
Guide for Introducers Unlisted Jurisdictions COUNTRIES - Residents, citizens and companies of the following countries are not currently allowed to open accounts with Glenmuir

Afghanistan Equatorial Guinea American Myanmar Turks and Caicos Angola French Turkmenistan French Southern Antarctica Gabon and Barbuda Bahamas Gambia Niger of America Gaza Strip. U.S. Minor Outlying Islands U.S. Virgin islands Benin Holy See (Vatican City State) Bolivia Guinea Bolivarian Republic of Bouvet Guinea (CONAKRY) Panama Venezuela Island Vietnam Heard Island and McDonald Palestinian and Futuna Islands Pitcairn Western Sahara British Territory Honduras Puerto Rico Yemen Haiti Burkina Faso Iraq , Ascension and Burma Iran, Islamic Republic of Saint Pierre and Miquelon Samoa Burundi Virgin Islands, U.S. Sandwich Islands Cambodia Kosovo Sao Tome and Principe Central African Republic Cocos Korea, Democratic People’s Rep. (Keeling) Islands Congo, the Kyrgyzstan Democratic Rep. Congo Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Somalia Comoros Lebanon South Commonwealth of Cook South Georgia and the South Islands Costa Rica Libya St. Barthelemy Cote d’Ivoire Macao St. Kitts and Chad Madagascar St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan Cape Verde Svalbard and Jan Mayen Mali Swaziland Syrian Arab Republic Djibouti Mauritania Tajikistan Eritrea Timor-Leste Ethiopia Mayotte Togo www.glenmuircapitaltrust.com