Last Party Party of Campaign Will Be Golden Gala Oct. 30 After the Chili Cookoff, the Four Debate Parties
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The ARLINGTON DEMOCRATS ARLt'i{;TO:-l COIlI'.TV OB·\OCRi\TlC cmf.\lITTEF. www.arlingtondemocrats. org November 2008 Last Party party of campaign will be Golden Gala Oct. 30 After the Chili Cookoff, the four debate parties. work to turn out an 80 percent Democratic ma- Some ways you can now comes the piece de resistance, the Join! jority in Arlington and to deliver Virginia for the help are listed on Page Campaign's final Gold Card event: The Golden Gala Obarna-Biden ticket and all other Democrats in Three. Join fellow Arlington Democrats as they get '08. And, of course, the loyal Democratic ready for the final Get Out The Vote push to turn Kitchen Crew will serve heavy hors d'oeuvres. Virginia blue November 4. (That's "heavy" as in "substantial," not "avoir- The event will be held on Halloween Eve, dupois.") Thursday. October 30, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Gold Card members attend for free. The cost atthe home of Patricia and Tom Connally, 3510 for others: $250 (Patron): $150 (Sponsor); $85 Roberts Lane. From Military Road. turn onto (Friend); $75 (Roosevelt Society); $50 (AYDI Pollard Street and proceed lip the hill, take the Seniors). first left onto Roberts Lane and go six blocks to Visit to order 3510 on the right. Parking is available along the your tickets online or contact Judy Connally at street. (703) 536-6034. lit Staffers from the Obama and Coordi nated After the voting, there will be some more Campaigns will be honored for their relentless parties. See page four. "8,lf- e Where and when you can vote right NOW is explained on Page This is the last paper Five. version of The Voice THIS IS YOUR LAST PRINTED ISSUE OF THE VOICE. As announced two months ago. effective with the December 2008 issue, the ACDC newslet- ter will only be available online. That doesn't mean, however, that you will no longer be able to read insider info, feature articles and details on upcoming Arlington Democratic events. - All you have to do is sign up to receive monthly e-mails linking you directly to The Voice on our website. And it's in glorious color there. l It's easy to sign up. Simply go to the ACDC website, "III: (fIte on "Sign up to receive The Voice electronically." Then fill out the simple form. That's all there is to it. b For those who do not have email-and ONLY for those individuals, if you e,e would like to continue to receive print version of The Voice, fill out the form I: Hey, we're a party! So a on the back page of this issue and mail it in. At this time, we cannot guarantee we party. there will continue to be a print version. This will depend entirely on the num- --See Page One ber of requests received and the cost and time effectiveness of producing and --See Page Four mailing a print copy. --See Page Four again! ACOC Voice, November 2008, Page 2 Report from Chairman Peter Rousselot Let's work our hearts out! In these perilous times at home and $50.000; reforming our health care system, ership role in the orgy of financial deregula- abroad, America's next President must pos- and creating five million new, high-wage jobs tion that generated the current meltdown. sess the ability to inspire and to calm. Barack by investing in renewable sources of energy. McSame's record of erratic behavior Obama will do both; John McSarne can do To address the current economic crisis, goes back decades. Early examples include neither. To put Barack Obarna in the White Obarna has also developed a package of pro- his well-documented shouting matches with House, we must turn Virginia Blue. To turn posals focusing on job-creation, including colleagues and his refusal to speak - for years Virginia Blue for Obama, we need to get 801 small business tax credits to hire new employ- in some cases-with people with whom he 80 in '08 in Arlington! ees in the United States; creation of a Jobs has disagreed. Recent examples include his and Growth Fund to spur needed infrastruc- choice of the unqualified Sarah Palin as his Qbama ture investments in states and local commu- VP nominee. his phony "suspension" of his Recognizing that it is going to take a nities; a mortgage tax credit for struggling campaign to fly back to Washington (in an while for us to dig ourselves out of the deep homeowners, and a three-month moratorium unwelcome and unsuccessful effort to rescue hole in our economy that the Republican ad- on foreclosures. the financial bailout legislation), and his re- ministration has dug for us, Barack Obama These are the changes we need, and we canted threat not to attend the first presiden- characteristically has appealed to the better need them now! tial debate. In the deft words of conservative instincts of the American people: "1 know columnist George Will, McSame is a candi- these are difficult times. I know folks are McSame date who thinks he can ride to the presidency worried. But I also know this - we can steer John McSame has voted with George by "substituting vehemence for coherence." ourselves out of this crisis. Because we are Bush over 90% of the time. Because he didn't In both domestic and international crises, ve- the United States of America. We are the vote with George Bush 100% of the time, hemence is no substitute for coherence. country that has faced down war and depres- McSarne takes pride in calling himself a McSarne's temperament is a fatal flaw sion; great challenges and great threats. And "maverick." It is a delusional self-image. The that disqualifies him from the right to have at each and every moment, we have risen to American people have seen right through it. his finger on our economic lifeline and meet these Challenges - not as Democrats, not Instead, McSame is a toxic combination: an America's nuclear trigger! as Republicans, but as Americans." orthodox, yet erratic, right-wing Republican. Obarna's economic policy has both long- McSame isjoined at the hip with George Bush Arlington term and short-term features to benefit Main and Dick Cheney-the GOP evil twins who In 2004. George W. Bush beat John Street and the middle class. His long-term brought America the economic 9111 that Kerry in the slate of Virginia by about 262,000 policies include tax cuts for 95% of Ameri- threatens the economic futures of millions. On votes. For the 40 years prior to 2004, the Re- can workers and their families; elimination Election Day, the American people will justi- publican nominee for president carried Vir- of income taxes for seniors making under fiably hold McSame responsible for his lead- ginia every single time. No matter what the national or Virginia polls may show when you read this column, turning Virginia Blue at the presidential level will require an all-out vol- Jerry Botland unteer effort by everyone of us to achieve the huge margin of victory in Arlington that Computer ConsultIng Burack Obarna will neeel to turn Virginia Blue. We have set the very ambitious- yet Troubleshoot and resolve computer and achievable- goal of generating an 80% voter computer related problems. turnout in Arlington and capturing 80% of Perform upgrades, set-up wireless routers and print servers. those voters for Barack Obama for President. Transfer old files, address book and emails Let's not let Obama's current lead in some national and Virginia polls delude LIS into from an old computer to a new one. thinking that our 80/80 goal is no longer nec- Ph# (703) 933-0558 - [email protected] essary. There are many parts of Virginia that are very reliably Republican and will vote overwhelmingly for any GOP candidate- even one as flawed as John McSame. Published monthly by the In the closing days of the 2004 Presi- Arlington CoUnty DemocRatic CommiTTee dential campaign, many of us developed a 2009 North 14th Street, Suite #612, Arlington, VA 22201 false sense of confidence that John Kerry was Tel: (703) 528-8588 Fax: (703) 528-2321 going to win. Don't let that happen in 2008. Instead, we've got to adopt Yogi Berra's phi- Chair: Peter Rousselot - 703-276- I584 (0), [email protected] losophy: "It ain't over 'till it's over." Edttor-In-Chtefr Barbara van Voorst -703-522-6294 (hi. barbvanvoorstcsaol.corn Let's work our hearts out. Deputy Editor: Warren L. Nelson -703-243-7867 (h). warnelson@aoLcom Obama -Biden in '08! ACDC Voice. November 2008. Page 3 Next Monthly Meeting- BumpeR StickeR All Dems Invited of the MonTh Wednesday, November 5,2008, 7 p.m. NRECA Building, 4301 Wilson Blvd CorneR 0/ North Taylor and Wilson, just east of Glebe & Wi/son Yes, we Free parking UndeR building, enteR from TayloR StreeT No more hard work! Come celebrate. And also please bring a box of cereal to the meeting. Since we began the cereal drive in June. each can! month has seen more boxes for the Arlington Food Assistance Center. TheRe's more on the ballot than candidates Ways to help ACDC is recornrnendi ng that voters support all four county bond issues on the win in Virginia ballot this year, but vote NO on the ballot question for a new Housing Authority. There are no state constitutional amendments on the ballot this year.