Woman Identifies Harris As Man Who Attacked Her

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Woman Identifies Harris As Man Who Attacked Her , - ' • • <"' +! (l!!i 7 ~·· n ,.,..,,..r·-,-~·~v"~- ,..._,...,"""""""iji."j .\ ·!A jj14JiAIF'flfl'l;p;iMf UfSJ.f$4;;;, F #f.# FA .. U.J. :w lt.J )ll)LIC .)l,h$1$ Ul ¥#¥!$ -.- . -,~~--- ._-; ~ . -~_-. .... .-- . : .' '':. _-~,:_' __ '_·;, __ ·.;"~- -···;-:_--.·~,:'·;;_·_, •/•-1}._:·-:-~:~~~~~:-<~-1.;-_,~~-·)~_-'~ ..... ~-:_.::-,_-;·~- .. ·.:·· -.. _... ·. -;·: .. ',.- / ·-·::·,.·.·:~'/--' ::J~n.tthw~st Mi(:rq,t'i';Lm 00.11 · · 26_QJ. E" Yend-~1- - 130"- 10054 ~ fI '' ~~l Pa.ro , Tx.• - 7999'J~ · I ·-- "',~ The -~ ·- NO. 10 IN OUR 34TH YEAR RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXIC088345 MOND~Y; JUNE 18,1979 -, Hopes for building new airport brigh-en· •' · A solution to the problems of locating a spelled out at Wednesday's meeting of the vince the Department of Interior to new airport on Fort Stanton mesa may be task force. overturn the original action by BLM in ~ched at a Wednesday meetillg in Santa State officials here Friday included Jim denying the land appliC!ltlon," for airport Fe. King; David King, secretary of ~ use. Governor Bruce King, members of his department of Finance and Ad· THE GIST OF DAVID KING'S com­ Jlitport task force. other state officials and ministration; John Salvo, director of the ments conctmed a NMSU/SBAC com• Ruidoso men will dlscuss compromises at Department of Commerce and Industry; promJse that would give NMSU advance Wedaesday's session. and Tom McAimont of David King's staff. notice, in the range of a mlnbnum of five State officials, at a meeting here Friday, DAVID KING STATED Friday that t.be that additional acreage would be indicated that the majority of the gover- crux of the ot a com- -nor'staskforc-e••mriredlrnew aitp()rt on allow Site B" and expressed op\imlsm that the amount of acres required by -the airport out CltJK'riments beJng on end ~ult of Wednesday's meeting would and !f the three phases of the development acreage- that would be utilized by the be favorable lo the airport. could be tjmed to prevent disruption of airport as it is expanded. 'lbe problems Involved, to date, include NMSU's agricultural eJqltri:ments on the David King also said, at Friday's tel\lsal by New Mulco State University mesa. meeting, of the upcoming Wednesday (NMSU) and the Bureau of Land SBAC chairman Richard Hall noted that meeting, ''I would thlnk that a Department (BLM) to negotiate Management com­ the new airport would require 275 acres for of Interior decision can be upected ln a p:omises on the use of mesa land, on whiciJ Phase I; an additionallOO acres for Phase couple of weeks," after the task force lglieultu.ral experiments are being con­ II, with 750 acres, and not exceeding 1,000, meeting. · ducted by NMSU. actually need~ to be fenced In for P~se Hall stated Friday, "FUgllt safety is the The Sierra Blanca Airport Commission m, at which time the lengtb of tbe run­ prime reaaon to develop the new airport; (SBAC) June 11, after a public hear1ng on ways l.s presently projected at 13,500 feet. with economic gain (to the state and tbeairport, submitted a list of compromise The new airport would need air apace community) seoondary." proposals to NMSU, thr~ugb Jim King, control over approximately 2,110() acres of Task force members Jnclude David deputy secretacy of the state Department mesa land, HaU sald, to insure flight King, Salvo, Reuben Mtera ol the cf Natural Resources. King met with safety. Agricultural experiments, president Gerald Thomas and Department of Transportation, Bill Huey NMSU Dr. however, could be continued on perimeter of the Natural Resources Committee and Dr. BID Stephens, head of NMSU's acres that were not fenced ln, Hall said, 1f Dr. Stephens of NMSU. "~ of the task DISCUSSING POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS to acrlcultural department and state NMSU needed the space. rorce members," David Kina said, "are executive director; Davrd Ktng, secretary of the Secretary of Agriculture, 18st week to Followfng J<'rtri<HI''<> meeUJ!lg recommending Site B _ SBAC problems of locating an airport on Fort Stanton Department of Finance and Administration and SBAC for their r m - - , . for-the-airpo~- King stated Friday that Thomas and airport. But if a compromise can be Attending the Wedne!lday task force John Salvo, of Commerce and Stephens received SBAC's recom· reached with NMSU to gain l'lie 5Upport of meeting from Ruidoso wUl be Ball, mayor reached Wednesday, resulting In the eventual mendatlons but expressed no opinions. He Governor King for our airport, I'm hopeful Lloyd Davis Jr., and Benny Coulston. Industry; Benny Coulston, Ruidoso Chamber of construction of a new regional airport on fhe i.Ddlcated that NMSU's posiUon would be that Governor King will be able to con- Chamber of Comm-erce preslde.nt. Commerce president; Ed Jungbluth, Chamber's mesa. Dilvis, Coulston issue airport statement; set bus trip Schmitt faVors lluldoso mayor Uoyd L. Davis Jr., and David Klng, secretary of Finance and myself. A CHARTERED BUS willlea~e Ruldo:ro Chamber of Commeree president Bermy Administration, assured us that the task "The purpose of the meeting ls to further Wednesday at 1 a.m., to arrive fn Santa Fe Coulaton Friday issued a joint statement force endorses the SBAC request for Site B negotiate a ~omproml.se agreement 1» just prior to the ta!k force meeting. The !lallowlng the meeting here with state for the Fort Stanton airport." tween NMSU and SBAC." trip will be made, CoulJtoo sald. to • • ot!ldall!l on the Slerra Blanca Regional Mayor Davis also said, "A meeting 1s to Coulston also said, "We are entering the "demoostrate Ruidoso's demaruUor a falr Airport site. be held this coming Wednt.sday w!tb meeting very optimlsUcaUy; but are still hearing In this matter." new aJrport s-,te Governor King, lhe flve members or the urging the citizens of Ruidoso to continue Reservatlonsfor tbe bus trip, at 1 round 1be statement: task force; Gerald Thomas, prestdent of their letter wrWng campaign to the bip coet of fl·UJG; arc avan.bm at tM "We feel great pt"Qgres.s was made today NMSU; Richard Hall. SBAC chalnnan; governor and our WaBhlngton Cbamber oflfce on Sudderth, telephoae end are QUite encouraged by tbe fact that BeMy Coulston, Clw.mber president and delegations." 2&7~ms. CONVIC1fD RAPIST fACING NEW CHARGES Woman identifies Harris as man who attacked her SENATOR JACK SCHMITT LOCAL POST'S 46TH ANNIVERSARY. WEDNESDAY State Le"gion and Unit convention will open Thursday in Ruidoso Ruidoso men Albuquerque man jailed on sought in drug fraud charges trafficking case An Albuquerque man was arrested here Friday by officers of the Crlmlna1 In· two Ruidoso men are being sought In vestigation Division (CIO) of tbe Ruidoso connection with an alleged involvement. in Police Department on charges of fraud. a 'fraH1cking 1n cocaine case, under m­ Arrested was Terry Christie, vMUgation by LUbbock, Texas pollee. Albuquerque, on dlargea of fraud over $100, a fourtll degree felony, a ClD spokesman said. Two suspects in the case, John NewB<lm, Christie, in a first appearance hearing former sbop operator, and Jerry Burgess, Friday before Magistrate Jim Wheeler, boUt Ruidoso residents, apparently fled bad bond set at $2,500 with no ten percent early Thtitsday morning, Ruidoso pollee allowed, on the charges. · inVestigaton said, \\'bell n&ws they'd been Specific charges against Christie In· lni,Ucted by a Lubbock grand jury was valved an advertising )Jromotion. broadcast over radio. allegedly involving Safeway, whom Christie did not represent. Ruidoso Quet of PoUce Paul Lukens said Wheeler set Christie's preliminary ·,to :The· :News Friday afternoon. "As of hearing hete for 10 a.m., June 22. >·~ay,. "e'ye received no official A late development Friday b!ld ~Mt!~- t~t Newsom and Burgess Alamogordo police lnvestigatol's taking . w~re \\'an@: though we're proceeding to Christie from the Ruiifoio Jlill fo -­ "~ tcy. and Jcxillte them on the bru~ls of the Alamogordo to face simiJar charges there ROMI:O Kl~IN lUCkS . F~A ri J~ BFULLANTS 1 ,. Loc:al P,ost cofllrnander ~:;~ @illld JIJ$,1n" c~ctn~'~ of .alteged frau~. Post. ~onv,ntion c}Jalrman 1'•,' -Uolf «Htverdlan t~frm~n · : ......, ···.:.'·-~t··-~-~i':":-J·,"'·'.:z::if'~ .. ~~~--·~;_,._.,.'1, -~-...... ·.1 ... _ ,. '. ' ' -· . ' ' ' ,' ~ -, . ' :>.": ~:.·*·1;- '•. '~,.=-"1 '· -,~"· ~- \ ~ ' -' -, . J :· ••• ..· _, -.... ····.'····· .. ,,~ .,_ ... _ .. _ .... .,_ ... , ,- . ··.. Paqe2- Ruido.. IN.M.I News Mono!a,t11.11Wlt,IP7?·.,.. Flood.disiuter funds· More flood aid Pl!~§ible II)' CHARUJ'ITEf'RLLERS ·'to·aid Hondo Valley ~'taffWiiler/Pbo&GcraDiaer LonM range sl.lldies and flood planDing will probably lake place in Ruldii!IO u a result of a meeting held Tuesday. A meeting requested by mayor IJD,yd L. Davill Jr., waa orgwUzed by Senator Harrison Schmitt's rqloaa) oftlee in Roswell to discllSS tbe possibilities of future flood planning iD Ruidoso. Present at the meeting were J!m Hlne, village clerk, Lomlie aumt and Cltudl Northington, Federal DiswJter Au181ance Chamber's · Administration; Harvey Abercrombie, South Central Mountabt. Resource Clio~ Coffee Cart servation and Development; am Tramell~ Agriculture S~ab1UzaUon and Con~ servation · Service; Jim Landfair, Soil Wednesday Conservation Service; BW Helves, State Planning Division; Kurt Groepler Jr., and t...Brr.ll Blair., Albuq.nerq~~e..Atany-.-Corps ...t --· Engineers CACOF)t Paul Gordon, Smokey Bear Ranger District; aad Betty Jtina, Schmitt's representative. I.ISTENING TO lho roles various government Kurt Groepfer, Jr., Army Corps at' Engineers Citizens present at the meeUDg included .agencies play In flood control planning are from representatives, who aHended a meetJng Jack LeMay, village street supervisor, the left, village clerk Jim Hlne, Larry Blair and Tuesday In Ruidoso. Willlam and Ann Wilson and Chrts Collier.
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    University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 5-13-1983 Central Florida Future, Vol. 15 No. 29, May 13, 1983 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 15 No. 29, May 13, 1983" (1983). Central Florida Future. 507. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/507 • . INSIDE DStudent surveyor called "slob," see page 3 - DReader response sought on U.S. Sub­ version, see page 7 · FUTURE DFor imaginative, new cable channels, seepage 10 UCF's award-winning student newspaper Vol.15 No. 29 May 13, 1983 Haig lectures on U.S. Future wins foreign policy at dinner All-American by Roger Simmons state," Haig said. "Some claim that's award rdting News editor because I wanted all the power, but I don't think that's the case." Former Secretary of State Alexan- Addressing the current nuclear For the third semester in a row, the der Haig spoke on U.S. foreign policy freeze movement, Haig said that it Future has been awarded the honor to about 200 people May 5 at the an- was more likely .to cause a nuclear war rating of "All American" by the nual President's Circle Dinner, spon- than prevent one, since a defenseless Associated Collegiate Press.
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