OF AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority. ] No. 16.] PERTH: THURSDAY, MARCH 24. [1892. No. 4926.-C.S.0. COMMISSION By His Excellency ALEXANDER CAIIIPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator of the ALEx. C. ONSLOW. Government in and over the Colony of Western Australia and its Depl'ncl­ encies, &c., &c., &c. ,.-'0 CHARLES HARPER, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; WILLIAIII ..L THORLEY LOToN, Esquire, n1:ember of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; ALEXANDER ROBERT RICHARDSON, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly; GEORGE RANDELL, Esquire, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Justice of the Peace; JOHN DAVIES, Esquire, General Railway (fraffic Manager. IVHEREAS it is expedient to inquire into the suhject of the Preservation, Carriage, and Storage of Perishable Foods, with the object of ascertaining the possibility of establishing a comprehensive system of this nature in this Colony. Now 'l'HEREFORE I, ALEXANDER CAIIIPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator, as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, have thought fit to appoint and do hereby appoint you the said Charles Harper, William Thorley Loton, Alexander Robed Richardsoll, George Randell, and John Davies to be Commissioners to inquire into the subject of the Preserv[Ltion, Carriage, and Storage of Perishable Foods, with the object of ascertaining the possibility of est,tblishing a comprehensive system of this nature in this Colony, and to make such feasible suggestions as may appear likely to advance the object in view. Such suggestions to be made with due regard to the interests of all classes of the community. And I do hereby desire and request that you do, as soon as the same can conveniently be clone (using all diligence), report to me, in writing, your proceedings in virtue of this Commission. And I further will and direct, and by these presents ordain, that this Commission shall continue in force until you shall have finally reported upon the matters aforesaid, or otherwise until this Commission shall be revoked by me; and that you, the said Commissioners, shall have liberty to report to me your several proceedings from time to time, as the same or any part thereof may respectively be completed and perfected. And I do appoint the said CHARLES HARPER to be Chairman of the said Commissioners. Given at Perth, this twenty-fourth day of March, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-two. By Command of His Excellency the Administrator, GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary. 218 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 24, 1892. No. 492l.-0.S.0. No. 4914.-0.S.0. Colonial Scc1'etary's Office, PROOLAMATION Pe1·th, 19th Maj'ch, 18fJ,~. {Mtstmt 6\usimlin, ( By His Excellency. ALEXANDER la [nit. ) IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive OAMPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator ,H Oouncil has been pleased to appoint MICHAEL ALEX. C. ONSLOW. of the Government in and over the SCALES W ARTON to be a Justice of the Peace for Oolony of Western Australia and this Oolony. (L. s.) its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c. GEORGE SHENTON, XTHEREAS a certain block of land has been Oolonial SE'cretary. V set apart for use as Oemeteries, adjacent to the Townsite of Southern Oross, comprising Southern No. 'j,915.-0.S.0. Oross Town Lots 7, 28, 8, and 29, bounded as Colonial SeC1'ctm'Y's Office, bereafter' mentioned; AND WHEREAS the said bloek Pm'th, 1fJth Mal'ch, 1892. of land is included in and forms a portion of the The Imported Labour Registry Act. Yilgal'l1 Goldfield; AND WHEREAS under the pro­ visions of "The Goldfields Act, 1886," power is T is hereby notified, for general information, that given to the Governor of the said Oolony, by Procla­ I His Excellency the Administrator in Executive mation in the Gove1'nment Gazette, to except from Oouncil has been pleased to authorise the following occnpation for mining purposes, or for residence, or persons to receive from the Masters of vessels ar­ business, under any Miner's Right or Business riving at Broome or Sharks Bay, lists of all labourers Liceuse, any specific portion of Orown lands within a on board, under the provisions of section 7 of the Goldfield : Now THEREl!'ORE I, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL above-mentioned Act; such persons to act in this ONSLOW, Administrator as aforesaid, do, by this my behalf during pleasure only, at the places set opposite Proclamation, except the said block of land from their names respectively, as under:- occupation for mining purposes, or for residence, or lYIWHAEL S. WAWl'ON, J.P., at Bl'oome. business, under any Miner's Right or Business JOHN BROCKMAN, J.P., at Sharks Bay. License, the said block of land being a specific por­ GEORGE SHENTON, tion of Orown lands within a Goldfield, to wit, the Oolonial Secretary. Yilgarn Goldfield; AND I DO order all persons, from and after the date of publication of this my Procla­ mation in the GoveT1~rnent Gazette, to take notice No. 4916.-0.S.0. bereof, and govern themselves accordingly. Colonial SeCj'ctal'Y's O.ffice, Given under my hand and issued under the Pe1'tlt, 19th llIa1'ch, 18fJ2. Public Seal of the said Oolony, at Perth, T is further notified, for general information, that this 22nd clay of 1YIarch, 1892. I His Excellency the Administrator in Executive By His Excellency's Oommand, Oouncil has been pleased to name Broome and Sharks GEORGE SHENTON, Bay as places where labourers may be landed within Oolonial Secretary. the Oolony, under the above-mentioned Act; and to GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! ! ! appoint MWHAEL SCALES W ARTON, J.P" and JOHN BROCKlIIAN, J.P., to act as the Magistrate under the '['he Block of Land hej'einbefore j'cjeJTecl to. said Act, at Br()ome and Sharks Bay respectively. Bounded on the South and West by lines extencling 20 chn,ins East and 20 chrrins North fro111 a spot situa,te GEORGE SHENTON, 25 chains 31 links in clirection North 52° 9' East from the Oolonial Secrctary. Easternmost corner of" 'l'own Lot 10'1, in Southern Oross Towllsite; the opposite bounclaries being pa,l'allel and equal, O1,n<1 bearings true. No. 491S.-C.S.0. + 7 3 Colonial Secretal'Y's Ojfi,ce, No. "t922.-C.S.0. 112 Pe1'th, 21st lvlarch, 1892. 'Lli8 Colonial SeCj'eta1'Y's Office, IS Excellency the Administrator directs it to be "" Pel·th, 22nd March, 1&92. H notified that he has received a Return of the :::::rIS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Election of STEPHEN HENRY PARKER, Q.O., M.L.A., I_1. Oouncil hn,s been pleased to appoint ALFRED as Mayor of the Oity of Perth, vice E. Keane, PEACH HENSl\IAN, Barrister-at-Law, to be the Second resigned. of Her JYIajesty's Puisne Judges of the Supreme GEORGE SHENTON, Oourt of Western Australia. Oolonial Secretary. GEORGE SHENTON, ._----_._-----_._--- Oolonial Secretary. No. 4920.-0.S.0. No. 4917.-0.S.0. 3\1 s Colonial SeCj'cta1'Y's Office. "2 Perth, 21 st llIa1'ch, 1892, 1 u 0 Colonial Secretal'Y's Office, !J 1 Perth, 21st .lIa1'ch, 1892. IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive H Oouncil has been pleased to appoint J. O. G. H Oouncil has been pleased to appoint E. O. D, FOULKES to be a Notary Public for this Oolon.Y' KEYSER to be Treasury Oashier, and EDWARD SYD­ GEORGE SHENTON, NEY MOIR to be Treasury Clerk, at Albany. Oolonial Secretary. GEORGE SHENTON, Oolonial Secretary. No. 4925,-C.S.0. No. 4919.-C.S.0. Colonial Secl'etary's Office, TENDERS ACCEPTED FOR 1892. "o'\l Pel,th, 21st llIarch, 1892. Colonial Sec1'eta1'Y's O./fice, IS Excellency the Administrator, under and PM,th, 231'd Manh, 1892. H _ by virtue of the authority vested in him by "The Aborigines Protection Act" (50 Vic., No. 25), Gemldton Gaol. has been pleased to appoint SAl\IPSON SEWELL to be H. P Ass.-To supply Fresh Beef and lVI utton, at 4d. a Member of the Aborigines Protection Board. per lb. GEORGE SHENTON, GEORG]1 SHENTON, Oolonial Secretary. Oolonial Secretary. MAR. 24, 1892.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. 219 No. 4923.-C.S.0. up notice boards at or near such street intersections, TENDERS ACCEPTED FOR 1892. requiring the public to ride or drive round such corner at a walking pace) shall, for every such Colonial SeC1'eta1'y's Office, offence, forfeit and pay, upon conviction, a penalty Perth, 22nd Jjlarch,·1892. not exceeding Two pounds. To make up Uniform Clothing for the Warders To prevent the driving of horses or other animals of the Fremantle Prison and Lunatic Asylum:- attached to wagons, drays, or carts, at a faster J. A. HICKS, at various prices. rate than a common walk. 4. Every person who shall drive any horse or GEORGE SHENTON, other animal drawing any wn,gon, dray, cart, or other Colonial Secretary. such carriage, without springs, at a faster rate than a common walk, through, over, or along any street, No. 4924.-C.S.0. road, or thoroughfare in the Municipality shall, on Colonial Secretary's Office, conviction, forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding 3~9 Perth, 22-nd Mwrch, 1892. Forty shillings. IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive To prevent danger from driving vehicles at night H Council has been pleased to confirm the fol­ without lights. lowing By-Laws of the Albany Municipal Council. 5. Any person who between any sunset and the GEORGE SHENTON, following sunrise shall, in, upon, or along any of the Colonial Secretary.
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