TELEPHONE NUMBER: 01676 522754


Last week 68 rods caught 411 fish for an average of 6.04 fish per rod

A cracking week with both pools in fine form and lots of fish moving on the top, particularly during the overcast periods.

The largest fish of the week was a 10lb rainbow caught and released from the bank of Cocks Close by regular visitor John Taylor of Birmingham who was a small Cats Whisker on a floating line and it was the best of a six fish catch. Alan Bowen of Birmingham fished the Park Meadow pool from a boat and caught seven fish to 7lb which fell to various Nymphs and a Bloodworm pattern. John Riley of Atherstone fished from a boat on Cocks Close and caught eight fish to 6lb 8oz and these came to black Buzzers and Diawl Bach fished on a floating line. Richard Huckvale of Coventry fished from a boat on Park Meadow and caught 11 fish to 5lb on Diawl Bach and black/green Buzzers. Bill Greenaway had seven fish to nearly 5lb using Cats Whiskers on a sinking line from a boat on Cocks Close. There are lots of fish being caught in the 3 – 5lb range at the moment.

The best areas have been the lodge corner, road bank and the old boat jetty on Cocks Close with the dam wall and the far bank from the boat jetty is best on Park Meadow.

Top patterns are black Buzzer, Diawl Bach, black Hoppers, , Damsel Nymph, Bloodworm and Cats Whisker.

The Fishery is open from 8am until dusk.

FURTHER DETAILS AND BOOKINGS, PLEASE RING 01676 522754 or CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE, Also see us on Facebook (Packington Trout Lakes).