FLORENCE AMAR Artist [email protected] +1-418-998-3177 www.florenceamar.com Citizenships : canadian and french

Besides her career as a circus artist, Florence has founded le Collectif les sœurs Amar with two of her sisters where she finds herself artistic director of the theater peice Nikki ne mourra pas. The play was written by her sister Laura.


- Young Stage Basel 2016 - U.S AerialChampionships



Cirque du Soleil at Sea, Meraviglia Sonor : solo aerial hoop, wall walking ,choregraphy Viaggio : duo silks, aerial hoop


Nezha l’Enfant Pirate Aerial silks solo, puppet, choregraphy, vertical dance

Cirkopolis Aerial hoop Solo, trio , hand-to-hand/

ID Aerial hoop solo, aerial silks, dance

- HAUT-VOL Productions Bal de Neige Aerial hoop solo, character

Origins Aerial hoop solo and character

Skeleton Crew, Haunt x3 Aerial hoop, ladder flyer and character

Vertigo (240 shows Aerial hoop and character

Special Events

- Cabaret CARTE BLANCHE Cirque Eloize, MTL (Aerial Silks Solo) - Cirque Eloize Ferrari 2019 Events in Montreal, Toronto and Las Vegas (Silks solo and duo, aerial hoop, hand-to-hand, aerial animation) - Christmas Cabaret Variete Show, Québec (Solo aerial hoop) - New Years Eve NRJ Event Casino Lemay, Inspirall Productions, Gatineau (Aerial silks) - Bastringus Grands Voiliers, Québec (aerial hoop solo) - Spicy Circus Baie St-Paul (aerial hoop and silks solo) - Carpe Diem Montreal (aerial chandelier)


- 45 DEGREES Acrobatic and dance research on ice for the show Crystal


- Aerial hoop - Aerial silks - Hand-to-hand


– Professional formation of circus arts, Quebec , 2012-2015 – Urban dance classes at Urban Element Zone (Montreal,CA) and at Fuzion Force Dance (Charlotte, NC) – Circus formation from 2004 to 2012, Circus school of Quebec

Related involvements

Model and comedian in the commercial for the product Yoga Jeans of Second Clothing, using skills of handstands and flexibi