OF . [Published by Authority. ]

No. 16.] : THURSDAY, MARCH 24. [1892.

No. 4926.-C.S.0. COMMISSION By His Excellency ALEXANDER CAIIIPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator of the ALEx. C. ONSLOW. Government in and over the Colony of and its Depl'ncl­ encies, &c., &c., &c.

,.-'0 CHARLES HARPER, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; WILLIAIII ..L THORLEY LOToN, Esquire, n1:ember of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; ALEXANDER ROBERT RICHARDSON, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly; , Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; JOHN DAVIES, Esquire, General Railway (fraffic Manager. IVHEREAS it is expedient to inquire into the suhject of the Preservation, Carriage, and Storage of Perishable Foods, with the object of ascertaining the possibility of establishing a comprehensive system of this nature in this Colony. Now 'l'HEREFORE I, ALEXANDER CAIIIPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator, as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, have thought fit to appoint and do hereby appoint you the said Charles Harper, William Thorley Loton, Alexander Robed Richardsoll, George Randell, and John Davies to be Commissioners to inquire into the subject of the Preserv[Ltion, Carriage, and Storage of Perishable Foods, with the object of ascertaining the possibility of est,tblishing a comprehensive system of this nature in this Colony, and to make such feasible suggestions as may appear likely to advance the object in view. Such suggestions to be made with due regard to the interests of all classes of the community. And I do hereby desire and request that you do, as soon as the same can conveniently be clone (using all diligence), report to me, in writing, your proceedings in virtue of this Commission. And I further will and direct, and by these presents ordain, that this Commission shall continue in force until you shall have finally reported upon the matters aforesaid, or otherwise until this Commission shall be revoked by me; and that you, the said Commissioners, shall have liberty to report to me your several proceedings from time to time, as the same or any part thereof may respectively be completed and perfected. And I do appoint the said CHARLES HARPER to be Chairman of the said Commissioners.

Given at Perth, this twenty-fourth day of March, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-two.

By Command of His Excellency the Administrator, , Colonial Secretary. 218 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 24, 1892.

No. 492l.-0.S.0. No. 4914.-0.S.0. Colonial Scc1'etary's Office, PROOLAMATION Pe1·th, 19th Maj'ch, 18fJ,~. {Mtstmt 6\usimlin, ( By His Excellency. ALEXANDER la [nit. ) IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive OAMPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator ,H Oouncil has been pleased to appoint MICHAEL ALEX. C. ONSLOW. of the Government in and over the SCALES W ARTON to be a Justice of the Peace for Oolony of Western Australia and this Oolony. (L. s.) its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c. GEORGE SHENTON, XTHEREAS a certain block of land has been Oolonial SE'cretary. V set apart for use as Oemeteries, adjacent to the Townsite of Southern Oross, comprising Southern No. 'j,915.-0.S.0. Oross Town Lots 7, 28, 8, and 29, bounded as Colonial SeC1'ctm'Y's Office, bereafter' mentioned; AND WHEREAS the said bloek Pm'th, 1fJth Mal'ch, 1892. of land is included in and forms a portion of the The Imported Labour Registry Act. Yilgal'l1 Goldfield; AND WHEREAS under the pro­ visions of "The Goldfields Act, 1886," power is T is hereby notified, for general information, that given to the Governor of the said Oolony, by Procla­ I His Excellency the Administrator in Executive mation in the Gove1'nment Gazette, to except from Oouncil has been pleased to authorise the following occnpation for mining purposes, or for residence, or persons to receive from the Masters of vessels ar­ business, under any Miner's Right or Business riving at Broome or Sharks Bay, lists of all labourers Liceuse, any specific portion of Orown lands within a on board, under the provisions of section 7 of the Goldfield : Now THEREl!'ORE I, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL above-mentioned Act; such persons to act in this ONSLOW, Administrator as aforesaid, do, by this my behalf during pleasure only, at the places set opposite Proclamation, except the said block of land from their names respectively, as under:- occupation for mining purposes, or for residence, or lYIWHAEL S. WAWl'ON, J.P., at Bl'oome. business, under any Miner's Right or Business JOHN BROCKMAN, J.P., at Sharks Bay. License, the said block of land being a specific por­ GEORGE SHENTON, tion of Orown lands within a Goldfield, to wit, the Oolonial Secretary. Yilgarn Goldfield; AND I DO order all persons, from and after the date of publication of this my Procla­ mation in the GoveT1~rnent Gazette, to take notice No. 4916.-0.S.0. bereof, and govern themselves accordingly. Colonial SeCj'ctal'Y's O.ffice, Given under my hand and issued under the Pe1'tlt, 19th llIa1'ch, 18fJ2. Public Seal of the said Oolony, at Perth, T is further notified, for general information, that this 22nd clay of 1YIarch, 1892. I His Excellency the Administrator in Executive By His Excellency's Oommand, Oouncil has been pleased to name Broome and Sharks GEORGE SHENTON, Bay as places where labourers may be landed within Oolonial Secretary. the Oolony, under the above-mentioned Act; and to GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! ! ! appoint MWHAEL SCALES W ARTON, J.P" and JOHN BROCKlIIAN, J.P., to act as the Magistrate under the '['he Block of Land hej'einbefore j'cjeJTecl to. said Act, at Br()ome and Sharks Bay respectively. Bounded on the South and West by lines extencling 20 chn,ins East and 20 chrrins North fro111 a spot situa,te GEORGE SHENTON, 25 chains 31 links in clirection North 52° 9' East from the Oolonial Secrctary. Easternmost corner of" 'l'own Lot 10'1, in Southern Oross Towllsite; the opposite bounclaries being pa,l'allel and equal, O1,n<1 bearings true. No. 491S.-C.S.0. + 7 3 Colonial Secretal'Y's Ojfi,ce, No. "t922.-C.S.0. 112 Pe1'th, 21st lvlarch, 1892. 'Lli8 Colonial SeCj'eta1'Y's Office, IS Excellency the Administrator directs it to be "" Pel·th, 22nd March, 1&92. H notified that he has received a Return of the :::::rIS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Election of STEPHEN HENRY PARKER, Q.O., M.L.A., I_1. Oouncil hn,s been pleased to appoint ALFRED as Mayor of the Oity of Perth, vice E. Keane, PEACH HENSl\IAN, Barrister-at-Law, to be the Second resigned. of Her JYIajesty's Puisne Judges of the Supreme GEORGE SHENTON, Oourt of Western Australia. Oolonial Secretary. GEORGE SHENTON, ._----_._-----_._--- Oolonial Secretary. No. 4920.-0.S.0. No. 4917.-0.S.0. 3\1 s Colonial SeCj'cta1'Y's Office. "2 Perth, 21 st llIa1'ch, 1892, 1 u 0 Colonial Secretal'Y's Office, !J 1 Perth, 21st .lIa1'ch, 1892. IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive H Oouncil has been pleased to appoint J. O. G. H Oouncil has been pleased to appoint E. O. D, FOULKES to be a Notary Public for this Oolon.Y' KEYSER to be Treasury Oashier, and EDWARD SYD­ GEORGE SHENTON, NEY MOIR to be Treasury Clerk, at Albany. Oolonial Secretary. GEORGE SHENTON, Oolonial Secretary. No. 4925,-C.S.0. No. 4919.-C.S.0. Colonial Secl'etary's Office, TENDERS ACCEPTED FOR 1892. "o'\l Pel,th, 21st llIarch, 1892. Colonial Sec1'eta1'Y's O./fice, IS Excellency the Administrator, under and PM,th, 231'd Manh, 1892. H _ by virtue of the authority vested in him by "The Aborigines Protection Act" (50 Vic., No. 25), Gemldton Gaol. has been pleased to appoint SAl\IPSON SEWELL to be H. P Ass.-To supply Fresh Beef and lVI utton, at 4d. a Member of the Aborigines Protection Board. per lb. GEORGE SHENTON, GEORG]1 SHENTON, Oolonial Secretary. Oolonial Secretary. MAR. 24, 1892.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. 219

No. 4923.-C.S.0. up notice boards at or near such street intersections, TENDERS ACCEPTED FOR 1892. requiring the public to ride or drive round such corner at a walking pace) shall, for every such Colonial SeC1'eta1'y's Office, offence, forfeit and pay, upon conviction, a penalty Perth, 22nd Jjlarch,·1892. not exceeding Two pounds. To make up Uniform Clothing for the Warders To prevent the driving of horses or other animals of the Prison and Lunatic Asylum:- attached to wagons, drays, or carts, at a faster J. A. HICKS, at various prices. rate than a common walk. 4. Every person who shall drive any horse or GEORGE SHENTON, other animal drawing any wn,gon, dray, cart, or other Colonial Secretary. such carriage, without springs, at a faster rate than a common walk, through, over, or along any street, No. 4924.-C.S.0. road, or thoroughfare in the Municipality shall, on Colonial Secretary's Office, conviction, forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding 3~9 Perth, 22-nd Mwrch, 1892. Forty shillings. IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive To prevent danger from driving vehicles at night H Council has been pleased to confirm the fol­ without lights. lowing By-Laws of the Albany Municipal Council. 5. Any person who between any sunset and the GEORGE SHENTON, following sunrise shall, in, upon, or along any of the Colonial Secretary. roads or streets within the Municipality, ride any bicycle, tricycle, 01' velocipede, or drive any vehicle constructed for the conveyance of goods, wares, or Municipality of A1bany. merchandise, without having a lamp or lanthorn securely fixed and kept lighted at the off-side of the front of such vehicle, or any vehicle constructed for BY-LAWS. the conveyance of persons as well as goods, wa,res, and merchandise, or of persons only, without a lamp BY-LAW No. 8. or lanthorn securely fixed and kept lighted on each side of the front of such vehicle, shall for every (Made 1tnde1' Ola1tSe 12 of Section No. 49 of 40 Vic­ such offence forfeit and pay, upon conviction, a tm'ia, No. 13, and Section 33 of 48 Victm'ia, No, penalty not exceeding £5. 15.) Fm' the geneml 1'egulation of tmific and the geneml good Tule ancl gove?'nment of the lYluni­ cipality. BY-LAW No. 9. To regulate the construction of footpath crossings. (Section 12 of 49 Victm'ia, No. 17.) 1. It shall be lawful for the owner of any land fronting or adjoining any street or public way, re­ Restricting the discharge of Shoots and Gutters quiring access thereto with horses and vehicles from near to and over public Streets. such street to such land across any existing made The owner 01' occupier of every house, shop, footway, channel, or gutter-having first had and verandah, balcony, or other building in, adjoining, or obtained the consent of the COlUlCil-to construct a near to any street or public way shall, within seven crossing of such dimensions and materials, and in days next after service of a notice by the Council for such form and manner as the regulations of the that purpose, put up a sufficient shoot or gutter to Council for the time being may require, or as may the whole length of such house, shop, verandah, be directed by the Town Surveyor, and shall there­ balcony, or other building, and shall connect the after keep and maintain the same in good and safe same with suitable down-piping, fixed to the front or repair. side of sueh building, from the roof to the ground, Any person not complying 'with the provisions of in such manner that the water from such buildings this By-Law shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay a shall not fall upon persons passing along the street sum not exceeding £5. or public way, or flow over the footpath or ro~tdway, For the restriction of horses and other animals but shall be conducted under the footpath by means and vehicles being ridden or driven upon and of a pipe, of such material and in such manner as across footways and gutters within the Muni­ shall be directed by the Council or the Town Sur­ pality, except at proper crossings. veyor, and shall be at sufficient depth as to cause no 2. Every person who wilfully and without lawful obstruction to persons passing over, and shall be excuse shall ride or drive any horse or other animal, connected with the gutter or channels at edge of or drive or wheel any carriage, cart, or other vehicle, footpath or roadway; and in default of compliance or shall ride any bicycle, velocipede, or tricycle upon, with such notice within the period aforesaid, or along, or across any footway or water chalmel or with the provisions of this section, such owner or gutter by the side of any street, road, or public way, occupier shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding save in each such case upon and by or at some £10. properly constructed crossing, shall forfeit and pay, upon conviction, a sum not exceeding £5 (Five By-LAW No. 10. pounds), and shall also pay to the Council such sum not exceeding £10, by way of compensation for any (Clauses 8 and 12 of Section 49,40 Victoria, No. 13.) damage done to the footpath or channel, as the To restrict the damaging of Property, &c., of the Justice adjudicating upon the information shall on Council. the hearing thereof order. Any person who shall (without first having To prevent the danger from rapid driving and obtained the written sanction of the Council) break riding on public ways. up, cut down, damage, destroy, or injure any foot­ 3. Every person who shall ride 01' drive any path, drain, gutter, culvert, bridge, road, public way, animal or animals, whether attached to any vehicle tree, plant, gate, fence, post, lanthorn, implements, or not, at a rate exceeding 6 miles an hour, or at material, building, or other property belonging to, or more than a walking pace round the corners formed in the possession of the Council, shall forfeit and pay, by the junction of any public street in the Munici­ upon conviction, for every such offence, a sum not pality (provided, always, the Council shall have put exceeding £10. 220 UOVERNME;\JT GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 24, 1892.

BY-I~AW No. 1l. Department of Lands and SU1'veys, i'e1'th, 17th Ma1'ch, 1892. (Macle 1mcle1' Olause 5 of Section 4.9 of 40 Victoria, T is hereby notified, for general information, that No. 13.) I the West Australian Land Company, Limited, To prevent mischief arising from Fires in Chimney has declared the following land as a Townsite. fiues. W. E. MARMION, The occupier of any premises within the Munici­ Commissioner of Crown Lands. pality, whereof any chimney flue or flues shall take CUBALLING. fire from having been snffered to become foul, shall Oomp1'ising p01·tions or' Williams Locations 289 and 299. fodeit and pay, upon conviction, a penalty not Bounded by lines starting from a point on the Eastern exceeding Five pounds; provided if any defendant boundary of the Great Southern Railway Reserve, 30 chains shall plead that such flue did not take fire in conse­ South and 5 chains 86 links West from the N orth-West quence of being foul, the proof shall lie with such corner of Williams Location 299, and extending East defendant. 70 chains 62 links; thence South 123 chains 71 links; thence "Vest 1l i chains 80 links; thence North 100 chains; thence East 44 chains 63 links; and thence along the BY-LAW No. 12. Eastern boundary of the Great Southern Railway Reserve Northward 23 chains 96 links to the starting point; and (Sections 6 ancl 7 of 4.9 Vict01'ia, No. 17.) on the inner part by and exclusive of the Great Southern Railway Reserve. All bearings being true or thereabouts; To regulate Public Stands for Licensed Vehicles the measurements more or less. plying for Hire. ------The places set forth and described in an adver­ Depa1·trnent of Lands and SU1'veys, tisement, published by the authority of the Muni­ PC1·tJ~, 22nd l1fa1'ch, 1892. cipal Council, " as public stands" for vehicles that T is hereby notified, for general information, that are licensed to carry passengers or merchandise shall I the Crown lands contiguous to the Boyanup­ be ~1nd are public stands where all such licensed vehi­ Minninup Branch Railway, i.e., a strip of two miles cles shall ply for hire, and such public stands, or such wide on either side of the line, which have been other stands in such other places as the Council may temporarily reserved, except those portions which from time to time appoint (due notice of which shall have been set apart as Agricultural Areas or per­ be given by public advertisement either in the Govern­ manently reserved, will be thrown open for free ment Gazette or in one of the local papers), shall be and selection on and after the first day of April next. continue to be the public stands for vehicles only In the event of two or more applications being that are licensed to carry passengers or merchandise received simultaneously for the same land, the right until abolished by the Council. And every owner, of priority shall be determined by lot, in accordance driver, or person in charge of such vehicle licensed with Clause 8 of the Land Regulations. as aforesaid who shall, after such notice, draw up or W. E. MA1tlYIION, station such vehicle at any other place, in order to Commissioner of Crown Lands. ply for hire, shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this By-Law, and, upon conviction, shall Depa;-trnent of Lands and Sgrveys, forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not }-'erth, 7th lrlarch,1892. exceeding Forty Shillings, or less than Ten Shillings. IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive H Council has been pleased to appoint FRED. ROBT. P. GREENSHIELDS, A. HARE, J.P., to be the Officer to do such things Town Clerk. as are required to be done in and about the settling of the Electoral List for the Moorumbine Confirmed with the advice of the Executive Roads Board, at the Southern Cross Hotel, Pingelly, Council, on Wednesday, the 6th April, 1892. ALEX. C. ONSLOW, W. E. MARMION, Administrator. Commissioner of Crown Lands. 15th March, 1892. Department of Lands and Surveys, Pe1·th, 7th Munh, 1892. IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Depa1·tment of Lands and S1wveys, PM·th, 21st lYla1'ch, 1892. H Council has been pleased to appoint FRED. A. HARE, J.P., to be the Returning _ Officer at IS Excellency the Administrator directs it to the Election of Members for the Moorumbine H be notified that he has received a Return of Roads Board, to be held at the Southern Cross the Election of the following gentlemen to serve on Hotel, Pil1gelly, on "Wednesday, the twenty-seventh_ the undermentioned Roads Boards, during the day of April, 1892. current year W. E. MARlYIION, PERTH ROADS BOARD. Commissi,)ner of Crown Lands. lYIE~IBERs-James J. Green, Frederick Sherwood. NOT! CE. AUDITOR -Geo. Dent.

NORTHAlYI ROADS BOARD. YILGARN TELEGRAPH LINE. :iYJEMBER- C. E. Dempster. Department of Public W01'lcs, Perth. Feb1·nCt1·y 10th, 1892. YIIJGARN ROADS BOARD. T is hereby notified, for general information, that CHAIR11AN-William Oats. I_ pending the completion of the Yilgarn Tele­ MEMBERs-Victor Black, graph line, arrangements have been made for the Alfred Arnold, Thomas Farrel'l, transmission of Messages to and from Southern William Alfred Sayer, Cross, and for the delivery of JYlessages within the William Hampson, boundaries of that township. Felix Murphy. Telegrams will be received at the various Tele­ AUDITOR -Charles Augustus Saw. graph Offices throughout the Colony. W. E. MARMION, H. W. VENN, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Director of Public Works. MAR. 24, 1892.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 221

EducationaL Cent1"al Boa"d of Education, PER'l'H-BUNBURY RAILWAY, Pe1·th, 15th March, 1892. T is hereby notified, for general information, that BUNBURY OONTRAOT. I the following Regulations for Oandidates for Railway Oadetships have received the approval of the Construction complete with Permanent Way Oentral Board of Education and the Hon. the Oommissioner of Railways. and Stations (including the providing of all Materials except the Rails and Fastenings O. P. STABLES, for the Permanent Way), Length about 58 Secretary Oentral Board of Education. miles. Examination for Railway Cadetships.

'l1ENDERS will be received at this Office up to REGULATIONS. ~. noon on Tuesday, the 5th April, 1892, for the Bunbury Oontract of the Perth-Bunbury 1. These Oadetships are open to all the boys Railway. attending any Elementary School, under the manage­ They are to be addressed to The Hon. The ment of the Oentral Board, in the Perth, Fremantle, Director of Public Works, and marked outside, and Guildford Districts. "Tender-Bunbury Oontract." 2. Oandidates must have passed the Sixth Plans and specifications may be seen at this Standard, and have made at least 250 half-da,y Office after end of February inst., and a limited attendances at an Elementary School during the l1Umber of same may also thereafter be obtained year preceding the date of the examination. 011 payment of Five pounds per set. 3. Examinations will be held in Perth bv the TIll' lowest or any tender will not necessarily be Inspector of Schools, from time to time, as vac'ancies accepted. for Oadets occur. One month's notice of such (By order of The Hon. The Director of Public examinations will be given in the GoveTnment Gazette, and other papers. Works), 4. Oandidates must send applications th rough O. Y. O'OONNOR, their teachers to the Secretarv of the Oentral Board, Puhlic Works Oilice, ) Engin eer- in -Ohief. Perth, ."Nesterll Aust.ralia'Jl at least one week before the date of the examination. 8th .Fchruary, 1892. This application must be accompanied by a certificftte of general good health and conduct from the t('acher, who must also certify to the Standard passed, and TENDER AG PTED. the attendances made. (Regulation 2 above). General Post Office, Perth, 18th ]!Ia"ch, 1892. SUBJEOTS OF EXAMINATION. 1. Programme of Instruction, as contained 111 ,")"lHE following Tender has been accepted for the Appendix D., By-Laws of the Oentral BOfm1. conveyance of a Mail from the Post Office at 2. Special value will be given to success in Pen­ N ortham to Mango wine, and vice versd, once a manship, Spelling, and Arithmetic; also to the fortnight, in a spring vehicl8, for eight months, Geography of Australia generally, and Western terminating 31st December, 1892 ;- Australia particularly. Oandidates must acquaint A. BU~l'TERLY, £52 per annum. themselves with the Railway System of vVestern By order of the Hon. the Oolonial Treasurer, Australia. 3. In Arithmetic, candidates will not be allowed ARTHUR H. WILLIAMS, to use slates. The sums must be worked on the pro Postmaster General and paper intended for the examiner. General Superintendent of Telegraphs.

Horses. J1JllL E • U 1 Educational. Remounts .

Central BOaTd of Edt/.cation, Police Depw·tment, Pm·th, 23rd Jiarch, 1892. Chi~f Office, NDER the provisions of Section 15 of Perth, 18th Februa,'Y, 1892. U " The Elementary Education Act, ] 871 ," HE OommissioFler of Police is prepared to pur­ the Oentral Board has been pleased to appoint Mr. T chase 20 horses, suitable for Police purposes. IV. H. TURNER to be a Member of the . Purchases will be made in Perth, and will com­ District Board of Education, vice Mr. G. Gordon, mence 011 the 1st March proximo. The horses must resigned. be broken to saddle, be within the prescribed age O. P. STABLES, (4 to 6 years), and from 15 to 16 hands high. Secretary. The average price is fixed at £20, but every horse presented for purchase will be valued separately, and higher or lower prices may be given. Educational. Mares will not be purchased. GEO. PHILLIPS, Cent?'al Boawl of Ed1{cation, Oommissioner of Police. Perth, 23"d ]'Iarch, 1892. NDER the provisions of Section 15 of U "The Elementary Education Act, 1871," Appointlllent. the Oentral Board has been pleased to appoint Mr. A. VV. PIESSE to be a Member of the Williams (Under 35th Vict., No. 3.) District Board of Education, vice Mr. W. Oornwall, junr., resigned. IS Honor the Ohief Justice has been pleased H to appoint VVILLIAlII JOHN FooKEs, of 414 . O. P. STABLES, Little Ool1ins Street, Melbourne, in the Oolony of Secretary. Victoria, Solicitor, a Oommissioner to administer 222 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 24, 1892.

Oaths, and to take and receive Affidavits, Declar­ "Water Supply Area" shall mean the whole catchment ations, &c., within the Colony of Victoria, to be basin and reservoir whose surface waters drain into the reservoir of the Water Supply used in the Supreme Court of Western Australia; Company, Limited, consisting at present oi'" 9,000 also to take acknowledgments of Deeds executed by acres of land or thereabouts, as the same is deline­ married women in the said Colony. ated upon" map in the office of the Commissioner of Lands, and any future extension thereof. 1". A. MOSELEY, " Occupier" shall mean any person living in any house, Registrar Supreme Court. whether paying rent for the same or not. Supreme Court Office, " Owner" shall mean the person or persons holding the Perth, W.A., 21st March, 1892. fee simple of any land, or the lessee or lessees of any land in the 'Water Supply Area, or the manager of the said holder or lessee.

P 9-"5· " Inspector" shitll mean the Inspector of Nuisances In the matter of" The Patent Act, 1888." appointed by the Perth Local Board of Health, and t.ny sub-inspector appointed by the said Board. (52 Victoria, No. 5.) "Refuse" shall include and mean any decomposing animal or decaying vegetable matter, house refuse, OTICE is hereby given that WILLIAM JAMES slops, soapsuds, sawdust, and "shes. N NASH, of Perth, in the Colony of Western "High-water l'IIark" shall mean the soil touched by the Australia, Locomotive Engine Driver, has applied margin of "ny stream during the effects of a storm. for Letters Patent in respect of an Invention styled "Watercolu'se" shall mean the channel by which snr­ "Nash's Self-supplying Air Pressure Engine." face waters flow towards the reservoir. The specifications and drawings in connection with such invention are now open for inspection at the BY-LAWS. Patent Office, Perth, and any person may, on or 1. The owner or occupier of every house shall cause to before the 25th day of Why next, object to the grant­ be constructed a closet and cess-pit to the satisfaction of ing of Letters Patent to the said WILLIA1I1 JAMES the Inspector for the use of the occupthnts, provided th"t NASH, in respect of the said Invention, by lodging not more than four houses may l1>we n, closet in common, the Patent Office a notice in writing stating his but each owner or occupier slmll be severally and jointly at liable to penalty. name and address, and the nature and grounds of 2. Every cess-pit shall be tht lettst 3 feet long, 2 feet his objection. wide, and' the surflcce of the bottom sha,ll be at least 2 feet Dated this 21st day of March, 1892. below the surface of the ground. 3. No closet shall be constructed within 50 feet of th MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, dwelling, nor within 100 feet of high-w"ter mark of any Registrar of Patents, &c. w"tercourse within the Water Supply Area. 4. Every cess-pit shall be properly covered and be pro­ No. P.H. tected by a bank at least 12 inches high ,,11 round, to the satisfaction of the Inspector, from being subject to over­ In the matter of "'fhe Patent Act, 1888." flow from the effects of a storm. (52nd Victoria, No. 5.) 5. Every owner or occupier who perluits a cess-pit to overflow, whether from the effects of a storm, or at any OTICE iti hereby given that JAl\IES WILLIAlVI other time, slmll be liable to pen"lty for brethch of these N EDWARD ARCHDEACON, of Perth, in the By-L"ws. Colony of "Western Australia, Journalist. has applied 6. No owner or occupier sh"ll permit a cess-pit to become offensive or th nuisa,nce. for Letters Patent in respect of an invention styled 7. No person sh"ll deposit 11l1llmn f3Jcal matter in any " West Australian Asthma Cure." The specification way, or in any qua,ntity, in "ny w"tercourse, or between the in connection with such invention is now open for high-wttter nmrk of any watercourse in the W"ter Supply inspection at the Patent Office, Perth, and any Area, nor in places where storm waters will bo li"ble to person may, on or before the 12th d,ty of May wash such nmtter into the said wihtercourses. S. Nightsoil shall, when removcd from a cess-pit, be next, object to the granting of Letters Patent to the buried at least 1 foot below the surface of the ground. said James vVilliam Edward Archde

Depaj·trnent of Lands and S?wveys> Pe?·th, 19th March, 1892. IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Oouncil has been pleased to set apart, as Public Reserves, H the land described in the Schedule below, for the purposes therein set forth ,- RESERVES.

Recorded Number. T01Yll or District, and Description of Boundaries. Purpose for '\yhich made.

2016 1,000 0 0 Wenington. - Bounded by lines starting from the South-East 'Townsite. corner of S.O.L. 11lyp; and extending East along the North boundary of S.O.L. ";83 to the ·West boundary of Conditional Purchase o'osr;, and North to the Preston River road; thence Easterly along said road to the South-West corner of Wellington Location 529, and North about 105 chains along the West boundary of said Location 529, passing through its North-West corner and crossing' the Preston River; then vVest to a spot due North from the North-East corner of said S.O.L. 11lg*; and then South passing through said corner and along its East boundary to the starting point.

About 2018 340 0 0 Wellington. Bounded by lines starting from the North-West Resting place for travellers corner of vVellington Location 473 and extending vVest to the East and stock. boundary of Conditional Purchase 1,,0r;, and South along said boundary to its South-East corner on the Preston River; thence upwards along said river to the North-East corner of vVellington Location 55, " Donnybrook"; thence South along the Enstern boundary of said Location 55, passing through its South-East corner to a spot due vVest from the South-VV est corner of VV cllington Locntion 4<11; thence Ea,st passing through the N orth-VV est corner of vVellington Location 464, and along part of its North boundary to said comer of vVellington Location 441, 'cnd North along its vVestern boundary to its North-·West corner; and thence v'Vestward and Northward along the South and vVest boundm'ies of Wellington Locations 218 and 396 to the Preston River, and upwards along said river to the South-vVest corner of Wellington Location 473; and North along that location's vVest bOlmdary to the starting point,

W. E. MARlYIION, Oommissioner of Orown Lands.

'rraffic Earnings-Eastern Rail-way.

From the 26th January to the 26th February, 1892.

Passengers Outward Stations. and Goods. Tonnage Parcels. Feb., 1891.

J; 8. d. ,1; 8. ll. ,£ .. cl. Tons cwt. 'I'ons cwt. qrs. F'remantle G20 11 5 1550 12 3 2171 3 8 1338 9 0 4531 18 0 3033 2 3 2827 17 3 Perth 1175 16 1 1129 15 7 2305 11 8 13()l 11 0 407 15 3 5793 12 1 371 4 1 Guildford ... 214 0 1 220 3 1 434 3 2 525 13 10 lGll 16 3 432 16 3 G54 16 3 Chidlow's Well 20 16 3 8 8 1 29 4 4 31 3 7 3884 9 2 820 1G 2 2433 1 :3 Clackline ... 16 1 9 19 15 4 35 17 1 252 12 4 n3 18 0 3 19 0 361 13 0 Spencer's Brook ... 25 9 5 15 4 10 40 14 3 19 12 9 34 lO 30 17 3 15 2 3 York 197 9 5 59G 16 10 794 6 3 501 12 0 342 19 442 12 2 G31 15 0 Beverley .. . 103 12 3 174 3 6 277 15 9 136 15 3 99 8 2fi6 2 2 29 10 :3 N ortham .. . 92 0 8 273 12 3 365 ]2 11 289 12 2 115 18 I1 293 lO 2 382 10 3 Newcastle 39 10 7 III 1 2 150 11 9 255 1 7 70 1 0 90 12 0 277 2 2 Intermediate Stations 31 4 1 Miscellaneous ij'L 114 0 0 114 0 0 86 15 1 Great Southern Railway 113 1 2 97 14 0 30 lG 3 Claremont 118 14 0 118 14 0 Season Tickets 90 14 3 90 14 3 Jetty Dues 6G1 0 0 G61 0 0 ,------Total 2714 16 2 4874 12 11 7589 9 1 48GO 2 8 11305 1fi 2 11305 1G 2 8015 11 2

Works and Hailways Department, H. W. VENN, Perth, 16th March, 1892. Commissioner of Railways. t..:> WESTER.N AUSTR.ALIA. t.:J

METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the two weeks ending 21st and 28th of February, 1892. "'"

;, Wind. Rainfall. ;: Barometer correotea and red Ilced to Tempera.ture in Sha.db. Radiation Thermometers exposed. ,; sea levelnnd 32 deg. Fa ~ Sd 0 1 i '5~~ Extreme Readings. Horizon- Ge1lerul dire('.tion. I So Dry Bulb. I g,.;1 i Total d~ "~ ii ;: ~ No. of 0 ... Euding 19S. .as 'd~3 0 Station. I Lat. \ I,oug. Extreme Readi \---l--E~tre~e Re;;:ding~.- -- I Wet Bulb. I ~i~ ~ .; days cS ~ Mt\x. T-~-'=f~ milosperI;~lt~ei'll "00 Mea.u. \ \ 9 3 ;;- d~ to ~ . I "'al'! a.m. \ p.m. Min. Moan. I "0 ~ Solar. Date. ~ 8E Date. hour. f.l da.te. 13 I'l Max. i Dato. : Min, Date. er. E-I .=; A ~S BRst :)le Highest,: Date. ILowe st. IDate. i Max. I Min. \ ~ ~ Menn. \ isouth\o I 0 I \ \ 56 8 S.E. S.W. 0'051 2 31 591115 33 \ 21st Feb. 29'93 1 30'08 [ 20th 1 29'80 I 18th I 89 58 1 73 181 5312othj73\ 571 1'''1'''1'''1'''1'''1'''1 0'05 21 I'''] tnest 63 78 26 59 24th 75 63 56 ."',,, ,,","" 10 S.E. s.w. I 2 8 ' .. O. 1. 31 59 115 33 28th do. 29'95 30'07 24th 29'S8 28th 93 115~ I Q METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the 29th of February, 1892. o ,

METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the week ending 7th of March, 1892. >N t 3 N.W. N.E. 2'84 3 10'72 22 86 trj ]2340 7th March 2~69 28'00 , 7th 8S 64 76 90 6th 60 1st 72 by", U~ 29'561 1st 63 t 3 w. W. 0'02 2 0'68 6 30 ~60 29'71 1 4th 20'45 do. 92 77 84 94 4, 6 73 7th H sack W~ 11708 do. 6,5 15 S.E. W. 0'17 1 1'22 4 10 , do, ~~ 29'69 ' do. 29'.56 1, 5 94 70 82 100 1st 66 do. 82 60 ,burton m~ 11457 47 t 4 S.E. Val. 0'07 1 43 ... i ... H narvon 11339 do. 2~68 29'76 do. 29'59 1st 89 65 77 103 do. 63 5th 74 5! do. 29'70 ,6th 89 66 78 98 3rel 65 7th 76 61 58 N.E. N,E. 0'01 1 M aldton ••Eg 11436 do. 2~83 30'13 Var. S,E. 0'02 2 2845 ",1'",.. ... do. Efl 29'93 1st 29'57 ' do. 92 59 76 101 5th 53 2nd 76 53 53 i2 'k " u. 11647 49 1148 4th 46 i~t Var. S.W. 0'31 6 11552 do. 2~80 29'93 do. 29'65 ! do 89 63 76 98 4th 58 1st 73 56 14i 52 th ,., um 59 9 S,E, S.W. 0'05 2 i~ ,.~ 1'1'74 11533 do. E~ 29'89 do. 29'72 . do. 92 69 80 95 7th 60 7th 79 63 tnest u. 51 t1 E. S.W. 0'28 5 25 .. , 11545 do. E~ 29'01 do, 20'65 do. 84 64 74 94 4th 60 1st 67 58 mantle .00 65 12 E. S.E. ." 0'91 4 36 , .. ~ 11538 do. ~83 29'03 do. 29'77 do. 82 52 67 87 1st 48 5th 73 46 .bury .,. 33~ 56 77 I 9 N. S.E. 0:07 1 1'03 6 lerance Bay 3300 12155 do, 29~O 30'08 do. 29'71 do. 76 57 66 90 5th 42 1st 69 4th 44 do. 65 52 78 '.. I 7 Var. Var, 0'22 2 1'22 12 ~g ::: I any ~~ 11754 do. 2~90 30'0,t do. 29'78 4th 70 54 62 85 ~ METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the week ending 14th of March, 1892. 'by,., , 1718 12340 14th ll'Iar. I 5:82 '8 do, 29'65 ' 29'79 90 73 81 iis 11th 70 13th 70 t 3 I Var. Var. 5'14 2 30 sack 2040 117 OS 10 W. S.W. 0'83 4 2'05 8 30 lburton 2143 11457 do, 29'63 29'80 89 69 78 94 12th 63 9th 7S 64 67 29'G9 29'79 86 6-t 75 97 do. 62 8th 72 57 52 t 4 s" w. S., S.E. 0'11 3 0'18 4 25 " narvon 2452 11339 do. N.E. N,E. 1'4<5 2 1'46 3 50 ~ 'aldton 2846 11436 do. 29'87 29'93 79 66 73 92 11th 63 8, 13 71 62 68 i> 13th 65 ~ 69 16 S.E. S.E. 0'65 5 0'67 7 100 'k ,,' 3153 11647 do, 29'93 30'11 72 59 66 82 10th 57 410';:9 75 62 68 83 11th 57 8th 67 59 70 1io 55 136 11th I 47 Stil Var. VUI'. 0'32 3 0'63 9 87 ~ th ' .. 3157 11552 do, 29'99 30'11 93 do, 29'91 30'07 : 80 59 70 84 8th 56 do. 73 58 73 12 E. S,E. 0'54 2 0'59 4 ,tnest 3159 11533 7,t E.S.E. E.S.E. 0'28 4 0'56 9 88 ,mantle 3203 11545 do. 29'91 so'm: 76 62 69 80 lOth 56 13th 65 58 I .. , t 1 t.:J 20'96 30'13 76 57 66 83 12th 52 8th 68 55 74 16 S.E. S,E. 1'71 1 2'62 5 66 Ibury 33 IS 11538 do, 2'89 91 J1"- do, 30'13 30',n 72 61 66 75 do. 59 8, 13 64 5S 73 11 E, E. 1'86 4 19 )erance Ba.y 3350 12155 9 E. E. 0'98 5 2'20 17 84 y 3502 11754 do. 30'07 30'29 67 57 62 72 13th 41 8th 61 53 74 ...... an ,:._ Cb -..:.::.~~=--=--~-----..:------=-;::-====~;:::;::==-:::-The Observations are taken at 9 a.m.; the Barometer is also registered at 3 p.m., the Mean of the two readings being here * tak('n. <:.0 t Force by Beaufort's scale. MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Met,eorological Reporter. t.:J MAR. 24, 1892.J GOVERNlVfENT GAZETTE, W.A. 225

Land Titles Office, Pel'th, 16th l!'eb1'l!ary, 1892. '1' is hereby notified that the undermentioned Certificates of Title are lying at this Office, and will Le 1 delivered to those entitled to them or to their order, on application and upon payment of the Assurance Fund due thereon;-

Tmvl1 01' District in 'which 1\ ame of Grantee. X ume of Grantee. Lot is situated.

£ s. d. £ s. d. Gibney. Tbe Right Rev. M. Albany, Town ... 505 J amesoll, Adam, Kenny, Daniel Cottesloe, Subn. 36 0 2 6 Rumble, D. Avon Loc. 1677 0 6 FOl'l'est, Sir J Ohll ... Do. 26 0 3 3 Sherry, P...... ' Do. 1686 0 1 ]'Iarmion, William Edward ... Do. 21 0 ± 11 Dempster, W. S .... Do. 1690 ' 0 1 lIIayhew, Edwarcl Willialll Do. 10 0 3 7 Dinsdale, Alfred .. Do. 1759 : 0 2 1 Alfred Austin Burns, Jas. Do. 1775 0 2 4 Do. Do. 1 0 3 3 Morrisoll, \V. Do. 1782021 Abbott, John Do. 6 0 4 0 Enright, Edward Do. 1695 0 2 1 Batemall, John Wesley .. ' Do. 7 0 .• 5 Fleay, James Do. 1090 0 1 1 Kenny, Daniel, and Jameson, Do. 8 0 3 7 Do. Do. 1159 0 0 10 Adam Byrne, Chas. Do. 1514 I 0 0 10 Do. Do. 15 0 2 5 Gentle, William . Do. "'" 1517 '0 1 5 Do...... Do. " 17 0 ? 6 Fleay, JamBs Do. " ... 1546 0 0 10 Do. . .. Do. " 23 0 2 6 Do...... Do. H 1547 0 0 10 Do...... Do. " 24 0 2 6 Duperouzel, Aimable Do. " .. . 1595 0 0 10 Sharkey, Haymond John Do. " 93 0 3 1 Adams, Chas. Fred. . .. Do. " .. . Hope, Jas. Wlll. . . .. Do. " 101 0 3 0 Moore, 1\fary Elizabeth Do. ,,_ .. 1681 0 3 2 Peal'se, Fl'uncis Denison, " 18 0 0 .. Throssell, G00rge Do. " ... 1685 0 "10 Fl'aser, Hugh Doodlakin, Town 12 0 0 6 Farmer, John Do. " ... 1694 '0 2 1 Purkinson, Thos. Fremantle, " 7800211 Duclly, Riehal'd Do. " .. . 1735 0 3 5 Holmes, Hobt. Hardy, a11CI Do. 996 0 2 • Morse, rrho'~. Boys Do. " .. . 175(; ,0 2 1 Joseph John Keallc. E. Y. H. . ." Do. " .. . 1813 . 0 2 1 Sadler, Geo. Do. " 955 0 3 2 Mills, Charles ... '" Do. " , .. 1820 ! 0 ·1 '. Do. Do. " 1008 0 2 6 Streeter, Gcorgc Skelton Broome, r~eown 164 ,0 0 10 Fairbairll, Robort Do. " 784 0 3 9 Do...... Do. " .. . 157 I 0 0 10 Do...... Do. " 783 0 3 9 Do. Do. " .. . 158'0010 Holmes, Robt. Hardey Do. " 1020 0 3 1 Do. Do. " .. . 159 0 1 0 McCluskey, Johnllfichael .. , Geraldtoll " .. . 605 0 1 8 Do. Do. " ... 160 0 0 10 Allpike, J no. Gl'eenmonnt, Sulm... . 20 0 1 3 Do. Do. " ... 161 0 0 10 .Do. Do. " .. . 21 0 1 2 Do. Do. " .. . 162 0 1 0 Do. Do. " ... 23 0 0 11 Do .... Do. " .. . 163 0 0 10 Boladeras. IglUttius Do. " .. . 168 0 0 9 Hanlin, Robt. Buckland Hill, Subn. 9 0 1 0 Martin, Thos. Kelmscott,,, .. . 10 0 1 5 lIIackay, Jas. Do. 17 0 1 2 Do. Do. " .. . 12 0 0 7 Jan1eson, Admn, and 'Kenny: Do. :M~artill, Henry Do. " .. . 17 0 0 8 Daniel 56 0 2 '. Whitehead, William ... Kojonup Loc. . .. 226 0 1 1 Do. Do. 68 0 1 7 Quartermaille, Eli Do. " ... 275 0 2 1 Do. :00. " " 78 0 1 i Sea-rle, WillitUll Do. " ... 276 0 4 2 Do. Do. " " 83 0 2 ,j, Forrest, Alex., &, Lacey, E. G. lIIahogany Creek Subn. 37 0 0 8 Do. Do. " " Do...... ' Do. " " 45 0 0 6 Do...... Do. " " ig~ I ~ ~ 1r J ones, .r runes Vigol"s Aldl'id .. ' Melbourne Loc. 881 0 2 1 McKermtn, Hugh Do. " " 107 0 2 11 Hoy, Joscph .. . Do. " 875 0 2 1 Do. Do. " " 79 0 2 ·t Sailler, Geo. ." .. . lIIelville, Subn. 96 0 1 7 Kenny, Daniel, ~~d J a~eso~~ " " 123 0 2 10 J ohnston, George Henry Do. 106 0 2 6 Do. " Adam " J ohnston, Gcorge Horner .. ' Do. " 109 0 2 1 Do. Do. 126 0 1 10 Sadler, George Murrtty Loc. 147 0 2 1 Do. Do. 129 0 ~ 5 Giblett, J 01111 Nelson 173 0 1 1 Do. Do. 78 '0 2 .. Giblett, J esse Do. 190 0 0 11 Do. Do. " " 98 '0 2 3 Giblett, Amos Wells Do. 202 0 1 2 Do. .Do. " " 64 0 1 6 Giblett, George '" ... ..' Do. 267 0 0 10 Do. Do. " 65 0 1 8 :Th-fool'c, \Vm. Dalgety, DUl'M North 58 0 1 1 Do. Do. " 49 0 2 3 lacher, Alfred Frederick, and Do. Do. 50 0 3 4 Fergusou, John Maxwell Do. Do. 61 0 1 ;) Do. Do. " 59 0 I 1 Do. Do. " 86 0 2 10 HOIJe, Robed Fraucis Onslow, Town 19 0 1 7 Do. Do. " 870210 Stevens, Thomas Geol'ge Do. " 82 0 1 2 Do. ... '" . Do. " 102 0 2 10 Stricklancl, Wm. Hy. John .. ' Perth, Sub. 351 0 2 6 Lee, Alfred l?rederick . ., '" Do. " " 18 0 1 3 Do...... '" Do. " 352 0 2 10 MOl'an, ChrrTles John, Do. " " 76 0 2 0 Bond, ""Vm. PincOlube Do. " 353 0 2 8 JYIcCarthy, Patrick Denis " Do. Do. " 377 0 2 8 Gallop, George Frederick .. . Do. i7 0 1 11 Do. Do. " 378 u 3 7 Hope, JamBs v'\Tilliam .. . Do. " 122 0 3 5 Mackey, James Do." .. . 307 0 4 3 Do...... Do. " 121 0 3 2 Do. Do." ... i 304 0 4 3 Do. . .. Do. " 108 0 2 6 Do. Do." ... 305 0 3 9 Do...... Do. " " 113 0 2 8 Do .... Do. l1 ... 306 0 4 :3 Hope, Arthnr Henry JYIonger Do. " " 101 0 2 1 Kmtpp, Thos. Plantagenet Loc. . .. 225 0 1 1 Hope, I van JYleredith ...... Do. 88 0 2 2 Moil', Alex. Do. " .. . 357 0 1 2 Hassell, John Freclk. T. 216 0 0 10 Hope, EdwynaMary Eveline} Do. 51 0 2 10 Do. " .. . Hope, Violet, Amy Caters Taylor, Charlotte ... Do. " .. . 400 Wright, Ada Philis Do. " 118 0 4 9 Linclsay, George Patk. Roebol1rne, Towu .. 159 0 1 3 Boladeras, Ignutius Do. " " 96 0 1 2 Rester, Edwd. NOl'mall Do. " ... 205 0 1 1 Hevron, P. J. & A. J. Do. " " 7·j, 0 2 9 lVlac]my, James ...... Southern Cross, Town 24 0 2 .. Do. Do. " " 93 0 1 10 FOl'rest. Alexander, Fon'est, Do. 23 0 2 1 Do...... Do. " 9j, 0 2 4 Sir John, Hassell, Arthlu' The Union Bank of Australia, Canning Loc .... 305'0;32 Wollaston Limited Do...... Do. 21 0 2 lVln.rtin, J esse ...... Do. " ... 290 0 2 6 Crowder, Frederick Thomas, Butcher, "\Villialll .. . Do. " 291 0 2 1 Letchford, William ... Do. 30 0 2 1 Matheson, Daniel ...... Carn[lrvon, Town 209 0 010 Bruce, John Sagstcr Do. " 49 0 2 2 Smith, Jas. Hy., and Baston, Do. 153 0 1 4 Cm'roll, Mary ...... ' Do. " 38 0 1 1 Geo., JUUl'. De Hamel, Lancel Victor, Mc- " Ridle.r, Lucy Harriett, Bl'endu Do. 163 0 0 11 Donald, Angus ... Do. 48 0 2 4 Ridley, and Minna Davies, l\faurice Coleman Sussex Lac.... 225 0 2 1 \'Valcott, Robert JYIcKenzie ... Do. " 158 0 1 2 The Trustees of the Congre- Do. 89 Cleveland, Frank Do. " 171 0 0 10 gational Church, Bunbury Miller, lIiary Ann ... Do. " 197 0 0 10 Shepard, John .. . Swan " .. . 981 0 010 Hopkins, vVilliam Louis Do. " 96 0 0 10 Sadler, George ...... Do. " .. . 1143 0 5 9 llIorrell, J oseph Abraham ... Do. " 218 0 0 10 Hay, David." .. . Do. " .. . 1174 0 o 3 Fairbairn, Robert ... Clarence, Subn. 77 ,0 0 8 Moore, ,\Vnl. Dalgety .. . Do. " .. . 1189 0 2 1 Gibney, JYIatthew, Right Rev. Do. " ·13006 Spice, Charles ' .. Do. " .. . 1211 0 2 1 Bolnderas, Ignatius _. _ ... Do. " 91 0 0 4 Andrews, Thomas Do. " .. . 1226 0 2 1 Gibney, JYlatthew, Right Rev. Do. " 42 0 0 6 Padbury, "V alter .. Do. " .. . 1232 0 2 1 nlarmion, \Villiam Edwal'd Do. " 47 0 0 9 J ones, Hobt. . .. Do. 1255 0 2 1 Stephens, Alex. Homtio Wm. Do. " 80 0 0 3 Warren, Edwd. Arthur Do. " .. . 1256 0 2 1 Do...... Do. " 88 0 0 3 Spice, Frances Do. " .. . 1279 0 2 1 ,Vellard, John ...... Co. Sound Loc. 408030 Hart, John Do. " .. . 1302 0 2 1 Do...... Do. " ... 409 0 2 10 Allpike, John Do. 1037 0 on Turner, Henry Saml. .. . Do. 423 0 2 1 Leach, George '" ... Do. 1271 :Bentley, JHaria Do. 424021 Darch, Thos. Richard .. Do. 1274 o 2 DeBanks, Arthur Do. 426 0 4 2 226 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 24, 1892.

Certificates of Title awaiting Delivery.-(Continued.)

Town or District in which N amo of Grantee. Lot is situated. Name of Grantee.

1- 1£ s. d. £ s. d. Martht, Hcul'Y '" ... Swan Loc .... 1275 0 2 1 Cook, Edward .. . Victoria Loc .. 1809 0 3 2 Do...... Do. 1276 0 2 1 Eastough, Thos... . Do. 1816021 Clune, Jeremiah and J"ohn Do. 1277021 Clinch, Thomas ...... Do. 1818 0 2 5 Corbett, Jas. . .. Do. 1294021 'rhomas, Chus. Fredk.... Do. 1842021 Bylield, John ...... Do. " ... 1309021 Moore, Sallluel Fortescue ... Do. 18J3032 Oliver, Elizabeth Mary Do. 1307021 Do...... Do. 1844021 PrclldergHst, J 01111 ... Victoria " , .. 1880021 Do...... Do. 18,17 0 2 1 Moore, Sn,Ull. Fortoseue Do. 1881021 Hogan, Patrick J os. .,. Do. 18·18 0 ,> 2 Macpilerson, DUllcan ... Do. 1354 0 0 10 Fitzgeralcl, Michael .. . Do. 1849 0 2 1 Heehm, :IVIichael . . .. Do. 1358 0 0 10 ]\iorgan, Henry .. . Do. 1851 0 2 I Ridley, Lewis FOITcStAl', and Wainwright, Chas. Jas. ". Do. 1873 0 1 J?oss, Chas. D. Vaughall. Do. 1360 0 0 10 V\T atldns, Danl. . Glyn, and Do. 1428 0 010 Thomas, John ...... ' .. Do. 1379 0 0 10 Wittenoom, Edwd. Horne Pcarse, Fraucis ._.. .. Do. " ... 1381011 Do...... Do. " 1429 0 0 10 Nallcarrow, Willium Do. 1383011 Do...... Do. " 1-131 0 010 Heehm, lIfichael...... Do. " 1441 0 0 10 Do...... Do. " n. 1482 0 0 10 Campbell, Charles ... ',. Do. 1471 0 0 10 'W ood, Abl'ulU1m ...... vVellingtoll " 600 0'2 1 Burges, junior, Lockier Clere Do. 1497 0 0 10 Hartnett, John .. . Do. 602024 Cnml)bell, Charles ... Do. " ,., 1506 0 0 10 Matthews, Ellen .. . Do. 607 0 2 1 lYloore, 8:un1. Fortescue Do. 1882021 Perren, J esse .. . Do. ,134011 )YfcGuhmess, B. Do. " ... 1817 0 2 1 Fisher, John ...... Do. 546 0 0 10 Silcock, AUll Do. 1822021 }"""1 owl er, Charles Kitching Do. 556 0 0 10 Clarli.:c, Jas. . .. Do. " .0. 1833 0 2 1 Rohel'ts, Fredk. ... . Do. 557 0 2 1 Whitclll1rst, J. J. . .. Do. " ... 1840021 Smith, lIfaurice Brett .. , Do. 563 0 0 10 Thomas, Gco. Henry ... Do. " ... 1841 0 'k 2 Do...... Do. 5700010 ICClnptoll, J ;:ts...... Do. 1845 0 2 1 Fisher, John ,., ... Do. 571 0 010 HtLlllCrslcy, Edward ... Do. " .0. 7730010 Payne, George Roht. .., Do. 58,1021 Bell, RoN...... Do. H'" 9430010 Taylor, J oseph ... Do. " ... ,)26 0 1 3 Sewell, Sampson...... '" Do. 15J9011 Mllnday, WilIiam ,., Williams " 275 0 2 1 Barlcc, Frcdk. Palgrave (The Do. 1619 2 2 4 Hignett, Henry ... .,. Do. 283 0 2 1 Bfmk of South Austmlia) Do. Do...... Do. 284 0 2 1 Do...... 1620 142 Smith, George Beaumont .. , Do. 290 0 2 1 Do. . .. Do. " .. . 1621 5 8 ,1 QUillll, MichaeI Jas. ... '" Do. 307 0 3 2 Do...... Do. " .. . 165"1 o 17 9 W"rburtoll, Rowland Egerton Do. 271 0 1 Do. .. . Do. 1655 1 1010 Keen, Thomas .. , ...... Do. 272 0 1 Do. .. . Do. 1656 2 10 0 Rosselloty, John C...... Do. 273 0 2 2 Do...... Do. IG57 055 Fallon, John Bryant ...... Do. 310 0 2 1 Burges, Thom:1s Whitfield, Do. 1659 021 Do ... ' '" ...... Do. 311 0 1 Mury G., Hooley, Edwllrd Cowcher, G. SF. & J. E. Do. 258 0 2 1 Timothy Pollard, George ...... Do. 2(;6 0 2 1 Do. Do. Do. 1663 o 2 1 Warbul'ton, R. E. Do. 270 0 2 1

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of'l'itles.


Depa,·tment of Lands ancZ S,wveys, Perth, 23rd Mct1'ch, 1892. HE undermentioned Allotments of Land wili be offered .tor Sale, at Public Auction, on the dn,tes }1TId at T the places specified in the Schedule below; at 11 o'clock, a.m. SCHEDULE

DateH of Sale. Places of Sale, Descript.ion of Lots. Numhcrs of Lots. Upset Pl'lces.

1892. Carnarvon Carnarvon Sub. 73 2 1 13 April 6 !.£6 per acre each. Do. 6 Do. Do. Do. 72 2 1 13 Do. 6 Roebourne Shell borough 5 020 £10. Do. 7 Geraldton Geraldton Town .599 1 0 32 £50. Do. 8 Perth Broome Do. 358 o 2 16 i Do. 8 Do. Do. Do. 359 o 2 16 1£30 each. Do. 8 Do. Do. Do. 360 o 2 16

W. E. IvIARJVIION, Commissioner of Crown Lands. MAR. 24, 1 GOVERNl\fENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 227

Electoral District of Williams. Objections to any name appearing on aforesaid List or Register will be received by the Electoral Registrar on or NY qurrlified person whose name is not already on the before 15th May. A Electoral Roll for the above District, and who desires A list of persons objected to will be open for public to have it inserted thereon, must forward to the undersigned inspection from the 22nd J\1:ay to the 6th June inclusive. a claim in writing, on the appropriate form, not later than the lOth day of April next, such form being signed with A Court for the revision of the Electoral Register will the full christian and surname of the applicant, and counter­ sit at the Police COlU·t, Perth, at ten 0' clock in the forenoon signed by a witness to his signature. on Thursday, 7th July, 1892. H. G. WRIGHT, The Electoral List will be open for public inspeetion, at Electoral Registrar, East Perth. the office of the Electoral Registrar, from the 24th April to the 8th lYIa.y next. Office of Electoral Registrar, Police Court, J( Perth, 9th lYIarch, 1892. Ol)jections to any name on the above List will be received np to the 15th May next. A List of persons objected to will be open for public Electoral District of West Perth. inspection from the 22nd May to the 6th June, inclusive. A Court for the revision of the Eleetoral Register will t\ NY person whose name is not already on the Electoral sit at the Court House, l'Villiams, at ten o'clock in the ...t:'l... Register for the District of West Perth, and who forenoon on Tuesday, 5th July, 1892. desires to have it inserted thereon, must apply personally or otherwise to the Electoral Registrar on or before April Forms of application may be obtained from the under­ 10th. signed. The Electoral List will be open for public inspeetion, at A. W. PIESSE, the office of th e Electoral Registrar, from the 24·th April to Electoral Registrar 8th lVIay. for the Electoral District of Williams. Objections to any name appearing on aforesaid List or Register will be received by the Electoral Registrar on or Court House, Williams, ( before 15th May. 1st March, 1892. ) A list of persons objected to will be open for public inspection from the 22nd May to the 6th June inclusive. Electoral District of Greenough. A Court for the revision of the Electoral Register will sit at the Police Court, Perth, at ten 0' clock in the forenoon NY person whose name is not already on the Electoral A Register for Greenough, and who desires to have it on Thursday, 7th July, 1892. inserted there on, must apply personally or otherwise to H. G. WRIGHT, the Electoral Registrar on or before April 10th. Electoral Registrar, vVest Perth. The Eleetoral List will be open for public inspection, at Office of Electoral Registrar, Police Court, I the office of the Electoral Registrar, from the 24th April to Perth, 9th March, 1892. j 8th May. Objections to any name appearing on aforesaid List or Register will be received by the Electoral Registrar on or Electoral District of York. before 15th May. A list of persons objected to will be open for public NY person who is qualified, wishing to have his name insp8ction from the 22nd May to the 6th June inclusive. A placed on the Electoral Register for the above Dis­ A Court for the revision of the Electoral Reg'ister will trict, is requested to apply personally or otherwise to the sit at the Court House, Greenough, at ten o'clock in the Electoral Registrar on or before the lOth day of April next. forenoon on 5th JUly, 1892. The Electoral IJist will be open for public inspection at. LLOYD SEXTON, the Office of the Electoral Registrar from the 24th April to Electoral Registrar for the the 8th J\1:ay. Electoral District of Greenough. Objections to any name appearing on aforesaid List or Government Resident's Office, ( Register will be received by the Electoral Registrar on or Greenough, lVIarch 9th, 1892. j before the 15th May. . A Li~t of persons objected to will be open for public Electoral District of Perth. mspectlOn from the 22ncllYIay to the 6th June inclusive. A Court will sit for the revision of the Electoral Register t\ NY person whose name is not already on the Electoral at the Court House, York, at ten 0' clock in the forenoon on ...t:'l... Register for the District of Perth, and who desires Thursday, 7th of July, 1892 . to have it inserted thereon, must apply personally or othcr­ W. G. JERVOIS, wise to the Electoml Registrar on or before April 10th. Electoral Registrar for the Electoral District of York. The Electoral List will be open for public inspection, at York, 14th March, 1892. the office of the Electoral Registrar, from the 24th April to 8th May. Electoral District of Irwin. Objections to any name appearing on aforesaid List or Register will be received by the Electoral Registrar on or NY qualified person whose name is not already on the before 15th May. A Electoral Roll for the above District, and who desires to have it inserted thereon, must forward to the A list of persons objected to will be open for public undersigned a claim in writing, on the appropriate form, inspection from the 22nd lVIay to the 6th June inclusive. not later than the lOth day of April next, such form beino­ A Court for the revision of the Electoral Register will signed with the full christian and surname of the ap~ sit at the Police Court, Perth, at ten o'clock in the forenoon plicant, and countersigned by a witness to his signature. on rrhursday, 7th July, 1892. The Electoral List will be open for public inspection, at H. G. WRIGHT, the office of the Electoral Registrar, from the 24th April Electoral Registrar, Perth. to the 8th May next. Objections to any name on the above List will be Office of Electoral Registrar, Police Court, received up to the 15th J\1:ay next. Perth, 9th March, 1892. A l~st of persons objected to will be open for public in­ spectIon from the 22nd May to the 6th Jl.me, inclusive. Electoral District of East Perth. A Cout for the revision of the Electoral Register will sit at the Court House, Dongara, at (10) ten o'clock in the NY person whose name is not already on the Electoral forenoon on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1892. A Register for the District of East Perth, and who Forms of application may be obtained from the under­ desires to have it inserted thereon, must apply personally signed. or otherwise to the Electoral Registrar on or before April CARTNEY WOODS, lOth. Electoral Registrar The Electoral List will be open for public inspection, at for Electoral District of Irwin. the office of the Electoral Registrar, from the 24th April to Court House, Dongara, I 8th May. March 17th, 1892. 5 228 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 24, 1892.

Electoral District of Toodyay. PM·tion of Lot D. 4 having a frontage of 5 links to Howick Street and Adelaide NY person whose n~me. is not already on the Elect~ral Terrace with n depth of 6 chains 5H links adjoining the A Register of the DIstrICt of Toodyay, and who desnes Western boundary of D. 3. to have it inserted thereon, must apply personally or other­ wise to the Electoral Registrar on or before 10th April, AND PURTHER TAKE NonCE that· all persons other than 1892. the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED The Electoral List will be open for public inspection, at to lodge in this Office on or before the 9th day of April the office of the Electoral Registrar, from the 24th of April next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought to the 8th May. under the operation of the Act. Objections to any name appearing on aforesaid List or ALPRED E. BURT, Register will be received by the Electoral Registrar on or Registrar of Titles. before 15th May. Land Titles' Office, Perth, '( A list of persons objected to will be open for public in­ 21st March, 1892. ) spection from the 22nd May to the 6th June inclusive. A Court for the revision of the Electoral Register will sit at the Police Court, Newcastle, at ten o'clock in the H Transfer of Land Act, 1874. forenoon on Tuesday, the 5th July, 1892. W. R. PlESSE, AKE NOTICE that Uriah Christopher Mills of York Electoral Registrar, T has made application to be registered as the pro­ Toodyay. prietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the Resident Magistrate's Office, I. following parcels of land situate in York aforesaid viz. :- Newcastle, 9th March, 18D2. ) Town Lots 205 and 206 containing 1 acre 3 roods 8 perches and having a frontage each of 1 chain 50 links to Maca,rtney Street with a depth Electoral District of Murray. of 6 chains. AND PURTHER TAKE NOTICB that all persons other than NY person whose name is not already on the Electoral the applicant claiming to htwe any estate right title or A Register for the District of Murray, and who desires interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to have it inserted thereon, must apply personally or other­ to lodge in this Office on or before the Dth day of April wise to the Electoral Registrar on or before the 10th April. next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought The Electoral List will be open for public inspection, at under the operation of the Act. the office of the Electoral Registrar, on or before the 15th ALFRED E. BURT, May. Registrar of Titles, A list of persons objected to will be open for public Land rritles' Office, Perth, '( inspection from the 22ncllYlay to the 6th June inclusive. 21st March, 1892. ) A Court for the revision of the Electoral Register will Sholl 0' Foulkes, Perth, Applicant's Solicito,'s. sit at the Court House, Pinjarrah, !tt ten o'clock in the forenoon on 'l'uesday, 5th July, 1892. Transfer of Land Act, 1874. JOHN R. SCOT'l" Electoral Registrar, AKE NOTICE that Ephrahu Hines of Fremantle boat­ Mm'ray District. T man has made application to be registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land situate in Perth viz. :- Electoral District of Sussex. Perth Town Lots W 42 and W 43 containing together one acre two roods and ench having a A NY person whose name is not already on the Electoral frontage of 1 chain 50 links upon Ptwry and Mangles ..1::!.. Register for the District of Sussex, and who desires Streets with a depth of 5 chains . to have it inserted thereon, must apply, in accordance AND FUR'l'HER 'rAKE NO'I'WE that all pr-rsons other than with the 6th Section of "The Electoral Act, 1889," on or the applicant claiming to htwe any estate right title or before April lOth. interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED The Electoral List will be posted for inspection, at the to lodge in this Office on 01' before the 9th day of April office of the Electoral Registrar, from 24th April to 8th next a caveat forbidding the smne from being brought May. under the operation of the Act. Objections to auy name appearing on aforesaid List or ALFRED E. BURT, I~egister will be received l)y the Electoral Registrar on Registrar of Titles. or before 15th May. Land Titles' Office. Perth, } A list of persons objected to will be open for public 21st March, 1892. inspection from the 22nd May to the 6th June inclusive. A Court for the revision of the Electoral Register will sit at the Court House, Busselton, at 10 o'clock in the fore­ noon on 'ruesday, 5th July, 1892. "rJ"l 'rranster of Laud Act, 1874. Forms of application may be obtained from the under­ signed. AKE NOTICE that The Honorn.ble George Shenton of T Perth a Member of the Legislative Council has made A. R. PRIES, application to be registered as the proprietor of an estate Electoral Registrar in fee simple in possession in the following lmrcels of land for the Electoral District of Sussex. situate in Perth aforesaid viz. :- Court House, Busselton, 1 PER'rH BUILDING LOTS D 11, 12, 14, AND 15, AND T 3, 9th lYlarch, 1892. J 4 AND 5. Lots D 11, 12, 14 and 15-Each hn.ving n, frontage of 1 chain 50 links to Goderich Street and 1 chain 50 links to Howick Street with a depth of 5 chains 60 links. DEPARTMENT OF LAND TITLES. Lots T 3, 4 ancl fi-Each having a frontttge of 1 chain. 50 links to HowieR Street and 1 chain 50 links to AdelaIde 2N '1'1'an81"e1' of' Land Act, 1874. Termce witll a depth of 6 chains 65 links. AND PURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than AKE NOTICE that William Adkinson of Perth gentle­ the applica,llt claiming to have any estate right title or T nmn has made applicntion to be registered noS the interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED proprietor of an estate in. fee si;nple in possessi?n i~ the to lodge in this Office on or before the Dth day of April following' parcels of land SItuate m Perth aforesaId VlZ. next a caveat forbidding the same from being' brought under the operation of the Act. BUILDING LOT D. 3 AND POWl'ION OP LOT D. 4. ALFRED E. BUR'l', Lot D. 3 Registrar of Titles. haviuO" a frontag'e of 1 chain 50 links to Howick Street Land Titles' OffiCll, Perth, '{ also 1 ~hain 50 links to Adelaide 'l'ermce with a depth of 18th March, 1892. > 6 chains 51~ links. f'ad'c,' ,I' I'a1'km', I'm·th, Applicant's Solicito,·s. MAR. 24, 1892.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 229

55 'J.'ransfel' of Land Act, 11)7-1-. 92 Transfer of IJand Act, 11)74.

AKE NOTICE that J olm Tapper of Fremantle has AKE NOTICE that ,'Villiam ]\Iurray and GeOl'ge Fry T made application to be registered as the proprietor T "::he executol's of the will of J anet ''Vardle of Fre­ of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following mantle widow deceased have made application to be regis­ parcel of land situate in Fremantle aforesaid viz. :- tered as the proprietors of an estate in fee simple in pos­ session in the following parcels of land situate in Freman­ Town Lot 693 tle aforesaid viz. :- containing 2 roods 31 perches and having a frontage of 1 chain 33 links upon Hampton Street with a depth of PORTIONS OF FRElIIANTLE TOWN LOTS 395 AND 5'73. 5 chains 25 links. Pm'tion of TOlGn Lot 395. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or Bounded on the SOltth by 1 chain of High Street interest in the above p:1l'cel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED On the TV est by 2 chains 11 links of 'rown Lot 396 the to lodge in this Office on or before the 9th day of April opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. next a caveat forbidding the smue from being brought uuder the operation of the Act. Pm·tion of TOlun Lot 573. AL,FRED E. BURT, Bounded by lines starting from a spot on a public high­ Registrar of Titles. way situate 96 feet from the intersection of the said high­ Land Titles' Office, Perth, I way with P',lTY Street thence Northward 1 chain 80 links 22nd :i}Iarch, 1892. S thence ,Vestward 60~ links thence Southward 1 chain 80 Leake, JarMS, l' Kit'lson, Fl'emantle, Applicant's Solicitors. links thence Eastward along the s:1id highway 60;' links to the starting point. 50 92 't'ransi'er of Land Act, 1874, ~oction 51. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicants claiming to have any estate right title or AKE NOTICE that Henry John Leeder and GeOl'ge interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED T Henry Smith both of Northam farmers executors of to lodge in this Office on or before the 11th day of April the will of George Taylor deceased have made application next a cal'ea! fo:'bidding the same from being brought to be registered as the proprietors of an estate in fee simple under the o}lcratlOn of the Act. in possession in the following parcel of land situ:1te in N orth:1m aforesaid viz. :- ALFRED E. BUR'l" S1tb10'ban Lot N 64 Registrar of Titles. as comprised in Certificate of Title Volume XVI. folium 313. Land Titles' Office, Perth, } AND FUR1'HER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than 15th ]\Ihrch, 1892. the applicants claiming to have any estate right title or Leccke, J,mtes, l' J(idson, Fremantle, Applicants' SolicitO?'s. interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on 01' before the 9th day of April lwxt a caveat forbidding the same from being registered 10 accordingly. 1:12" fl'ransfer of Land Act. 1874, ilnd " 'J.'110 Real ALFRED E. BURT, Property Limitations Act. 1878." Registrar of Titles. Land Title~' Office, Perth, I 21st March, 1892. .s AKE No'rICE tlmt John Fl'ederick T~1sll1an Hassell of T Albany shipping agent has made application to be Sholl tr F01t17ceS, Pel'th, Applicants' Solicito1'S. registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcel of land situate in Albany 'l'ransf'er of Land Act, 11)74. Section :i1. aforesaid viz. : S"b1c)'ban Lot 40 (2 acres) AKE NO'l'ICE tlmt Sara Wig-gett of Perth widow T sole devisee under the will of William vVilliams Bounded on the Notlh-Bast by 2 chains 37 links of Albany Wiggett deceased has made application to be registered as Road the proprietor of an estfLte in fee simple in possession in On the Son/h-West by :!. chains 37 links of Serpentine Road the following parcel of land situate in Perth aforesaid On the Nodh- West by Suburban Lot 39 and vi~. On the S01dh-East by Suburban Lot 41 each met1suring- 24 perches of Building Lot HT 85 8 chains :30 links. as comprised in Certificate of 'l'itle Volume. VIII. folium 232. AND FURTHER TAKE NonCE that all persons other than the applicant cl:1iming to have any est:1te right title or AND FURTHER TAKE No'rIcE that all persons other than interest in tbe above parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on 01' before the 7th day of April next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought to lodge in this Office on or before the 9th day of April next under the operation of the Act. a caveat forbidding the same from being registered ac­ cordingly. ALFRED E. BURT, ALFRED E. BUR'l', Land Titles' Office, Perth, ( Registrar of Titles. Registrar of 'ritles. 10th February, 1892. f Land Titles' Office, Perth,1 21st March, 1892. ) Haynes tr Robinson, Aibany, Applicant's Solicitm's. Stone tr Bu,'t, Pe>,th, Applicant's Solicito,·s.

18 5+ 92 Transfer of IlalHl Act, 1874, Section 51. 92 'l'mm;fer of Land Act, 11)74. AKE NO'l'ICE that Samuel Hordern of Haymarket AKE NO,['ICE that Thomas Frederick Tapper of Fre­ T GeOl'ge Street in the city of Sydney in the colony of T mantle has made application to be registered as the New South vVales merchant the executor of the will of proprietor of all estate in fee simple in possession in the Anthony Hordern deceased has made application to be following parcel of land situ:1te in Frem:1ntle aforesaid registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in viz.:- possession in the following parcel of land situate in the Town Lot 692 Plantagenet District viz. :- containing 2 roods 31 perches and having a frontage of Plantagenet Location 289 (200 acres). 1 ch:1in 33 links upon Hampton Street with a depth of 5 as comprised in Certificate of Title Volume XXXV. folium chains 25 links. 243. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons ,other than AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or the applicant claiming to have any estate right title 01' interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 9th d:1y of April to lodge in this Office on or before the 16th day of April next a cavwt forbidding the same from being brought next a caveat forbidding the same from being registered under the operation of the Act. accordingly. ALFRED E. BURT, ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles. Land Titles' Office, Perth, ) Registrar of Titles. Land Titles' Office, Perth, } 22nd ]\IIarch, 1892. I 17th March, 1892. Leake, James, tr Kidson, F'l'emcmtle, Applicant's Solicito,'s. Haynes <~ Robinson, Albany, Applicant's Solicitm·s. 230 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 24, 1892.

·H 'l'ransfer of Land Act, 1874, Section 51. The Spring Gully Tin Mining Company (No-liability). AKE NO'frCE that Arthur Blayney of the Chapman T near (~eraldton farmer heir-at-law of Louis Blayney of Tibmdden deceased intestate has ;:nade application to be OTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in 1N Meeting of the Shareholders will he held on possession in the following parcels of land situate in the Monday, the 4th day of April, 1892, at 8 o'clock, Victoria District viz. :- p.m., at the Registered Office of the Company, St. Locations 1123 ancl 1419 GeOl'ge's Terrace, Perth. as comprised in Certificates of Title Volume XXI. folio 145 and Volume XXIII. folio 10l. BUSINESS: AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than 1. To pass a resolution for the voluntary wind­ the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or ing u]9 of the Company. interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 26th day of March 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting. instant a caveat forbidding the same from being reg-istered accordingly. W. E. CLIFTON, ALFRED E. BURT, Manager. Land Titles' Office, Perth, "( Registrar of Titles. Perth, 14th March, 1892. 3rd March, 1892. ) HO?'gan 0' Moorheacl, Perth, Agents f01' James Ba?Tatt, Geralcl­ ton, Applicant's Solicito?'. The Coongan Amalgamated Gold Mining and Crushing Company (No-Liability).

NOT C E. OTICE is hereby given that the name of the N Legal Manager of the above-named Company is THEOPHILUS RODDA LOWE. Wandering District Roads Board. Dated at Roebourne, W.A., this 11th day of March, 1892. HENRY FRANCIS KEEP, Directors. C. DUNMALL having been authorised by AUG. S. ROE, H • the above Board to issue Cart and Carriage Licenses for the year 1892, owners of same are re­ quested to pay their licenses to him on or before The Coongan Amalgamated Gold Mining and 31st March, 1892. Crushing Company (No-Liability). Any person using an unlicensed vehicle on the OTICE is hereby given that the Registc,red roads after that date will be dealt with according to N Office of the above-named Company is sitmLted law. in Withnell Street, Roebourne, W.A. FRANK S. WATTS, Dated at Roebourne, W.A., this 11th clay of March, 1892. 2-1-92. Chairman. HENRY FRANCIS KEEP, (D' t AUG. S. ROE, ) 1rec ors. NOTICE. THEO. R. LOWE, Legal Manager.

J andakot Roads Board. The Bankruptcy Act, 1871. T a Meeting of the Jandakot Roads Board, held IN THE SUPREl\lE COURT OF VVESTERN AUSTRALIA. A on 20th January, 1892, a Resolution was In the matter of Jacob Ashe1' ancl Gem'ye I!'loocl, tmcling as passed that the following Road be declared :- " Ashe?' g- Ploocl," stO?'e7ceepm's, at ]}fo01'wnbine, bank­ MAIN ROAD: ?·upts. "One chain wide, the centre line being the PON reading a report of the Trustee of the property U of the bankrupts, dated the 18th du,y of Mu,rch, 1892, mutual boundary between Canning Locations 5 reporting that the whole of the property of the bankrupts and 6, from the Perth-Bunbury Road to the has been realised for the benefit of their creditors, and a Canning River, thence across the Bridge and dividend to the u,mount of One shilling and eight-pence in continuing through Canning Location 21 along the pound has been paid as shown by the stu,tement an­ nexed thereto; the Court being satisfied that the whole of the present road about fourteen chains in a the property of the bankrupts has 1)ee11 realised, and a South-Westerly direction to an angle in the dividend of One shilling and eight-pence in the pound has present road, and thence extending South-South­ been paid, doth 01'<18" [Cnd declare th[,t the 1mnkruptcy of Westward through Canning Locations 21 and the said Jacob Asher and George Flood, trading as " Asher 19 to the vVestern corner of Canning Location & Flood," has closed. 18. Given under the seal of the Court this 2211d day of March, 1892. WILLIAM NICHOLSON, By the Court, Chairman. (L.S.) F. A. MOSELEY, Jandakot, 20th January, 1892. Registrar.

By Authority: RICHARD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth.