College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 240 Schaeffer Hall November- The University of Iowa DANCE GALA: 25 IN 2005 Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1409 With the UI Chamber Orchestra , Department of Dance and School of Music, Division of E-mail:
[email protected] Performing Arts Visit the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences December at WINTER COMMENCEMENT March-& - Arts&Sciences THE PUZZLE LOCKER FALL 2005 By W. David Hancock Arts & Sciences is published for alumni and friends of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Theatre Arts, Division of at The University of Iowa. It is produced by the Offi ce of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and by the Offi ce of University Relations Publications. Performing Arts Address changes: Readers who wish to change their mailing address for April & Arts & Sciences may call Alumni Records at 319-335-3297 or 800-469-2586; SPRING OPERA: THE CRUCIBLE or send an e-mail to
[email protected]. By Arthur Miller (story) and Robert Ward (music) With the UI Chamber Orchestra, School of DEAN Linda Maxson Music, and Martha-Ellen Tye Opera Theater, E XECUTIVE EDITOR Carla Carr Division of Performing Arts M ANAGING EDITOR Linda Ferry May CONSULTING EDITOR Barbara Yerkes SPRING COMMENCEMENT DESIGNER Anne Kent June - P HOTOGRAPHER Tom Jorgensen A LUMNI REUNION WEEKEND CONTRIBUTING FEATURE WRITERS Peter Alexander, Nic Arp, Winston Barclay, Honor classes: 1946, 1956, 1961, 1966 Russell Ciochon, Lori Erickson, Jean C. Florman, UI Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Gary W. Galluzzo, Lin Larson, Sara Epstein Moninger, David Pedersen, Stephen Pradarelli Award ceremony COVER PHOTO: James Sanborn’s cylindrical October - sculpture “Iacto” stands at the main entrance to the Philip D.