

Contents: Chairman’s Report. Treasurer’s Report. Exhibition Report by Naomi White Membership News. Remainder of Winter Demonstrations. AAS Art Group - The Maltings . Details of April Workshop (Noticeboard). Arts & Crafts Exhibition.


As the year is coming to an end, we remember what a good year it has been for our Society. Our summer programme took us to some wonderful locations – from bluebells at ‘Bavins’ in , to House, and many other attractive locations including the Odiham Canal.

We thank Jenny Dunk and Angela Woodruff who The best exhibit, as voted for by members made it all happen. Added to which they’ve of the public, was the amazing ‘Mackerel Swarm’ already arranged another exciting programme for (above) by Jackie Bicknell (Schou), with Jane 2011. Pascoe-Absolom in hot pursuit with her ‘Wolf Now to the exhibition; the pinnacle of our Warrior’ and ‘Scrubland Grazing’. year. So many members helped with the But, may I suggest, money isn’t organisation and special thanks go to Naomi everything. We are in The Society to enjoy art in White who oversaw everything with a wonderful whatever form it takes, offering many team of helpers. opportunities for members to meet, paint and At times, it was like the concourse at share experiences in their work. We all have to Waterloo Station with a constant stream of visitors start somewhere, and in learning we hope to have enjoying a wide range of exhibits encompassing fun too. Our Group at The Maltings on a Thursday all mediums -oils, pastels, inks, acrylics, silk afternoon has been running for a year now, many scarves, jewellery and many examples of beautiful thanks go to Kate Davis for keeping this going. 3D works. There were 273 exhibits in all. Also, a Come and join us whenever you feel you can. plethora of greeting cards, sold for £1.50 each Our autumn/winter programme is up and with buyers queuing to purchase these. running well with Saturday 18 th December holding Sadly sales of exhibits were down on last a demonstration by Stephen Foster ‘Palette Knife year as cautious consumers put off major and Oils’ – added to by mulled wine and hot mince spending – artworks included – thanks to pies. Hope to see you there to enjoy some persistently weak consumer confidence and seasonal spirit. worries about the future. Let us think of our good friend Jean The adults didn’t have it all their own way, Heathcote who was badly injured and is on the stage at The Assembly Rooms was the recovering from a very serious fall. Our good Children’s Exhibition and competition, all wishes for a speedy recovery Jean. beautifully organised by Denise Olley and Kate As it is almost Christmas I would like to Davis. Prizes were in the form of tokens to spend take this opportunity to wish you and your at The Little Green Dragon Bookshop. The families joy and happiness in the coming weeks artworks of these young budding artists were so and beyond. much admired. What a credit it is to these young John Hearn - Chairman people, their families and teachers.

Report on 79 th Annual Exhibition Ali Cockrean – 18 th September 2010

Ali Cockrean is an expressionist abstract painter Initially I would like to thank all the members of known for her texture & colour. Having started as a our Society for giving their time and effort for traditional artist she has grown to love the ambiguity of making our 79th annual exhibition a visually the abstract and has broadened her experience through rewarding success - if not lucrative! experimenting. Acrylics are forgiving and allow for Our throughput of visitors this year totalled over mistakes, which can be easily corrected. Taking risks eight hundred which, despite the atrocious whilst correcting mistakes is part of the process. weather was surprisingly good; however sales Student quality acrylics have improved so much that Ali were down on previous years. uses these for her work as they are economical, which There seemed to be a general downturn as most makes a huge difference when working on highly textured still regard the purchasing of artwork as a luxury - large works. From a basically primary Suggested C olours unless of course they just ‘Must Have It’ colour pallet Ali can Warm Cold There were lovely works on display, including mix almost any Ultramarine Cobalt Blue ceramics and pottery, and of course the paintings, colour. Cad. Yellow Lemon Yellow all exhibits being much admired. Acrylic paint will dry Cad. Red Alizarin The painting by Jackie Schou – ‘Mackerel with a matt finish. Swarm’ won Best in Show and was a worthy However, if painted thickly on to a smooth plate, left to winner - It has been purchased by our Chairman, dry for 3-5 days then peeled off, the side against the John Hearn. Selling one’s work always gives a plate is shiny, this can be torn, or cut, and applied to the lovely boost to the artist, especially when, in this picture using paint or pva. A completed picture can be varnished, intensifying the colour. case, the purchaser is such a fine artist himself! With a trowel shaped palette knife the paint can be This will be the last year for me as Exhibition moved around thickly or thinly depending on the angle Organiser, and I hope that my successor will inject the knife is used. Pick up the paint as if you are buttering his/her talents into making our exhibition an even toast. With 3 colours on the palette knife scraping better affair next year. across the paper produces a lovely colour mix & starts We really need to attract a few more younger to resemble something. This is a good place to start an people, with vitality and innovative ideas, in order abstract painting, from which to play, experiment and to drive the Society forward. refine. Another starting point for an abstract can be a I wish my successor well for the future. magazine image: using just a section, turn it around, see what works, start to paint, see what happens, focus in Once again, a very BIG thank-you to all who have on the canvas not the image. supported and encouraged me over the last three Ali never works from photos, but from her sketches, years. what she remembers, emotions, poetry, music or a Naomi White conversation. Abstract delves into the parts of an artist's mind not fully understood – reactions to form and Shalden Church Painting Day – 3 rd August colour. In a twist away from the loose abstracts Ali showed The weather was perfect for our painting day at one of her more traditional style big sky scenes, sailing Shalden. Twenty three people attended and over a misty seascape beautifully rendered in subtle cloud hues. This was produced using a cloth square (cut painted in a variety of places. up t-shirt or household cloth) wrapped around the finger, The churchyard with its lovely views and the folded over & held down with the thumb. Dip the finger in church itself, were popular throughout the day, as water, squeeze out any excess, put in the blue paint and were several of the lanes in the village. pull across from one side to the other, gradually moving Our thanks must go to Valerie and David Menzies down. As it starts to drag, re-wet. Once there are a at ‘Horsley’, Roxanne and Henry Wilson at ‘The couple of layers on the surface movement in any Old Forge’, also Sarah and Tom Floyd at ‘Clover direction can be made. With white on the cloth, scrub Farm’, who generously invited members into their cloud in with small circular movements, getting more gardens to paint. translucent as you work. Apply more paint & carry on in thin layers. Also try more strong, violent colours - it Jenny Dunk becomes more subtle as it is worked in. Then go back in with white, working from the centre of the cloud outwards. Work faster than your brain can think so clouds Basingstoke Canal Thursday, 2nd September. look more irregular. Twenty-five members of the Art Society This was an excellent demonstration encouraging the enjoyed a stunning late summer day at the audience to engage with abstract art and new Basingstoke Canal. There were plenty of subjects techniques, inviting us to look at abstract pictures in to paint: various canal boat trips came and went galleries... if a picture does nothing for you move on to as did the swans, families taking day trips on the one that does. It is the artist who has failed to communicate with you! Kate Davis river and people just out enjoying the tow path. The Waterwitch pub came in very handy for NB: There will be a write up on the picture framing lunch, if you hadn't brought a picnic. Even that demonstration by Russ Calver in the next was made more convenient with picnic tables and newsletter due out February. This will be nearer to benches nearby. This was a good day on which to the next exhibition. Members will then have an finish the outdoor programme. early reminder about preparation and cost saving Angela Woodruff for 2011. Kate Davis

WINTER PROGRAMME Wessex Cancer Christmas 2010/2011 Cards 2.30pm –4.30pm These are now on sale in 18th December: Alton Library Stephen Foster A bargain at 25p each. Oils with palette knife. Local views are always Mulled Wine and welcome for selection. Mince Pies included th Submission must be 15 January Dee Cowell by early January 2011. Improving your Drawing Congratulations to Techniques Jennifer Lines for ‘Carol th 19 February Ladies who Lunch –Shalden – 3 rd August Service at ’, Heather Jolliffe And the late much loved Wildlife in Wetlands Arthur Copus for Watercolour. ‘ Church’ 19 th March AGM – 1.15pm Carol Ellis World of Wax – 2pm-4pm


The Alton Maltings Centre nd SHOP Painting Day Basingstoke Canal 2 September are displaying a limited For a wonderful display in number of their window of Art Society Art Society members’ members art works, during paintings. the week of our exhibition. These paintings are for This ca used a lot of attention sale. Each site would like from passers by, which further artworks to allow encouraged people to visit for changes. our exhibition. Enquiries to: Also, throughout the year, James Shrubb LGD: the shop sells members 01420 87801 greeting cards. Robin Coulson The John Hearn ––– Chairman AAS Maltings: 01420 81950 Ann Sayer - Editor.

Membership News We are pleased to welcome the following who have recently joined the Society New Members 2010 Welcome back to: Marinda Bone Jason Passingham Alton Jacky Dando Celestine Carroll Chawton Mo Serge Lower Sachiko Mason Jackie Epps Alton Pauline Smith Farnham Molly Mitchell Susan Forster Alton Gail Williams Alton Claire Maxfield Alton Elizabeth Williams-Foreman Alton Philipa Momber Jean Wiltshire Whitehill

This now means we have 259 members on our books. Subscriptions came in very well this year, with a record number paying on time. A reminder is enclosed for those I have not heard from, I do hope you will stay with us. Jennifer Lines – Membership Secretary. Treasurer’s Report This was not an auspicious year for big spending and we embarked on the Exhibition in some trepidation. Remarkably, however, we virtually broke even. This is how we compared with the previous two years: Artwork No. sold / No. entered Net Profit Year Sales Paintings Folios 3D Works Or (Loss)

2008 £3556 18/213 19/140 3/29 (343) 2009 £5162 34/225 17/103 13/46 463 2010 £2736 20/230 13/118 8/43 (4) Total sales were almost half of last year and the average price paid for paintings was £81 as compared with £106 in 2009. Sales of folios and 3D works were also down but the average prices paid were up - £50 for folios as against £37 and £59 for 3D works as against £39. There were the usual discrepancies in the sale of cards but I hope these have now been sorted out. Finally I should like to thank those members who made donations to the Society during the course of the Exhibition. Special thanks are owing to Alton Town Council who gave us a large discount on the rental of the Assembly Rooms. But for the generosity of the Council, the loss would have been £252 rather than £4.44. Bob Dewar - Treasurer

N O T I C E B O A R D……..

AAS PAINTING GROUP Give your art a home!

THE MALTINGS EVERY THURSDAY Stone Pillow is an organisation in the Chichester area 1pm – 4pm helping the homeless and vulnerable Come along and join us. (www.stonepillow.org.uk). The Old Glassworks is one The hours are flexible. of their day centres that has recently been redecorated Cost: £3.00 per session by volunteers and artworks are needed to brighten up the place. To cover rent of room. If you have any paintings, prints or similar works of The group will be closed art (preferably bright and cheery!) that you feel you Christmas week. could donate, please contact Louise Turpin who will th Re-opening Weds 6 Jan arrange to collect them and ensure that they get to Details: Kate Davis Stone Pillow. 01420 543458 Let’s use our talents to make a difference to the lives of those a lot less fortunate than ourselves. Louise tel: 01730 892560. Mob: 07828 194260

Selborne Art & Crafts Exhibition/Fair rd Friday 3 December Fine Framing

6pm-9pm 4 Weyside Park Newman Lane Alton GU34 2PJ Saturday/Sunday Offers 10% Discount to all fully 4/5 December paid up members of AAS. 11am-5pm Membership Card for the current year must be available. . Details and entry form from: Discount applies to picture framing Tricia Oliver: 01420 511338 for new frames only. Email: tricia.oliver@ btconnect.com Contact: Steve Cook - Proprietor 01420 82324 www.fine-framing.co.uk

Art Classes

St Andrew’s Church Hall SPRING WORKSHOP Medstead DETAILS Mon 7pm-9pm Saturday 16th April 2011 Wed: 11pm-1pm or 2pm-4pm Watercolour – wet-into Tutor: Tana Riviere Relaxed friendly atmosphere. wet WinterTerm commences Jean Haines. Monday 10 Jan 2011 Venue - Four Marks Village Hall

Further details 01420 84526 10am till 4pm. Those attending should bring their favourite watercolour equipment. Pullinger’s Farnham also offer discount to Art Society Also paper in various sizes. Members – Membership Card must be shown at sales desk. Jean works on Bockingford 140lb extra rough paper. Please bring whatever you feel Editorial Comment comfortable with. Cost TBA. Contact Maureen Morrison Thank you for the support and help I received with the

Summer Newsletter, including all the enclosures. Also all the assistance with the advertising for the Little Green Dragon exhibition. Well worth all the hard work. Bookshop We now have a website installed, details under Normandy Street logo on front page. If you have success stories, painting groups, exhibitions Alton or anything you would like the members to know about Offers discount to AAS Members contact me, details below. on all art materials. Please include a contact name, telephone number Contact: and an email address (where possible). James Shrubb 01420 87801 The closing date for the next newsletter is 5th Feb 2011 James has recently The Editor’s decision is final for all entries. taken over the shop, he plans to Ann Sayer – Editor extend the art materials stock early 1 Gauvain Close Alton GU34 2SB in 2011. Telephone: 01420 84526 Email: [email protected]

Printed by Dataprint - Alton