Departamento de Idiomas Curso 2019/2020

MECANISMOS DE RECUPERACIÓN DE LA MATERIA PENDIENTE Para recuperar la materia de Inglés pendiente de cursos anteriores, el alumno/a deberá cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: 1) Trabajo diario, atención y participación en clase (20%) El profesor/a evaluará a los alumnos/as que tenga a su cargo mediante la observación de su proceso de aprendizaje. Para ello considerará la participación del alumno/a en sus clases a distancia, además de las anotaciones que hubiera recogido al respecto en trimestres anteriores. Se valorará la frecuencia en la entrega de tareas, la atención y esfuerzo del alumno/a en la realización de las actividades y la propia comunicación con el profesor/a para plantear sus dudas, resolverlas y avanzar en la materia de manera autónoma.

2) Presentación de su cuaderno de clase completo, limpio y ordenado (20%) El alumno/a presentará la parte de su cuaderno que no esté corregida desde la última revisión que hiciera el profesor/a. Para ello fotografiará las páginas correspondientes, que deben incluir como mínimo los apuntes de vocabulario y gramática de las unidades 4, 5 y 6. Para la evaluación del cuaderno, se tendrá en cuenta que la teoría esté completa, y además, el orden, la claridad y el buen desarrollo de las ideas, las actividades y su autocorrección. El alumno/a debe enviar las fotografías a su profesor/a a través de iPasen o por correo electrónico.

3) Adecuada realización del cuadernillo de actividades de recuperación (60%) El cuadernillo de recuperación se adjunta en este mismo documento. El alumno/a debe procurar que sus actividades estén completas y sean correctas. Para realizarlas podrá usar el apéndice gramatical que se acompaña, que incluye de manera resumida los contenidos fundamentales del trimestre. El alumno/a debe imprimir y completar sus actividades o escribir los enunciados y las respuestas en folios, con indicación clara del número de página y actividad. En cualquier caso, deberá escanear o fotografiar los ejercicios, una vez realizados, y enviarlos al profesor/a a través de iPasen o por correo electrónico. El plazo de entrega finaliza el próximo 11 de mayo de 2020.

La nota final de la materia pendiente se hallará calculando el promedio de las tres evaluaciones. El alumno/a que obtenga una calificación inferior a 5 podrá superar la materia si ha conseguido aprobar al menos dos de las tres evaluaciones. Se aplicará este criterio siempre y cuando haya entregado las actividades de recuperación de cada trimestre, además de su cuaderno de clase del curso actual siguiendo los requisitos establecidos por el Departamento.

El alumno/a que no obtenga resultados positivos en la evaluación de la materia pendiente, deberá realizar una prueba escrita de recuperación que el profesor/a le pasará en la semana del 1 al 5 de junio de 2020. La prueba englobará contenidos de cada uno de los tres trimestres y su calificación determinará el aprobado o suspenso en la materia.

Para cualquier duda o aclaración, no duden en contactar con el profesor/a de Inglés del curso actual.

Departamento de Idiomas Curso 2019/2020


Nombre y apellidos del alumno/a: Curso y grupo: Plazo de entrega a la profesora: 11 de mayo de 2020

Crime ♦ Crime reports Unit 7 Present Simple Passive ♦ Past Simple Passive A newspaper report

1) Traduce el vocabulario.

2) Completa las frases con las siguientes palabras. guilty  innocent  escape  stab  identify  crash 1. Richard says he is …………………… , but I don’t believe him. 2. He picked up a knife and tried to …………………… me! 3. Be careful! You’re going to …………………… the car. 4. He was found …………………… of stealing the car. 5. It wasn’t difficult to …………………… the criminals. 6. The robber tried to …………………… , but the policeman caught him.

3) Elige la respuesta correcta. Presta atención a las palabras en negrita. 1. I’m trapped. I can’t move / talk. 2. There are many cuts on his leg / car. 3. The witness had to ask / answer many questions. 4. He’s dead. He’s not breathing / guilty. 5. I’m in pain. It hurts / is fun. 6. The riot was extremely quiet / violent.


4) Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el Present Simple en pasiva.

1. When ……………… the Olympic Games …………………… (hold)? 2. ……………… you …………………… (invite) to Sam’s wedding? 3. Sick people …………………… (look after) by doctors. 4. Russian …………………… (teach) at our school. 5. ……………… sandwiches …………………… (prepare) every morning? 6. Coffee …………………… (not grow) here.

5) Completa las frases con el Past Simple en pasiva. 1. A technician repaired my computer yesterday. My computer …………………… yesterday. 2. They didn’t buy this meat at the market. This meat …………………… at the market. 3. Liz didn’t write this letter. This letter …………………… by Liz. 4. Did they tell Pam? ……………… Pam ……………… ? 5. The Queen wore this dress. This dress …………………… by the Queen.

6) Elige la respuesta correcta. 1. My ring is stolen / was stolen yesterday. 2. How many windows are broken / were broken in yesterday’s riots? 3. These cars aren’t made / weren’t made in Korea. They make them in Japan. 4. Today, the “bobby”, or policeman, is considered / was considered a symbol of Britain. 5. Last year, students are required / were required to study a foreign language.

7) Lee el texto e indica si las oraciones son verdaderas (T) o falsas (F). Copia las frases que te han ayudado a decidir en cada caso. 1. Spaggiari enjoyed being a criminal...... 2. Spaggiari didn’t want his team to be tired...... 3. The Société Générale bank was in the same city as Spaggiari’s mother’s house...... 4. Spaggiari probably died in France...... 5. Spaggiari returned some of the money from the robbery...... 2

Albert Spaggiari was a French criminal. He is best known for planning the Société Générale bank robbery in France. After his first robbery he was caught and spent time in prison. After he was released from prison, he lived a normal life for a short time. However, he soon became bored. He didn’t want to obey the law any more and decided to return to a life of crime. In 1976, Spaggiari began to plan a break-in at the Société Générale bank in Nice. He found out that most of the money in the bank was kept in safety deposit boxes on the bottom floor of the building. He decided to break in by digging a tunnel. He hired a group of professional criminals from Marseille to help him dig the tunnel. He told his team never to drink alcohol or coffee and to get at least 10 hours of sleep every day. He wanted to make sure that the plan was successful. After two months of digging, the tunnel was finished. The group used it to break into the bank. They opened up more than 400 safety deposit boxes and stole over 60 million francs (over €9 million). A few months after the robbery, Spaggiari and the rest of the group were arrested. But that was not the end of the story. During their trial, Spaggiari escaped. He jumped out of a window and got away on a motorcycle. Spaggiari was never caught. It is thought that he probably spent the rest of his life in Argentina. When he died, his body was found outside his mother’s house in Hyères in France. It is believed that after his death, his body was brought back to France by friends. The money from the break-in was never found.

8) Escribe cinco oraciones sobre un evento de tu pueblo o ciudad. Puede ser real o imaginario y debe incluir los siguientes datos:

□ what the event was □ where and when it took place □ who was involved


Inventions ♦ Appliances Unit 8 Past Perfect Simple ♦ Past Perfect Simple vs Past Simple An essay about an invention

1) Traduce el vocabulario.

2) Relaciona las palabras de A con las de B para formar palabras compuestas. A B 1. dish ...... a. conditioner 2. hair ...... b. board 3. key ...... c. oven 4. air ...... d. washer 5. electric ...... e. control 6. remote ...... f. dryer 7. microwave ...... g. shaver

3) Elige la respuesta correcta. 1. Keep ice cream in the fridge / freezer. 2. I can’t e-mail you. My printer / keyboard isn’t working. 3. He likes buying the latest gadgets / innovations. 4. Can I borrow your iron / kettle? I want to wear this shirt tonight. 5. Thanks for the gift. It’s so useful / simple. 6. The solution is very effective / reusable.


4) Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el Past Perfect Simple.

1. The film ………… already …………………… (start) by the time we arrived. 2. ………… you …………………… (send) any text messages before you went to school? 3. The students …………………… (not finish) their tests when the teacher collected them. 4. By the time I arrived at school, the bell …………………… (ring). 5. We …………………… (not have) breakfast yet, so we were very hungry.

5) Elige la respuesta correcta. 1. They didn’t hear / hadn’t heard of a mobile phone before the explorers showed one to them. 2. After two weeks in his laboratory, he finally found / had found the solution. 3. What did he do / had he done after they told him the news? 4. After the microwave oven had become popular, people spent / had spent less time in the kitchen. 5. Had you ever used / Did you ever use an electric shaver before you bought this one?

6) Completa las frases con el Past Simple o el Past Perfect Simple de los verbos entre paréntesis. 1. It was late and I …………………… (not have) any dinner yet. 2. How ……………… anyone …………………… (manage) before the invention of the computer? 3. He …………………… (become) famous at the age of 14. 4. By the time he was 20, he …………………… (invent) many useful gadgets. 5. We had already gone to sleep when the thieves …………………… (break into) our house.

7) Lee el texto y elige la respuesta correcta. 1. The inventions in the Museum of Nonsense ... . a. are useful b. were invented by Gall and Umscheid c. have not changed the world 2. Gall and Umscheid invented the cube-shaped tablecloth because they ... . a. wanted to find a solution to a problem b. wanted to present it at their exhibition c. hoped to open a museum of failed inventions 3. When Gall and Umscheid created their exhibition, ... . a. people thought they were crazy b. they did not expect it to be very popular c. they knew it was a good idea 4. Gall and Umscheid decided to open a museum after ... . a. their successful exhibition b. they invented a cube-shaped tablecloth c. the Austrian government agreed to finance it


We all know that inventions like the wheel and the personal computer have changed the world. But not all inventions catch on or change history. In fact, there are millions of failed inventions every year. Fritz Gall and Friedl Umscheid believe that even these flops are valuable. That is why they opened a Museum of Nonsense in Herrnbaumgarten – their home town. Every year, thousands of visitors come to the small village in to see some of the world’s most useless inventions. Among the many weird inventions at the museum you can find a toothbrush for people with no teeth and a fits-anyone sweater with sleeves in different lengths. Gall and Umscheid came up with the idea for the museum in 1983. The two friends were sitting at a restaurant when they saw a waitress turn over a dirty tablecloth and use it again. At that moment, they came up with an innovation – a tablecloth with six sides. Gall and Umscheid thought that a cube-shaped tablecloth was a good idea because it was reusable – people can use it six times without having to wash it. Gall and Umscheid realised that there are probably many more crazy ideas like theirs, so they decided to collect these ideas and create an exhibition of weird inventions. To their surprise, more than 5,000 people visited the exhibition – many more than they had expected. After they had organised a number of exhibitions like this, they decided to find a home for all the unique objects that they had collected. The Austrian government agreed to help finance the project and The Museum of Nonsense was born. Since then, more than 100,000 visitors have visited the museum. It seems that Gall and Umscheid had one ingenious idea after all!

8) Escribe al menos cinco oraciones sobre la television y su impacto. Usa la siguiente información.

1924-25: John Logie Baird invents television. 1936: About 200 televisions in the world. 1962: First TV satellite is launched. 1996: One billion TV sets in the world.


The animal world ♦ Parts of the body Unit 9 Reported Speech A report about an animal

1) Traduce el vocabulario.

2) Las palabras en negrita están en la frase incorrecta. Escríbelas junto a la correcta.

1. Elephants use their whiskers to wash themselves. …………………… 2. Birds fly with their paws. …………………… 3. Animals keep warm because of their wings. …………………… 4. My cat has got long feathers. …………………… 5. Parrots have got colourful tongues. …………………… 6. Dogs have got four claws. …………………… 7. Frogs use their fur to catch insects. …………………… 8. My cat’s trunks are very sharp. ……………………

3) Completa las frases con las siguientes palabras. attack  harmless  enemies  catch  poisonous  claws 1. Don’t go near that snake – it’s …………………… ! 2. Sharks rarely …………………… people. 3. Some birds can pick up small animals with their …………………… . 4. How do most animals defend themselves from …………………… ? 5. Sheep are …………………… animals. 6. Lizards …………………… flies with their tongue.


4) Utiliza las siguientes palabras y expresiones para escribir cada frase en estilo indirecto (reported speech) if  that  there  the day before  had to  was  had  then  the previous morning  could the following day  would

1. “I’ve been here since yesterday morning,” the vet said. The vet said that she had been ………………. since …………………… . 2. “We must help this dog,” Janet told me. Janet told me that we ………………. help …………………… dog. 3. “The lion will have an operation tomorrow,” Bill said. Bill said that the lion ………………. have an operation …………………… . 4. “Did you feed the cat yesterday?” Jill asked me. Jill asked me if I ………………. fed the cat …………………… . 5. “Can you ride a horse?” Mia asked. Mia asked me ………………. I …………………… ride a horse.

5) Escribe las frases en estilo indirecto (reported speech)

1. “I am walking my dog now,” Kate said. Kate said that she ……………… her dog …………………… . 2. “The neighbour’s dog attacked a child yesterday,” she said. She said that the neighbour’s dog ……………… a child …………………… . 3. “I have never been to this zoo before,” Andy said. Andy said that he ……………… never ……………… to …………… zoo before. 4. “Can you look after my dog tomorrow?” Kim asked. Kim asked me if I ……………… look after her dog ……………………. .

6) Lee el texto y completa las frases.

1. Bavaria is mentioned in the text because ...... 2. People tried to catch by ...... 3. The Bild newspaper is mentioned in the text because ...... 4. It was hard for Gutmann to move Yvonne into his field because she ...... 5. In the future, Yvonne will be ...... 8

Not many cows become famous. However, in May 2011, a six-year-old cow called Yvonne became a celebrity after she escaped from a farm in . Yvonne got past an electric fence and ran to the forest. For over three months, farmers and police could not catch her. Yvonne’s escape attracted a lot of attention in German newspapers. Many animal lovers became interested in her story. One animal lover, Michael Aufhauser, even decided to buy her. He wanted to catch Yvonne and take her to his home in Bavaria. He said that he could easily take care of her and keep her safe there.

The police were worried that Yvonne might cause a traffic accident. That is why they told hunters to shoot her immediately when they saw her. This made many people very angry. They thought that the hunters should not kill Yvonne because she was harmless. The police tried using a helicopter to make Yvonne come out from her hiding place. Aufhauser and his friends took other cows to the area. They hoped that Yvonne might follow these cows. But nothing worked. Yvonne managed to stay hidden. The Bild newspaper offered to give a reward of €10,000 for Yvonne’s return.

On 2nd September, Konrad Gutmann, a local farmer, saw Yvonne watching the young cows in his field. She looked very nervous. Because the escaped cow felt threatened, it was difficult for Gutmann to move her into his field. However, he finally succeeded. Gutmann could then get his reward from the Bild. After more than three months of , Yvonne was finally moved to her new home in Bavaria. Aufhauser said that he would keep her comfortable and safe for the rest of her life.

7) Escribe sobre los elefantes usando la siguiente información (al menos un párrafo)

Types: two main types – African and Asian Height: 2-3.6 metres Weight: 3,000-5,400 kg Top speed: 40 kph Habitat: jungles, flood plains in Africa and Asia Food: grass, fruit, roots


Grammar Appendix

Present Simple Passive / Past Simple Passive


Past Perfect Simple / Past Simple


Reported Speech