Seprember1992 139810- "'.S
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at -- 0·.. ('-. " " Divided by a GOltUllonLanguage: British and AmeriCan . ~ . ' " " , . ". .... Probation Cwt,ures . e, ~ • '. ~ ••••• e, •.••• _ ~ '••• ' •••••• II •• : ••••••••- .' .;~ .' •• ~ •• ' •• 7bdd, R Clear " Judith Rumgay Alternative Incarceration: An Inevitable Response to . Institudol,lal Overcrowding, •••••..•..•••••••••••••• '••• ''; •.•••••. RichardJ.KoehJer , ~ .' . " Ii , ' " '. Ch!z,rle8 Lindner II . .., U . ..... '. ,',' " Variations in the Administration o(Probation Supervision •••.• ~ ••• ~Robertn.CU8hrnan " lJa.le K.Sechrest ~. _. .' " _" .' l) • ,", _' ' _'., . ~ AnEvaluation of the Kalamazoo ,Probatioll Enhancement"Ptogram ••• ',•.•• •1fevin L'Mirwr,' . ," . .' ., , "David:~Hartmahn " , ;. ,,,,, . " '.' , ,III···. ,CriUlinalizingHate: An Empirical Assessment •......... '0 , •• , " •• Euge~!H.Czajkoski ", 1/" I---O-'-·------..:.· .. ·Q)c..---.. _~_t) --I Supervision: An Empirical AnalysisWith'" ,....' ,r . .'. " - .", " ,'.T7.. • ,Lll W. Co' 'de' Ilc~tlqns: ............. :~ ...., .•..• , ••. 0 •••••• .; • " •• o ••••••••.n.e, t, ~i .. " apr, r ....S.g!" ,.' . ";i k'arried Reduce the Likelihood of Criminality? '., , .' " ' ~ CD /!heLiteJ.'ature ; •.. 0. 00 0 •• 0 • 0 0 •• 0 ••• • ; • o. • •••• 0 0 •• 0 ••• /~Kevin N. Wright Karen E. Wright " ,I .',} ;le .' Boundaries.. of' Mental" '.J.'Health'Servi~es: . ~Jlproach to Inmate Mental Health, •••••• o •• 0 ••••••• Margaret .3f. Severson rr I ' ' " I .,., ~ate:ments and Reforni in :uv;enileJustice:
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