Religion &Theology Religion & Theology 17 (2010) 268–288 The “Anchorite Within”: Basil of Caesarea’s Erotapokrisis 7 and the Ascetic Challenge to Christian Identity Stephen R. Lloyd-Moffett Philosophy Department, Bldg. 47, Room 37, California Polytechnic State University, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo, CA, 93407-0327 United States of America
[email protected] Abstract Basil the Great has traditionally been seen as an opponent of solitary asceticism. It is however noteworthy that the form of hermitic life, which he discourages is nowhere to be found in Cap- padocia at the time. Instead his opponent is a parody or imagined extreme serving to highlight the dangers of an isolated, privatized Christian identity that he worries may be creeping into fourth century Christian asceticism. Keywords Cenobitic life, anchoritic life, rhetorical devices, Basil the Great Basil of Caesarea is the “enemy of the hermits,” according to a recent com- mentator.1 This judgment is grounded exclusively on Basil’s commentary found in Erotapokrisis 7 of the long rules of the Asceticon, in which anchorites are presented as not only antithetical to the Christian mission but nearly non- human due to their complete rejection of the social world. No patristic writ- ing, East or West, seemingly dismisses the anchoritic life with such disdain.2 The tendency of interpreters – ancient and modern – is to project later monas- tic debates onto Basil’s text. Thus this passage must be a debate about a ceno- bitic life versus an anchoritic one, the monastery versus the cave. However, this essay argues that Basil’s concern is not so much with a competing monastic 1 Augustine Holmes, A Life Pleasing to God: The Spirituality of the Rules of St.