East Hampshire District Council Winchester City Council Penns Place, Petersfield City Offices, Colebrook Street, Hampshire. GU31 4EX Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9LJ Telephone 01730 266551 Telephone 01962 840 222 www.easthants.gov.uk www.winchester.gov.uk Chief Executive: Sandy Hopkins Chief Executive: Simon Eden EHDC & WCC Joint Environmental Services Committee Agenda Date: 25 March 2015 Time: 2.30 pm Venue: Council Chamber, Penns Place, Petersfield, GU31 4EX Membership Membership: Cllr R Millard (Chairman) Councillors (EHDC) Councillors (WCC) Cllr Melissa Maynard Cllr Steve Miller Cllr Bill Mouland Cllr Frank Pearson Cllr Patricia Stallard Deputy Members Councillors (EHDC) Councillors (WCC) Cllr Dean Phillips Vacancy The business to be transacted is set out below: Jo Barden-Hernandez Service Manager – Legal& Democratic Services Date of Publication : Tuesday, 17 March 2015 Contact Officer: James Harris 01730 234098 Email:
[email protected] i Pages PART 1 (Items open for public attendance) 1 Apologies for Absence To receive and record any apologies for absence. 2 Chairman's Announcements 3 Confirmation of Minutes To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 November 2014. 4 Declarations of Interest 5 Environmental Services Audit Update 1 - 12 6 Contract Management Team Update Verbal update by the Service Manager (Contract Management Team) 7 The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 (Amended 13 - 34 2012) 8 Project Integra Update 35 - 106 9 Litter Picking and Road Safety 107 - 128 10 Matters Referred from the WCC/EHDC Environmental Services 129 - 134 Joint Scrutiny Committee PART 2 (Confidential Items - closed to the public) The committee is asked to consider whether to pass a resolution excluding the public from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the agenda.