TheThe GridGrid inin ChinaChina

ISGC 20082008 Taipei, 10/April/2008

Gang CHEN Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences AgendaAgenda

•• CNGridCNGrid ((China NationalNational Grid)Grid) •• ChinaGridChinaGrid (China(China EducationEducation andand ResearchResearch Grid)Grid) •• CROWNCROWN (China(China ResearchResearch andand developmentdevelopment environmentenvironment OverOver WideWide--areaarea NetworkNetwork )) •• HEPHEP Grid/WLCGGrid/WLCG

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 2 MajorMajor GridGrid ProjectsProjects inin ChinaChina •• ChinaChina NationalNational GridGrid • Supported by the National High-tech R&D Program •• ChinaGridChinaGrid • Supported by the Ministry of Education •• CROWNCROWN • Supported by the National Science Foundation of China

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 3 ChinaChina NationalNational GridGrid ((CNGridCNGrid))

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 4 OverviewOverview ofof CNGridCNGrid

•• KeyKey projectproject supportedsupported byby thethe NationalNational HighHigh--TechTech R&DR&D ProgramProgram •• 44--yearyear efforteffort • May 2002 to Dec. 2005 • 100 million RMB government funding from the MoST • More than 2Χ associated funds from local government, application organizations, and industry

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 5 MajorMajor taskstasks ofof thethe projectproject

•• Developing a test-bed for the new information infrastructure—China National Grid (CNGrid) •• Developing a 4TFlops high performance computer for the grid •• Developing a set of grid software to support grid applications and grid operation and management •• Developing several application grids • Productive systems • Demonstration of the future grid applications

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 6 CNGridCNGrid infrastructureinfrastructure

•• MajorMajor nodes:nodes: • CNIC, CAS, Supercomputer Center, Shanghai •• StandardStandard nodes:nodes: • , Beijing • Institute of Applied Physics and computational Mathematics, Beijing • University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei • Xi’’an Jiaotong University, Xi’’an • NUDT, Changsha • University, Hongkong •• CNGridCNGrid OperationOperation CenterCenter • The CNGrid Operation Center, CNIC, CAS

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 7 CNGrid nodes locations



Shanghai Hefei Changsha

Hong KongGang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 8 CNGridCNGrid GOSGOS architecturearchitecture Application Logic by Web Pages Grid User Customized Grid Apps Build-in Utility Collection Extended Utilities Portal Applications Servlet Based Scalable Grid Portal Engine

User APIs System and Application Libraries(Core Based Functional APIs and Exception Handling) App Level Batch Service GIS Service Workflow Service etc. Services Information(MetaX) Services Base Services MetaFile Service MetaDB System Logging& CA& System Meta Info Monitoring Auditing Certificates Extended Naming Service Level Mgmt. Service Service Mgmt. Service System MetaSys Services Replica Quota File Database Messaging Services Mgmt. Mgmt. Service Service Service Service File AC Mgmt. etc. Dymaic Deploy Service

Core APIs Core Libraries(Grip, Agora, Router, AC Handling, Core Exception Handling) Agora Service Grip Service User Mgmt. Engine Resource Mgmt. Engine Grip Container Profile Service Addr. Service Agora Acct. Result User and PortType Info AA Authentication Proxy Caching Interaction Cert. Mapping Mgmt. Core Grip State Mgmt. Level Role Based Acct. Multi-Grained Grip Ctrl. Structure Services Acct. Mgmt. Approve Resource AC Policy Mgmt. Addr. Core Exceptions Authorization Engine Trans. Service Invocation

Router Service Service Info. Mgmt. (Local) Service Locating(Global)

Tomcat GT4 WebSphere WebLogic .NET GOS OMII Hosting (Apache) (Globus) (IBM) (BEA) (Microsoft) Env. Java J2SE, J2EE/Microsoft Windows Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 9 SupportSupport applicationsapplications Manufacture Bioinfor- & Simulation matics

Geo- Weather survey forecast Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 10 CNGridCNGrid ApplicationsApplications

•• ApplicationsApplications fromfrom selectedselected areasareas • Resource and Environment ƒ NGG: National Geological Survey Grid ƒ DFG: Digital Forestry Grid ƒ SeisGrid: Petroleum Seismic Exploration • Research ƒ SDG: Scientific Data Grid ƒ BAGrid: Bioinformatics Applied Grid ƒ DDG: Drug Discovery Grid • Services ƒ CMAG: China Meteorological Application Grid ƒ TIG: Traffic Information Grid • Manufacturing ƒ AviGrid: AviatioAviationn Grid ƒ SimGrid

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 11 NGGNGG •• UndertakenUndertaken byby ChinaChina NationalNational GeologicalGeological SurveySurvey BureauBureau • Nation-wide productive grid • Data exchange and sharing by services • Grid-enabled resource evaluation •• ShortenShorten thethe evaluationevaluation timetime fromfrom 33 yearsyears toto 33 monthsmonths •• AchievementsAchievements • North China ground water resources evaluation • Mineral resources evaluation

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 12 CNGridCNGrid (2006(2006--2010)2010)

•• HPC Systems • 100 Tflop/s by 2008, • Pflop/s by 2010 •• Grid Software: CNGrid GOS • Merge with international efforts • Emphasize matureness •• CNGrid Environment • Nodes, Centers, mgt •• Applications • Research • Resource & Environment • Manufacturing • Services

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 13 ChinaChina EducationEducation andand ResearchResearch GridGrid ((ChinaGridChinaGrid))

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 14 ChinaGridChinaGrid •• FundedFunded byby MinistryMinistry ofof EducationEducation •• BasedBased onon CERNETCERNET (China(China EducationEducation andand ResearchResearch Network)Network) •• FirstFirst PhasePhase • 2003-2005 • 12 key universities as initiative • More than 6Tflops w/60TB • 20 key universities by the end of 2004

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 15 ChinaGrid Supporting Platform

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 16 Main Research Tasks • Campus grid platform • Common platform for ChinaGrid • Grid application platform and representative • Grid applications • Image processing grid • Bioinformatics grid • Course on-line grid • Computational fluid dynamic grid • Large scale information processing grid

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 17 ChinaChina ResearchResearch andand developmentdevelopment environmentenvironment OverOver WideWide--areaarea NetworkNetwork (CROWN)(CROWN)

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 18 TheThe ResearchResearch ProgramProgram

•• NSFC_Grid:NSFC_Grid: (3yrs,(3yrs, 20042004--2006)2006) ƒ Network-based R&D Environment (E-Science Project in China) ƒ Beihang U., & ICT,CAS •• CROWN:CROWN: CChinahina RResearchesearch andand DevelopmentDevelopment EnvironmentEnvironment OOverver WWideide--areaarea NNetworketwork • 2004 – 2006, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) • By top 5 universities and institutes in China • Beihang U. is the team leader. •• Goal:Goal: ProvidingProviding GridGrid--enabledenabled researchresearch environmentenvironment forfor scientistsscientists ƒ Provide a middleware suit for Service-based Grid computing ƒ Build a testbetestbedd for Grid technologies and Grid researcher ƒ Provide an easy-to-use Service Repository for E-Science community in China

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 19 BasicBasic IdeaIdea ofof CROWNCROWN Quality of Service QoS-enabling technology (Reservation and Agreement-based mngt) Service Overlay Network

Service Service Provision Service & Resource Mngt.Resource JobApplications Mngt, Matchmaking & Scheduling Service CROWN Overlay-based Applications Service ManagementService Resource PortalProgramming modal & application integration Service CompositionService Applications & Workflow Service Resource Service

Trustworthy computing SecurityFor Architecture distributed env.

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 20 CROWNCROWN PortalPortal •• Portal:Portal: AA JSPJSP--basedbased WebWeb InterfaceInterface • User Registration • Application Integration & User Job Submission

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 21 CROWNCROWN TestbedTestbed (2005)(2005) 8 Sites, 4 Cities are connected using existing network infrastructure TestbedTestbed

Beihang University CNIC, CAS Tsinghua University LASG, CAS

Beijing Chongqing University

National University of Chongqing Changsha Defense Technology

HKUST: Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Hong Kong

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 22 CROWNCROWN TestbedTestbed (2006)(2006) Deploy CROWN onto CNGRID NationTestbedTestbed wide Testbed

Beihang University CNIC, CAS Peking University Tsinghua University LASG, CAS

Xi’an Jiaotong University Beijing Chongqing University

China University of Science & Technology

Xi’an Shanghai Shanghai Super Computing Centre Hefei Shanghai Jiaotong University

National University of Chongqing Changsha Defense Technology

HKUST: Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Hong Kong

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 23 PilotPilot ApplicationsApplications •• BioinformaticsBioinformatics:: • BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool • Cap3: A DNA sequence assembly program • Genscan: Identification of complete gene structures in genomic DNA. • … •• AtmosphericAtmospheric applicationsapplications • Climate simulation for past 1000 years • AREM ƒ Regional Eta-coordinate numerical prediction model ƒ Rain or storm predication

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 24 RainfallRainfall ForecastForecast

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 25 PilotPilot ApplicationsApplications

•• SDG:SDG: ScientificScientific DataData GridGrid • Share scientific data from all institutes of CAS with China or even world scientists •• UDMGridUDMGrid:: UniversityUniversity DigitalDigital MuseumMuseum GridGrid • Provide an integrated UDM data sharing environment using grid technologies • Currently 4 UDMs are integrated ƒ Beihang university ƒ Yunnan University ƒ University ƒ Shandong University

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 26 HEPHEP GridGrid inin ChinaChina

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 27 LHCLHC

•• ChinaChina isis involvedinvolved inin allall fourfour LHCLHC experiments,experiments,



BEPC: Beijing Electron Positron Collider •• 2~5GeV/C •• Being upgraded to Dual-Ring, (3~10)×1032 cm-2s-1 •• 27 Universities and Institutes from Korea, US, UK, , and China.

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 29 YBJYBJ--ARGO/ASARGO/ASγγ

•• Italy,JapanItaly,Japan--ChinaChina cosmiccosmic rayray observatoriesobservatories inin Tibet.Tibet. •• 200TB200TB rawraw datadata perper year.year. •• DataData transferredtransferred toto IHEPIHEP andand processedprocessed withwith 400400 CPUs.CPUs. •• Rec.Rec. datadata accessibleaccessible byby collaborators.collaborators.

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 30 MoreMore ApplicationsApplications

MembersMembers ofof InternationalInternational Collaborations:Collaborations: HugeHuge computingcomputing demands.demands.

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 31 LCGLCG sitessites inin ChinaChina


CE_torque UI SDU VO: ATLAS SE_dcache


RB CE_torque

LFC_mysql UI MON WN1 SE_classicl WN2 WN1 CE_torque


WN2 PC farm PC farm PC farm

IHEP CNIC Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 32 atat IHEPIHEP

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 33 NetworkingNetworking -- GloriadGloriad

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 34 NetworkingNetworking –– ORIENT/TEIN2ORIENT/TEIN2 2.5Gbps

ORIENTORIENT /TEIN2/TEIN2 connectivityconnectivity upgradeupgrade

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 35 NetworkNetwork PerformancePerformance

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 36 NetworkNetwork PerformancePerformance

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 37 gLitegLite applicationsapplications •• LHC,LHC, BESIIIBESIII areare runningrunning • Resources for LHC are limited, but ramping up •• DeployingDeploying ARGOARGO toto LCGLCG

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 38 ConclusionConclusion

•• ManyMany gridgrid projectsprojects -- maymay bebe tootoo many!many! • Invited to merge by government • Interoperability ƒ gLite-GOS: presentation by Yaodong CHENG this afternoon •• ManyMany applicationsapplications • HEP, Astrophysics, Biology, Industry,…

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 39

ThankThank you!you!

Gang Chen/CC/IHEP 10-April-2008 - 40