670 bus time schedule & line map

670 Moss View In Website Mode

The 670 bus line (Farington Moss) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Farington Moss: 3:15 PM (2) Hutton: 7:40 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 670 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 670 bus arriving.

Direction: Farington Moss 670 bus Time Schedule 57 stops Farington Moss Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:15 PM Grammar School Grounds, Hutton Tuesday 3:15 PM Anchor Inn, Hutton 88 Liverpool Road, Hutton Wednesday 3:15 PM

Lindle Lane, Hutton Thursday 3:15 PM Friday 3:15 PM Howick Ceps, Saturday Not Operational Howick Cross Lane, Howick Cross Liverpool Road, Preston

Howick Shops, Howick Cross 670 bus Info Blashaw Lane, Direction: Farington Moss Stops: 57 Crookings Lane, Penwortham Trip Duration: 43 min 56 Liverpool Road, Preston Line Summary: Grammar School Grounds, Hutton, Anchor Inn, Hutton, Lindle Lane, Hutton, Howick Library, Penwortham Ceps, Howick Cross, Howick Cross Lane, Howick Cross, Howick Shops, Howick Cross, Blashaw Lane, Valley Road, Lower Penwortham Penwortham, Crookings Lane, Penwortham, Library, Penwortham, Valley Road, Lower Penwortham, Bridge Inn, Lower Penwortham, Dove Avenue, Bridge Inn, Lower Penwortham Middleforth Green, Middleforth Garage, Middleforth Green, Factory Lane, Middleforth Green, New Lane, Dove Avenue, Middleforth Green Penwortham Lane, Sumpter Horse, Penwortham Lark Avenue, Preston Lane, Bee Lane, Penwortham Lane, Round Acre, , Firtrees Ave, Lostock Hall, Library, Middleforth Garage, Middleforth Green Lostock Hall, Methodist Church, Lostock Hall, Brydeck Avenue, Preston Woodcock Farm, Farington, Brook House Farm, Farington, Fowler Lane, Farington, Centurion Way, Factory Lane, Middleforth Green Farington, Lodge Gates, Farington, Mill Street, Middleforth Green, Preston Farington, The Railway, Turpin Green, Queens Hotel, Golden Hill, Churchill Way, Leyland Town Centre, New Lane, Penwortham Lane Dorothy Ave, Leyland Town Centre, Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Centre, King Street, Leyland Town Sumpter Horse, Penwortham Lane Centre, Westgate, Towngate, Tesco, Towngate, Castle Fold, Penwortham Civil Parish Sports & Social Club, Leyland Cross, Royal Avenue, Leyland Cross, Queensway, Seven Stars, St Annes Bee Lane, Penwortham Lane School, Seven Stars, Merlin Close, Seven Stars, Southland Drive, Moss Side, Manor House Close, Round Acre, Lostock Hall Moss Side, St James Church, Moss Side, St James Charnock Gardens, Preston Garden, Moss Side, Black Bull, Moss Side, Robin Hey, Moss Side, Newton Close, Moss Side, Downham Firtrees Ave, Lostock Hall Road, Seven Stars, Cowling Lane, the Straits, Broadeld Arms, the Straits, St Johns Church, Library, Lostock Hall Earnshaw Bridge, Longmeanygate, Earnshaw Sephton Street, Preston Bridge, Wheatsheaf Inn, Earnshaw Bridge, Bannister Lane, Farington Moss, Five Acres, Farington Moss, Methodist Church, Lostock Hall Moss Lane, Farington Moss, Fiddler Lane, Farington Watkin Lane, Preston Moss

Woodcock Farm, Farington

Brook House Farm, Farington Stanield Lane, Farington Civil Parish

Fowler Lane, Farington

Centurion Way, Farington

Lodge Gates, Farington

Mill Street, Farington

The Railway, Turpin Green 1 Preston Road, Leyland

Queens Hotel, Golden Hill Hewitt Street, Leyland

Churchill Way, Leyland Town Centre Churchill Way, Leyland

Dorothy Ave, Leyland Town Centre 83-85 Hough Lane, Leyland

Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Centre 13-15 Hough Lane, Leyland

King Street, Leyland Town Centre Towngate, Leyland

Westgate, Towngate 88 Towngate, Leyland

Tesco, Towngate

Sports & Social Club, Leyland Cross

Royal Avenue, Leyland Cross

Queensway, Seven Stars

St Annes School, Seven Stars Slater Lane,

Merlin Close, Seven Stars

Southland Drive, Moss Side Slater Court, England

Manor House Close, Moss Side Slater Lane, England

St James Church, Moss Side

St James Garden, Moss Side

Black Bull, Moss Side

Robin Hey, Moss Side

Newton Close, Moss Side Pine Court, England

Downham Road, Seven Stars

Cowling Lane, the Straits 248 Leyland Lane, England

Broadeld Arms, the Straits

St Johns Church, Earnshaw Bridge Leyland Lane, England

Longmeanygate, Earnshaw Bridge

Wheatsheaf Inn, Earnshaw Bridge

Bannister Lane, Farington Moss

Five Acres, Farington Moss Five Acres, Farington Civil Parish

Moss Lane, Farington Moss

Fiddler Lane, Farington Moss Direction: Hutton 670 bus Time Schedule 59 stops Hutton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:40 AM Moss Lane, Farington Moss Tuesday 7:40 AM Fylde Avenue, Farington Moss Fylde Avenue, Farington Civil Parish Wednesday 7:40 AM

Bannister Lane, Farington Moss Thursday 7:40 AM Friday 7:40 AM Manor House, Earnshaw Bridge Crofters Meadow, Farington Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational

Wheatsheaf Inn, Earnshaw Bridge

St Johns Church, Earnshaw Bridge Leyland Lane, England 670 bus Info Direction: Hutton Broadelds Arms, the Straits Stops: 59 Trip Duration: 59 min Daisy Bank Close, the Straits Line Summary: Moss Lane, Farington Moss, Fylde Daisy Bank Close, England Avenue, Farington Moss, Bannister Lane, Farington Moss, Manor House, Earnshaw Bridge, Wheatsheaf Mill Street, Seven Stars Inn, Earnshaw Bridge, St Johns Church, Earnshaw Dunkirk Lane, England Bridge, Broadelds Arms, the Straits, Daisy Bank Close, the Straits, Mill Street, Seven Stars, Downham Downham Road, Seven Stars Road, Seven Stars, Newton Close, Moss Side, Robin Hey, Moss Side, Black Bull, Moss Side, St James Newton Close, Moss Side Gardens, Moss Side, St James Church, Moss Side, Pine Court, England Manor House Close, Moss Side, Southlands Drive, Moss Side, Merlin Close, Seven Stars, St Annes Rcs, Robin Hey, Moss Side Seven Stars, Queensway, Seven Stars, Forestway, Leyland Cross, Sports & Social Club, Leyland Cross, Black Bull, Moss Side Tesco, Leyland Cross, Tesco, Towngate, Westgate, Towngate, Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Centre, St James Gardens, Moss Side Ruskin Avenue, Leyland Town Centre, Churchill Way, Leyland Town Centre, Queens Hotel, Golden Hill, The Railway, Turpin Green, Mill Street, Farington, Lodge St James Church, Moss Side Gates, Farington, Centurion Way, Farington, Fowler Lane, Farington, Woodcock Estate, Farington, Manor House Close, Moss Side Woodcock Farm, Farington, Methodist Church, Slater Lane, England Lostock Hall, Victoria Inn, Lostock Hall, Pleasant Retreat, Lostock Hall, Fir Trees Road, Lostock Hall, Southlands Drive, Moss Side Flag Lane, Lostock Hall, Bee Lane, Penwortham Slater Court, England Lane, Sumpter Horse, Penwortham Lane, New Lane, Penwortham Lane, Factory Lane, Middleforth Green, Merlin Close, Seven Stars Middleforth Garage, Middleforth Green, Stricklands Lane, Middleforth Green, Bridge Inn, Lower St Annes Rcs, Seven Stars Penwortham, Valley Road, Lower Penwortham, 10a Slater Lane, England Flyover, Penwortham, Library, Penwortham, Crookings Lane, Penwortham, Carleton Drive, Queensway, Seven Stars Penwortham, Howick Shops, Howick Cross, Howick 2,2a Lower House Road, Leyland Cross Lane, Howick Cross, Howick Ceps, Howick Cross, Lindle Lane, Hutton, Anchor Inn, Hutton, Forestway, Leyland Cross Grammar School Grounds, Hutton

Sports & Social Club, Leyland Cross Tesco, Leyland Cross Church Road, Leyland

Tesco, Towngate Towngate, Leyland

Westgate, Towngate 106 Towngate, Leyland

Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Centre Northcote Street, Leyland

Ruskin Avenue, Leyland Town Centre 83-85 Hough Lane, Leyland

Churchill Way, Leyland Town Centre Churchill Way, Leyland

Queens Hotel, Golden Hill Golden Hill Lane, Leyland

The Railway, Turpin Green 11A Preston Road, Leyland

Mill Street, Farington

Lodge Gates, Farington

Centurion Way, Farington

Fowler Lane, Farington

Woodcock Estate, Farington

Woodcock Farm, Farington

Methodist Church, Lostock Hall

Victoria Inn, Lostock Hall 1 Victoria Street, Preston

Pleasant Retreat, Lostock Hall 2 Watkin Lane, Preston

Fir Trees Road, Lostock Hall

Flag Lane, Lostock Hall

Bee Lane, Penwortham Lane

Sumpter Horse, Penwortham Lane

New Lane, Penwortham Lane

Factory Lane, Middleforth Green

Middleforth Garage, Middleforth Green Brydeck Avenue, Preston

Stricklands Lane, Middleforth Green Dove Avenue, Preston

Bridge Inn, Lower Penwortham

Valley Road, Lower Penwortham

Flyover, Penwortham

Library, Penwortham

Crookings Lane, Penwortham 56 Liverpool Road, Preston

Carleton Drive, Penwortham

Howick Shops, Howick Cross

Howick Cross Lane, Howick Cross Liverpool Road, Preston

Howick Ceps, Howick Cross

Lindle Lane, Hutton

Anchor Inn, Hutton 88 Liverpool Road, Hutton Civil Parish

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