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UN-HABITAT GLOBAL ACTIVITIES REPORT 2015 INCREASING SYNERGY FOR GREATER NATIONAL OWNERSHIP The UN-Habitat Global Activities Report is an historical progress report to the Governing Council that takes into account developments in addressing UN-HABITATUN-HABITAT GLOBAL GLOBAL the project portfolio of the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) at the national, regional and global levels. ACTIVITIESACTIVITIES REPORT REPORT 2015 2015 Over the years, the report – formerly known as the operational activity report – has been transmitted to the Governing Council on a biennial basis as an information document that provides project portfolio trend analysis based on INCREASINGINCREASING SYNERGY SYNERGY FOR FOR project acquisition and expenditures. GREATER NATIONAL OWNERSHIP The Programme’s work has been focused on promoting national urban policy GREATER NATIONAL OWNERSHIP reforms together with building institutional and human capacities, including providing support to Governments in the implementation of national urban plans. UN-Habitat activities and programmes at the global, regional and national levels are crucial in increasing synergies for greater national ownership of the various sustainable urban development tools and best practices being promoted by the United Nations and Habitat Agenda partners around the world. The report is available from www.unhabitat.org/gc25documents. HS/028/15E ISBN(Series): 978-92-1-133406-7 ISBN(Volume): 978-92-1-132652-9 UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME P.O.Box 30030,Nairobi 00100,Kenya; Tel: +254-20-76263120; Fax: +254-20-76234266/7 (central office); [email protected] www.unhabitat.org UN-HABITAT GLOBAL ACTIVITIES REPORT 2015 INCREASING SYNERGY FOR GREATER NATIONAL OWNERSHIP UN-HABITAT GLOBAL ACTIVITIES REPORT 2015 INCREASING SYNERGY FOR GREATER NATIONAL OWNERSHIP Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme 2015 All rights reserved United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) P. O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi GPO KENYA Tel: 254-020-7623120 (Central Office) www.unhabitat.org HS/028/15E ISBN(Series): 978-92-1-133406-7 ISBN(Volume): 978-92-1-132652-9 Disclaimer The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers of boundaries. Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, the United Nations, or its Member States. Excerpts may be reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated. Acknowledgement Director: Alioune Badiane Principal Authors: Abdallah Kassim, Amrita Jaidka, Alain Kanyinda, Ben Arimah, Jianguo Shen, Raymond Otieno Otieno Contributors: Ananda Weliwita, Andre Dzikus, Axumite Gebre-Egziabher, Channe Oguzhan, David Evans, Dyfed Aubrey, Elkin Velasquez, Gulelat Kebede, Jean duPlessis, Joe Hooper, Katja Schaefer, Leila Valente Sirica, Mutinta Munyati, Paula Pennanen, Paulius Kulikauskas, Pireh Otieno, Raf Tuts, Remy Sietchiping, Yoshinobu Fukasawa Design and Layout: Andrew Ondoo Printing: UNON Publishing Services Section, Nairobi-ISO 14001-certified/cm UN-HABITAT GLOBAL ACTIVITIES REPORT 2015 II INCREASING SYNERGY FOR GREATER NATIONAL OWNERSHIP ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific HVWSHE Human Values Based in Water, SIDA Swedish International Development ADB African Development Bank Sanitation and Hygiene Education Cooperation Agency ADB Asia Development Bank IASC Inter Agency Standing Committee STDM Social Tenure Domain Model AFD Agence Française de IBRD/WB International Bank for SUDP Sustainable Urban Development Développement Reconstruction and Programme Development/World Bank AFD French Development Agency SUSTRAN Promoting Sustainable Transport IDPs Internally displaced persons Solutions for East African Cities AMCHUD African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development INU National Planning Institute UCLG United Cities and local Governments ASUD Achieving Sustainable Urban IOM International Organization for ULN Urban Legal Network Development Migration* UN United Nations AusAID Australian Agency for International ISUDP Integrated Strategic Urban UNCT United Nations Country Team Development Plan Development UNDP United Nations Development BMBF German Federal Ministry for ITDP Institute of Transport Development Programme* and Policy Education and Research UNEP United Nations Environment CPI City Prosperity Index JICA Japan International Cooperation Programme* Agency DfID Department for International UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Development KMP Kenya Municipal Programme Social Commission for Asia and EAC East African Community MDGs Millennium Development Goals the Pacific EC European Commission MTSIP Medium Term Strategic and UNESCO United Nations Educational, Institutional Plan Scientific and Cultural ENEL Foundation NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations Organization* EU European Union NSDFU National Slum Dwellers Federation UNFPA United Nations Population Fund* EU-UDG European Union Urban UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund* Development Group OCHA Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNMEER United Nations Mission for Ebola FAO Food and Agriculture Organization Emergency Response of the United Nations OECS Organization of Eastern Caribbean States UNOHCHR Office of the United Nations FF The Ford Foundation PAG Project Advisory Group High Commissioner for FMDV Global Fund for Cities Development Human Rights PI Plan International GDP Gross Domestic Product UNOPS United Nations Office for PILaR Participatory and Inclusive Land GEC Gender Evaluation Criteria Project Services* Readjustment GEF Global Environment Facility UPPR Urban Partnerships for RAMA Network of Metropolitan Areas GEMI Global Expanded Monitoring Poverty Reduction of the Americas Initiative USAID United Sates Agency for RP Rapid Planning GiZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Development RUSPS Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Internationale Zusammenarbeit WASH Water and Sanitation Sustainability GFCD Global Fund for Cities Development WB World Bank SDC Swiss Agency for Development GLTN Global Land Tool Network and Cooperation WHO World Health Organization* GWOPA Global Water Operators Partnership SIDA Swedish International Development WUF World Urban Forum Alliance Cooperation Agency HUWSUP Hargeisa Urban Water Supply *United Nations Organizations and the trust funds Upgrading Project FOREWORD Over the past two years, UN-Habitat has engaged in developing global norms and supporting innovative models to assist national governments and local authorities increasing their knowledge on sustainable urbanization as well as improving national and local policies on housing and urban development. This is meant to enhance regional, national and local capacities for the effective implementation of pro-poor human settlements policies much needed for poverty elevation in line with the Habitat Agenda and the Millennium Development Goals. More concretely, the main focus of UN-Habitat’s work at the global, regional, national and local levels has been on promoting policy reforms as well as building institutional and human capacities and supporting Joan Clos the implementation of local and Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director United Nations Human Settlements Programme national plans of action for sustainable (UN-Habitat) urbanization. In view of the current rapid urbanization in much of the developing world, the development of efficient legislation and policies, the promotion of adequate infrastructure and basic services as well as effective UN-HABITAT GLOBAL ACTIVITIES REPORT 2015 IV INCREASING SYNERGY FOR GREATER NATIONAL OWNERSHIP UN-Habitat’s strategy to expand its earmarked projects portfolio, has been sustained, from a level of USD 136 million in 2012, to USD 171 million in 2013 – representing a 25 per cent increase, and to USD 172 million by November 2014. urban planning and design are of strategy to expand its earmarked projects initiatives, including joint programming, utmost importance for the creation of portfolio, has been sustained, from a and urges the United Nations socially inclusive, resilient, economically level of USD 136 million in 2012, to USD development system to fully utilize such prosperous and energy-efficient 171 million in 2013 – representing a 25 opportunities in the interest of enhancing cities that maximize the benefits of per cent increase, and to USD 172 million aid efficiency and effectiveness. agglomeration, minimize the demand by November 2014. These contributions for urban mobility and transport, and have enabled UN-Habitat to provide This report is structured around six major provide conditions necessary for urban strong support of more than USD 162 chapters, following an introduction economic growth and job creation. million in 2014 alone to 16 countries in providing a global overview of sub-Saharan Africa, 18 countries in Asia urbanisation and its transformative As sustainable urban development and the Pacific, 9 countries in the Arab powers. The first five chapters, covering remains one of the most pressing global States region, and 19 countries in Latin Africa, the Arab States, Asia and the challenges of the twenty-first century, America and the Caribbean, in addition Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, national