GOVERNORS’ ANNUAL REPORT TO PARENTS 2018-2019 Published Spring Term 2020

Respect Honesty Success

This report is prepared annually by the governing body with the purpose of informing parents and other stakeholders about the performance and management of the school over the preceding academic year. Ysgol Rhosnesni is and English Medium School with 824 students on roll and approximately 100 members of staff. Welsh is taught to all students as a second language and we are working hard to ensure that our students leave school with a greater understanding of Welsh Heritage and a greater fluency in Welsh language.

This report can only provide basic headline information on the school’s activities and is written using statutory content guidelines set out by the Welsh Government.

Letter from Cllr Paul D Jones, Chair of Ysgol Rhosnesni Governing Body

Dear Parents/Carers

On behalf of the school and Governing Body, I will begin by thanking the outgoing Chair Mr Dave Hughes and Vice Chair Mrs Lesley Closs for their hard work and commitment to the of Ysgol Rhosnesni High School during their terms of office. Thank you to the teaching and support staff at school for their continued professionalism and dedication to deliver the best opportunities for the learners under their guidance. It has been a turbulent period; however, foundations have been put in place to ensure the school maximises its potential. It is reassuring to witness students walking to school smartly dressed and in larger numbers. This is testament to the new ethos instilled at the school by Mr Brant supported by staff and parents alike. A partnership of cooperation is in the interest of everyone and must continue for Ysgol Rhosnesni High School to move forward.

A big thank you to parents/carers who continue to make sure their children attend school and meet the Welsh Government target of 95% attendance. During the period of this report, whole school attendance was 89%, which is below target. I recognise illness and unforeseen emergencies play a part and sometimes unavoidable. Procedures have been put in place to reward and recognise good attendance. We want learners to look forward to activities at school; however, as a parent, I am realistic enough to acknowledge they may need a nudge now and again! Your continued help with this will be greatly appreciated.

I have been impressed by the varied and challenging curriculum in place at school. Both academic and vocational pathways are available. Additionally, the school has strong links with Coleg Cambria, which broadens choice for students. 90 out of 105 Year 11 learners in Sep 2019 went on to post 16 education. I wish them every success and hope they return to tell us about their experiences. There is a need for improvement and work is being undertaken, by Mr Brant and his team, to ensure the school’s provision blends with the new Welsh Curriculum. Exciting times for schoolchildren living in .

Extra-curricular activities continue to flourish at school. The Year 7 netball team became champions, a fantastic achievement. The school was represented, across the whole age range, in cross-country races with several students competing at county level. Thank you also to the Head Boy and Head Girl for representing Ysgol Rhosnesni High School at Wrexham Remembrance Service. As an Armed Forces Veteran, it was encouraging to see the tradition continue. Well done to participants and organisers.

Finally, governors at Ysgol Rhosnesni High School are committed to supporting the local community to produce the best educational experience possible. Please take the time to read the report and contact school if you require further clarification.

Yours sincerely

Cllr Paul D Jones


Parents meeting relating to this report As a result of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013, there is no longer a requirement for schools to hold an annual parents meeting. Ysgol Rhosnesni Governing Body remains committed to the continued improvement and success of our school and will continue to actively engage with parents and be accountable to them.

Subject to certain conditions, parents are able to request a meeting. If this is something that you would like to discuss further, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body.

School Prospectus The school prospectus has been updated to show staff changes, curriculum changes and updated in accordance with new legislation. This is updated annually and a hard copy is available from school reception or electronically on the school website: http://rhosnesni-high.wrexham.sch.uk/

School Policies Governors’ continue to review and update school policies and procedures working with the Headteacher and members of SLT. Please see the policies section of our school website for copies of policies: http://rhosnesni- high.wrexham.sch.uk/policies-procedures/ alternatively school reception can provide a copy on request.

Membership of the Governing Body: Chair of the Governing Body: Cllr Paul D Jones Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs E Doherty: [email protected] Tel 01978 295453

Cllr Jones and the Clerk can both be contacted via the school address: Ysgol Rhosnesni, Rhosnesni Lane, Wrexham, LL13 9ET

Full details of our Governing Body are available on the school’s website. This is information is kept up to date and shows details of any vacancies that become available.

Our Governing Body consists of: 6 x Parent Governors 5 x LEA Governors 2 x Teacher Governors 1 x Staff Governor (non teaching) 5 x Community Governors The Headteacher is also a member of the governing Body.

Information about the arrangements for the next election of Parent Governors At the date of publication of this report, we do not have any vacancies for parent governors. All parents will be notified and invited to apply for any vacancies that arise in the future.


Rhosnesni High School SSSP 2019 Summary of School Performance (1) (2) LA/School No. 665 / 4048

Pupils in Year 11

Number of pupils in Year 11 who were on roll in January 2019 : 105 Average points score per pupil:

Welsh Baccalaureate Capped 9 measure Literacy measure Numeracy measure Science measure Skills Challenge (interim) Certificate measure

School 2018/19 267 32 31 26 31

LA Area 2018/19 .. 37 35 35 ..

Wales 2018/19 .. 39 37 37 ..

School 17/18/19 .. 34 33 33 ..

School 16/17/18 ......

Number of boys in Year 11 who were on roll in January 2019 : 59 Average points score per boy:

Welsh Baccalaureate Capped 9 measure Literacy measure Numeracy measure Science measure Skills Challenge (interim) Certificate measure

School 2018/19 229 28 28 22 27

LA Area 2018/19 .. 35 34 33 ..

Wales 2018/19 .. 36 36 35 ..

School 17/18/19 .. 31 32 31 ..

School 16/17/18 ......

Number of girls in Year 11 who were on roll in January 2019 : 46 Average points score per girl:

Welsh Baccalaureate Capped 9 measure Literacy measure Numeracy measure Science measure Skills Challenge (interim) Certificate measure

School 2018/19 315 37 34 32 37

LA Area 2018/19 .. 40 37 37 ..

Wales 2018/19 .. 42 38 38 ..

School 17/18/19 .. 36 34 35 ..

School 16/17/18 ......

(1) For details on approved qualifications, point scores and contribution to thresholds, please see the Qualifications Wales website (QiW) at https://www.qiw.wales/ (2) For details on the calculation of these indicators please see the guidance note at: https://gov.wales/interim-key-stage-4-school-performance-arrangements .. Data not available. 4

Financial Statement April 2018 - March 2019

Budget Heading Expenditure & Income £ Employees 3,396,028 Premises 227,182 Transport 2,679 Supplies & Services 190,721 Support Services 303,139 Income -424,348 Contingency end 2019 -48,702 Total Expenditure 18/19 £3,646,698 No travelling or subsistence allowance payments claimed by the governing body during this period.

School Fund April 2018- March 2019

Balance Brought Forward Current Account £23,682.00 Deposit Account £12,885.67 Cash £1,225.20

Receipts (from 01/04/18) £28,822.64 Payments (from 01/04/18) £19,873.25

Balance Carried Forward Current Account £33,840.67 Deposit Account £12,901.59 Cash 0 Total £66,615.51

Attendance & Punctuality Whole school attendance for 2018–2019 was 89%. The Welsh Government target for attendance is 95%. Authorised absence was 7% and unauthorised absence 4%. We continue to work with parents/carers and students to try to meet Welsh Government targets and this year we have introduced a plethora of new strategies to improve students’ attendance rates, including: robust tracking and monitoring systems, bespoke student attendance workshops, mentoring and reward assemblies across all year groups to publicly acknowledge and celebrate excellent and improving attendance.

The Governing Body continues to work with the Headteacher, School Attendance Officer and Local Authority to monitor and improve attendance and ensure that parents are aware of their responsibility to ensure that their child attends school. Holidays during term time are discouraged and will not be authorised.

Provision for students with Additional Learning Needs We provide a fully inclusive education at Ysgol Rhosnesni. All students are entitled to have an accessible, broad and balanced curriculum, which is tailored to meet their individual needs. We ensure that the Additional Learning Needs (ALNs) of all students are identified, assessed and met in an appropriate and effective manner and the level of support and intervention a student receives is tailored to individuals need(s). Student progress is regularly tracked and reviewed in consultation with parents and students. For some students, the school, in collaboration with parents, may seek advice and support from outside professionals such as an Educational Psychologist, a Speech and Language Therapist and a Sensory Support Advisory Teacher.

The Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) closely monitors students on the ALN register and regularly reviews Individual Development Plans (IDPs). Parents are consulted for all reviews and when requested, given copies of all relevant information. Our well-trained and dedicated team of ALN staff is made up of 3 teachers and 19 Teaching Assistants. The team support students either within a Resource, in mainstream classes or by providing planned intervention sessions. All support is aimed at helping students to progress, attain and become independent learners. We are continually developing our ALN department, which provides a safe and nurturing environment, where students are supported and challenged to meet their full potential.


Provision of Toilet Facilities We have number of toilet facilities throughout the school. There are separate toilet facilities for staff and students. There are designated toilet facilities for Year 7-9 boys/girls and Year 10-11 boys/girls and accessible toilet facilities for students with additional requirements. School bathrooms are monitored throughout the day by the onsite cleaners and cleaned/replenished as required. All toilet areas are cleaned thoroughly at the end of each school day and maintenance requirements reported to the school caretaker who ensures that they are actioned as a priority. The Business Manager and members of the Governors Finance Staffing and Premises Committee regularly inspect the toilet facilities and any concerns are raised in their quarterly meetings.

Transition The excellent working relationships enjoyed with our local cluster primary schools continues to be enhanced through a comprehensive Transition Plan. Year 4, 5 and 6 students have enjoyed the use of the school facilities on a regular basis throughout the year. Year 6 students attend for 2 days in June as part of their transition to secondary school to meet their form tutors and experience a variety of lessons. Our student numbers continue to rise and we welcomed 243 new Year 7 students in September 2019.

Curriculum At Ysgol Rhosnesni, all students are supported to:  enjoy learning  acquire knowledge and skills that are relevant to the world of work  develop lively and enquiring minds  be confident to express their opinions  recognise their own strengths and meet their personal targets  achieve their true potential  develop concern for their environment  respect the religious values, morals and culture of others

All students are issued with a Student Planner at the start of each year. This important tool is used to share information with parents/carers and is used for planning work, recording homework and sharing information. This also contains key school information. We request that you encourage your child to use their student planner and for parents/guardians take the time to review and sign this weekly.

We are an inclusive school providing equal opportunities for all students in mainstream as well as a bespoke curriculum for our most vulnerable students who are based in our ‘Success Centre’.

Years 7 to Year 9 All students study Mathematics, English, Science, Art, French, Geography, History, ICT, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Technology and Welsh Second Language.

Years 10 to 11 Students work towards the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification and also study Mathematics, English, Science, Religious Studies and Welsh Second Language. Students will also study three additional subjects from Art, Separate Sciences, Hospitality & Catering, Sociology, Health & Social Care, Geography, History, French, Music, ICT, Personal Development Course (SWEET), Product Design and Physical Education. In addition, students were able to choose from GCSE and vocational courses which included Animal Care, Computer Science, Construction, Engineering, Hair & Beauty, Hospitality & Catering, Health & Social Care, Public Services, Performing Arts and Spanish attending an off-site provision one afternoon a week.

Peripatetic music lessons continue to be available for all year groups in school via the Wrexham music Co- operative.

Our excellent links with Coleg Cambria have continued. There are enrichment courses that a number of Year 10 and Year 11 students access as part of the 14-19 Network. These courses are mainly for those students with identified needs who would greatly benefit from one of the courses that last year included Hair & Beauty, Construction, Public Services, Animal Care, Horticulture, Outdoor Pursuits, Bushcraft, Drama, Catering, Visual Arts, Welding & Fabrication, Sport & Leisure, Horticultural and Agricultural Engineering, Health & Social Care, Engineering, Land Based Studies.


New Curriculum for Wales A new curriculum has been developed for schools in Wales. The final version is available from January 2020 and will be used throughout Wales by 2022. The new curriculum has more emphasis on equipping our students for life and will build their ability to learn new skills and apply their subject knowledge more positively and creatively. A new digital competence framework will introduce digital skills across the curriculum, preparing students for the opportunities and risks that an online world presents. Teachers will have more freedom to teach in ways they feel will have the best outcomes for our learners.

Assessment will be a continuous process, taking place on a daily basis. Progression reference points will help learners, teachers, parents and carers to understand if appropriate progress is being made and therefore, ‘Key Stages’ will be replaced. ‘Progression Steps’ will set out expectations for our students in each area of their learning relating broadly to ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16.

Further information can be found: https://hwb.gov.wales/curriculum-for-wales/introduction Mrs S Williams, Assistant Headteacher in charge of Curriculum will be happy to discuss this with you should you require further information.

PSE The PSE programme has been developed for the new academic year to provide themed days for each year group once a term, using outside agencies to deliver a variety of workshops on a number of different issues. The delivery of some PSE sessions has continued to be supported by outside agencies including Inspire, In2Change, Info Shop, the Police School Liaison Officer and Wrexham Healthy Schools Network. We have links with a variety of agencies such as the Red Cross and Youth Justice Service.

We continue to work with Crucial Crew who provide workshops on Health and Safety to Year 7 students. Year 9 students engaged in a drama workshop delivered by Cats Paws Theatre Company based on the theme of sexual consent and our Police Liaison Officer has discussed Sexting. A group of Year 8 students took part in the ‘Just B Smoke Free’ training programme to become Smoke Free Ambassadors. Year 10 completed sessions with Police Liaison Officer on sexual assault and Year 11 have examined substance misuse. A group of Year 10 girls took part in a focus group providing feedback for the ‘dream big’ project. We have Youth Workers based within the school who regularly meet with target groups, run workshops, deliver courses and hold drop-in sessions. The School Pastors continue to be active members of the school community, frequently delivering assemblies, while during lunchtimes they mentor and interact with students.

The Welsh Government has continued to provide free sanitary products to secondary schools to tackle period poverty for school age children. School Council Representatives have promoted this initiative through whole school assemblies. The products are available to all female students discretely though the “Red Box/ WINGS” scheme in school and products are available for students to take home.

Our commitment to promote healthy eating and drinking and an active lifestyle for our students resulted in the school being awarded the Wrexham Network of Healthy Schools Award in November 2019 that was presented to our students by the Mayor of Wrexham at a ceremony in the Guildhall. Our school canteen has maintained its 5- star hygiene rating and continues to provide healthy meals including vegetarian and gluten free options.

Careers With the support of Wrexham Rotary Club and other local businesses, the majority of the Year 11 cohort attended the mock interview session held over a morning in school. This as in previous years was a very successful event. For the first time this year all students in Year 11 took part in two workshops to prepare them for the Mock Interview Session these included CV writing and Interview skills with DTCC a local company based on Wrexham Industrial Estate. The feedback from local employers and Wrexham Rotary Club was that the standard of CV had improved significantly along with the way in which the students conducted themselves during the interview experience. Year 11 students attended a Careers Fair organised by Careers Wales at Glyndwr University where students were able to research job and training opportunities from a wide range of organisations. Students from across all years have had the opportunity to take part in a variety of courses and challenges linked to the World of Work and the Phoenix Project, a 5-day look at life course with North Wales Fire Service. Small groups of Year 11 students have been involved in webinars based on career ideas; these have included one in Health and Social Care from Pendine Park Care Home in Wrexham that provided comprehensive information on the various pathways into careers in this sector. Year 11 students have had advice and guidance meetings through Careers


Wales regarding the next steps into Further Education and Year 9 have had, when required pathway meetings to support their transition into Year 10 when they start their Options courses.

Destination of School Leavers – Summer 2019 Student Routes Summer 2019 No of students Full time education in school (6th form) 4 FE College 86 Work based training 3 Employed 1 Not in education, training or employment 4 Left area 1 Unknown 5 Total in year group 104

Young Carers We continue to facilitate monthly group meetings where Young Carers can meet and socialise with one another as well as provide peer support to each other. A drop-in facility operates as well as scheduled calendared meetings every month and reward visits every term.

Peer Mentors Our Peer Mentors continue to support other students through their transition into secondary school. They mentor and support new students, enabling them to address individual problems in a mature and emotionally intelligent way. They are proud to be Peer Mentors and are visible around the school, available for all to self-refer and work 1:1 with students referred to the programme by concerned teaching staff and parents. Peer Mentoring within Ysgol Rhosnesni positively effects student well-being and continues to have an impact, as those receiving the help of a Peer Mentor show improved self-esteem and confidence. Peer Mentors develop a language of empathy and confidence in their ability to help others. They show greater maturity, understanding and a pride in their role, improving their aspirations for the future.

Student Council Student Council representatives continue with the fantastic work undertaken in previous years by promoting awareness and ownership of the general appearance of the communal areas across the school. In addition, they also put forward ideas to improve the school and work with our local community. The representatives continue to be supportive of Mr Brant’s drive to improve the standards across the school, including uniform, use of mobile phones, punctuality and attendance, and help generate a sense of pride to be part of “Team Rhosnesni”. Our Student Council meet weekly and propose a myriad of interesting and exciting ideas and views to support raising and maintaining the standards that have been introduced in school and improve relationships with our wider community. School Council members are committed to supporting local and national charities and raised significant sums for well deserving causes. The work undertaken by the Council is formally communicated via the “You Said We Did” bulletin that is shared in assemblies and tutor time with the students and staff.

Community Links We have strong links and partnerships within and beyond our local community. We liaise with these agencies to further strengthen those links, whilst enriching our students’ knowledge and broadening our curriculum. We work closely with our School Liaison Officer and The Venture. Our Head Boy and Head Girl attended the Wrexham Remembrance Service with Mr Brant and Mrs Evans to pay our respects. The school sports hall is well used for community sports and leisure events that are very popular with local residents and families.

We have continued to fundraise as a school and in the last 6 months we have raised over £1500 for various local and national charities though a variety of different fundraising events. We also regularly collect and make donations of food and clothing to the Wrexham Foodbank and Homeless Charities. Our school choir visited many of the local care homes, St John’s Church and Nightingale House to entertain their residents, taking with them gifts that had been donated by our students, their families and school staff.


We have had visits from Lesley Griffiths, Assembly Member for Wrexham, and Ian Lucas, Member of Parliament for Wrexham, who continue to work with both the school and their local constituents. We continue to work with Mrs Ellis (Landscape Officer) and her team to improve the school site and grounds, including the refurbishment of the picnic area during the summer holidays. Furthermore, we have successfully secured funding for our sensory garden. We are indebted to Mrs Ellis and her team for their generous gardening donations and time. The students are looking forward to work commencing on the garden in the spring term 2020.

Provision for sport and Extra-Curricular Activities Students have many opportunities to participate in a variety of sporting activities. 5 x 60 continues to offer a wide selection of sporting activities during lunchtimes and after school and we are very proud of our students and their sporting successes. We have some very talented students who excel in many areas, football, boxing, netball, cross county, athletics and many others. Our team of dedicated sports leaders continue to help run many events at the school for our cluster schools. Our students continue to enjoy sporting success both in and out of school.

The PE department enjoyed a busy year of sport competing in a variety of sports against local schools and enjoying fun clubs at lunchtime and after school. The Year 7 netball team became Wrexham champions which was quite an achievement. All year groups competed at netball and enjoyed a club night after school. In football both boys and girls enjoyed matches against local schools and participated in extracurricular club night. In cross country Rhosnesni was represented in all age categories and a number of students went on to compete for Wrexham at the county championships.

During the summer teams competed at the Athletics Championships and a number of individuals were chosen for the county after finishing 1st or 2nd in their events. The girls competed in the rounders tournaments and athletics and tennis clubs were popular in the summer. Students also represented the county at netball and football throughout the year.

Timings of the School Day Our school has a five Period Day with a 2-week timetable and 60 minute lessons

Warning Bell 8.40am Registration 8.45am – 9.05am Period 1 9.05am – 10.05am Period 2 10.05am – 11.05am Break 11.05am – 11.20am Period 3 11.20am – 12.20pm Lunch 12.20pm – 12.55pm Warning Bell 12.55pm Period 4 1.00pm – 2.00pm Period 5 2.00pm – 3.00pm End of school day 3.00pm

School Term Dates 2019/20 - (prior to Coronavirus closure) Please see school website for up to date information

Autumn Term Monday 2nd September 2019 - Friday 25th October 2019 (School opens to Students Wednesday 4th September) Monday 4th November 2019 - Friday 20th December 2019

Spring Term Monday 6th January 2020 - Friday 14th February 2020 (School reopens to Students Tuesday 7th January) Monday 24th February 2020 - Friday 3rd April 2020

Summer Term Monday 20th April 2020 - Friday 22nd May 2020 Monday 1st June 2020 - Monday 20th July 2020


Please note the following dates are Training Days for the school and the school will be closed to pupils: Mon/Tues 2nd/3rd September 2019 Friday 29th November 2019 Monday 6th January 2020 **Friday 17th July 2020 Monday 20th July 2020

**The Welsh Government has issued a directive to all schools in Wales instructing the addition of a further staff training day in the summer term. This is to allow all schools time to prepare for the introduction of the new Curriculum for Wales. After discussion with our Primary Cluster colleagues, we have decided that this additional day will be on Friday 17th July 2020.Ysgol Rhosnesni students will now finish school for summer on Thursday 16th July at 3pm and school will be closed on Friday 17th July 2020 to all students.

School holiday dates (prior to Coronavirus closure) Please see school website for up to date information October Half Term: 28th October – 1st November 2019 Christmas Holidays: 23rd December – 3rd January 2020 February Half Term: 17th February – 21st February 2020 Easter School Holidays: 6th – 17th April 2020 Whit Holidays: 25th-29th May 2020

Further information about Ysgol Rhosnesni can be obtained from the following sources.  School website www.rhosnesni-high.wrexham.sch.uk  School newsletters,  Twitter @RhosnesniHigh  Governors meeting minutes. Available on request  www.mylocalschool.wales.gov.uk