The New Zealand Gazette. 95
----- --- ----------- JAN. 13.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 95 The POMOnIJ Act, 1908.-Register of Vendora of Poisons for the Clarke, James Browne, care of Thode Bros., Avondale_ Auckland District as on the 31at December, 1920. Clarke, Wilbur, 116 Victoria Street West, Auckland. Clarke, William, Victoria Street West, Auckland. Adams, Clarence Angleson (Eccles Pharmacy), Ellison Cham- Cleave, Robert, Kerikeri, Bay of Islands. bers, Queen Street, Auckland. Clotworthy, James Wilson, Te Aroha. Admore, Archibald, Kaikohe. Coakley, John, Thames. Allely, Robert Joseph, Avondale. Cobb, Joseph, Fowld's Road, Ellerslie. Allan, Wilfred, storekeeper, Helensville. Cogan, Ernest Cecil, Melvern Household ::;tores, 37-41 Ka· Allott, Edward Duffel, Warkworth. rangahape Road, Auckland. Amos, William Henry, storekeeper, Matiere. Colebrook, Percy Robert, Te Kuiti. Anderson, James, care of Anderson and Robinson, Ohaupo. Collins, John Richard, Queen Street, Onehunga. Anderson, Richard Edgar, Farmers' Union Trading Company, Connelly, Charles, and Co_, Opotiki. Kaitaia. Conolly, John Edward, Kaeo. Andrewes, A. S., and Sons, Rawene, Opononi, Whakapara, Cooke, C_ G_, Whangapoua. Taheke, and Kohukohu. Cooper, Frederick Edward, 103 Victoria Street West, Auck Arthur, Walter Frederick, Point Chevalier, Auckland. land. Auckland United Friendly Societies' Dispensary, 197 and 199 Cooper, Frederick John, Victoria Street, Auckland. Karangahape Road, Auckland. Cooper, William, and Nephews (Coopers' Sheep-dip Manufac Audley, Frederick Albert (Rees-George and Co_), Takapuna. tory), Auckland. Bagnall Bros. and Co. (Limited), Turua_ Corrin, John James, care of Beale Bros., Fenton Street, Bailey, Athol Edward (Eccles Pharmacy), Victoria Road, Rotorua. Devonport. Corbett, James, Matamata. Bailey, George, Ohaupo. Coster, James, chemist, Ngaruawahia. Baillie, James, Hamilton. Costello, Christopher, 183 Victoria Road, Devonport, Auck- Bain, Michael John, Ellerslie. land.
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