consideration, call 703-385-8883 or fax resume: ADVERTISING AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Driver—earn $600-800/week FT, $9-14/hr PT. De- to: liver meals for Take Out Taxi. All shifts available. 703-385-5855. ADVERTISING Call Mr. Jackson, 202-584-3200 Must have own vehicle. Call 301-571-0111. DRIVER/WAREHOUSE RESTAURANT BEAUTY HAIR STYLIST Army Navy Country Club has several positions ENTRY LEVEL Excel loc. in Dupont Circle. Booth rent for $300 wk. Wanted for Furniture store in Alexandria VA. Must available at our Arlington & Fairfax Locations. We Natl. marketing firm has F/T entry-level openings. Call 202-468-0999. are looking for highly energetic & enthusiastic We have Mgmt. opportunities avail. Help execute BEAUTY NAIL TECH be familiar with metro area and have clean driving record. $10/hr + overtime +bonus, Call Attn: Human Resources - ASU/SSS/LBE individuals for the 2006 Spring/Summer Season. We promo campaigns for Sports Teams, Natl. Rest. Upscale salon loc. in Dupont Circle seeking FT or PT. have immediate openings for the following: Commission & guaranteed salary basis. 703-941-5042, fax 703-941-5056; email: 1150 15th Street, NW Chains & Hotels. Learn Sales to Mgmt. PD TRAINING! • Servers for Restaurants & Banquets 38K to 42K 1st yr. College degree preferred. Call 202-468-0999. [email protected] Washington, DC 20071 BEAUTY—Nail Tech, Stylist. Experienced, Salary & Drivers (202) 912-3677 - fax • Beverage Cart Attendant Call Emily @ 703.288.3123 • Bussers www.crcadvertising.com Commission. Near Metro. 202-783-6565 DRIVERS & HELPERS WANTED [email protected] CARPENTER/FARMERS WANTED • Cooks (Short Order and/or Prep) Advertising Preprints Analyst We are looking for exp drivers. Must have standard We are committed to diversity in the workplace and • Housekeeping Staff transmission exp w/26ft box truck/ CDL pref’d but promote a drug-free work environment. All positions require flexible schedule including For residential new construction. Must have hand no req’d. Must have current MVR. We need prof. Be an analyst in The Post’s Advertising Preprint & Post tools & transportation. 703-842-5369. weekends, holidays & evenings. Applications will be Plus Department. Experience in media sales/marketing people to give our customers the BEST MOVE THEY LOAN OFFICERS accepted Tues-Fri 9-5pm at 1700 Army Navy Dr, COUNSELOR— FT for an outpatient substance EVER HAD. We offer pay rates starting at $12/hr Arlington, VA. No Phone Calls. & ability in quantitative analysis & working knowledge abuse program in Waldorf, MD. Must be state Looking for Mortgage Loan Officers. Exper pref’d but of analysis tools. Business degree preferred. changing to $14/hr. DC North 301-735-3700/ will train. Exc split. Fax resume to: 703-256-2452; Restaurant certified, Early morning hours. FAX resumes to: Lisa DRIVING/LIMO - CDL w/P Job responsibilities include: at 301-645-5539. email: [email protected] • Analytical support on all Department issues; PT eves & wknds. VA/DC/MD. $18-$20/hr. Spring- • Rate setting and revenue projections, P&Ls, budgets; COURIER field 703-550-7200 • Study/recommend solutions to operational and PROCESS SERVER Dryclean LOCKSMITH financial issues affecting business performance. Customer Service & FedLock seeks ENTRY LEVEL (will train) & EXPER’D Great pay. Start immediately. Day/nts. Dry Cleaner TECHS. Installation/service, access control, hard- Excellent benefits package including medical/dental, FT/PT. No. VA. Must have own car. 401(k) matching, retirement, tuition reimbursement. P/T 23/hr wk. Garment, fabric & computer exp. ware, no auto, no on-call. Great oppty for person- Business is good! We are seeking talented & enthu- For more information see our online ad at Call 703-934-6777 helpful. CALL Barbara Tues-Fri 10-6, 703-521-5600. al/professional growth, exc salary/benes. siastic people for Servers & Line Cooks. www.washingtonpost.com ELDERCARE/HSKPR— Silver Spring. free rm/brd + Fax 703-525-1637 Attn Michael CUSTOMER SERVICE—FT/PT, for busy natural Looking for exp FT Host/Maitre’d able to handle Send your resume and cover letter to: health care center. Mon-Sat, some positions until $1000/mo. Eng. spking US citizen. Car nec. Long term live-in ONLY. Off Sat 10am-7pm. Non-smoker, MARKETING high-vol. door & help build clientele. Pay commens. 7pm. Great benefits, great teamwork, hourly pay. International PR company is growing again. Seeks 6 w/exp. Apply 2-5, M-F: 600 13th St NW, Wash. DC Must apply in person: 4609-D Pinecrest Office Park female. bkgrnd check req’d. Call Joan 301-325-7169. General Jobs extroverts who like people, loud music Fashion, RESTAURANT Dr., Alexandria, VA 22312. 703-354-7336. Several sports and are able to travel. M-F, 8-5, training EXPERIENCED SERVERS positions available - act now! Travel agents needed. provided to those who show potential. A Car is DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG Work from home. No exp nec. Call 301-352-7330. helpful but not needed. To start Immediately . Call 1150 15th Street, NW County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. Graphic/Website Designer today for interview 703-212-7525 Washington, DC 20071 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 Communication Firm seeks hands-on designer, 5+ MARKETING/PROJECT Fax: (202) 912-3677 years demonstrated ability to produce and manage COORDINATOR Attn: HR/PreprintsAnalyst/LB-E Dental Assistant—needed imm. Must be MD website, multimedia, and publication projects, BFA Award winning Bethesda home builder/remodeller E-mail to [email protected] licenced. Call 301-568-8898 or fax 301-568-8987 a plus. Must be a team player and committed to is seeking a highly motiv’d, indiv. to perform mrktg Medical, Gym Benefits Design innovative concept development. Email resume & functions & assist in client mngt. FAX resume to: Apply in person. Alex, VA We are committed to diversity in the workplace and Space Planner salary requirements in Adobe PDF to hr@thehill- 301-652-9224 or Email resume to: tbissell@merid- King St Metro 703-739-0777. promote a drug-free work environment group.com. ian RETAIL SALES Home Health Aides ASSOCIATION Designs & prepares the construction documents homesinc.com STORE MANAGER used in Renovations Projects ranging from $800 - Nat’l Trade Assoc w/ 62,000+ members seeks exp Right at Home MORTGAGE Your mgmt skills + our mdse = success. Director of Membership. $55K-$65K. Resume & $1M. Specifics finishes (i.e., carpet, tiles, paint, etc). Provide support for elderly Sylene, upscale lingerie store in Chevy Chase seeks Works closely w/engineering & estimator for cost Experienced Telemarketers & Loan Officer. cover letter to: [email protected] and disabled adults in DC. 301-552-6100 ask for Mimi. energetic, exp’d, 2+ yrs manager with good comm estimates. Orders furniture & tracks shipments. Must have license or certifi- skills. Excel work environment. No eves, excel sal & AUTOMOTIVE Bachelors Degree req’d. Min 1-3 yrs exp w/AutoCAD cation. Call 202-269-1883. MORTGAGE/FIN SVCS benes. Fax resume 301-654-0494 or skills. Must have visual acuity & the ability to PT/FT. Willing to educate. Call Ms. Wooten [email protected] BODY REPAIR distinguish between colors. Pref’d TS/SCI Security 703-768-6300 ROOFER Metal-Roofing Mechanic Clearance if not must be eligible to obtain a Top Skilled and experienced in laying out & installing TECHNICIAN/MECHANIC Secret Clearance. Fax resume and salary Mortgage Loan Officer/Manager flat-seam & standing-seam copper roofing. Imed expectation to 202-284-3087 or email to position w/ benefits. 301-585-4985 ext 18. Transportation co. needs an expert Body Repair [email protected]. Minimum 1 year exp. Work in Tysons Corner. Technician w/significant knowledge of and expe- Top pay/benefits. Call 703-731-5966 SECURITY OFFICERS rience in fabrication & painting of medium/light NON-PROFIT,SUBSCRIPTION/IT ASST—The Studio vehicles. Must be available to work flexible shifts Theatre seeks a cust srvc, detail oriented person as $400 Sign on Bonus incl. wkends & holidays. Exper. in the mechanical Sub/IT Asst. Processing subs, IT troubleshtng, train- 10 FT openings in NOVA area. Apply today and repair of medium/light vehicles also desirable. ing. D-Base Admn. (Hlth,401k). Fax: 202-588-5262 become part of a respected profession. Call CDL lic. would be an advantage. Amber at Security Associates. 703-257-0292 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Please call 202-359-6211 for further information. Imed opening for P/T OT in Herndon. Flexible hrs, Pediatric exper nec. Fax resume to: 703-536-5677 or TELEMARKETING EOE/M/F/D/V email [email protected] Earn up to $25/hr. NOVO1 is looking for highly skilled, exper’d inside sales reps to market for Auto Mechanic — Limo FT wknds. $15. Must know OFFICE/SECURITY ASSISTANT—Computer/driv- Fortune 100 co. FT/PT. Great working environment, Lorton VA. bf 703-550-7200 ing. 202-588-5928 Laurel, MD. Call 301-361-1111, ask for Mark. !#k4G?A4BBk # %! %kC7DAB30H Classifieds

SALES-FULL TIME Telemarketers Wanted SALES JOBS Retail Sales Merchandisers Work for home. Base + Advertising Sales at Advantage Sales & Marketing seeks Full Time Retail commiss + bonus. Email resume: [email protected] Sales Merchandiser to call on stores in the Beltsville, SALES REPRESENTATIVES MD/DULLES, VA area. CAREER TRAINING AND Cutting edge medical device co. seeks DC/No. VA EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Reps. O.R. exp. & surgeon contacts a must. Fax C.V. Candidates should possess strong selling skills, to: 267-775-8197; [email protected] mass merchandising experience (i.e. retail resets, store calls, etc.), good communication and SALES What is an Acquisition Sales Executive organizational skills, the ability to work Are You Earning $3500 independently, a valid driver’s license, proof of a • Open territory! good driving record, reliable transportation with Weekly? • Unleashed incentive! insurance, and the ability to lift up to 50lbs. Our Top Reps Are! • Outside sales • Cold calling To apply, please e-mail your resume to: • 5-10 pre-qualified & confirmed appts/wk. • New account acquisition [email protected] or visit www.asmnet.com. • Generous commissions & bonus paid weekly • For the experienced sales hunter and closer We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and value • Comprehensive certified training workplace diversity. • Top Producing Processing Department For more information: www.washingtonjobs.com • Health, dental & life insurance paid by employer SERVICE TECHNICIAN Send resume to: Service exp with Canon Image Runner copiers. Sales Pros, F&I Managers, Top Pro- The Washington Post Computer/fax a +. Salary nego. Fax resume to Mark ducers, Limited Opportunities! Human Resources 301-249-0101 Attn: HR/ACQ/JT American Mortgage & 1150 15th Street, NW TEACHERS—Alexandria area. We are looking for Investment Corp. CALL Washington, DC 20071 staff to work w/ Children from ages 1-5. Child care 301-883-8881, ext 107 [email protected] experience req’d. Mgt positions also avail. Fax: 301-883-2157 We are committed to diversity & promote Call 703-971-2793 or Fax 703-971-5054 [email protected] a drug-free environment. Telemarketer/Confirmers SALES SALES $10-$15/HOUR UP TO $30/HR IN BONUSES Health, Life & Dental Paid by Employer FT/PT (.) CALL MR. Advertising Sales at ASSOCIATE/SALES JAMES: 301-883-8881, ext 120 Fax resume: 301-883-2157 Harley-Davidson of Washington, the area’s largest dealership, is currently looking for sales associates CAREER TRAINING AND to work full and part time in motorclothes and EMPLOYMENT SERVICES collectables. Retail experience is a plus but not necessary, as we will train the right individual. A What is a Prospecting Associate? neat and clean appearance and excellent customer service skills are a must. H-D of Washington has • Open territory! excellent benefits including health care and 401K. • Enticing incentive plan! Please call Lucy at 301-248-1200 between 10:00 am • Prospecting by phone and 7:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday Loan Officer-Training Class • Lead generation for more information. • Cold calling Earn more than $100K 1st yr. Class start 4/17 Lmtd • New business development seating $175. 301-384-1200. namcmortgage.com • Support experienced sales closers Harley-Davidson of Washington Office XP & PC Repair Classes 9407 Livingston Rd. $50 to Start Wheaton Metro 301-576-5810 For more information: www.washingtonjobs.com Ft. Washington, MD 20744 Eve/Wknds Job Placement Upon Certification 301-248-1200 Send resume to: The Washington Post TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN Human Resources MASSAGE THERAPY AT Attn: HR/PRO/JT 1150 15th Street, NW PARKS COLLEGE Washington, DC 20071 You will receive a solid base of knowl- [email protected] We are committed to diversity & promote edge through instruction and a drug-free environment. hands-on training that can get you STOCK PERSON/LIQUOR started in this exciting field. F/T Call 202-889-1500/889-1623 Tysons Corner Campus 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 McLean, VA 22102 CALL: 888-425-7099 Adkey NPEX626F TRAIN TO BECOME A SECURITY SPECIALIST AT PARKS COLLEGE Graduate in less time than you think! Tysons Corner Campus 1430 Spring Hill Rd, Suite 200 McLean, VA 22102 Arlington Campus 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22203 CALL: 866-300-9344 Adkey NPEX625E TRAIN TO BECOME A MEDICAL ASSISTANT AT PARKS COLLEGE No high school diploma or GED? We have options! Tysons Corner Campus 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 McLean, VA 22102 Arlington Campus 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22203 CALL: 866-300-9340 Adkey NPEX625F BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES A GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Your own online Travel Business. Website provided, Residual Income. Home-based. 301-390-3289 AUTO MECHANIC SHOP— w/long term lease. Only business sell not property. $110K. 703-629-1611 BUSINESS PLANNING—Starting a business/apply- ing for a loan? You need a business plan. Fast, affordable, prof. services 202-370-6165 ELKINS & FORD NOTE BUYERS 202-306-2709 Do you need money? Get top dollar for your mortgage, real estate, structured settlement or annuity note now! Full and partial purchases. Free quotes. Fast Funding! NITECLUB W/PROPERTY FOR SALE—Baltimore, MD. Fells Pt. For info, 410-522-4241 C7DAB30Hk # %! %k4G?A4BBk!$ Classifieds

NEED A COMPUTER?—Give me a call. ARL N—-walking distance to Metro & shopping. Arlington/Rosslyn Several Locations BUSINESS AND 301 938-7731 EQUAL HOUSING Close to Key Bridge & Rt. 66. 2 BR’s, $1350, all utils & SPECIAL: MOVE IN BY 5/1/06 FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES Night Gowns—2 lots 500 each pale pink, blue & prkg incl.1 year lse. No dogs. 703-527-1991 & GET 4TH MONTH FREE! green w/flowers Size S,M,L w/tags attached, good OPPORTUNITY ARL NO.—Cute bungalow, close to D.C., 2BR, 1BA, On-Site Parking, Walk Metro RESTAURANT/46 SEATS—ALEXANDRIA, VA. for small business and/or bridal shower/gifts. Call unfin wlkout bsmt., W/D, lge yd, no pets/nsmkg. Upgraded Apts, 1&2BRs $150K. CALL 571-236-3775 Karen 301-469-6591. All advertisements for the sale or $1950. Call Kim, 703-675-5557. 703-671-4045 or 703-861-7605 NW— DC Sat & wkdys ONLY!,10-5, bhnd Giant ARL/ROSSLYN PROSPECT HOUSE www.carydale.com Foods, 3460 14th St NW, 4,000 Sq ft of stuff: tools, rental of dwelling units published in • 1 BR duplex w/spectacular view of city. $1900/mo BALTIMORE/D‘TWN/NR CULTURAL CENTERS—2 STUFF bldg mat., plmng, htg, elec, HVAC, drs, plywood, Express are subject to the federal • Unfurn sunny Studio, $1200/mo MBR Suite TH across from Park. pvt parking. Brand wind., studs, trim, etc. Everything Must Go!, • 2BR 2BA Split Lvl $2200 new. $1795/mo. 410-799-7813 202-363-5253 Fair Housing Act, which makes it All utils & parking included. BELTSVILLE $2300/MO Access - Reliability - Prices RINGS—Men & woman’s wedding set. 2kt. diam. C-21 New Millennium, 703-524-3170 METRO OFFICE FURNITURE Cert. diam. $6K/nego.( both sets). 240-888-0321 illegal to advertise “any preference, 4513 BROAD BLVD Rock Bottom Prices From: Sculpture—Numbered Frederick Hart acrylic ”Di- limitation, or discrimination be- ARL S. — Rent w/Option To Buy 2BR, 1BA Condo. 3BR 1BA upstairs; 2BR, kitchen & 1BA downstairs. Desks $60 Chairs $25 Lat. Files $50 vine Milieu”. $10K, CALL 703-850-7452 Walking distance to Shirlington, 2 mis to Pentagon. In-law suite. Call Aaron Hargrove 202-438-0701 for Bkshlvs $50 Fire Safe $350 & More! Stanley Furniture—Imed Relo MBR cherry Corin- cause of race, color, religion, sex, $1275/mo. Call 703-379-2667. questions RE Execs 2000. *** Everything Must Sell *** thia, study cherry Provincia, 2 lvrs Bernhardt sofa/ handicap, familial status or national Arlington—$2000/mo Full furn’d 1 BR Pent. Short/ BELTSVILLE—5BR 3½BA brick 3lvl SFH w/2-car gar, Open 9am-6pm, Monday-Saturday sect’l/chrs excel cond, come see. 703-966-2431 Long term avail, all utl incl, + WiFi & cbl Call fin w-o bsmt, 2 kitchens, jacuzzi tub, deck, WW 403 SWANN AVE., ALEXANDRIA, VA origin, or intention to make any 571-274-2750 [email protected] carpet, hdwd flrs, large yard & more. CALL US: 703-535-8085 such preference, limitation, or dis- $2,750/mo. 703-642-1298 /762-1124 TICKETS ASHBURN Broadlands Reduced $1990 ALL SPRING SALE crimination.” State law forbids dis- 4BR Home, 2-car gar, short & long term. Mins to Toll BETH—5BR house, nice yard. $3000. CALL Great Bargains All Spring! crimination based on factors in Rd. 703-507-4924 301-365-2036 New PCs from $399. Used PCs from $99. addition to those protected under Laptops from $299. MACS from $199. BILLY JOEL Trade in your PC or MAC for something newer. federal law. We also do full-service and repair. 1ST 9 ROWS Practical Computer 703-321-3003 Express will not knowingly ac- ARLINGTON UNITARIAN UNIVERSILIST ORIOLES * NAT’S cept any advertising for real CHURCH SPRING USED BOOK SALE 703-255-3010 Normally huge, is now merely large; due to lost of estate which is in violation of storage space for other increasing activities. We still www.plattix.com the law. All persons are hereby have fiction and non-fiction in every category includ- NATIONALS*WIZARDS*CAPITALS informed that all dwellings ad- ing tapes, disks, and children’s books. Opens Friday, BUFFETT*MCGRAW*PEARL JAM 3-8pm; Saturday 9-4pm; Sunday ($5/bag day) vertised are available on an 1-4pm. Come over to 4444 Arlington Blvd (corner of 301-985-6250 George Mason Drive). www.greatseats.com equal opportunity basis. AUCTION NATS—Opening Day. Buy 5. Get 5 Free. Regular REHOBOTH CONVENTION CENTER Season Games. Premium Seats. 301-573-0405 REHOBOTH AVE, REHOB. DE - SUN APRIL 9, 10 AM REDSKINS CLUB SEATS + ORANGE PARKING Featuring the Life Long Collection of Entire Season. Section 340, Row 19, Seats 16 & 17, Robert Stewart of Cap Hill, Wash, DC & Lewes Padded, Covered. $8500/obo. Call 202-274-2440 DE. Former Curator of The National Portrait REDSKINS TICKETS—2 Club seats, incl. parking Gallery, Smithsonian Institution pass. $575 for pair. 609-586-4208 u Local & Regional Art, period antiq., fine china, WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Tix (4), sterling silver, DE books, maps & Ephemera, antiq. $18-face value for3&5game packages. Howard Oriental rugs, classic cars & much more. 703-242-6001 EMMERT AUCTION ASSOC. 302-227-1433 emmertauction.com RENTALS BD $120—Full matt set Brand new in manuf PETS plastic Can dlvr 301-343-8630 Bd- $120 Full sz set, new in plastic w/warr. Can dlvr 703-263-7888 ADOPT A CAT/KITTEN VET CHECKED BD $130 Qn Dbl pillowtop matt set new in plastic Call Feline Foundation. Can del 301-399-7870 703-920-8665 www.ffgw.org BD $135 Queen pillowtop set new in plastic. Can African Gray & Or.-Wing Amzon—W/cages $1,000 del 703-378-8866 ea. Exc talk travl, flt, 3 tier cage 703-257-1081 BD—$230/King Dbl Pillowtop Set new/plastic, AKC Whippet Puppies—3 Beautiful Boys. Dual Champion-sired, perfect companions. $800 and up. can dlvr. 703-263-7888 Please call 610-513-0909 BD $235 Double pllwtop king matt set New in AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD PUP—AKC health guaran- plasticCan del 301-343-8630 tee, great companion ready now. $400 up. BDRM 8PC-Cherry slgh bd set, $595, New-box. 301-271-2258 3/343-8630, 7/263-7888. BASSETT HOUND PUPPIES—AKC, tri-colored, BEDRM SET—Solid cherry sleighbed, trpl drsr, ready-to-go, parents on premises, vet checked, 2 chest, 2 nghtstnds, mirror paid $6000/ask $1999; M’s, $400ea; 540-888-4962 Never used Call 703-980-8639 CHIHUAHUA —8 wks, pure bred, shots, wormed, BEDS will be 5 lbs when grown, $475. 804-746-0969 COCKER PUPS/8 WKS/1ST SHOTS—AKC papers, Used in Great Condition M/F,$250. Call 301-610-0497 ADELPHI/College Pk—Just renov. 4BR, 2BA SFH, TWIN SETS -- QUEEN SETS beaut views immac cond. Never Rented $1750/mo. DSH—Urgent! Beaut. 3-yr-old M tabby, neut., all 202-409-4844 KING SETS -- FROM $129 shots, FIV/FELV neg., 1st vet bill paid, moving/can not take. 703-803-6861 ALEX. 1210 Wake Forest Dr.—3BR, 2½BA home MD 301.324.8684 301.468.6443 w/inground pool & sauna, $2595/mo BALTIMORE 410.719.6922 GERMAN SHEP PUPS— Champion lines. AKC, 3 M, Call Bill 703-965-4523. 2 Fs, $550 each. 7 miles from Beltway. 301-236-0252 Husztek Realtors 703-573-8842 VA 703.818.2678 703.354.2600 GERMAN SHEPRD PUPPIES—AKC shots.parents ALEX/BELLV—1BR in River Towers $1050 includes CORT FURNITURE onsite Champ bloodline 703-389-9668 utils. 202-341-0045 CARPET— Starting at $1.59/s.f. Hardwood floors, Golden Retrievers—Adopt together or separate ALEX/Old Town—2BR 2½BA in Heart of OT 2 frpls, $6.99/s.f. Price includes installation. 301-341-2499 female 8 yr & 5yr old golden reteivers. Healthy, w/d, $2500. 202-251-5099 spayed and vaccinated, bloodline, affordable pet Alex/Kingstowne— Multi-level unit w/2 BR, 2 BA. CARPET— Starting at $1.59/s.f. Hardwood floors, plan 703-299-5747 $6.99/s.f. Price includes installation. 301-341-2499 Gar, $1490. www.sitede zignz.com/condo. LAB ADOPT—1 yr neutered Male, beautiful dog, 804-398-8525 Couch/loveseat (Microfiber)-New in boxes $450. very friendly. 301-292-3020 301-343-8630. Alex—WALK TO Huntington METRO 2BR 1BA dplx 703-569-4728 410-371-9886 new kitchen fncd yard pets ok $1640 703-869-0919 CURIO CABINET — $300. Arcade Game $150. LAB PUPS— AKC, chocolate & black, 1st shots, Canopy w/side curtains $100. Call 703-354-6896 wormed & vet checked. call 703-503-9686 or Alex-Walk to Metro! fully furn, 1BR, 1BA grmt kit, DIAMOND RING—Platinum Engagament, 1.8ct, 703-731-7353 balc. all poss amens! $2000 brand new GIA appraisal. Bought: $20,700. Sell for Patrice. 703-731-4829 LAB PUPS—AKC. Champion lines. Yellow/Blk. 1st REMAX/Preferred Properties $8,000/obo 703-815-8222 shot. worm. health cert. Ready! 410-643-7123 Alexandra/Del Ray — 1BR Garden apt, 1 blk to DR SET—Solid Cherry Chippendale, dbl ped tbl, ball PRESA CANARIO PUPS—Parents on Premise.- & claw ft. w/6 side/2 armchs. Lighted china & buffet. braddock metro hdwd flrs, ac ,prkg, $975.00 all utils Shots & wormed up to date. FIC reg, Imported icld 703-837-1627 Beveled glass. Cost $10,000. Sacrif. $2999 Never bloodlns. $1000. Call 301-856-4071 Alexandria City/Rt 1 used call 703-980-8639 ROTTWEILER—German pups, AKC, top show/pro- EX CHAIR LIFT—To assist indiv’s to go upstrs $1800. Highrise, Garden Apts & Twnhms tect, 540-286-2343 www.dunkelbergrotts.com Numerous Amenities! Excl cond, instillation can be arranged. T.B. GELDING—9yr old, 16.3H, beaut. Bay, 100% 703-830-0450 sound, started over fences, W/T/C, moving, sadly *SPECIAL FAIRFAX—Hsehold items, vint. toys, sport & garden must sell. $3500. 240-674-4283 Move-in by 5/1/06 equip., furn., tools, antique bric-a-brac. 6111 Yorkshire Terriers Pups—Champs w/dollfaces, Queens Brigade Ct. 3mos. $1100. You’ll fall in love. $275 Move-in Credit FIXTURES Liquidator—Showcases, Gondolas, Beautiful Yorkie T-cup 202-431-2057 4th Mo Rent 1/2 Credit Mannequins, etc. 301-881-1733 Carydale East 703-751-7576 FORKLIFT - 1998 Lull Forklift for Con- *Holly Court 703-765-7039 struction. Price Negotiable. Good cond. Please *Rolling Hills 703-780-0161 call, 703-339-7444 or 703-898-2038 *Carydale Village 703-780-6244 FURN—Antique maple BR set, maple kitchen set, *Washington Avenue 703-765-7039 sofa & chair, console TV, dresser, lamps. 410-750-7734 www.carydale.com GRANITE COUNTERTOPS SALE Alexandria EHO $25/per sq ft. Saturday, April 8. Great color FOXWOOD APTS selection. 301-627-7630 Come Home To The Winner! KITCHEN CABINETS:New! Solid maple. 16 pcs. Luxury High-rise offering Effics, 1 & 2BRs apts.* $200 $4500. FORMAL LR SET:Burgundy, Hunter Grn & off 1st Month’s Rent. Lrg floor plans, spectacular Cream Print. Like new fr Marlow. Loveseat/sofa/ views. Quiet living w/close-in convenience. Mini- coffee tbl/2 end-tbls. $700. 301-271-0561 mart, cleaners, fitness ctr & resort-size pool. *Some LATERAL FILES Restrictions apply 877-876-2393 Hon-5 drawer 36in. wide. ANACOSTIA/SE—Sunny, renovated 2BR/2BA, brk New $1214 Special $299 row house, new appls, granite counters, DW, W/D, Gerstel Office Furniture fin bsmt, wlk to Metro. $1,525 Avail May 8th. MON-FRI 9-5:30 SAT 10-5 202-413-7579. Gaithersburg 301-840-5395 Anacostia $2100 LIVING RM—Couch & loveseat $450. 2 cane back Section 8 welcome side chrs, striped fabric $300/pr. 703-360-0632 Large 5 Bedroom located in Anacostia Looking for poker players—$00 Play poker locally • 5 brd.1.5BA on dcpokeroom.com. Qualify for a spot at the WSOP • Large Country Kitchen 2006. • washer and drier MATTRESS SALE—lge selection, all szs in plastic, • New wall to wall Carpet $80-$280/Basic, Serta & Simmons. Make ofr Credit • 4 blocks from metro cards accepted. Warr. DC/MD/VA Same Day Delivery • Available in May avl. A.J. 301-674-2843 www.mattress4less.biz Call 301.455.4850 Moving Sale everything must go...—Great condi- ARL/FAIRLINGTON—1BR. w/d. d/w. cac. w/w. tion. Red Microfiber L Shape Sofa, less than a year balcony. pool/tennis. no pets. Avail 4/22. $1075. old. $600 obo. Contact: Tony @ 202-460-5253. Call 703-946-6601 !%k4G?A4BBk # %! %kC7DAB30H Classifieds

LARGO— $950. 1 BR, CAC, W/D, pool, utils incl. ANNANDALE—Rm for rent, shr BA Kit w/1 person. ARL/PENTAGON CITY $280,000 HAS IT ALL Silver Spring,MD $585,000 301-384-1118 Email: [email protected] $500/m +dep. ½ elec only. 703-942-5206/ Large Jr 1BR w/balcony, garage parking. new carpet. Location!! steps from Metro RENTALS LAUREL—4BR 3FBA TH for rent. $1700/mo+util call 703-338-6683 new paint. new kitchen. Closets galore. DIR: 395 S call 301-461-9250 240-876-1156 ARL SO/FURN RM IN COMFORTABLE HSE—Nr. Exit Crystal City National Airport, R. on Army Navy • 3 Bdrm,2 full/2half baths BETH/CH CH—Newly remod. 1BRs from $1295 avl LAUREL—New constr., lux condo, 2BR/2BA, excel Pent. Semi-Pvt. BA. $665/utls incl.Call 703-521-1505 Dr, 2.5 blks past Macy’s to 1300. • Hardwood flrs. LR/DR immed. Incls. utils & parking. Near Metro. Walking gym & rec facility, sec sys. $1650. 301-680-0246 ARLINGTON—Furn BR avail 4/2, Prof female to sh Mary Louise Harmon, 703-219-6817, • Kit. tile floors/fireplace distance to Bethesda Row shops & restaurants. No LGO—3BR,find out what your house is worth, w/female, 1 mi fr Ballston, utils incl. $700 short lease Jobin Realty • 2 car garage pets. 301-656-7626 www.raycontee.com avail. 703-946-9902. 703-920-2251 ARL/ROSSLYN— Studio Unit starting @ $135,000 • 2106clarkplace.com BETH N— Rent below market rate! 1 min wlk to LOGAN EAST—Newly decorated , historic bldg, ASHBURN — Share house. Room w/pvt BA, w-i Also 1 & 2BR units, all parking incl. starting @ Open House Sun 4/9 10-6pm. 495 to exit 31 hwy 97 White Flint Metro. Lux 2 Br, 2 FBa condo w/gar conven to transp./shopping, effcy $865; 1BR $975 closet, Prof. F only, No/Smkg, no pets, $650 incl utls. $237,000. Call Harriet for info 703-447-3336 North L. on Forest Glen Rd, R. on Darcey Forest , R. space. Motivated/flexible owner. 240-626-5292 202-289-4909. Call 703-728-4079. Landmark Realty Group on Clark Place-2106 BETHESDA—3BR, 2½BA SFH, hdwd floors, reno- MCLEAN/LIL CT.— 2 BR + den. Gar + resrvd space. BOWIE—4BR TH to share, 2 rms avail $400 & $600 + ARLINGTON/Rossyln $424,950 SPGFLD/$259K—CARDINAL FOREST.Nice 2BR 2nd vated BA. Less than 1 mi to metro. Grt schools-Win- $1900. Jobin Realty, 703-856-4533 ¼ utils. 301-928-9267 Excellent value in this spacious 950 SF, sunfilled, lvl w/balc. Hdwds, marble in kit & BA. Ext updates/ gate Elemtary. No pets, No smoking. $2100+ utils CAP HGTS/SEAT PLEASANT—Nice rm. $140/wk & largest 1BR luxury unit with 2 huge glass enclosed remod. Excel schools. 2 mins bus. Low fee incl gas, MCLEAN—Spac lwr lvl suite, pvt entrnc, fpl, all wtr & pool. Reilly, RE/MAX 703-455-0200 Ext. 215. 301-536-5498 amens, nr EFC metro. $995 incl utils. 703-403-4218. up. Shr. hse. Near transportation. 301-499-6323 sunrooms overlooking the treetops, tennis courts, BETHESDA/EDGEMOOR—3BR, 1.5BA, wlk to met- CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD—3RMs available in Colonial park & City in a sought after building. Exceptional Springfield $249,900 MCLEAN/TYSONS—4000 sq ft. 3lvl 4BR end-unit TH CARDINAL FOREST 2BR CONDO ro,shops, Edgemoor pool/tennis club. $2850/mo. w/open floorplan. 1-car gar. W-O bsmt. 2 gas fplcs. house. $575/mo includes utilities. No pets. Near Master Bedroom Suite w/2 walk in closets. Enjoy Avail 5/15. 301-656-6745 Metro! 10 mins to Downtown DC. 301-613-2622 this gracious home with amenities including: pool, 2 Br 1 Bath. Immaculate, a lot of upgrades, vacant. Excellent location! Bus to Metro & Walk to Tysons Contact Roman 703-593-1573 BETHESDA—Lge 2BR 2BA w/optional 3rd room Corner/Shopping Ctr. $2,850/mo. 703-898-9371 DIST HTS— Pvt furnished rooms for rent in quiet tennis, fitness center w/sauna & Whirlpool, library, convenience store, dry cleaners, video rentals, full SS/LEISURE WORLD—$130K. Balc, W/D, neutral condo, nr Montgomery Mall. $1999/mo. call MD HOME RENTAL SERVICES—SFH or THs only in home. Nr bus, metro & shppg. 301-568-3386 301-252-9111 FAIRFAX— Furn’d Bedrms for rent. Share Bath, rent service front desk. Extra storage & super convenient carp/walls, wonderful closets. Immac, spac 1BR 1BA MD, avg rent $1800 & up. Call Ray Marshall garage parking space too. All of this just steps from Raleigh model. 3365 LW Blvd. Unit 952D. Kathy BETHESDA, MD 20814—Fairmont Plaza condo, Remax 100 301-702-4243 incls lndry & kitc privs. $525/mo. incl utls. 1-BR 1-BA $1550. 202-365-0489, 301-527-0612 Call 703-273-1220 Metro, Rosslyn, Georgetown & the Courthouse Vaupel Re/Max Allegiance:301-352-4100/931-3388. MITCHV— Lux 3 lvl TH w/extension, 3BR, 2F 2H BAs, shops & restaurants. Mike Pugh 703-593-6320 U St /Logan $339,000 [email protected] gar., deck, sunrm $1900. Avail now. 301-613-4475 FAIRFAX— Shr 3 lvl hse, 2 rms & full bsmt avail. Bowie—3 BR, 3 BA, 3 lvl TH w/bsmt & deck. $2050. Walk to Fairfax, GMU, Rtes 123, I66, 3BR, 1 full RE/MAX Allegiance www.MikeSellsVirginia.- OPEN HOUSE SAT1-4-SUN 12-3 Large 703-304-5540 N.E. NEAR GALLAUDET remod BA w/jacuzzi, remod kit w/granite counter- com spectacular 1BR. Very livable space building BOWIE—Lovely 3BR SFH, 1½ ba, lg yard, cath. ceil in 3 lge BRs, 2½BA, frpl, $1495. 301-589-0700 tops & stainless steal appli, living RM & dining RM BELTSVILLE— Effcy 1 & 2BR Condos Avail from offers, front desk,secure building, party kit. On busline. $1800. 301-249-6474 w/screen in porch, washer&dryer & priv entr. Share $129,900-$199,900 room,exercise room,etc.. Unit in imaculate NW— 1BR Bsmt Apt, newly renov, utils incl. condition. HW floors in the living room and open BOWIE—Luxury 3BR 3½BA TH. fin bsmt. Avail $975/mo Call 202-291-5952 kitchen & utils. Call 703-250-0242 or 703-969-7451 Closing Help Avail Call for appt immed. 301-523-9361 FALLS CHURCH—Shr SFH, 2BRs utils., high speed Humanity Realtors Inc. kitchen w/bar. 2004 11th St Nw 236 NW—2-3BR upstair unit, on busline, nr Metro, 301-613-HELP 301-774-HOME EXiT Capitol Realty202-403-0445 Burtonsville/3655 Silver Spruce Circle (20866)— $900/mo+utils+sec dep. Call 202-368-3439 internet, cable, phone incl. $560 & $650. 3 BR TH. Fin bsmt, 3½ BA. New appls, Newly renov’d 703-941-4080 BETH/THE EDGEMOOR $1,000,000 NW—3BR,find out what your house is worth, www.- r inside/out. $1700. Suma 240-432-9095 raycontee.com FSBO. 2BR 2BA. 1148 s.f. HOUSES FOR SALE CAP HILL/811 E. ST. S.E. —1 Blk to Eastern Mkt FORT WASH/NAT’L HARBOR—Beaut. home to shr. 4821 Montgomery Ln, #604. For more info call NW— Clean rooms, Kitchen use. $525 & $550. Two rms. for the price of one + pvt. ba. $800 + B 301-913-0604; www.unseenopportunities.org Metro. 2nd flr, sunny 2BR, w/w, w/d in unit, CAC, cbl 202-722-6181 ready, back yd/patio access, $1350+. 301-656-8039 utils, w/d. 301-203-9679. Open Sun. 2-4. Burke $315,000 1.5% Cash Back on New Construction Homes, NW—Nr Metro. Lg Furn rooms. $400 & $600. 1 mo. 9512 Traverse Way 2 BR, 2 BA, totally renovated. CAP HILL—Open 12-2 Saturday/Sunday April 8-9 & dep. 202-829-3307 Realtor, VA 571-233-6098 15-16. 633 B Orleans Plc NE. Renov 2BR, 1BA, W/D, FT WASH—Beaut. hse to shr w/1 rm, $150- Vivian, 703-501-1892. Jobin Realty ALEX $550,000 4200 Adrienne Drive (22309) NW/PETWORTH—Renov effcys & 1BR, 2 blks trans, $225/wk., incl utils & cable, acces to kit & FR. new kitchen, new BA. $1200/mo. 202-421-5344 $750-$1000. Shown 7am-3:30pm. 202-607-5145 CAP HILL 516 4TH ST NE 3 UNITS Over ½ ac lot. Detached home mins from DC. 4 lvls. CHECK THIS ONE OUT! 703-296-3453 2BR 1½BA (Flat) $300K 4BR. 3 full BA. hdwd flrs. Call Patrick for more info, OAKTON— 2BR 2BA 2 lvl apt. W/D. Deck. Carpet. N.W. - Renovated 1BR, Near Metro, GREENBELT—Shr apt. wlk-in closet. nr Metro. Bus 2BR 1½BA (2 Levels) $375K 703-408-5709, Re/Max Allegiance Gas. No pets. Ample parking. $1220/mo. $800/mo. 240-274-7800 at dr. $450 incl utils. Move in immed. 240-481-6998 2BR 2BA (2 Levels) $399K ALEX/Eisen $2250 Call 703-335-9741. KENSINGTON—1BR/1BA. Female. Kitchen. Separately metered; Washer & Dryer in Units; Low 1800 s.f., 3 prkg spaces, nr Van Dorn Metro. Buck RESTON—3BR,2+2BA, fpl, end unit , new appl, walk Private entrance. Garden. Parking. $675/mo. COLLEGE PARK — Lovely detached SFH for rent. By to school & shop. $1850/mo. 703-533-3211 Condo Fee; Hardwood Floors; Close to Union Sta- Commercial, 703-528-2288 ext 18 owner, 3BR, 1BA, LR, Kitc, wood flrs, frt/back yard. 301-996-5791 or 301-949-6229 tion/Eastern; Market/Supreme Court Bldg. ALEX/FRANCONIA $499,900/OBO RESTON/5 Mins to Reston Town Ctr/Next to Toll LAKERIDGE, 650.00—Prof. to shr TH wlk-out bsmt, $1650/mo. Call 301-828-0898 or 301-345-6211 Rd— 2BR 1BA $1350 incl utils. Call 703-237-2344 Open By Appt - 301-674-1122 SPECTACULAR! Brick ramb. on ½ac., 4BR, 2BA, COLLEGE PARK—Large studio exc condo.in desir- 1BR/BA, Kit, W/D, no pets, incl utils. 703-491-2752 GALLAGHER & CO. R.E. INC. hdwd flrs, fpl, in-law apt, lg deck w/hot tub,Lg. 2 car RESTON/Southgate—1BR, 1BA complet. remod. LAUREL—TH to share, lge MBR, w/d,dw/deck $550 able Westchester Pk, conv. DC/495/mtro, $825 incl. COLLEGE PARK $265,000 gar. Owner fin. avl. FSBO. 703-850-8802. All applncs, all utils paid excpt elec. $1075/mo. uts incl & 1BR $450 bus & shops, 240-475-4072 utils. all amenities 571-272-6399, 703-201-9763 703-502-1006; 703-624-5371. 2 BR, 2 FBA condo less than 1000’ to UM campus. All ALEX/SPGFLD—Whse/ofc. w/dock, 5000sf, nr. 495/ DC-Petworth $1750 LAUREL—TH to share, lge MBR, w/d,dw/deck $550 updated within last year. Call Owner/Agent for appt. 395. 703 971-6770. RESTON—TH, 3BR, 1½ BA, bsmt. Avail. Apr. 1. Sec. 8 uts incl & 1BR $450 bus & shops, 240-475-4072 Petworth Rowhouse ok. $1500. 301 502-1470; 202 672-8630 301-613-4357 ALEXANDRIA/ 2508 ROSS ST. Updated 3br, 2ba, new fridge, new tile, hwfl, grge, Manassas—Shr TH. MBR, pvt BA, dbl closet, wlk RESTON TOWN CTR—Lux 1BR & den w/gar prk’g in shpg ctr, lib, 66/28. N/S/NP.$650. 703-863-9023 DUPONT-The Portsmouth—Elegantly updated 4BR, 4.5 BA, great location bsmt,w/d. 6mth lease or lease to own. 2BR, 2BA GEM SS/cherry kit, marble bath, wd flrs, Call 540-407-1508 Century 21 Resources. 202-345-8528 or 703-409-4768 Carlton Hse. $1300. O/A, Wallach Realty MCLEAN—M to shr 4-BR house, CATV & A/C, $400 + 703-242-6001 frpl, 1200 sf 1735 New Hamp Ave. N.W. #102. $599K. ALEXANDRIA DEL RAY DUPLEX $465,000—Sunny DISTRESS SALE, BANK FORECLOSURE 1/4 utils. Call 703-408-0431 Marilyn Feder, Re/Max Allegiance, 202-255-7383 Visit www.free4closurelist.com ROCKV/DERWOOD—TH 3BR 3½BA. Nr SG METRO. NW— Lge furnished room in Female shared house 2BR, 1½BA Dplex. Big kitch, wood flrs, lge yard w/2 fpl. pvt deck. w/d. fin bsmt. $1975/mo. nr Howard Univ. $500 inclds util. 202-832-7040 FAIRFAX/FAIR LAKES $312,000 decks & garden shed. Updated throughout. DUMFRIES—TH w/fin bsmt, 3.5BA, new hdwds/car- 2BR, 1 ba. condo, 1999 spacious 1186sf. $5000 in Long & Foster Betsy Twigg 703-284-9389 pet, new kit appls, frpl, deck, patio & fence, freshly 301-916-1674 SIL SPG—MBR w/ priv BA. Share common area. ROSSLYN—Sunny studio nr Metro, gym, parking Close to Bus/Metro. All utils inc. $650/mo. closing help paid. Owner/Agent 571-437-6742, Alexandria/Fort Belvoir $630,000 painted, $1750. 703-731-7540 Vickie DUPONT space, secure bldg, 24hr desk. $1,100 inclds utils. 301-221-6652. Avail 4/1. One Mile North of Fort Belvoir! 1BR in highrise at 18th & Q. $1900/mo incl utils. Pets 571-276-0230 SILVER SPRING—Next to Glenmont Metro, 1-4BRs FALLS CH/$359,900/Owner Says Sell-Lg. roomy Coming to the area soon? Rarely available, backing ok. SE/2256 HIGH ST— Lge rm for rent w/cooking priv. in shared condo., inc utils. 703-895-3795 2BR, 2BA, scenic vws fr. balc., lux. bldg. pool+.Lots to 1,425 acre premier wildlife county park! 5 BR, 3 Call for EZ appt to see. 202-678-8074 STERLING—M/F to shr 2BR/2BA apt., 1 room avail., of upgrds. Mins./DC & 395. 2 Gar. spaces+bus at dr. BA, 4 Lvl Split. Updated ktchn, baths, wndws. JIM LAHEY, RE/MAX SE WDCI Apartments nr Broad Run Bus Stop, Insect of 28 & Hwy 7. C.Vanderpool, Re/Max, 202-262-7062. Sunporch. Quiet cul-de-sac.8112 Orville Street 202-285-2400 One & Two Bedroom Apts.Available $665+¼ utils. 703-444-3936 Falls Ch/Skyline $265,000-$375,000 Ann Porter / Jobin Realty 703-921-5515 or 703-851-2859 ELLICOTT CITY—TH. 3BR 3½BA. fin bsmt. loft $590 to $725 plus electric TYSONS CORNER—1BR/1BA w/sit rm in condo to Lovely 1BR/1BA w/new carpet/corian countertops/ w/Jacuzzi. Credit check req’d. $1900/mo. Immed Occpcy-No Application Fee shr. N/S. Nr 267 & 495. $1000+utls. Dep req. updtd appl./garage space, model condition. Nice ANNANDALE $653,000 410-461-4255 Section 8 Vouchers Welcome 571-438-7780 2BR/1.5BA, SE exposure/new carpet & kitc. flr, 7714 ROYSTON ST Call 202-575-2990 M-F 9am-5pm newer appl, garage space. 2BR/2BA shows likea Beautiful SFH, 4BR & den, 3FBA, lots of upgrades. VIENNA/OAKTON—Shr 3-BR TH. M/F, NS/N pets. Must see! FSBO. Nikki, 443-220-9469 FAIRFAX Sat 10-2 $690+dep+B utils. 703-582-7295 model, wood flrs/updtd baths/garage space. 3BR/ Avail May 1. 3 BR, 2½ BA split lvl. 703-204-0015 305-37th Street SE#B-3 WALDORF-Rent to Own—No bank qualify, rent 2.5BA, tiled kitc. flr, new heat pump/appls & counter ARLINGTON/$425,000—Fabulous all brick 3BR FAIRFAX/FAIR OAKS/NR 495/66/50—Prof M/F shr SIL SPG $2300 credit, 4BR, 2.5BA. SFH, 2400 SF, 2 lvl, deck, shed, tops. 2FBA 3lvl home. New applcs & systems, hdwd flrs, TH. MBR/BA. N/S. N/P.sec dep $600+. 703-591-5450 906 BUCKINGHAM DR. nice yd, $2500+ low dn 301-390-1770. Gladys Manrique 703-402-3421 beautifully maintained & landscaped. Close to 395, FALLS CHURCH —Rent to own lease option. 4BR 5BR, 2BA, new kit, gar Fresh paint thro’out, immed CENTURY 21 NEW MILLENNIUM DC & Airport. RE/MAX 703-321-7697. 2630 Uhle St. TH, Call 703-551-6935 occup. call Aaron Hargrove for more details. FOGGY BOTTOM/WEST END ARLINGTON SO.—Renov. Dplx for $635k, nr Pen- FORESTVILLE—1BR from $819; 2BRs $954- wash/ 202-438-0701 Realty Execs 2000. CONDOS FOR SALE STUDIOS-—$255K,$269K, $309k rose Park. 2 units ea w/2BR, hdwd flrs, W/D, nice dry, CAC, dw, w/w carpet, 301-735-2322 Parkland SILVER SPG/ GEORGIA AVE & ASPEN HILL AREA— 1BR—$379K Call 703-956-0999 backyard, unlimited rental potential. Beth Arlington Village. 4BR avail in SFH. Totally renov. $550/mo utils incld, GAITH/RIO/$269K-RAMB-LIKE CONDO. 2BR/1BA, Realty, Inc. 703-944-9706; 703-836-4610. FORT DUPONT—2BR 1BA newly renovated hse to +1mo depos. Walk metro. 301-758-7361 ALEX $329,900 OPEN BY APPT fncd yd, wlk to shops, rests. .152 CROSSBOW LANE. ATTN HOMEBUYERS rent on Texas Ave. Fin bsmt, W/D, carpet, central SW—1BR 1½BA lux condo w/pool, river view, 1 blk Stunning 2BR, 2BA upgraded condo. Granite, SS CALL FOR APPT. 202-277-8960. Condos $140K-$565K heat & a/c, fenced yard. $1310/mo + utils. Avail metro, 24hr security. $1450 call 202-554-4432 appls, HW flrs, jacuzzi, balc & beautiful park views. THs 270K-$635K immed. Sec 8 welcome. Ms. Green: 301-412-6683 ALEX/OLD TOWN $229,900 Detached SFH $365K & up SW— 1BR/1BA, w/ Den & LR. Nr Metro. $750+Utls. Great loc. Walk to Metro. 2 blks to the River. Renov. FORT WASH—SFH converted into up to $600 rent credit 202-561-6034 HILLCREST $160,000 I Can Get You Financed 2 sep. lvls. Rent 4BR upper lvl. $1800 or entire house. low condo fee. Call Jan at 703 491-8695 or TEMPLE HILLS—1BR Apts avail immed! W2W, d/w, Taylor Brown Realty 703-370-8670 $2200 Avail. immed. 9512 Traverse Way. W/D, fireplace optional. Call 301-894-8524 3921 PENN. AVE. SE #302 571 225-1651. Coldwell Banker www.taylorbrown.com BALTIMORE CITY 489,000 301-324-8501. TEMPLE HILLS/Hillcrest Hgts—3BR, 1½BA, fin Newly renov. 1-BR 1-BA top flr condo w/new kit. ALEX/King St. Metro—2BR, 2BA, $419K Nr Rte70 Brand new, 3000sqft, 4BR, 2.5BA, 2car gar, FT. WASH— Furn Rms in Hse to Shr. Shr LR/DR/Kit, bsmt., CAC, Metro bus, 2 min. to subway, schls, appls., CAC, freshly painted thruout w/new crpt. Call W/D, $125-$200/wk, Utls incl + Cable. 703-856-6075 703-956-0999 Aaron Hargrove for more details 202-438-0701 Realty 9ft clg, maple/granite kit. 1/2acre lot, 443-255-0697 shpg, lib. & wlkg dist., patio & fncd-in bkyd. ALEX/PARKFAIRFAX l112 Valley Dr.—Spac end FT. WASHINGTON—3 rms avail immed., weekly, $1100+utils & Sect 8 ok. Call 202-575-4832 Execs 2000. BALTIMORE CITY/PATTERSON PARK Starting from $150. 301-335-2535/ 301-203-0196 unit, completely renov. 1BR, 1BA, hdwd flrs, w/d, 121 N. Montford GAINESVILLE $2900—4BR 2½Ba 3lvl 2 car grg. Tysons Corner EHO attic, storage. Mins to DC. $309,900 Billy Lg. 3-BR 1-BA TH, retail $350K, priced $209K. Call Sarid 703-628-4058 703-209-3294. 410-643-8695 Enjoy the Luxury of the Renaissance ALEX/Watergate @ Landmark— 1BR/1BA— re- GAITHERSBURG—3BR, 2.5BA TH, fin’d bsmt, avail- HILLCREST $160,000 BEAN SETTLEMENT/NR HISTORIC MOOREFIELD, able now, $1575 incl most util. 240-876-8234 mod, all marble BA, new kit-$289,900. 1BR/Den,- WV. CUSTOM LOG HOMES Choice of 4 Scenic Lots Spacious 1BR & 2BRs starting at $1400 2BA—1100 sf-$329,900. 2BR/2BA—Hi flrs, upgrd 2109 FT. DAVIS DR. SE #302 GAITHS/ROCKVILLE—1&2LgBRs.Wonderful 1BR w/choice of plans avail. Easy access to Corridor H, • Fully renovated high end units kit, $364,900. Pools, Metro shuttle 571-277-1831 Specials start at $900; wlk in closets,eat in kit, balcs. Newly renov. 1-BR 1 full BA top flr condo w/updated Hunting, Fishing, State Parks. Prices from $375,000. Nr park, grocery, restau,shops. Also furn w/linens, • Deluxe fitness center with sauna ARL/$374,900-Reduced $25K/For Quick Sale- Contact George or J. Amy at 304-897-7211 • Year-round pool & tennis facilities New carpet/wd flrs., condo fee incls. all utls., 2BR, kit. & appls, CAC, freshly painted thruout. Call Aaron dishes & microw. 2BR start at $1100. 301-948-0087. Hargrove for more details 202-438-0701 Realty Execs BETHANY BEACH, DE-Phenomenal direct Bay • Fully equipped business center 2BA, cls. Metro & Ballston. 1 of lowest priced 2BRs in views. Custom built 4 BR, 3 BA, $1.45M. ResortQu- GERMAN—New Lux Condo. 2 MBR w/pvt BAs. lg • Just minutes from Tysons Corner Center zip. Marie,Re/Max Distinctive, 703-749-0416/X54. 2000. loft w/fpl. w/d. 270 & Mall. $1400. 301-916-1674 est Real Estate. resortquestde.com/wpm • Shuttle to Metro provided ARL/CHATHAM HOUSE PRIME LOC GERMANTOWN —3BR, 3.5BA, hdwd flrs, 877-893-2487 For appointment, Call Howard at 703-473-1050 2 Separate & Adjacent Condos. Ground Flr. Up- BETHESDA.—Store frt on busy st in Woodmont Tri. $1600+uts. 301-528-6536. graded 1BR & Effcy. Possible Commercial. FSBO. GLEN BURNIE—Spacious 2 BR/2FBA condo. w/Frpl VIENNA/At Metro—2BR, 2BA, many amens., gar New flrs, trap lighting, alarm & BA. 1683 sq ft. 540-372-9954 or 877-374-7424 Agents welcome 301-664-9662 nr shppg & accessible to Rte 695, 295, 95. Spacious prkg. $1850/mo. 703-217-1531 ARL N/ROSSLYN/RIVER PL.—Jr. 1BR $199,500; Lrg deck, lots closet/storage space. $1395/mo.+Sec VIENNA—(Can be furn or unfurn) 3BR 2BA SFH HILLCREST $190,000 BLADENSBURG—5 BR, fin’d bsmnt, 2.5 BA, CAC. Studio $165k; Studio w/prk’g $158k: W/new fitness $350,000. 301-779-4288 Dep 301-613-2838 w/fin bsmt, fenced yd in quiet area. Nr Metro & cntr., nr metro. Other units: homesdatabase.com/ HERNDON $1225/m— 2BR 1½BA, 2lvl TH. Updated, major hwys! $2,400. 571-214-6629 ar5543571. Beth Arlington Realty 703-836-4610 2046 FT. DAVIS DR. SE #202 BOWIE $310,000 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 LOTS OF UPGRADES Kit w/maple cabs, Hdwd foyer, LR -vault ceil & FP, WHEATON — New TH for rent, steps frm Metro. ARLINGTON NORTH 175,000 patio opens to fncd yd. Nr Park/Ride, Walk to 4BR, 2FBA, 2HBA, 2-car garage. $2295. Newly renov. 2-BR, 1 full BA condo w/updated kit. 3-lvl end unit TH, 2 BR, new kit., hwd flr. Closing help. JUST LISTED GREAT PRICE! By owner. 4321 ROCKPORT LANE. 240-535-0471 Worldgate. G. Brauer ReMax Xecutex, 703-278-9240 301-593-3013 Starter Efficency 374 sq ft, 2 blks to Rosslyn Metro. appls., CAC, freshly painted thruout, new floor cover- HERNDON—New 1BR, 1 ba. condo, conv., pkg, pool. See it today! ing. Call Aaron Hargrove for more details BOWIE $585,000 No pets. Balc. w/view. $1250. 703-491-5904 ARLINGTON NORTH $191,000 202-438-0701 Realty Execs 2000. 11505 Chesley Ct (20721) HERNDON—New TH. 3BR, 2.5BA. Close to Toll Rd. 1 SUMMER RENTALS BRAND NEW LISTING Open Sat 1-3pm. Beautiful 4BR, 2½BA, brick front Car gar. $1750/mo. Call 703 772-0923 Junior 1BR, 450 sq ft, great closet space. 2 blks to colonial in sought after Bowie community. Too many HERNDON/OLD TOWN—New 2BR,2BA condo, bus, Rosslyn Metro. designer upgrades to mention. Open Sat. short/long term, $1300/mo Sean 703-450-4229 Bethany Beach/Sea Colony— Amazing 3 BR spec- NO. BETHESDA $434,900 Call Michelle, 240-304-4572 REALTY DEPO USA HILLCREST $900/MO tacular ocean. Million Dollar View! Slps 8-12. $2000- 2BR, 2FBA w/loft, granite counters, cath ceils, frpl, Bowie Maryland $368,500 2921 NELSON PL., SE #4 $2500. Avail 7/1, 7/15, 8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26. Debbie balc, spiral staircase, low fee, great loc. Call Mike OPEN HOUSE 4/9, 2-5pm ARLINGTON NORTH $278,000 Delp.Fairfax Realty, 301-257-0783. Newly renov. 2-BR 1-BA apt., hwd flrs, updated BA, 240-388-6757 BALLSTON METRO 726 Faraway Ct. 3 BR 3.5 BA TH. Hardwood, deck, immed. occup. Call Aaron Hargrove 202-438-0701 MEXICO CITY— May 25-30. Luxury. Call Murphy Spacious 1BR, 650 sq ft, decorator touches through- backs to woods. 240-643-9601. for questions RE Execs 2000. 571-243-3287 [email protected] BOWIE/VISTA GARDENS $404,950 out. Short 10 min wlk to Ballston Metro & mall. OXON HILL $185,000 HOME OWNERS VISIT LIKE A MODEL HOME— Huge TH w/3 lvl. bumpout, www.FrumDebt2Saving.com 301-789-1629 Marion Cloud FR, deck, wlkout bsmt, 3BR, 3½ ba, gated comm. ROOMMATES 2051 ALICE AVE. #301 HOWARD UNIV—$1600/MO. Renovated 3BR 1.5BA Newly renov. 2-BR 2-BA condo w/updated kit. cabi- Much more. L. Burton, Re/max One, 301 335-7687 house. Available now! $35 application fee. 703-314-7033 nets & appls., freshly painted thruout, new floor CAPE HATTERAS, NC—New oceanfront cabana For 24hr info: 1-888-722-7816 Ext. 120. ALEX/Old Town— Shr hse. Lge furn pvt room Re/Max Allegiance covering. Call Aaron Hargrove for more details condo. $195,000. 301-371-7192 For appt: Pauline, RE/MAX Sails 202-722-7816. w/bath. Prkg, pool, exercise rm. TV, refrig in rm. Arlington No/Ballston $239,900 202-438-0701 Realty Execs 2000. Capitol Hill $370,000 HYATTSVILLE EHO Near Metro. $1050 incl utls. 703-519-8942 LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? 1634 A Street NE 1BR & 2BRs from $875 Lg Studio on ‘top‘ of Ballston Metro. Fab Views/Bal- Prime location. 2-BR home w/2-car gar. Close to Near Metro, shpng & restaurants ALEXANDRIA/ROUTE 1 cony/Hdwd flrs/SS appl. $20K UNDER last sale. PARK RESTON—1910 A Villa Ridge Dr. (20191) Bldg 17 Metro, Stadium & Shopping. QUEENSTOWN APARTMENTS Share 2BR, 2BA apt close to metro. $700. PLACE HOMES 703-851-1600. Open 1-4 4141 No Gorgeous 1BR, 1BA w/feeling of a house, 4 mins to WWW.DCMETROPROPERTY.COM 1-877-278-3509 703-728-6570 Henderson #814. Glebe@Henderson Reston Park Center. $269,000. Call 703-860-3011. Call Freddi Brown on 202.486.0011. C7DAB30Hk # %! %k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds

Ledroit Park $429,500 SIL SPG— Updated & expanded 4 BR, 3½ BA SFH EXTREME MTN TOP VIEW HD ’05 SCREAMING EAGLE VROD 2009 4th St. NW w/lge fam rm addition. Vaulted ceilings, remod open Beautiful metallic red, like brand new!!! 500 miles. HOUSES FOR SALE Gorgeous renov., everything new. 2-BR 2-BA. A must kit w/gleaming hdwd flrs. Extra lge bay window. 50 Mi Long Range Views Lots of chrome. Fantastic bike. Call 703-406-2676. see. Bsmt has au pair suite w/sep entrance. Extra lge LARGE ACREAGE HD - ’05 FLSTNI Vivid Black Softtail Deluxe. 1750 CARROLL CO, MD (South)— Country heaven on 3+ WWW.DCMETROPROPERTY.COM driveway. $524,900. Call Ray Moreno, miles. $23K invested. Sacrifice at $17,900. Call acres surrounded by woods & borders DNR land - Terry Brown, Re/Max Allegiance 240-793-2108. Fairfax Realty. 27 AC - $129,900 410-533-1684 just about 200 yards to Morgan Run. Includes a 202-518-5517 202-607-8888 SPECIAL FREE REPORT—How to buy your 1st Drive through a State Forest to access your extreme HONDA ’00 LX V6—Auto, 71k mi, Gray, AM/FM, stream & small pond, barn, gar space for 4 cars. LEESBURG/$699,900—REDUCED 70K/MUST SEE! home the E-Zy Way! Avoid the 10 most common, mtn top property. 3000’ elevation w/ 50 mile views. Cassette, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, Cruise, Tilt, Workshop is heated w/wood stove w/pvt office. Lux brkfr col on cul-de-sac w/5BR 4½BA, Brazilian mistakes. For Free recorded info & your FREE COPY. Only one on the mtn top at this price. Easy financing. Tinted, Alarm, Remote Start, $9900, 540-850-3523 Great house w/big rooms & 2 frpls. Call John hrdwds main lvl, 2 mstr suites, lux BA, 2 stair cases, Call 1-888-912-7878 Ext 1004. 24 Hrs a Day. Call owner directly 1-877-777-4837 HONDA ’99 ACCORD EX—5 spd, 114k mi, black, Wildesen, Lederer & Company Realtors, kit island w/cook top, wall ovens, micro, F/P btwn SPOTSYLVANIA/PARTLOW—19 ac Estate Property GREENSBORO, N.C.— LAKEFRONT - 4 Ac lot in AM/FM, CD, Snrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, 410-876-2810 or at office 410-876-3500 fam rm & library, fnshd wlkout bsmt w/ 38x16 recrm. w/4BR perk. $349,900. Adjoing 2 ac lot w/3BR dble gated commty. $128,500. 703-866-2873 Cruise, Tilt, $4200, 301-927-5866 x 301-335-0167 Immed. occup. Steve Re/Max Allegiance wide. 2 car garage. $189,900. Mins to 95 & Lake Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. Ad- JEEP - ’05 Grand Cherokee. COLUMBIA HTS $525K 703-629-6521 Anna. 540-748-0427 joins Pristine State Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC, full package. under warranty. 1406 PERRY PLACE N.W. LORTON—Shows Like A Model! 3BR 3½BA 3lvl TH. Stafford/Fredericksburg $699,000 Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams. $22,000. Call 301-873-8888 w-o bsmt. $420K. FSBO 703-851-5188 Completely renov 3BR, 1FBA, 2 HBA, semi detatched Distinctive Contemporary, Stunning water- www.liveinwv.com JEEP ’00 GRAND CHEROKEE LTD— 131K mi, Im- Colonial w/ new kit cabs, appls., counter tops, appls, Lorton $749,900 views! Pier, boat ramp, Potomac River. 15 min to ONE TIME OFFER! mac cond, 4WD. htd seats, all pwr, lthr. Like new. hdwd flrs on the main lvl and top flr, fully fin wlk-out FSBO SFH - 4bd, 3.5ba, 2 car gar F’burg & VRE. Details at www.japazaws.blogspot. $8500/obo. 540-550-0080 bsmt with W/D hook-up, covered front porch, 2-lvl 3700sf fully loaded Close to I95, VRE & Slug com or call 540-372-3059 UNBELIEVEABLE VIEWS! rear deck addition and OSP for 1 car in the rear. Call 703-220-8618 Owner/Agt. jackrobertsrealty.com STOCKS STILL LOW 24+ AC - ONLY $129,900 JUNK CARS Aaron Hargrove for more details. 202-438-0701 Realty LUXURY HOUSES Invest in the booming Atlanta mkt. Buy investment Very rare! Usable wooded mtn. property w/best Picked up FREE, pay CASH for some Execs 2000. DISTRESS SALE/FIXER UPPERS properties and sell with 45 days for a quick profit. views anywhere around! Great long-term financing! 703-250-3486 Starting Price $300,000 & Above $5k min inv. 25% return w/n 45 days. Not an Hurry, won’t last! Call 1-800-888-1262 LINC ’96 TOWN CAR— Exec series, Black w/Black CULPEPER—Gorgeous 3lvl SFH w/5BR, 3½BA, 2-car Receive free list, some need minor repair. 24-hr IPO-IRA’s Welcome bf06 Serious inquiries only. SPRINGFIELD/AYERS MEADOW RD—0.38 ac. canvass top, loaded w/lthr int, 55K mi, orig owner, garage & deck. Seller contribution. 825 Fox Den Rd. recorded msg. 1-800-681-9853 enter ID#1079 www.pinnacledevpartners.com 866-871-3226 $5995. Call 301-871-8685 703-499-3222 www.tyreerealestate.com Wooded. Sewer. Water. Gas. $435K. Terms. UNIV PARK/$459K-NR UMd. 3BR, all brk rancher, 703-406-3520 LINC ’94 CONTINENTAL —Lthr, Auto, V6, 80K mis, MARYLAND HOME BUYERS PROGRAM w/fin. bsmt., carport. Pristine cond. many upgrds. Looks & Runs Exce. 22 mpg, $2695/obo. Call If you would love to own a home, and have an 6715 Adelphi Rd. Call for appt. Tom Richardson, 540-837-2636 DEANWOOD $299,900 income of $40K, we have programs for almost any Long & Foster, 1-888-866-0003 / 301-261-8902 RESORT PROPERTIES MAZDA ’01 Miata Convertible—Auto, 38k mi, situation. Call Ray Marshall, ReMax 100, UPPER MARLB—3lvl THs $240k-$275k. CAC, Ed- 417 55TH ST. NE 301-702-4243. Dark Green, AM/FM, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, ward Cunningham Exit Premier Realty Alloys, Cruise, $11250, 703-447-8203 MCLEAN $2.79M ESTATES AT WOODLEAR MILL Breton Bay—3500+sqft rambler (5bd/3+ bath) on 1 Compl. renov. 3-BR 1 full BA, det. col. w/new kit. 301-669-0063 or 301-560-6700 Overlooking a 1½ ac pond from the deck. Built by acre with 165ft of water front, 1 boat and 2 jet ski MERCEDES—’97 500SL, red, exc. cond., conv. w/ cabinets, appls., granite countertops, hwd flrs on UPPER MARLB/Cheltenham -$360,000 — Lovely Award Builder. Nr Tysons Corner & Toll Rd. 5BR lifts www.BekieandJoy.com pano roof, 6-disc CD, 81K mi, full Mercedes svc hist. main lvl & top flr, W/D hook-up, CAC, covered front 3BR, 2½BA split foyer. Quiet nghbrhd, custom deck. $21,900/OBO. 703-867-3595 5½BA. Call Elle Choi, 703-994-6400, Pacific Realty. Northern Neck $710,000 porch, on an oversized lot. Call Aaron Hargrove for 24 hr info. www.tyreerealestate.com, 800-636-8214 MERCEDES—’83 300SD, great car, great shape, more details 202-438-0701 Realty Execs 2000. MD, DC, VA—Need Real Estate Investors w/good ID#8001, Tyree, RE/MAX ONE, 301-249-6033 Rappahannock River credit (680 FICO or higher) & $5K min. to invest. Beautiful views & sunsets, sandy beach. Sharps, VA great buy, fuel efficient, new extras, asking $3500. 202-747-5066 UPPER MARLBORO $400,000 301-332-5512 4BR, 3½BA crnr lot, fpl. 15005 GREEN WING area. See online ad. 804-314-3434 will work w/agt MYRTLE BEACH —Condos. 1,2&3BRFurn. Nr MERCEDES-BENZ ’82 SL-Class—Auto, 160K, dark TERRACE (20774) CALL 301-793-6633. blue, $5000, 423-946-7526 x 703-819-0714 beach. Renovated. w/d. $119K/up. Re/Max 843 REALTY EXECUTIVES ONE DEANWOOD $339,900 997-8802. REAL ESTATE SERVICES NISSAN - ’99 Maxima. all power. spoiler. CD. sunrf. 4527 FOOTE ST. NE UPPER MARLBORO $349,900 lthr int. mechanically perfect. 100K mi. $6995. MYRTLE BEACH—New homes. $140K & up. 3&4BR 3BR, 2½BA. Avail for immed occup. Compl. renov. 4-BR 2 full BA, det. rambl. w/full bsmt., w/2 ba, gar. Nr beach. Re/Max 843 997-8802. 703-989-2470 12818 Carousel Ct. Call Ms Fletcher, 240-381-3450 $ ALL CASH 1000 HOUSES WANTED $ new kit. cabs., appls., granite countertops, hwd flrs on N. NECK—Deep-water lot with pier and spectacular OLDS—’96 Aurora, 4-dr, auto, CD chgr, sunrf, all pwr, the main lvl, fully fin. wlk-out bsmt with W/D, CAC. Call Prestige Realty No equity required any condition perf. cond., MD insp., $3650. 301-505-7036 view. Million dollar home neighborhood. Near the BJ 202-729-0810 fastcashdc.com Aaron Hargrove for more details 202-438-0701 Realty Bay, 2.8 acres, 612 ft of shoreline. $329,000. UPPER MARLBORO $279,000Brickfront TH 4 BR, 2 SAAB—’04 9-3 Linear, 4-dr sedan, auto. manual, Execs 2000. 804-450-0409 www.Nnecksunbelt.com FBA, 1 HBA w/bsmt. Victoria Carmon-Brown, Exit GREAT RATES—for purchase or refinance. All pro- 29,000 mi., fact. warr., exc. cond., turbo charged. Premier Realty, 202-438-8785, 301-560-6700/office. grams. Servicing VA, MD, DC. 703-944-6651 or $15,900. 703-577-4977 NE/Eastland Gardens $450,000 540-720-6225 4404 Ord Street Vienna $469,145 TOYOTA ’91 MR2— Very good cond. Lots of new EASTON WATERFRONT COTTAGE SWEET DEAL !! LET ME PUT YOU IN A HOME WITHIN 30-60 DAYS Loc. just behind the Easton airport. This charming Detch’d renov’d 4 BR, 3 BA, hdwd flrs, CAC on 6000 parts. 5 spd, t-tops. Nice car. Asking, $3500. s.f. lot. Call Logan, Capitol Area Realty, 202-276-8835 FSBO 3BR/2.5 BA TH in Dunn Loring Village. Short 301-704-0671 301-918-3862 or 301-641-9389 cottage loc. on 3 ac. overlooking Glebe Creek WALK to METRO, many upgrades. Will consider MARYLAND, DC, VA AVOID FORECLOSURE w/deep water dock. 2BR + den, 2 full BA. Lovely NE/WOODRIDGE—$497K. Compl. renov. 3-BR buyer agent. Open 4/9. www.forsalebyowner.com VOLVO ’02 S80—Auto, 57k mi, white, $16800, 2½-BA, CAC, fpl, fin. bsmt. with wlk-out, lg yrd, new www.SOSforeclosure.com 703-992-7563 wknd home. $1750/mo. Owner/agt, Salley #20592822. Call John 703-300-2693 410-258-5621 Widmayer, 202-215-6174 flooring, ceil. fans, appls., gar., off st. pkg. Call VOLVO ’95 850 Sedan. 301-572-1649 or 301-928-5172 WASH DC—Single Fam lot, 5510 Clay Pl, NE. EDGEWATER, MD/LOCH HAVEN $77,000. 202-491-8063 auto. 130K mi. Burgundy. am/fm cass. ac. p/s. ABS. NEW HOME BUYERS —Bowie, Clinton, Calvert Co., cruise. tilt. $2500. Call 703-620-2542 1 house on 2 lots. Opportunity for development in WATERFRONT UPPER EASTERN SHORE CHESA- COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Anne Arundel Co. 410-798-1817 or 410-279-5215 Ft Wash, Howard Co., Upper Marlboro, Waldorf. If VW ’03 Passat—GLX 4Motion,V6, dk blue, Lthr, you are thinking of buying a new home call‘Ray PEAKE BAY, CHESTER RIVER, SASSAFRAS RIVER, FAIRFAX CO $300,000 + Lot Costs ELK & BOHEMIA RIVERS, AREAS LARGEST SELEC- pwr,loaded, 37K mi, mint cond! $19800, Marshall ReMax 100 301-702-4243. 1717 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: 4BR, 2.5BA, 3 LVL col w/ 2 car gar. Call for details.FFX TION. 410-275-2118 www.gunthermcclary.com 240-401-7194, [email protected] Rlty/Rick 703-385-RICK 703-385-7425 NW/55 LONGFELLOW ST—3BR 2BA. MBA w/Whirl- Save Hundreds/mo. On demand offices, phone, VW - ’73 Thing Convertible. www.JustCallRick.com pool tub/shower. 1-car gar+off-st pkg. W-W carp, mail, Internet, other svcs. Plans $45-$200/mo. Runs Good. Looks Good. $5000/offer. Call FAIRFAX—Excel loc. 5 suites w/recep area. Plenty dw, range. Closing help. OPEN SUN 11A-3P! Cen- WE BUY HOUSES Call OSI, 202-508-3896 to learn more. 301-807-2523 of prkg. $25/PR SQ. FT. 1500 sq. ft. Condo fee incl’d tury 21/Ashby & Assoc. Daryl Johnson 202-421-3055 DC/1115 Mass Ave NW— 1 office for prof in in price. Call 703-981-8853 lock box outside of unit. NW DC/BRIGHTWOOD — 4BR/2BA, Newly reno- ANY PRICE OR COND lawyer’s suite. $595/mo. Call Mr. Harris, FALLS CHURCH —Rent to own lease option. 4BR vated, Must see. $429K. Closing help avl & Possible 202-638-0606 BOATS AND AVIATION TH, Call 703-551-6935 owner financing. 301-793-8565 WE BUY HOUSES FAST DUPONT CIRCLE—Offc ste avail for immed occup. NW, DC/FORECLOSURE INVESTOR’S DELIGHT ALL CASH. NO Comm., NO Fees to you, NO Conting. Loc in the heart of Dupont! Offering a 3-offc ste + lg FRONT ROYAL $339,750 U SAVE MONEY. BASS BOAT ’03 Skeeter SX180 — 1 hr from Fairfax where the mountains meet the 4-unit multi-family bldg. $450,000. conf rm, kitch, BA & utils incl for $2,500/mo. Will Must sell this weekend! 703-850-3627 Brian Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 Yamaha 115 O/B, Minn Kota 55AT, trolling motor, Shenandoah River. 3BR, 2BA home w/guest cabin, consider singles. Ms. Robinson: 202-667-6155. OCEAN CITY—50 condos avail. now. $138K-$200K. www.listorbuyhomes.com. very low hrs, 3 batteries, 2 FishFinders, excellent hot tub & garage. Waterview & water access to deep FAIRFAX/FAIR LAKES $312,000 condition. $11,500/obo. 304-274-2504 side of the Shenandoah River. A boater & fisher- Call Frank K. @ RE/MAX 240-271-5552, 866-4RE- WESTERN SHORE/STEPS FROM THE BAY—Im- INVESTORS DREAM MAX1 maculate Cottage. Short Commute from DC/Balti- Tenant occupied, ready to renew lease. Spac. 2BR, 1 CARVER ’85, 32’ — Cruiser/Fisher/Live-aboard. Fly man’s paradise. 434 Old Dam Road. Call Jennie Bridge + lower helm. 2 state rms. Roomy salon RE/MAX Premier 703-283-9921. OCEAN CITY, MD/New bayside—21ST St. Condo more/Annnapolis. $249,000. Call 301-820-6634 ba. condo, 1186sf. $5000 in closing help paid. ovrlkng marina. Wlk to bch & board. 3BR, 2½BA, gas WOODBRIDGE/$400,000/Call for appt. Owner/Agent 571-437-6742, Vickie w/dinette. Galley, head w/stall shwr. Gen., heat/ac, FT DUPONT $265,000 radar, Loran, auto pilot. $39,900. 804-453-4550 2BR duplex, fin bsmt, hdwd flrs, patio, CAC, Carrie fpl, granite, SS, huge living area. South end unit, slps REMOD SFH. 3BR, 2FBA, hdwd flrs, fpl, cls to hwy & FALLS CHURCH—Lease beaut. 1st flr suite in presti- 10, furnished, $635,000. Call 410-365-2042 shpng center. Lg. fncd yd. 1610 CARTER LANE gious Old Brick House Square, 900 blk W. Broad St. HATTERAS— Luxury Hatteras DCMY 43 ft, great Carter 301-602-5784 livaboard, all amenities, sturdy, durable, profession- RE/MAX 301-577-8080 X-309 PALM BAY, FL—Brand new 3/2/2 C.B.S home City (22191). Ownr/Agt. 703-944-5269. (Rt 7), 3 rms, 1/2 BA, 2 entrances, ample free pkg. Water/Sewer 1700+ Sq Ft. Grt loc. $244k. ally maintained, must sell. $59,000/OBO. Terms if FT MEADE SEVEN OAKS WOODBRIDGE—3BR/2.5BA, Col, nr Rt1, nr Pot Riv, 703-534-9300 321-848-2445 Century 21 Camelot Realty, Inc needed. 571-212-6919; 703-534-5412. 4-lvl TH w/top flr MBR w/Jacuzzi tub, 3 add’l BR’s. LR, 2car gar, to many amenities to mention. Open JUMP START YOUR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS REHOB/DEWEY—3BR, 2BA TH, cac, cbl, w/d, 2 blks House 12-3 Apr 8-9th. 703-472-1086 with Pre-Construction Properties, 30%-200% equity HOLLY ACRES MARINE—’’Where the Boats Are’’. DR, gourmet kit., deck overlooking woods. Extra Bayliner, Maxum, Trophy. New boats starting from. prkg. $409,900. Exit Realty 301-943-1238 beach, pet fee, Sun-Fri, $775 to $975. 302-227-9127. Woodbridge $455,000 at closing! 888 271-9996 [email protected] Fabulous End Unit Near VRE [email protected] $10,995. 800-800-7537 FT WASH/Upper $300’S-4BR, 2½BA, SFH w/fin. HONDA ’95—CBR900RR, BLK/PPL, Erion, Attack, bsmt., hdwd flrs, prof. landscpng, stone cascading ROANOKE Rapids Area, NC-10 Ac. Parcels some Never Lived in, must see, IGR/3BR/2.2BA, near 95. Rockville— Beautiful sep office. $1200/mo. Furn. w/views of 4,000 ac. Roanoke Rapids Lake. OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 Call for directions. 703-670-3389 Custom built-ins. Faces Rockville Pike & Randolph Fox, Race Tech, Lots of options, 17‘ FNT Whl, Well pond, fpl, sep DR, formal LR on a cul-de-sac.CLARK & Maintained $4250/OBO, 703-973-3799 $4250, ASSOCS. RE.Charmayne 301-595-5529/X29 Public boat landing vry cls. Conven. to I95. Rd. Plenty of prkg. 202-528-6838 Priced fr. $39,995-$69,995. Owner fin. avl. 703-973-3799 GAINESVILLE/$575K-Priced to sell/FSBO 804-353-2531. toomeyland.com LOTS & ACREAGE LEXUS SC400 ’95—Gold-package, very clean, new 1 Yr.-old. Brick ext. 2 Car gar. 6BR, 3½BA,3,840 s.f. ROCKVILLE $530,000 WHEELS wheels, new tires, new fluids, wired for sub-woofer, SFH. Lg. yd. 17004 LOFTRIDGE LANE. Call for appt PEARL, 56k, $12,500, 703-209-5905 $12500, 703-485-5414 SF, 3BR/1BA, big lot, close to Metro/I270, ideal for investor/handy person. 301-977-9220, Maxa 1ST TIME OFFERED! 703-209-5905 Gainesvl/$720K-4BR, 2½BA Hse Beaut. in No. Realty. AUDI ’04 A8L—Superb cond, metallic grey/black, RINKER - ’02 LOA 37’. Twin 350 HP. Merc. Bravo. VA’s sought after, award-winng. golf course Rockville/Aspen Hill $420,000 MTN TOP VIEWS 31K mi, warr, well serviced, garaged $50,900 Only 30 Hrs. fully equipped. Bottom never painted. commun. Gourmet EIK+morning rm., upgrds. SOUGHT AFTER COMMUNITY 703-994-9827 Lift also avail. Asking $125,000. Marie, Re/Max Distinctive, 703-749-0416/X54. Large brick TH, 4BD 3.5 BA, FP walkout Basmt, pool, 25+ AC - $149,900 AUDI ’01 TT QUATRO COUPE 6SPD Call 202-365-3079 GAITH—Spac. 3BR 2½BA TH. eat-in kit. $315,000. tennis upgrades etc. for appt. 301-598-4559 IMMAC--Blk, 225 HP--Awesome TRITON ’02 26’ WALK-AROUND — Twin 150 HP 301-793-2858 Closest mountain acreage to you! Very accessible. S.E.—Beaut 5 yr old TH in sought after community, 3 Close to 3 state parks & 2 large lakes. Great CD Changer. Records. and more!!! Yamaha HPDI, less than 50 hrs, hard top w/radio GREENBELT — Office, 3 rms, reception, alarm, A/C. lvl 4BR, 2½BA, vaulted ceils & all the amenites, visit financing. Call 1-800-888-1262 Asking $15,995. 703-818-7072 box, spreader lights, canvas enclosures, DF/FF, 3 mins fr Beltsville. Rent $1600/mo-negotiable. Call www.tmmhomes.com. & call Tanya at BMW ’02 745i—42K MI. Premium Pkg. Great condi- wndshld wiper, windlass, live well, am/fm CD/ster, 301-424-5252 20 Acres and Larger parcels, with Hardwoods, Keller Williams Realty 240-737-0555 Streams, minutes to C&O Canal and Potomac tion! Must see! $38,500. 301-467-4930 raw water wash down, fresh water systm, cabin HAGERSTOWN $343,000 SE—Open House, SU 1-4pm. $625,000. River. Great Retirement and Second Home. Less CAD—’00 Deville, 91K mi., silver/gray lthr, exc. slps 2 w/Bathrm enclosure, china toilet & shwr, PRICE JUST REDUCED! 1012 7th St/1014 7th St $605,000 2hr Beltway. cond., $9900. 240-832-9214 excel cond, $62,500. 410-867-1090 Beaut. 4-5BR, 2.5BA, 2-car gar, bg lot, shows (20003) TH, 2BD, 2FBA ½BA, upgrded new Ktch, LandinWV.com CAR LOANS WELLCRAFT SANIBEL—25 ft., top of line, clean, well, many new items, close shpg commute. bthrms, HD flrs, brk patio. 1 blk from Navy Yard, From $5K and up. Same day mech. perfect, recent new Merc. 350 eng. & out- Ready to move-in! 240-731-3095. surrounded by new construction. 240-401-4969. 3000’ MTN TOP approval. Good or Bad Credit accepted. Low financ- drive, low hrs. $15,500/OBO. May be seen in Holly- HANOVER, PA — Close to Maryland line is this all Dir-between K & L Streets 47 AC $149,900 ing. OAC. 888-777-4589 wood, MD. 301-737-0817 American farmette. Colonial w/very nice kitchen & SEVERN— $199,900 Easy access. Views, Views, Views! Areas best white CHEVY—’94 Blazer, 4-dr, auto., 80K, radio, exc. YAMAHA YZF750R ’94—Rare bike, full D&D ex- bath, woodshop, ingrnd pool, 4 stall barn, 2 fncd 3BR, 2.5BA TH. Call for appt. BF06 Humanity Real- cond., runs perf! MD insp. $1975. 301-505-7036 haust, stage 1 jet kit, garage kept, race tires, runs pastures, 3 run dog kennel, stone spring house, 2 water rafting, golfing, hiking. Your best nature tors Inc. CHEVY - ’84 Monte Carlo SS. $1200. Must sell. new great, etc. $3200, 240-994-1488 car gar. Across the road from watershed w/beautifu 301-613-HELP 301-774-HOME preserve. Perc approved, new rds, surveyed. Excel- lake & scenic views. Call Call John Wildesen, lent financing. Only One! Call 1-877-777-4837 GM 350 engine w/15,000 miles. Call 301-604-7620 SEVERNA PARK/CHARTWELL 127 St. Andrews CHRYS ’03 Sebring—Black, Auto, 60k mi, AM/ Lederer & Company Realtors, 410-876-2810 or at RdLots of Curb appeal, loaded w/ charm, 5BR,5BA, office 410-876-3500 A PINNACLE FM/CD, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Cruise, Tilt, $10,000 big rooms, storage galore, custom details through- obo, ask for Stan cell 202-251-3659 HOUSES WANTED TO BUY: FREE 24-HR INFO out, hdwd flrs, 2 FPS, stone porch & patio, lg prof. 360 MTN VIEWS ANY PRICE RANGE! ANY CONDITION! landscaped lot, brkrs welcome. $879,000 DODGE ’99 STRATUS—New tires, CD plyr., 100K mi, 1-800-383-1735 443-994-5996 26 ACRES $105,900 excel. cond. $4000 obo. 202 345-1383 www.DCMetroHomeBuyers.com Own your private PINNACLE 360 mountain views. FORD ’04 marc 1—5 spd, 17k mi, Blue, AM/FM, CD, SHELLINGHAM $375,000 Special low rate financing w/ little down. Call today I BUY HOUSES—Any condition, quick settlement. 3BR, 2.5 BA, above grnd pool, w/w cpt. huge fenced AC, PW/PDL, PS, Cruise, Tilt, $20200, 703-971-8491 301-996-3989 to secure your opportunity to own a RARE PINNA- FORD ’04 F350—Auto, 18K+ mi, duelly diesel 6.0 in bkyd, 10412 Terraco (20623). OPEN HOUSE Sun.- CLE 1-877-777-4837 Jefferson Manor $429,000 1-4, Call Mrs. Craven, 301-704-5214 Long & Foster super duty, lg bed, rhino lnr, 4 dr, $30,000. CLOSING ASSISTANCE SHENANDOAH CO— 27 acres. 3 BR, 3 BA. Stone. COASTAL NC 410-643-7123 Walk to Metro! TH 2b/2b, scrn porch, large fncd yd, Nat’l Forest ROW, ponds, workshops, by owner, FORD ’00 Crown Vic— Runs very good, extra clean, fin bsmt. Remod kitch, new bath, nice updates. $890,000. Call 540-984-8011 DEEPWATER 209K miles. $2500/OBO. Call 301-477-1125 FSBO Sun 1-5. 571-233-3021 Shippensburg, PA $208,400 FORD—’94 Taurus SW—auto, green, runs gd, $800. LANDOVER $245,000 BRICK VICTORIAN 1.5+/- AC $99,900 202-744-7187 3BR detached colo. OSP,spac rms, corner lot. Carrie 717 360-5549 Beautifully wooded w/ great views, pristine shore- FORD ’94 EXPLORER LTD—Wht, 4 dr, pwr, lthr int, Carter 301-602-5784 SIL SPG $525,000 LUXURY 3 LEVEL TOWNHOME line & deep boatable water! Enjoy access to ICW, trlr hitch, rack, clean, 1 ownr, n/sk, new tires/shcks/ RE/MAX 301-577-8080 X-309 W/gar, A Palace! 2-3BR, 3.5BA, Fr drs to dbl deck, Sound & Atlantic. Paved rd, underground utils. brks/align, reg. maint/recds, gar’d, some rust, runs LANHAM-WOODSTREAM $329,000 beauty abounds inside/out. Short walk to Metro. Excellent financing. Call now 1-800-732-6601, excel, insp. 3 ’06, 138K mis, $3400. 703-980-3175 End unit TH, 3BR, 2½ ba, wlkout fin. bsmt., brick on 2 Barbara 301-933-0294- Re/Max Realty Group x1503 GMC ’02 Denali—41k mi, PEWTER, AM/FM, Cas- sides. Call Ray 301 706-5055. C21 Home Center SIL SPG/TANGLEWOOD $389,950 sette, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, LARGO— 3BR, 2 FBA, 2 lvl, $250,000. Call Kim, Exit Beautiful 3 fin lvls, 3BR, 3.5 ba, fpl, wood flrs, deck, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, 22‘ LEXANI RIMS WITH MANUFA- Premier Realty, 301-560-6700 or 301-233-6340. much more. L. Burton, Re/max One, 301 335-7687 TURE RIMS & TIRES. $26000, 301-343-2230 28 EXPRESS 4.6.2006 THURSDAY SUPER U 6485MarlboroPike•DistrictHeights,MD Accidental leakageofurinecanoccurwiththesimplestphysicalactivity. • Millions ofwomenexperienceurineleakage. • You willbe compensated for your timeafter the participating in study. will be held the strictest in confidence. We assure you that we anything, are not and selling allofyour opinions amarketing researchin studyin April. participate to leakage bladder heavy to moderate experience women who A market research Bethesda, in firm MD, islooking for adult men and n GOOD W/ADONLY. “Cars” canputyouintherightwheels. LOSS OFBLADDER Drive you. 240-350-4202 AskforPhyllis i PROBLEM AMONG ADULTSOF ALLAGES q u e For more information, and tosee ifyou qualify, H Long hairextra. a i r Free Relaxer w/reg. styleatcost S Sunday Reg. Style a Wednesdays. contact usat301-215-7248 $ Specials 25 l o n

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The Kennedy Center presents the ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY production of Photo by Tim Hetherington

By Geoffrey Chaucer In a new adaptation by Mike Poulton

Tickets $25-$78 NOTE:PartsI&IIareself-contained; they need not be seen in chronological order. Contains mature themes.

Theater at the Kennedy Center is presented with the generous support of Stephen and Christine Schwarzman. The Canterbury Tales is presented with the generous support of the HRH Foundation. International Programming at the Kennedy Center is made possible through the generosity of the Kennedy Center International Committee on the Arts. The production of The Canterbury Tales is generously supported by RSC AMERICA. Accenture is the Global High Performance Business Partner of the RSC.

Tickets at the Box Office Order online at kennedy-center.org or charge by phone (202) 467-4600 TTY (202) 416-8524 | Groups call (202) 416-8400 Stop the Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse 4#k4G?A4BBk # %! %kC7DAB30H FTTZT]S?Pbb

National Race to Stop the Silence 8K Race, 5K Fun Run/Walk & Kids’ Fun Run • Saturday, April 15, 2006 • 8:30 am Freedom Plaza • 13th & Pennsylvania Ave., NW • Washington, DC • Fast course through downtown Washington, DC Register online at • Awards and random prizes www.stopcsa.org • T-shirts for all registrants Registration Fees: 8K & 5K $25 after March 15; $30 on race day $5 for kids 12 & under in the 8K, 5K or Kids’ Fun Run Proceeds benefit Safe Shore s-The D.C. Children’s Advocacy Center and national programming to help stop child sexual abuse. For more information, see the official Web site at http://www.stopcsa.org

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington


For people of all ages here, in Israel, and worldwide … Federation coordinates and supports >c]jbVc hundreds of Jewish learning, camping, andleadershipprogramsthatstrengthen oursenseofwhoweareandwhatwe canachieve.It’sjustpartofwhatwedo 8dcY^i^dc for each other. CaPVXR¼<^dRWTccT½ fbl^kZ[e^*-&r^Zk&he]l\ahhe`bke' Fhn\a^mm^blgÍmZinm&nihgikbg& ST_XRcbcWTf^a[S \^llmhbebg`bgma^\bg]^kl%ghkZg PbfTW^_TXcXb]½c Z]hkZ[e^[kZm'La^ÍlieZbg%bgZkmb\n& eZm^Zg]ghm^gmbk^erie^ZlZgm'La^ 58;<kMa^\hglheZmbhglh__ZbmaZk^ l^^lghk^Zlhgmh`hhgebobg`ngmbe Want to help? Need to grow? ghm_hk_beffZd^kKh[^km;k^llhg' ZfZ`b\Ze]ZrZmZ\hngmkr_Zbk' Call 888-881-3636 K^eb`bhgZg]f^Zgbg`Zk^bgma^ ;nma^kaZiibg^ll]h^lgÍmeZlm _hk^_khgmh_abl_befl%aZngmbg`abl ehg`Ék^]^fimbhgblZepZrlZgbeen& \aZkZ\m^kl%[^ma^rikb^lml%]hgd^rl lbhgbg;k^llhgÍlphke]':lah\dbg` shalomdc.org/help hkebmme^`bkel%[nmma^?k^g\aZnm^nk mnkgZkhng]Zg]a^Zkm&k^g]bg`\eb& h_^qmk^f^libkbmnZeZg]m^\agb\Ze fZq[kbg`ma^pahe^lhkkrlmhkrmh kb`hkblgÍmpaZmrhnÍ]\ZeeZ_Zg' Zlh``r^g]' PZlabg`mhg%='<'%l^^flmhaZo^ Lbg`neZkfnf[ebg`Z]he^l& Zlh_mlihm_hkmablmhn`a`nr4bg \^gmFhn\a^mm^fZr[^%la^Íl ma^lbqr^Zkllbg\^abl]^Zma%ma^ ZelhZlmZg]&bg_hk^o^krhg^ ]bk^\mhkaZl`hmm^gi^kbh]b\Zelahp& pahblmhg`n^&mb^]Zg]lnee^gbg \Zl^leZk`^Zg]lfZeeZkhng]mhpg' ma^_Z\^h_ma^phke]Ílahkkhkl' Ghp%_hkmak^^]Zrlhger%:?BLbeo^k 0A8>=14A64A4G?A4BB [kbg`lZg^p,.ffikbgmh_i^kaZil ;k^llhgÍlfhlmph^_nephkdmhma^ ¨:?BLbeo^k%1/,,

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1:35, 4:40, 7:35, 10:05 ie o hrdy pi ,2006 6, April Thursday, for Times (PG13) (PG13) (PG13) (PG13) X017b 3x1.5 NSPECTOR NSPECTOR NSPECTOR NSPECTOR 2:20, 8:00 4:20, 7:20, 10:00 ✓ ✓ 12:40, 1:30, 2:20, 3:10, 12:00, 1:45, 2:45, 4:30, 12:05, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 10:15 5:30, 7:35, 9:55 7:00, 9:55 2:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:45 4:50, 7:25, 9:35 1:05, 3:30, 5:55, 8:25, 10:35 12:10, 2:30, 5:00, 7:45, 10:05 1:45, 4:50, 8:30 12:45, 4:15, 7:30, 10:25 HEALTH I HEALTH I HEALTH I HEALTH I 5:15 2:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:45 F 12:20, 2:40 5:45 2:20, 5:00, 7:40 2:20 1:10, 4:15, 7:30, 10:20 1:55, 5:05, 7:50, 10:30 ✓ ✓ 3:10, 5:40, 8:10 5:00, 7:25, 9:40 12:00, 2:25, 4:45, 7:25, 9:50 2:10, 4:55, 7:35, 10:15 2:30, 5:00, 7:30 4:25, 7:10, 9:30 12:20, 2:50, 5:30, 8:00, 10:35 12:05, 2:35, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 12:25, 3:25, 6:25, 9:40 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 4:10, 7:00, 10:00 12:10, 1:55, 3:15, 4:50, 7:05, 8:15, 10:10 12:45, 4:15, 7:30, 10:25 JF . 2:10, 4:40, 7:15, 9:50 703-998-4262 410-423-0520 1:30, 4:05 5:40, 8:00, 10:10 12:15, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:55 2:15, 4:35, 7:05, 9:35 2:15, 4:35, 7:20, 10:00 5:20, 7:55, 10:20 703-998-4AMC Wednesdays. 2:00, 4:20, 7:10, 9:40 901-949-9202 746 703-506-9857 802 202-966-5400 713 4:05, 7:00, 10:00 12:25, 1:35, 2:35, 3:25, 4:25, 5:35, 6:25, 7:20, JF 12:15, 1:30, 3:45, 4:45, 7:00, 8:00, 9:55 2:00, 3:00, 4:50, 5:50, 7:45, 8:45 8065 Leesburg Pike 12:45, 3:15, 5:40, 8:05, 10:25 1:50, 4:25, 7:10, 9:50 1:35, 4:40, 7:25, 10:00 2:10, 5:10, 7:50 12:35, 3:05, 5:45, 8:20, 10:40 ✓ ✓ 10300 Patuxent Parkway Courthouse and Birch Rd. 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 ✓ ✓ ✓ 2:00, 5:20, 8:40 10:10 PM 7850 Tysons Corner Center 4:30, 7:30, 9:50 3426 Connecticut Avenue N.W. LOEWS UPTOWN 1 Viers Mill Rd. Btwn. Georgia & University LOEWS WHEATON PLAZA 11 LOEWS FAIRFAX SQUARE 8 AMC COLUMBIA MALL 14 AMC TYSONS CORNER 16 AMC COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 V FOR VENDETTA (R) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) THE HILLS HAVE EYES (R) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) THE PINK PANTHER (PG) MUNICH (R) THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) ATL (PG13) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) SLITHER (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 4:10, 7:30, 9:50 STAY ALIVE (PG13) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION (PG13) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 1:40, 3:50, 7:05, 9:30 THE HILLS HAVE EYES (R) THE HILLS HAVE EYES (R) 16 BLOCKS (PG13) AQUAMARINE (PG) EIGHT BELOW (PG) FIREWALL (PG13) THE PINK PANTHER (PG) MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA (PG13) BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (R) CAPOTE (R) BASIC INSTINCT 2 (R) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) SLITHER (R) INSIDE MAN (R) INSIDE MAN (R) STAY ALIVE (PG13) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (R) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) ATL (PG13) BASIC INSTINCT 2 (R) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) SLITHER (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 4:50, 7:20, 9:40 STAY ALIVE (PG13) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) V FOR VENDETTA (R) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE HILLS HAVE EYES (R) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) 16 BLOCKS (PG13) THE PINK PANTHER (PG) ATL (PG13) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 3:20, 8:20 ATL (PG13) - Open Captioning 8:30, 9:40, 10:30 4:10, 4:55, 6:00, 6:45, 7:40, 8:40, 9:25, 10:05 5:25, 7:15, 8:15, 9:45, 10:30 G (PG13) (PG13) (PG13) NSPECTOR NSPECTOR NSPECTOR 3:00, 5:30, 8:05, 10:35 4:30, 9:20 4:30, 5:20, 7:30, 8:20 12:45, 3:30, 7:10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1:30, 4:20 5:20, 7:50 1:00, 1:40, 2:20, 3:00, 4:00, 5:25, 7:00, 8:10 12:10, 2:30, 4:30, 7:00 1:40, 4:40, 7:00, 9:10 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 5:40, 8:10 1:20, 4:35, 7:20, 9:35 4:45, 7:40 12:15, 4:45, 7:15 1:10, 3:50, 7:30, 9:50 HEALTH I HEALTH I HEALTH I 2:10, 8:15 7:00, 9:30 5:10, 7:50 2:05, 7:05 2:10, 4:55, 7:25, 9:50 7:50, 2:00, 4:50, 10:00 5:00, 7:30 ✓ 2:30, 4:55, 7:30, 9:55 12:15, 4:45, 7:15 F 5:40, 8:00 1:30, 4:00, 7:00, 9:10 5:35, 8:00 1:20, 3:45, 7:20 2:25, 5:10, 7:35, 9:55 1:55, 5:00, 8:00 5:15, 7:50 1:05, 3:20, 5:20 1:40, 4:30, 7:40, 10:30 12:50, 3:15, 5:30, 7:50 4:45, 10:45 12:40, 4:00, 7:15 4:20, 7:20 1:15, 4:20, 7:15, 10:00 ✓ 7:20, 9:40 1:45, 4:25 1350 19th St. 703-998-4262 2:35, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05 2:15, 4:40, 7:10, 9:15 10:20 PM 7:35, 10:00 4:10, 7:10 5:30, 8:00 1:00, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30 1:45, 4:50, 7:45 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4AMC ✓ 202-872-9555 711 301-324-4220 844 703-671-0910 801 1:05, 2:00, 4:05, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:10, 10:50 5:10, 8:00 4:30, 7:50 1:10, 1:55, 4:10, 5:00, 7:10, 8:00,JF 9:55 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 5:30, 7:50 4:40, 7:40 2:00, 4:45, 7:25, 9:45 - Descriptive Video Service · 2772 South Randolph 1:25, 4:10, 7:30 4:20, 5:40, 7:20, 8:30 1:35, 2:55, 4:15, 5:35, 7:00, 8:15, 9:25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (PG13) Located at Union Station 1:00, 3:20, 5:50, 8:20, 10:40 800 Shopper’s Way, Largo ✓ ✓ ✓ 1:50, 5:00, 7:40, 10:10 4:30, 7:45 1:20, 4:30, 8:00, 10:00 1:15, 3:05, 4:10, 6:15, 7:15, 9:00, 10:00 FEATURE PRESENTATION STARTS APPROX. 10-15 MINUTES AFTER PUBLISHED SHOWTIME J LOEWS DUPONT 5 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 Exit 4A I-95, 1/2 mi. on Oxon Hill Rd. LOEWS SHIRLINGTON 7 AMC RIVERTOWNE 12 AMC UNION STATION 9 AMC POTOMAC MILLS 18 “Cars” can put you in the right wheels. MAGIC JOHNSON CAPITAL CENTRE 12 Country Club Mall on Vocke Rd near Route 68. AMC COUNTRY CLUB MALL 6 MERRY CHRISTMAS (PG13) MRS. HENDERSON PRESENTS (R) TRANSAMERICA (R) CAPOTE (R) MARILYN HOTCHKISS’ BALLROOMCHARM DANCING SCHOOL & (PG13) ASK THE DUST (R) WHY WE FIGHT (PG13) BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (R) CAPOTE (R) ATL (PG13) BASIC INSTINCT 2 (R) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWNSLITHER (PG) (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 2:50, 5:20, 7:50 STAY ALIVE (PG13) V FOR VENDETTA (R) THE HILLS HAVE EYESTHE (R) SHAGGY DOG (PG) 16 BLOCKS (PG13) MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION (PG13) MARILYN HOTCHKISS’ BALLROOMCHARM DANCING SCHOOL & (PG13) THANK YOU FOR SMOKINGASK (R) THE DUST (R) GAME 6 (R) ATL (PG13) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWNSLITHER (PG) (R) INSIDE MAN (R) STAY ALIVE SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) V FOR VENDETTA (R) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION (PG13) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWNSLITHER (PG) (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 5:50, 8:10 FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) 16 BLOCKS (PG13) MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION (PG13) EIGHT BELOW (PG) CURIOUS GEORGE (G) THE PINK PANTHER (PG) ATL (PG13) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWNSLITHER (PG) (R) INSIDE MAN (R) V FOR VENDETTA (R) THE HILLS HAVE EYESTHE (R) SHAGGY DOG (PG) 16 BLOCKS (PG13) MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION (PG13) ATL (PG13) BASIC INSTINCT 2 (R) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) SLITHER (R) INSIDE MAN (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 2:40, 5:15, 7:40, 9:45 STAY ALIVE (PG13) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE HILLS HAVE EYES (R) 4:05, 4:50, 5:25, 6:30, 7:15, 7:55, 9:00, 9:40 (PG13) (PG13) (PG13) - Closed Captioning · ✓ No passes or discount coupons 7:15 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, NSPECTOR NSPECTOR NSPECTOR F 2:30, 5:40, 8:25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2:00, 4:35, 7:00 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 2:15, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 2:00, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 1:15, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, Matinee price for all shows Fri-Sun & holidays before 4PM and Mon-Thurs before 6PM 12:15, 1:45, 2:45, 4:15, 5:15, 2:15, 4:30, 7:10 2:10, 4:45, 7:30 12:45, 2:00, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 2:05, 4:30, 7:10 5:00, 8:15 1:50, 4:35, 7:35, 10:05 4:30, 7:30 Advanced Ticketing available at MovieWatcher.com or (816) 363-4AMC. R-Rating requires ID. HEALTH I HEALTH I HEALTH I 4:30, 7:05, 9:55 1:35, 4:25, 7:20, 10:10 2:10, 5:05, 7:50, 10:30 ✓ ✓ 2:00, 4:15 4:30, 7:30 F 2:25, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 4:50, 7:45 1:35, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 3:35, 6:45, 9:50 1:55 1:50, 4:20, 7:00 2:00, 5:00, 7:40 1:30, 4:35, 7:40, 10:45 4:40, 8:00 1:40, 4:05, 4:55, 7:05, 8:20, 10:20 2:25, 5:20, 8:05 202-537-9553 703-971-3991 2:15, 4:35 1:45 1:00, 3:05, 5:20, 7:35, 10:20 3:00, 5:20, 7:35, 9:45 1:50, 5:00, 8:15 1:05, 3:30, 5:50, 8:10, 10:25 4:50, 9:55 2:35, 5:10, 7:40, 10:05 703-998-4AMC North Bethesda 310-423-1014 741 202-244-0882 714 202-342-6441 821 2:00, 4:50, 7:45 12:10, 12:55, 1:40, 3:20, 4:05, 4:50, 6:30, 7:15, 1:00, 2:00, 4:05, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:55 JF 1:30, 4:30, 8:00 JF 1:30, 2:30, 3:35, 4:25, 5:25, 6:45, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50, 3111 K Street, N.W. 12:30, 2:55, 5:25, 7:55, 10:30 5:20, 8:45 2:20, 5:10, 7:45, 10:15 Jenifer and Wisconsin 1:50, 4:20, 7:05, 9:45 1:40, 4:45, 8:30 1:00, 2:00, 4:10, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, 10:35 ✓ ✓ ✓ 2:20, 4:45, 7:20 ✓ ✓ ✓ 2:10, 4:40, 7:05 Loisdale and Franconia Road 4000 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. LOEWS WHITE FLINT 5 AMC MAZZA GALLERIE Drive you. Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria LOEWS WISCONSIN AVE. 6 LOEWS GEORGETOWN 14 AMC HOFFMANN CENTER 22 -SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT AMC SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 INSIDE MAN (R) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) MRS. HENDERSON PRESENTS (R) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) BASIC INSTINCT 2 (R) SLITHER (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) AQUAMARINE (PG) DAVE CHAPPELLE’S BLOCK PARTY (R) ATL (PG13) STAY ALIVE (PG13) THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (R) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) SLITHER (R) INSIDE MAN (R) ATL (PG13) AWESOME: I F**KIN’ SHOT THAT (R) BASIC INSTINCT 2 (R) STAY ALIVE (PG13) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) 16 BLOCKS (PG13) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) INSIDE MAN (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 2:30, 7:20 THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) STAY ALIVE (PG13) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) SLITHER (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 5:10, 8:30 CURIOUS GEORGE (G) ATL (PG13) THE SHAGGY DOG (PG) 16 BLOCKS (PG13) AQUAMARINE (PG) MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION (PG13) EIGHT BELOW (PG) STAY ALIVE (PG13) SHE’S THE MAN (PG13) V FOR VENDETTA (R) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) THE HILLS HAVE EYES (R) SLITHER (R) INSIDE MAN (R) INSIDE MAN (R) LARRY THE CABLE GUY: 1:10, 3:30, 5:55, 7:55, 10:10 ATL (PG13) BASIC INSTINCT 2 (R) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) ✓ 8:00, 9:40, 10:25 10:30 8:15, 9:30, 10:40 6:45, 7:45, 9:15, 10:15 10:00 6:45, 7:45, 9:00, 10:00 3:45, 4:30, 5:00, 5:25, 6:15, 7:15, 7:45, 8:15, 8:45, 9:45, 10:15 7:10, 9:35 16 EXPRESS 4.6.2006 THURSDAY C7DAB30Hk # %! %k4G?A4BBk4 & Q Q Q Q This April celebrate spring at 3X]X]VkFTTZT]S?Pbb MSTREET BAR & GRILL Easter Sunday, April 16 ;8E4>=;8=4 Traditional Favorites, Live Entertainment, Unlimited Champagne 7iaJec $23.95 Adults/$13.95 Children Reservations recommended Q Q Q Q :]^f^UP]h_[PRTcWPcbTaeTb “Live Jazz” Sunday Champagne VaTPc_XiiPQhcWTb[XRT. Brunch OZ\^bgLM"hk B;824B>5;854) OZe^gmbghÍlbg:e^qZg]kbZ%b_rhn Q Q Q Q $3.50 7ASHINGTONIANSHAVE Wednesdays pZgmmho^gmnk^hnmlb]^\bmrebfbml' ARGUEDFORDECADESOVERWHERE Q Q Q Q Ma^BmZebZgLmhk^B\Zgohn\a Half Price Bottles Of Wine With $3.95 Rail Martinis TOGETDECENTPIZZA#ONSENSUSWONTBE Dinner _hkZlp^ee' REACHEDWEMIGHTASWELLEAT Any Day, Any Time Q Q Q Q ¨BmZebZgLmhk^%,*+,E^^Ab`apZr% Q Q Q Q :kebg`mhg40),&.+1&/+//' Sunday Nights Are “Neighbors $1.00 Appetizers ¨OZe^gmbghÍl%-1*,;^Znk^`Zk]Lm'% FT½aTR^]bXSTaX]VXcU^a^da cWTUXabccX\T^]BPcdaSPhfXcW\h Nights” :e^qZg]kbZ40),&,.-&1,1,' VaP\_½b' cWQXacWSPh0[b^XbXc UP\X[hfW^½beXbXcX]V8bXcf^acWXc. Join Us For 1/2 Price Burger And Pizzas Tuesdays And `dXTcT]^dVWU^aR^]bTaePcX^]fXcW RhnÍk^]^]b\Zm^]f^Zm&^Zm^kl%kb`am8 Q Q Q Q Thursdays FWTaTRP]8VTcbWPSa^T. P\P]P[Xcc[TWPaS^UWTPaX]V. Ma^g_k^llZpZrZmma^g^p;kZsbebZg Watch For Our Patio Opening BeZlmlihmm^]maZmaZk[bg`^kh_ BaZo^fbq^]_^^ebg`lZ[hnmma^ lm^Zdahnl^]hpgmhpg4bmÍl`hh] Alfresco Dining likbg`ZmH\^ZgZbk^L^Z_hh] l^Z_hh]k^lmZnkZgm'BmÍl^ghk& ^gm^kmZbgf^gm_hkZ`khni' Khhf'Rhnlahne]dghp%ahp^o& fhnlerihineZk%ahp^o^k%Zg] ¨**)*I^gglreoZgbZ:o^'GP4+)+&,-0& ^k%maZmma^_blaÍll^Zlhgblo^kr ghmZ`hh]ieZ\^_hkZjnb^m -//1'!:k\abo^l&GZorF^fhkbZe" lahkm' f^Ze' 2033 M Street, NW 202-530-3621 www.mstreetbarandgrill.com ¨ ¨*+)*?Lm'GP4+)+&,-0&++00' -11,FZ\:kmank;eo]'GP4+)+& 7ASHINGTON0OST3UNDAY-AGAZINE !F^mkh<^gm^k" ,-+&2*)*' COLUMNISTC><B84CB4<0TALKSRES  TAURANTS7EDNESDAYSATAMON FWPc½bh^dacPZT^]1[PRZBP[c. 8P\WTPSX]Vc^5^V^ST2WP^U^a WASHINGTONPOSTCOMLIVEONLINE


1 ⁄ 2 Burgers at the front bar Wednesday Lobster Special & live music at 9 pm Thursday Blair Mansion Inn TRULY A Taste Silver Spring, Maryland Our famous allFriday night happy hour ITALIAN! of Italy The Night That DJ from 8 to close Saturday & Sunday Disco Died All you can eat 1 329 Connecticut Ave., NW • 202.429.0209 Hotel Package Available Country Brunch Buffet Shows Every Week • Free Parking 1333 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. www.otellodc.com (at Dupont Circle) 1/2 block South of Dupont Circle Metro RESV/Info: (301) 588-6646 1/2 block South of Dupont Circle Metro www.blairmansion.com (202) 296-6500 Open for lunch & dinner Monday-Friday. Saturday, dinner only. 4 'k4G?A4BBk # %! %kC7DAB30H FTTZT]S?Pbbk3X]X]V

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Silver Spring, MD 20910 eh\Zm^]bgma^g^pP^lmbg:kebg`mhg bghgPbelhg;hne^oZk]bgD. n kZgmÍlhebo^hbelZk^Zeebg_nl^]pbma [nbe]bg`ZlLZeZMaZb%Zkhng]ma^\hk& lh_m&kh\dabmÊ:_m^kghhg=^eb`amË"' ?[TPbTbT]S_aTbbaT[TPbTb_W^c^b u P]SU^^Sc^SX]X]V/aTPSTg_aTbbR^\ l^ZlZemZg]_k^laa^k[l%bg\en]bg`Z g^khg

t From the author of , this family drama features Fame n Carol Mayo Jenkins (’ ) and Rick Foucheux a as a contemporary British couple facing the truth for the r

u fi rst time in their -year marriage. Have they merely grown

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RÍ-RÁ Bethesda RÍ-RÁ Clarendon 4931 Elm St., 301.657.1122 2915 Wilson Blvd., 703.248.9888 .. Friday 4/7 • Harry Traynham Thursday 4/6 • Tim Metz Trio Saturday 4/8 • Tim Metz Band Friday 4/7 • Technical V *Phonewww.roundhousetheatre.org orders only. Must mention ad at time of order. Not valid on Saturday 4/8 • Cheap Date previously purchased tickets or  tickets. Other restrictions apply. www.rira.com restaurant lounge Round House Th eatre Bethesda  East-West Highway • Metro: Bethesda C7DAB30Hk # %! %k4G?A4BBk4 ( 4]cTacPX]\T]ckFTTZT]S?Pbb


$ Studios from 857 $ 1 BR from 999 2 BR from $ 1200  INCLUDED: Utilities, Fitness Center Gated Community WALK TO: Downtown, Waterfront, Metro, Shopping, Balconies Restaurants, Arena Stage Lots of closet space ALL NEW: Kitchen Cabinets, Floor to Ceiling Insulated Windows, Small pets welcome! Advance you. Individually Controlled Thermostats “Careers” can move you up and ahead. Mondays. 201 I Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024 1-888-207-7025 M-F 9-6, Sat. & Sun. 10-5 X017a 2x1 4! k4G?A4BBk # %! %kC7DAB30H J. S. Bach FTTZT]S?Pbbk4]cTacPX]\T]c S. J P

;8E4A>2:k740AC;0=3<8=4 Evangelist Robert Petillo • Christ James Shaffran Soprano Amanda Balestrieri • Alto Carrie Stevens CWTBRT]T Tenor Philip Cave • Bass Bobb Robinson #ONTINUEDFROM% Conductor Michael McCarthy  &cWBc=F*! !%"( &  2d[cdaP[8]bcXcdcT^UUUXRT)>cWTacWP]0acP[b^ _aTbT]cTSQh?a^eXbX^]b;XQaPahP]S6 5X]T0acVP[[TaXTbUTPcdaTbf^aZbTg_[^a April , ,   X]Vdc^_XPP]ScWTX]cTabTRcX^]b^UPaccWT T]eXa^]\T]cP]Sb^RXTchcWa^dVW0_aX[ !( $ $ #cWBc=F*! !#%! %  30AQb^[TcT>SSP]S0Qb^ Tickets: $20–$60 [dcT[h>^ZhBcdUUUa^\cWT30A;38B=4F)/HIOS(EARTLESS"ASTARDS AT)OTAON4HURSDAY 5[PbW_^X]c)dc>UH^da

CWTBRT]T 8db^c\Dji =PcX^]P[0aRWXeTb)CWTFPhFTF^aZTS _W^c^bP]SPacXUPRcbW^]^aX]Vf^aZX]V D[I]Z^gH]Zaah 0\TaXRP]bcWa^dVW52>=6A4BBahlmlÊMa^ =PcX^]P[1dX[SX]V4_^lmboZemakhn`a:ikbe+)% ca^[[TSa^Q^cXRX]bcad\T]cbX]R[dSX]V % Mnkme^BleZg]Lmkbg`JnZkm^m%Man'%1i'f'%mb\d^ml

QPQhVaP]S_[PhTa_XP]^b_TaU^a\6T^aVT 4)31 _bklm&\hf^%_bklm&l^ko^]4+)+&0)0&.)))' 0]cWTX[½b\dbXRUa^\3PSPUX[\º;T1P[ [Tc<|RP]X`dTcWa^dVW5F0A 2W^XRT5a^\cWT=C02C))NNOVATIVE EXPRESSIVECHOREOGRAPHER$ONNA5CHIZONOCOMES Ua^\cWTbTTSc^cWTRd_cWa^dVW

FOLGER THEATRE A flirtatious comedy THE GAME OF LOVE AND CHANCE by PIERRE DE MARIVAUX translated and adapted by Stephen Wadsworth directed by Richard Clifford

Folger Shakespeare Library 201 E. Capitol St., SE April 7-May 14 Tickets 202.544.7077/www.folger.edu 4!!k4G?A4BBk # %! %kC7DAB30H APRIL CELEBRATE 2006 FTTZT]S?Pbb Jazz Appreciation Month at the National Museum of American History CONCERTS. DANCE. POETRY. EXHIBITIONS. PERFORMANCES U.S. Air Force Airmen of Note ON DISPLAY JazzSabrosón and Opus WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 Miles & Monk: 1 p.m., Flag Hall Akoben Hip-Hop Ensemble The U.S. Air Force Airmen of Note New Jazz Acquisitions WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 is the premier jazz ensemble OPENS: MARCH 30, 2006 1 p.m., Flag Hall of the U.S. Air Force. Second floor, west Listen to Latin jazz by JazzSabrosón Highlights from the careers of and Opus Akoben, integrating jazz U.S. Navy Commodores Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk, and hip-hop. FRIDAY, APRIL 28 featuring images, manuscripts, Smithsonian Jazz 1 p.m., Flag Hall Davis’ Versace jacket and Monk’s The U.S. Navy’s premier skull cap. Masterworks Orchestra: jazz ensemble. Big Band JAM SATURDAY, APRIL 22 8 p.m., Sylvan Theater, National Mall, POETRY, TALKS 15th Street and Independence Ave., S.W. & MORE Rain location: Carmichael Auditorium Bright Unison Clarinets: Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks The Claude Thornhill Orchestra performs music from Orchestra, 1947-1951 the repertoires of Quincy Jones THURSDAY, APRIL 6 and Oliver Nelson. 1 p.m., Ella Fitzgerald exhibition Ella Fitzgerald:

Archivist Reuben Jackson discusses First Lady of Song %-/0(),)03#/- DANCE the history of the Claude Thornhill ON VIEW INDEFINITELY Third floor, west Swing Dance Day Orchestra and its “cool sounds” popular during the 1930s. Photos, sheet music, SUNDAY, APRIL 9 awards and video footage from Noon – 5:30 p.m. Four Latin Jazz Percussionists: the extraordinary career of singer Special preview of “Queen of Swing: A Conversation Ella Fitzgerald. 8dbZYn;a^Zhdc Norma Miller” documentary, swing with Felix Contreras dance lessons and lots of dancing. THURSDAY, APRIL 13 Duke Ellington, 1 p.m., Hall of Musical Instruments American Musician RADIO BROADCAST NPR reporter and percussionist ON VIEW INDEFINITELY C140\hf^]bZgjnbm^Zlnglikng`Zl>fh Show” presented by WETA Candido Camero, Armando Peraza documents recount Ellington’s Iabebil'Pbmaablpbglhf^ohb\^%kn[[^kr[h]rZg]gZb_Íl FRIDAY, APRIL 7 and Ray Barretto. legendary career. [hpe&\nm%ma^mhZlmh_Í1)l\hg\^imnZe\hf^]rld^p^k^]ebg^Zkmabgd& 7 p.m., Carmichael Auditorium Tavis Smiley moderates a panel On Stage and Backstage: bg`pbmaln\apb]^&^r^]gZbo^m^bmpZlaZk]mh[^eb^o^a^pZlgÍm discussion with jazz enthusiasts, Women in Jazz fZdbg`bmniZla^p^gmZehg`%]blmkZ\m^][rma^h\ZllbhgZe[nmm^k& Third floor, west performers and scholars. _erhklabgrmabg`';nmmabllmZ`^mkhni^kblZ\mnZeerZaZk]^g^]o^m& To reserve free tickets visit Black-and-white images of women http://www.weta.org/calendar/ in jazz by Baltimore photographer ^kZgh_fZdbg`bmehhd^Zlr%Zg]b_%Z_m^k\Zm\abg`abli^k_hkfZg\^ or call 703-998-2635. Jeffrey Kliman. Zm@PNEblg^kZliZkmh_ma^='<'_TaP½bº0\TaXRP]»cPZT^]FPV]Ta½b National Museum of American History Tickets: call (202) 357-3030 =F*! !""!&&$& ºCWTAX]V^U=XQT[d]V»cWa^dVW0_aX[ # or visit ResidentAssociates.com. Kenneth E. Behring Center FPbWX]Vc^]B`dPaT)BRd[_cdaT=^f) #$ ( :T]]TSh2T]cTa!& 5Bc 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W. ! %_aTbT]cTSQhcWTFPbWX]Vc^] =F*! !#%&#% ZT]]TShRT]cTa^aV www.americanhistory.si.edu BRd[_c^ab6a^d_cWa^dVW[]ThCWTPcaT2T]cTa! >[]ThBP]Sh #$ $BcP]U^aSBc2WTeh2WPbT*"  B_aX]VA^PS>[]Th*" (!#"#  & '&!  ^[]ThcWTPcaT^aV FWXcTda;P]S) C78BF44:4=3>=;H0__a^PRWX]V 3XbR^eTaX]V0\TaXRPP]ScWTF^a[S 6aTT])CWT3^]]PDRWXi^]^2^\_P]h cWa^dVW>aXVX]P[8[[dbcaPcX^]bUa^\2WX[ _TaU^a\bPU^da_Tab^]_XTRTc^P]^aXVX SaT]½b1^^Zb_aTbT]cTSQhCWT;XQaPah^U ]P[bR^aTPQ^dceXcP[XchPVX]VP]ScWTd]X 2^]VaTbbcWa^dVW

THURSDAY 4.6.2006 EXPRESS 23 y X017a 4x.5 The Wash Post The Wash s Comedy (w/ post-mat panel) players of 202-496-3814 Accordian —Pressley, personality a must. New York Times Magazine New York 1529 16th, NW in Express ad copy is: ad copy or Emily Wu THEATER J — (note special time) Arts Directory, call: Arts Directory, Trumpet, Bayan or SINGERS AND 202-334-7006 202-334-7047 240-582-0050 Raymond Boyer For information about For PERFORMANCES required, transportation and required, transportation Washington’s balalaika Washington’s www.balalaika.biz G. B.G. Shaw’ Washington DCJCC Directed by John Vreeke A World Premiere World A looking for musicians for FANNY’S The deadline for Bassoon, Horn, Oboe, www.theaterj.org ANNOUNCEMENTS Park 1616 P St/Wknd Valet Park advertising in the Express www.boxofficetickets.com Monday at 12 noon Monday wit.” appears Thursdays 800-494-TIXS Express Art at www.stageguild.org or FAX OR E-MAIL AD COPY TO: FAX Sun at 3 & good.” symphony is looking for new bands. Experience helpful, but not bands. [email protected] Washington Stage Guild Stage Washington “searing intellect and lightning by Richard Greenberg AMERICAN CLASSES, AUDITIONS, Final 4! Fri & Sat 8; Sat & Sun Mat 2:30 BAL MASQUE supply the instrument! Violin or BALALAIKA “a cheeky Shavian romp— funny 1901 14th St., NW - 2 blocks to Metro Balalaika and Domra CALL: 301-294-8850 CALL: 703-351-1331 Special Tues shows 4/11 & 4/18 Special Tues PWYC Tonight at 8:30 PWYC Tonight 8 $25 Previews Sat at beginners can learn. We are also beginners can learn. We FIRST PLAY We’ll teach you for free and even teach you for We’ll SYMPHONY Sun Opening Night SOLD OUT! skills a help, but motivated guitar skills a help, wanted for WORKING weekend variet Save $5 on reg price tix thru 4/15 KEYBOARD PLA x ,NW BEAR and Orchestra Shadowlands present present AT 8 PM! KV 626 Sun at 3 pm Bethesda Chancel Choir, Soloists Chancel Choir, Fri at 7:30 pm Washington, DC $10 nonresidents SUN AT 3 PM Ample Free Parking Ample Free No Tickets Required ArtStream OnStage SATAT3&8PM A Drama by the A Family 311 Kent Square Road 311 Kent Interactive Theater. one hour prior to show Sat at 11 am & 3 pm PERFORMANCES NationalPres.org 4545 East-West Highway 4545 East-West Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Wrapped in Hilarious Tickets: $8 City residents; author of Gaithersburg Arts Barn TONIGHT & FRIDAY TONIGHT Pay-What-You-Can tickets Pay-What-You-Can THE COMEDY & Free Will Offering Accepted Free 4101 Nebraska Avenue Avenue 4101 Nebraska Written by William Nicholson A different show every time! Tickets are $15, $18 and $21 202/537-7553 Call: 301-258-6394 Call: 301-258-6394 The Gaithersburg Arts Barn Directed by James Edmondson Wknds Thru April 23 n Come join the funniest, fictitious The City of Gaithersburg & The City of Gaithersburg Sun, April 9 at 5pm Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang 2004 Tony Nominee for Best Play 2004 Tony www.gaithersburgmd.gov (No performance April 16) Sat, Apr 8 & Wed, Apr 12 Sat, Apr 8 & Wed, The fun begins at 7:45 PM! REQUIEM roundhousetheatre.org An Incredible Magic Show The National Presbyterian Church ROUND HOUSE THEATRE THE ARKANSAW TKTS/INFO: 240-644-1100 for Sat 3 pm on sale at box office fraternal order since the Raccoons! fraternal Mondays. MYSTERY SOCIETY MYSTERY GE x ancisco Chronicle RECITAL ON A GOES 301-593-6036 By Bruce Graham 10145 Colesville Rd on death row. Fri & Sat at 8, APRIL 7 - 30 olneytheatre.org State of Maryland KIDS ½ PRICE Tues/Wed at 7:30; Tues/Wed www.ssstage.org Now-April 30 San Fr San Fr HABITS 800.551.SEAT PERFORMANCES FENCE June 1, 2006 THE SEX Deadline for Submissions: — receive a $400 honorarium “A clever new comedy” email or call the Arts Center Woodmoor Shopping Center Woodmoor 3806 S. Four Mile Run Dr., Arl., VA Mile Run Dr., Four 3806 S. Classical musicians are now COYOTE n Competition: Winners will be SILVER SPRING STA SPRING STA SILVER Tickets.com: 800-955-5566 RESV: MONTPELIER supported by a grant from the supported by a grant (301) 953-1993 Montpelier Arts Center Recital To receive an application form, agency funded by the National OF AMERICAN WOMEN Thur/Fri/Sat at 8; Sun 2 & 7 Sun at 2 on 4/23 & 4/30 There is no clear verdict Arts programs of M-NCPPC are Arts programs being sought for the 2006-2007 of presented in recital in the fall Maryland State Arts Council, an Endowment for the Arts and the 2006 or 2007. Each recitalist will 2006 or 2007. Each recitalist ANYTHING www.signature-theatre.org [email protected] COMPETITION Directed by Bridget Muehlberger avorite ., Bethesda Musical STORY “Careers” can move you up and ahead. BUDD soprano Washington Times RSVP: Lynn Last 8 times! Last 5 times! — Tickets: $10 - $15 For ages 9 and up For at 7:30 p.m. A play with music “Spins web of fun” REDKEN IS 301-280-1660 301-348-3872 www.jccgw.org Spring Break matinees PERFORMANCES (703) 550-7385 COMING TO HAIR SHOW America’s F Center for the Arts Sunday, April 9 Sunday, Seeking male and female Fri 4/14 at 10:30 AM MODELS Sunday 12:30 & 3:30 WANTED 4/8 & 4/15 at 3:30 & 7 ANANSI HIP HOP free cut or haircolor. Please free cut or haircolor. Hyatt Regency Reston Lobby. April 11-13 at 10:30 & 1:30! 4908 Auburn Ave 4908 Auburn Ave LAZY SUSAN DINNER THEATRE RESTON FOR A 800-688-0170 x184 SAT., APRIL 8 - 8PM SAT., come to the Redken model call 6125 Montrose Rd, Rockville, MD 6125 Montrose Rd, Rockville, models, 16 and older, desiring a 16 and older, models, OKLAHOMA! HUCK FINN’S www.ImaginationStage.org Dir: 10 mins S. of Beltway off 1-95 10 mins S. Dir: Gildenhorn/Speisman Series Concert Artists Young COURTENAY CALL: 703-709-1234 for directions 0inG, for , since 1976. S NOON AT Trockne Blumen presents presents April 7 April 28 April 21 (Musical) Ballroom Apr 2 & 9 at 2:30 Op. 26, for Op. Grand Duo Concertante Grand Piano Selections To Be Announced for Flute and Piano Virginia Square Metro 4 Course $49 4 Week 17th & M Streets, NW 17th & M Streets, for Clarinet and Piano Kindertonenlieder Swing • Latin Violin, Cello and Piano MORNING Directed by Scott Olson Forming Now Adults: $17, Stu/Srs $15 PERFORMANCES Rebecca Clarke: Trio for Rebecca Clarke: Trio www.fmmc.org DANCE Dominion Stage Mahler: Selections from Selections Mahler: Dance Factory Dance Factory Group Rate for 10/over $12 703-528-9770 Huge Weekend Dances Huge Weekend Schubert: 2700 S. Lang St, Arlington, VA 2700 S. FREE CONCERTS THE FRIDAY Op. 96, for Violin and Piano Op. Faure and Heggie: Selected Faure 202-333-2075 Soprano, Clarinet and Piano Soprano, Songs for Soprano and Piano Songs for Soprano Spohr: Six German Songs for Spohr: www.dominionstage.org MUSIC CLUB www.dancefactory.com FRIDAY Mezzo-Soprano and Piano Mezzo-Soprano CLASSES Weber: RESV: 703-683-0502 Schumann: Viennese Carnival, Beethoven: Sonata No. 1 Gunston Arts Center, Theatre One Gunston Arts Center, TOM SAWYER Sumner School Museum Mar 31, Apr 1,7,8,14,15 at 8 YS CNN WRC-TV ., NW .com Advance you. TURDA TURDA —Larry King, —Arch Campbell, S & SA TicketMaster at AT 7:30 PM For tickets call: Experience Two CALL: 703-683-8330 from the Cross 301-581-5100 (202) 397-SEAT or (202) 397-SEAT PERFORMANCES www.ticketmaster.com Tickets available through INFO: 202-312-1555 of Past and Present. of Past or visit www.capsteps or visit www.capsteps Group Sales: 202-312-1427 at The Ronald Reagan Bldg & cassettes, for booking info: for booking & cassettes, Requiem 1300 Pennsylvania Ave 1300 Pennsylvania Ave MOZART Fri., April 14, 8 pm or Strathmore Ticket Office at or Strathmore To purchase Capitol Steps CD’s MACMILLAN 2005 Washington Post Best 2005 Washington Music Center at Strathmore Seven Last Words FRIDAY Bets Winner for Live Theater Bets Winner for www.choralarts.org “Non-stop hilarious...four stars.” “Non-stop hilarious...four “They’re the best! There’s no one the best! There’s “They’re 888-430-SING(7464) (Washington Area Premiere) (Washington like them, no one in their league!” Inspirational Masterpieces XX617b 1x12 GHI


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Express Tuesdays in Tuesdays Get “A cultural institution within a cultural institution”— The Washington Post 4!#k4G?A4BBk # %! %kC7DAB30H FREE PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 6 P.M.! FTTZT]S?Pbb TheKennedyCenter



IN THE FAMILY THEATER Fri., Apr. 14: NIGHT KITCHEN RADIO THEATER PERFORMS PINOCCHIO Performance with music and sound effects recorded for XM Satellite Radio’s Kids Channel. This month, Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio. Sat., Apr. 15: MAGICAL STRINGS Celtic harp and hammered dulcimer. MILLENNIUM STAGE 9th ANNIVERSARY Sun., Apr. 16: HISAKO TOKUE ON THE SOUTH PLAZA STAGE & YOKO TOKUE Violin and piano duo from Japan. CELEBRATION FINALE Mon., Apr. 17: GEORGE MASON Sunday, April 9 UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ASLEEP AT THE Conducted by NSO violinist Peter Haase. WHEEL Tue., Apr. 18: Outdoor dance party JOHN CUSICK’S JAZZ TRIO with the nine-time Grammy®-winners. Percussionist’s trio performs standards More information available at kennedy-center.org/country. ★ and favorites.❖ Wed., Apr. 19-Fri., Apr. 21: Sat., Apr. 8: MIDDLE SCHOOL BETTY CARTER’S JAZZ AHEAD ARTS OF JAPAN FESTIVAL CHOIR CELEBRATION Competitively selected emerging jazz #!2/,2/3%'' NOW THROUGH APRIL 9 Keynote Arts Associates presents artists complete their weeklong resi- the 40-voice choir. dency with three nights of free concerts. 4=4

The Millennium Stage was created and underwritten by The Millennium Stage, underwritten by James A. Johnson and Maxine Isaacs, is brought to the public by Target Stores and Fannie 1P[=;H322^\T C78BF44:4=3>=;H1^Sh;P] ShUTbc)0[XcP]h^UX\_a^ebZTcRWP]S Drive you. VdPVT)5TPcdaX]V\dbXRQh?PccX;P1T[[T bcP]Sd_R^\XRb_TaU^a\SdaX]VcWT cWXb_a^SdRcX^]XbPQ^dcP]PTa^QXRb fTTZT]S[^]VUTbcXeP[$320acb2T] X]bcadRc^aP]SWTaaTPRWX]VU^acWT cTa!#"' 'cWBc=F*!# #%!&'"" “Cars” can put you in the right wheels. Wednesdays. bcPabQ^hUaXT]SbTcSdaX]VPcX\TfWT] SRR^\TShUTbcR^\ cWT9TWaXRda[fPbcWTWPXabch[T^URW^XRT ;0BC270=245P]]h½b5Xabc?[Ph)8] 0_aX[&cWa^dVW0_aX[(!&$ #!$  W^]^a^UcWT $ cWP]]XeTabPah^U6T^aVT FPa]TaCWTPcaT "cWP]S4BcaTTcb=F* 1Ta]PaSBWPf½bQXacWcWTBcPVT6dX[S ! !&'"# fPa]TacWTPcaTR^\ _aTbT]cbWXb_[PhPQ^dcPR^[[TVTVaPSd X017b 3x2 C7DAB30Hk # %! %k4G?A4BBk4!$ FTTZT]S?Pbb

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1337 Connecticut Ave, lower level, 3225 8th St. NE Wash, DC steps from Dupont Circle Metro Brookland-CUA redline Metro —FREE parking open 7 days a week 10am-10pm

:X[[PW9^ZT)<]dhi" [VXZ @^aaV] d[ i]Z Lj" IVc\ 8aVc iVa`h VWdji ]jbdg!hdja!hVbea^c\VcY Æ;^h]hXVaZ#ÇqLihmeb`am 6ahd!Zmedgihdc\Vg" YZc^c\0


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