Flugmönster Publicerade I FIN 1979-2009

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Flugmönster Publicerade I FIN 1979-2009 Flugmönster publicerade i FIN 1979-2009 A Flugmönster Nummer År Sida A nother Doone Flye 4 1996 26 Abbey 1 1988 18 Acryl-streamer 1 1999 16 Æ Snisker 3 1992 20 Ajaxflugan 4 1986 46 A-Killer 4 2003 60 Akroyd 4 2001 36 Akroyd - hårvingad 1 2000 40 Akroyd Variant 5/6 2003 90 Alexandra 2 1989 44 Allroundflymfen Hare´s Ear 2 1983 24 Anders Ströms flicksländenymf 2 2003 48 Andersson's Pike Popper 2 2002 58 Ant Molly 5/6 1986 95 Antennae Streamer 5/6 1997 40 Anti-flue 1 1981 18 Antron puppa 4 1987 6 Appetizer 5/6 2006 70 Artopsyche ladogensis 1 1985 22 Asellus 5/6 1983 78 Asellus nr. 1 2 1980 32 Asellus nr. 2 2 1980 32 Attpåklatten 2 2004 45 Aura-räka 1 1999 16 Ayers 1 1988 18 B Flugmönster Nummer År Sida Bacchus 1 1994 30 Badger Composite 5/6 1983 79 Badger Skater 1 1987 6 Badger Variant 4 1982 4 Badger Variant 5/6 2003 48 Baetis 5 1979 26 Baggen 2 2007 11 Ballina Grey Shrimp 1 2003 58 Ballinderry Black 5/6 2004 73 Ballinderry Brown 5/6 2004 73 Ballinderry Olive 5/6 2004 73 Balmoral 4 2001 36 Balsageting 2 1983 28 Bandit Special 2 1995 60 Bandit Zonker 3 1995 40 Bann Special Shrimp 1 2003 58 Barry Lindbergs Streaking Caddis 1 1990 16 Basset-geting 5/6 1995 72 Bastarden 5/6 1987 48 Bead Chain Deep Nymph 4 2005 44 Bergsfrun 1 1989 20 Bever-Brook Ant 1 1988 18 Bibio 5/6 2000 44 Bibio - Charles Roberts 2 2008 11 Bibio pomonæ 5/6 1993 20 Biegent´s Black 4 1986 46 Biplane streamer 4 2002 60 Bitsa Mayfly 5/6 1982 50 Bjerkreimsflua 1 2003 24 Bjerkreimsflugan (Ausland Special) 4 2004 24 Black & Gold Buzzer 5/6 2005 35 Black & Gold Buzzer 4 2007 12 Black & Peacock 5/6 1996 30 Black & Peacock 1 2000 16 Black & Peacock Spider variant 4 2005 11 Black & Red 4 1997 20 Black and Peacock 1 1985 26 Black and Peacock 4 1991 32 Black and Peacock Spider 4 1998 16 Black Ant 1 2000 32 Black Ant Microcell 3 1988 8 Black ant/red ant 3 1989 28 Black Buzzer 5/6 2005 35 Black Chenille 2 1988 24 Black Doctor hårflue 2 2005 24 Black Doctor Special 3 1995 40 Black Doctor Variant 5/6 1994 80 Black Dragon 1 1994 48 Black Gnat Variant 3 2000 20 Black King 1 2007 49 Black Martinez 5/6 1980 92 Black Nobbler 5/6 1984 92 Black Nosed Dace 5/6 2001 59 Black Orange 4 1981 20 Black Satan 5/6 1982 4 Black Sheep 3 1983 8 Black Spider 5/6 2001 16 Black Spider - variant 5/6 2006 60 Black Spider Variant 5/6 1994 28 Black Spider Variant 4 1998 16 Black Spring Fly No 3 5/6 1993 52 Black Spring Fly No 5 5/6 1993 52 Black Zulu 4 2007 20 Blae & Black 5/6 2005 72 Bloody Butcher Zonker 3 1995 40 Bloody Greenwells Glory 5/6 1988 40 Bloody Muddler 5/6 1988 16 Bloody Nuortti Butcher 5/6 1988 40 Blue Doctor - hårvinge 5/6 2002 48 Blue Doctor - klassisk 5/6 2002 48 Blue Dun (F M Halford) 1 2000 6 Blue Rat 1 1991 17 Blue Rat 1 1993 16 Blue Ross 1 1987 34 Blue Sheep 3 1983 8 Blue Streak 1 1982 8 Blue Upright Variant 1 1985 26 Blå Zonker Variant B.T. 4 2002 36 Blåklocka, nymf 5/6 1980 40 Blåklocka, streamer 5/6 1980 40 Blåklocka, torrfluga 5/6 1980 40 Blåklocka, våtfluga 5/6 1980 40 Bôlôn Favorit 4 1986 46 Bomanns Flymph 5/6 1982 20 Bomber 2 1995 48 Borstmask 4 2001 20 Borstmaskimitation 2 2002 31 Bôsluns 5/6 1993 92 Bradshaw´s Fancy 1 1985 26 Bradshaw´s Fancy 4 1993 6 Bradshaw´s Fancy 5/6 1997 24 Bradshaw´s Fancy 4 2007 20 Bradshaw´s Fancy - Gunnars 5/6 1997 24 Brogård 5/6 2001 59 Brogård-streamern 2 1986 46 Broken Caddis 1 2002 20 Bromsen 3 1980 32 Brown CDC Drowned Caddis 1 2009 48 Brown Hairwing Caddis Emerger 1 2009 48 Brown Hariwing Cripple 1 2009 48 Brown Hybrid Caddis Adult 1 2009 48 Brown Killer 5/6 1982 4 Brown Sheep 3 1983 8 Brown Transitional Caddis 1 2009 48 Brown/Grizzle Variant 5/6 2003 48 Brun Bullet 1 1999 28 Brun Dammslända 4 2001 49 Bränd husmask 2 2007 46 Bunny Bug Variant 5/6 1998 10 Busen 4 1988 40 Busen 4 2009 47 Buskig hackeltorrfluga 1 1996 24 Buur Variant 1 1987 46 Buzzer 4 2005 11 Byske Black 5/6 1989 48 Bäckslända 5/6 2003 88 Bäcksländan 5/6 1990 40 Bäcksländenymf 2 1984 11 Bäcksländenymf 3 1988 16 Bäcksländenymf 1 2008 43 Bäcksländenymfen 5/6 1990 40 Bärfis 5/6 1993 76 Bärfis 5/6 1996 89 Bärnstensfärgad Bäcklsända 1 1988 22 Børsteormen 2 1994 22 Bösluns 1 1987 6 C Flugmönster Nummer År Sida C W Fields 1 1988 18 CA.flugan 3 1983 24 Caddis 3 1992 6 Caenis 5 1979 26 Canard Caddis 3 1997 20 Canary Gosling 1 2001 58 Carpenter Ant 1 1981 24 Caruso Caddis 5/6 1998 32 Casual Dress 5/6 1980 92 Cat´s Whisker 1 1995 41 Cathal Rush Mayfly 1 2001 58 CdC & Elk 1 2009 6 CdC Døgnflue/vårflue 1 1997 16 CdC Flymf 1 1997 16 CDC Gray Sedge 3 2007 27 CdC/Juha Pusa 5/6 1997 40 CdC-kläckare 1 1998 24 CdC-kläckare 3 1998 24 CdC-kläckare 4 2002 60 CdC-kläckare 5/6 2003 44 CdC-Kläckaren 1 2002 20 CdC-nattslända 1 1998 24 CdC-puppa 1 1996 57 CdC-spent 1 1998 24 Chartreuse/chartreuse/black Popsical 5/6 2002 40 Chilimps 5/6 1992 80 Chillimps 5/6 1988 35 China Caddis (Peeking Caddis) 3 1992 16 Claret bumble 5/6 2000 44 Claret Dabbler 1 2001 58 Classic Munro Killer 4 2004 36 Clouser Deep Minnow Variant 1 2001 16 Colonel Blue 2 1996 6 Cone Caddis, The 1 1987 38 Confusion Fly 5/6 1984 92 Connemara Olive 1 1996 24 Copper Heads 5/6 2001 66 Copper Muddler 4 1979 12 Copper Phantom 2 2004 45 Corixa 2 1980 32 Corixa - variant 1 2002 16 Cove´s Phesant Tail 4 2007 12 Coves PTN 4 2005 11 Craig´s Nighttime 1 1987 22 Cream Variant 5/6 2003 48 Cripple 4 2007 50 Cruncher 4 2005 11 Curry Red Shrimp 1 2003 58 Cut Wing Caddis 3 1998 40 D Flugmönster Nummer År Sida D W Nymph 1 1988 18 Dabblern 1 2001 58 Dagslända - CdC 2 1989 16 Dagsländenymf 2 1985 6 Dammsländan 4 2009 47 Damsel Jig 3 1981 8 Damsel Nymph 1 1979 21 Danica - Wulff-inspireret 3 1997 12 Danica dun 3 2001 36 Danica flymf 3 2001 36 Danica nymf 3 2001 36 Danica/Vulgata 1 2009 6 Daniva Flymfe 3 1997 12 Dark Hendrickson 5/6 1981 76 Dark Puh 5/6 1997 40 Dark Sedge Fly 1 1996 24 Dark Spruce Matuka 4 1979 12 Dark Starling Spider 1 1992 6 Darrel´s Dragon 3 1981 8 Dave Whitlocks kläckare 5/6 1998 40 Dave´s Hopper 5/6 1981 92 Deep Pupa 1 1983 23 Deep Purple Spey 1 1992 40 Deer Bee 3 1980 32 Deer-Hair Black Beetle 3 1979 32 Den blågröna 1 2007 37 Den lilla svarta 1 1997 40 Den svarta 5/6 2002 90 Den Tropiske Gråspurv 5/6 1993 80 Den Vanliga 5/6 1989 51 Den vanliga - Anders Cederbergs variant 4 1997 58 Den vanliga - Christer Marklunds variant 4 1997 58 Den vanliga - Tore Nilssons variant 4 1997 58 Den vita 5/6 2002 90 Dennis´ gräshoppa 5/6 1984 44 Deva River 4 1981 20 Diawl Bach 4 2005 11 Dicke-Duckan 3 2000 58 Digestivepuppan 4 2005 46 Dimma 5/6 1993 46 Diving Water Boatman 3 1979 32 Djungelherren 5/6 1980 17 Dog Nobbler 2 1988 24 Dog Nobbler 5/6 1990 56 Dog Nobbler 3 1999 60 Dog Nobbler 5/6 2004 34 Double Badger 4 2007 20 Dry Black Stone 5/6 1982 50 Dubbelsedge 3 1989 6 Dun med tredelt hackle 5/6 1988 26 Dun och Spinner 5/6 1982 53 Dun Variant 1 1980 32 Dun Variant 5/6 2003 48 Dunken 5/6 2001 81 Dunt 4 2001 36 Durham Ranger 5 1979 24 Dynamiten 5/6 1992 72 Dyngfluga 4 1982 33 Dyret fra Nordfjordseid 5/6 1990 6 E Flugmönster Nummer År Sida Efemeranymfen 2 1985 51 Egghead - svart 1 1998 48 Egghead - vit/röd 1 1998 48 Egghead svart/gul 1 1998 48 Egons Nymf 1 1988 6 Ekorrfluga - Anders Forsling 2 1998 32 Ekorrflugan 5/6 1985 56 Eldstjärten 5/6 1984 92 Elk Hair Caddis Variant 4 1985 42 Elk Hair Caddis Variant 4 1994 24 Elons lilla röda 4 1985 42 Elritsemuddler 5/6 1988 16 Em Heron 1 1997 62 Em Punsch 1 1994 30 Em Silver 1 1994 30 Em Silver 1 2002 36 Emballagepuppan 5/6 2000 88 Emergent Pupa 1 1983 23 Emerger 2 1992 60 Emerger Nymph 5/6 1982 53 En lille hornfisk flue 2 1996 17 En livfull liten fisk 2 2000 16 Enkel stonefly nymf 2 1989 6 Enkeltkroget flue til hornfisk 2 1993 40 Eo River 4 1981 20 Ephemera danica 2 1984 10 Ephemera danica kläckare 2 1988 28 Ephemera danica Spent Spinner 2 1988 28 Ephemera danica Subimagio 2 1988 28 Ephemerella 5 1979 26 Ephemerella aurivelli 2 1979 28 Ephemerella aurivelli, nymf 2 1979 28 Esva River 4 1981 20 Europa 12 2 1980 16 Europa 12 Stillborn 4 1981 32 Européa 12 4 1999 32 Européa 12 - variant 4 1999 34 Européa 12 - variant 4 1999 36 Européa 12 - våt 3 2002 26 Européa 12 Variant 5/6 1996 42 Europèa 12 Variant 3 1980 16 Evangeline 5/6 1993 52 Express-Prinsen 4 1993 24 F Flugmönster Nummer År Sida Fager 5/6 1997 92 Faldskærmsflue med loopwing 1 2004 13 Faldskærmshackle med vinge 5/6 1988 26 Faldskærmshackle uden vinge 5/6 1988 26 Falske Killer Bug 2 1998 14 Famouse Grouse 2 2005 24 Fancy Bee 3 1980 32 Favoritflugan 3 1983 28 Favoritflymfen i Emån 2 1983 24 Favorittflua 1 1980 19 Femman 3 1985 6 Femman 3 1985 9 F-fly 5/6 2005 35 F-Fly 1 2009 6 FFV kläckaren 5/6 1999 28 Fidusen 2 1991 36 Fiery Brown 5/6 1989 48 Fiery Brown Bumble 5/6 2000 44 Finkel-nymfen 4 2006 50 First Lady 4 1984 28 First Lady 4 1987 6 Fiskyngel med glasögon 5/6 2001 90 Fjädermygga - larv 4 2007 6 Fjädermygga - puppa 4 2007 6 Fjädermygga - torrfluga 4 2007 6 Fjädermygga - transp.
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