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File Name Volvo Group Annual Report 2013-EN.Pdf Format PDF Size THE VOLVO GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 EXTENSIVE PRODUCT RENEWAL A GLOBAL GROUP CEO comment 2 TOGETHER OPERATING CONTEXT Transport needs today and tomorrow 4 STRATEGY Vision, Core values, Code of conduct WE MOVE and Wanted position 10 BUSINESS MODEL New products 28 the Brands 30 Effi cient products 36 Product development 32 World-class services 38 A high-performing organization 40 WORLD Industrial structure 44 Effi cient production and responsible sourcing 46 Without the type of products and services the Volvo Group provides, GROUP PERFORMANCE the societies where many of us live would not function. Like a circu- Global strength 50 Development by continent − Europe 52 latory system, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment Focus Renault Trucks 54 and fi nancial services are involved in many of the functions that Development by continent − North America 56 most of us rely on every day. Development by continent − South America 58 For instance, according to our calculations, one in seven meals Focus Brazil 60 eaten in Europe reaches the consumers thanks to trucks from the Development by continent − Asia 62 Volvo Group rolling on the roads of the continent. Buses are the most Focus Quester 64 common type of public transportation in the world, helping many people to reach work, school, vacations, friends and family. If all the BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT Volvo buses in the world were to start at the same time, they would Signifi cant events 68 transport more than 10 million people. Our construction machines Trucks 72 are used when building roads, houses, hospitals, airports, railroads, Buses 74 factories, offi ces, shopping centers and recreational facilities. Construction Equipment 76 These are just a few examples. In this Annual Report, you can Volvo Penta 78 learn more about the Volvo Group – Together we move the world. Volvo Financial Services 80 Financial management 82 Shareholder value 83 The share 84 Risks and uncertainties 86 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance Report 90 Board of Directors and Secretary 98 Group Management 102 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Financial information 2013 107 Financial performance 108 Consolidated income statement 108 and Other comprehensive income Financial position 112 Consolidated balance sheet 112 Consolidated cash-fl ow statements 114 Changes in consolidated Shareholders’ equity 116 Notes to consolidated fi nancial statements 117 Parent Company AB Volvo 168 Proposed remuneration policy 178 Proposed disposition of unappropriated earnings 179 Audit Report for AB Volvo 180 Eleven-year summary 181 Our material issues 190 Fold-out Defi nitions Annual General Meeting This report contains ‘forward-looking statements’. Such statements refl ect management’s current expectations with respect to certain future events and potential fi nancial performance. Although the Company believes that the expectations refl ected in such forward looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove correct. Such statements are subject to risk and uncertainties and such future events and fi nancial per- formance could differ materially from those set out in the forward looking statements as a result of, among other factors, (i) changes in economic, market and competitive conditions, (ii) success of busi- ness and operating initiatives, (iii) changes in the regulatory environ- ment and other government actions, (iv) fl uctuations in exchange rates and (v) business risk management. This report does not imply that the company has undertaken to revise these forward-looking statements, beyond what is required under the company’s registration contract with NASDAQ OMX Stockholm if and when circumstances arise that will lead to changes compared to the date when these statements were provided. The Volvo Group’s formal fi nancial reports are presented on pages 68–89 and 107–179 in the printed version and has been audited by the company’s auditors. VOLVO GROUP COMPLETE PARTNER The Volvo Groupoup is one of the world’s leadingeading mmanufac-anufac- turers of trucks, buses, construction equipment and marine and industrial engines.iThGl The Group also provides idltltif complete solutions for fi nancing and service. The Volvo Group, which employs about 110,000 people, has production facilities in 18 countries and sells its products in more than 190 markets. In 2013 the Volvo Group’s sales amounted to about SEK 273 billion. AB Volvo’s shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Volvo Group net sales 2000–2013, SEK bn 272.6 +110% 130.1 2000 2013 STRONG POSITIONS • One of the world’s largest Share of net sales manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction Trucks, 65% equipment. Construction Equipment, 20% • A leading independent supplier Buses, 6% of marine and industrial engines. Volvo Penta, 3% • One of the world’s largest Customer Finance, 3% manufacturers of heavy-duty Other, 3% diesel engines. • Global market presence. GLOBAL Share of net sales by market 2013 STRENGTH 39% 23% Since the streamlining towards commercial vehicles was initiated 20% more than ten years ago, the Volvo Group has signifi cantly strength- ened its positions outside the traditionally big markets of Western Europe and North America. Positions have been moved forward by acquisitions in primarily Asia and expansion of the distribution and service networks in for instance Eastern Europe and South America. In the year 2000, markets outside of Western Europe and North 11% Rest of the world America accounted for 16% of Group sales. In 2013 that share had grown to 45%. 7% STRONG BRANDS By selling products under different brands, the Group can address many different customer and market seg- ments in mature as well as growth markets. THE VOLVO GROUP 2013 A year of product renewal Net sales, SEK bn Net sales declined by 9% to SEK 272.6 billion (299.8). Operating income excluding restructuring charges amounted to SEK 7.9 billion (19.6). 09 10 11 12 13 Operating margin excluding restructuring charges amounted 218 265 310 300 273 to 2.9% (6.5). Operating income, SEK bn Net debt in the Industrial Operations amounted to 29.0% of shareholders’ equity. Proposed dividend of SEK 3.00 per share (3.00). 10 11 12 13 15.9 18.0 26.9 18.1 7.1 The most extensive product renewal in the Group’s history. 09 Group-wide effi ciency program launched. (17.0) Key ratios 2013 20121 Net sales, SEK M 272,622 299,814 Operating income excl. restructuring charges, SEK M 7,854 19,619 Operating margin excl. restructuring charges, % 2.9 6.5 Restructuring charges, SEK M (715)2 (1,550)2,3 Operating income, SEK M 7,138 18,069 Operating margin, % 2.6 6.0 Income after fi nancial items, SEK M 4,721 15,495 Income for the period, SEK M 3,802 11,378 Diluted earnings per share, SEK 1.76 5.61 Dividend per share, SEK 3.004 3.00 Operating cash fl ow, Industrial Operations, SEK bn 1.5 (4.9) Return on shareholders’ equity, % 5.0 14.7 Number of permanent employees 95,533 96,137 Share of women, % 17 17 Share of women, Presidents and other senior executives, % 19 20 Employee Engagement Index, % 76 76 Energy consumption, MWh/SEK M 9.6 8.6 CO2 emissions, tons/SEK M 1.1 0.8 Water consumption, m3/SEK M 21.9 25.2 Share of direct material purchasing spend from CSR assessed suppliers, % 72 66 1 Comparative fi gures for 2012 are restated in accordance with new accounting principles. Read more in Note 31, Changes in the Volvo Group’s Financial Reporting 2013. 2 Restructuring charges included in the effi ciency program. 3 Other restructuring charges for comparison reasons. 4 According to the Board’s proposal. 1 A GLOBAL GROUP 2013 CEO COMMENT A year of product renewal and the start of effi ciency measures The year 2013 was characterized by a very high activity level in the Volvo Group, with the largest product renewal in our history, the launch of a Group-wide effi ciency program and measures to increase the focus on our core business. The extensive product renewal that started with trial Operations’ net fi nancial debt was 29% of sequence net fi nancial debt in the Volvo Group’s the launch of the new Volvo FH in the autumn of equity, which is below our target of a maximum Industrial Operations was reduced by SEK 7.0 2012 culminated in 2013. On the truck side we of 35% under normal conditions. The Board of billion. Volvo CE will continue to sell products to launched a completely new Volvo range in Directors proposes an unchanged dividend of Volvo Rents under the new ownership. Europe, an all-new range of Renault Trucks, SEK 3.00 per share. We also announced the acquisition of the Euro 6 engines that signifi cantly reduce emis- Terex Corporation’s rigid and articulated hauler sion levels, the heavy-duty UD Quester range Effi ciency measures business, which will strengthen Volvo CE’s posi- for Asia and other growth markets and at the We also continued to have a high pace in the tion in the important earthmoving segment and end of the year the Eicher Pro Series for India implementation of the measures connected to extend the presence in light mining. The deal, and other emerging markets. Volvo Construc- the Group’s strategy for 2013–2015. We decided which is subject to regulatory approval, is ex- tion Equipment and Volvo Penta launched to combine a number of measures under a Group- pected to be fi nalized during the second quar- engines that comply with the latest emission wide effi ciency program, including a structural re- ter of 2014. standards. Volvo Buses launched buses with duction of white-collar employees and consult- Euro 6 engines, an updated coach program and ants, a restructuring of the industrial footprint in 2014 – The year of effi ciency an articulated hybrid bus.
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