AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority
OF AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority. ] No. 16.] PERTH: THURSDAY, MARCH 24. [1892. No. 4926.-C.S.0. COMMISSION By His Excellency ALEXANDER CAIIIPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator of the ALEx. C. ONSLOW. Government in and over the Colony of Western Australia and its Depl'ncl encies, &c., &c., &c. ,.-'0 CHARLES HARPER, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; WILLIAIII ..L THORLEY LOToN, Esquire, n1:ember of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; ALEXANDER ROBERT RICHARDSON, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly; GEORGE RANDELL, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; JOHN DAVIES, Esquire, General Railway (fraffic Manager. IVHEREAS it is expedient to inquire into the suhject of the Preservation, Carriage, and Storage of Perishable Foods, with the object of ascertaining the possibility of establishing a comprehensive system of this nature in this Colony. Now 'l'HEREFORE I, ALEXANDER CAIIIPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator, as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, have thought fit to appoint and do hereby appoint you the said Charles Harper, William Thorley Loton, Alexander Robed Richardsoll, George Randell, and John Davies to be Commissioners to inquire into the subject of the Preserv[Ltion, Carriage, and Storage of Perishable Foods, with the object of ascertaining the possibility of est,tblishing a comprehensive system of this nature in this Colony, and to make such feasible suggestions as may appear likely to advance the object in view. Such suggestions to be made with due regard to the interests of all classes of the community. And I do hereby desire and request that you do, as soon as the same can conveniently be clone (using all diligence), report to me, in writing, your proceedings in virtue of this Commission.
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