The Sanitary Condition
1885. 'VESTERN AUSTRALIA. REPORT OF THE COMMISSION Appointed to Inquire into and Report upon THE SANITARY CONDITION OF THE 0 I TY OF PERTH • AND THE T 0 W N 0 F FR E MAN T L E, ESPECIALLY WITH REGARD TO THE QUES'rIONS OF Presented to the Legislative Coiincil by His E xcellency's Coininancl. PERTH: BY AUTHORITY: RICHARD PETHER, GOVERNMEN'l' PRIN'rER. 1885. No. 20. SANI'I"'ARY COMMISSION. COMMISSION. By His Excellen cy Sir FREDERICK NAPIER BROOME, Knight Commander of the Most F. NA.PIER BROOME, Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief (L. s.) in and over the Territory of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c> To Alfred Robert Waylen, Esquire, Doctor of Medicine, Colonial Surgeon, Justice of the Peace; the Honorable Clayton Turner Mason, Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Director of Public Works and Commissioner of Railways, Justice of the P eace ; George Shenton, Esquire, Mayor of Perth, Member of the Legislative Council, Justice of the P eace; Barrington Clarke Wood, Esquire, Mayor of Fremantle, Justice of the Peace; Henry Calvert Barnett, Esquire, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Colonial Surgeon, Fremantle, Justice of t he Peace ; Georg·e Wttlpole Leake, Esquire, Queen's Counsel, Police Magistrate of Perth and Resident Magistrate of the Swan District; Edward Scott, Esquire, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. WHEREAS it is expedient to inquire into and report upon the Sanitary condition of the City of Perth and the. Town of Fremantle,
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