Christopher J. Leininger

Department of [email protected] University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (217)-265-6763 263 Altegeld Hall, 1409 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61802 U.S. Citizen, Born Dec. 5, 1973


University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL Assistant Professor, Dept. of Math., Fall 2005–present. , City, NY Assistant Professor/N.S.F. Fellow, Dept. of Math., Fall 2003–Spring 2005. , , NY Assistant Professor/N.S.F. Fellow, Dept. of Math., Fall 2002–Spring 2003.


The University of Texas, Austin, TX Ph.D. in Mathematics, May 2002. Supervisor: Alan W. Reid Ball State University, Muncie, IN B.S. in Mathematics, May 1997


University of Texas Graduate School Outstanding Dissertation Award, Spring 2003 N.S.F. Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Fall 2002–Summer 2005. Sponsor: W. Neumann C.M.I. Liftoff Mathematician, Summer 2002 University Continuing Fellowship, Fall 2000 - Spring 2001 Departmental Fellowships, Spring 1999 and Summer 1998

PAPERS (preprints available at∼clein/)

• (w/ R. P. Kent IV) Triples and convex co-compact subgroups of the , in progress. • (w/ B. Farb and D. Margalit) Dilatations and Torelli, in progress. • (w/ R. D. Canary) Kleinian groups with discrete length spectrum, submitted. • (w/ R. P. Kent IV) Shadows of mapping class groups: capturing convex co-compactness, submitted.

1 • (w/ D. B. McReynolds)Separable subgroups of the mapping class group, submitted. • Graphs of Veech groups, in progress. • (w/ D. Margalit) Abstract commensurators of braid groups, to appear in J. Algebra. • (w/ A. W. Reid) A combination theorem for Veech subgroups of the mapping class group, to appear in G.A.F.A. Geom. Funct. Anal. • On groups generated by two positive multi-twists: Teichmul¨ ler curves and Lehmer’s number, Geom. Topol., 8 (2004), 1301–1359. • Small curvatures surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, to appear J. Ramifications. • Equivalent curves in surfaces, Geom. Dedicata 102 (2003), 151–177. • (w/ A. W. Reid) The co-rank conjecture for 3-manifold groups, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 2 (2002), 37–50. • Compressing totally geodesic surfaces, Topology Appl. 118 (2002), 309–328. • Surgeries on one component of the Whitehead link are virtually fibered, Topology 41 (2002), 307–320.


• Special Session on Mahler Measure and Heights, 112th A.M.S. National Meeting, San An- tonio, TX, January 2006. • XXth Nevanlinna Colloquium, E.P.F. Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2005. • Rational Billiards and Flows on Moduli Space, U.I.C., Chicago, IL, June 2005. • Wasatch Topology Conference, Park City, UT, May 2005. • Alhfors Bers Colloquium: Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2005. • Special Session on Low Dimensional topology and Kleinian groups, A.M.S. Sectional Meeting 1001, Evanston, IL, October 2004. • Conference in Hyperbolic Geometry & Geometric Analysis, Wesleyan U., Middletown, CT, October 2004. • Conference on Combinatorial Topology in Mapping Class Groups, U. of Chicago, Chicago, IL, April 2004. • Special Session on Algebraic Geometry and Topology, A.M.S. Sectional Meeting 994 Talla- hassee, FL, March 2004. • Special Session on Geometry and Topology, A.M.S. Sectional Meeting 981, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2002. • Special Session on Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups, A.M.S. Sectional Meeting 974, Ann Arbor, MI, March 2002. • Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference, Morelia, Mexico, March 2001. • Seminars/Colloquia: Boston College, Brown, B.S.U., U. of Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, U.I. Chicago, U.I. Urbana-Champaign, Lafayette College, L.S.U., U. Maryland, U.M. Ann Arbor, S.U.N.Y Buffalo, Princeton, Rice, Rutgers, Stony Brook U., U.T. Austin, U. Utah, Yale.


Instructor: – U.I.U.C: Calculus III+, Fall2005; – Columbia/Barnard: Groups and Symmetry, Fall 2004; Algebraic Topology I, Fall 2003; Calculus II, Spring 2003; Calculus III, Fall 2002; – U.T.: Pre-calculus/Calculus, Fall 2001. Teaching Assistant: – U.T.: Topology I and Differential Topology, Spring 2002; Topology I and Algebraic Topology, Fall 1999; Calculus I, Fall 1998; Calculus II, Spring 1998; Calculus I, Fall 1997.


Member A.M.S. Co-organizer, Geometric-topology seminar, Columbia U., 2004-2005 academic year Co-organizer, Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups, a conference in honor of Joan Bir- man, Spring 2005 Thesis committee member: Harriet Moser (Columbia), Abhijit Champanerkar (Columbia) Oral exam committee member: Harriet Moser (Columbia), Peter Lamberson (Columbia) Journal referee for Transactions of the A.M.S., Geometriae Dedicata, Topology and its Ap- plications.

REFERENCES Joan Birman, Columbia University Benson Farb, University of Chicago Walter D. Neumann, Columbia University Alan W. Reid, University of Texas Patrick Gallagher, Columbia University (teaching)